Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
t : : . . morning enterprise friiuy. ootoheu 20, j91 r1 I Our TraUo-Buildinrj Salo ivlll Bono fH you Enormously in Buying your 'J Inter GuppUoo gi Ion C LEVITTS Hiomowis s SALE STARTS SAL OCT. 21ST.U; OCT. 21 ST, LASTS FOR TEN DAYS TlPMDlD FOR TEII r vJo Salel on dDod i, Owing to our large and fast-growing business, and being awake to the fact that real special bargains given to our cuomersthe people of Oregon City J vicinity bring us more business," we will start Saturday, October 21st, and run for ten days the Biggest Real Live Trade-Building bale you ever attcci I . k 1 & at ni n 1 11 ik 1 iiiiiiiMiMii u - a i v w w m v J and one which will add hundreds ot good reliable customers to our increasing trace; a saie uuu win javc mc pcuuit many uouars;' that will help thousands of people who find shopping expensive during the high cost of living period, to purchase for the next ten davs at enormous savings y; Ka and Winter wearing apparel and necessities tor the comforts ot the home. Uur store is tinea o tne ceinng wun mgu yuiuc uuu wcu uougmen Urv (V , . 1 Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings for Men, Women and Children. This Store is Overflowing with Cienume bargains in every Dei It's Dollars and Cents to you and Business for ir partment W. 1 JJ Men's-SuitsrO'coatsr Rain-proof Slipons at Trade Building Prices We ore abundantly supplied with the celebrated Society brand and Schloss Baltimore Clothes, the best the suit world produces. They are perfect Tine hand-tailored, French hair cloth shape-retaining fronts; and we carry them in blue serge, black, brown; the season's latest pattern Overcoats with the semi-military collars, all at reol live bargains. MEN, DON'T MISS THIS SALE. $1100 Suits or Overcoats $9.85 $15 Suits or Overcoats $11.45 $20, $22.00 SuitorOcoat $16.85 $25, $2750 SuitorO'coat $21.85 Skirts at-Trade-Building' Prices, Our matchless collection of Ladies Suits and Coats arc uncqualed id the city. Our Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats direct from New York's best fashion shops will now be sold to you at Big Bargains. Hand-tailored man nish coats, plain skirts, lorgc collars and panel skirts in blue and black serge, velvet, corduroys and fancy mix turesall go at big live bargains. 12.50 Suitsand 0Q 6 C 20 -and $22.50 1 L 5 Coats P 7.0 J 'Suits and Coats lU. $15.00 Suits and 11 AC $25 and $27.50 O 1 85 Coats IJVZcl Suits and Coats Bargains in Boys Suits and Overcoats Our suits and Overcoats are just what your boy demands. Most nifty patterns, mannish coats and extra large nickerbockers. A big assortment here. $3.50 Suits or Overcoats going at $5 to $6 Suits or Overcoats going at $2.65 S4.18 $4 to $4.50 Suits or Overcoats ttQ JC going at 4JrJ $7 to $8 Suits or Overcoats going at $5.85 MEN'S HATS At Trade Building Bargains Our big stock of Hats will fit every man and boy out in a hat as we have all the new styles and shapes, in stiff and soft hats. Note these prices -7 1 . -i $1.00 Hata $1.50 Hit. $2.00 Hata $3 00 Hata 79c 98c 1 .35 1 2.35 BARGAINS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS tTE 43c iSf Dry Goods at Trade-Building Bargr 28c 40c and 50c Wool Suitings all new patterns and assorted plaids $1.50 and $2.00 fine all wool mannish suit patterns, yd $1.29 75c and $1.00 new Wool Suiting f only I Also a lot of Blankets in cotton, vooic: and all-wool double blnk'ts;bibvf: Fine Dress Shirts in soft or pleated bosoms 75c shirts 57c $1 shirts 78c $1.50 shirts 98c Four in