MOHNINO ENTERPBI8K, VUWAY, OCTOBEli. 20, 191 ?OR TRADE BUILDING Stories from Out of Town Announcement SEE BACK PAGE I 10 rUWARO vr id. r.- - miiv person ur billing Enterprise from the L. of subscribers after L h bfn pled there by w- Ctrsmintf Himself Nlolmen & , Llndborg HIGH CLASS TAILORING SOS Sailing Bldfl., Portland. Phone Main 6151. 0- ELWOOD. formerly Mix Sarah Darney, who re aided In thla city some time ago. She was on ber . way to Portland, where aha waa called by the Illness of her slater, Miss Minerva, also formerly of OreKuu City. For adoption In Clackamas county, fine healthy boy, eight years old, who la Rood and obedient Carman deacent: father dead. lniiilre 717 Fourteenth atreet or Mra. Kata Parker, court matron. 1 . Philip J. Blnnott left on Thuraday evening for Klamath Falla, where he will reiKirt on the Pleneer-Preea, a , dally at that place. Mr. Blnnott re- cently returned from that city, wbere -be wo employ ad on otumt the dallies. having resigned hla poaltlon, and had a flat tr rind offer on the Ploneer-Preaa, which ha baa accepted. Tba plant baa been enlursed and two paper L.. . . Whm are you diitnc about have conaolldated. Mr. Blnnott la W dmlor'N advice lo We pnysicai rM"1""""" rw"Jnr uu ill LOCAL BRICrS U. dear boy 1 soon, imllv-rm cawwylug a heavier The Woodmen's Hall will be gaily F a i i a A kv at I a4 fiitvtAMf walrie7 vast r H king alb a ana I wear a larurr out- . i ..... Naa Vorh mil autumn leavea and ferna, the occasion .ult tx.uquet.-New lor a a. an. ( . ! cle. Among the attractlona will be a ' fish-pond, where prUea are to be flahed for. Thla will be located In a prettily constructed booth, and pre elded over by otie of tha members of the Circle. Tha members of tha or Mti-b for trad bulldlug. ganlxatlon have tha privilege of ex- ill Stuart, of Carua, waa In town tending general Invitation to their hrsd.y. menus. VhD Cross, of Molulla. waa In this Mra. Nleta Barlow Lawrence, Mra. Weilnesdoy. r iUoo Itosuanes. Miss -Cle Uarciay Lob C.ros.mlller. of Bchubel. waa Pratt Miss Myrtle Buchanan. Miss L,. Thurailav iwiniwu iiwiira, i, . rtow-i inursuay. n H.nny, Mr. and Mra. Ed- (r. Powell, of Molalla, waa In Ore- 'ward K Hrodle. Mlaa Evelyn Hard ily Thursday. - ng. Oscar Woodf In. and Victor Oault Ur. ivd Smith.. of Eldorado, waa; were among tha Oregon City people ii.u -liv Tlmr.dav i woo lurnuou iiiv r.uiv-ivuiiiiB i-ui. " . I cert in Portland Wednesday night. Hfrmun Hinun, oi tenia, waa m. k-iwn City Thuraday. lri. Charlea Htuart. of Carua, waa Oregon City Thursday. 11 r and Mra. Dave Jones, of Beaver tk. v. ere Injown Thursday. Fry our I5o merchanta' lunch, at (Kails ronrecuonery, tva asaiu w lr. Rlgga and daughter, liertba. of nby. were visiting In thla city uraday. B)r. J Regular 60 cent kind for tbla occasion. Something extra. Heart to Heart Talks. frf EDWIN A. !YE. $50.00 Reward To tha person that can flud a baiter Una of candlea than la found at tha Kalle Candy Store. 703 Main atreet. Get tha habit and eat good candy. You will live longer and feel batter. They ara made fresh dally at our factory. You get tha real Macoy when you coma here. Now don't forget Batur- . . . . 1 - In I Am. T t mlaa It Cn..A'lng 'buslni In Oragon City your fault, not o kiimdsy. 0 c"nt pound, Saturday only. Jllerrman Fisher, Grandpa" fisher i daughter. Elsie, of Carua were In vgon City Thuraday. ladles' high top tan ahoaa, $4 pair, W. A. Holmes.' Horn. Friday morning to tha wlfa of itmaster Adam Knight,' at Canby, a in, weight 7 pounds. Mrs. T. K. Ryan and children, of lm. are visiting tha former a bis- )r. Mrs. K. O. Nobla, of Gladaione. Mrs. Illrhard Holveraon, of Manlto- k. Wis., has arrived In thla city io bend (he winter with her alatar, Mra. filter Bymea. Mil. i Jiinn wn. of Canby. la visit- it hr alster, Mra. Allen Adaroa, of bis city, and her aunt, Mra. T. J. kry. of Willamette. Our MpCankev account aystem la aa