Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 25, 1911, Image 3

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Enormous Trade-Building Sale
Surprising a goodly number of people at the bargains we are giv
ing during our TRADE-BUILDING SALE. Do not miss this sale as
we are saving you money on your fall and winter wearing apparel.
7 cent calico 4 1-2, yards
12 1 -2 cent Ginghams 9 1-2 yards
12 1-2 cent Outing Flannel V yards
11 cent Muslin 8 yards
30 cent Bleached Sheeting 27 yards
Ladies' $1 and $1 25 Waists at 93c
Ladies' R. & G. Corsets $1 to $1.50 at 59c
Ladies' J$2.50 to $3 Sweater Coats $1.98
Ladies' Burson Hose 25c grade 21c
Ladies (Closing Out) a lot of Ribbed
Hose, regular 25c grade 14c
Children's 25c and 30c Hose 14c
Ladies' Cotton Fleece-Lined Underwear,
25c grade 19c
Ladies' 50c cotton-ribbed Underwear . 39c
" fine $1.50 Springfield Under
wear ... $1.19
Girls' 35c Ribbed Underwear 23c
" 50c and 60c Wool Underwear ,. 36c
Boys' 25c Cotton Underwear j9c
Boys' 35c Underwear . . 23c
Boys' 50c and 60c Underwear 39c
10 ilitva only
l 88.,
$3.50 8 hoc
IK day only
12.00 Shoes
10 days only
$3.50 and f I Shoe
10 days only
Also rnormout bargain in Meo'i and Ladies' Suits and Overcoats.
Seventh and Main Yr
Fur the arreat an conviction
.i ... nnfiiin or oersons. who
U unlawfully rtmoM copies of The
MornlnK Enterprise rrora , tae
. of atihscrlbers after 4
paper hss been placed there by
carrier. .
, -a
Running the
"Is doctor
doing general
practice allllV
"No. be la
expert now."
"How did
get to be
"Ily doubling
bis charges."
ao ex-
Nielsen & .,
308 tolling Bldg., Portland.
Phone' Main 6151.
Dave Jonei, of El
Oregon City Tues-
.MIb KiK'hrr. of Aurora, was In this
City Monday.
Clyde Hmlth. of Mullno, waa In Ore
ion City Tuesday.
Ell suck, or Shuhel, waa in this
city on 1iiihIiih Tueaday.
Otto Htryker and wlfa, of Carua.
were In Oretcnn City Monday.
Andrew Nelson, of Monitor, waa In
toil city Sunday and Monday.
Mlaa Manila Maaon vlalted friend
In Portland the flrat of the week.
Mr. and Mra. Otto 8tryKer. of El
dorado, were In Oregon City Tuea-day.
Mr. and Mra.
dorado, were In
1 .A. Berkman ha returned to Me
Mlnnvlllf, after a brief vlalt In Ore
ion City. s
Try our Fnll City Creamery butter.
It's always right. 75o per roll at Har.
rla' (irorery.
Mra. Kuthryn Wise, of Portland, la
In thli city visiting Mr. and Mra.
Frank Moore.
Mr .nnd Mra. Dennla Drlacoll, of
Carua, were among the Oregon City
'laltora Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. H. L. Plotta, of thla
diy. vlHlted friends at niver Mill and
at Katacada Sunday.
W. S. navlB, of Carua, one of the
ill known voiinir fnrniara of that
PlJN, KUM In thla city Tueaday.
MIhhch Mz, nnd Helen Sohultxe.
which 'were held at the Cathedral In
Portlund Tueaduy inoruliiK.
Mr. and Mra. A. A. Mark have ar
rived in thla "city from Waanlngton,
anil Have puri-lmaed the confectionery
aiore of Mra. Nettle Mlllur. Mr. and
Mra. Mack were formerly In business
near Vancouver. They have taken
We Rite you the leading and beat
atylea and aave you money. Mlaa ('.
Frank White, a former realdent of
Oregon City, but now of Jtedmond,
who bus been In thla city visiting
Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Wllllama, left
Tuesday for Redmond. Mr. White and
family will move to Portland or Ore
gon City, but have not decided npon
the location, and will muke the change
In about ten dnya.
If you want to be In atyle get your
hat of Mlaa C. Goldsmith.
The atudenta of the Portland Law
h.Ihk.I hfld their second debate on
c Jflii ainnlni Drtnlior 21. Tin!
student are taking active Interest In J
oratory and debating.
Jake Illnsw anger, representing the
Chicago Mualln t'nderwear Company,
of Chicago, and whose headquartera
are at that place, waa In thla city on
Imalnesa Tueaday and vlalted aeveral
of hi friend. Mr. Blnawanger la one
of the moat popular aaleamen of that
firm, having been In the company
aervlce for the pant twenty-live year.
