Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 03, 1911, Image 3

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The tmile of sat isf ac
tion will be worn by many
a man who slips tinder one
of our hats during this
HAT SALE. We carry
the Gordon hats, the Boy
er, Our Leader, and the
Belgian Hare.
. Halt
5o buy .ow and slip under the hots that
bring the smile of satisfaction. An entire
stoch of hats of your service to choose from,
All the lote shades and shapes.
This hat sale starts Thursday, Nov. 2,and
lasts 5 days.
7th at MalnSta. Suspension Bridge Corner
Stories from Out of Town
four yar ago lbT movd to Flrwood 1 caila. Or arm. wbr tbay expect to
For th arrl and conviction
of auv person or pwioni,
oulawfully remov coplM of Tb
a Morning Enterprise from th
premises of subscriber after
paper baa bean placed thr by
doean't Mem to mind tb
Nlolsori A
LI nd berg
30 Sailing Bldg., Portland.
Phona Main 8151..
"No. ba la used to It"
"How la tbatr
"Ilia wife keep hliu In bot water
Boat of tba llLca."
local pmers
John Mulvaney, of Meadowbrook. was
In thl city Tburaday.
Fred Frank, of Seattle. Waab., It
In tli la city on bualneaa.
T. J. ('rain, of Portland, wat In- thU
city oh business Tburaday.
Karl ripka. of Eldorado, was In thia
city on bualneaa Tburaday. - '
New walnuta and figs Juat In at
llarrla' grocery.
Mr. and Mrt. John Kline, of Carut,
were in Oregon City Tburaday.
Mr. and Mra. John Helvey. of El
dorado, were In thla city Tburaday.
Mr. and Mra. Charlea Caaton. of
Carus, were In thla city Tburaday.
Mr. Albert Schoenborn and ton, of
Canm, were In Oregon City Thursday
Gmirxo Oregory, of Molalla, waa in
thin city on bualneaa Wedneaday and
Tburmluy. '
Henry perry and daughter, MU
niodwyn, of Hearer Creek, were In
Oregon City Tburaday.
Mrs. H. P. Beatow, of Portland, it
In thla city the guest of Mr. and Mrt.
J VV. (iray, of the West Side. .
try that apeclal 2 60 coffee at Har
ris' grocery.
Save from one-third to one-half on
Havllmid Chlnaware and ladles'
purses. A few daya only. Burmeister
4 Andresen.
Mlaa Helen Smith, who hat been HI
8Uwood visiting the Mlaaet Cora and
Olive Color, hat returned home.
J. 8. King, of Seattle, waa In Or
Hon City Wedneaday and Tburaday,
registering at the Electric Hotel.
Mra. M. J. Bolton h at gone to Sell
wood to vlatt her two daughtert, Mrt.
Clara Martin and Mrt. Edward Tay
yor. . ,
D. M. Spata. who hat been at Fow
lr. Idaho, for aome time, hat return
d to Oregon City. H will live near
rvn t fall to look over our bargain
lnJow of Haviland Chlnaware. Bur
HflHter ft Andreaen.
Charlea Krleger, who has been visit
In the Sager family and Olllett fani
y and other frlendt, bat returned to
Central Point.
We want your trade at Harrla groc
"y and we will get It If blgh quality,
low prlcea and prompt tervlce counta
tor anything. f
The Bible Btudy Claat of the Moun
tain View Sunday achool mat at the
home of Mrt. John Olllett Tbunday.
Thera waa a good attendance.
The law boyt of the Portland Law
School will hold tbelr debate on Sat
urday evening In the law room, tiO
Worrtr kitwir The debatea are
both Interesting and inatruetlve. .
Mr. and Mrt. Chariot Blythe. of
Portland, who formerly lived In Cane-
roah. were In Oregon City Thursday
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrt.
Max llollack.
Mra. A..F- Martin, of Mountain Vie,
will go to Concord Friday, wbere the
will attend the Sunday achool conven
tion, the being a delegate from Moun
tain View.'
The Bclectrlc Bualneaa ITnlvertlty
la putting up a number of algna. Tbey
are the nlceat algna that are placed,
allowing high (dealt even In advertis
ing. The E. B. U. can be depended
upon for the beat at all time.
