Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1911)
i ' , . ' M011N1NQ KNTEKPRISR, WEDNUrtOAT, NOVKMDER i. "itii . H ' MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON t. t. RODIC, Idlter BAd Publisher. "Sastervd escotia-elae in.ttar Jaa esT . tU. M the p me ( Ori . iit. Toms if suscttrnoii. l Yr. bjr mall . . . i( alneths. by nail . four Months, by ma)l. " , by cairtar... .MM . 1M . J . a CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES rlrst par net first In rto..,.tfa rtrM Pa. kick added laaerttowe. .1. Jrfrrrd poallma nr pa am. par ' lirat twctlon Ika ltwi4 poalttoa any aaxa. aar ' MM tasrUoaa 1 Hua naoar mlhrr thaa firat aaca. aar firs taaet-Uon. . . , ! . mw other Jiaa first aac. aar teak ddd btaarttoot Uaoaia le- r liaa; to raewlar dvr iara e Ha. Waata rat Sal. Ta Rant eta., mm ami word fire keitla; oaa-aai Ml sacs, additional Rata for advarttata at ha Waakly Bntarprtaa will ba tba aama M tin aally. for advartlaenwata set aapacaalty far tha weekly: Where the aayaniaaaaaat la transferred fmra Um dally la tba -y. eltnont taurK tba rata will ba ta aa Inob for r-ua ml tha aayat. aad IS aa lack for apaelai posluoav . Caan abaald aoooiayaay ardar abm aarty la imkaewa la baalaaa arrlaa at tba Katarynaa. Lci adwUstna at tai ad silts !. Tlmia advartlalna and special vdvartkra-c at Uc t e aa Inch. a to tctsj roadltloaa gaaralna taa "Ptra Bala" and Baakrvpt Bala tmaamts Je Inch drat Inaarttaa mJ ksasrtlooa aama starter kaaa. News Items and wall wrttaa artletaa f atarlt. with lataraat to loraJ readers, wtll ba (tadTy accepted. RaVctad mm aarlpta merer raturaad ualaaa aerotaaaa lad by ataaoa ta prepay ii'iaw. CITY OFFICIAL NEWtPAPtR. December next when King George of England la crowned Emperor of In dia., it will ba th flrat ceremony of Ha kind In tha annals of tha Empire. No preceding British sovereign a ver before gona through tha corona tion ceremony In India, nor baa any of the English sovereign Yislted In di after ascending to the throne. The coming (Migrant will be made an affalrr o unparalleled magntll cence. Thre will be eleren daya of re views, proreasloua, receptlona, etc., all guaged to appeal to the Oriental paaalon fur the apectacular. At the coronation durbar 100.000 Aalatlc sub ject a of the King and Queen will hear the royal proclamation and witness the Investiture, after which the feu I atory prtncea and rules wtll pay tbel homage to the newly crowned aover eigne. -AH this pageantry and aplendor tickle the fancy of the natives, but upon Ita copclualon King George will be no more nor less than a nominal ruler of the great Indian Empire. New York and Philadelphia Went Baseball Mad For -World's Series -de- TRADE WITH SOUTH,- v - ! t THE MORNING ENTERPRISE -it la on aal at tha following stores 4) overy day: . - . Huntley Broa. Drugs e Main straoC J. W. McAnulty Cigars d Seventh and Main. a EV B Auderaon, 4 Main near Sixth. ' If. E. Dans Confectionary V Next door to P. a City Drag Store , " Electric HoteL Schoenborn Confectionery dj' Seventh and X Q. Adaaaa. r A bulletin of the Department of Commerce and labor shows more than 400 vessels sailing from por's of the United States for ports in Mexl co. Central America, South America and the West Indies. The Imports of the United States from these countries have Increased from $212,000,000 ten yeaxa ago to $386,000,000 In the fiscal year 1911, I our exports from $130,000,000 to $290. 000,000 In the same period. The tm i ports have Increased 82 per cent, and I the exporta 123 per cent We should enjoy the greater eharo of the trade of the Western Hernia phere, because of geographical loca tion and because of the natural de sire of our Southern neighbor to . hovJ 1 in American History. ISO President Uncola accepted res ignation of General Wlnfleid Scott v and appointed George B. M cClel- - Ian general in chief of the army. l877-OHver Terry .Morton. - famooa "war governor" of Indiana, died; born 1823. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. - - .(From door today to noon tomorrow.) San seta dX rlxea 827; moon seta 1:43 a. m.; Constellations vtoibfe 830 a. m la November: Overhead. An- , dromeda. Pecano: north! Cra Major. Crsa Minor. Draco. Cassiopeia. Cepbe as; northeast. Anrlga. Peraeos: east. Tanroa. Orion. Aries: southeast. Flo Tins Eridanos Cetat: sooth. Pisces, Sculptor. Phoeoix; eoatbwest Aqaari is, Capricorn us. Piscls A us trulls: west. Delphta ns (Job's lofflni. Aqalla; north ; west. Cypnrm. Lyra. Hen-cle. Ktrt magnitude stars visible same hour, with rank after each: northeast, ("a pella. 4: east. Aldebaran. M: nipel. 7: Betelgeux. 11: west maintain political friendship with their great and powerful neighbor on the north. The opening of the Pana ma canal will offer further opportuu ity for expansion of our trade with South America and American capital should not be hesitating in thla tm poj-tant matter. e Turkey la .a gooa example of tle fatal policy of standing' still while other nations are forging ahead. Anyway, President Taft had better success In hla coast-to-coast Journey than any of the aviators haa had. ,,,, 4, x A genealogist saya John D. Rocke feller haa four king In hla anceatry. ; He haa long had tour aces in his hand. ! we- In order to strentghen hla military arm the Sultaln of Turkey ought to trade hla camels for troop of M!s- t souri males. e Booth Tarklngton Is now separated from his wife. The artistic tempera ment seems, every a here, to be iia'J to get along with. - The names, of the candidates for state officers in New Mexico auggest Altalr. 13: Dnnb-'tht Madero must have had some- west. Deneb. Vera 'Lyrai. Plan et during November. 131 1: lenpry in Libra and Scorpio. Invisible:' Venus in Leo and Vlrgow rises about 3 a. m.: Mars romes to opposition and its brightest In Tnurus. when It will be nearest earth, rising about 5 JO p. m.; Joplter In Libra rises about 7 a. m.; Satnrn In Aries seta about 0 a. m.; Uranoa In Sagittarius sets about 0 p. m.: Neprane in Gemini rises about 9-J3Q p. m.; Asteroid Pallas, comes to : opposition, favorable to visibility: sun In Libra till 20th. tben Scorpio: Leonid meteors after midnight In east from 11th to 15th: Andromede meteors In northeast and overhead, from 2T,tb to 27th. A GORGEOUS SPECTACLE. There will be a most gorgeous and almost bewildering spectacle In the historic city of Delhi on the 12th of thing to do with the selection. One Turn about la fair play. Some of the pure food officials are to be canned. e- Mrs. Hurt Ig editor of the Optimist at Olpe, Kan., having been threatened by the forcea of evil, prints: "Come on and I will give a doctor a Job of picking out a few shota." Woman's capacity fqr politics Is getting new proof every day. . . , v . i . , ' v c-h"" with northeast eitauslon of north line of lot ft. block 30. Central Ad dition to Oregon city; thence westerly along north line of said lot 6 10 Riley between I'ltrce and Taylor streets; thence northerly along alley to' Twelfth street; thence westerly along Twelfth street to northeast corner of lot I, block U lleall' Addition to Ore gon City; thence southorly along lot line to Eleventh street; Ihenco westerly along Eleventh street to northeast corner of lot 1. block Hi. Oregon City; theme aoutherly along lot line and the northerly boundary of District No. 3 to point of - beginning - at - the south. east corner of lot 3. block 105. and constructing the cost of laying and constructing aald aewer , to each lot or part thereof, or parcel vl real estate In aald Sewer District, according to such benefits, has made Its report and the assess ment based thereon Is now ou M lu the office of the Kocorder of said Oregon City and subject to . eiamlnatlou and the City t'oiiucll of aald Oregon City hits appointed Friday evening, November 7, lll. at o clock P. m. In the touncii .Chamber of Oregon Cliy. as the time and place for hearing objec-, tion to aald assessment and you . are hereby notified that any ob- j Jectlona. when may be made In writing and filed with said Itecordor on or before the 7th day of Novenv ! be 3, 1811. will 1 heard ! and considered by the said , City Council at the time and place , hereinbefore apeetlled tit-fore any i ordinance Hi passed fcssessing the coat of said sewer. Dated October 30. lull. U STIHIV Recorder. Wage Eftrners eanoet beoom amploysr until thy have vd eneugh capital t mas a start. Aavlng aceount -at thla hank will net only prevlds capital, but will glv a training In flnsnoe which will prev valuable help. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK lit THE COUNTY -j-.-H.KW""! U-c-l.TOUR-TT rvaaanaw . r.'I. MIIH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL. IAa.Mja.0U rrenaaau s ! Sanaing Soslaswa. Open front I A. m, a. Photos copyright by A mar' ran Prees Association. 111. EW YORK and Philadelphia went stars mad for a few ! 1-efore the games for the championship of the world began and the msdm-sa became more prououmed aa tbe aerie progressed Kmui :u'.to to 40.0110 enthusiasts watched each of the games ami as ninny mors jronid-have-beau-praaant If the -parka had-beeu larger XkkjU JrnlTri7"L hold of thousands o'f tickets thst were priced at $2 and 13 and sold th. m for two to six times tbe advertised prices The receipts for the flrst three games amounted to $1!5.U .V). of wblcb the players share $10A.7U3.83. the nicuilwr i of the winning tesm getting 00 per cent end tbe losers 40 Tbe upper picture sbows a group of the Athletics entering the Held The white eleplmats that appear on their sweaters la due to the remark' of a Philadelphia paper to the effect that tbe fine park built a few years ago by Magnate Shlle In Pbllndel- phla would be white elephant." In tbe small circle Managers McGraw and i Mack are seen ahaklng banda before tbe first game. Mack, who never appears ba a uniform. Is not allowed on the coaching lines, but must direct the game from tbe bench. The other picture sbows "Glome Run" Baker making tbe circuit after be bad knocked the ball over tbe fence in tbe second game BURNED WHILE CLEANING GUN. Holert King, of Logan, waa burned by' powder Monday while cleaning bis gun. He waa brought to the office f Prs. Carlt A Melsaner. where his In juries were attended to. Subscribe for th Dlly Rnterorlee Gladstone Lumbor Company UNOALOW MATERIAL Of ALL KINDS.' Lumber, lath, shingle, fence-posts and door, mouldings, ui all kind of 1nald nlh. Price right lumber guaranteed and proa delivery ' (YARDS AT PARK PLACE). Phon Main 211. rVmar m ' Tba Oat ef Tear. The tlate of Teera. s atrsll between the itiil sen sod the Am blurt inilf. ha l-eeu I he scene of manv shipwreck. YOUNG FOLK OIVEN PARTY. Mr. Svr Entertain In Honor et Litti Daughter, , Mr. Ernest Slever entertained about twenty tUe youug khhiU at a Halloween party at her hoa, , Gladstone Monday evenln. a of bar little daughter. Alice Th pllig waa devoted to kiuM aod n freabmenta ere aervetl. ' The dtcc tlona were very prttv. b8. pumpkins and autumn leave. Are vou a suba.ntar to tic Mora, ing Knlnrprln? U not yo Vkoul ta and let n pu vour nstn oq ts( l4. acrtptloaj list Immediately Wants, for Sale, Etc Nattrae ander taaaa ctaaeiried aaadwaaa will v laatad at aaa cant a ward fire tuaaf Ilea:" pair S -eanl-andttrnnal one heb card, tt ear exaitl. naif lack card. naaei si par awsaih. Caah must tcon.ur ardr unl-ae an. Kaa aa aoea account with the paper. No flaaaalal reeponalbillur for errnra: wKan rrae eurrvcted sot tea will a- stinted lor patron, atlnlroum aaarae Uc. WANTED. , Portland, will be In Oregon City t Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week, at comer of Sixth and Washington street, phone Main: 2191. FOR SALE LAND. t . vt wrv e.... 1 , a A I '1. to eee my collc(Uiit of arrow-heads coins, Indian tnnkata, i'.d stxm.u and curio of , .: sorts Will t u or sell in thu tin, llavt tunt gool bargains In sernnd-hand furnltu' ana tools.' Oeorso Young. Mali-, bt.i near Fifth. . ONION LAND 88 acre of good hind ' 3 miles from Aurora. Oregon. 