Mr. and Mra. Erneat Ouenther. of
Shuhel. were In Oregon City Tueaday.
Popular hata at popular price at
MIhh C. Goldsmith's.
Having purchaaed the Interest of
M. E. Park. In the automobile and re
pairing bualneae, I will now conduct
the bualneaa by myaelf, In new quar
ter .Armory building. Mr. Hart, an
expert mechanic from Australia, ha
been secured. He 1 " expert on
general repairing. Including automo
bile, sewing machine, guna. etc..
makes old umbrella like new and all
kind of electric work. We will call
for and deliver all article. Cheater
Elliott, garage and repair hop, Arm
ory building.
Mr. and Mr. O. A. Shield, of Charl
ton, Iowa, arrived In Oregon City
Tueaday morning and pent the day
with Mr. and Mr. O. A. rice, of
Seventh nd MndNon street. Mr.
Klilelda la General freight agent of the
H I.ItI.. nnri llulon RrhilltZC. I ..1 . it ..iii II ad
. , , ........ - : , rmcHo luminal"" ot m1"" ,
luril mil, who were the gteat of ,,,., wi,h headnuarter at Chart-
ICllul PelT.rilil have returned'.' ... -.. i t.i. t,tr worn former
i fin. lie ""' - - -
. . . .. ftf nl KlVa lara Mr.
nrlgnoora i n. .
V. Kniiiii. and Loul llebhardt, or rn,t Mra. Shields were delighted with
P I. nerA In thla fllv Him Inv and rv..n The ennect to return to
"lunilu.v r.ulKinplnir at th F.lectrlc rifv nent vear to spend six
The St John a .Young People's CluS
I met at the McLoughlln hall Monday
, evening, and arrangement were made
! for the "At Home'' to be given next
. Sunday afternoon, at the MrLoughlln
hall. The entertainment 1 to be for
I the member of the Catholic church
and friend of the church, and prom
Limn to be a most delightful affair.
Thomim Hums. Michael Kojac, Henry
Ant. Mia Martina Klannagan, Mlaa
Frances Draper and Dun Mc.Mahon
were elected member.
After bualneaa was transacted the
remainder of the evening was devoted
to game and inualc. -The following
program will be given Sunday after
noon at the "At Home;' Solo, Miss
Marie Kriedrlch; solo, Ml Irene
Manny; duet, Mis Marie Shenhan and
Mia Zena Moore; violin aolo. Frank
Hunch; duet, Mlaa CI Pratt and Joe
Shenhan; olo, "Holy City,", Everett
Downey. -
Mayor Hrownell sent out notice
Tuesday to the member of the char
ter commlaslon to meet Thuraday
evening at 8 o'clock In the council
chamber to take the preliminary
stepa toward revising the charter so
aa to provide for the commission form
of government. The member of the
commission are LJvy Stlpp, It U Hoi
man, deorge A. Harding, H. C. Stev
en, Wlllam Andreaen, F. J. Tooie
nnd C. Schuebel. All resident of the
city are Invited to attend and give
their views. It Is planned to revise
the charter so a to Incorporate the
commission form of goVernment and
call a special election to vote upon
. fc ' v W IX. jmm
Mens Suits and
Ladies Suits and
Furniture Depart-
Mr. CeorKe Jacob, of Portland, and
Mr- Cynthia Ilor.arth, of Wooilland,
Wnnhlnmnii, vlalted Mia Ada Bed
ell Monday. v
Herman Dedtick. one of the well
"'n farmer of Eldorado, wa In
this city Tuesday and wa aocorapanl-
by his father.
To secure and hold the bet tradj
hard problem, but we have It o
"t Ion. Alway buy the best and make
prlrc low. . Harrla' Grocery.
Bell Pelcher, atate president of the
"bekahs. will make a fraternal visit
Gladatone Rebekah Lodge No. 199,
Thursday evening. Thla lodge la mak
,n special preparation for the event.
Mr. Mary Kent and on. Hud, of
wnodburn, arrived In Oregon City Sat.
?rdy evening, and are visiting, the
forniefa soni Jonn Kent( tnd wife, of
fltplace. They will remain for
,hnt one week.
Mr. and Mr. Droadbent, of Kana
Mo., were the guet of Mr.
"a Mr, p. j. icaa and family at
rwkphca, and will vllt In other "o
"oTia of thft -ut Mon atartlng for
lnlr home In Mlaaourl.
Stenographer wanted Is the call that
?"n ei)me tQ th Bcjedo Dualnesa
UBIerlty. Business men recognize
JJ uperlor worfh of young' people
, the E. B. U. ..'