William Cummlnga, who la stamping
clerk of the Oregon City postoMce. l
very 111 at the home of hit mother,
Mra. Montour. Mr. Cummlnga It suf
ferlng from Inflammatory rheumatism.
Juatiecelved 1.000 gallons of South
ern California port, Four years' old.
Guaranteed under pure food laws.
Only CO centa per gallon. Bring you
jug. Nobel Liquor Store.
P. H. Sneed. of 8eattle, wash., wa
In thla city Wednesday.
(Continued from page 1.)
George Morse returned Thursday
from a trip to bit land near Kelao,
Wash., and reports that country it
rapidly building up.
The Clackamas County Sunday
school convention which win be beld
at the Oak Grove M. K. cburch No
vember 3 and 4, will consist of a One
program. Mra. Hugo Sandtsrom and
Kav. Calvin Bergstresser are the dele
gates from the Grace Chapel Sunday
achool, A. F. Kussel being the alter
nate. Mrs. Dave Hardy and aon George
were Sunday visitors at Hubbard, re
turning Monday evening.
Mrs. Royal Stover visited at the
home of her husband's parents at
Latourell on Thursday and Mr. Stov
er of the above place spent the last
of the month with his aon at this
The borne of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wil
cox was the tcene or a pretty child
ren's party on Saturday afternoon, the
occasion being the 3rd birthday anni
versary of their little aon Kennet'a
Italyea Wilcox. The Mendamea J. P.
Flnley. of Portland, and Barnhart of
this place, aaslsted In serving the re
freshments after an hour of game
was Indulged In. The little folks at
tending were Dora, Minnie and Earn
est Roethe, Huth .Truscott. Ruth Trav.
era, Alice Eve MacFarlane, Ruby,
Irene Warner, Calvin Dill Morse, Wil
liam and Phoebe Flnley, Bessie Roll
erta and Naomi, Kenneth and Keith
Wilcox, Lester and Robert Russell.
Mr. and Mrs.'Islah Shencfleld spent
Sunday In Mllwaukle attending ser
vlcee at the Evangelical church.
Copies of the Oregon Outlook are
being distributed among us.- It Is pub
lished monthly by the pastor of the
Memorial Evangelical church.
- A apeclal meeting bat been called
by the chairman of the Board of Di
rector for the evening of Nov. 7, for
the purpose of hiring another teacher
In the district '
A number of valuable dogs have re-
would be a wise plan to name that
W. 8. U'Ren declared that the only
way to obtain an efficient goernment
was to put someone In absolute charge
and make him responsible. He called
attention to the success that bad been
obtained In Staunton, Va, by employing
a business manager, and aald that in
Germany men made profeaalona of
managing cltlea. They began their
training In amaller towns and gradu
ally worked their way up at their
abllltlea Justified. The goal wat the
mayoralty of Berlin.
W. A. Shewman suggested thiit
three commissioners or councilman be
elected and empowered to appoint a
buslneas manager. Mr. 8tlpp aald this
plan would not be successful In all
probability, because It would be dif
ficult to bold three men responsible,
and that they might disagree.
Mr. Tooxe aald. In order to tlmpllrr
mattert. the discussion should
be along, the lines of the administra
tive. Judicial and legislative. Ho
tailed attention to the cabinet form
r mvernment and said the commit
tee doubtless would desire to examine
that plan thoroughly. Hit Idea wat
that aoraethlng tangible be agreed
upon so the committee could proceed
with Ita work to me oesi u'
The committee will meet next Wed
nesday evening.
Th. nr-t nenxlons were granted to
i..innih(.il Individual for rat
services rendered the Mate, as to the
dukes of Grafton, uunmoiia.
h,.,nirh and other. In the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries. 80 early as
1781 England had a died pension list
of many namea and involving -uit,.
of over 100.000. In ancient
timet the Idea of providing for those
who had suffered for the ttata or who
bnd contributed to Itt welfare was
r-.ctiriT unknown. U being then an
. ,A doctrine that the Individual
ii.l t the state, terved bar by
right and had no claim against her for
the elmple thing or aoing 01 u.
fast duty. New York American. , ,
imna tna Hat.