40 1 acres cultivated, 70 acres of good i river bottom and 35 acrea of bottom I land cleared and partially under lr - rlgatlon from creek. ;-d onion ' farmer can pay for this land In n In ml. ' WAVPl&D Place to work for boar I while attending Oregon City Higu School. Apply P. H., care Enterprise. YOUNG man, average sense, wants outside position; no soliciting o canvasslng. R. J. Eddy, 511 Slxt i street. WANTED Young woman wants posi tion aa clerk, some experience. N. K., corner Fourth and Monroe streets. e Great Britain rtill has an eye oti tbe Daidanelles, although Russia seems to have abandoned all hope o: ev-r reaching them. The Eastern question, believed to have been dead, Is Keen now to bave been only sleep ing, and not very soundly. Suffrage Is Unsexing Women j : and Contributing to the : Increase of Insanity Br Dr. MAX G. SCHLAPP. Psychologist, of Columbia University s UFFRAGETTES ARE TO A LARGE EXTENT SEXLE8S. They FAIL to REALIZE tbe DUTIES OF VO MAXIIOOD and seem to LOSE TIIEIIl WOMANLY QUALITIES. In thistressful age eare getting fewer and fewer womanly women. In fact, many can hardly be called women at all. They bave none of tbe womanly emotion, none of tbe wo manly aympatbics. They ARE TRULY SEXLESS. To be ure. tbere are some who are estimable, who have broad domestic feelings, yet they are on tbe decrease. The only way that I can account for it is tbe AGE. We are atriv ing aa no nation or age has ever striven. The advance of tbe fast one hundred and twenty-five years is UNPARALLELED, and we are paying the cost. We are having more nervous wrecks and criminals than ever before. W are ceasing to be normal. That U wby we bave this suffrape movement. Our women are becoming ABNORMAL. How many childrcn'are being nursed- now in the old wav When you realize this one change you can appreciate the growing difference in woman. And OUR CHILDREN -ARE SUTFERINO AS A RESULT. They are growing uf LESS STRONG, LESS RELIANT and MORE ABNORMAL. SINCE 170 NOT ONLY HAS THE BIRTH RATE 'DECREASED, UT THERE-HAS BEEN AN INCREASE OF INSANITY, AND NER VOUS DISEASES AMONG THE WOMEN. " SHOWING THE SEX IS OVERBURDENED. " . , , s The increased fe ml ""itraire is Hoinir the race hmi. y WANTED Boy and girls. Here Ii your chance youngster to nake your Christmas money easy. The Morning Enter prise will pay you a big com mission for brinlgng In trial subscriptions. If you .want to know more about it call or wrlte to the Circulation Man agcr of the Morning Enter prise, Oregon City, and learn -all about what you Will bave to do. The more you turn in tbe more you will make and yo.i can make a lot If you hustle. few year from crop froip Building old and of no value. Gooi school adjoin farm. R. F. I. route passes farm. No rock or gravel. No trade considered, f 130 per acre, one-half cash, balance on mort gage 6 per cent. (?. B. Dlmlrk, own er, Oregon City, Oregon. " "cleaning adTressing. " ! CHICAGO TAILORS suits nmde to, order from S10 and up. We also do : cleaning, pressing and repairing Three doors south of postoffce. MUSICIANS. J. ALBA SAGER. teacher Of win-i nml string Instruments, director of u tml i and orrht-stra. Will furnish miihl j tor any occasion. cil at Kiecti i : i Hotel. r" CITY NOTICES. FOR SALC FOR SALE launch, 23 feet long, capacity 14 passengers. First class. Inquire Dr. Stuart, city. FOR SALE Six-room bouse and two lots on Washington street; $1400 cash. Call C12 Fourth street. Phone Main 24C3. FOR RENT. NICE piano in Oregon City for rent or will sell cheap. Write G. II. Graham, manager wholesale, titer's Music House, Portland, Or. FARM LOANS. A KM K AN8-Dim(cir V ulmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. . f EBY, Attorney-at-Law. Ioq loaned, almtracis furnished. Isov title examined, eitatt settled, gen eral law'bus.neaa Over flank oi tiregon City. II'REN A BCHUEBEU Attorns) s-at law, Deutscber Advokst, will prso Uoe In all courts, mak collaciloa prise Blda, Oregon Cltv. Oregon BUILDER AND CO ''T1 ACTOR. MARKT JONES Builder and Genera Contractor. Estimates erefull given on all classes of bitildln work, concrete walk an reinforced eneereta. Res. phone Ms I 111 INSURANCE. 