TMr. I(lrry Jonei mi mis Nellie
Tld, of thla city, were among those
"ending the funeral aervlce over
'e remain of the late Ralph Dlmlck,
Horn, to Mr. B. A. Joiner Tuesday
evening, an eight and, one-half pound
Clackamaa Cpuncll. No. 2007, Roval
Arcanum, will give a smoker tonight
In the parlor "of the Commercial
rtnh. tt will be a booster' meeting
and a score or more application for
mmhrahln will be received.
Claeknma Council wa organised
about nine year ago. but ha nevef
had a, large memberhlp. It I now
proposed to Initiate a clas of 300 In
Portland In Novemner ana uruu
City I expected to furnish It quota
of the applicant. Many inTiiiuir
. in Pnrtlanri Arcan
nave utiu m..T... - , .
. .nA thav have . nromlsed
to bring up entertainer -from the
metropolis who will aslst In making
the moker tonight worth while.
Clackamaa Council I planning to
treble Ha membership within the next
.vi..'a i.oa ni avarr member nresent
h.a aarreed to become an Individual
booster tor the growth of the organl
The Gladstone City Council, at a
meeting tonight, will make arrange
ments for advertising for bonds for
building the city water work aa pro
vided for under the charter recently
adopted. The plant 1 to be built at a
cost not to exceed $20,000. Bonds
were recently advertised for, but It
has been decided to make a change in
the proposition. L C. Kelay, an en
irimur rt PiirtlnnH and formerly cltv
engineer of Salt Lake City, has drawn
plans for the proposed plant.
Party From This City Have Delightful
Time At iiairmoni noma. .
Mlna Fdlth Jackson and Mis Lethn
Jackson were the hostess of a very
enjoyable entertainment at their home
in ninii-mnnt Mnnilav evenlnar. their
guests being from this city. The dec
orations were of cut nowers ana were
verv pretty. . The evening was devoted
to dancing, cards ana music a luncn-
eon waa served.
Fresent were Mis Sedonla Sbaw,
Mia Hel Francis. Miss Vada Ell
iott. Miss Edith Alldredge, Clara
Mitchell, Mis Nettle Burgoyne, Mis
Ruth Brlghtblll, Miss ueryi ixing. miss
Kdlth Jackson, Mis Letha Jackson,
Mis Alls Jackson, Mr. .Jackson;
Messrs. Fred Hogg, Mr. Kltsen, Henry
Montgomery, Charlie Bollinger, Joe
Justin, Frank Busch, R. Brown, Ed
ward Vonderane. uee cauneia, ueorge
Tingle, Ray Cole.
An Important meeting of the Wo
man' Club will be held at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. Mr? 'Mary
Charman and Mis Anna Downey, of
Willamette, will be In charge of the
program. The meeting .will be de
voted to Oregon pioneer hltory. All
member are urged to attend.
Chautauqua Meeting Monday.
Owing to a lack of a quorum the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Assem
bly did not hold a meeting Tuesday.
A meeting ha been called for next
Phillip J. Sin'nott came In last night
to make Klamath Falla hi home and
will be connected Vlth he Pioneer
t.a in tha fntnre. laklne the olaco
of J. Scott Taylor, who baa been new
man on thla paper since It disposal
by him to A. C. wreen. aay me no-
neer Press.
Kir formerly with the
Evening Herald aa clty-edltor, where
he proved himself a versatile news-
getter and In which position ne maae
a host of rnena in mis cuy.
week ago he left for Oregon City,
but he had become so Imbued wun me
Klamath spirit he was not satisfied
. ,.h riatormtned La return. The Pio
neer Press I congratulating Itself or.
adding Mr. Slnnott to its news sian,
as he I a live wire beside being one
of the cleanest-cut young fellows go
ing. '
Tha cntihnmnre class of the Ore
gon CPy high school met In the as
sembly room Tuesday afternoon and
t,a fnllnwinr officers: Kent
Wilson, president; Mary Confer, vice-
president; Alice uowner, Becrem. j ,
Joe Hedges, treasurer; Lyle Gault,
sergeant-at-arms; Norma Holman
nlaaa afciittrtr
nnmmiitAii waa appointed 10
.e,nffA tnr th nartv to be Riven In
aw. .... future fnr tha new members.
1(13 UUCil luk"1 v . .
This promises to be a most enjoyauie
affair and much Interest Is being
manifested In U by the mtmbers of
the clas. The committee i compon
ed of Ineta Dixon. Olive Zimmerman
and Ray Norrl.
un.l Arrivala.
