MORNING ENTEKPRI8K. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2.V 1911 i , , , .M - J MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON ft I. BROOIE, tdlter V4 Publisher. m iMaM-dM Mttr J IT . 111. at tha eoe mw at Oraaua L-iiLraa"n, hm in Act M tons wtscitmtii. owe, Tmt, by mall .. ...MM .... l-M four Moatha, k by .. l.S fee by aarriar. J CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Klrst r" avr mca nrat laairtina....le Flret Pass, pet kick ada4 laaartlnai. ,iae STeferree' aoaltHai any aaew. par ttrsv. tnaertMm 1 hhnd pnaittoa aay sag-a. Bar tavah aaSed Karri tow. la sum papar ihr Ikaa nrat . par rtret laairttun Rmb papet sthar JKaa ftrat pace, p .Ue a44 teaarllona. ...... uaraJa' te ar Nate; to reawlar aaVar wmt So Dm. Wear T Sale. Ta ftaav. ewe Ml ward fire iaeartl ; aave-heat eaaxl Mrh eddttloaai. Ratee tor rarUtm hi Waahly Spii pi tea wtU ba taa aeaaa aa to ta . eatry. (or oartiaeeata eat sapaasaltr tmr trie weakt. Wtiara tba MWlairt la transferree from Uk. dally to tba aait f. witltout cMaa. tba rata will ka to ' an tof k for raw at tba papar, aad Ito aa kick (or apactol aseluoai Cash akould aceeassaar ardar party to uakaoww ta aaalmaa affta at tka Batarprtae. Laa adrartlativc at total ad 'i art taki rates. Ttrcua adverttslne and apaota traavasaat 4vrt tains at Ac to Se aa toon. a ta aaealal aoajdittaaa , "Fire Sato- and Bankrupt Bala advar- tariaaata tt tack nrat inaartMa; ae tmnml knilloai aaoia taattar toa kaab. - Newa Item and wall wrtttsai artlataa af taarn. wttb Intaraat to local raaSaea, ill ba (tadry accepted. Rejects wa- , an lata waver returaad unieaa tot ay ataaiDS ta prepay kosta CITY OFFICIAL NEWfAlR. "tT"4 THE MORNING ENTERPRTSaT" ' Is oa sale at the following store every day: Huntley Broa Drugs " ' Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars ' Seventh and Main. 4 . E. B. Anderson. - Main near Sixth. ' : M. E. Dunn Confectionery ' Next door to P. O. . City Drug Store - Electric Hotel. , Sckoenborn Confectionery ' Seventh and X Q. Adams. e Oct 25 In American History. 1806Ceoeral Henry Knos, 'Wa.ihlng tofi's Mrretiry of war, died at Tbomaston, ITM. 181-Tbe Unlr- d frigate United la tee. under Commander Stephen Pecarnr. defeated and captured the British frigate Macedonia la a dee - perate battle off the Canary la- ' landa. 18Dt-Commander William E. ITojikln, TJ. 8. N- retired, died in San Fran rlsco; born 182. 1810-Brtradler Oners r Henry L. Chipman. a pioneer O. A. Ii. vet eran, died: born 1823. David Tor ter Oeap. brtradler reneral TJ. S. A- retired, died: born 183. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. " (FTom noon today to noon tomorrow.! Snn seta 8. . We 620: moon sets 6 2 p. m. . TRIAL OF M'NAMARAS. The attention of tbe nation is cen tered upon the trial at Loa Angeles of John J. and James B. McNamara, In dicted for alleged complicity in the dynamiting of tbe Los Angeles Times building. ' Indications now are that about 425 witnesses will be called by the prose cution, and 135 by tbe defense. There are 50 lawyers Identified with tbe ease, ten of whom will appear in the court proceedings. The' defense ana prosecution are said to have engaged a total of 600 detectives, and the ex penses Incurred or to be incurred by both sides are estimated at $1,000. 