Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 22, 1911, Image 3

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    i r
er &f 1911.
Big Trade
Is Now Iii Ftll Swing
A Knl
BiMln All Departments. Buy Now
and Save MONEY.
j.'il 0 3D!1(1 HillJifl
i V k. K.
I O - l ?
' 1 1 f ,
Ptegon City , SjisVnridgtGor fl'H
4 V
fur the arrest an conviction
( inv .erou or persous, who
lawfully remove copies of The
ititiiliiK Enterprise from tne w
krmlufi or MMcriDtn aur
Ls-r has been placed there by
.frier. X
Nlolaon &
Phone Main 6151.
I la" 5Hr.JDOYt.LPifUM0(L..rftl
i-w-hls-c4ty-eti pro; aalnwal-business
j Bafurday. .
Mr inrl Mra . ItMwaril StaWart nf
i Pprtlimdiai ICktUnyrvlaltmf wj
! u.mrfov wilt, har narant Mr. 1 1 TWILIGHT.
tfi vW I Lf If I
1 1 1 1 r .. 1
Men's Suits ana
Ladies' Suits and
snd. Mrt.-Vltobell.- u cTrr t Tt 11
Air. ana ira. Aioeri liiu, ui w
Waller IMatU, pt NflH-ffc UlL
llila city Friday lUVfciuriUiX!) vJ
Mlii Ona Carey, of nuarer Cree
la vlaltlnn her iffV' V'n'M'1- O
Mlaa-illudwyn 'Thoinaa, of Heav
lawuttiijfiiMiAliuiliAjiniW 1U AfaorhbrM
Furniture' Depart
to hla home
with an attxclc of pneumonia.
antnna were gueaia
rvtm Mra. Page last
ft J
fCrt M.fe, Of -CJanUj-jj '(i.bfrf TUwrfle wii called to
itwg "TiJnrfianil ftuturdav oi account or 111-
neaa of'ner daughUr, Mra.
Fred J,
iiiVha-ttf In thlthfVMl
the home of Mr. and Mra. W. El
AValte'r neach. a former reefuenl ofV Mr B.-iiopd and two aona. recently
Oregon C'ltr and an employe, In. .the r..nto irrtwill mleased with
WlimnfejlUlp irJC"WyJnlefc.rnake thl. their
i . . a.1. iKa I .
L'tirrnl-V"!! M1
York Mall.
Mlii Ona Carey, of Buayer Creek.
'er office. I tn tbl city visiting menus.
Creek, wa. In this city BniunUy. r l Lee J'pauM. PrUwd. s In
E. A. Howaru; aatHitoajottf.'-Oi u irut cnyaararov wji uuh'
. .. i n.i .if QuiuiHuv Lf Mr and Mrs. C. Hchuebel.
proving. - Koreat Orove, where they will visit
r... Mv.rnl rinva with relatives.
W. T. l.vls..rtCrtlL.t. .JisiY-vaiK
in ihiM ritv Kiiiurdav and was ac- -"" -
... . - . , , krima frnm fnrtinna HBiuraar.
compunled hy hi. sons, u.cnara - r"'-. h visiting herrdssjih
Charles Thort psoitt-Ni Vefl . ktWh rh,-,t.d frlI,d.
street to Lloyd Evans. Mr
future bom.
were smesU of Mrs. W. O. Hall and
family Saturday.
The Primitive Baptists will hold
services at the Mountain View church
next Saturday afternoon at Z ocioca
and Sunday morning at 10:30.
Wilmer Fisher la at home with a
broken leg having been kicked by a
Mrs. neorce Klrbyson. of I
was In this burg Monday,
brought Mr. Klrbyson In to go
log. camp. .
last Sun-
Hirm MlM MarleT
JJrCIii'irtUAl Wednesday
- . at .1 tr.xA rn-aa In rirniprin (MtV
B.turday. nOTlO'lv) Olllm
?iU larrs. of 8prhKater. waann.''
thTs clty Saturday, registering .at th l ' ? i
V. Irwin, of Aurora, was In thli
. Young, ot Albany, was In thu.
bnuis Davis, of MaxeldNle, was In
U M y Hiitiirday.
bIIIh Jennie Ply. of Cams.
OrvKOn CKy Saturday.
