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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1911)
MOHNINO ENTERPRISE TIIUHBDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1911. , V. Sale Enormous Trade-Building Ur4 '"' DIG. FALL yTFETDfix SALE! - NOW AT -' L. ADAMS' Department Store now in full blast Surprising a goodly number of people at the bargains we are giv ing during our TRADE-BUILDING SALE. Do not miss this' sale as we are saving you money on your fall and winter wearing , apparel. HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS: 7 cent calico 4 1-2 yards 12 1-2 cent Ginghams 9 1-2 yards ; 12 1-2 cent Outing Flannel 9 yards U cent Muslin 8 yards 30 cent Bleached Sheeting 27 yards Ladies' $! and $1 25 Waists at 93c' Ladies' R & G. Corsets $1 to $1.50 at 59c Ladies' $2.50 to $3 Sweater Coats $1.98 Ladies' Burson Hose 25c grade 21c Ladies (Closing Out) a lot of Ribbed Hose, regular 25c grade 14c 1250 Bhoee' jo day only Also enormous bargains in Menj and Ladies' Suits and Overcoats. aOUR big bargaim. ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETS J LEVDTT Stventh and. Main W" B"Um W U U U $10 REWARD Kor th arreal an conviction of an person or peraons, who a unlawfully remov cople of Tb Morning Enterprla from ta prenilite of subscriber after paper haa bee plaoed there by carrier. - Juit 8a. "ITa'a a coward." Jlmr "Tm Afraid of a ahmfcw.' "Wbw abadowT" "Hla wife a" LOCAL BRICPS N. II. Everhart, merchant of Mo lalla. waa In Ihla city Wedneaday. Ed word lleaman, of Clarke, waa tranitartltiK business In Oregon City WsdnaHilav. i If you want to b In atyla get your bat of MIh C. Ooldamtth. Mrs. Sieve Lonergan, of Heaver Creek, waa among the Oregon City visitors Wednesday. renin Mayfleld. of Highland, on of i lie well known farmera of that place, waa In Oregon City Wednesday. ' Try our Kail City dreamery butter. It's alwuya rlht. 75c per roll at Har. rU' Urorery, Mra. Arthur Steven, of Dearer Creek. I visiting bar parenta, Mr. and Mra. Jacob Stelner, of this city. Mra. Ieonard Blmmona, of Portland, pent Wednesday wjth her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Torreuce, of'tht city. , George Mooney, one of the well known farmera living near Mllwaukle, i In tills city on bualneaa Wednes day. .... - Mlaa Nellie, Grimm, of Portland, who In thla city vlalUng Mlaa Cath erine Roach, haa returned to ner home. Hemy (itienther. of Waahlngton. pa I ('.trough thla city Tuenday n'l hU wny to Shubel, where he la visit 1'iK' lila parenta. iWk Christie, of Atlanta. Da., ha arrived In Oregon City, and haa 'H't' il u million with W. A. Holmes' d'.y Ri.mU store, Klve you the leading and betit tylea and save you money. Mlaa c OoldHmlth. '!u:i Bchuebel and daughter, Mlaa Lnelle. cf Shubel, were In thla city We'neliiy, and while her vlalted Mr. iiiid Mra. C. Bchuebel. Mra. Hay Wilcox, of Eatacuda. " thU rlty visiting Mra. Roy WooJ rd, and before returning will visit Mra. Grace HaxW, of Oladatone. O. A. Cheney, of Portland, but form ly of thla city, wa in Oregon City Wednesday afternoon attending tho Grand Army meeting at the WUU "etle ball. , Popular hats at popular prices at C. Goldsmith'. ' Mlaa Roae Olnther,. who haa been halting relatlvea and friends In Or fn city, Portland and Walla Walla, Wash., left for Oakland, Cal., Wednes day evening, where aha will reaume position. George Young ' has added to bis Indian collection a fine lot of toma swka and arrow heads, which were Purchased from B. P. Davis, of this clty. Thau ratio wart hrOUKht by -.Mr. Davis from Illinois. To secure and bold the beat tradi hard problem, but w hava Ita so "Hon. Always buy the beat and make ln prices low, Harris'. Grocery. Harold Horner, Edgar Horner and "fed Horner, of Dodge, were In this cl,y Wedneaday, having come here to tak out their' first papere for cltl nahlp. Theae young men came to United States from Bradford. Children's 25c and 30c Hose ..