000. The effort of the state will be to show that the Times building way dynamited as the result of a conspli ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooot Private Own ership of Public Utilities Root of Civic Corruption By FRANCIS J. HENEY. Noted Craft Hroecutor OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCC wuOOOOO FK have been trving stif DKED A XT) TWENTY YEARS. It t.x.k ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE YEARS for us to tiu-J tbe PROPER wy to cast our BALLOTS, and we got this from faroff Australia. In fpite of Fourth of Julj peeche, in which we assure each other that we are the most intelligent people on earth, we baWu vet attained only a PARTIAL SELF GOVERN MENT. In onr city government we have ten tbe mt CONSPICUOUS FAILURES, and the PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF PUBLIC UTILITIES it at the bottom of about all tbe troubles we. Lave. Small off .dors can b 'punished, but not so with men connected with public utilities. To JAIL individual ap-uta is like screening a yellow fever pa tient to that the mosquito cannot bite the patient and thus spread tbe disease. Effectual progress can only be made by destroying the CAUSE of the corruption. IN MY OPINION THE ONLY-PERMANENT REMEDY IS THE PUB LIC OWNERSHIP OP ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES. THIS WOULD EN LIST, ALL THOSE ENERGETIC WEALTHY AND INFLUENTIAL MEN ON THE BIDE OP OOOD GOVERNMENT AT ALL TIMES IN ORDER t evi ctrrr.AL prosperity in the city through ep. "Nit r these tilitieb. acy with which th defendants war connected. Tba defense will snder- take to prove that th tarrtblo iph Ion of October 1, Ml, was caused by gas. dpert tMtlmony will bo k noiablo faaturo of tho trial. Thar wilt bo aa tmmanao mau or yidenco prooented to tba Jury, knd fair-minded people , will await the preeenUtioD of this testimony before forming an opinion aa to the guilt or innocence of the accused. ' . - , Scientist are trying to dlacover wbat language Adam spoke. When they have found out they will prob ably tell ua what he aald when the dispossess notice waa nerved on him. -ae- The women of Atlanta want whlp- nlnr abolished In the schools. Are we to be threatened with a maternal cor poration punishment trust? -wedr If microbes were visible to the naked eye we would all starve to death. -e)er- Says the Toledo Blade: "Singing the 'Star Spangled Banner' won't make a patriot of a man." No, tbe voter rather than the vocalist, is the real patriot. ee Dr. Webster, Chicago bigamist, who murdered one of bis wives, is going to plead Insanity as a defense. He had no other alternative, having con fessed his guilt. . ! ' Abe Martin observes: "Did you ever notice that th' most dlsobligin' folks lLdeal with hold positions taat any buddy could Ml?" ee Cave Mint a Start. "Now. tben." ssld th- soctloneer. holding up s pair of autique, silver candlesricks. "give me a stsri." "Half a doiiarr came rrom a voice at tbe bark or tbe room. "Wbatr reclaimed tbe hornfled auc tioneer. "Ah." said tbe bidder In an under tone and with a chuckle. "I thoogbi that would give 1m a start r Nigeris Mahogany. Mshogany grows rapidly in southern Nigeria. Tbe site of a town destroyed sixty years ago has been covered with a forest containing mahogany trees, some of which are more than ten feet In diameter. Her Missing Arms. The Venus of Miio explained. "1 aewql my anna oft making clothe for my summer vacation." be cried Thus we see tbe snclent substitute for nervous prostration. Harper's Ba sar. The Morse. A home will live twenty-Ore dav without solid food, merely drtaklnc water, seventeen days without either eating or drinking snd only Ave dsr when partaking of solid food without water. Nature's Baauties. If we were charged so much s bead for sunsets or If God sent round s drum before the hswlnorn came in Bower, wbat a work we should make about their beauty. Robert Louis Ste venson. Net Full Gnaf. "Gladys is very strut In ber Ideas sbout tbe spprupriate touch in dress." "Is sher "So much so that when ber naif sl ter died sbe would not wear sny but half mourning." Baltimore Atnerfc-an j He So you think I was IntozlcateO j last nlgbt? Do you know that I sat up for an hour reading after I came j home? Sbe Yes. snd do you know j that you were reading my curl pa per ; Exchange. Hard Work Far the Girt. In a New England weekly newspa per there sppeared not long sso th following advertisement: "A stonemason or bis daughter mat 1 reretve one quarter's music lessons l:i I exchange tv 'irk on a cellar " Road -the nomine Ecterprlsa gove-rnmcnt for OXE IIUX- r 1 if CtJ ' 2 o Wi CO rz I u nnnininTO MEETING OF TEACHERS Tk Arat aml.mnnt hlv teachers meeting under th supervision of Mrs. Emille 8. Shaw was held at the Wlticha school house last Saturday. About thirty teachers were present The primary work was ably taken up by Ml is Sedwtck of the Wlticha srhool In actual class practice, while Mrs. Shaw spoke on mathraetlcal In struction. Refreshmenta were served bv Mr. Gibson, of the school board. The following resolutions were adopt- "Be It resolved by the teachers present, that we extend our thanks to juta KMlwick fur her tucellent meth ods shown In her prtmsry Instruction. . .. i . I , . . V to Mrs. MOllsman. principal wi m school, to Mrs. 8haw for the Interest b la ahnwtnr In tha school work of our district, and to the directors of the Wlticha school for the use or me school building. The Evergreen school, six miles east of town, will probably he tne place of th next meeting, two weeks hence. COUNTY FAIR TRACK LEASED BY VAUGHAN W. O. Vaughaa has leased the race track of the Clackamas County Fair Association at Canby for the winter. Mr. Vaughan. who Is the owner of Captain Apperson, Haltamount, and other fine horses, will use It as a training track. He expects to have many horses to train. Mr. Vaughan was the manager of the races at the recent county fair, and waa highly complimented upon his work. Captsin Apperson and Haltamount were two of the best horses In tbe Oregon cir cuit tbe past season. FEW ASSESSMENT PROTESTS MADE (Continued from psge 1.) same as last year. Assessor Jack says he thinks that 1910 assessment was under tbe real value of tbe property. G. B. Howard, part owner of south east quarter section H. township 3 south, tange 5 east, asks that the assessment be reduced from $1,600 to $800. G. Moehnke, of Oregon City, com plains that he has been assessed for ten acres more of land than he pos sesses. Mary Hahn, owner of prop erty In section 30, township 4 south, range 3 east, says her property has been assessed fifty per cent too high. The other complains are of minor Im portance. . New Medals In Tailor Madas. It goes without saying that tbe burning question of the hour Is tbe tailor made suit. Tbe loncer cost pre dicted by some fashion authorities is conspicuous by its tweme. True, tbe hips are covered, tbe length extending at times midway to tbe knee, but even that can scarcely In the true meaning be dealgnsted long. A new feature is tbe belt, -snd pos sibly this may portend more thaa Is st present suspected. Hut for the most part tbe coats follow that t-lvrer semlDt by wblcb tbe limn of the Qg are are hinted at without being ac- r P- i ras nasTD nnriisD scit. toally deOned. and a large number carry tbe capuchin rs. In seversl quarters there I s dlre-t attempt to revive the greet aquare d I recto! re revrra. and. on tbe other band, tbe Itossian tunic, more or leM tempered, claims Its votaries. The graceful tapering Uuee In Ibis little French walking suit Illustrated i re due nirtly to tbe clever rut and Kirtly tn tbe braided design which inpers downwsrd oo coat snd