Doffing the bat comet from a prtetlce
of aoldlera of antiquity taking off tbelr
helmets whan 00 danger was mgu.
Thus doe man lift bit hat to ebow
that ha daree to tttnd nnarmed in yoni
reence. , '
cenliy been poisoned In this vicinity.
A very fine Scotch collie belonging to
W. Thompson and one belonging to
Judge Bronaugha, during the week.
People who tot out poison for other
purposes should be more careful and
place it to dogs could not gat at It.
W. vn. Moore It expected home on
Wednesday from a month't trip to
Pennsylvania and Ohio., He was ac
companied east by bis son from Los
Angeles and they together visited a
number of the battlefields of the Civil
Wallace Miller hat recently purch
ased the little real eatate office from
O. D. Board man and at present la the
only real estate dealer at this place.
Mr. Mad I aon haa completed a new
barn on bit place on the County Road.
Mr. and Mrt. P. D. Thompaon, after
vlsltln the past four weeks with
Mrs. 'Edith Truscott, have returned to
their home In Dos Moines, Iowa.
Mr. Erlckaon't new addition, to hit
home at Meldrura has been completed.
Mr. and Mrt. Near had the pleasure
of the presence of Mr. and Mra. J. p.
Strain at their home on the night of
Oct 3 1st, while a donation party was
planned for them. A large supply of
wood and groceries and provision
were left by the good people of the
Ixdge. Mr. Strain hat been HI for
some time, having been confined to
the St. Vincent boaplUl for a number
of weeka.
One of-the best socials of the lea-
son was the one beld at the hospit
able home of Mr. and Mrt. Emmont,
when it wat opened for members of
the Circle and their farolllet on the
evening of Hallowe'en-. From the time
the aruesta were ushered In to the re
centlon hall and received by the
witches until the horn and tambour
ine Bounded for the march for the
cafeteria lunch. It wat a merry round
of shouts of laughter and frolic from
the old and young. The Mesdames
Anderson, Thompaon and Webb had
planned for the entertainment which
waa all In keeping: with the occasion
The house wat very prettily decorated
with numerout lanternt of various
hones and colors and too aoon the
hour of departing arrived.
Mr. and Mra. Painton were Sunday
guesta of Mr. and Mra. Thlas at tbelr
suburban home on the EMacada car
Mlaa Mora with a party or rrienat
auload to Scappoose Saturday to visit
the H. D. Jlobart family,
Superintendent Oery wat present and
talked a few minutes on educational
llnaa and f IS was voted to buy pic
ture for Mr. Alger's room. .
Mrs. Maggl Johnson waa In Oregon
City Wedneaday on business.
Mra. Kent, of Woodburn, and MIhi
Ida Kent, of Parf place, were vlaltlng
Mra. Ella Maple Thursday.
.Dr. Townley attended the M. W. A.
meeting In Oak Orove Tuesday night.
Isaac Gratton waa here Wedneaday
morning looking; after his property.
Mrt. Zandert, of Island atatlon, It
quite III with aatbmu. ,
A number of Women of Waodcraft
members from Mllwaukle and Oak
Orove attended a meeting of the Ore
gon Circle In Portland Wedneaday ev
' Dr. and Mrt. W. 8. Armatrong and
Mr. and Mra. A. Rlner, of Portland,
were guests at the home of AV. A.
Thomas, at Island station, Sunday ev
ening. Mrs. R. Heeler and Mrs. A. Alcorn,
of Gray'a Crossing, were here Tbura
day on bualneaa.
Postmaster Ganlard Inform ut that
the poHlofNce will. In the near future
become a postal savings bank. Sup
pllea for -that purpose are being tent
to bim now. Th date "on which thl
department will be opened haa not
been made publfc.
Saturday afternoon, Mist Martha
Blrkemeier entertained her Sunday
school clasa of tb Evangelical cburch
at her home. Fourteen little girls
were present and enjoyed themselves
by tewing for tbelr dolls and playing
games on th lawn. Late In the af
ternoon refreshments were served and
all voted Mlaa Berkemeier a delightful
entertainer. "
Walter T. Lines, of the firm of Har
per and Line, and Mtsa Grace A. Dud
ley, of Eureka, Cal., were married at
the Evangelical parsonagaJn thla city
Wednesday evening. Rev. Radebaugh
performing the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Line are occupying a residence
at Island sf at!onrA nnmber of friends
and well wishers called on the newly
married couple Thursday evening and
spent a very enjoyable evening.