...(flAle Hmlth. of Kldoradu, was In
Orr-6n City KfltpfMy-
was In
! Urvniu -CliVi
.Tob ran get fresh ranch egga at
i j .
prominent farmers of thst place, was
In this city Haiuraay.
Mrs. J. Iiiye and daughter, Jennie,
of Carus. were among the Oregon City
visitors Saturday.
Peter llohlender. of Heaver Creek,
waa among the Oregon City business
visitors Suturdsy
have a glimpse of President Taft
Earl Mattoort Entertains.
MrsT L7Matloon entertained the
friends of her son Earl at the
from 10
pent In
'f-dppr.tnorts Inthe park wnicn
imij UVT U Ul . v J - . Til IF,
tmhered 4utO
the dining room, which bad been fatAt
with autumn
and where a
young friends of her son Earl
bVPbeepWredftyMr. M
the pleasure of hlyson an
peiaitle gire u.l
I i . . . . T ,.nr ifBii i-iiv ureainrry uuuw
UV. Irwin, of Aurora, was .n ta.. . ;5e WT t0 at Har.
TJ f . ; rU. nrocery. .
H . Young, of Albany, was in i.,. ..,.,,,,,. ,eft gHlurday
- nir, fnr Hulem. where she wll
vMt friends for a few days
iii.-rt nrhnenlMirn and sister. Her
man Smith, of Carus. were among the
Oregon City visitors saturaay.
... . . . . i i.
iB im mi3im a:r woe a m
.mm rtiiiuu rU... -.
n,. mt ten weeks at Knappo. Lai.. T
- i . iu I Ion iwirai. m u h u aiiu rain.
Vffc 111 Will C41 BUH UIUa f - 'i '''I
- 1 , '1 U BdUIW mn Ma www
ouv ui iu; . .ft Knt w hftVA its mo-- , , -
Mrs. Henry . Jennings and Mrs.
Charles Jennings, or Portland, were
In this city Saturday visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mra. VanHey. They
came In the Jennings automobile, Mrs.
Jennlng driving the mschlne herself.
William Snldow, who Is a student
.v.. tTnlversltv at Sa-
ui .... .
lem. Is visiting his parents, mr. inu
Yir. n i. flnldnw. having come
down to attend the big football game
ut Portland
Miss Bess Warner, who Is teaching
k. n.imir irraila nf the Selver school
on the Estacada line, Is In this city
luitinv her narents. Mr. and Mrs.
return iu
. L . . . j - .... I.
ai iMiiHni)prger,.or.Kiuoraau, w
Orrk'iu Cy Saturday.
UC. .ttnmliise ana sswi ef-rwr
r'1CllKiaT8jHPJ'a JA3il
. nr fnnnav a vnriiann DUBiuena
man,' who ownes much property In this
ar inenus.-i ti
Mra Alison. Baker and sob
atun Ratnrdav In Portland.
Marlon Toung went to the Role Ofy
Mary Brobst spent Baturaf waa
Sunday at home, returning to r
Monday to resume ner mgn
ira RmW Is somewhat
afiar hla accident of last week.
bad the very efficient services
Mount, of Oregon City.
Mra wood, who has been
her son, Aubrey, left on Frl
Portland to visit relatives tn
iim time. .
tt.lMIMS. QtMairCWtiiendlnk
.i.j i . i i , ; i i.L x. i v A.
mi m Foruaoo. wuen
chicken dinner was served byv Mrs.
Mattooa. A photograph of the merry
group was presented to each one, as a
remembrance of the happy occasion.
Earl received many beautiful gins
rwm Ma friends and all wished. Mm
many happy returns of the day.
Those attending were itaipn iwiuw,
t i irhnmninn Kenneth ThOIDD-
t -.. mrunrit rharlea Forworil,
UU, 4 w. . .
Pearson Harvey, waiter narvey,
Rosetta is attending school.
Harry Say spent saturaay in roru
land on business. - '
Auto parties coming into our village
have found out that Mrs, Dill, of the
Cottage Hotel, is the fine cook that
people bave been talking about, and
the dust at noon nour is seen njing
In that direction.
o.a G.tnAHnr Anrient Alderman and
Superintendent Gary of our own coun
ty, are aoing an in meir iw.r w
haVe, parent-teachers associations
fnrmed In all the SChOOlB. Snd Why
nn h. nna at Wilson vllle?