bcurate aa tha banker's ayatem.. W kt only can tell your balance on the hmanl, but you already anow n. untley Uroa. Co. JuAkr Ttinmai v. Rvan. of 8alem, brmerlv nf thla city, waa among tna iHliors at tha smoker given oy mo lommiTclal Club Wedneaday evening. An adlourned meetlnsr of the Wood of the World will be held at the Woodmen hall Saturday night, at which lime there will be eeveral candiaaiea Initiated. Tr.Hn Imlldln now la DrOgreas, J. E. RheeL stiDerlntendent of the f - I ft P. Company locka. haa re signed the position, and R. I Bny herd, aannt for the company In thla rity. win take charge of locka In con- unction with his other dutlea. Oysters., anv atvla. at the Falla Confectionery. 703 Main atreet Mrs twii wo.hhnm and daughter stores. wlio have been In thla city lor the nniit month tha guests of MTS. Blenry Honnlngsen, have returned to Itlielr home at PortlandT . C. A. Rosecrana. who recently sold hln fnrm mt Mania Ijine. has rented 'n I. I). Taylor residence near u Ahernntkv fn tio wtntar. and Will taVa nossnsnlon Immediately. . Ml Taylor hns decided to make hla home n Oregon City. Henry Vivian, of thla city, who haa hen In the St. Vincent Hospital for h past three weeka Buffering from Typhoid fever, la Improving ao that will be able to be brought to hla home at Gladstone the latter part of this week. . ' . You and I for trade building. Mrs. R. A. flommer. of Portland, was In this city Thuraday. Mra. Bommer arranging to make a trip to Cali fornia, where ahe will apend several wks, and will return with Dr. B. A. 8ommer, who will return from hla Eastern trip by way of California. Tou benefit on trade building". A. it. nnwllnr. of Mllwauklo, waa n this city Wednesday on hlBt way home from Eugene, -where he baa hn on business In connection wltn a railroad company, The Pacific Great western, he being rlght-or way eno-. Thla railroad la to run between Eu gene and Tillamook, and already a rew b at work at Mapleton, ai.the head of the tide lands. , ; Mrs. F. T. McTimmond, of Albany, In this city Thuraday, " fiost at the home of Mr. ana ir. irnternrlse by mall and the W. H. Bamaon. Mra. MoTlmmond waa Morning Enterprise oy man Mrs. A. Malar'a alster, Mra. Carrie Ulrd, of Pendleton, Ore., visited bar lust week. Mlaa gearla spent the fore part of the week at Biigbtwood visiting rela tives. Warren Wilkin and Henry Xelseck ar returned from the mountains Thura day with a fine deer. . i - . . . I L 1 1 . A several lauiee tuu cuuureu euvui very pleasant aiierooon wun Mrs. Geo. Kelsecker last Thursday. Mr. and Mra. I Prldemore drove acrosa the mountains to Eastern Ore gon lo.t week, expecting to put their horses on pasture there. They then took the boat for Portland where tney visited for a few days and left for Seattle Thuraday where they expect to spend the winter. Walter Alt U -attending business collegtj in Portlands Tha Mlssca Irene Alt and Mane Koenlcka have gone to Portland for the winter. - A. J. Moiley la making progress with bla house, which he started to build last week. YOUNG OLD FOLKS. Uncle Joe Cannon, at the age of oeventy-Ove. la aa apry as a boy. At about the same ege Cbaunfey Depew walka Broadway as atralght as an Indian. Chief Justice flarlan. at seventy eight, recently wrote his famoua dt aentlng opinion In the Standard Oil aleUI- Edison aays be la Just ueginnms at seventy to live and learn and is nimninf ahead thirty yenra. Wo Ting Fang, the famous Chinese diolomst. says a man should be his heat aa seventy as he la. Although be la ninety-one. Dr. Dan i.i ir Pearsons, the phllnntbroplHt ssys he feels In bla heart all the thrills of youth. Shelby M. Cullom, at eighty-one. rep M-enta the atnte of Illinois In the sen ate and la aoon to begin writing a bla- tnrv of hla time. Lord Strathmore of Canada, who re cently celebrated bis nlnetietn oinu t works evert inf t his dk. John Blgelow. our former mlnl-ter hi France, r.t