The funeral tervlce of Miss Bertie
A. Lakln were bld Sunday at 1 o'clock
from the family residence. Rev. T.
F. Bowen, of the Episcopal church,
conducted the service. Bertie was
loved by all wbo knew ber. AH of ber
friend expressed their sympathy by
th beautiful floral offerings and a
large attendance at the house and
cemetery. Tb Interment wat in tne
Rtverview cemetery. ;
Evangelical church notet: Sunday
school, 10:30 a. m., preaching. 11:30
m.; Y. P- A., 7 p.m.: preacning ai
n. m. Mid-week service: Prayer
meeting Wednesday evenings; choir
practice, Thursday evening; teach
er'a train. Friday evenings. Rev. E.
Radebaugh, pastor.
Mrt. Barr, of Clatakanie. Oregon,
waa a week-end visitor with Mrt. Para-liua.
The Boyt Athletic Club will give an
entertainment Nov. 10th., in the city
hall. A miscellaneous program win do
rendered and class work under the
direction of their Instructor, Prof.
Gent, of Portland.
a strom remonstrance against me
petition to take a part of our school
district and open another district or
annex It to the WlllBburg district it
being circulated. The petition and the
remonstrance will be passed upon by
the county boundary board Nov. 7th,
and It la expected that several or in
prominent people will be present to
look after their dlttrict
The Mllwaukle Grange win meei
Friday evening. The lecture on Single
Tax was postponed and will be an
nnunced later.
The Sewing Club met Wednesday at
the Orange hall. A nn luncn waa
suread at noon. The time wat tpeni
in sewing.
Work on th new Cathollo churcn
la progressing nicely. Father McDev
Itt of Portland, ha charge of the. pa
Some had boy cut a larg hole In
the Sunday school tent of th Evan
gclteal church Tuesday evening. Tho
Hallowe'en pranks ar all right, but
hova should not destroy property.
the following cltUena went to the
dedication of th Concord achool
honse Saturday, October 38. Mrt. O
winslnaer. Mr. Emllle Shaw, MM.
rmck. Mrs. Maggie Jdhnaon. Miss Arm
strong. Mist Casto, Mis Ella Jackson
and Prof. Ooeti were among tb num
ber. Mrt. Johnson says the building
It a fine up-to-date on and the dis
trict should b prond of It v
Mothers' and Teachers' Club held a
meeting Thursday afternoon at the
school house and had a larg attend
anoe. A musical program wa ran
dered by th pupils. County School
On Saturday evening, November H.
the Central orcheatra of Portland, will
open a series of dancea in Green'
ball for the winter. The parties will
be every two weeks and will b well
managed. The floor will be In the
best of condition, and the music fine.
The boy clayed all kind of pranks
Hallowe'en night and from reportt baa
a good time. They did tome bad work
when they broke the tchopl pump. A
great many out bulldlngt were tipped
over, gatea removed and hung high on
teloDhona noie. Tniciet moved away
and numerous other antlca pertormea
Mr. L V. Vltto returned home
Saturday from the hospital In Port
land, where the waa operated on for
an absceat back of the eye.
Lowell Paget waa In the hospital
In Portland Friday and Saturday and
wat operated on for the removal of
hit tonsils and adenoid. He 1 home
now and able to be out .
Mra. niackerbv. mother of Mr. L.
E Bentley, came from Woodburn Wed
nesday morning.
Mra B. Lee Paget waa an Oregoa
City yialtor Saturday.
Virgil Clark waa out Monday and
reportt Mra. Clark and little aon ar
dolna- nicely and will come home In
about two weekt from the hospital In
Vera Bennett gave a party Hallow
e'en night at his home to a few of bit
schoolmates. Th evening wa pleas
antly tpent in garnet of all klndt. Re
freshment! were terved by Mra. Ben
nett and at a late hour the young peo
ple started for their variout nomes.