Hand and Bat Ties regular 25c and 35c grades go at 1 9c Men's Work Shirts regular 50c grade 45c Blue and Colored flannel Shirts in single and double breasted, $1.50 values 98c $2 to 2.50 values Si. 6 8 Cotton and wool Hose in all colors and all sizes 1 5c Hose 9c 25c Hose 1 9c 50c Hose 39c Cotton Derby ribbed and fleece lined Underwear, 50c and 75c grades All wool Underwear in light and heavy QQn weights OuU Union suits in fine cotton ribbed and part wool, $1.25 garments All wool $2.50 and $3 Union suits in plain and fancy You cannot help but save money here on men's young men's furnishings. 90c 2.10 NECESSITIES FOR THE H0USEWIFE-7.cent Calico 4c yard; lucent GinjW 5 l2i;Co? 1 utin F,annel 9 Fr 7rd; 11-cent Muslin 8 centi jtvi yiu. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FURNISH'GS ?KS38ji Ladies $1 and $1.25 Waists. ,. 93c Ladies $3.50 to $5 Silk Waists $268 Ladies $1.25 to $1.75 Black Petticoats . 98c Ladies R & G Corsets. $1 to $1.50 only 59c i-aaies to S iweatcrcoats ... i.a T t. m . . . T ' -WW Laaies .du to Jersey Sweaters 22. 1 0 Ladies Burson Hose, 25c grade 2 f c Ladies, closing out a lot of Ribbed Hose reg ular 25c grade j jc Udies Silk Hose $1.20 to $1.50 grades 98c Children's 25c to 30c Hose 1 oe iaies motion rieece lined Un'wear 25c grade J 9 Ladies 50c cotton-ribbed Underwear t' Ladies fine $1.50 Springfield Underwear . Ladies fine all wool Springfield Unlon-Sulti I ; reg. $2 and $2.25 grades 1 Ladies 2.50 to $3 fine all-wool Springfield J Underwear, very chelce garments - 21' Girls 25c cotton fleeced underwear K Girls 35c ribbed Underwear... Girls 50 and 60c wool Underwear V; Boys 25c cotton Underwear - K , Boys 35c Underwear C Boys 50c and 60c Underwear t Big Bargains in Our Shoe Depart for Men, Women and Children Bargains in Shoes for Men Drss Shoes in Patent, Tan, Gunmetol and Vici Kid, iti lace and button; new high toe. The shoe world's best makes, PLORSHEIM and EDUCATOR. TVorkdoy shoes, Cruisers, Loggers of the famous NAP-A-1 AN, CHIPPE WA, DAYTONS and PACIFIC LOGGERS. We have thousands of pairs, all fine high grade shoes, that go to you at enormous savings. Bargains in Boys and Girls Shoos The large assortment of children's shoes gives the parents a big advantage by buying here. We handle the EDUCATOR and RED SCHOOL HOUSE Shoes, best in the world. All styles In Children's Dress shoes. Heavy shoes and high culs for the boys and girls. No space here, but lots of Shoe liar go I ,;. at our store. See them before you buy. Bargains in Shooo for Von:z: Trode-Iiullding Bargains in bur Ladles' Shoes. whlcH llll HCtCd w"h flco, ,ostc' c now offer you .,ssortmcnr ()f "P-lo-dof(j; styles In Patents, 1 Tf nKd ,ms Lacc or b"on. Also the Mflh-cut rn?rw I,?n,Sh0e- Also hcavV comfortable shoes. Xt m -Vl Si lzcs"n(I nrc Prepared to give you o pcrlcd iif. See these hnmnin. - ; . I $2.50 Shoes $3.50 Shoes $4.00 Shoes $5.00 Shoei $6.00 Shoes $6.50 Shoes $2.00 Shoes $2 SO a en A.0Q 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAYS ONLY 10 DAY - OHQCS J.OU-tlC -W $188 $3.40 H35 $498 . $5.88 SLffi - 'tT' 'SSt - ' - m a'l ' . ' Our big Trade,BuiIding bale, made at this time ot the year when you need trns merchandise, will help you enormnntlv nA : . . . For your benefit, again we ask you not to miss this grand sale. SALE STARTS SATURDAY OP TnSra11? Wl,,-,?nn8 yu 10 7 l' A nJoER 21 t and 1 lasts Acir enn prpmIUM TICKETS IT Tl IITlTV 77 H TT1 TT ' ' ' our stofi ten :if-. L E V D w w """'"- , ASK FOR PREMIUM TICKETT Seventh and Main Sts. ' . . ' ' Oregon City, Orego: . 'ft.,, m