Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 21, 1911, Image 2

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. E. IROCHB) Edit ad Pwllc,
aa iiml fUn utM lea..
eary a, istl. M th l emee at
CIV . MM lb Aet e
S. I ITS,"
nuts m ttKcwm.
Ow Tear, br mall ..
S. Mnth. by aal)
fwr Moatbe, br axail
. ab. hy cwTtw. .
. IH
,... IN
Qee or Portugal W Ml4 mayo.
Th wall paper trust . U fighting
alth lu back to the walL
Having a Governor General of ta
blood royal Canada can elp ntghU
now without being haunted by dreams
of annexation.
' ....
Now let Dr. Wiley tell as how much
a values th health ot th nation
sine President Taft sidetracked So
licitor McCab.
Pr Pt, pat hcb eaee MnntoM
crwrrrr pmiim eT pee,
i rt tiumtM....u. ......... poaukai ear
aate hwniuni
amory will seoa be- ready for ecce-
Wants, for Sale, Etc
aj IMM tO Iff b
laeartM. bait a mi aulaal ban
ttaaa, lex ear. It ear evwb b
tBb abrA l MMJ U Mf .
Caab mf aimr eraer wnb-ee
baa aa ears araeual wllb lb luir, N
flaajKMaJ (awalbni tar errvra, wer
errors wmr rree aam t'4 antiee Will b
wlatva tar patrea. abais It
a Mjwr ath.r tbe flrat aar. aar haab
fTrti baotrtla Ita
Baa papa. etbrr .baa; flrat pae, aar
add BtearOoea.. .-..
uaceje IS er IUm; to regwiar eeSef-
a ir liaa
Wieta. ' For Sale. T Kant. ate. aaa
eaat a wor rtra- htaarttoa: aaa-baJ Ml
Mi b aiMlttoeai.
Katre for edrerttetae: la Aa Weebrr
Bwtrrprtee wiU be IB aaata aa Bl the
eaity. fiw advert taraeea.t a. ia nilillj
Aar tbe warhljr. Wtwr lb aarartia ant
bl tranrcrra fraai lb. aalty to (ba a -"
arlttMMt ramac. I ha raM wui ba
aa barb for a r4 tW pa aar, aa4 lto aa
ax-b for apadal aaaitteav
Caab aboubl amxapaa? araf a ban
party I vakaova ba baataaaa tffla) af
tba BXarpnaa.
Lacal aavarnatac at laaaj 1 1 HI baa t
adrrrtato in4 actal traaaliat
art-artaunc ( He I. Ie u toe, aieai I
ai apctxl 'randitMBM awraralaa' rba
Ttra aa- a4 Baakrupt aaW
awiaiata Me torh tim Inaartma
ami toacrMooa mm atilw Jbe
Saw llaaa aa wall arntaa Mln
4 awrU a lib bmm la krai raavora,
win ba rtadty aceaptv. Reta4 mi
aorta ta aavar rvtinaa aataaa aaxiaua
ay Btkiaoa ta pcpai
A aoclolostat jr that tt coat y
hobo four wnU , 4ay ta Uv. But
; who want to b itobo? .
CnstVM la Spain 'ar not attracttm
man foraign purchaaara tha daja
Thr ar aatl to b 400,000 word
In th EngUah laaguac. hut If ttwr
wr tan time a many th vorabu-4
lary of aom peopl woaM remain
limited a at present.
; '
Morocco aaa a" population or 'lO.
000.004 and only one-tenth of th
country ta under cultivation. Th
back to th farm movement la dumb
la that country.
Scientist aay th earth la between
SO and 300 million years old. yet ova
toriea w hear aeem to reach beyond
th maximum limit.
WANTED Touriatt and ktcal people
- to ae my ecllvirta ot arrow-heat:
coins, India tnakals, v-d it
and curios of .: aorta Will bu
or sell In thu ilu Hare one' good
bargains la aerondhand furnltur
and tools. - C,eor Vounx. Malii bt
near Fifth.
