Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1911)
iirJ- I WEATHER INDICATION. I Oregon City Fair Wedneaday; northerly wlniU. (r.on Fair Wednesday; northerly wind.. MORNING-- ENTEBM The ly dally wwspa few twn Portland ana) ; air laUa lii every eetlj f Stasia mit County. vHh a population a SO .000. Ara yaw an arfverti rf WEEKLY ENTER PR I SE ESTABLISHED ISG6 VOU ll -NO. 105. OREGON CITY, OUEOON, Wednesday, November i. itn. Pb Wux, 10 Cum use SCIENTIST AVIATOR FALLS TO DEATH PROFESSOR MONTGOMERY, OF SANTA CLARA COLLCOK, VICTIM OF OUDKR. DEYOIED WIFE WffNESS OF TRAGEDY Inventor, Long Famou In Aarla Nav igation, Had Won Fam and Fortune Machlna Turna Ovar. HAN JOHK. CJ.. Oct 31 Profeaeor Julin J. Montgomery, of Mania Clara CollfK", died tola afternoon from tb b(TmI of a terrible fall from ao aero plane glider he waa experimenting will) lu tne looinius auout two time vast of Kvergreen. II apparently loat ooutrul of the machine according to wltneaaea, and (all twenty feet, auatalnlug Injurlea to the bk and baae of the brain, which reaullvd In death a little more than an buur and a half after he waa brought Jia-k t Nanta Clara In the automobile of lr. J. I- Iteettle, who waa auiuiuou: ed Immediately. profeaaor Montgomery remained cunarloua up to the laal and apoke colirrrutly to Dr. Iieattl aeverai mln ulrs before he paVaed away. When the Injured man waa taken to lila realdeiir at Haula Clara, ne a aevii to be alowly aluklng. Eveiy thing that medical aclence rould de viae waa tried by the attending pby alclan, but all that cold be done waa to leaaeii the agonlea of approaching dvalb. Mra. Montgomery waa with her die tlugtilahed buabaud. and waa -watrn-Ing him In hla experimental flight biu the tragedy occurred. Accord , Ing to Mr. Montgomery, who la aI moat dlatrarted by the terrible termlu allon of the experiment, the mnchlno waa a Unit . twenty feet from the ground when It got beyond her hua tiand a control and fell, tie died hi hla wlfe'a artna. profeaaor Montgomery bad been an authority on aerial navigation. HerrOlly be Bold for lt.70U.U00 hla right to certain aeroplane Improve nifiita, the payment of thla aunt belnj contingent on the winning of a aull against the Wright brother (or al lKd Infringement. Hla electrical rectifier waa the aubject of cxtenalve litigation for two or three year, which reaulted In the complete vlndl cation of hla right to the exclualve title. REBELS HOLD HANKOW. - I'KKIN. Oct, 31. righting between the rebel force and lmerlallt con tinue. It la believed that the rebel are making a determined resistance. Uter advice Indicate that Hankow waa not retaken by the lmpertalll. although General Yin Tchang cap tured the railway elation Immediately to the north. Contrary to promlaea. the railway service haa not been reaumed, nor ha the telegraph communication been re eatabllahed. There are aerloua dau ger along the railway Hue between the War Minister's poaltlon and Pe kin. DIaffectlon among the troop and the people haa prevented satlsfsc tory communication between the var ious section of the loyal army. ' TOSDAY Cabin Boy N Up-to-date Squaw Master Cupid Detect ive The Grand ...Best by Test.... Don't fail to see our splendid display of the . Celebrated Clothcraft suits and overcoats at $J5. Others for more bat those are leaders. Price Brothers EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Llk 0hr. 6th and Main St. J fj ( Tr "H0A foEZ) TMERt ISN'T L J ILT.TLV00 ooVj ( anylan&uagc f riCKCY'l ' I'm ouqiihC 1 Doe T nM fPpltt? The h6okw6rM5 FATE A STuDNDSMESTiii C6NDIT I6WS AND ATlMtLV WANlhiC TO WIVES! VNSWERS TO QUERIES; Yea, Amclie, It is a clncfi trial abolialilniJ th corset l makind Mpkl prorsa,trnks bef So lo spAk. rorrrtvrly.quile ehesldnd lunds bul now il lottie shins wornvn will b r . . i . i tim no no toy u Mcomin popular wjin women . Doroea-wire itncing wcoruiara in noat civstrotJ Lrona in our set, but roJIincJ-p'na are In oooJ form . TEACHERS MEETING TO BE HELD AT BARLOW J. K. Calavan, achoo) auiervlHor, will conduct teacher' meeting at Itarlow Saturday "Primary read ing" will be the