Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 01, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    MORNING ENTERPRISE, weumehday. November i. ia
The Last Day Has Come
of or J 0-Jay TradeBjilding Sale.
once more we soy
MONEY, ii "as ucen a grcai success lo US.
VisU this store today onO see our LAST DAY
12 12 Outing Flannel, last day
7, Calico ! dsy
Children's BuaUr Brown Unoerwear
Mtn'a Hvy Fleace Llnod 600 Undrvr
M,n'i $125 00 Undarwoar
tdia' 0o flaaco Undarwaar.
tadita' 2c flaaco Undrver
Lad' flna 1.2& Unlon-Sult
Big special bargains in ladies' and men's suits and
overcoats. kxtra specials
Last Day so buy now
7th Sc Main Sta.
rnr the arroat an- conviction
of Nil poraon or person, who
I aula"''"' remove copiee oi mo w
i Morning Enterprise from tbe
. r -auhacriner. after
I paper haa been placed there"br
i carrier. i
Whirt Ha Oet It - - I
"Where did you get that bstr
"At flia bat store." replied tbo funny
1 am aurnrliwHL I should think
jiorh au original raon would' buy bla
I nata at the shoe a tort or tbo anop."
local BRiers
Llny.i Hlrhea, of Portland, waa In
Orncon City Tueaday.
Mrs. l-iifllcn, of Beaver Creek, waa
in till Ity Tueaday.
Clydi- Kinlth. of Mullno. waa In this
diy Tui-mlay on a bualneaa trip.
Mrs. .lull n Mulvany, of , Meadow
brook, whs In Oregon City Tuesday.
Miss I .a lira Parry, of Highland, was
In Orruoii City on bualneaa Tuesday.
Born, .Sunday, td tho wife of Jesio
MumpuwtT, a daughter, weight 10 1-2
MIh Kitthryn Roach haa returned
from Mount Ansel, where ahe vlaltfd
Max Ilollnck, who haa been ser
iously III for several weeke. la Improv
ing rapidly, and la able to bo out.
Miss Jennie Rowan, of Portland,
In tliln city the flrat of the week
vlilting her sister, Mra. E. II. Cooper.
Try that special 25c coffee at Har
ris' grocery,
RaiiHiim Puralful. who haa been on
a h'uitliiK trip to nervals, haa return
(l to Oregon Clly. Ho had excellent
M". M:iiy Uratler and son, Hurry,
of im rlty, have returned to Oregon
Clt-', Hiier visiting relative In port
Ikml. Mnry r Milan, a profeaMlonal
niirte of Portland, but formerly of thU
""y. vniH visiting friends In Oregon
City Tuesday. s
MIhs Maude woodward I 111 at her
""ne. iind her position at W. A
HolrncH Ktore I In charge of her U
MIh Anna Woodward.
Mr, r. u. porter and dntighter,
l8 Porter, tho -latter a teacher I u
the Oregon City school, have moved
to the home of Mr. K, L Nowton.
Mrs. Jame Holliday, a former rol
J'H of this city, but now of Spokana.
"Mb., and Miss HollowelL-of Vlo-
trltt, II. C, were In Oregon City Tue
4,1y, Mr. R. e. Woodward and, eon. Ken
nlh, loft Tueaday morning for Tur
"t, Or., where they will vlelt for a
gueat of Mr. and Mr. R. O.
New walnut and fig Jut In at
HsrrU- grocery.
Millard Glllett loft' Monday evening
'or Ban Francisco, CaL, where ho will
nir the navy. Many friend of tho
Jng man were at tho depot to bid
in adieu.
Helen Newman, who ha been very
111 with typhoid fever for tho pt
. I alowly Improving. The lit
Klrl la at the homo of Mra. Llwlo
8,flckland, a nurao, of Oladatono,
nrt she I receiving tho beat of
Mr- nd Mr,-Chrlo Meldrum, of
J nmath Fall, wbo were called to
"waukle by the Illness and death
J 'ho latter' - alator, Mis Bertl
Uk'n, who died at tho family homo
in our Shoe Department.
and save money.
V 1 '
Suspension Bridge Corn er.'
Nlolaon $
$08 Sailing Bldg., Portland.
Phono Main 5161.
