Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 04, 1911, Image 1

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a Oregon City Fair Saturday
, southerly wind.
Oregon Hln Saturday wait
. portion; southerly winds.
VOL. It-No. 108.
Irdmarr Corns To firth Qracsfully
And Work of Repairing Ma
chin Bsglns Ooil
Almost Assured.
3. t'nlvss soma engine or other trou
bio unforeseen develops, Calbraltb
Perry Rodgors, transcontinental avia
tor, virtually will ond bis long flight
from the Allsntlo to th I'ttclllc Bun
day afternoon.
Kodgers' hour of departure from
thin place depends 4rely upon bow
soon his mechanic can - adjust the
msKoeio and motor If all goes wall,
It Is expected that he will resume bis
fltghtrHundsy- momtngrnktng r be
line fr the Western coast, and byid
at one of the beach cities which on
Is uot yet known. This will b the
tsrniltmtlon of tb greatest flight
across country by aeroplane that the
fenrlff )M Mf WllllJtfltfMjf Htlfl li ,mI a.
r, as the first to fly across tb Am
trlran continent will win Immortal
ity among the pioneers of the pilots
of the air.
When lloduers took (is ltat J;30
o'clock (bis morning at th little
denert water hole called Stoval Bid
ing. Arli., with but a trifle over 3H)
miles ltween him and th pacific
Coast, there was every reason to be
lieve that he would mske hi goal,
or st' feast very near to It. Tiv eve.
C.olng at aeventy-flv mile an hour,
the No. 1 cylinder of bis biplane ex
ploded, tearing out the crank case,
bending th shaft and ruining the
magneto. Several piece of flying
meul passed perilously near Rodgers'
Rodger Immediately "warped" hi
marblne and with a circle two mile
la diameter, atarted a spiral to earth.
Ills landing wss as graceful as It was
easy. A few railroad men wer tb
only one wbo witnessed the descent
and they, with Rodger, placed the
aeroplane on a pile of ties In order
to lift It from the ground and make Its
repair that itrtich easier.
When th special train following
Rixlxers arrived, his mechsnlr began
work on the engine. The three me
chanics prsctlcally bad a rebuild a
motor, and all the material they bad
to work on waa th remain of this
on and the on wrecked at Kyle.
Texsa, October JO.
. D. H. MEN
Mrs I). M Klcmsen entertained the
members of Kaffe Club at her home
,t Cum muh Thursday afternoon and
veriinjt. and a most delightful time
wss hud. This club meets the flrsi
Tliur-lay or each month, and this
wss one of the most enjoyable meet
ing held by th organisation. On
of the leatures of th afternoon was
s luncheon. Th table was prettily
Present were Mr. Chris Hart man,
Mrs. IxjiiI Nobel. Mr. William Stoe
ver, Mr. Rudolph Seller, Mrs. Kloos
Mr... Richard Petxold. Mrs. Peter
Winkle, Mrs. William BhwarU. Mrs.
tiUMtave Schnorr, Mr. Charle Schoen
leinii Mrs. Dimbach, Mr. A. Knanp,
Mrs. Iiusse, Mr. Theodore St rob
nteycr. Mrs. John Vlgellus, Mis Flor
fe Heifer.
HOTON, Nor. 8. J. P. Morgan,
whose- gift, totaling $1,185,000, made
I'oasllilo the present Harvard Medical
School, has had bla application for
two football ticket to th Harvard
Vale game rejected because ha failed
J Kr-o to a technical requirement.
Mr. Morgan wrote, enclosing $4 In
payment and said that In all probab
ility he would not use th ticket per
sonally, as every applicant for a
'Hot required to promise to use
" of the ticket personally before
"'s application I filled, Mr. Morgan'
money wa promptly returned.
Mr. Morgan, who received hi aca
""mlc training at the. University of
Oo).itii,non, hH bad no connection
wth Harvard except In the capacity
donor, but an honorary degree
Vale entitles him to graduate prlvl-'"Res.
Bring Me Your Watch
and Jewelry repair work and
will get th results that th most
"killed workmanship and bst ma
trlal can prodac.