aubject ror dia cuMalon, and addresses will be made by Mr. Calavan and M lanes Lillian Anderson and Minnie Lewi, of Har low. It I expected that fifteen or twenty teacher will be present. The meeting being held by the supervis or are big aid to the school worl;, and have been of much aaslatance o the teacher. A meeting of the teachers of the county will be held at Milwaukle, No vember 25. SANITY OF MAN WHO Inglebert Selllluger, a carpenter cf Oswego waa brouhgt here Tuesday by Justice of the Peace Davidson to be examined a to hi sanity. It i alleged that the man haa been acting queerly for several month and de clares he Is under the control of spirits. While working on a acaffold some time ago he sawed the scaffold In two and fell about twelve feet. When he was asked why he did men a foolish thing, . he replied that a "good spirit" had told him to do It. He also goes about during the day with a lighted lantern. It la alleged. Dr. Mount, after an examination, bus gested that the man be kept here for several daya for observation. Ut was taken Into custody Monday fol lowing an altercation with ,several men with whom ho worked. HOLDWiETING AT BARLOW TONIGHT The East Bide Capital Highway As. ...xuiinn will hnM monger road I meeting at nnrlow tonight. Although t .. . a. 1 1 i . V. a nr. I 1 . all tne meetings ueia Dy i ""i" tlon have been largely attendod the one at Barlow Is expected to attract the largest crowd. The Oregen City delegation will leave the Commercial Club early In the evening In automo biles. All persons Interested In ool ronds are Invited to make the trip The next meeting after the one to night will be held at Canemah, and after that meetings will be held at the various towns and cities between here and Tortland. There is a movo ment on foot to Induce the Capital Highway Commission, appointed by the governor, to change the rout as outlined by engineer for the East Side Capital HlKhway Association, and Jt behooves all members to attend the meotlng tonight. Furniture and Stove Exchange. If there la any piece of furnlturt In your home that does not meet with vour requirements, or I out of date, then call on Frank Busoh's store, Kleventh and Main streets. They will replace same with a new and up-to-date, article, allowing you full ''alne for your property. PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL peoenlly. In lael , in corsei cmprei Line tmrnimnm eonsirici in nips ana imgris. cmAnclpaTed from Th deadly At r oil., r TO THE POOR ALLTHINCS ARE POOR . HUMANE SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS MISS M 'CARVER IS HONORED WITH PRESIDENCY FOR FOURTEENTH TIME. 30 COMPLAINTS MADE DURING YEAR Organization Doing Splendid Work li Aiding Dumb Animals In jured Horse Shot By Sheriff. The Clackamas County Humane So ciety held. It annual meeting at the Bank of Oregon City Tuesday evening. The minute of the previous meeting held In May were read by the secre tary, Mr. E. O. Caufleld, and approv ed. The secretary's annual report, which la a follows, was read: "Since our last annual meeting thirty complaint have been made Vj the society and all have been looked after by the officer of the society. Deputy Sheriff Mile haa been sent to Harlow twice. Seven letter havu been written by the secretary to par ties against whom complaints have been made. ' At the request of a'mem. (Continued on page 3. 1 Home Tracts FINEST SOIL IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY W have 24 tract of land containing from on to six acre each, beautifully located within one-half mil of th corpora limit of Oregon City, with excellent view of th aurrounding country. The grade of the Clackamas Southern Railway Company has been completed through the original farm and a forty-fool roadway pa each tract. Th man who depend on hi labor for hi livelihood should hav land enough to raise hi own fruit and vegetables and thereby sav a large part of hi earn ing. 1 Th tracta are cold at raonabl rat and on y paymanta. ' Thl I not a real estat boom but an opportunity for a man to get a home nar town, convnlnty located