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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1911)
4 - . MORNING KNTEftPRISB. SATU1HUY. NOVEMItKR 4.' 1911. r.:cnrni;G hjterprise CXECOS CITY OREGON V t K. IROfXf. Cdlte and Publisher. "aaatered We anaal alaae aaartae 4aa vj t, , tbe a (TV at Oaam 4-. Orm-na. meet Ue Act Utrak raw r aiscrrnp. .MM . 1 M ISO Dm TmC, by Ml 'Si tlwiW b watt ,. . Fawr btoatha. bv mall.. be wab. by earrtar,.,.. .IS CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES . rWt 1 h bleat Paae. pat rack aodm laaarttoaa .lbs PrararrrJ paaitve) br ear b ttr taaertbm... lb imj naeulm aa easa, Mr bam . iM KaarUeae lb Km papee oth.r I baa drat paga, ear asm 1 irr taaertlon lb m par other Jaa Oat ptn per aaob . emm a tlona ba I wn c Itae. Weals, V Sale, T Real, ate . aae Mat a word fire baaertMa; ma-baa ami earn aaVmtonel .. , Kataa far a4vartMmr b d Waably tarprtM will ba Uia same aa ba IH baity. . (of ilnnwiiiMti art aapaetaKr par oiv weeaqr. win a in aaiai iiwi ai la SrafarrJ rraea U dally a ta y a.b- W. vltnout mature. U rat wui ba M paear. aa ibe aa m tack far tun at ttM tack far apaotal poetttm. aarry la uafeaewa la buaraeaa aftlaa at .be ttatarynea. Lw advertialag at -tamJ ad wlbHf rataa. .. t . tlreua adverttatag and apaetal treaaaeal Mtverllalat at Me u tec aa Inch. aocarS ac ta apart a I eoaxttttma pwritu tbe . "fir Hat" aaJ Baaarupt Sale Unr-lean-ate U lam flret aaairttea; iH oai wiarrtioaa auM atatter at baeat. -j"aira mm aad U wnt'w - ardulae af ari. with batareat to loral laabia, Id ba eladty eocapt. Redacted aaaaa- li lata ware rat ted by aujaaa ba aamay CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. " e THE MORNING ENTERPRISE. ta oa sals at ths folio vlna; stores br ; Huntl7 Broa, Dra(b ilaia Btraac' ' 3. W. McAnaJtr Clean 4 . Srntb and Mala. B. B. AbHlanoa. Jala Bbr Stxtm, : : IL K. Donn Coofactiooarr . Nait door to P. O. ' t ' aty Drux Stor . ,' " Eloetrto HoteL , 4 Scaobbborb CoPfactlooary 4 i B4Atk aacl X Q. Aoabu. 4 a- ' -'' .t-w 4 Nov. 4 In American History. . 3819 Stephen Johnson Field. aaaocUU , ( jasttre of tb United Eta tea rrren court, bora: died "10. , ISOri-rDr. Cbarlea W. Eliot reaiinied a . feestdent of Harrard nnlrmlty. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (Trom aooa today to noon tomonvw.l Boa aeta AM, rtoaa 621: Bbooa beta 8:16 a. m. MAKING THE COIL YIELD MORE. On way to reduce the coat of Ur ine la to ataka the ground produce . larger cropa. Too many farmer are more Intent oa adding to the atxe of their farms than In getting bigger re ' torna , from the land they already ' owa. It U wU know a that ta boma Euro paa rooatrlea whare eondtUoaa of boil and climate are acarcely aa good aa they are la thta country the yield per acre of cropa la maca greater thaa with ua. Oortnaay producea twice aa many buaaeta of wheat to the acre and England doe even bet ter. , We bee atmllar contraata even la our own land, and the atrange thing about It la that atataa poaaeaalng the richest boll aomettmea ahow the poor eat relative returna In ylekt. Illinois, tor Viaiaace. tveik high la aoll rr tlllty while the aoll of Connecticut and Hatne Is naturally poorer,-yet .Connecticut get IS per cent more of corn off aa acre thaa Illinois does, ami la wheat Maine gets twice aa much. A similar Condition prevails aa to potatoes, oats and same other crops, and thla difference . la yield I, of course, due to the difference between Intensive and scientific farming and that which to a large extent Is super CclaL It stands to reason that It a man la a benefactor to hla race" who makes two htadea of graaa grow where but one grew formerly, so also la the man who on a given amount of ground doubles the yield of corn, wheat and other crops and the thing can be done. That thla would benefit the con. sumer goea without eay lag. but It would also benefit the farmer. True there would be a" alight extra coat for labor and perhaps a somewhat entailer price' for hla product, but the much larger crop would more thaa balance thla. Then. too. It must be remembered that It require . no more buildings, tools and fencing