Wy Way of Doing Business
,f I repair your watch or clock It
IH run and keep flrst-clas tlm or
't won't cost you a cnt
W. Leonard Runyan
Mssonlo Building Entrsnos.
Tl 'A-70. I Main 8J7.
' ' Tf tii
Fred H"gg, of Frank Bunch's big
bousefurulsblng store, became a hero
Friday afternoon when he atopped a
runaway team of borsea on Eleventh
street Th horses were In front of
the Iliisch store wheu they became
frightened at an automobile and dash
ed madly down tb street. Mr. Hogg
el ted th' rein of on of the ani
mal as they passed him, and held
on until they cam to a -standstill.
Tb horses wer near the railroad
track when they Were stopped. Th
streets were crowded at th time,
and but for the heroic act of Hogg
there might have been a collision
with serious results.
5,000,000 ON TRIP
President Tsft brought his second
long tour of th country to a tem
porary halt here today. He expects
to enjoy a rest In Hot Springs until
According to th official figure of
the "swlng-around-the-clrcle," .kept
under the direction i of Secretary
Hllles the trip has been the longest
ever tsken by a President. In going
from Ileverly, Mass., to Hot Springs
by" way of Seattle, Portland, San
Francisco, l-os Angeles, Washington
and a few hundred other cities, Mr.
Taft has traveled 13.436 miles, beat
ing his own previous record by about
roo miles.
Before he returns to Washington
for the winter, the President will
visit Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee
and will add 1.834 miles to the rec
ord, miles' "swing" figures show tne
President passed through twenty-six
states and. mnde speeches In twenty
of them.
The governor of each state he en
tered gave him a welcome and gov
ernor Colquitt, of Texas, a state which
was not vlBlted, met him In Kansas.
United States Senatora to the number
of twenty-seven met the president at
varloua times. Six of these senators
were Dcmocrsts and seven wore as
knowledged "Insurgent." About a
doxen aonators pledged their support
to the arbitration treaties on the trip.
Seventy seven members of th House
were on reception committees or wel
corned .Mr. Taft on his car.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 3 (Special.)
"irnquestlonably the Supreme Court
will decide that th Initiative and
referendum are constitutional," . said
Senator Ilotirne today.
"My opinion la that th court will
hold the question Is purely political,
entirely within the Jurisdiction of the
states under the Constitution. I have
not seen any member of the court,
but I reached th conclusion after a
consultation this morning with one
of the nation' ablest constitutional
lawyers. In my mind there 1 no
doubt that -th decision of the Su
preme Court will favor th Inltlatlv
and referendum as constitutional.'
Said Senator Chamberlain: "Th
Oregon system ha had Judicial con
structlon In th courts of several
tatea and also repeated legislative
and executive construction, all of
which practically sustain Its consti
tutionality. Justice Msrrlss Coupl.
Justlc of th Peace Samson Fri
day officiated at th wedding of W.
E. Newberry and Dora Dustln.
Other Directors As Much To Blame
A Himself, H Declares
Loan To Creamery
Not Explained.
CORVALUS, Or., Nov. 3. Con
fronted with two criminal chargea,
making and publishing false reports
ss to the bank' condition, and ac
cepting deposit when he knew the
Institution was Insolvent, Jamea
Evans, cashier of th suspended First
States Bank of Philomath, from his
cell in the county Jail today declared
that his arrest and Impending prose
cution are the result of a conspiracy
on the part of th other officer of
th bank and to which he ascrlbo
the bank's failure.
He admitted that be bad changed
his name from that of Charles James
Evans and said that It was owing to
the ill temper of his former wife and
her harassing methods after he bad
separated from her - that led him to
avoid her. He declared that the other
bank directors wer as much to blame
as himself for th tottering condition
of the Institution, but be did not ex
plain the large loans to the Philomath
Creamery Company.
The WIllnmettB Vallev Chautauaua
Auuomlilv at Ita annual meetlnr In
the Commercial Club Parlors Friday
elected the following dtrectora:
George A. Harding. H. B. Cross, W.
A. Huntley. C. H. Die. O. D. Eby. C.
Schuebel, Sarah A. Evans, C. B.