WANTED Immediately, girl or
woman to do general house
work for family of two (old
lady aud young man.) Good
home for any one. Inquire
for air. Miller, Enterurla of
flee or Well farga
Tons or Fish Caught In Lake
Drained to Make Qitf Reservoir
WANTED Dressmaking out by th
day, first class work guaranteed.
Mrs. W. C. Snover. Roosevelt street.
WANTED By elderly widow, house
keeping for elderly couple or geu
tleman. Inquire c. T. Toos's of-
fie. nesTer Bldgr Oreiton City
mv rr;i,"'.vj:v- ::..?:
Baaaaar- w WTV mm BV w . svjw t aav A " '
l . t ai i i
- . , We hop that It was simple forget-
TJ4E MORNINQ ENTERPRISE fulness rather than willful negligence
t '"JH1 l tt ol,owU,a ",or I of duty that caused some on to leave
a every oy: Oiix. uuk .w.i niL j,i -rv...r. .
w ' ' ." - uua i wins 94
WANTED A solicitor. Th
man who makes good on this
should earn 20 to 130 weekly.
This Is no snap, but a rad
ii looded man can make good.
Call before 11 a. m, Friday or
Saturday, Circulation Manag
er, Oregon City Enterprise.
Mita StreeL
J. W. McAanlty Cigars
Seventh and Main.
K. B. Auderaon.
Mala near Sixth.
M. K. Das a Conf ecUooery
Next door to P. O.
City Drug- Stor
Electric Hotel.
Scboenborn Confactkwary
Seventh and X Q. Adam a
' a a ' ;
r By th way thing took her and
there one would Imagine that our aide-
1 walks were built to stack cord wood
w I
- Oct 21 In American History.
1493 Discovery of land on th coast
of th new world by Colombo.
ISIS Seminole India a war ended; be
gan Nov. 20. Sl7.
1392 Dedication ceremooies of th Co-
tombiaa erpoaltlon at ' Chicago:
foar handredth anniversary of the
dlsrorery of America.
' 190a-Japaa was paying honor to the
Ajnertosn battleablp fleet.
on. rather than for th us of pedes-
"So on likes th Idea of tearing
out all that Virginia creeper, but bet
ter sacriOc this beautiful Tin than
sacrifice the. life of ooe of th UtUe
No doubt Banker Morris will pro
long the examination of th books of
th defunct Oregon Savings and Trust
Company as long as possible. The
accommodations at The Car let on are
superior In many respects to those
at the disposal of Morris In Salem.
Oregon la fast Coming' to her own.
In years past, the crop of prune
packed at Eugene for Eastern con
sumption have been labeled "Califor
nia Fruit." But now customers Insist
on a better brand and these prunes are
hipped, .property marked. 'Oregon
Fruit." ' '
We must "get together" on that
locks matter. Personal prejudices
must be done away with and th In
terest of the comunity st large brought
forward. Aay further delay Is danger
ous, la fsct any hitch on our part In
informing the government what "we
all want. will no doabt end the mat
ter and the old locks as they now
Stand will remain with tu for vaara
acToas eastern Asia Into j This is the most Important matter at
hand, and It most be decided at once
so ss to know Just what we want.
"Get together."
wS - I
T I ' -kVt T.ifi 1 I Vtr i. T
r " , . . i . v vi
-f rtt iSTS
V age Earners
esnnet bsm 'mplyAra ,
ttVrl "Uh MP'UI U
A savings asun at this hand win
net oly prev.d. Mpu, Du w ,
a trlnlr.B In flnsnc whih win JlTl
a waluabla bualnaaa b.i fev
i1 " 1 f II IT
The Bank of Oregon Citv
OLDEST RANr Iff TtiB rnna..
-. ..
rt t I ITDtlttTTI at
V - - - - r I .