for. a hundred acre farm producing thirty bushels of wheat to the acre than foreHiame alxe rafffl-that-yleldr but half, the amount And this fact la equally true as to other cropa. at Many people who la the springtime enter with enthusiasm Into the rais ing of poultry are now counting their losses and gains. And some of them are realising to their sorrow that while anybody can keep poultry It Is not everybody that poultry will keep. -eee- The maa who la marked by straight forward morality and every day right eousneu stands higher In the esti mation of his fellows thaa the man who ta Just made up of emotion and dogmatism ' b ' If some of those politician who are said to know their bible so much will only apply a little more of Its teach ings to their dally Ufa the political atmosphere will be brighter and sweeter. it Is very clear that Dr. Wiley la the man oa top. Thla gives joy to the consumer and anguish of heart to the nnaarupuloua manufacturer and trader. v i . A- f v i f aw r- i a a av . .. . . . A. . - . . X y Na. V BBaaBBBW' e- I Education 4fc VbA kV if Sought to Avoid Hard Work, Idler Is a Disgrace By WILLIAM J. BRYAN. HERE should be a greater appreciation of the DIG NITY OF LABOR. Today the struggle of mankind is to avoid work, to put it upon others, and, as Tolstoy has eaid, we no sooner shift the burden of labor upon others than we begin to look down upon them. A lack of sympathy with our fellow men is the CENTER AND CAUSE of most of human injustice and misery. TOO OFTEN EDUCATION IS SOUGHT TO ENABLE ONE TO AVOID HARD WORK. WHEN THIS BECOMES THE PREVALENT IDEA'EDUCATION CEASES TO BECOME A BLES8INQ AND BECOMES A CURSE. THE MOST IMPORTANT THOUGHT THAT CAN BE LODGED IN EACH CHILD'S MIND IS THAT EDUCATION IS TO EN LARGE ONE'S CAPACITY FOR WORK AND NOT-TO RELIEVE THE NECESSITY, FOR IT. at bt a. ' !wi?Te we on7 d our full duty to ourselves, our conn- toymen and posterity when we emphasize the fact that it is the IDLER, not the tofler, who is a DISGRACE. In disseminating this idea there is work for nr all. The mother may aid when she teaches her daughter that it is better to link her future with a poor , man who has strength and ambition to carve for himself a future than to link her future with an idler who merely, waits the time when be Can squander the money amassed by some one elhe. . -The father can help when be teaches his son that he is prouder when he sees him working at honest labor than idling limp in wait ing for the time to come when be will inherit- a fortune. Teachers and preachers have UNLIMITED SCOPE for their work along thi line! Sunday after Sunday the preacher should at rive to pre home the idea which Christ taught the world that happinesN and greatness : depend upon service. :-' . . .n n at- Here is s work Urge enough for ns all and a work that should be inviting. Here is an opportunity as large as we can crave. ' It pre sents itself as the most important work that is to be done,' to raise up a NEW IDEAL OF LIFE that will give a man a proper concep tion of society. It is a lesson that can be learned best on the FARM. It burns itself upon as with ths rays of the sun, we breathe it with the air, and we quaff it with the pure water from the stream. Prcsidina Judtfe Bordwell and Scene of the McNnmara Trial m mmmm IT r II - i ' I i Ml i LmmmV&fra's ,7 .al v)W.J Pboboa copyrlsht by Amartraa Presa AaaocUtlon. till. b. JCDOK WALTER BORDWELL. who la prraldlng a Ibe trial of Jsrnea & alcNamara In Loa Ansvles, baa a difficult Earb side In Hits legal rontrat la reprvecnted by dnrungulsbed atturneya who are wairh tag every move a nd are preparrd to tak ead va n lage of every iwhnlcallt y that offers a cbance to gala an advantace. Every ruling that the Judtfe malm" la therefore Important, because It may serve as a beala for an appeal r for future lea-al proceedings. The picture above shows Judge Bordwell aa he appears on the bench The upper picture shows McNamsra watching the ex amination of a laleaman. Sltttni on hla right la bt attorney ."Clarence 8. Par row. while next te blm la Attorney Scott, also of the defenaa. The bath tub trust has been dis solved. If the aame fate would only overtake the bathtub or-bathroom politician-what a blessing lt- be7' ess -. The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt till they are too strong to be broken. . -be- As with sunbeams so with words, the more condensed they are the greater their power. . eee . 