ninety-four In writing a hUrnrr of the tariff. ' tJh.V JnhiiHun. who Invented port i. ....i ...n...n u int) ream old J1 eently begnn to tranMlate the gonpel of St Jo!:? from the tlreek c...n n Anthonv who died ai eighty-all. within a yenr of her ileath always ran tiijstnirs iikp a gin Now- , What Is the secret of tho loncevly of these ypung old per-onaT Chiefly IhN: They did unt grow old in mind or dull In spirit Thet kept In close touch with the ongoing of thTbey refined, to be pushed Into the chimney oruer. Would yi stny young through the H-.nrlne renrO Then select some work that will atnmilnte yonr hoe and stir yonr enthu-lusui M that -..rt jM,nl vou as your lash led you In k.. nf rmir voutll. Spend no'tirr- In rcgrt't ever the toad by win. h yon have come Loo at the rond ahead of yon. At,d. fihove all. continue to think u-hn the life san null going to your head you will begin to die nt the top. like certain treea - Accusftrm yourself to the spirit of progrees v Stay young In eoul. Cultl rate the spiritual part of yon and thn pat about yon gry B,r tnw b,l eternal youth By the quantltr of smoke the farm era must be taking advantage of the pleasant weather. We all are foolish enough to enjoy aunshlne. "Jack Frost" visited this vicinity last night with a vengeance. A number of the farmers are dig ging potatoes. J. Johnson went to EsUcada Wed nesday. He realized $1.45 per sack for potatoes. Fred DuuUter visited friends here last week. Mr. Otis j and Mlsa Nouna Vallen spent pleasant evening at Mrs. Dan Hlablnecker'a. Mra. A. Vallen and Mrs. Frank Wil son were In Estacada Thuraday. Mr. Beardslay la home again. Mrs. Dan Btablnecker waa In Es tacada Thuraday, Estacada la aurely growing. Many very costly houses are being built. Mr. Cary's atore affords a good as sortment on every line. Mr. Lewellen, of Springwater, has reluaaed hla atore work to Mr. Smith and Mr. Spurlln. It la reported Mr. Lewellen Intend to move to Califor nia for a time at least. Hla many friends wish him and family a pleas ant (rip, hoping their return. Lewis vallen la plowing for Dan Btablnecker. Hev. John Purk la contemplating a visit to Park place with Emery French and slaters, thence to Southern Ore gon to engage In ministerial work. We owe him praise aa be la one of those plucky "boya In blue." He can tell you of sherman'a march and many war explolta. Mra. Amy Hulbert. of Estacada. has been vlaltlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Baker. Mr. Cox and aon Stanford were In Rsiacada Monday on business. I C Warner wenr lo-PoTr!andMon-day. ' - A number of tbe houaewlvea have made the delicious dutch dish of ssuer krsut Kd. nibble'made a trip to EsUcada to get his daughter-in-law, Mra. Alice Dibble, who haa been vlaltlng ber par nil - ' W. T. and A. S. Henderson bare been ciesrtng. Mr Putts, while working In U. 8. Dlx's mill, met with the painful ac- plilont nf losln two fingers. Mr. Dolf and Harley Freeman have been plowing land they have rentea near the -old Scott place. A. Vallen butchered a mutton whlcn many or hla nelghbora relished In a Halir-lou roast. Rev. A. Si Henderson preached at Medford last Sunday. Next Sunday k. will nreach here morning and ev enlng. Hear him. You will not regret yonr coming. Tk. arhnnl auDervlaor. Mr. Ander son of East Clackamaa county, visited this school laat week. The achool yard being near the graveyard pre ..m. riii-fin a well. Thla will un doubtedly necessitate a change In the srhoolhouse Jean Lewellen. of 8prlngwater. was chagrined by finding a bear waa so liberal aa to overturn ma oeenivea mnv . ...i ir... An anrrv and ue-uv; ....... .-.-.. .v" w.. .rf Int.rMta near lively chase aent tne miruper imo u " . .i foothllla. A number of Elwoodltea there, waa an over 8unday vlaltor at l i .Viu No newa tha Rmmona nomeaieaa. gave mm mi vicu. - - - i . . " I U.a Vlnnav nf TUPUID. -nXOna. a A Atnrnra I mi. - ' M. Dibble killed the largest wildcat spent Saturday with Mra. Hugh Rob- " will.., ita (hu rarlnllA. I erta KDOWO Dl ... - . - ,A ..!