Moores, Dr. George Hoeye, R. L. Hol-
m.n 1 R. .lack. R. al. Steele and
lohn w. Ixler. The new members
of the board are Messrs. Steele, Hol-
man and Jack. , Th directors will
meet at 3 o'clock Wednesday after
nnnn at the Commercial Club to elect
officers. The present officers are J.
H. Ackerman, president; C. H. Dye,
vice-president; E. O. Caufleld. treas
urer. audT. J. Gary, secretary. Plans
will be made for the Chautauqua next
year and other Important business
will be transacted.
The students of one year or more
of the Oregon City High School tend
ered the new students a reception at
the Willamette Hall Friday-, evening.
The evening was spent in games, the
entertainment being started with a
grand march In which the partners
were chosen through slip of paper
with parts of poems and other quota
tions written on tnem. , . '
With two or three exceptions, all
the students were present which mado
It a party of about seventy-flv. Tho
members of the faculty present were
Mr. Anker, Mrs. Cartlldge, Miss Bak
er. Miss Porter, Mr. Pflngsten and
Superintendent Toos. Th party
continued until almost midnight and
all present expressed themselves a
. , -.a 1 '
naving a gmiu uim, .
TB. 1. i in
Although handicapped by the loss
of two of It best men, th Oregon
City football team Is practicing every
evening, preparing for what will un
doubtedly b their hardest fought
game of tb season, when tb team
line up against th crack Holladay
Athletic Club team of Portland at
Canemab Park tomorrow.
Roos, 'captain and left "end, waa
forced to give up bis football career
on account '-of It Interfering with
hi school workC" Moore, right -n,
who sufTered a broken collar bone In,
the gam against th 8tars of Port
land last Sunday will be out of the
gam for some time, but says be will
le back at bla old position for th
Thanksgiving Day game. It Is this
kind of spirit that make football
team. Tb filling of the tow end
positions Is causing no little worry
to th management ' It la likely that
Cole will play on end and either
.Lageson or Slier tb other.
Chet Cawthers was elected captain
of the team Thursday night to fill
lb vacancy caused by Roos' resigna
tion. Cawthers I without a doubt,
on of the fastest half backs of any
team In the state at bis weight, as
hia record of seven touchdowns out
of the eleven made thla season will
Freeman, the other half, and Lang
at full, play their respective posi
tion brilliantly. On player, whose
work bas long escaped the critics' at
tention. Is the silent left tackle,
"Auk" Smith. It Is almost Impossi
ble to put a play through this man's
position and his offensive work It
fine. As an Interference man be Is
a effective as a' bust saw. In fact
the whole team la a well balanced ag
gregation. It la thought that a banner crowd
will turn out Sunday to root for the
bom team as the support of loyal
fans goes a long way In helping th
team to win.
Circuit Judge Campbell will bear
argument Tuesday In the suit of H.
E. Cross against th Oregon Engin
eering & Construction Company to
restrain the defendant from remov
ing earth on Monroe street between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, In
front of property owned by th plain
tiff. The Oregon Engineering A Con
struction Company was awarded e.
contract by the city council to im
prove the street from Third to Four
teenth. Mr. Cross appeared before
the city council several times oppos
ing the Improvement of the street
at thla time. He-declared that the
cut of fourteen feet which will be
made In front of his property, un
less the contracting firm la enjoined
from aolng so, will do blm great
harm. He says if the cut Is made
the earth belongs to him, and be will
need It to fill several lota. Mr. Cross,
who Is one of th-- largest property
owners In this city, thinks that street
Improvement work should be baited
for a little while at least He favora
street Improvement but says too much
should not be done In on year.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. . 3. (Special.)
Stricken by apoplexy, Norman J.
Coleman, first secretary of agricul
ture, aged eighty-four, 1 dead today
after an attack which seized blm on
a train en rout to Lexington Junc
tion, Mo., from St. Louis. H had
Just' completed an extended tour of
the state. Coleman organized the de
partment of agriculture under Presi
dent Cleveland. He Vas at one time
lieutenant governor of Missouri.
At the tlm of his death he was
dltor of Colemsn's Rural World. He
was noted hors breeder. Th fun
eral will b held Monday, .
Evidence to b Heard In Msin Issue
Dsccmber 13 Suit Monsy
' Fixed at $150 And Law
ysC Fs S200.