-.S.1 14c Ladies' Cotton Fleece-Lined Underwear, 25c grade 19c Ladies' 50c cotton-ribbed Underwear .. 39c fine $1.50 Springfield Under- , - wear ..'.c.i ..v...; $1.19 Girls' 35c Ribbed Underwear 23c M 50c nd 60c Wool Underwear .. 36c Boys' 25c Cotton Underwear.... .. 9c Boys' 35c Underwear .r. 23c Boys' 50c and 60c Underwear 39c BARGAINS IN SHOES FOR WOMEN: 13.50 Shoes ' f 1.00 Shoe 10 days only '10 daya only T 2M. - - - - $1.68. Nlolsan & Llndborg HIGH CLASS TAILORING SOS Sailing Bldg Portland. Ptiona Main 6151. England, March 7, 1907, and are prom inent lumbermen of Dodge. Tbey a re brut hers. Having purchaaed the Intereat of M. K- Park, In the automobile and re- mli-ln liiitflnaaa. 1111 now conduct i ha i.iiilnuM hf mvaeir. In Hew ouar- tera .Armory building. Mr. Hart, an expert mechanic from Australia, o been secured. He la an eipert on general repairing, Including automo biles, sewing macninea, guns, eic. makea old umbrelUa like new and all kinds of electric work. We will call for and deliver all articles. Chester Elliott, gsrage and repair shop, Arm ory building. AuguU Bcbtiak. wife and son. Al lien, have arrived In Oregon City Irom Fossil, and the former baa pur chased the Nash livery barn on Seventh street. Mrs. R. O. Deeson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bcbwak, ac companied her parenta here. Her husband and her brother, William, will arrive here within a few days, and will also make Oregon City their home. CORRESPONDENCE TWILIGHT. Mlaa Anna Wlllhart. of Oregon City, waa a Sunday visitor of ber sister, Mrs. James Hylton. - Mr. Herbert Billiard Is In Salem vlslilng friends. Mrs. A. II. Harvey and son Clyde, were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Sunday, at Mullno. Mrs. Oeorge Schrelner la on the atca ""iir. Bharkey was slightly Improving at laat reports. A good roade meeting will be held . .k- nnaa Halt next in ixew ci a av imc v. . n Friday evening at I o'clock. All are Invited 10 auenu. Warner Grange will bold Its regular meeting Saturday at Its hall In New Era. AU tbe member are requested to be present, aa It Is an important meet '"Mrs. Nash was taken suddenly 111 last Monday and called In Dr. H. fit.- I. ..h hattar .. i n. .ml M .1. Irlle : attended the Congregational lirotlier i v...,..i n-iiaa.luv evening. A II Harvey has accepted R posi tion' In a railroad ofIce In Golden d.ile, Wash. Mrs. Mai Ion Thompson and Mrs. Curtis Dt)d.latpent Thurrulay with ;m. Milton Hattoon in TWIllKnv rowuiii" nia w- -- Joehnke. a bright and energetic young " . . ...J -J Inn n HIsndMl- mm, wnose ama "" , - tlon won the lam riu - Through all his surrenng ne trials without a. murmur, until th grim messenger or Death called him to the home where all la peace and love He will be missed by bis many friends In this community, lis par ents have the sympathy of the neigh bors. and ajnakee. . Africa Is tbo borne of the typical rlpera. No species of the true viper Inhabit the new world, though sev eral kinds of anakea are commonly ao called. The vlperlne snakes of this hemisphere belong to subfamily of . tachnlrallf as tbe me Tiijia, " - crotallnne. Under thla head com the rattlesnake, coppemeaa. w caaln. buahmaater and th fer-de-lanc . . A It Werka Out '.' TI called blm crasy aa a loon." "What bappenedr "He resented tb Insult by drawing t rTolvr and ahootlng.- "And now!" "Now be ha hired three lawyers and a Uff of iprt wltneaeea to prov that b really wa craay as a loon."