and, with uf?iclent apace about hi hom, to ral hi own fruit and vegetable AH of thl soli I rich and productive and fre from rook and gravel. G. B. DIMICK Owner S TU movement tow-d the cotmT Is going down. vv imm ym uuwn device. . . I J 4-L BOYS SAY COW WAS" SHOT ACCIDENTALLY Merle and George McCormlck, sons of John McCormlck, say It waa by ac cident that they shot cow belonging to H. C. Myers, of Falls Vley. Ono witness says, however, that the boy were shooting aqulrrel with a 22 calibre rifle when they aaw the" cow In the brush and sent one of the little lead pellet Into her flank This did not produce the desired effect ao (he cow's ahoulder stoped the next bullet. While the last shot did not kill the animal It Injured her severely. In alt probability the boy who are fourteen and sixteen years of age. will be lgven a fhance to explain the shooting In the juvenile -court. ' WILLIAM BEARD IS URGED FOR COUNCIL A petition Is being circulated nt Mountain. View by the friends of Wil liam Beard to have him enter the race for councilman In the third ward at the election In December. Many per sons have signed the petition. Mr. Beard is well known In the city and the cotroty. and before moving to Ore gon City owned one tmr best farm at Maple Lane. He la a prominent granger, being member of Maple Lane Grange, and Is also a prominent Mason, and a booster of the county and the state. i.: Room 3, Andrrsrn Building CUPID TRIUMPHS THO' AUTOS FAIL BLOW-OUTS HALT CARS CONTAIN ING BRIDE-ELECT. AND FIANCE IN RACE TO ALTAR. CCUNSO.0R J. L HEDGES TO RESCUE C. E. Volpey and Margie Uding Are Married by Rev. i. O. SUats Sheriff Mas Lend Help ing Hand. -That misunderstandings, the unre liability of automobile and other ml baps, cannot swerve Dan Cupid waa proved In thl city Tuesday night when C. E. Volpey, a rancher of Sher wood, and Mia Margie Udlng, of Portland, were married at the court house by the Rev. J. O. SUaU, fol lowing a romance, It I said that start ed in Iowa aeverai years ago. But cupld cannot take all the credit for the victory for the little god of love was ably assisted by sixteen friends of the bride and bridegroom who came here, in automobiles, and, but but net least, by J. E. Hedges, or thls ctty. Clarence Ireland, a wealthy ranch owner, and Mr. Volpey started from Portland to this city in an automo bile early in the' afternoon to obtain a license. Tbey had a blow-out and when they arrived the courthouse waa closed. They eaJled Miss Qulnn, depu ty county clerk, otvf telephone, and she agreed to go to the courthouse and issue the license. They went to her home in Canaman and brought her in the automobile to the office. Then arrangement were made with Mr. Staata to perform the ceremocr He waa told that the bride-elect and her friend would arrive at 8 o'clock, when the ceremony waa to be per formed. She did not arrive at the appointed time, however, and after waiting more than an hour and a half Mr. Ireland and Mr. Volpey decided to go to Port land to see what waa the matter. Hardly had they left the city when Sheriff Ma and Mr. Hedges, who were walking along Malq street, were stopped by an automobile party. Ex Senator Caldwell and Dr. Uttlefleld, of Newburg, we,r members of the party. Mr. Caldwell had served In the Senate nrlth -Me.- Hedge and at once recognlxed him. The ex-eenator explained that a wedding had been planned, the brtde-td-be waa In an automobile, which would arrive soon, but they could not Ond the man who was to become her husband, although they had searched the city high and low. Mr. Hedge and Mc Ma agreed to assist In the search, but they also wre unsuccessful. liv Maara. Volner and Ireland returned from Portland, and! Just a Mlrn Udlng and the member of her party were preparing to return to Portland the two parties met In front of the courthouse. Mr. Staat per formed the ceremony, and the bride and bridegroom and their friends went to Portland. The witnesses to the marriage were Miss B. Franke and Mr. Louise Wells. Mr. Wells aaid that the party, of which she was a member, had been delayed by a blow out the same