Upon motion of S. T. Jeffrie, at
torney for tb defendant. Circuit
Judge Campbell Friday Issued an or
der allowing Mrs. Cleta Pearl Allska,
sister of Mrs, Maybell Gil man Corey,
150 a month alimony during tb pen
dency o( tb suit, 150 suit money
and 200 lawyer's fee in the- divorce
action filed by Charles W. Alisky, a
theatrical -man, and son of C. A.
Alisky, a wealthy retired - Portlnd
confectioner. Mr.. Alisky, her hus
band and the parents of -the -plaintiff
wfct In court when tb ' order was
Issued. .
In a motion made tb day follow
ing the filing of tb suit th defen
dant asked $5,000 suit money, $1,000
lawyer's fee and $250 a month ali
mony during th pendency of tb suit
She also 0le4 a suit for divorce, mak
ing sensational charges against her
husband. Judge Campbell will her
evidence In tb suit brought by th
husband December 13.
Mrs. Alisky waa modestly' dressed
and aat beside her lawyer during tb
proceedings Friday. Mr. and' Mrs.
Alisky did not look at each other
during tb proceedings.
Attention of tb owner of stallions
aad-Jaeks I alled to the new stallion
law which went into effect May 20,
1911. A number of horsemen have
not complied with the provisions of
this law. It is ' necessary - that all
stallion and Jack used for public!
service must be licensed by the State
Stallion Registration Board at Cor
vallls, and that they must be inspect
ed by an official Inspector appointed
by thla board. Attention is also called
to tb fact that, according to thla
law, stallions which were In th sUts
at the time th law went Into effect
and licensed during th first season
will be licensed even though unsound,
although such unsoundness will be
stated in the Hcense. All horses, how
ever, which are not used for public
service and licensed during tb first
season will be refused license and
not allowed to stand for public service
unless they pass the proper veteri
nary inspection. It is very Important
therefore, that horsemen who are
delinquent In thh matter get in their
applications at once. Stallion owners
who have Already received licenses
for their horses will confer a favor
upon their neighbors by calling their
attention to thla fact.
Horsemen are also urgently re
quested not to purchase stallion or
Jacks until after they have been in
spected by one of the state Inspectors
and have received their state license,
for otherwise It may prove that suc&
stallions or Jacks -may prove unsound
and hence not eligible to be used for
breeding purposes in this state, or it
may be found that tbetr pedigrees
are bogus and that they will have
to be licensed aa grades or mongrels
Instead of pure breds as represented.
' Willamette Lodge. No. 148. Wood
ment of the World, will give a min
strel show at Shlvely'a opera house
on the evening of Novembe 25. More
than . thirty members of tb lodge
will participate, and at least four en
tertainers from the Portland lodges
will assist Several rehearsals have
been held, and the entertainment
promises to be the most successful
ever given by the lodge. The mem
bers of the lodge are taking a great
deal of Interest In the proposed en
tertainment and there Is no ques
tion that the opera bouse will be
The Congregational church will
hold Ita annual meeting for the elec
tion of officers Thursday evening In
the .church parlors, and at that time
a new pastor probably will be decid
ed upon. Rev. George Edwards, th
most popular candidate will prob
ably be elected. Mr. Edwards will
occupy th pulpit next Sunday morn
ing and evening, and will leave Mon
day morning for Seattle, wher be
will remain until action, Is taken by
th church. " j.
Rend tb Mornint Enterprise
Company Has Bn Assured of On
Ordr Calling For Twenty .
Car Daily For Twn
ty Yssrs.
Tb weather baa been favorable
for th work on th Clackamas South
ern railway line and with two more
weeks of good weather the grade will
be completed from Oregon City to
Beaver Creek. Work bas been pro
gressing rapidly at Beaver Creek,
Mu'tno and Molalla and mor than
nine mile have been completed. Tb
bridge at tb lower end of th city
bas been placed In shape for th
girders and as soon as they are plac-ad-tae-tle
and . steel wiUb laid
and tb track will be built. as far a
Beaver Creek tbl year, or by th
last of January at tb outside.