- will riUgU OftUUIllUiU mw --- mnva tn niadstone for the winter In EAQLE wnttr.. order to be nearer achool. Mra jt i Rnnonnr and rranddaugh Once more we are enjoying some Wbs Vivian, were Portland ahop- tlne weniner. I pera on Tuesday and weanesaay. Mra. R. B. Glbaon and Mlsa Anna . number In this vicinity are hav- Duncan called on Mra. H. G. Hunting- . .ainhones put in by the Oak ton last Thursday afternoon. orov company. The polea are being Mr. and Mra. Henry uaeu I ,. ,h with the new phones there picking applee for Jamea Glbaon one w fc a fr.e exCDange to Portland, day last week. Mrs. Gub Warner entertained the II. Q. Huntington ana btwu circi at ner home on weanesaay ai- iode a vlsU to his Dover, farm laat . for a Hallowe'en party Thursday. M , . were mnde which all are looking for- Kd. Doug aaa waa a roruana vwuw i wh much interest ana it for a couple of daya recently. wm one 0f tne best socials of the Mr. and Mra. Meyere Mm. seaaon. Meadamea jonnaon, Into H. 8. Olbaon'a houae Intending ; to -,lcox waldron. Robinson. Lewis, na hra durin- me winter. I t-. n-imnnA Man variane. worse, u.v.ra will heln H. 8. with tbe farm , , ' n nnmnnon and Ander work, etc., and Mra. Meyera-doing the l .,, ..... acrtDture were present housework. A U. Wilcox enjoyed a visit from his Mr. and Mra. J. D. Douglass, ui Harold and family, who have re Portland, were the guests of Mra. cently ,, from. Cleveland. Ohio. Douglass' parents, Mr. and Mra. How- na wn ar at pregent la Sellwood lett. for a few daya recently. i vi,tin at the home or Mra. Moioen, Mra. De Ronne. Intending to leave 0 Mrs j. Ed. smith were anon for Loe Angelea, haa rented her . . r11ra Monday. place to Mr. and Mra. Brady. H c Palnton haa completed a num JENNINGS LODGE. Louie Heathman ind family moved to Hlllman, Oregon n Monday to re- Ide. Dave Hardv wbo was touring Can ada, la at present vlaltlng friend's In Minneapolis. W. M. IJmbdenstock wbo haa a pret ty country home at thla place, recent ly purchaaed an attractive new. resi dence on eaat Twentieth .atreet. In Irvlngton and tbe Umbdenstock family took possession on Tuesday. Rov Stover recehtly purchased the Board man cottage and will be located this week In tbe new borne. R. Olroatead will occupy the J. Smith cottage thla winter, their aon OfrHeHOlmstead -having - aeeepted-a position In the Stover grocery atore. An attractive -welling, wnicn naa been recently completed. Is that of Wm. Gardner, near Meldrum, Mr. Erlckaon, of Meldmm. la mak ing some decided Improvements on hla pretty home. Many kind words of appreciation are being given Mra. Qua Warner, Mra. Bert Russell and Mrs. Edith Truacott In the way they cleaned the achool at thla place laat Saturday ana wun clean windows and floors tbe pupils seemed to be taking up their achool -work wlthJ much better Interest than beiore. New drinking fountains have recently been added. An addition In the way of a storing room la being added to the general merchandise atore of R. F. Stover. Clinton Heath won the gold watch which was given, a way last week at R. 8- Stover's.' A number from here attended tbe funeral of the late Hiram Hutchinson on Tuesday in Portland. Geo. Morse of thla place, la a brother-in-law of the deceased. - Mr. Dill returned last week to his home In Yamhill after a ahort vlalt wlih hla daughter. Mra. C. P. Morse. Halmor Emmons left on Saturday to Join his wife at their homestead near Sheridan. Oregon. Miss uaran ivamiu 1 Try TuhdejW, on Out Rccomncndticn Snce "tniaranteed" hosiery first made its appearance many brands have been advertised. By fax the best is CUa&Stft. All good judges ot hos.ery ac that VaeAs-a is superior to ordinary brands. For one thing, they are - I&ly dyed mhth. new celebrated VVurwderdye-whKJi does no injure or C the fabric and preserve, it. lustre to the end. The texture n. soft and resjieo like silk. The threads are specially twisted and extra strong. The finish is equal to the finest. All throuCh they show the evidences of the greatest care in making. . We bouKht fa preference to her brands on ; . . .7. .i- .