Mist Lexy Graham gave a Hallow
e'en narty at her home Tueaday even
Ina- to a few frlendt and schoolmate
from Portland. The room were aeo-
orated In antumn leave and yellow
crepe piper. Refreshment were
served In the dining room, uames
were Indulged In until a late hour.
A Hallowe'en party wa given at
the residence of Rev. C. A. Lewis
Tuesday evening.
The achoolmatea of Arthur Schue-
fler gave him a surprise party Tues
day evening. Hallowe'en pranks were
Indulged In and game of all kind
played. Refreshment were tervea Dy
Mrt. 8chuefler.
and bought th ranch now owned by
tb Reed Browned Nursery Co., on
Cedar Creek. .
A. C. Mllllron was up from Pleasant
Horn Friday for a few hour. H !
with a U. 8. O. B. party there. '
About 39 rod of plank have been
laid 00 th road in front of Mr. Wal
ton's ranch, which make a great Improvement
Prof. C. V. Anderson wa th gueitt
of Mr. and Mr. EL D. Hart Thursday
Mr. WlrU. of Bandy, tpent on ev
ening last week visiting A. Malar.
The Kir wood progressive -associa
tion will give a big entertainment and
upper at their next regular meeting,
Nov. IS. Everyone M requested 10
bring something to eat It la pleasant
to eat together, also to eat someone
else's cooking. Everyone it cordially
Clark Corey bat moved hit bout
nearer the road and la doing some Im
proving on it
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Koenicaa wer
visiting friends in Sandy 8unday.
Mrs. A. A. Darling, wife of Rev. A.
A- Darling, a retired minister, died at
A. M., Wednesday. Death was due
to heart disease ana came wiuuuu.
The Infant child of Paul Klaeucn
died Tuesday.
The evangelist Rev. vr. t. a. txra.
Is conducting revival services at the
M. E. cburcb In this town.
Mrs. M. K. Irvln Is 111 with pineriay.
F. M. Gill returned from Wasco
County Friday evening. -
Herman Davie made a Dusiness
trip to Portland and Oregon City to
day. -
Owen Smith was cauea 10 romana
yesterday as a witness in tne case
of the State va..paul Thompson.
The nsual Halloween pranks were
played by the youngster of tb town
Tuesday night
Last Tuesday evening about fifty old
friends of Mr. Lewellen came to ay
goodbye and wer entertained with
musie- and stump speeches from vari
ous ones of the party. After a good
amount of cake, pumpkin pie, ana
lemonade were terved th crowd ad
journed, declaring thit one of tho
most enjoyable evenings of the sea
son, and Mr. Lewellen threatening to
come back again In three weeks' tlm
to see If another auch turprise would
be given.
Th basket ball team met in is wee
aa usual ana a coumuin iu,ot
boys and three girls was appomiea 10
meet and draw up a constitution for a
club, which will be voted on next
Tuesday evening." This It also given
to arrange for giving dramaa musi
cals, socials, etc., so every one come
Tuesday and have your aay, now or
never as the story goes.
Hallowe'en came again, at usual,
tth no little excitement among the
boy a. .
Mrs. Bell Herring ana aaugnier ion
for Eatacada where Miss Walva 1 at
tending htgh achooL ' '
Miss Ethel Hale is visiting ai r.
Karl niosner. who has had a severe
stuck of whooping cough, is gaining
r.nidl and will soon be well again.
Mr. Genserowekl ta eonnnea w
bed, and baa been lor aooui inreo
weeks. If good wishes wouia mae
anv one well. Mr. Genserowski would
certainly see a change before many
Mra. Carothers lert ior ner uomo iu
Idaho last Thursday.
mak their home.
J. H. Moran, who haa been vlaltlng
hi son, C- E. Moran, of thl place,
for several week, baa returned to
Word ba been received from W. K.
Parker and family, former residents
ber. . Tbey ar now located on a
small ranch near Central Point, Or.,
and ar wall pleased with their new
Mrs. J. W. Dickson ba returned
from Greaham wber sh spent thre
day vlaltlng.
Max Davla la building a fancy fence
In front of bis bouse on Main street.
William Baker, accountant at a Port
land store, lectured in Sandy Sunday
evening before .a large and apprecia
tive audience.
Hallowe'en of 1911 la past and not
many pranks were played in this burs,.