skirt Tbe snit Is bnllt of black broadcloth, a ltd collar and ruffs sre of soft finish ed) satin, trimmed with crochet hot tons and cord loops. Good Fee a Celd. ' Plenty of cold water between meals la oo of ns tare's best remedies for a cold. There Is no danger of overdrink ing; th only limit being th patient's era rs parity If there Is aay ques tion shout th purity of th water It should be boiled before H la fteely , N , 4 I v. ; .... .t,u3tJ I i re r-t-t tratsrarw-w. Railroad Bridtfe In Kentucky Is 508 Feet Above the River Level fn ' i-Tic s 'iih. ml' - W r ci - - ' $ H v?SV4iar KENTCCKt can now boast tna nig neat bridge over a oatlgsbie aires In America. Tbe Cincinnati, New Orleans and "ailnr Kallroad torn pany baa recently constructed a bridge over tbe Kentu. ky river that bears this distinction. It Is 3Ue) feet ebove tow water - The bridge la 1.230 feet Ion r .and cwt-$liV.U0 It Is thirty feet higher tbau the old bridge, around wbh h It was built Tbe oldbrllge waa used ttmstsntly while the uew one wss being constructed, snd there wss no Interruption of Irsrtic Now that tbe new bridge la In aervke tbe old one. wblcb csn be aco In the photograph, will be removed Tbe new bridge ta mu.-b more maaalve thso tbe old. and It is est lniaied by engineers ss being font Umes ss strong as tba bridge It replscea In tbe picture above tbe Bret pasaenger train thai crossed tbe new bridse Is shewn Wants, For Sale, Etc MaiR-rs anaar mm alaaaifiatf haadjxs will ba maarise at aa oral a ant ta-ai inMrt-iKm half a ewit a.Uiiaa! I ton, one Inch Cr4. U aar BinaiU. naff trcti aar. ( naaaj st aae saoaia. Caaa aioat low ipaar aaar' unl aa ai has rt aaea account with lb fkapar. Mi ftaaerlal reapimalblllty tar arrura. errors aeeur fra eurretr4 atlea will S arlniaS (or aatraa. Maiiaiuai eaarae las WANTED. WANTED Tourists and local people to fe my collection of arrow-heail coins, India! trinkls. ild st im;.j and curios of .'. sorts Will t-u or sell In tbu lius Have 4ne gool bargains In se mtJ-hand fumltu'e and tools. Oeorjo Young, Mali, li near Fifth. WANTED Immediately, girl or woman to do general house work for family of (wo (old lady and young nan.) Good home for any one. Inquire for Mr. Miller, Enterprise of fice or Wells Kargo. . ; WANTEI-Dres8raaklng out by the (lay, Ull v 1 1,1-a wvt m a 1 """i Mrs. W. C. Bnover, Roosevelt strei-t. I WANTEIV-Glrl for housework. Tele- phone 1511. WANTED A red-blooded man or woman, one not afraid of work. A hustler should clear 120 to 3o weekly. Call or write Circulation Manager, Of eonClty Enterprise. FOR AALC FOR SALE Registered Jersey bulL See Al Cooke at Damascus. FOR RENT. t LODGING HOUSE to rent Furniture for sale. Inquire 21) Fourth street, ' Oreg-ra City. FARM LOANS. ATtSLA.S' DimFck'ai Uimick, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATT0PNEY3. O. I) EBY. Attorney-at-Law. Money loaiad, abstracts tirolsked. lead titles exsmlned. aitaUa settled, gear rraj law busnea Over Bank el Oregon City.. I,' KEN A SCHtTEBEU AttorneyMt im, Deutscher Advokat. will nrae 1 e In sll eourts, make collection trW llldg.. Oresoa Cltr, Oregoo SUIIDER ano CO"v")aCT0R. IURKT JONEH Rttflder and General "Va tract or. Estlmat ebewrtnllt eiren on all classes of bofldlrt work, eooerate walks ana resnfbrews eonerete. Res. PVa Mala IP INSURANCE. It. I'OOPffTl, roe sir taeursnec . nt Rest Estate. Lt as hssdl vmt properties buy. sell snd evehanr. Office In Raarpnae Wdg., Oreeoe rtte, Orecn PRY8ICIANB. DR. LENA R. HODGES. Osteopath, of PortUnd, will be In Oregon .City Mondays, Wednesdsys and Fridays of each week, st corner of Sixth and Washington streets, phon Msln 2411. CLEANING ANO PRESSING. CHICAGO TAILORS suits mad to order from f 10 and ap. W also do elesnlng. pressing and repairing Three doors south of postoffc. a HOUSE CLEANING. 