The Oregoi Elecc depot at WU-
place alotte the Unf. nd we all think
w".'Tlfu ,,f.wvEYYrrrrrr" r-
V Sev. TalafibD; 61 Tualatin,1 preaches
in the1 WetTibdlst,; cTxurch at'. TuaUtln
W'tjie iaottilDg an4 arwusonynie ev-
artertooa to tot Vibck Ta ;the inona
ln. EVeryoh l cordlay, invited to
attend both these aemcea.
Blanche Bliss was elected to be the
lEbsTlnopuTar youfigTady In Wtlio
vllle, at the contest at the vaudeville
last week. The prlxe for the ban
aomest babv.wa awarded to the baby
of Mr. and . . H.. Peters.
Post card scenes of wiUonvllle com
prising more than a doxen different
beautiful viewsrare on sale tn H. IX
Aden's store, and will be the .very t
thing we have all been wanting to (
send our friends, to show them tha, '
imm.Au atmrture of Steel that spans
the Willamette, as well ae other pie- ,
tuxes To remind them mat we are
progressive people.
Don't forget about subscribing for
the Oregon City Enterprise and the
Weekly Oregonlan, as. It will soon be
too late to take advantage of thla
splendid offer. Onr village Hems ap
pear each week In Clackamas county's .
biggest dally, and when you bave tn contribute the village cor
respondent la only too glad to receive
them. Chaa. Rlaaer win oe pieaawu w
take your subscription at the post
office. '... , .
ur w.ll tha enternrislng Clerk at
Aden's store, is an experienced piano
tuner, having been in tnat pusmea
before? coming to our village. He la
Vrylilkbly recommended by Homer
Kruae and others who have bad blm
tuneJjMlc pianos when he waa off
'ffeV ffePuiAer shop at WilsonvUle
U spqheo,f,.aa firsts clasa la every
particular, ;and this Is proving a great
con venteice Wthb gheral public
Born, Oct.
7. 1911
mnn, w , ...niflmAi. vu
to the wire or
lelil 1Q DU;
iug relatives
hna been nan, wno ownrs niutu ui.. . - ri-u i,. .ki.
""'.r.- Lin, ',,,111 ban erarlsil nil li'i nT"l"""v hii, n-rr'l-"ll''""r '" "'
. . K'i.,.h a nil i,.ffer!inn ll m..Im. -An vs JilUJcui. 1U.J.WPXH.
h I I.I. .j P LI III III"!'"''
eitv'on business Friday and Saturday.
Miss Charlotte Qulnn, who has been
i - j. ii. ntihT-nim y-- ...... . ,
r pk: - v-' within a fAur dnvi.
Dr. Thomas J. Fox, a former physic- ETelyn Harding. Miss Margaret
NHW Swafford went to Mrtmna wv
urdst eHsnlnK, wners tney ;"'
the recital gml by Mlas
at Willamette, was vis
In this burg last week.
i T Mrs. Pa Faust inrtAwo sona.Wio
last week. They have gone to their
ranch on the Molalla. at uoerai.
1 41 mil;liii.l I .(l 'ii)I lo ' ;. ' 1
" That'i hif you1 tiX$J
thU store. The quality i
.ll I. Illl Sfl'MUipitll.l l)tl"l ' I"1"!"" '
.1 :, H'-).t 'j I'" lll'J'"l at,,,: 'C
KiilNii' Iitiiim i
i o) in 'ul l ufdi.n'i ul il
.Il.,lnilt il M''llil 'it.
fiuat eyjtof 0ictty.-ii,uiv. cws
,V tfiXW U U bf
tntned toOrKon'"City, hay teioeen
aV 1 . . a.. . 1 .... J lllltASM
summQIKHl JJOUje ny " senium
bf her Ue, JHl8 AiVtc Moore, who
.UM JTven ' aaatttaASA .M T t HP K fU
IK R11 IT RI1UK lIVMi aa wr
fBdMtls; and VW. 'v.t Vr8
M nd .M rsy W. aWm-4T W
E. D. Barto and ramuy nave niuou
. rlArnnce Barto. who was
IU lunuv. -
went alHOi . . . .
