Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 02, 1911, Image 3

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The smile of satisfac
tion will be worn by many
a man who slips tinder one
of our hats during this
HAT SALE. We carry
the Gordon hats, the Boy
cr, Oar Leader, and the
3 1 Belgian Hare.
I Hats
ho buy .ow ond slip under the hats that
bring the smile of satisfaction. An entire
stock of hats at your service to choose from,
All the late shades ond shopes.
This hat sale starts Thursday, Nov. 2,and
losts 5 days.
Stories from Out of Town
7th & Mala StJ. Suspension Bridge Corner!
ror the srrest an conviction
of any person or persona, who
anlaw fully rtmort copies of Tha
Morning Enterprise irotn tae w
W premises 1 of . aubaortbara after
paper dm been piaoeej snare oj
-Mli- R I a a
Mvtr do any-
thlnf at all. doe
"Iicer a t b-
I tiw saw
bar d an alblet
Ir (blue In bar
"Isn't ebe al
ways Jumping al
Nielsen A
SOS tailing Bldfl, Portland.
Phone Main 1151.
Tbla la Ideal weather fur digging
potatoea and clearing land.
Mrs. Anna Doylan's little girl Lola
haa pneumonia.
Usury Cadlnan, It la reported, yUIL
ad friends bara laat week.
Pan Btahlnecker la helping Mr
Lawla Vallen dig potatoes.
W. T. Henderson Just finished dig
ging an acre of potatoes. Ha realized
200 buibela of saleable potatoes.
Willis Cos, of Estacada, In company
with Mrs. Herring and daughter, war
visitors of Mr. Cox's Bunday.
L. Dakar went to Estacada Satur
Miss Lulu Millar, tbe school teacher
here, went with tbem to Estacada,
thence to bar home In Oregon City,
spending a few hours at home.
Miss Wouna Vallen visited Mrs.
M. Burfus and Mrs. Dan Btahlnecker
Bunday. .... ft 133
Mrs. Helen Btromgreen had a sewing-tee
last Wednesday afternoon. Re
freshments were served
Mr. Ileardsley and wife apent Bun
day at W.'T. Hendereon'e.
Marven Parka and wife, of Spring
water, were gueata of W. T. Hender
son's one day last week. Tha form
er's visit waa In tha Interest of tha
Mrs. Alice Dibble visited Mrs. M.
Burfus and Mrs. Dan Btahlnecker Fri
day. Lewis Vallen peddled beef at 10
centa a pound last week.
Mrs. Elmer Dibble visited Mra. Delia
Vallen Wednesday.
8undny evening tha El wood En
deavors will render a short program.
All coma. .
C. E. Moran was In Portland on busi
ness this week.
Mas Davla la digging a well for R.
Word has been received from W. 1C
Parker and family, who moved to
Southern Oregon a few montha since.
They are nicely located at Central
Point. Or.
Edward Revenue Is spending a week
In the mountains hunting.
Mrs. J. W.' Dickson and daughter,
Jouinhlne. are vlsltlnc In Oreabam.
Justice Bheller started acroea tha
tnountalna with a drove of horse i
James t. Edgerton made. a flying
trip to hie ranch from Portland In an
an automobile laat Saturday.
- Herman Webater Is visiting bis sla
ter Mrs. Benjamin Beach.
Jerry Friel la visiting bis brother J.
T. Friel. Jr.
" George" FTynn" haa -returned rrom
Government Camp. '
Some of tba Updegravee visited at
tha boma of Mrs. Viola Douglass, Sun
day. . .
Tba Ladlos' Aid of the Congrega
tional church bald the regular month
ly meeting October 19, at the borne of
Mra. M. C. Haywsrd. After tbe usual
program and order of business. Mm.
W. II. Reynolds, presldeut of the so
ciety, preaented Mlas Lula 1 lay ward.
whose wedding waa near at band, with
lovely glfta of linen and china from
the ladles, aa token of their apprecia
tion of ber faithful Work In church and
society. During the social hour which
followed the hostess and her daugh
ters served refreshments.