as Mr. Volpey and hla friends. There were three automo biles containing eighteen persons. HALLOWE'EN PRANKS -MAKE MERRY TOWN Hallowe'en was generally observe'! In this city last night. All the oli stunts were repeated with the excep tion of those of a serious and coetly nature. Chief of Police Shaw early In the day appointed ten extra police men, who were stationed In every part of the city. A acore pr more of gate were carried away, and other pranks of a more or less harmless nature were reported by the police, but noth ing of a seripus nature was done. Sev eral girls masqueraded aa boys and boys ara said to have masqueraded as girls, but It waa all in fun. Most of the housekeepers, remembering' what had occurred In years agone, locked their front agtea and potted plant In woodsheds. There were several Hallowe'en parties, and Oregon City la well supplied today with experienc ed fortune-tellers. , LULA E. HAYWARD AND C. W. CASTO MARRIED A very pretty wedding was so'emn Ixed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Holcomb .of Clackamas, at noon last Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. Allen O. Hay ward gave their daughter, MIbI Lula E. Hayward In marriage to Charles W. Casto, of Carus. The house was beautifully and ar tistically decorated with cu? flower and fern. The bride was attired In pale blue silk and carried a bouquet of Bride's roses. Rev. H. Myers, of Portland, performed the ring cere mony which wa simple but impres sive. The ring, which wa carried by one of the flower girls, wa buried In the heart of a beautiful rose. Af ter the ceremony congratulation were received and the guests retired to the dining room, where a delicious lunch eon was served. Only the Immediate friends and rel atlves of th bride and bridegroom were present Many beautiful pres ents were received. Mr .and Mr. Casto left on the evening train for Portland. They will be at home M their friends after November 1 at their borne In Cam. They are well and favorably known, having lived In Clackamas county the greater part of their lives. HUE WIVES SEEK DIVORCE SAME DAY HUSBAND, CHARGING SPOUSE WITH CRUELTY, FILES SUIT FOR DECREE. WOMAN NAMED IN U COW Hazel Burg Allege That W. L. Burg Left Her Penniless . Five Week After They Were Married. ; Alleging that he left her pennllesa five week after their marriage. Hazel Burge Tueaday filed suit for divorce from W. L. Burge. They were mar ried in Portland, December 3 1910. and she says he deserted her January 10, 1911, and wewt to Louisiana. She allege that -she wa supported by friend until she obtained employ ment. Dlmlck Dlmick are attorneys for the plaintiff. Jessie Dorothy Hill sued Charles Barron Hill for a divorce, alleging un- faUhfulnesa and. cruelty, They were married in River Falls, Wla., April I'., 1900. Martha Byers 1 named, by the plaintiff. She ask the custody of ' liielr two younger children, and say . the defendant haa the other three. The plaintiff Bays that her husband threatened to strike her while they were living In South 8tlll water, Minn, in 1900. She left hhn In September, 1909. Dlmlck ft Dlmlck are attorneys for the plaintiff. Alleging that his wife haa been cruel to him Charles W. Brtckell filed suit for divorce against Elizabeth K. BrlckelL They were married in Port land, June 24, 1896. Caroline A. Benjamin aeeks a di vorce from Andrew J. Benjamin, charging that he struck her Septem ber 24, 1910. They were married in Ithaca. N. Y, June 16, 1906. Charging that he la an inebriate and has been cruel to her, Martha Elleu Whitehead filed suit, for a divorce from Benjamin Whitehead. They were married June 2, 1895. In McAllister, Ind. The plaintiff aays that her hus band frequently left her when Jntoxl cated and remained away for week at a time. She aak the custody of their two. children She - doaa . not know the defendant' whereabouts. Ida M. Sinrtrml sued Frank M. Sim eral, alleging intoxication and non- support. They were married in fat. Louis. February 18, 190L Hotel Arrival. The following are registered at the Electric Hotel: 8. C. Perry, Chlco, Cal.; Mias