CAPITAt, 10.000 0(1 '
ranaaeta a tersl nbntf tMiMs. Qtxa f,-. , .
FOR SALE Desirable property,
cheap, within one block of High
School. Improved street and sew
sge. 8 -room house and two lots,
$1,300; 6-rootn house and two lots,
1.700: terms. E. II. Cooper A Co.,
Oregon City. Bank building.
(From noon today to noon tomorrow.)
' Sea sets 5T. rieeo 6.15; noon rise
C.C3 a. as.: 1125 n. m-, eastern time,
new meow la raostetlarJoa Virgo with
the ssm: same hoar, annular eclipse
f the asm. the mooa not pdu cover
lag rn'i fac ami (has leaving an
"annul us." or rtngr thereof; ceatral
the raciflc to New Gntoee: Inrlsibl
la Called States: 10 a. Tenns st
greatest brRUaa-y: see dally, sftet
a boot Ilb, low In the east
Th stock sale of th Colombia
Sterling Publishing Company since
th merger of the Columbian Magazine
FOR SALE 1400 piano, la first-class
condition. A bargain. Address "K."
care of The Enter prime. -
LOST Between Mount Pleasant and
Hodges' livery, a gold watch. Re
turn to this office for reward.
FOR SALE No. I Faultless stump
puller; two hundred feet of cable.
Payment, casn or part work. Apply
Samuel G. Bailey. Oregon City,
Route 8. BOX 17L
FOR SALE On mare and two-seated
surrey; one Jersey bull. Inquire
Georgv Morse, Jennings .Lodge.
LODGING HOUSE to rent . Furniture
for sal. Inquire X13 Fourth street,
Oregon City.
J .til
7': ' 1
Gladstone Lutnbor Cotr
all kind
,iber. lalh, shlnglea. feoce posts and doors, toottldtar. '
of In.lde Snlsh. Prices right, lumber .uir..i . T.
" ' h p1
Phone Main Wl.
Lawyers. Oregon City, Or.
Who will start the movement for the
first annual Clackamas County Poul
try Show?
The "Magazine bubble" has burst
With the failure of the Hampton-Columbia,
per hap the eyes of foolish
Investors will be opened. This macs
Publishing Compear. Hamoton's and I l!r" naj been making most alluring
th Orff publications is the-subject of .ffer" th torm f '"!" the
.. i.iJT v- . wa i VV I "ock they were trying to work off on
aa Inquiry by a Federal grand Jury the unsuspecting public In all parts
New Tork City. The Jurors are ' of the countrv. In fact thev mat 1120.
cartons to know something of the I 000 of om on" ' money the money
oi peupie woo aia not realize tne nss
I they took when they purchased one of
I the most unsafe stocks on the mar-
manner la which the stock was dis
posed of.
The charge ta made that the full
value of the Columbian did not go
into the combination and the poat-
kets. Heedless of the warnings point
ed out by other magazines these fool
ish In t eaters dreamed of the wealth
of Munsey. Curtis, and the very few
O. D EBT. Attorney wl Law. Money
loaned, abstract a furnished, las
uilea sxamlnid. ttau sttlV, geay
aral law bum. aaa Over Bask af
Oregon City.
V KEN A SCHUKBKL, Atforneyaat
l-aa, Deotschor Advokat. will prao
tic la all court, make coJlaetioa
pris Bldgv. Orsstoa CJty. OregosL
Builder and coraaCTOh.
HARKT JONES Builder sad Geoerai
Contractor. Estimate "ehserfall)
given on alK- eiasss of bwildlsg
work, concrete walks an iwlaforced
natter rt Ra phone Mala 11
ouic eeparunent is inauuitlv to i others who hav m.H. arwwi i. i v.
learn on what grounds the stock in I streouous game of running a magazine
the new concern was offered for sale. 1 Tner mJ probably about a dozen very
unvnisi magazines wnicn are pro-
The technical charge against the per
sons Interested Is fraudulent use of
the maDa.