-ntrot rre Preea. Rad U Mrnlng SnUrpHi . t 13.60 and $4 Shoea 10 daya only -- r- 12.05 '-, DONT MISS SEEING ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETS ' OREGON CITY JUDGE BEATIt WILL ATTEND ROAD MEETING County Judge Beatle will go to flprlngwater today to attend a road metlng. There has been a big de mand for the Improvement of tbe mart In that afift Inftfr tins tie dealrea to give all tbe aaalslance mat la possible. He attended an en- t h ii a. I 1 1 a MAkilMv a. Ik. Qiinnv. side schoolhouse Tuesday evening. The citizens agreed to raise $100 and itfika ltla sa n mAtMt lknai I 1 AA am n 1 a ak 'S Viral " B BH4V4IUWUWI fVV KUV BB VOatJBt levy for road purpoaea waa dlacuaaed. OP' TWENTY IUNERST The "Twenty-Nlners" were delight fully entertained Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mra. E. Schwab. All mem bora of the rlub were present and "Twenty-nine" waa played, after which a delightful luncheon waa aerved oy Mrs. Schwab. Tbe decorations were of dahlias and autumn leaves. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. T. P. RaadaJI, Dr. and Mrs. La A. Morris, Mr. and Mra. Harry Moody, Mr. and Mra Theodore Os mund .Mr. and Mra. llenrv rVMoJlav and Mr. and Mrs. B. Schwab. Woman's World The Winter ef a 8hert Story Prixs. t-Jllaaa"l MISS SON OALB. . "vn Oala . whoi recently won th abort story prlae given hy a wen known mncaxlne Uevotnu to ue in terest a of women. 1h prooably better known by the rending pumic, inrounn her tales of "humely folk" that apier fnumentlv In tbe monthly nince alnea than aa th author of "Pelleiia and Ktarre." This delight nil book cou i.ta nf ehurmlmrlv delicate and noetK ahantara tn the life of two elderly Ideallata. But. to come Dacg to mi nrt aurv" Miss Oale bad 10.000 competitors, among tbem many well known . writers In the hort story world. Several of thee contributors received prise of lesser valu for their stories than Mis Gale, whose mon etary recognition waa It a word for 2,000 words. Qattlng Baok. , "Don't yon remember met Why. w went to school togetherl" - "Surely It must be my mother yon re thinking of." "Ob. no! It wa yonr mother who told you yon ought to be ashamed to go with girls so much younger than your self." (Etc.. etc etc., ete.-'foledw Blad. - , SCHWAB HOSTESS j .... . . L e-,--W wtX '- "..- a .. - Attend OREGONCITY TEAM TO PLAY PIEDMONT Tha nrarnn rttv Football Club will nlar ih third came of the season with the faat Piedmont Stars of Port land 8unday at Canetnah Park. Thn local boys will try to make thla game their third victory. They have not haui iMiml on this aeaaon. Tbe Pied mont Stara have tried to get a game with the local boya ror me last mree seasons, but owing to the former hav tna much heavier team the boys have .not given them a game. Tbe Oregon City team, nowever. is mwa faster ihla year and It Is believed It baa a good hance of winning. IN FASHION'S MART. Changes That the New Stylas Have ' Mads In Lingarie. Tbe 'came of frocks with narrow 1. I - 1 . I. - I . V. . . I. . pukttt. ail la una viiaui-u r.' " v. " i ....... I coats. Tbeiie ure ruHliloneil wttn very narrow dlmeiiHluns and without under rufflea ao that there wilt be no huuene- aary f ullnetm. , , Good old fashlouod handmnde tore no n lace-bad been revived for te trim ming of underwear. .It la a serviceable, bimplb frooc roa bmalu oiuu durable lace that never should have gone out of fashion, and most women will welcome Ita return. When making your fall and winter gown remember that tbe new bodice trimming are not .balanced. The one aided effect Is th smartest. Th Idea I a helpful one as far as the us of remnants Is concerned. Scarlet and cerise dinner gowna are going td be very smart In cold weath er. A combination of reda la a fash lonabl selection for these costumes. Here la a simple little frock that la Ideal for tb small girl Tbe dress Illu strated Is of cashmere trimmed with a pretty banding and a yoke of dotted awlss. ' JUD1C CH01.LET. i: Here is the Qnlv Bargain House Cnmpar otlr prloe with other and you will b sure to trad br. New and second band furniture of all kinds. Oianlt. glass and light hard wsre. ,, ' .. E. W. Meillen Oppoalt Th Grand , , ' ' ' , ; New