Friday morning of typhoid fever,
were In tbla city Tueaday, and left
for their home on Tueaday evening'
Wo want your trade at Harrla groc
ery and wo will get It If high quality,
low prlcea and prompt aervlco count
for anything.
Mr. and Mra. Dan Griffin have mov
ed to Gladstone from llonnovllle.
About one year ago Mrs. Griffin came
lOtht" rlty to become-- patient -of
Dr.- C. A. Stuart, who operated upon
her aplne. Mra. (irtfflth waa parallzed
for two yeara. Hhe underwent allot h,
operation ant week..
(Continued from page 1.) .
aauiH time be will probably attrmfl
to revive the public dock project.
The Uve Wire Tuesday unHii
Imously adopted a resolution ni-
moralizing the County Court to make
a siwm IsI levy of one-quarter mill, for
elate and county fair purposes. Tho
rveolutlon follows:
- "WHKIIEAS. At the recent State
fKalr held at Salem, Or., Clarkumis
county waa aucreasful In Securing tho
second prize In county' competition
and It la reported to ua by those In
charge of such county exhibit that If
a proper effort were mad Clnckamai
county could secure the first prize el
such exhibit and,
"WHKIIEAS. The Clackamas Coun
ty Fair Asoclatlon ha recently heM
It fifth annual session and haa closed
one of the most uccessful fair ever
held In Clackamaa county and,
"WHEREAS, W believe that grcit
good can be accomplished among our
own peoplo by auch agricultural ex
habits and that It la a fit, proper
and successful method of advertising
Clarkamaa county.
ED by the Live Wlrea In aession at
noon luncheon thla 30th day of Oc
tober, 1911. that we favor and r
commend that the County Court ni
Its January session In 1912 shall levy
upon the taxable property of Clackn
amas county a one-quarter mill to be
expended under tho dlrectolon of the
County Court for atato and county fair
O. D. Eby waa appointed a com
mittee of one to gather information
for a man from Denmark who will
establish a creamery hero If he is
assured thai bo can obtain sufficient
milk to keep the plant In continuous
operation. , r. --
i Continued from Pago 1.)
' rr of the society an Injured horse
w ii shot by the sheriff."
An effort will bo made by the mem
Nn of this organization to ace that
tbe dumb anlmala will be looked af
ter the coming winter and ee that
they are protected from the cold.
Several complalna were reported at
the meeting of peraon neglecting to
feed plK. This matter will at one
be taken up and tho owner notlflod.
There also wa a complaint of an own
er of a lnmo horse that I being work
ed dally. , . . .
There have been more complaints oi
cruel treatment of horees than of any
other animals, and tho member jf
the Humane Society aro deterrnlbed
to have tho ownera punished unleM
they treat tho animal with more con
sideration After the routine business wss tran
aacted tho, following officers were
elected to servo for tho ensuing year.
President, Miss Anita McCarvor;
vice-president, O. A. Harding; treas
urer, H. O. Caufield; aecretary, Mr.
B. O. Caufield; board of directors,
to aervo three years. Mrs. Adam Wil
kinson, Miss Anita McCarver and Miss
Nan Cochran. There aro nine direc
tors, tho other being, John R. Humph
ry, Adam Wilkinson. K. O. CaufleM.
Mr. E. G. Caufield, O. A. Harding and
Mrs. O. A. Harding. .
Miss McCarvor, the president, has
held that office for the paat thirteen
year and wa re-elected for tho four
teenth term. She ha taken an active
Interest In her work and Ilk tho other
member. I looking out for tho Inter
eat and welfare of tho dumb animals.
B. O. Caufield. Mra. E. 0. Caufield
and G. A. Harding, alao offlcera, have
done faithful .service, and tho other
member thinking tbalr offlcoa could
not bo bold by any taking mora la
toroat than tbo Incumbents, they war
unanimously oloctod.
Tbo Clackamas county society wlU
endeavor to onroll mora members dur
Inf tbo coming year. Much food la
being aeoompllsbed, although tbo
.vuauwiBiiip B DOl targe.
Tba Halloa'n aorlal at ina rT
grrKStloiml church Tueaday evening
irmy auenaeu, atout seventy
five sppearlng In costume. The Dritt
prlite for glrla waa awarded to lr
ruluo ,ee, of Csuby. aud . VIoL.tte
Kvana, of Portland, who represented
twin fairy butterflies, received tbo
flrat prl.o for tbo handsomest cos
tume. Carlotte Pace representing the
"Utile . . . .