' The merger was a surprise all
- round. It began when Ben Hampton,
without warning, sold stock control
of his magazine to the Orff interests,
and tier was still greater amaze
ment to thoa financially Interested
when It was found that Hampton'
and the Columbian had consolidated
ducing dividends worthy of the atten
tion of one with money to invest, and
these few magazinee do not offer
their stock for sale through their
columns. But 'a sucker, etc"
a a
The railroad commission has at
last hesrd our cries sbout the over
crowded cars on the Oregon City line
snd Is now working on this problem.
We don't like to see any one work
over time, but our complaints have
been passed over and over so msnv
times that It Is time the commission
C a. WM at
h Tlr11 ' b;ngmtoflti.TtTrn.T
bad attacked hla credit and compelled time.
the merger, hot the Federal author!- i aaa
ties think ther may have been an- J T,oa c,n't ooi the women. They
other reason. Anyway, they ar try-1 11." Vft nd "T!
, w ' i pOT any tax that hsppens to be placed
ucg to nnd oat. on merchandise. Now they went the
tax on oleomargarine
October leaves aad Democratic leg
islative promises ar withering.
A beautiful Baltimore girl may be
removed In
hopes this will reduce the price,
Roeeburg scores one on us. With
Federal assistance, a state appropria
tion, county aid aad city support, her
. H t'OOPrR. For fire Is aura se
sof Real Estate. It ns hsadl'
wmr nropertls wo buy. aell
irkaasw. Offlr Is rerpri
RIHc. Oreann Ctry. Oraeon
DR. LENA R. HODGES." OsteopaTh" of
PortHnd. will be In Oregon City
Monlays. Wedoesdsy snd FriHys
of each week, at corner of Sixth and
Washington streets, phone Main
a ,i , h . , l
' .. .
Photo bf Aoiarteaa Ptms Aaaoclalloa '
- . . i -
IS1IING under favorable cyvuaiatsnre wss eoo-o ty members ot
th Daniel Gray rWhltis club af White I'lalua snd (he Mount Klr
Oua club at Like hrn.ho. Weatrbeaier county. New Tork. when lb
aqueduct commlinion rm-eotly drained tb lake In oroer to rouatruct
a dam that will enlarge what was merely a Isrg pood Into body ot water
thirty mile la rirt-umfereiK-e After moat of th water wa drained iIT It was
fupnd that there were imus af Bab.ln aoal reuialned - Mrnilm or I be clut
goc permlaalon from tbe aqueduct commlaalon. and under be dtrevtlun of eb
and game wsrdeas the Bh were enngbt la selue pod irvo ,if talu were
Uken la laaks te Bear by atresms and onda and released Itlai k luu Mist
weighed elgbl or too pound war thus moved, snj pickerel nearly a beavy
srer also transported to tbelr new homes. Sucker, ahlners and other wont,
lean Bah. or tV-e of little value either as food or ss sport fur eipert nber
men. were rejected ssd were permitted to die Ja tbe mud Automobile wer
In readineas for moving the Bub. and they were released with oolynre fUr
hie, and they were big pkkerel which succumbed to tb lark of air wb!l
connned la lb small tank in transit Catching and moving tb dsn look all
o day The ptctarea sbovasbow tb catching f tb nsh and th way they
war dumped Into th waters tbst wUI b tbelr future homes.
(Continued from psg 1. )
Th nurs vldently did not nnder
stand snd Inquired s to what lorka
( Old Timer referred. Tb patient gave
me nurs a queer smll snd said,
within twenty miles of Portland have : "Thoa free locks, everyone Is talk'
fortune In their land. Ail that Is ,n out out" Then th nurs resided
necessary for success Is energy Intelll- ,Dt "n lld not know anything
gently given." : of all the changes that have taken
J. F.iKertchem declared that good t f,lme n Oregon City during the last
roads was. the most Important matter I four "ars. The nurse Informed blra
before tbe people. H said that th I lh lo'ks were finished three
average coat ot hauling on ton a mile j ?rs sgo. but th mind of th patient
with on team was twentv rents and
fast by rail the cost wss two cents.