1 H OOPRTt. Toe rir tnanraner ( Real Eatata. Let us hand's yoor" properties we buy. sen and evrhsng. Offlre In Rn'erDrlse fldg.. Oregon City. Oregon PHYSICIANS, Notlc of Hearing of Ninth Street Assessment. Notice Is hereby given that the ap portionment of the cost of the Im provement of Ninth treet. Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line o Center street extending easterly to " the west line of Jackson street, ha been ascertained and tbe proposed assessment, has been apportioned and Is now on file in the office of the necorder of Oregon Cfty and subject to examination. Any objec tions thereto' that may be made In writing to the City Council of Ore gon City and filed with the Recorder thereof within fen days after" the first publication of this notice, win be beard and determined by the council before the passage of any ordinance assesKlng the cost of aald Improvement. The property assessed for the said Improvement lies on both aides of said part of said Ninth street pro posed to be Improved and the line of lots abutting on said part of said Ninth street fartherest from said part of said Ninth street and said part of said Ninth street. This notice Is published in the Morning; Enterprise, the first pub lication being October 25th, 1911, and 'the City Council ha set No vember 7th, at g o'clock p. ra. at tbe Council Chamber of Oregon City as th time and place of heating of said objections. Ia8TPPP, Recorder. DR. LENA R. HODGES, Osteopath, of Notice of Hearing of Sewer District No. 6 Aittsiment. Notice is hereby given that the com it lift. (ipp'ilMed to ASCi-rtal'i i iri.ef;ts to earb lot, or pint thereof, or parcel of real estate lying In Sewer District No. 6. Ore gon City, Oregon, described a fol low: Beginning where the boundaries of Sewer District No. 2 and 3 Join at the southeast corner of Dis trict No. 3 and at tk southeast corner of lot 2, block 165, Oregon City, Oregon, thence easterly along alley across Van Iluren, Harrison, Polq, Taylor and Pierce streets to , Division street; thence easterly along Division street across Bu chanan street to Lincoln street ; thence northerly along alley across Buchanan street to southeast corr ner of lot 7, block 47; County Ad dition to Oregon City, thence . northerly along tbe east line of lots 7 and to Ninth street; theno westerly along Ninth stroet - to Pierce street; thence northerly along pierce street to Intersection W A N T IS ID We have more calls (or stenographers and bojkkeeperi; than we can (ill; good position at good salaries. Our stenographers and bookkeepers are with the best firms in the lecaute oi the practical training we give. A Special Rate will be made to the (irst stuJent enrolling from your county and we guarantee a good position. Eclectic Business University 630 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon. The Smallest Shop Best Lighted rT ' Will do more business than a large store poorly lighted. The new MAZDA Economy Diffusers make it possible to flood small busi ness places with electric light at a very small cost. The light from these new lamps is so brilliant and is so perfectly diffused that often only one cluster is needed. The turn-down switch gives just the degree of light desiredn You will be interested in the terms we can of- t you on these lights. Ask about them. J fe I V PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAINOPriCC7thonJ Alder Street