Fall and Winter Sits and; Overcoats lot Men and Boys Best Shoes made for Ladies. Men, Boys and girls. ; Nifty Suits and Coats in our Ladies' Suit Room. . - r"T" -r--- Everything New in Furnittire and Stoves. - Our Fall OREGON CITY PARTY HAS SUCCESSFUL HUHT John P. Clark, attorney, returned Tuesday evening from Douglass coun ty where be was accompanied by Harvey Farmer. J. I1 Waldron and John lwthwalte, who will probably return today. r Mr. Clark preceded th others nom aa h.ialnaaa In thla oltv naceaaltated hi arrival Wedneaday, and a the packer bad not arrived wnen n was ready to start be waa forced to walk nlna mil am Ha Instructed a D&cker to go to the other men'a assistance, aa they will bring out tn six aeer uuu were shot. Tb party, while In camp, lived high, having venison at every meat Mr. Clark waa probably the best cook In camp. He said that bta "ftnuph enha." of which he la a cham- plon.swent like hot cakea, and many times he waa forced to make tbem w..-.- . .1 - ninn tha Mi uur uum -vvi mand. In asking for bis recipe so that .ethers Could" make them, he gave the following: "Six large handsful of flour (any grade Just so it la good ana will Stick) several handsful lard, hair can of baking powder, half pint of shaka well hafnra taking". Sev eral membera of the party, It la aald, shook well arter taxing, am oi me n..n aainaH fiAiih I jickllv there was no member of this party taken ffor a deer and ahot. They all looaea weu after being In the woods ten days without shaving. I. t FARMERS TO GROW ; MAN POTATOES Frank Buach has been taking an a tlve Interest in Inducing farmera of this county to grow the German pur ple potato. In a recent addres be fore the Publicity Committee of the Oregon City Commercial ciuo, Mr. n.,uoh atatait 1 that thla variety of tu ber waa a large yielder, of th best quality, being very starchy and would imii in ion time than an other Po tato. If thla Is the case, the purple potato will not oniy aave me au hs.ll HAW ifa'a time hut also ' the fuel bill at the end of th year will be considerable less. He also affirmed that a great many of the farmera would riant theae potatoea mia com ing spring, tn eea saving n" - i.inaH laat vaar from Mr. Busch. lOllitu . At tha laat weeklv luncheon of th Live Wires, Henry Heltkemper, of Oak Grove, furnished German purple potatoea which, wer made Into potato salad of the most tempting kind. The members all declared tnese poiauwa to b the vry best ror mi . purpose DR. AND MRS. 6EAT1E ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Tha Tueadav Evening Bridge Club met thla week at in nom oi ui ..j mm a t. Ttoatla Tha horn was beautifully decorated, and arter me games refreshments were served. Mrs. E. p. Rand and, O. w. tuasinam nn tha nritu Tha meetins was one of the most delightful ever held by th club. Tn following wer pres ent: 1 u. lui Mra nv A. Chanman. Mr and m ra rt. W Rnstham. Mr. and Mrs, John Adams, Mr. and Mr. W. A. Dhaaitnan Mr. and Mrs. B. T. McBalC, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Straight. Mr.' and Mra. George Hankln ana Mr, to. i: Randa. - 1 Cain Walohta, A twenty dollar gold plec I per mitted to weigh half a grain mor or teaa than it standard of 81 grain by tbe government and a allver dollr a grain and one-half more or l thn ft standard of l2- grawa . Read tb Morning Bbterprl SaleHovjJ- ARMERS ANNOYED BY Manr of the farmera living: In the. vicinity of Clackamas and Milwauki are making complaint of . hunter. mostly young men ranging from tb acaa t9 aawantaan tA n I n at Mn TMrA trespassing .upon their premises and bunting ror uninese pneasanu, sou who are probably not aware that there la a ' law nMMntlnff tha ahnntlnm- nf Chinese pheasants for at least two years. ' . George Mooney, whojowna a twenty-two-acr farm near Clacltamas, waa In thla city Wednesday, anoaaid mat nn O.mna. nt laat Vwtlr