Mr. Kertrbem explained that prison
ers would do the best work In tbe
communities where tbe people showed
the moet Interest.
Tbe automobiles used to take the
crowd from this city to Mount Pleas
ant were donated by Charles Rlalev
and Waldron A Company. Mr. Rlsley
has donated his machine for ns at
every meeting, and is aiding tbe move
ment for good road In every wsy
CHICAGO TAILORS suits msd to
order from f 10 snd up. We slo do
clesning. pressing snd repairing
Three doors south of postoffce.
Friday wss a record-breaking day
for the Oregon hop market The vol
ume of business done on the Cosst
wss tbe largest for a single day In
the history of the world's bop trade.
Purchases of more than 10,000 bales
were made In tbe three sUtes, and
more than half of the were made In
Oregon. The day's sales amounted to
$800,000. Forty cents Is offered. '
MRS. A. MOWERT. manufacturer or
switches snd puffs and curls from
combings snd hair work guaranteed.
Prices ressonsble. Orders tsken at
residence from Z to B p. m. Corner
Fourth and Monroe streets. Oregon
Looking Backward
Or Ahead
f The Biplane Is Safer Than
! the Automohile
j... I
f Br Captain PAUL W. BECK. United Ststes Army Awisrlon
" La pert 2
tooi t , :
fu the air there are FEW CTIAXCES for collision. On
the ground, however, I NEVETH FEEL SAFE. ; In an anto
mobile there is no minute of driving when a man fi! to iiMft another
machine er some persons maj not run in front' of bis machine to
death. Ii the air the chance of collision are so few aa to be hardlj
eoticeablv, and there is absolutely no chance of a spectator ranwriff
in front of your machine.
I drive onlw a biplane and apeak onlr for the biplane when I aa
at fiyijyt I MCCJl SAFER than "timing an aut'.mobus.
PHONE for George Basoom. Main
3551. when yon are ready to clean
house or wsnt your Iswb cut
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned wss by order of the
County Court of Clackamas county,
Oregon, made and, entered on the
Jrd day of October, nil, appointed
administrator of the estate of John
Thomas, deceased and has quali
fied aa such admuustrator. All per
sona having claims against the es-
' tste of said deceased sbsll present
the same with vouchers duly veri
fied, to me at the office of C. H.
Dye. southwest corner Eighth and
Main streets. Oregon City. Oregon,
on or before six (6) month, from
tbe dtto hereof.
Administrator of tbe estate of John
Thomss, deceased. I
Dated October 7th. 11L
rviaa .
First trestle on the srT of surrerlne
WSS pobHsOed by ASTtrola of
a uwi.
(From th Enterprise of Oct 20, 11S.)
Tbe house surgeons of the Wild
wood Hospital have been suereaafiil
In their operation on Mr. Old Timer,
tine man wno has been In a sort of
semi-conscious stats for four years.
Tba case is one of the strangest In
bhe annals of medical history, and has
csused world-wide attention. It win
be remembered tbst some four years
ago this old timer somehow came Into
contact with some Oregoa City "Live
Wlrea." The high vol tag of enthus
Issm for th betterment of municipal
affairs, carried by these "Live Wires"
wss too much for Old Timer and be,
udable to stsnd the sudden squirt of
city Improvements aad chawges forc
ed around In different channels by ths
various "leads" of tbe "Live Wires,"
lpsd into s semi-conscious state and
wss revived a few days ago only by a
very critical operation. As aonn aa
the patient came too It waa evident
that be did not reelize that four years
full of municipal activity had trans
pired, and in reality he had loot four
years of Ume. As soon aa he wa.i
In a position to read h asked for th
paper, but after a few momenta he
flung R said with th xelamatlon.