- . . t -L . ..A,kla hmiapf ttnaaihla to make tor superiority, we Deiieve it. io do uw i.u , r . - thTprice. We recommend it without hesitation, to all wanting a superior guaran ZJh. The maker, guarantee GSxtebl to rye T , months. We add to that our, person-1 guarantee that It tt) the be 25 cent hos.ery . - Wewontyootof-taeq.vtJnud with l2stLaJd "7 wearing quality and value. Nomattw what broad of hosiery yoe oow wear, yon will be delighted with SStfg-frt " . , . . Allujaafoe Four pairs in a bo for a dollar. A beauuful las U colon. AUsuealof. . rr : . i .. . . ILa aM O l& U WU S Departmenr More ALLEGED FORGER ARRESTED. H. Rogen Captured by Sheriff Maae la Taken To Vancouver, Sheriff Creaap, of Clark county. Wash., Thursday took H. Rogen, ar rested on a charge of forgery, by Sher iff Maaa, to Vancouver. Sheriff Mass located Rogan on a ranch near WIK sonvlUe. and brought him to this city-1 He Is said to have admitted forging a check. . . An Irish Anewee. The London Clironh le tells a story of an lu.'lrteot In a Itonegal village showing I lie friendly IrUli habit of giving a plea-lug au-wer In prefer ence to tbe Uild truth "I want some peppermint -kutengee." suld ibe Haxoo visitor, i-omlnir strslcbt to the polnL Sure ye do." smiled tbe lrt-U shop man, keeplug off It. "Uow mu-n are they 7" pursued tbe Saxou as tbe man did not move. "And isn't It two ounce a penny they are IT snxwervd tbe Irtab- man. ' atlll without niovlng. "Weil have you got any?" persisted bla cus tomer Impatiently. "Sure, not any at all." said tbe liiabman. coming reluc tantly to tbe point, with bis sweetest smile of elL . Are vou a subs finer to the Morn ing Enterprls-i? II not .you should eaii and let us put yonr nsme on the sub scription list immediately . MISS HELL CAUF1ELD VIS BRIDGE PRIZE Among the entertainments of this week was the meeting of the Thurs day Afternoon Auction Bridge Club, at the home of Mrs. O. W. Eaatbam, Eleventh and John Adama atreeU, Thursday) afternoon from 1 to I o'clock. The prise was won by Miss Nell Cauleld. It Is planned to have meetings twice a month, and the next meeting will be November z ai me home of Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith, of Portland. . Those present were Mrs. J. P. Lov ett, Mrs. Theodore Osmond. Mlsa Nell Caufield. Mlsa Beas Shepard. Mrs. M. D. Latourette. Mrs. K. P. Kanas. Mrs. W. A. Shew man, Mrs. L. E. Jones, Mrs. W. E. Pratt, Mrs. J. N. Wlsner. Mrs. Nieta Barlow Lawrence,-Mrs. C O. Huntley. Miss Alice Lewthwaite. Mrs. U 1 Porter. Mrs. Charles Griffith, Mrs. F. T. Griffith. Mrs. W. 8. tTRen. Mrs. J. H-. Walker, Mrs. Lena Char- man. Mrs. C. Dl Latourette, Mrs. H. S. Mount, Mrs. Henry O'Malley, Mrs. George A. Harding. Mrs. Hugh Men dry. , - ' Patronise our aaverUeers. If AND m. ELY ARE BITERTAIuED Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ely. of Glod stone, were surprised at their home In Gladstone Wednesdsy evening when their children and their . families vi j DaabaYla la 4t Ik good things to cat wer broagtt by Vetea cHvHnaT th niirnriflA. MorS thmn a.uwv o w two dozen crabs, prepared In many ways, were disposed of. Miss Helen Ely and Charlea Ely being the cooks, and they proved ( to be artlsta In this line. The affair was given in nonor of Mrs. Ely's birthday, and many pretty articles were presented her. A most delightful time was had. Present were Mr. and Mrs.-Charlea Elv. Mr. and Mra. D. C Ely and baby Dorothy. Mr, and Mrs. O. V. Ely and children, , Hariess, Helen. Carol and Elolse. Mrs. Evan Williams and chil dren, Evelyn. - Our greatest clubbing offer.' The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonlan. both until Novenv ber , H12. for only $3. Offer closes October 31. 