William Morfltt has sold bis place
to Mr. Mitchell, of Portland, and will
move his family to that city this week.
Al Tate has sold bis place to Wil
liam Gardiner, of the Boys' and Girl's
Aid Society,
The Y. P. 8. C. E. held Its first so
cial for the season at the home of
Mrs. Heoly on Tuesday night
Two manufacturing plants hsvs
lately been establlsbed In our little
village. Mr. Buscber makes spray.
and Mr. Rasmussen makes paint. .
Wednesday evening of last week a
reception was given at the Methodist
Episcopal parsonage for Mr. and Mrs.
Rpelss, who will take up their work
here for another rear. Mra. 8peUe
occupied the pulpit last Bunday eve
ning, speaking on the subpect of tem
perance. There will be preaching aervlces in
the Methodist Episcopal church nest
Sunday morning, and at the Congre
gational church In the evening. -
Thorn 81 rite haa purchased the old
Canglebach place, recently vowned by
Mlaa Morb, Bister of Mrs. Longcoy.
at Holiaaes9 Bargain Sfcoffe
1000 yards New Ribbons tip to 6 inches widejust the
thins for Christmas presents. .
Lot 1 , size No. 22, assorted colors and kinds, per yard
Lot 2, size No. 40, assorted colors and kinds, per yard
Lot 3, size No. 40 and 60 asst. colors and kinds, per yd.
Lot 4, size No. 60 to 6 in. asst. colors and kinds, per yd.
L W. Robblna, of Molalla, waa In
this city Wednesday. 1
Herman Smith, of Carua, waa In
this city Wednesday
Lee Jones, of Eldorado, waa In this
city Wednesday.
Mr-. My Humble, of Portland, la
vetting trtends In this city. ..
A. 8. Jones, of Eldorado, was In this
city on business Wednesday.
Louis Klelnholfer, of Carua, waa In
this city on business Wedneaday.
New walnuta and figs Just In at
Harris' grocery.
L. T. Squire, of Portland, waa In
this city Wednesday oo business.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullard, of El
dorado, were In Oregon City Wednea
day. Ous Bchuebel, a well known farmer,
of waa In this city Wednea
day. , - -f" :
Miss Mamie Burroughs, who baa
heen 111 for aeveral days, Is .Improv
ing. Mrs. g. Qullllm. of Maple Lane, was
siting friends In Oregon City Wed
nesday. Try that special 25e coffee at Har-
Mr. and Mra. P.'H. Smith and son,
Edward, who have been visiting
frlenda at Foreat Grove, have return
ed to Oregon City. They formerly
lived at Koreat Grove, where tney have
made many frlenda.
Mns Olive Wlloos and Miss Lura
Clay eon, of Portland, who have been
v tailing tbe home of tbe former's
mother, Mra. 11. C. Wilcox, near Ma
ple Lane, have returned to Portland.
'1 bey are learning to be nuraes.
Information waa received Wednes
day from Mr. and Mra. George Redd
away, who are enjoying a fishing trip
at Tillamook, to the effect that they
were having a one time. They have
bad good luck in catching aalmou
trout that abound In the streania lu
that vlclulty. Tbe weather la fine, and
they will remain at that place lor an
other week.
Mra. M. J. Lee, Mra. W. 11. Balr,
Loialne Lee and Violet Evans, of
Canby, ware In thia city Tuesday eve
nlng the gueata off Miss Alice Goel
Ulng, of Twelfth and Washington
street. Tbey came here to attend the
entertalnmeut given at the Congre
gational church. Loralne Lee and
Violet Evana were awarded the first
prise. " Tbey represented butterdy
Justiecelved 1,000 gallons of South
ern California, port Four years' old.
Guaranteed under pure . food , law a.
Only 60 centa per gallon. Bring you
Jug. Nobel a Liquor Store.
D. C. Baker, who waa at Bay Ocean,
Oregon, on business, haa returned to
Oregon City. He will return to Bay
Ocean In about two weeks, accompani
ed by bla wife. They will live. mere.