1 Hard words (nd hailstones ire alike In their ability to do a lot of harm. Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYZ. Wants, For Sale, Etc Natlera anear tbaaa tmmtw4 liaaabj a will b law tad at aa ral w. rare uarrmat. baU a a44lllutial I ttefna UM aach ears. It sar atoaub bM-b eard, Km) ii Bar eKMiib. ; Oasb aaee. acaaaaa 'tw anb Kaa aa ap.a wnant wllb Ibe aaie r.aaactal raawaaalbUltjr lor arrara. i arrora aeeur rraa aurraalvS aaUaa will b rtal4 far patrm. Mlniiaua abaraa lb aa an. WANTED. WANTED-Tourlsts and local people to see my collection of arrow-bea4ls . coTna, Indian tnnku, i!d stami and curloe of i.! aurta , Will bu or sell ia thM ilu Have eune gool bargains -In aevond-band furniture and tools. George Voung, Malii i t near Fifth. WANTED Toung woman wants posi tion, aa clerk, some experience. N. corner Fourth and Monroe streets. ) WANTED Position aa clerk In store i . u I - .. I .. u "HO TIHE." "1 would like to do aeveral things If I had the time." said the young man. whereat I replied: "Tour eicuae u niway. " "Wbst yon lack Is not time, but dm position and the determination to sva tematlcully employ your leisure.' Tblnk of Charles Lamb. There's a man who wrote booka that will live a long ax EdjtINIi literature. Do you anpfioae be bjd plenty of tlmcT lie was employed aa a clerk nearly a bis life He wrote hi book to the hour after bl work was done And Wllllum Herarhel. nerarbel was a poor music teacher and played n cburcli organ. Becoming Interexted In axtronomy. be studied the books tn bed morning" and evenings. He worked long and patiently to build hla own telescope. Ilenwhcl discovered tbe plfitiPt Urn una. and that Used his fame for all time. And Horace Greeley (.rreley put in ueurly twice aa many hours In- bl day - as tbe averuxe "printer devil" of today. But be be came tbe rrenteat editor of bla time. And Benjamin Franklin. Suppone Franklin bad ent bla time In tbe tavern wttb boon fellows la stead of working at bis ezperlment. Tbe application of eletrllty might have been delayed perbapa bfty years, rrealdent Andrew Jobnaon got all bl edut-atlon i:"-r l,e ru murrled sui while worklUK at tbe t.tllor'a trade. Vice Prealdent WUkimi Hld tbe foun dation for bl ee-bei4 by working bla brain while he worked bl bunds at the cobbler bench. i Lincoln Mtndled law between time. CIny learned to speak' lu a barn. Ko time The mrmt aorcesftfut -lawyer I know studied Blacttfttone and Kent after bt day' work nt the carpenter' bench. TbouHand of young men and women today are taking mall course In a correapoiidewe school while1 ptiranlnv tbelr regnlr Ishors. , No timer Youtis; man. yon soctid enough rime separate from your . reeulnr employ mentand wime of If fnollhly rent to make yon cultured or rich or fa mous. Ml Sugar. - i In Is said that the flint sugar eve mode In' Vcrmontwai'made in Ben olngton in March. 17VI. near the hg cabin of Captain Ramuel Robinson, the first , settler of the town, who cam from riardwlck. Ma. The sap was caugbt In abort logs hollowed that held about a gallon Many pound of sugar were made and a liquor cask foil f sirup. 1 Spesklnfl Cerreatly. She - Speaking correctly, darling, should I say "1 will have a new drewi" or "I shall bsvs a sew dre7" He Spesklng correctly, absolutely correct ly, "my love, you should aay, "I won't have a new dress T ' WANTED Boys and girls. Here Is your cbance youngsters to make your Christmas money easy. Tbe Morning Enter prise will pay you a big com mission for brinlgng In trial strbscrfptlons. If you want to know more about It call or write to the Circulation Man ager of the Morning Enter prise, Oregon City, and learn all about what you will have to do. The more you turn In the more you will make and you can make a lot if you hustle. FOR 8AIC FOR SALE Launch, 23 feet long, capacity 14 pasnengers. First claas. .. Inquire Dr. Stuart, city. CONCORD grapes, cents a pound, Bring your basket. 