"What Is th matter with the Enter
prise. It don't Igve the news!" Tha
attending nurse asked him whst In
forrostion "he desired and Old Tlmr
rplld. "Why. I want to find out what
they ar going to do about those
' ,.
aw not comprehend. After consulta
tion or tb hou.e physician It wa
decided that lb best course to pur
u with Old Timer wss to let blra
tske a trip around -the city, trusting
tbst th old familiar sights snd scenes
would assist In turning his once
sctlve brain back to Its norms! con
dition. As Mr. Old Timer left the
boepltal he torned around and looking
up ! ice nign none wall of Wild
wood Hospltsl exclaimed. "Well, this
I funny. I thought the old Csrey
Johnson house wss a wooden build
ing." It wss explained that a year
ago. It was nereaaary to remove tbe
old wooden houae and build a large
modern hospital to meet the demands
of a modern snd up to-dare Instltu-
non. wr. uia Timer's little rrip
round town snd the Impressions dlf
ferent things msde upon him sre per
hsps best expressed In his own
"Well as nesr ss I rsn remember
oriore got mixed up With those
', J'J"JTZ:' ,th of 'n w" one
fsll of talk In ths different part of
the city about different thing. There
Vv n DUnch of m who talked
or having the government build new
locks, Mme urging their construction
on. this side of the river, while an
other man crossed the views aad
maintained that the old site h,.M k
i retained, and the nreaem i,.k
built Then there was a lot of Ulk
L'? fvn.t,r,!jr dlfr,rn ! of men
sbout this slng.e tax business. The
women folk talked woman's suffrags
per wer some who wanted a pub
lie dock, and some who wanted th
rsplds at the month f-tha ciirk.m..
cleaned out The militia people Ulk
wd armory.- Some church 'people talk
. c,b',lr'- The Elks' Club
talked of buying a location snd erec
Ing a suitsble horn. Then about that
tlm something happened to m nsd
her It Is 1915. and I hsv lost four
years or apparently actlr tlm."
Tb elevator that carried us down
from tbe crest of the bluir tn th.
of Msln street wss th first thing that
I particularly noticed. I remember
when but a boy. sotn on tried to sell
my father some stock In th Oregon
City Elevator Company, but th plan
fell through. But Its a mighty good
thing this elevstor business, and th
ssvlng of that awful climb Is worth
on cent of any one's money
"On reaching Msln street the dou
ble tracks of the rsllroxi MirnnafiBi a.
trscted attention and a passing car
with a fnted sign on lu sides told
me thu they didn't cbsrge twenty-
'"r a mi to Portland any
mora. .1 always thought thst 15c or
I5c for th round trip wss blch
Ti. MyJ How M"' t't had
ehsnged. I hsd to ask whst that bit
building at N,th and k,.,V .r4u
W."'-..IuC01ldB't ,cll nrthlng about
the Elks deciding on a location, let
.VaT,""1.. ub-tl home.
And the big church on the river bank
slble that we have such sn Imposing
cnurca Jt'f 'm,M
church stood for so many years. And
th .tore, down town. bar. m
onderfutty. And th hew Federal
btilldmg. the gnund. fliHir of which I
utd for the otofTlce. th other
Hire fliar being devoted to th
n.lllila tins' t
AImiuI ttrta time a young hustler
rum along tb au Enterprise extra.