. . i uni prize tor
tho moMt romlcally-drussed girl. Clare
Miller won flrat prize among the boya
lie waa ''Hkldduo 23." Joseph Cook
won flrat prize for tba moat comical
boy a costume. Mra. H. J. Wiener,
bo waa the fortnne-teller, did a
thriving bualneaa. There waa a fire
place, and pumpkin plea and cider,
rtcoree of boys and glrla were dressed
aa fairies and Mother Goose chsrae-
While brick wera being unloaded
from one of tho wagona of tbo Oreaon
C'omiuUalon Company, at lia Mala
treet warohouae Tueaday afternoon
ttie team frightened and ran awav.
Tho waKon craahed Into a buggy in
front of Frank Ituacb'a big house
furnlahlug atore, but fortunately no
one waa in tba vehicle. A shaft and
srrera I w Mi.fyV.n, Mat1i
gr Hohblna, of the Oregon CommU
alon Comitany, said the wagon' 'Vas
unloaded from tbo rear which ctuaed
Die , brick In front to tilt the bed
throwing the load on the hind Veet
of tbo borsea. Wily Gadke and 8. W.
Hair, wbo were In charge of tho wa
gon, atopped tho borsea.
Mis Maara Wine Hon
ors Per Battleship.
ansa wrKiraao biiaks.
Miss Winifred Meara. California
girl, well known In San Francisco and
Washington society. Is tbe originator
of tbe Idea to have the battleship Ore
gon, known tbo world over aa tbe
"bulldog" of tho navy, lead tbe com
blued fleet of tbe Da t lotos through tbe
Panama canal on It completion In
Congressman Foaa, chairman of tho
bouse committee on naval affairs, baa
publicly and- officially approved her
plan. Mlsa Mean baa aent petitions
all over tbo Uutted State in behalf of
the Oregon, and these aro being sign
ed by lending pfflclals and professional
and buslues men of the country and
aro being forwarded to Washington.
Some time ago tho secretary of the'
navy atnted that If tbe poople desired
thla honor for tbo Oregon he would
have no objection to It Tbe Oregon
waa placed In commlaslou recently
after having been out of commiaslon
five yeara. It la understood that tbe
placing of tbo great ablp of war lu
commlaslou waa due to tbo effort of
Congressman Kabn of California.
In her petition Miss Mears ststes:
"Other sea fighters may be of more
ponderous proportions; others may
loom with more Impressive outline on
human vision: others may have a
longer roll call In their complement of
men and an armament of weightier
and more numerous guns. But of all
tbe ships that over sailed tbe tea, of
all the fighting machine that over
clenred for action, not one In all his
tory bas a record as sailer or fighter
that equals that of tbo good ship Ore
gon. '
'.'Nothing would o emphasise the
completion of the'Panaroa canal aa tbe
U. 8. B- Oregon (lending the navies of
the world on thla occasion, aa she
would symbolise at once tbe militancy
of the United Ststes In naval creation
and her skill In canal building."
Man With Memories. '
' Seneca tho Wise could repeat 2,000
worda in the uninterrupted succession
In which they were read to blm. The
greatest Romsn orstor before Cicero,
nortenalus. could recite sll tbo prices
given at a public auction. Tbemistocles.
who considered It a greater art to for
get than to remember, learned tbo Per
sian language Inside of a year.
Tho Alexandrian Library.
Moat celebrated of ancient libraries
waa that at Alexandria. It contained
700.000 volume. w ,
Woman's World
There la a firmer tone In tbo oata
market and tho price la abowlng &
further advance of 60c a ton for a pot
delivery. Halea are reported aa high
a $30.60 a Urn for No. 1 white.
Hurley market . la firm with no
change In valuea. A few amall lota
of feed and brewing are reported aol i
at Idaho point at higher figures.
Movement of bay to market la hav
ler and- the wanta of the trade ar
quite well supplied. Choice stocl of
all varletloa la holding steady at pre
loua quotatlona.