11. G. Stark weather, Rlley Station. FOR DALE Sis-room house and two lota on Washington street; $1100 cash. Call 612 Fourth atreot Phone Main 2461.- FOR RENT. NICE piano In Oregon City for rent or will sell cheap. Write 0. II. Oraham, manager wholesale, Eller'a Music House, Portland, Or. FOR RENT 300-acre farm, 75 acres in cultivation, good bouse, barn and outbuildings; two wells and sev eral springs, good water, land roll ing and drains well. W. E. Jones, Beaver Creek. . FARM LOANS. "LtMNtf WmTcST Fa KM LOANS Dlmick a ulmicrf, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORN CVS. O. n. EBT. Attorney-at-Law. Mooe loaned, abstracts ftirnlssed, Issv titles eismtnvd, est sue settled, gen eral law suatnaab. Ovr Bask Oregou City. If REN A gCHl'EBEL, Attorneys-et Law, Deutscher Advokat, will pris tine In all courts, tasks collection prise Bldg., Oregoa CRT, Oregon. SOItOSR AND CO-V ACTOR MARHT JONES Riifldar and nenerai Tontrsctor. Estimates cbaerfullr rven on stl classes of bnlldina work, coo ere te walks sS reinforced concrete. Rea. Phone Mala lit " INSUR A NfTtT' B. M. COOFER. Fo Firs Inaurane and Real Kstata. Let as handl vonv proaertl we buy, aeJI aad evrhange. Office 1s Ka'erprl Bldg.. Oregoa City, Oregon- PHYSICIANS. Portland, will be la Oregon City Monlaya. Wednesdays and Fridays of each weak, at corner of Blith and Washlrtgton streets, I'bons Main 141 1. CLSANINQ AND FRSSSINO. CIUOAOO TAILOIia suits made to i order from 110 and up. We also do j cleaning, pressing and repairing. , Three aoora niuin ot poaiunra. MUSICIANS. J, AIJ1A 8A0KR. tea- her of vlnd and siring Instruments, director of wand and orchaatra. Will furnish muslo for any occasion. Call at Klectii- HoteL Notice bf Hearing ef Tayler Street Assessment. Notice la hereby given that the ap portlonment of the' ct of the Im provement of Taylor street, Oregon City, Oregon, from tbe north ald or Seventh street, attending norti, erly to the south side of Twelfth street, has been ascertained snd the epportloument la now on file In the office Of the City Recorder of Ore gon City and subject to examination. Any objections that may be made In writing to the City Council of Ore gon City, and Bled with the recorder thereof, within ten dys after the first publication of this notice, will be heard and. determined by the council before the passage of snv ordinance assessing tbe coal of aalJ ' linpromnt The property assessed for said Im provement Ilea on both aldea of aald part of aald Taylor street proposed to be improved and the line of Ms abutting on aald part of Talor street fartberest trom aald part ol , aald Taylor atreel and aald part o said Taylor street. - Tble notice I published In the Morning Enterprise, the Drst publi cation being tbe 27th day of Octo ber, ltl. and the City Council has srRdvetnber 7lh. lt 1. at a-octoca p.. m. at the Council Chamber ol Oregoa City, aa the time and place of passing on said oUJeetlona. - U Dill ' , nerurvii. Vagc Earners annet (besoms smplsysrs until they have saved enough sapltal te mass a atari. - A savings scoount at this bank will net eiy prsvlds sapltal. but will giya a training In "nanse whlsh will prv a valuable business help, v The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN T!U COUNTY u n i ATtit'Rarrni B f La ' -STgf,fw THE FIRST NATIONAL BAIC of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL. Sfi4UKiO.OU tr.aaeu SanSIe Smineea, Over fra. K (g. t, f , 'noticks. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was by order f the County Court of Clacksmaa county, Oregon, made and entered on the Srd day rOetober, 1(11, spool administrator of the estate of John Thomas, 'deceaseds snd haa quali fied as such administrator. All per sons having claims sgalnat the es tate of said deceased aball present the same with vouchers duly N veri fied, to me at the office ef C. IL lye, south weft corner Eighth and Malty streets. Oregon City, Oregon, on or before l (6) months from tbe date hereof. ROBERT' LtVINC.8t0.NE. Admlnlatratot-OCth estate of John Tbomaa. deceased. Dated jDctober 7th. 1111. r Hotel Arrivals. The following are the arrivals at the Electric Hotel: E. W. Zubel. Portland: :n: E. Tingle. O. P. Looney, Molalla; C. Dornhlt, (X Hartley, Sllverton; Fred Frank. Seattle; J. M. Judson. J. n, Cum mins. A. W. Foster, Portland; N. B. Davla. Ban Francisco; o Black, Portland; 3. W. R. Kelly. portUnd; W. A. McWolf and wife. Portland. Qladotono Lumbor Corn-z.