hub arions n'her things gave no
tice of the srrlval at th Municipal
I Kick of th liner "Commercial" which
plya between New York snd Oregon
City, tis the I'anama Canst. Ho I
iq-iuutni ta bsis, tne io.t ot t
Fleventh strrel to see tbe Ship. The I
Municipal Deck shlrh I found must
hive exceeded the fondest hope and
iplratlon of th man who-had thl
ngl thing tsxlng bis brain for so
p sn yesr. Tb king piers with
oceangoing shls discharging snd
I ading csrgoes to and frxra th hugb
ssrehouse thst rovsred vrsl
blorVa proved to m th wisdom of
dredging th river from "Th Fsll to
the Mm." snd th building of the
Lblg rity dork with It wonderful net
work of Miilalls Southern Irsrks. .Tb
big M vila 1 1 Southern depot snd rar
barn Just a block assy slao gained
my admirstlun. While having lunch
t the Commercial Club I ssw a form
er acquslntsnr who resided In thl
rlty for many years, but. who. In lb
meantime had been elected Governor.
Tbl man had Jut arrived from Salem
In bis sutomolili bsvlng come over
the psrlfic liighssr In less thsn an
hour. While here I waa Introduced
to the '"city rommlsaloner". I thought
tbe man who Introduced tn had msd
a wlMske about railing him rommla-
loner, but I .soon found out that th
"city commiaaiuner" waa th man who!
had entire charge of municipal affairs,
this commission form of city govern
ment, hsvlng been tn ' effect threw
yesrs. slao met tb two "sssl slant
rommlailouer" who seemed very cap
able young men.
That ihee three men hsd been hold
ing their position every since the In
stallation or this new system was
proof that the plan was a success and
that tbe rltltena of the city did Rot
care to consider changing back to the
om torm of government The big
Wlllsmette Theatre gave substantial
evidence of tbe growth of the city,
although I wss surprised at a poster
notice ststlng that tomorrow evening
a lecture on th woman suffrage
npon arriving t tu to
Bear building .UaulBg tk
lhMcLou.hlU Horn,, tr...1
of archltectur, cowhide
must b a librsry batktlng 2?
Investlaallon f.wnd that i2
tk.n wss corr-ct. M4
sUutlal trtlcturs UMaal
boo, or th Oregos City TZZ
From' up 7th .ire.. Lr
dowa th sound of martuj t,r.
me miMa Infrrmrd tJM jAu JT"
MuWcIpaTliaiid giving uit)
th creat of th bluff i ewik
down and up th WllUsjetta laa
towards ib south ths mm
thing cktss at hand u ta
Imimslng ItMikmg brick
hoiiaes covering lo ssoto hk
which loest Ion la ths sayistk
years ago. wss covered ltk
'v ' us is sortk "a a
sn unbroken line of haastlfii bw
banking both sides of tseeartrvs
fsr as the ye ccmiM disrera. .
a beautiful alght Ualeatlt Baal as
lug up In th fait dltnalBi tmm
th lights of I'ortland vttltk rt
wber stood, th ttneadlsgatai
falling water coming doai tnm k
falla, th noia and ham of ths si
mills across lbs rivrll isewOsj
msd me feel glad, to h sr.sli
Uv her, sad glsd that see I a
resdy 10 do all ptaialbl t tuaflsai
mak Oregon tb grandest Rsit
th grandest country la tss wM
Clackamaa County th best ewttri
thst Stst. snd our oi WlNi
or Oregon City, th flnst tovtha.
Our greatest elulhtng offer, ft
Morning Enterprise by auUl tal t
Weekly Oregooian, both bb(8 Ness
br 1. lilt fr only 1 ORrrcsr
October SI. 1111
question would be delivered I ihanehl
thst th hope of women for obUIn
Ing this privilege had ben''doo--way
with by a series of stinging defeats
but evidently they hav come back"
After luncheon I wss Uken to tbe
south end of tbe city where a great
surprise wss la store. Tbe old Haw.
ley Mill ss 1 remembered It was n:
tlrely ehsnged. msnv n Khimii.,,
her snd ther making a plant twlc
une nirmer size. The Woolen Mill
hsd Uken up sn entire blnrk on Iba
north snd still hsd ths sign out" Msle
snd Femsle. Help Wsnted. But the
reel Interring thing was the much
talked of new free lock built and op.
eraieu ty tnr got rrrtment. They
..""".". " i"" nsi: wsy lietween honi.