1'HONE for Ueorge Itascuni. Main 3551. when you ere ready to clean house or want your lawn cut. city" notices. Notice of Hearing of Ser DlstHct No. 6 Assessment Notice hereby gitn that :Lo torn u liit app-ih.ted to . ra-i -4e - U't.eris to each lot. or ail thereof, or parcel of resl estate lying In Sewer District No. C, Ore ron City, Oregon, desi iilied aa lol lows: UeKiulitng a here the 'boundat'iva of tfeaer District Nos. f and 3 JolU at the southeast corner of Dis trict No. 3 snd at the southeast -.,r.r of lot I. block Id. Oregon City. Oregon, thence ea.terly uUiM alley across Van llureu. Harrison, l'oln. Tavlor and llerce streets lo Division street; theme easterly along Division strict a runs iiu rhaiian street to Lincoln street. thence northerly along alley a ns Buchanan street to soiuneasi cor ner of lot 7. block 47. Comity Ad dition to Orern City. thence northerly along the east line of lot 7 and 8 to Ninth street; thenre westerly alone Ninth street to IMerca street: thence northerly inn, Pierre Mtrei-t to intersection with northeast extension of north line of lot 5. block a. Central Ad dltlnn to Oregon .City; theme westerly along north line of said lot 5 to alley between rierce anu Taylor streets; thence noriherly alona allev to Twelfth si reel thence westerly along Twemn street to northeast comer of lot 1. block 1. Beatles Addition to Ore gon City; thence southerly along lot lines to Eleventh street; thetic westerly alohg Eleventh street to -northeast- corner of - lot-L block 18. Oregon City: theme southerly along lot line and the imrtnerly boundary of Dlntrict No. 3 to point of beginning at the south east corner of lot 2. block 105, and constructing the com of laying and constructing said sewer to each lot or part thereof, or parcel Vol real estate In said Sewer District, according to such benefits, has made Its report and tbe assess ment based thereon Is now on file In the office of the Recorder ol said Oregon City and subject to examination and the City Council of aald Oregon City ha appointed Friday evening, November 7. 111, at 8 o'clock p. m. In the Council Chamber of Oregon City, as the tiro and place for hearing objec tions to said assessment and you sre hereby notified that any ob jections, wheb rosy be made In writing snd Bled with said Recorder on or before the "th day of Novem be 3. 1911. will be heard snd considered by the said City Council at th time and place hereinbefore specified before any ordinance is passed assessing the cost of said sewer. Dated October 20, 1J11. L. 8T1PP. Recorder. Notice of Hearing of Ninth Street Assessment. Notice Is hereby given that the ap portionment of the cost of the Im provement: of Ninth street. Oregon City. Oregon, from th East line o Center street eitendlng essterly to the west line of Jsckson street, hss been sscertalned and the proposed aasessment has been apportioned and Is now on file In the office of th Recorder of Oregon City and subject to eismlnatlon. Aay objec tions thereto that may be made In writing to the City Council of Ore gon City and filed with th Recorder thereof within ten day after the first publication of this notice, win be heard and determined bv the council before the passage of any ordinance assessing tbe cost of said Improvement The property assessed for the said , Improvement lie on both sides of said part of ssld Ninth street pro posed to be Improved and the line of kits abutting on said part of said Ninth street fartnereet from said part of said Ninth street