Ella Holloway, Portland; Miss Mable Holloway, Portland; W. H. Jonea, Roseburg; Frank Boggs, Hamilton, Ohio; Henry Conner, A- W. Fosler, Portland; W. H. Hooker, A. Klenlaen, city; L. Wall. Portland. Burmeister Oregon City Jewelers elms. Has won the tight to fce recognized as the leading; writing; 1 2 tool of the present ae. The next time you want to write J ask your frknd to allow you ta try his Waterman's IdcaL V Notice that it writes as soon as it touches the paper 1 and that the Ink feeds fust as required. It is safe -J a. and clean. The longer you use it the better bw you will like it. r Six Per Cent Semi-Annual Interest Coupon Bonds. THE CLACKAMAS 80UTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY la now offering to our horn people It first ajortagage 6 per cent semiannual Interest coupon bonds, and as th bond are limited to tie, rails and equipment and all other work, uch a grading and bridges, ar paid for by stock subscription, the bonds issued by this company ar first class. f , . Thete bonds ar Issued In the following denominations, viz.: $100, $500, $1,000. . V ' The Clackamas 8outhrn Railway Company offers th following reasons Why these bonds should be sold In Oregon: FIRST It Is an Oregon enterprise and owned by Oregon people. SECOND The country traversed by this line is thickly popu lated and has freight and passenger traffic in sight to make It th best paying road In Oregon for Its tenth. - THIRD Th best, business man and farmer n th County ar stockholder In thl road'-and authorized th lu of these bond at th stockholder' meeting by unanimous vote. FOURTH These bond draw 6 per cent Interest and th hold, get hi Intarait twice each year. - , Call on or addre. G.5. DIMICK Secretory C. S. Ry. Co. NEW RIVER LQ MAY BE STARTED OWNER OF LEONA CONTEMPLAT ING INAUGURATING) SERVICE AND CUTTING RATES. PLAN IS LaJUT.ED TO LT.I Resolution Adopted Urging Court to Make Levy For State and County Fair Cream-, , ery la Dacuaed. The establishment of an Indepen dent steamer line between Oregou . City and Portland la proposed by Cap tain Hembree, owner of ' the tern wheel steamer Leona, who waa her Tueaday and attended the weekly luncheon of the Liv Wire and laid before that organization a proposition to put hi boat on the local run, mak ing two round-tripe daily. Captain Hembree say he will cut the passen ger rate in two, and will reduce the freight tariff on some claasee of mer chandise., materially cutting the rat on furniture and similar merchandise in twain. Mlnnvllle run last summer, and Cap tain Hembree la authority for Um etatement that the craft loat 2,K for hlin before he finally pulled her off the run and tied her np at Port land ilnn whirh time aha haa been out of commission. Her owner says he carried hay for $1.20 per ton foa McMlnnvllle to portlana, ana maae no profit on the haul, after being com noiioA to nar GO cent a ton lock age. Shortly after hi craft waa plac ed on tne route, tne souinern raciuc Company, he say, reduced the rate to $1 per ton, and waa eventually compelled to make a pro rata reduc-, tinn In frxiEht ratea all along ita west side line from Corvallla to Portland. Captain Hembree recited Wis tact 'n refutation of the statement that in the past independent steamer lines have been driven off of the Portland Ore gon City run by the existing compan ls,who have cut the rale down to eliminate competition, and then have boosted them up again to the former figure.' What seems to be the main stick ing point in the establishment of an-etfeea- steamer line here la the ab sence of a dock, the only wharf In the city being controlled by the Ore gone City Transportation Company. For many year Frank Buach, and other enterprising citizena hav en deavored to secure the construction of a public dock at the foot of Eleventh street, which l probably the most accessible place. Ut. Buach waa named aa a committee to Interview the local buslnes men to ascertain Just what support can be obtained for an Independent boat line, and at the (Con tinned on Page $.) FoimtamPen 1 av Andresen Suspension bridge Corner