Mr. Baker made the trip by stage trout
Yamhill, and says that In some places
the roads are narrow and dangerous
In the mountainous aectlons. There
Is much activity going on at Bay
Ocean. Lots are laid out and ieient
t.lh ai Lel.ig constructed. Thitre
are three aonkey eng.ues wiure
Mm IwI TnilMn.M anil tailtfhtr
-. - - - '. nu. - " ' , HID tuiww m w .. v .-'n "
Mjti.ld and Blanche, of Union MUM, i giades are being mode, and auout
"e In this city Wednesday. sixty men are employed.
r-pd Kleiner, one of the well known Mra. Ralph Miller and son left
fami-m of Heaver Creek, accompanied , WBdBtd,. for Hlllloro where they
6 his Honwas liv this city Wednes- wJJ vBt Mrfc ,tater( Mr,, u
li. w. Hoyt
' MT i,m Mrs. Frank Betsei; who was operat-
r;.i... were in wu cny l .j on ln Portland several weeka atfd,
.I! "r Kr- ummin" u m "" returned home Wednesday. Her con-
mrn or tnii COUniy. la aatlafarnr..
v li, . ...... ; -
oionnara, oi MCMinnviiie,
this rltv Wednesday. Mr. Btoii
J"d Is studant secretary of the Mc- L
vjniiinviiie College.
MUa Anna Boehrlnger, of 8alem, af
r visiting In this city aa the gueal
?' Mrs. N. M. Alldredge, returned W
her home Tuesday evening.
Roy McMarland, of Seattle, and son
r Mr. and Mrs. James McFarland. of
"lis city, la In Oregon City vlaltlng
nl parenta for a few daye.
: M""- Agnea Silver, . after vlaltlng
Wenda at Taeoma, Wash., for a faw
ay. returned to her home In this
cty Wednesday morning.
John Falrclough and wife. H. Kruo
tt and Loula Nobel arrived In Ore
Jn city Wedneaday morning from the
Ogle Mountain mlnea.
L 8. Olbaon, of Eagle Creek, waa
" this city Werdnesday. Or. Gibson
M formerly of this city, being
County school superintendent for sev
""al years.
' ' We want your trade at Harria groc-
' ty and we will get It If high quality,
w prices and prompt aervlce eounts
fo' anything.
, Mrs. Rachel Phillips and Mrs. Re
"cca Turney, of the West Bide, who
, been In Portland for a few days
visiting the letter's son, Frank Tim
"y an J wife, returned to Oregon City
. Wednesday afternoon. s
r.i.v Eaters In Afrlsa.
Tn th pol.iuT of uptier Benegiil and
neiir a olnc nsmwl DU'kuy.
.i.t. n Mil hie clur of which the na
Uvea are very fond. It Is found In a
i. . hiiimin strata of limestone.
nd'a gnllery bna been driven Inte the
enrtb for th extraction of the suit
stnnoe. ;'tt Is not only eaten on the
h..i iirnlren Into nlm-es a few
inch- acroaa. hi aM to the Inhabi
tants of the surrounding I'omitry over
. rlltia of xorne twenty murn
aald bv French explorers thnt
natives rmsum aevernl pounds of this
-.,.. fid evert day. A almllur -ue-
torn H found-in the Burt no and In oth
er p'nrtf. of Africa.-Youth'e Compan
Ion. ' ... vs
- " The
' an yon tell me. ray twv." anld the
im.iiw'nt inatmrtor. -why ih race
i. nm aiwsvs to th ewlftV
-Vea'tn. said the aintill tov prompt
v -Jfa wNliie sometimes their tires
Turkav'a First Paper.
The Rpoctntor of the En at was the
Mrt TurkUU neWMimlwr. Jisnea in
In Huirrun. .
Joseph D. Shaver la on the elck Ha:
this week.
H. O. Huntington haa resumeo wore
on his orchard tract.
Mlaa Mary Hewa la nome irm
land and la attending achool.