The children wbo war oat soaping
windows and tlck-tacktng broke on
for Mrt. Wast Now girls, you should
each contribute your sbare and buy a
new glass and get It put in.
Ernest Douglass, lately from Dallas,
Polk county, called on Millard Oll
lett last Saturday.
Mrs. Mabel Sager, of Sbubel, an 1
her father, Qtiarles Krleger, of Cen
tral Point were guests of Millard Oll
lett Saturday, baring com to town
to see him before his departure "to
The protracted meetings at the
Mountain View church will continue
this week by Rev. Wicker, of Okla-
boiv and Mr. Buck, of West Oregon
City. ' r
Wilmer Fisher is out on crutches
and hit broken leg It getting along
Wm. Beard has consented to be a
candidate for councilman In this ward
and a petition hat been circulated for
Jack Bar to Is driving the delivery
wagon for Everhart ft Hall.
Garrett Martin, who spent the last
three month In Pendleton, returned
home Sunday.
J. W. 8. Owen had hi fireplace in
bl snew house remodeled Monday D.
W. Gillett did the brick work.
M!s Olive Mason Is at "home again
from her visit In British Columbia.
Mrs. A. L. Hickman and granddaugh
ter. Wards, spent a few daya of last
week in Portland.
Mrs. R. M. Brown is on the sick
list thla week.
Al Mautx and Curtis Martin are
driving teams for Moffatt ft Parker
now that Mr. Fisher la disabled.
Albion Gerber was calling on friends
In this burg Monday.
Prof. J. E. Cala van is having hi
house painted by Mr. Haskell.
Mrs. A. 8. Kletnsmlth and daughter.
Lorena. who returned from Medford
recently, attended the Mountain View
Sunday school again Sunday. They
ar living- on Madison and Slxtn
streets. Oregon City.
Ray Welch, who Is teaching school
out near Dlx Bros.' sawmill, spent
Sunday at home with his parents,
He came borne on his bicycle.
There Is a bumper potato crop here
this season.
Potato digging it about over -and
iher la a bla cron of famout Eastern
Multnomah and Clackamaa potatoes.
Sandy is still booming, nouses gum
nn .rT dav. W. A. Proctor it bull l-
Ina- two more bungalows on Center
street L. E. Hoffman haa Just com
pleted a fine meat market on the cor
ner of Main street and Straus avenue.
Joe Hlllyard has purchaaed a lot on
Center street and will at once erect
a residence.
H. Perrett will build a residence 4n
(ha naar future.
77 . ... -v a 1
Considerable property na cusui6 Ther, wui .o be
bands recently in tnis city. Everybody welcome
J A V .
Yoti save money
on your fall suit
When tailored te fit. Our portU
folio of fashions and sample of
good ar on display. Correct
fit guaranteed. Lateat, both H
good and rtyla. price no mor
than rady-mad. Your choice
of 300 material, strictly man
tailored. Tim required about
20 day from tlm order I
Holmes' Bargain
..Store. 1
Main Street OREGON CITY.
The Mt Hood Fruit Grower' As
sociation held their regular monthly
meeting Saturday, Oct 38, at 3 P. SI
Prospect of the association are
brighter than they have ever been be
fore. If farmer In general wouia
realize what an association or tnis
kind mean to a community, whethr
they are in the fruit business or' not
they would wake up and take an In
terest and nelp to promote It Look
at Hood River! What it Is today is
the retult of cooperation in th Fruit
Orowert' Association. We hav been
told J repeatedly that climatic condi
tions here soil and air drainage are
more favorable for fruit raising than
in Hood River. What we need U
united efforta. If each one would de
vote Just a little time and energy to
ward making thia country wnai it can
be made they will b well paid for
their troubl befor many years roll
Mrt. A. Malar and Miss Ida 8tuckl
were shopping In Portland last Satur
day. The circulating library bookt which
were tent from Flrwood to Salem a
few weekt ago wer lost through the
carelessness of th driver, who hauled
them from Sandy to Portland, hut It
is thought that they will be found
without much difficulty.