HfS. 8. A,'. Marti") 18 Ht lBnpi-
Charletl KrlegeC ot ,rtral 1 W
jiMrkson. county arrlved,vre Tnttar,
Oft. sarurduy . n - want to mu-i .w
vislflls dughtef;,Mrt., Mabel SftSr
r Mr Martin expects to. vii".
rMrrtin expecv .Trir.v ",;
relstlVovand friend.or a Aonal-;
Little gmrll- Mnadn Is pjftns "Ick.
ij)h ana vMmU u fXsVrt Vatwn Oregon; CityCil t-
, l"K n r.t..trnn bfl SrrlVSi thl wring t T ... . niiutt waa vdnlnar .'tnasonry
from ForV Wayne. man n reuiu y'Tl vav in PorUn-Mi..e;' '
4attef.rV tat oWlud cAd J'.' - ' v' " ::
t.i'i !
'I'h'H HO .llxiw -'' r fT
'"r,!I ? L4r3$3A)U ohoes ' j
"".I'ta.'nT'l IU bnalfWI mui'j ( .-ri .'I .M '.Ki-wll ,mn . I) lt-
-w 01 jLi.w jhiii lo iiiiiv vt.iji ' I -.f.-fT,,.r winter supplies v
X' 'ft ttfft"!"''' '," -'"l,'l n,',,:",,,,,r
1. .14WWI " L" '"SrrVW' 1,1 T",,l ,H'll"i!'l'
w -a .HOLMES in. "i'"
? ! ":wr CSC
'ii.BirfiiiiYMIIItii3li'-,u .ti '.''' I im"
catM tr. ; r i"'i V wM
L. - .
. i
leixH. ,
Kaf '"y
acting ,
r-mX' lit -.Ml
'Mr. Harvey W
btu n4iin(f, Ptess p ana aj
MtabUshmene. Me, backer was in
tJs buslnot befoiw, coming to Ore
eon. "Me roOy -fpmpleted a beautl
?ii home at. 1 "i Pleasant; ,
'Cart' WVL y.0""! JPl
.Tw Rl", Who waagca-ioeuuiiiy ai.vrv
"ay "f'-Uken to" the hospital In
S'Wvir"" 9onV -aeoompJinled
rng Hit' rT 0lj ana an
i V-li'i m Southern
ill Jl Y.'.rwTmui tti b yuurrg
T Z T llAitnl ilrAil 'Ini
man wonw "u"1 . r
wound, but an operation win De o
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. aanison w.i
i Macksburg saturaay to speuu i .as 1
isyith.MrgMwiwsv- bj ft ftioi r J H o use T
U E. Armstrong.
Edward JoehnKe. oi wiarsnneiu, r nrloes with others and
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joehnke. of Mount Compue our pnoes wun w
pJSt. attendadthe:tuDrl f hi. yo wm.ieH" tx, trade br. -New
brother,. AdoJphWennKewiin ; anft, S.acoflif n)H)HIVftf?';iP ;"'MV
heM Sfttttraay aiternomr. . kinds. Granite,
W'AtfWfbrW -of WttMlhfleI,,'and"lt ,,'.',. M "T,f
.aiMrtrififor;hlai.oowaik wBive i
,4ttX,mrf rtlBtn.mi,. dUll '.0 -Vh-l.:: 'aMUPPoarpa tau-.y..--".
Li3diiD2dut! V3V1 g
I 9 !
1 -a ist
I aV ' .am.
LI ' f.. 4t.o ital
11 ,t-i.
n 7 5ir M - .f'jTi
X-yn, :4vff..i4-rA
ri. p r' . a : f 1 7. -.1 x .. v
' 1.' .' a. a .a
. v -i"3 JK 1 iM.
4r' .I'.NV.
f ,n-1
ifl lli
.U 4 1 1 iv.
1 .