ha fnihl UT. eral hunter and ordered thernAaway. Mr. Mooney baa taken an active in terest fn tbe Chines pheasanta, and feeda them the same aa he doea hi chicken. There are more Chinese pheasanta thla year than laat year, and hr rivins- mem me nrooer nroiecuou thav will soon moJtlDlr. There La also a Law against women wearing the nhMaanrr n nmm Bnn DAT IM m oartalntv tha hlriia will not h killed for the decoration of headgear. Tb game wardens will probaoiy d on me lookout lor nunier in win county from now on. Tha Enterprise haa a nosltlon open fur you. cau at one. . . , M. MM L Brotherhood to Have Banquet. Tha rsladatona Rrntherhood of EXiacI I,! will hold their first banquet of the season tomorrow evening, l ne tame are doing an tney can to maae iue banquet a success. Dr. Pratt Marshall Dana and Attorney Flegel. of Port land, and Bvangellat ' Stephens will make speeches. An enjoyable and profitable evening la assured.. The banquet will be attended Dy taaie as well aa men. A fa vnn a auhaf fiber to th Morn ing Enterprise? II not you ahould caH and let m mi your nam on the sub scription .list immediately WHEAT BUYERS BID 81 GENTS TOR EXPORT ThnMrrA mirVAt fnp whaat la again a r v Arm anH tha hlffheat nrloe of the 80. son has been reached by the aale of a load of fortyrold by uaiiour. uumrn t Company, of Portland, to Italy. The ale waa made at 87-4 1-S. .The aale PHEASANT HUNTERS That's what we have done to oiif Neckwear Prices. Beautiful Dutch Collar, values from $1.25 to . $2.25 new 89c Jabots and stocks that are worth 75c to $1. - While they last choice 59c W. A. HOLMES 617 Main St Iraaeair k Mars er rate than Bailing vessel. .- - . . In general the market for wheat wa . firm Wednesday. Buyer are bidding 81c for export and one milling firm U buying at 82c for Its own account . There was a weaker feeling In tbe : millstulTs trade and quotations -to Portland ar down SOc a ton. Har trade I steady for all varieties ' although 'poor 'quality la atin finding . no buyera. There continue an absenc or ca- , hlaa from tha OrtADL No flour aalea - have been reported for that account recently. - - Prevailing' Oregon City price ar aa followa: '" ' ' HIDES (Buying) Green bide. Be to 6c; Miter. 5c to 6c; dry hide.' 12c to 14o ; sheep pelts, 25c to 7&e each. - - Hay, Grain, Feed.- M A Vtlninrl Tlmothv. til to clover, $8 to $9; oat bay. beat, $9 to (in; mixed, l lo iiz; aiiaua, aia to $16.50 . . OATS (Buying) Gray, $25 to $27: wheat. $32 to, $33; oil meal. $53; Shady Brook dairy fed, $1-26 per 100 pound. FEEOr-Shorta. $27 to $28; rolled . barley, $37.60; process barley, $38.60; whole corn, $37; cracked com, $38; white, $26 to $27; bran $27 to $28.; Butler, Poultry, Egga. , - . FLOUR $4-60 to $5.25. - BUTTER . (Buying) Ordinary , country butter. 25c to 30c; fancy, dairy, SOc; creamery, SOc to 85a ' r-POUI,TRT (Buying) Hene, 11c to 12 1-S; brollera. lie, ; , EGGS Oregon ' ranch eggs, 30c to 35c. . ' ' Fruit, Vegetable. " ' ' Prunea on basis of 1-4 pounds for 43- , - 601. :" . ' i. i r SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. , $1.25 to $1.60 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 to $1.50; turnip, ii.zs u at-ou; . Prune, on baal of $ l-4e for 46 and . beet, fl.60 ' ' " ' POTATOES Best buying 70c to t 85c per hundred. . '. ' . rtv-irtMSTkrarnn f 1 IS to tl.KO. aer hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred. . Livestock, Meats., BEEF (Llv wight) Steer, 6 and 6Vc; cow, 4e;' bull, I l-2c - VEALr-3alv bring . from 80 to 13c, according to grad. , MUTTON Sheep, . 3c an 34o; . . lambs. 4c and 6c. HOGS 125 to 140 pound boga, 10c ! and lie; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and lOtt ' ' ; Our greatest clubbing offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonian, both until Novem ber 1. 1912, tor only $3. Offer, close October 3. 1911. , OREGON CITY