The people of Flrwood ,who remem
ber the Costello family who moved
from here to Alberta. Canada, two
tun aso. will be aorry to hear of
Mrs. Costello passing away. She
leaves a husband and three small
children. Her mother and father, Mr.
and Mrs. Chat. Knowles, of Michigan
were with her and will remain with
the family thla winter. Mrt. Cora Co
tello- wat 34 yeart old; she was-born
In Michigan, but spent the greater
part of ber life In South Dakota. About
Fred Stolcke purchaaed two lota and
house, consideration 1850; Mrs.i u.
Lane sold her house and lot for 1700:
Frank Langens sold a lot to an East
ern man. who will soon start a laun
dry. Mr. Krebs. a contractor and builder,
bat purchased two lota and house an J
will reside thereon.
L. E. Hoffman will soon start an
up-to-date slaughter house for his
butcher business.
fiandv Is aa vet without a railroad.
The Mt Hood Railway Company Is
slowly extending Its Un and tb citi
zens of Sandy ar talking of organis
ing a stock company and building their
own line, either to connect with Bor
ing O. W. P. line or Mt Hood line at
Cottrell. Considerable capital has al
ready been subscribed for stock. This
line would be a splendid lnvestmeit
and aoon an effort will be launched to
organizing of a company.
Jarl ft Company's new, large saw
mill is now running full blast.
Flrwood Lumber Company's mill
has been moved to Its new site, and
will toon be In operation.
Chat. Krebs, road bosa. Is doing
some much needed work on our plank
road from Sandy to Kelso. '
A new telephone line is being; built
from Bullrun to Sandy via Mt Hood
lower power plant.
Messrs. Errlex, Strong, Muner i.ora
pany has platted 400 acres into town
lots and acr tracts, juat west 01 ou-
dy city limits. This will be Banays
exclusive twell residence section.
Sandv is now a full Hedged city wun
Its city officers all in offlc and work
ing hard Introducing city ordinances
nu hetnar an ordinance llscenslng ped
dlers, pool rooms, dogs, eta, ana it is
meeting with considerable opposition.
Dr. Miller, of Portland, owner of
a Sanitarium near Clear Lake, on the
summit of th Cascades, haa had hard
luck with bis horses, having one badly
hurt and the other very tick, and Is
having th freight wagon held here.
E. Coalman, from Summit, near Ml
Hood wa In towa. Mr. Coalman la
very busy with a large crew of car
penter building a modern 80-room
. Th wood about her ar full or
surveyors, consisting of Government.
Qeologlcal and Military surveyors, rail
road and land surveyors.
A. O. Bornstedt and' George Wolf
ar out on a hunting trip east of the
Jo Hlillard. of Kelso, ha old hit
tnro urn farm and bought Nelson
Ijine'a home In 8andy.. Mr. Lao, and
family ar leaving thla week fof Yon-
Herbert and Rudolph Armatrong, of
ChamnoeK. wer vlaltlng relatives lu
Canby Sunday.
George Hardesty had the misfortune
to get hi foot crushed last Saturday
while unloading lumber at the lumber
yard. Hit team became frightened at
a train and ran away. He tried to
hold them and waa drawn under the
wheel. George Scheer took Mr. Hard
esty to the drug etor In hit auto,
where Dr. Dedman dressed the wound.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Mack were vis
iting at the home of V. L. Mack, at
Aurora, last Bunaay.
H. A. Lee ha returned bom from
a two weeks' visit with his daughter,
Mrs. L. D. Ewlng, at Lyle, Wash.
ilrnry Yergen is putting an exten
sion to his barn. He also intends to
build a garage for his auto and will
deepen hit well so that he will have
plenty of water and will put in aa
electrio motor so be can throw wator
all over hit place.
The corner stone of the new Metho
dist church will be laid November 13.
Rev. W. H. Fry, pastor of th Sunny
side Methodist church, of Portland,
will deliver the address at 11 o'clock.
a basket dinner.
Come and bring
dinner. When the church, is nnisnea
it will be one of the nicest churches
in Canby. It Is built on th mission
Th. oarnontnra sra t work again on
the addition to the bank.. There is tuj
b a postoff Ice, barber shop, and an of
fice for the Atkins Lumber Co, The
buildings are . about half completed
The forms are being taken off in fTont
that held the cement
Glenn Coleman and Wayne Hamp
ton, while playing ball, collided and
the mask that Wayne wore struck
Glenn in the face cutting a place on
the syelld and Just below the eye. At
first it was feared that th eye ball
was broken. Dr. Dedman was called,
and made an examination which
proved that the eye ball waa all right,
although quite painful. In a short
time It will be all right
The twelve-year-old son of John
Furre. while trying to climb onto a
wagon, fell under the wheel, whlcn
ran over him breaking his leg above,
the knee. Dr. Dedman set the limb.