Wbeat market la weaker and gener
ally lc a bushel lower In the local ter
ritory. Flour market U quiet for all
Prevailing Oregon City prlcea aro
aa follows:
HIDES (Buying) Green bldea,
6c to 6c; saitere, 6o to 6c; dry bldea,
12c to 14c; heep pelt. 26c to 76c
Hay, Grain, Feed.
HAY (Buying) Timothy. $12 to
$16; clover, $g to $; oat bay, beat. $9
to $10; mixed, $9 to $12; alfalfa, $13
to $16.60 '
OATS (Buying) Gray, $25 to
$27; wheat, $31 to $33; oil meal, $53;
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per
100 pound. '
FEED Short. $27 to $28; rolled
barley, $37.60; process barley, $38.60;
whole com, $37; cracked corn, $38;
white, $26 to $27; bran $27 to $28.
Butter, Poultry, Egga.
FLOUR $4.50 to $6.26.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 2o to 30c; fancy
dairy, 80c; creamery, 10c to J 5c.
POULTRY (Buying) Hena, lie
to 12 1-2; broiler, lie.
EGOS Oregon ranch egga, 30c to
Prulte, Vegetables.
Prunea on basis of 6 1-4 pound for 43'
50'. i .
$1.25 to $1.60 per sack; parsnlpa,
$1.25 to $1.60: .turnips, $1.25 to $1.60;
Prunea, on baal of 6 1-4 c for 45 and
beeta, f 1.60
POTATOES Beat buying 70c to
85o per hundred.
ONIONS Oregon, $1.25 to $1.60 perl
hundred; Auatrallan, $2 per hundred.
. Livestock,' Meats.
BEEF (Uvo weight) Steera, 6c
and 6Vic; cowa, 4Hc; bulla, 3 12c.
VEAL) Calvee bring from 8c to
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep, 3c ad 3He;
lamba, 4c and 6c
HOGS 125 to 140 pound hogs, lJc
and 11c; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and
The commute In charge of the en
tertainment ' given - at the Woodmen
hall Monday evening by the Knighti
and Ladlea of Security, deserves much
credit for tho success of the affair.
Wrtnitmnn hall never lnnkrri nrrttier
and more attractive than It did on
this occasion. The Hallowe'en decora
tions included tack o'lanierns. yellow
crepe paper, black cat and autumn
leaves. In one corner waa a tent
of Oriental design and presided over
by Mr, rauiine senwaru, wno aciea
In the capacity of a fortune teller.
All t h a fortnriAa WAra ftatlsfartorv
and the "gypsy's" patrona were only
too giaa to pay ner price, many re
turned to the tent to have a aecoud
reading while otbera returned for the
third (Ime. Another booth, made of
very pretty design oi auiuran leaves,
aa iirABiiiAd over hv Mrs. fJ. J.
ifawAll Mra Anna Johnson and Miss
Llndaulst. Fruit and punch were
served. . s
Among tho attractive features of
tho evening was tho fancy drill by
biaIva vnarrfs of the order, who were
attired In sheets and pillow caaes.
Each one carried euner a jaca o lan
tern or an Imitation of a black cat.
The drill brought forth great applause.
Tho alnglng by the Canemah quartet,
composed of A. Long, Harry Confer,
Criuarri Pnnlnr. Jake Smith. Frank
Alldredge aa manager, and Mr. Hob-
claw aa accompanist, wa iiueratty
applauded. All of the numbers on the
program were delightful
After tha nrnsrram the evening WUB
devoted to dancing, the music being
furslshed by Oscar Woodnn. There
were about alxty visitors or in
Knights and Ladles of Security Lodge
' Portland, wno came nero in a spot
I car. ,
The committee in charge of tho en
tertainment waa aa "follows:
Entertainment, Mrs. Henry Hen
IniraAn Mra. Itartha Rau. Miss Lille
Tremba'tb; refreshments, Mrs.M. P.
Chapman, Mra. G. J. Howell. Mrs. J.
ur IKvcnnnrt - -decoration. Mrs. M. P.
Chapman, Mrs. O.J. Howell, Mrs. Mary
Cannon, Mrs. Thomas TremDatn, mth.
David Catto, Mrs. Z. T. Wood, Miss
Nellie LlndqulBt. Mra. Annie Johnson.
rs. Henry Henningsen, pars, ueorge
wnAjorit Mlsa Ulle Trembath. Mr.