1911. . n.i.r penchel made a trip to Bo- . ' , 'j.,,,.,, -,iia at Clackamaa and bemla last Wednesday and bought hM rturn-(i to this vicinity and will some honey of the bee man. - drlll for narry J. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeShaxer were T p stran waa taken serioualy 111 visiting at the home of Mrs. Viola n WejneBday. Dr. Mount la In at- DouitlaBB one aay ibbi wctju. tendance. Mr. and Mra. H. F. Gibson, Mr. and 0 w Barnea nas completed his new Mrs. John Reld and children, Mr. and g-jt,-, on the east aide. - Mra. Henry Udell and children took dinner and epent the day with James MILWAUKIE. Gibson Sunday. ... Dick Gibson was a Barton visitor Dan Matthews i Monaaj ior u Saturday and aold three plga to Char- dayg. trip to the raountalna. . t,...Ci..,h inU Camnbell and A. U Bolsted 7 - . . . r . , waaka' trin tO r. a tme-ma star la d aalna DOtatoea leii.moiiuaj - on the Dr. King place. Newi" v-iidin. two aix Several of the people of this neigh- ',,---,. ln the Strelb addition borhood met at the school nouse oun- Hanson was In Oak day, October 15. and organised a un- Md looMng after hla drug Ion Sunday acnooi. ounuuj -""" f will meet at 11 A. M. next Bunday and "a p k wa, ta 0ak Grove Sat all are cordially invited to attend. nJ? ' m ani Mrs. J. P. Woodle were vis-1 .. wiiinrot. of Portland, was itin.'wlth their son. Guy, and family k rridav on business. : . . - . i - -- - ii o.i.inii, ana Hunaar. i r. n Mavara nas acceoieu uu'""u Mr. Straw and Mr. Brash, some new- n California and left Wednesday for ' ... aav Intanillna. to build kla naw hnma. on the' old Carter place.. Charlea Templer; left "Monday for .1 . . . ,rn . win it raiuii.R. . . ,ni- Tn,..iin antartainan at Hnonomisn. yvaou-, Mrs. V.O.- la. 7- a f rfaVB. dinner Bonaay. r. - - - fTftITw.. Dreented to the city and Mr. ana wr.. j. l,. au - h. ,n the nronerty Dick Gibson butchered two hog i on . - ,treet t0 hav. ,t Monday and sold one to C son, H. Jack- FIRW00D. Improved from Main to Front streets, with cement siaewams ana mcu-. n,a p n." I I P. Company will build a station and waiting room at The lecture given by Mr. W. J. Wlrts tbe foot of Monroe street, which will Sunday afternoon waa wen D tt j,reat convenience to tne puuno . .-I a. ir n Mr. Wlrtf spent me BTruma Hart's. Here is the, Only Bargain House Compare our prices with others and forest warden. you will be sure-to trade, here. New and second hand furniture, of all kinds.' Granite, glass and light hard t a nratton will let ine coniraci for a fine hotel to be built on tbe southwest corner of Monroe and Front streets. Two stories and base ment: alse 60x75 feet with fourteen rnnmi on the unDer floor, Guy Strykef and family, of Snohora i,v wash , have moved Into the Bny der cottage and settled permanently here. Mr. Stryher la deputy game and ware. E. W. liellien Opposite The Grand SEWING CLUB TO MEET. - Th niria Hewine Club of St Paul Episcopal church will have a quilting party at the home ot Mra. James Daul ttn tomorrow afternoon from S o'clock K. There are about twenty mem- mera in the class, and Mra. Dawson Is the Instructress. , Small Stores Gain Business by the bright electric light for signs and win dows. Now that MAZDA lamps are avail able nothing is easier to obtain than profitable j j lighting. These new incandescent lamps we now offer to otir customers tinder very favorable condiUons. More Electric Light can now be obtained for every dollar yoti pay for current than ever before. The MAZDA lamps give more than twice the light y oil have ever before considered it possible to obtain for a given expense for current. We are now ready to tell you how yoti can get the benefit of this great advance in electrical development. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN orPICE 7th and Alder, Streets