The street commissioner has graao.i
the hill down in front of the school
house, and filled up a large mud hole
that always stood at th bottom of
th hill, so that wagon coming in
to town won't have to ford It He Is
also grading other streets and filling
up low places. Some or tne sireeis
will he traveled.
O. R. Mack has resigned as street
commissioner and John Graham bat
taken his place for the present
A larre tree that hnng over the road
at the top of the hill at the Molalla
bridge was removed by order of the
county court
Tuesday night being Hauowe en in-s
usual tricks were played on the town
people. Several had to hunt up their
Is principally for 3 tier although there
Is quite a sprinkling of call for 4-Uer
This is probably a very good think.
because, according to report from the
country, th majority of th apple crop
thl season will consist of large Bites,
owing to the smaller amount of fnilt
on each tree.
Leading apple shippers state that
they are getting more order for first
class fruit than they can fill at pres
ent prices. However, the call for
medium to ordinary grades, is not so
good owing to th fact that the East
haa almost a record breaking crop of
this class of apples and therefore does
not need the stock from the coast
High freight charge would stop any
extensive business In that direction
at thla JJme. owing to the low price
that native fruit i selling for In the
East '
Prevailing Oregon City prlcea ar
aa follows:
HIDES (Buying) Green hid,
be to 6c; saiter. So to 6c; dry hid. .
12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 2Sc to 76c
each. .
Hay, Grain, Feed.
HAY (Buying) Timothy. $11 to
$16; clover, SS to $9; oat hay. best t
to flO; mixed, $ to $12; alfalfa, 315
to 316.50
OATS (Buying) Gray, $25- to
$27; wheat 132 to $33; oil meat $53; ,
Shady, Brook dairy feed, $1.26 per
100 pounds.
FEED Shorts. $27 to $28; rolled
bartey, $37.60; process barley. $38.60;
whole corn. $37; cracked corn, $38 i'
white, $26 to $27; bran $27 to $38.
Butter, Poultry, Egg. r
FLOUR $4.50 to $6.25.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 25c to 30c; fancy
dairy, $0c; creamery, 80o to S&C
POULTRY (Buying) Hena, 11c
to 12 1-2; broilers, 11c
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 30c to
35c. ,
Fruit, Vegetable. '
Prune on bast of 6 1-4 pounds for 45
$1.26 to $1.60 per sack; parsnips,
$1.26 to $1.50; turnips, $1.25 to $1-60:
Prunes, on basis of 6 l-4e for 45 and
beets, $1.60 ,
POTATOES Best buying 70c to
85c per hundred.
ONIONS Oregon, $1.25 to $1.50 per
hundred; Australian, $3 per hundred.
Livestock. Moats. ,
BEEF (Uv weight) Steers, 60
and 5Hc; cowa, 4Ho: bull, S l-2c
VEAL Calve bring from so to
13c. according to grade-
MUTTON Sheep, 3c an iftc;
lamb. 4c and 6c '
HOOS 125 to 140 pound hog, isl
and 11c; 140 to 200 pound, 10c and
There Is a much better ton I the
apple market Demand from the East
Is conflaed entirely to th better cla-
of stock. A noticeable feature of th
present situation In the appl trade It
tha reversal of demand from what It
waa last season. Then the smaller
at.aa tank best with th trad and
larira fruit went a begging.
Thus far thit teason th detnanl
Ar vou . sabs rl ber to th Morn
ing Enterprise? II not you should eD
and let u put your nam on th sub
scription list immediately
Sinria.v. Nov. 5
Beautiful, Scenic
Production of
With a Splendid Cost in
cluding the
Cleverest Child Actress
in the World
RHPnnp tiip diiri ir
Powerful and ImtxeiBirc
Prices: ' 25, 50c vnd 75.
seats on saie at toecs