J. W. Davenport, Mrs. Hamilton, Mis
i ..! MoriAAha. Miss Bertha Rau. Mrs.
Paulino SchwarU. Mis Myrtle Oro.
Miss CI Prstt Hostess at First Meet
ing of Organization.
a rluh has heen organized by sev
eral young women of this city. Tbo
name ot tho ciud is mo roser i
tleneo Club. Rules have been estab
lished and all members must aoiae
i.. tkA.A nr ha fined. Tho club will
meet every other Monday evening.
Miss Cls Pratt was tn nostess iaai
Monday evening.
Read th Morning &p?rprlao.
Here is the Onlv
Bargain House
Compare our prices with others and
you will bo sure to trade hero. New
and second hand furniture of all
kinds. , Granite, glass and light hard
ware. 1,1
; B. W. Mellien
.. ., Opposite Tho Ornd
Pumpkins and Witoh
es of Crap Paper.
aroosr Boost paroaATioss.
Women wbo are arranging Hal
loween affairs will find many thing In
tho crap paper line that aro adapted
to their needa. -
Wltcbes riding upon broom com In
all alzes In plain black or wblt to u
against contrasting backgrounds, with
bats, bugs, beet Ufa. owls.sud cat and
tiny black goblins of all sizes. Then
there are Jack Horner pies In great
variety, one of pnmpklu blossoms tied
with narrow black ribbons, with little
black goblins bidden In tbe blossoms;
another a silver moon, with black cats
and wltcbes perched on its surface.
A decoration to hang over tbo table
la a child's hoop of small size covered
with pumpkin vines, with little pump
kins forming a sort of fringe, cats and
owls perched on tbe rim and witches
floating around tbo center.
Favors take tbe form of hats, bon
nets, wands, fans, flowers, vegetables,
pumpkin pies In Individual aiM and
very .true to Ufa bold a half dosen
Napkins show patterns of corn.
pumpkins, cats, witches and bat and
all sorts of flower.. ' .
Papers for decorating are very at
tractive. It Is qnlto a popular Idea
to cover the walls of tho dining room
with paper that carries out tbe Idea of
the party In coloring and decoration.
For Instance, for a Halloween party
cover tbe walls with gray psper, with
a wide 'border of black wlttf white
wltcbes. cats and moons, or coverf
them with yellow paper, with a border
of black stewn with yellow pumpkins.
Hsts Fee the Small Girt.
Winery, for the small girl this sea
son is very, like that of her' mother.
Indeed, many of tbo shapes sre decid
edly old for vhlldUb faces, but tbe
smart little hat pictured la an excep
tion to this rale.
It la Just tho thing for tbe four-year-
old girL The sharply pointed crown
t -
wnrrxa MODBT, or tbxvst asd run,
la covered smoothly wltb black velvet,
and placed flatly against It la a long
looped bow of black satin ribbon.
The brim of shirred velvet Is partially
covered with a fluffy band of black
and white marabou.
The H'oopskirt Is Hero.
Hoops are actually seen In tbe cos
tumes this fall after yeara of predic
tion, and that at a time when straight
silhouettes are at tbelr slenderest. It
Is not the old boopeklrt tbat Is back
far from It for tbo new skirts bang In
as close around ,tbe feet as ever,
though tbey may be a trifle wider. It
Is a boon a tbln. pliable wire usually
around tbe bottom of a tunic tbat
keeps the gauze of tbe overdress slight
ly out from tbe foundation slip under
It. or It is a featberbone at tbe bot
tom of tbe abbreviated aleev that
bangs above a longer lace or gauze
one. . These, ''of course, are mere fan
cies of the hour, whtcb might, to be
sure, develop Into something more as
tbo season advances If tbey happen to
strike tbo fancy of style creators. But
Just now the wire and tho feather-
bone In these connections sre ultra and
extreme, and no little dressmaker
around tbo corner Is going aa yet to
have arty dealings with them, ,
Hew Could Jaekaen TsllT
Master Jackson, fetch toy umbrll
case. 1
Vslet-Here It is. sir.
Master (anrlty Fool! That la toy
wife's new tailored ault!
A Chines Alm.