W. P. Roberta and eon George and
Johnny Bewe returned Friday from a
trip to tbe mountains.
Miss Alice Cooper naa gone io v..-
fornla for the winter.
Arthur Miller and wire nave gw
to Portland for a week.
Mrs. Cupp's daughter, Miss Harriett,
and friend, left Sunday for their home
In Salem. . A, .
Mr. and Mra. Reld maae a inn w
Eagle Creek Saturday.
Augustine Miller and wife have re
turned and expect to make Dover their
home. Mra. Miller la an accomplished
m...ict.n and la welcome In Dover.
The Reld family gave an Jntereat
Ing mlaelonary program Sunday eve
ning. The rree-wiu onenng tuniuum
to l S0 to be sent to inaia. ,
Mr u...- waa In town last week
Mi.a rciale UtUer. who haa been
staying with Mra. Edward Hettman,
frsw Ptrkmai MlinfllLV.
Mra. Rings and Olga Elmer visited
the Clarkes school lait Friday.
The young people r ciarnes
a party at Mra. Rlngo'e. Tney naa
music and played gamea. Preaent
were Olga and Bona tuimer, naaci
Tallman, Elixaoeui Bager,
Cumins. Emita Oroaamiller. Ruby and
Larura Grad, Ida ana Mary buiwiu..
i.r Rilaa UUaer. Adeline Gaaaer,
Hasel Rlngo, Frank Rlngo, Clarence
Lee Henry and Charlie Groeamlller,
Archie Cumlna. HenryJullua, and Al
bert 8chlewe, Tbeoaore. Bager, v
non Larklns. Edward Buol. Elmer and
Willie Klelnamtth. J. Painter, Clyde
Rlngo. Alva Card, Willie Johnaon and
Edwin Bottemlller.
Mra. nreler waa taken 111 last wee
and the doctor was called. She la
able to be out again. 1
Lee LongnecKer naa own
Jim MItU dig potatoes. -
Haxel Lorens cauea on
Mltta Friday evening. -i.,k.
Tnedemeler. teacher at Dry
land achool. visited frlenda at Canby
anil HIinn&T.
D.1UIU; ... . . a.
Jake Mltu cauea ai nia nora o
and flundaT.
Most farmera nave hhibobu -'-
their potatoea.
Haxol Loreni baa gone to 8elem
to attend Proreaeor .rops acowi.
m t unwiett and Mra. Viola Doug-
lasa 'were Estacada vlaltora one after
noon last. week. .
George Douglass, oi rorvianu,
out this way Satnraay ana sccu-u-
.r.l4 hie nennewa Win ana vi.
Douglass to the mountalna on a hunt
ing trip, but aio noi luccwu iu
Ing any game. They returned home
MTheyple social, given at Wllburn'a
hall In Eagle Creek Saturday night
... . aucceas. There waa a large
.. anrf everyone) . enjoyed them
elves. Mr. Samson, of Oregon City,
acted aa auctioneer, getting about 2
for them. -
Mrs.'Kltslller spent Sunday with
her daughter. Mrs. Louie wooaie.
vrlaa An riat. Duncan went home Fri
day evening, spending Saturday and
a part of Sunday, returning Sunday
VD?c.kKand Henan Glbeoa attended
the Hand aale Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell and chil
dren took dinner, with Mra. Viola
Douglaaa 8udday. '
Mrs. Bertha Douglaaa called on Mrs,
Meyers Monday afternoon. , .
Farmera have been taking advantag
ofthe nice weather In digging pota.
toes, plowing, sewing grain, clearing,
The aewlng bee which waa held at
Mra. Carl Btromgreen'a last Thursday
waa much enjoyed by the ladles who
were present
Norman Sorenson, who had been
staying with his. brother at Cotton,
returned to his borne at Sllverton laat
Sunday. v .. .
Mr. and Mra. William Warner and
son, from Portland, were Saturday and
Sunday visitors at tbe former's broth
er, Hinle Warner, In the hills.