Tb work performed on th line to
date haa been don carefully and'
economically and it reflect credit
upon the board of director, who bar
said that It could be. don and they
are making good with th project
People are calling each day, and
anxious to get soma of the bonds
issued by the company and from pres
ent indications the company will dis
pose of the entire Issue - without tb
least of trouble.
Thousands of people in Oregon
have visited the Wilhoit Springs and
in doing so they became acquainted
with the famoua Molalla country, and
the vaat forests In the foothills that
await transportation. When the road
is. completed and In addition to the
vast tonnage there will a large pas
senger traffic from the date of tne
completion of the road.
Tbe company baa been assured of
one order of twenty carloads of lum
ber daily for twenty years. Tb lum
ber is owned by a Portland million
aire, who will bare it brought here
by rait and floated down tbe river.
The Clackamas County Sunday
School Convention was convened Fri
day at Oak Grove, and two sessions
will be held today. Tbe convention
vaa called to order by John W. Loder,
president Rev. George Paddock,
state president delivered an address
on ''Boy and Man" and Professor F. J.
Tooze. spoke on "Intermediate Work."
Mrs. O. McArthur led tbe praise ser
vice and greeted the guests, Mrs. D.
C. Latourette making the response.
Charles A. Phlpps spoke on 'Things
worth while," and Mrs. S. P. Davis
led the song service.
The program today Includes tbs
election of officers and addresses by
the following: O. W. Boring, "Some
rural problems and how to solve
them"; Miss Amy purcell, "Graded
Work"; Mrs. G. R. Fraselle. "No such
thing as a bad child," and Rev. Henry
Speiss,1 "The quiet Hour." About fffty
delegates, representing various
churches throughout the county are
In attendance.
Thirty-eight members of tb La
dles' Aid Society of tbe Gladstone
Christian Church met Thursday af
ternoon at the borne of Mrs. Rockwell
and made plans for an International
bazaar to be given December 1. Tbe
pie sociable which was to have been
held Tuesday has been postioned un
til Friday evening, November 17.
Those present at Thursday's meeting
were Mesdamea Mulkey, Olds. Frost
Rockwell, Hall,' Nelson, Dedman,
Hendricks, Peckover, Rauch, John Mc
Getcble, Ralph McGetchle, Tooae,
Forahner, Mills, Dempster, Parker, No
ble, W. E. Johnston, Dauchy, Morrell,
Church, Gault, Catto, Williamson,
Russell, Schooler, Read. Hollowell,
Hurlbert, Solomon, Cartwell. Harring
ton, Bell. U'Ren, Rivera, Pratt, and
Mrs. Roberts, of Milwaukle.
Oregon City High School Tssm Prob
ably Will Play Wednesday.
Tbe football game which wss to
be played today In Silverton between
the Oregon City High School team
and tho Silverton High School was
called off by Manager Fred Coven
den of the Silvertnns, the team hav
ing disbanded. It wss Impossible
for the Oregon City High 8chool man
ager to fill this date at such A late
hour but a game will likely be played
In Oregon City next Wednesday to
take the place of this game. Next
Saturday th Oregon City High School
team will go to Newberg to play th
New berg High School team.
Thre Coupl Get Licenses.
Marriage licenses were Issued Fri
risv to Hattle ' D. Countryman and
William Clark; Anna Wllklns and
J. W. Ktrk and Dora Dustln and W.
C. Newberry.
Th only dally newspaper fee-
twn Portland and Salem lrev
late In vry aaotlon af Cishn-
mas County, with a population af a)
90.000. Aro you an advertiser?
Pn Wmx, 10 Cent
COST $26,675.44
' ' ' , i
Clackamas Southarn Accused of Not
Building Trsstl Required .
Hslghth Judge Dimick
Danles Charge.
At the request of Mrs. J. W. Norrls,
Mrs. David Caufleld and Mrs. C. O. T.