and aald part of aald Ninth street. Wage cannot bosom employers until they have saved enough sapltal te mss s start. A saving seocunt at this bank will net only prevld sanltat, hut will glv s training In finance whlsh will prevt a valuable business help. The Bank of OLDEST BANK II i.ATntmrrTR PrMsnt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON CITY , OREGON capital. rre-eaeu a -eT Baestwg B- Gladstone Lumbor Company BUNGALOW MATERIAL OP ALL KINDS. l-umber. lalh.' shingles, fence-poet and doors, mouldings, sash sa4 all k'.nda of Inside finish. .ITjces right, lumber gusranteed snd protspt delivery (YARDS AT PARK PLACE). Phone Main 8I. . V ' Farmers n This notu-e Is published Itr the Morning Enterprise, the Brst pub-lU-atlon being tlctober 25th, lll. and the City Council has set No vember 7th, st 8 o'clock p. m. at . the Council Chanilwr of Oregon City aa 1 the .time and place of bearing of said objections. USTPPP, Uorder UPWARDTURNTAKOi IN PRICE OF HOPS The strong upaard turn taken by I ue hop market within the past few ) fully bears, out the predictions iiijilr t'y Home of tbe dealers a month age At that time a 40-cent market was counted on for tbe near future, the trade figuring on the well knowu shortage in English and on th Con tinent. Values have already passed the 4'1-eent mark, sales at 43 cents having ben made In the Valley this aeek, and the prediction' la freely made now that the market will go U a still higher level before the end of the month Within the paM week Eastern deal ers and brewers hsve come lo a full realisation of hat the future of the market protnlcs In tbe way of price, and as a result thejr Jisve gone Into the market to buy in a much freer way than at any time ainre the open Inn of the present senson. The latest statistics on tbe movement of bops In the London msrket, as compared all! the shoeing for epieinler a year ago. Indicate that the English dealers hsve to date sent out of that country for the most part to the Continent a fat greater total than In September of last year, while the Imiorts this sea son sre swsy short of the Imports of last year. Prevailing Oregon City prices are ss follows: HIDES (Buying) Green hides, Lc to 6c; sailers,. 6c to 8c; dry hides, 12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 2&c to 7Sc each. Hay, Grain, Feed. HAY (Buying I Timothy, $12 to SIS; clover, ft to ; oat bay. beat, f to fn: mixed. $ to til; slfslfs. 11 to 1 16 . Ml OATS (BuylDgl Gray, I2S to 1:7 ; wheat. $.12 to 133; oil meal, $13; Shady Brook dairy feed, 12& per 100 pounds. FEED Shorts. 2 to 30; rolled barley, $37.50; process barley, 138(0; whole rorn, $.17: cracked corn, 38; $26; white, $20 to $27. Butter, Poultry, tags. FIjOCR $4.50 to $5.25. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter, 25c to JOc; fancy dalrv, 30c; creamery. 30c to 35c nrT, cresmery. 40c to JbC. Iwu'l WBV , r . , . . iwxwmi iiiiijmd-nmi, - 1 i 2 M I I I: broil, r. I ic. E(i;S Jrrgon ranch eras. 3fu to 3r,c. Fruits. Vegetables. DRIED FRUITS (Uuylng) Wi. Peaches, inc. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.25 to $1(0 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 to $1.50; turnips, $1.25 to 11.50: Prunes, on basis of C 1 4c for 45 and beets, t 50 POTATOES Best buying 70c to 85c per hundred. ONIONS Oregon, $1.25 to $1.50 per hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight ) Steers. 6c and 514c; cows, ic; bulls, I 1-Jc. VEAL Calves bring from 8c to 13c, sccordlng to grade M UTTON Sheep, Jc an tttc; lambs. 4c snd 6c HOGS 125 to 140 pound hogs, 10c and lie; 140 to 200 pounds. 