Mrs. Carl Btromgreen and sister-in-
law MUa Hannah Btromgreen, from
Ban Francisco, visited achool one day
laat week.
John Diets and Hlnte Warner In
tend to take a trip to China thia win
ter., Tbey will leave ln about a week.
Lawrence Grace, of Timber Grove,
bauled a load of wheat to Colton for
Mr. Davidson Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. W. E. Bonney visited
with relativea at Salem the beginning
of the week.
Mr. and Mra. Jack Wallace and chil
dren, of Highland. lulled lr.. an-t
Mra. D. JS. Bonney, of El wood, , last
Tbe Hallowe'en party, which was
given by tbe Colton school Monday
evening, turned out to be a success
and was enjoyed by an preaent Baa-
keta were sold. Tbe money will be
used for buying a new blackboard for
the achool.
Philip Puts waa at Oregon City
again Tueeday to have Dr. Mount at
tend to hla hand, which la getting
along nicely.
Ladies Stiff Embroidered Collars, sizes 12 1-2 to 14,
regular 15c value .
: Black Satin Petticoats,
; , regular $1.50 values
.Black MoVa Pettk (Igl 1C
coats, reg. $1. 50 val.
. " , i .
RUrlc Satin and Imitation
Heatherbloom petti- (jjl 1 C
A lat of shoes to close out,
Ladies & Children's regu
lar Values from (31 ETA
$2.50 to :$3.50 .-.ffl-JV;
.. . -.,..',...
"A lot of Ladies fine embroid-:
ered handkerchiefs, reff. 1 Q
25c values, Friday only AOv
lay only
A shipment of Allover Lace with bands lo
' ' " ' ' ' 5 ; match in white and colors. The - very - aewesl -
A few of those Dutch Collars left thing out, is now .on display. Also' I lo o
Bargain Friday price
Worth twice.
Velvet bags, some of the latest Victoria Barretts
and Backcombs Just in. - . " ' ' .
An enjoyable Hallowe en masque
rade party waa tenderedMlsa Loretta
J. Raber -Tuesday evening on Molalla
avenue. The rooma oi tne vacant
house where the party waa given
were beautifully decorated in autumn
leaves. Ivy, and many pumpkin were
uaed among "the decorations of the
room forming a very pretty effect In
one corner of the room waa the
"aypay" fortune-tellers tent. Mlaa Ed
na Terrlll being tbe "gypay." All ine
gueata. visited the tent, where their
fortunea were told and were given a
sId of "Love Potion," from a large
copper kettle. Many Hallowe en gamea
were played which were followed by
a grand march.. The fortune caek was
one of the Interesting featurea of tbe
evening. The cake contained a thim
ble, destined for an old maid, won
by Mlaa Ellen McMUlon; coin. Holi
ness, won by Paul Burrows; ring,
first to be wedded, won by Miss Lo
retta Kaber. Refreahmenta were
aerved, music being rendered while
they were partaken of.
All tbe guests wore xancy aprons.
They were Misses Loretta J. Raber.
"-Uttle Bo-peep"; Veri Trimble, "Mis
Pumpkin"; . Ellen M.cMellon, "Papan
eae"; Anna C. McMellon, Falry";
Edna TerrtJl, "gypsy fortune-teller ;
Mary Nuddle, Hallowe'en"; Frances
Smith, "little girl"; Frances Curnes,
"Nun"; Marie Anna Raber, "LlttU
Girl"; Messrs. Firest Smith, "Low
boy": Marvin Smith, "Dutchman";
Ralph Terrlll, "Soldier"; Everett
Downey,. "Gentleman"; Albert -Kiel,
Cowboy"; Frederic Yoder, "Clown",
Andrew Simpson,. , "Gentleman;
Charlea Beetle, "Cowboy"; John Boa-
tie, "Sheriff"; Paul Burrow, "Dutch
man"; Christian Mlchela, . "Cowboy."
, Ths P-jblK Industry.