The following are registered at the
Electric Hotel: G. E. Lashart, Port
ih. t n rarlson. J. W. Aspland,
Charles Barnett, Smith ft Maers. Bert
Perry Frank L. MlcheiorooK, mciuiuu
..- i D.m.,. a A. McNutt. Cht
vino, &a !"" -
t,-. ii,h wllhoit! William X.
Davis, J. Becher. Thomas Mnrphy ana
son. Samuel Fowler, Mr. auu
Portland: Clem Inkley
W. lioskln, city; C. J. Osten. F. Tong.
J. W. Moorehouse, Portland.
a.... T-a -nllaet On Note.
Robert J. Cpton filed suit Tuesday
agalitst Belle Brownngg lor ( a.n-B-
.1 sx K. A i nn a note Issued to J.
McAllister. January 2. 19X1. which was
transferred to piaintin.
large veranda front on Sixth atreet.
There will be a reception hall twelve
by fifteen feet, and from thl on. the
east side will be a wide stairway. Af
the rear is the dining room, fifteen
by nineteen feet, and at the rear of
this room Is the kitchen, ten by six
teen feet with wood lifts, built-in
cupboard and other modern conven
iences, and adjoining is the pantry.
On the west side of the hallway and
fronting Center street is the living
room, eighteen by twenty-six feet
with fireplace, and at the rear of this
room Is a sewing room eleven by six
teen feet. There are four bedrooms
on the second floor and also a sleep
ing porch.- The bedrooms open from a
hallway. Kach room win nave domes
closets. The room fronting Center
street over the living room will have
a fireplace. At the rear of the hall
way is the bathroom, with genuine
tile floors and walls. The sleeping
apartments are of large size and airy,
the largest of which Is fourteen br
eighteen feet There Is a full cement
basement with stationary wasbtubs.
The floors on the first floor will be of
hardwood. Mr. Petzold has gone to an
expense of having a home that will
be attractive to the city and of com
fort to him and his family
The Children of Mary, a sewing so
ciety composed of little girls of St
Paul' Episcopal church had a most
enjoyable meeting Saturday afternoon
at the home of Mra. James Dawson.
The early part of the afternoon was
devoted to quilting, and waa followed
by games and refreshments. Several
parents of the children attended.
Among those attending were Mrs.
J. E. Hedges, Mrs. H. L. Kelly, Mrs.
E. W. Scott, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs.
A. L. BeaUe, Mlaa Mlna Kelly. Miss
June Scott, Dorothy Hedges, Naldeen
Blanchard, Elsa Buhl. Sally Lang,
Haiel Fair, Lenora Beatle, Margaret
Beatle, Harriet Parker, Mary Dwlg
gins, Leota Smith. Alice Holman, Wil
bur and Walter Smith, Rhode, Alice,
Mable, Kenneth. Howard, John Daw
son, Dwlght Hedges. Janice Hedges.
Couple Granted License.
Martha Dundas, and Frank Ed gel
were granted a marriage license Tues
day. -
Patronize our advertiser.
(Continued from page 1.)
Read the Morning Evrrprtse.
Mathewson, out, Collins to Davis; De
vore singled to left; Doyle forced De-
vore, Collins to Barry; Snodgraa
safe when Baker fumbled his ground-'
er; Murray fouled to Thomas. No
runs. tWIltse is now pitching for the
Glants.1 , (
Philadelphia Davis fanned: Barry
fanned: Barry doubled to right and
took third on Murray's wild throw to
Fletcher; Murray get error, Thomas
grounded to Herzog and Barry waa
run down by Meyers and Herzog,
Thomaa taking second; Bender out,
Merkle, unassisted. No runs.
Ninth Inning.
New York Merkle doubled to right
Herzog out. Baker to Davis; Fletcher
Died to Collins; Meyer out. Collins
to Davis. No runs.
The Smallest Shop
urh.t .riii v,a one of the most at
tractive homes In thl city is under
construction .at Sixth and Center
streets for Richard Petsold, the con-
. v.l V,aan let tO C. W. Von-
dorahe. It Is planned to have the
house completed by we nrsi oi mo
The house will have nine rooms,
i in ha iwn.ntnrr and have a
IUU Trui v-v
Will do more business than a large store
poorly lighted. The new MAZDA Economy
Diffusers make it possible to flood small busi
ness places with electric light at a very small
cost. The light from these new lamps is so
brilliant and is so perfectly diffused that often
only, one cluster is needed. The turn-down
switch gives just the degree of light desired.
You will be interested in the terms we can of
fer you on these lights. Ask about them.
Here is the Only
Bargain House
Cnmnare our price with other and
you will be ure to trade here. New
and aecond hand furniture of an
kind. Granite, glas and light hard
ware. ' v
E. W. iliellien
Opposite The Grand
MA I N OFFICE 7th and Alder Streets v