- BUNGALOW MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS.. Umber, lath, shingles, fence-posts sad doors, moulding, uk as all ktnd of Inside nlsh. Prices rlghL lumber guaraniead sad raa delivery i (VAR0S AT PARK FLACt). Phone Main 3M1. rshaaratn. Intsgsrasnt Rtngb. The ctom of giving engagement rings ranks back ! torigl lefre the Cbrl.tlsa era. With the sm lent l-yp-tlaoa eugsgeioeul rim: uers always of Iron. l' IndW sle ibe nuiual aa. rl fle of llU-rty of tbe outra.llug par tlea m f lb "eiy earllot sJ""""' Uteut of lrtbal rluga was a load stone. wnl b ajuiUJItrd Ibe attractive fun-e wbi. h drew a luaidru. from bar 7wl" family Clrvle Ih'o I list of ber hua Imnd It la Iwlleved that Ibe fourth finger ba alwsys been Ibe bride's vlug finger. Olkerwls Hs Wss a Fine Oelfee. Mi Kootle What Ibe deuce am I do ing wrong, raddle? Tbe Caddie tin bla element!-Why. yer at ace la rotten, an' yer pullla' yer irlve,, an" albin yer braaay. "ret t. low wC yer Iron, an' yer toppln' wf yer maable. YrrfaUln' barb and rawln' la. fee d"b 1 keep yer eeoa tbe bn.l. asil er tau'l putt far toffee -Loudofl Vketi b. METHOD The secret ol gerhnf through work is method. Order, a ha beeu bbtd. it (Vafi hrat law. Lrt a be yours. Do not Id voof. work be cumulate ota yout kaads. It is noLwoilt llial kilt, but anesn ol work. Wotk put oaf m work put On . heavy mterrst. ' "SifTM.mi uoio the day is the eva thereof . l becomes anlraetablr fit UmJ Upon kanof. row. LIFE AND LIVING We reJucs Lie loth peroneas of our dJy (ving. We bhouU ciah our kvtng to the pandcur ol Ue.-PhJip Brooks roRUMJFTJIEftw Protest Aoslnet ladls, Kiitor MiM-uing mterprta. Dear Sir. A few tiiouiki am tain district In Org..a city wpw ly auunyed with an ladlas aiK ber followers Thav iUtlba q, these undesirable people b ara they rated not what, km Ike; a not want to be . botharsd a ble and lust, but a bat of Iks baa borhood where the laaUbt , mbved to. Hhould they but btint StderatloB alao? When the woman, who Is pa ably the oldest reaidant of Orajr City was forced to move froatstes I era she had occupied for awn sr a half century, she twrated ipn j Mouth End road near lb raaiaa district of'Uwton Heights. Uans same drunken ravels coaUsss. 1 aame low trash of mas talker worst -tit purpose asd Ike as beautiful drlv Into our city b a Ibe psasage-way fur those ibMaai of humanity that patrualbt Ua dlan resort. It haa com to smsi stage that women and rslMraasis think of traversing this read aa compaaled. ' -This public nuisance vu w enough In a district ahlck kbl lice protection. It Is time that as action a lakes V h QfTU-UJi a county for aa it Is now, tb dui Octal pave given their ckarp as to tbe county officer vllb tbakea plltnent. Tbe rliltsns of tkh a lion have circulated aeveral beS asking property oaners whotnt camping ground of tbe tpa M move their renters but wlthoel m. so If any one know of a piste pUn lo settle the mativr so tan i otsnmunlty will suffer, they as be heard from at once. ' J. C SPAOU Are vou suba. rlbes to th tag SDlwprln? II not yskosll" and let ua po yr nsms os ta sertptloa list Immediately f f' i If Every Storekeeper Only Knew The Saving he could effect in his light bill by uung Mai da lamps he would never have an Inferior illam,i nant in his store it any price. .lie Would Pfefer Electric Light as a matter of economy, to say nothing about the brilliant white light of the MAZDA lamps, nnrivaled foreshow window illcmination. If yon would like to know more about the service these lamps are giving others, ask us. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT . & POWER CO. MAINomcC7thon1AI1ersrrcets- -V i ' : ... . . ; , . . ' . ;, '. ..... ' SawaWaVSeKab, ' h . DR. LENA R. HODOES, Osteopath, of I I