A perulliir form of raiiiirn1 wwlth
Is found m Plum 1lnud and (Imme
island, two of a row of Inland lying
between the northern point of lug
Island and Wath hill. It conxIxtH In
heaps of richly eolored qoarta peMla.
showing red. yellow, purple and oih-r
hues, which are locally alled ngatH.
They are used In making stained glass
wlndowa, and there Je a TOffltlent de
maud for them In New York to keep
the owners of oue or two sloopa em
ployed In gathering them from tbe
hMrhea. where the wavee continually
roll and pollen them, bringing oat tbe
beauty of their colore. -Sclenunc American.
WASHINGTON, IX (X. Nov. 1. Old-
. i va Kun
er party organiuuiona u w
amased at the acUvlty anown in me
Progressive Republican headquarters
in this city. It la estimated that fifty
clerks are sending - out tone of litera
ture at a coat of $3,000 a weert nia.
It la aald, la soon to be aouoiea. mi
suggestion in offered that some "in
terests" hostile to the renomlnatlon
of Prealdent Taft are behind thia great
activity. '
Investigators Getting Ready.
Aa the opening of Congress ap
proaches, the varloua Investigating
commlttteea are getting ready to re
aume their Bitting. Some of the bl
geat men In the bualnesa world, like
j, p. Morgan, Andrew Carnelge and
James J. Hill, have said that they
would attend the hearings and give
, Democrats Get Busy.
Announcement is made that the
Democratic National Committee will
meet in thia city January 8th. to fl
tha time and nlace for the national
convention which will nominate the
Presidential candidate for the party.
It will be a sort of Jubilee, and key
note speechea will be delivered from
which one may be able to forecast
the argumenta to be need In the cam
paign. Probably all of the prominent
candidates-for tbe first place on -the
ticket will be In attendance.
Underwood In It.
The launching of a boom for Oecar
iTnderwood for' the Presidency call
attention to the fact that the Demo
crats have plenty of material for that
office, for a change, wnue me re
publicans seem practically restricted
to two. But It may be different when
the conventions meet
. 'i
Alleging that hla wife refused to at
tend to her household duties and that
V,. .aa r-nmnelled to cook his own
meals, Peter Granatskl, a well-toslo
rancher. Wednesday filed suit for dl-
vorce rrom aary unui.
were married tn 1905. in Chicago, and
the plaintiff aays hla wife from the
beginning waa not satisfied with the
home he furnished. He declares tnat
when they moved to the ranch in this
county she became more dissatisfied.
and finally be gave ner saw
and five of their children returned to
Chicago. He aska ror me cusuwj
their eldest son. Browneii ana ione
are attorney for tne piainun. ,
'The Ladle' Aid 8ociety of the Pres
bytelan church gave a moet delight
ful Hallowe'en party at the home oi
Mr. and Mra. D. C. Ely. Tuesday night
One of the featurea waa the present
Ine of one dollar to the church and
a story' of how the dollar waa earned,,
tbe prise for the beat essay being
awarded to Mrs. J. R. Landsborough.
Gamea appropriate for Hallowe'en sea
son were enjoyed. There were about
seventy-five persona in attendance.
The rooma were artistically' decorated
with autumn leaves. Jack olanterna,
"black cat" and yellow crepe paper.
The electroliers bad very attractive
shades, of yellow crepe paper elab
orately decorated. Refreshments were
... f ,.
Celogee Cathedral.
The cathedral lo Colotne. which was
romnirm-fd In 124H. wna completed
Auk. 14. IfWrt
Good books ' are masters who
correct our ignorance without put
ting it to shame. They instruct as
without rod oc fences, without
harsh words or anger, without fee
and without fatigue. When you
approach them jhey are never
weary, when you interrogate them
they conceal nothing. If you mis
take them they do not grumbUi if
you are stupid they do not laugh
at you. They are the most patient
and gende of our teachers and ihe
moat to be cherished.
French rer.