f 1
ifit c!-i4-!ic lirL Vgos and win-
1U0Y rOgot: fcimktffi objai thitf pbf itable',
These new incandescent Umps w.Cn
.t6i.e-nl' ilti:l. aiI tiib'M,
stj'nei4i .M' .sol
hotouS bino0 UsIkeM s'-'
"83Y3 THOIfle"
anlwT onriT" lo lorfJtia erf; f
.a(a .a.t".H .03JI :Hsnlfl:
j2S bite
won sited
Ate. avaii-
,',i,u)iiii ; ailJ ii vein IS'ii;f
Hiill ni x'lavon a Rl - .moiwi "'I
S4-'Vj5'.aV. - dl UO 9l)Oll KtniJI K IO I41IK.I1 1
- T 1 7vi iHtn nttmoMniit x'l?'' 11 1
' nut enios utilJ ill .ti'J u'(
-h1 UilrioqB
TSiIT --
sf)0u8 bsntoO lR'iiKii! , iui .in
pviiiWJIM MO1 3MA 3H
..o,- ,: .ii fit .'iaut-i:
MMMataaaakMailllM XIUlti'
t I I.1 I"'," " 1 "' -
Mil Itl Kl Tinni KlU win" il'
i-johi jii-oiiiii v.M'.:ip- im v:i;lj.:n!i '
vn.i rt, butt r.1i- nf) '-'' 1- 1
i l ' ir all ltni
i,J hi i-..;jo !;M -Hoi ul' ul ! -jliin
-KIBIO ll lhk 10 BlloT!-! '11(1 I'HH
...uin.ia '11 in". in . l'"llC '.T! 1
, .)55S' bnn w'R
, lT fiCIMO M l A 3 TAJta
,li .TDO
I ! jLi
i' ii in 1
I'AMliT ;I 11311 (JT.iWU.Vt
-.Otr-Tl IXSIiV.
I 1 !!' () "K!3Hfl7 'lt ''I
.e oiine;f;
t. . at ,i;,i . Y.i I'.,, li .11 ltirl n - asaweas tkwam (fja-aa.
trian 1 ever" before.' :"The MAiLl-iA,
. ,.t m,- ruin i.. if in j.i
6 nil nA
fm. . ::r - n A
hH v.t d not ii-.yhr-'i-til -iJ "(, . , - .i . ' '-' "
more than twice the light,, you, hay e, , .i
,..'..m.Iti.i"-. ....: 11 ! ' i. , ,. , ,R dir-i .9M i.! f'if
ri 4Yfli ACA toi current . W e
T.ISrr .,.( u ,i rt i 'A
I i ' Hi. i I a I 't-l'l
are now i ready .
V ' i tO" t-Il- V0t nOWiVOU C4U gC Ut wiuw" .;, .j,;i:,.fi.
,,,'' " 1 r . r Inmx -rtliiiiHiiiiw ih .riuiU' ' , nj,, I,.. i'i:';t li'mn- ti ur1 i
l Xii v
a '.iT" i . I . aw . . ii it.. i.i it M'.ufc vi yiM'i" n rV .
- Vaw-'": . w "u "" ' . : . .,
snBSailirWsa .
glass anJ, .light bard
I.Pi ilf uTll "i ,m;i.iJ
nil JUrt nniiv 1'ivari Nflll ,'Mf
; (III lo 11 10'I"' 1,1 '.' " ii!
1) V.Itr.l(l'tr TI'I-I'J yllllUUilll-.T'
n i,! tilatn'l xii.n " ta'i
iiii'rt iiuiift i ii iiiti. t'-"it us M ii
.-rl !r, I'lU -in llil nil, ".' rl'fli' f'
III n7M-l'l fldll ''li'i Jul, V ji"
' .. 1.. ..1.. I i' lllL'lllt
qjO rll" n
.111,1 t ! lain i sm.fti "I" 1.5, , - '
'.Y)0UTH3I OJ0 Ml
It !!! " '-hI'I' IP', "b ''nt,
..... ...II l.l.w -tnrl'ii'Ot HllllHTlt'l in
' T t ''..l- I' ' 'l " '" - . . ,-, ,-i in i w-.F
hniim nl' .''. iiHfUH-b MA I N OPPIf tl 7th OflO Aiacr-'aireCIS a,i.,., moil .mirw -jmut
- . 1 ... .. i . ,.l......... t.. lull.
llti ,Dii'l'i'".r"'i mm'i.iii '" ...... , .
'lllll' rl.V! VllltU III "UOlIRl
(11 , 'Null 4 "I"11 M 1" ,B
Dm ilnni ln"i-m rtJ !'(' tjnil ?1 Til
i' nluitii vll nl nil 'H lil io n :' ' ll'tTfO
I (fm.- VMMilitia MO HI
nil "rl oJ "I ,Tti as emoxnloilff
llmmii siriT .9iltiim xatwi sni
Mw ,ali.1 im :! ' oil) in enn mot
. ' -Tob ii Mb lsir-'
lsll-'7lml bun wll lvr"iis -H '
, " ' ' .nStl'VVIllA TI'UUL
I i 1.. in v il l 1U1....1L'-'