10c and lOHc. The Enterprise has a position open for you. Call st once. NOT EXPENSIVE Trestment st Hot Uk. Inclt'ditig medical attention, board baths, costs no mor than yoa would pay to llv at any ""'J-n hotel. Room, ran be bad from 76 cents to $:.50 Pr r- " ..ln the cafeteria at served from 10 cnta up and la th r1" usual grill prices. Baths rang from (0 cents to $100. We Do Cure HOT LAKE SANATORIUM MOT LAKE. OREGON. , VALTCR M. PICRCC. Prcs.-Mflr Earners Oregon City III Till COUNTY J meter. csl-. Oven free t A, M. ts I , - -r . . CORRESPONDENCE LOGAN. Sunday was an Ideal (-totr dir. . The sportsmen ate hai py u th upvB) Mwmra ui wavrv are Trs 0Mf " Tts rumored tbe oil well baa ed hands. Clear Crvek firamery kt oa Sal " T8 feet deep now wiih-?-tea-sf wv- tr. A hunting party, Ned Hutrhla. 1 Koloomb, Luther Mumpower and Jca lienor left for tbe mountains la saar of gam and likewise a good tics. It Is a rare treat when man get 1 chance to eat their own cooklag Clear Creek Creamery patrou te reived 35 rents a pound for their lit ter fat lor September Mrs, Anderson. trUr, aud Maaa went to Gladstone Tuesday to call Mrs. Fteylag who Is seriously 111. Mrs, Emille Shaw, tba srboul s apvetreaa. visited our school agalatkM week and made some good ssigag lons, yet, like all people la that Bst of work, they overtook the fact Uut It take money to do these- in&gv -Henry uler Just finished csttlai a field of barley, which ahoss tail grain grows and ripens-most mt old time1 In Clackamas County. It W, Swlnk of Newburg mad IU anaual trip through here ibis weM, Uklng subscriptions for the Ote gonlan Mra. N. L. Kirchem la vtftung rva tlves at Currinsvllle this week. Mr. and Mrs. M C. Ward sill hart for South Junction Monday. OAK GROVE. Mrs. Cordelia Kinsey ag"d 7( yssn 3 months and 12 days, died at tkt borne of ber son Charles Kinsey. Mi East 477th street. North IrOrtlaas, Bealdea th sged husband. Mrs. Kls sey leave four sons, four dausktert, sll grown and fifteen graad-caildraa, three great- grand- children. All at her family was el home st tbe tins of her death. Tbe funeral ssrticel were held st the residence Fridif st I p. m. Rev. Fllnn an old friend of US family age 85 years, conducted lk services. Interment at Rce Oty Park cemetery. Mrs. Kinsey w orn In Cordaln. Iowa, and cam t Oregon with her huslnd In 1MJ tllng In l.'nlon County. MovH te 0 Grove flv yesrs sgo and mad home with her daughter. Mrs. Cosgriff of Courtney Station. BARLOW. R. E. Irwin and son Elmer retnr ed from the East Sunday. They re port a good visit snd sn enjorsws Urn, but Mr. Irwin says. "1 wobm not llv In owa agin If they wow glv me my old farm bark. Oregos" good enough for me." Mrs. Jreln ' te Portland to meet mem. I .1. 1 wry ir trn s reliei asm nl ...... lhai: gone to Canby to sci a a ... " . aoi ascui ,. ..l Jlrs. Phelps' sister. r.. ''- from tfeattl Is vUltlng her. slss M Prlc of Resttl snd Mrs- sckWA Portland visited Mrs. Phelps T dli. F. Melvln went to Oregos CIV on business Tuesdsy. Mrs. ner building a a-' Udi I Irwin and Miss Hsttk . m win left Wednesday evening t V ath Fa'ls and Merrill, where ! ul visit friends. atlftkaM Mr. and Mrs. Jim R" were visiting Mrs. Ryan nts. Mr. and Mr. W. week. Mrs. Rysn Is the Mr. and Mrs. Billy Iond. They on their wedding trip. Mrs. Glna BlaUger g to her many friend. "SS. 2. A. Andrew, a-gjg' Theltna returned,' from f'''B k Saturday, where Mr. Andre- s been visiting her mother for t P six week. . Rheumatism . Hot Uk Mlr.l snd mod tivwa jnder tlfle direction havs c thousanda. Writ f"' " , tratd booklet Hot Lk. 8.n.eorlm th mthods wwm2L. Uk.S.nstorlum la aecj slbl. a. It lIof?'-1J,rtta f on th tfaa 0,W. R. N. riT. M apeclal curslon raw t tob had at all tltn. agent.