A good man obeys bit wife. Wo.
Tins Fang.
Architecture Is the sit of making
ir brick walla and snudry partitions
I. HbA wi.lhln. du than fnlir
brick walls and sundry partitions. As
tbo logicians would ay. all Douses aro
hnnaaa. but all houses sre not created
equal in this climate every man must
live in more or lees of a bouse, but tbe
object of architecture ta to make one
forgot tbat a house la a house, and.
that way. to make one forgot that
a la a human halna forced, as other
hnman Kxil n trm tn mnfnrm fft t lia nr.
fiinary necessarlea of life. Judge
f If we charged more for -V .
we would only improve bur
profit it couldn't improve
the quality nor the wear.
To show the ffood faith of thla statement we sell yen
Vonderhose with the specific understanding' ' that if a
single pair punch through sole, heel or toe within four
months after purchase, you are entitled to new hose free
without quibble or question ' ,
It must be a source of unending satisfaction
to every mother to know that darning can be
completelycliminated from the household cares.
Stockings of the children,- the husband,
the daughters and herself can be depended
upon each week to be as free from holes as on
the date of purchase. ' -'
"Human Hearts"
At Opera House Next, Sunday
Iff'- t1
' , ... -
,f 7 v :b
Successful In ita tenth season cat?
be said of few plays, out it can be
said truthfully of "Human Hearts."
A drama which provides healthful rec
reation for the public and which seems
to instruct while appearing in the
form of amusement. Is a boon to any
community. So . many questionable
forms of amusement aro thrust upon
the public, the young and old alike
find much In this beautiful Uvlng story
to think over and enjoy long alter
ward. Rich In incident, in its var
iety of characters. In its stage setting
It Is one of the few attractions of
great merit on the road. The specta
One ot the most enjoyable Hallow
e'en parties given tn this city was
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Evans on Center street Monday eve
nlng. when their daughter Luclle en
tertained about thirty of her girl
friends. Games appropriate for tho
occasion were enjoyed, and prize
were won by Aleen Phillips, Lenora
Pestle, Alice Holman, Alice Dawson.
The decorations were very attractive.
The electroliers were entwined with
asparagua ferna and yellow abades
were used. The reception hall, par
lor, living room and dining room were
In yellow and green. Jack o'lanterns
were to be aeen everywhere. The
table decorations were very pretty.
From the electroliers hung festoons
of yellow crepe paper caught In place
at the corner ot the table with ro
settes of the same. - In the center was
suspended a bras hanging basket
filled with maiden hair ferns. In the
center of the table was a huge, golden
To Be Played
tor is carried into the delightful at
mosphere of Ufa In the hills of Ar
kansas. The trouble which falls upon
the simple folk of the Logan farm,
reminds on of tbe line "The Trail
of the Serpeant" Wait The auth
or has struck many true notes in this
play and the veil chosen cast blend
tbelr harmonies with fine effe?L
It Is with pleasure that the manager
announces "Human Hearts" at Shlve
ly opera bouse November 5.
The advance sale opening at the
usual t'-me In advance at Jonei' drug
store. Regular prices will prevail -
Jack o'lantern. ' Covers were laid for
Mrs. H. Hendry. Mrs. T. P. Randall
and Mrs. A. L. Beatle assisted Mrs.
Evans In entertaining the young peo
ple. They were attired in sheet and
pillow cases. They met the young
people at the door. All the guests
were masked and many attractive cos.
tumes were In evidence. Dancing wa
among the featurea of the evening.
The guests were Margaret PeaUe,
Lenora Beatle, Alice Holiuan, Marie
Walker, Helen Lovett, Bernice Johu
son, Marie Andresen, Helen Andreaen,
Norma Wills. Violet Beaullau, Alice
Dawson, Ellen Grace, June Scott, Dor
otby Hedges. Aleen Phillips, DoroU.y
Stafford, Virginia Shaw, Velma Ran
dall, Luclle Evans, Toddy Hendry and
Irwin Evans. V '
The dwellings at Nos. 100S and 1007
Main street were sold Tuesday "by
Mrs. Grtessen to V. Harris, the groc
er. It is understood that tho consid
eration waa 16.000. The houses are
among the most desirable In Oregon
City. . . w. v, ..
Patronise our advertiser.