Williams, representing the Woman's
Club, the City Council at a meeting
Friday night decided to defer action
on the contract for balldlng a. pub
lic comfort station In McLougbiln
Park. -
Mr. Norrls, wbo spoke for tbe com
mittee, said that the station would
detract from tbe beauty of tbe
grounds, and the Woman' Club,
which bad been instrumental in sav
ing tb historic bom and provid
ing tb grounds strongly opposed
bavlng it (here. 8b suggested that
the proposed station be erected in tne
Seventb Street park. Mrs. Norrls
called attention to tbe proposed mon-
Mama, ,n , K a m Am nl" r9 Tm '
Loubglln for McLougbiln Park . and
huh u was pwuuou w iwiiwr dww
tlfy the park. Tbe protest waa re-
famj A lha MmmlttM Ml atl-MOta..
C. H. Caufleld and Mrs. Caufleld and
E. Q. Caufleld accompanied tbe com
mittee. '
An ordinance ' providing , for
assessment for - tbe Improve
ment of Jefferson street . from
Second to Twelfth streets at coat of
$26,675.44 was passed. Tne following
bids were- received for tbe Improve
ment of Fourteenth street from Wain
to Washington: - Oregon City En
gineering Construction Company.
$2.13.40 and H. Jones $2.01.60. Tb
Oregon City Engineering A Construc
tion Company bid $3,196.25 on tbe con
struction of tbe Greenpoint sewer and
H. Jone $2,994.50. .
Complaint was mad that tb
Clackamas Southern Railway Com
pany bad not compiled with the or
dlnance In building tbe trestle across
Washington street at Fifteenth.' Tbe
ordinance - provide that -the trestle
be twelve feet above tbe street and
It la aald that it is only tea feet and
six Inches. Tbe city engineer and
the street committee were Instructed
to see the officers of . tbe company
and demand that tbe ordinance be
complied with-. It also was announc
ed that two piers had been placed on
the sidewalk.
E. O. Caufleld naked that tbe foun
tain at Seventh and Main streets be
repaired. Mayor Brownell presided
and the following councllmen were
present: Andresen, Ifurk, Holman,
Meyer, Pope, Roake and Mlcbela.
Judge Dtmick, secretary oi tne
Clackamas Southern, bad the follow
ing, to say about tne trestle aner tne-
x hdirumi --
actly as the franchise provides in
order to get a grade crossing on tbe
Southern Pacific tracks. There were
members of . the council there when
the work waa being done. No ob
jection was offered and if the work
was not done according to the terms
or the ordinance, tbe company win
be only too glad to co-operate with
the council and rectify any objec
tionable feature. This company Is
composed of home people and fwe
-have as deep an Interest in the wel
fare of our city as any member or
the ocuncil. We are saving tbe Mo
lalla country to Oregon City and we
are doing It with our money.. Tbe
council should not pursue any course
which would make It impossible for
the company to get to the river on
a grade." .
"The Corn tassel Family perform
ed in Mount Pleasant Friday evening.
It was a great performance too, and
everybody bad a good time. Incident
ally enough money waa raised to build
several hundred yards of sidewalk,
the demand for which resulted in the
organization of the trouble, which was
J..LI I 1. T. k. - .. ... 1 1 V.
QUUDeu l ue iuriitoBBei raiuiijr. iu
entertainment was given under tbe
auspices of the Mount Pleasant Civic
Improvement Association, and tbe as
sembly room was crowded. Lyman
Warnock. - wbo represented "SI Corn
tassel,' pleased the big crowd with
his violin solo, and be was forced to
resnond to several enchores. ' T. E.
McLaln rendered a vocal solo and .
ITd or a rrt utnnp nrf rr,n oA aa a nma- '
tldlgltatnr. Both of them' did wel
and. In fact, every person In the en
tertainment was pleasing. Refresh
ments were served after tb enter
tainment 'It Is planned to extend
the sidewalks on Holmes' Lane and
In Southwest Mount Pleasant. Many
persons from Oregon City attended
the entertainment ' '
rne women or wooac.rau uem a
most enjoyable meeting at tbe Wood
men hall Friday evening, and there
land. . The decorations of tb hall
wrr of fnrna and autumn leavaa.
Tb committee In charge of the af--fair
was as follows: Mrs. ' A. U
Buckles, chairman; Oscar Wood fin,
Mrs. C. A. Noble, Miss Tillle Myers
and Mrs. Morgan. A banquet was
served during the evening, and danc
ing was indulged In until a late boor.
A program waa renered during th