French, brier pipe are not made
from the roots of brier, bnt from the
root of a white heath which attains a
considerable sine ln the south of
Vance, where It ia sedulously culti
vated for plpemaklng purposes. The
name la derived from the French
bray ere. the dialect form of which Is
brier, meaning heath.
Hie Own Support.
Lady (to loafer who haa.aaked for
money I Too'll only drink It I aop-
poae. Instead of taking it home to
yonr wife. Loafer I ain't got a wire.
lldy; I'm earnin me own llvln .
Punch. '
additional bualnesa la reported in
the hop harketa in most aecttona and
aa a rule mices are firmer. . Values
but be said to be down to a pound,
Present transaction in the Willa
mette Valley are solely between deal
ers and prices range from 41 to 41 He
a pound.
There Is anotner nowing oi acu
Ity In the Yakima section and McNetf
Brothers of Portland puronasea aev
eral loU there during tne past twenty-
four hours around 40 to 41 centa n
naund. The Durchaeee include 262
bales. The Lundabl crop of 70 bales
was te.ken at 40o and the Anderson lot
of 46 balea at 41c. Two other lot,
one of 50 balea and another Including
98 bales, were taken at ine same
ran? A. ' '
California bop trade has sprang Into
activity with purchasea of 00 bales
in at 40 to 41c with the market firmer.
Increased valuea are snown aoroaa.
In nermanv there Is still anotner aa
vance of I marka owning to the great
er demand and In the English market
trade la firm, but quiet at nncnangea
In New' York elate dealers are eag
erly bidding SO to Sic a pound tor
mediums, which la about the same
price as waa ruling for choice there
aral Mki aa-o. -There are no
choice unsold at this time, according
to latest advlcea, and the price of
mediums baa recently been advanced
7c a pound. . .
" Prevailing Oregon City prlcee are
aa follows: k
HlDESr-(Buying) Green bides,
Be to 6c; saitera, 6c to 6c; dry bides.
12c to 14c; abeep pelts, 26c to 75c
eaclv ,!-. -
. May, Grain, Feed. -
HAY (Buying) Timothy, $12 to
$15; clover, $8 to f; oat bay. beet, 9
to $10; mixed. $9 to $12; alfalfa, $15
to $16.50 ' .
OATS (Buying) Gray. $25 to
$27; wheat $32 to $33; oil meal, $53;
Shady . Brook dairy feed. $L25 per '
100 pounds. . (
FEED Bhorts, $27 to $28; rolled '
barley. $37.60; process barley. $38.60;
whole corn, $37; cracked corn, $38; .
white, $26 to $27; bran $27 to $28
Butter, Poultry, Egga.
FLOUR $4.66 to $5.25.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country batter, 25c to 20c; fancy '
dairy, 30c; creamery, 30c to 36c
POULTRY (Buying) Hena. 11c .
to 12 1-2; broilers. 11c -
EGGS Oregon ranch egga. 30c to
85c. ' .' ' ..-..' ' . ... v "i "
Frutta, Vegetables. .
Prone on baala of 6 1-4 pounds for 45-.
50'S. . .' ;
$1.25 to $1.50 per sack; parsnips,
$1.25 to $1.60; turnips, $1.25 to $1.60:
Prunes, on baala of 6 l-4e for 46 and
beets. $1.60
POTATOES Best baying 70C to .
85c per hundred.
" ONIONS Oregon. 11.25 to $1.50 per
hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred.
Livestock, . Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) Steers, 6c
and Ettc; cows, 4e; bolls, t l-2c .
VEAL Calves bring rrom Sfl to ,
13c, according to grade. -
MUTTON Sheep. 8c an SHO: ,
lambs, 40 and 6c .
HOGS 126 to 140 pound boga. lJc
and lie; 140 to 200 pounda, 10c and
Sunday , Nov. 5
beautiful, Scenic
Production of
44 Human
With o splendid Cost In
. eluding the . ;4
Qcvcrcst Child Actress
in the World1
Powerful and lmptttthre ,
Prices: 25ct 50e mnS 75c.
Seats on sale at )o&cs Drrj
State ' '.