KdT.r'!:'.b Zi"b rTo pick a winner, by hi h
Wsll bow swsa. Samantks Jus
What you've writ I mighty sUK:
You mut hav wsnted ta nisi da
But never mind. "Ho kick Hue.'
"Antl belum Nigger" dsady,
"Read and spell him." box of cat
I've hearn It sed Samsnth I ,
That "our lives ars but a play,
Tbst "men and somas, satfl m
Juat act th part decreed by nt;
But peoples feet ar apt la sB
Wbsn they get too sets. Hp.
And they're apt to Uk a sroa j
Heels go up. and dowa they Ik
And when heads become Infbussi
Tbe "big head" by sow II
By all th Isws and rules f ,
aton. ,
Wbt ston. Grind stons. sr uj Cn .
stoos. i
A compress then should ss sppB"
I' nil I tbe swelling does subsisa
So our advtc, Hsmsnths lu. j
Is not to feel too awful vsls.
It vour blgfost H '
To judg a losd bow ft W '.
This knowled you'll not fl
v . . . " "'" ,U,T u-a .jo pick a winner, ny s
Llnrnuh "''"V4 of theThePo-eOw think but chase, to
aid? P ?, ?!n- n th- hor I You r always ssfs to bet ea s
id. ass a high rout-ret retaining '
iKow. when yoo anl to lama
TYou'll doibtless find ths
wsii v ninA i:
nial Dow of
"ens bli above the nor
water into a aenarate
mill rare, which ellmlnatss all danger
cf a Hood inundating th southern
ien i ms city, jbs locks ar very
sul,t,.U-l snd over 150 feet wide,
thus accomodating th largest six
" vn. ot in city, thrs
.,r.P1 throu"h ,h
LeJ;?'? "rvlc- th. owr
end of the locks noticed a plontoon
LTm'A :lrlfKn Mn-" .h river
which no doubt saves msnv a lone
walk for the mill smployee. rjo my wa?
rL,07n' ,T" ,urP lOHwi Ur!;
tor"v V0"rfVVront 0f th- thr
Water snd f- bU'""n " 7lh
mw I'nn.r V n tbe seen
some Vr P0,,rm' rrUBg
ome street orstor who w.. trying to
Urt an argument on the single u
question. Tsklng ,b on
io let ua i,upiu r; .-at
The "Heart and Arrow" are als sr
Samantha. If you rs hsd a h.
Attraction's taws you ought to
Tla contrary to th rule B
For uncongenial ".--t
And thos who tastes do M
Or tbos whos act hoow "
horred. .
Should nvr. no nTr. ,
In wdlock, for It I not rtn-
A cod, we'd hav of msrrUrj ,
Thst bar In visw "sffsct sn 9m
With a physlclsn s signltur.
To crown th act and bum -Let
all divorces be denies.
What o'er ueplasntnss hstiss.
Then youH agrse, SsmsntbaJM
Th. marrlsut.,
NOT EXPENSIVE . ot uu ,BeInd)n .tt,nl,oo. board &
ba hi. cost, no mor than yo would pay to lire at any first J
hoi. Rra UM wntf M msiU
In the cartrla ar .rvd from 10 c.nt. op and In th. rn ih'
"'usl grill prle.. Bat),. from BO ewti to 11.00.
Wc Do Cere Rheumatism t
Hot Lk. Mlnsrsl gj
and mud g.o
tine direction bar.
thonssnds. Writ. W "J
trsted booklet descrlptl MJ
Hot Uk 8nstorlm
tb methods employed, n
Lake ssnstorium
' albl. as It 1 locf'4 '"ai
ly on th msln I JJ
0,W. R. A N- rsilwaf.
special icur.lon rstea ,
to be had at all, tlm "
i0'r LAKE, ORIOOrt.