Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
i! MORNING ENTERPRISE " OREGON CITY, OREGON f:: 001!:?4 " "BntarM mm towa-claaa raatter Jaa aer. t. 111. at te xal Tt- al CMy Oeaensx aa4el the Act T a, it. ..... u . - r M M ih Tear, v mall i Mlha hr mail ih In NIK tie mall IM is week, a can li ........... CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES tVat r-mar aw inca rtrat tnaartMi ike tirai rui. Bet imn a.l.te iintnaa. .lea htiMTi poa4ia ry rra. s sac nvl tnerrrVwi IM Veferree poattloai aay pasa, par asae cMeJ toaerttoaa 14 (m paper ate. r laaa flnt see, ear IM Inaarttoa la aua pafiM athar Jua fleet pes, ear tara ee4 tneertlaaa .......... .as icala lap r ttwa; ta rag-alar Mwrs Sc Una. Waata Fa Bala. Te Raat. aval a wwrA rtrv Bi rtiaa. aa aaea adtfltlmuU. Rales for a4varttama Ml.. SSateriirlaB arid aa aa la Ik ail). tr aqrerHainMata art ar f1 wkty . WSera I ha aavactaaraaaait la ttanafarr (from tbx aally ta tfca j. witrtout oaar.. lha rata wtll a as aa mm to. roa of tSa paaar. aaa laa aa .-) rw apvelal poaltMav Cwan akoeM aereeapaa atr arty ta ankJMwa la baataaaa afOaa af wa Katvranaa. Laaa1 advarnaraa at laewl ail w llmg ta "Irrua aavarrtatag mitt effal traaaaaai Hvrtiatn at Co l Wr aa teek. acear4 mm ta aprctal caetdlttaata goaiahia the TtT ai aiH Bajikrapt Sale' . laaatrata On Inch 4krat Irian If aanal laairtlooa aama sariar Ma kaaa. Nw Ifma aa4 raU wrrlttaai aiiltlia af aMrrt. wlta kiml to local raaara. wis aa aladrf acrrpl. Ratveeaa adiaa au1pa aamar Hftuniad aalraa orwi. tea ay iubm ta prrpmj aiattaaw CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAFtR. ; v j THE MORNING ENTERPRISE ' V la on sale at the foliowlnc aiorea 4 every da : ! Haatley Bros, Drugs Main StreeC J. W. McAnnlty Ogara Seventh and Main. Setreai Confectionary e Mala near Sixth. M. K. Dana Confectionary 4 Next door to P. O. . Oty Drug Store) Electric Hotel. Schoeaborn Confectioaery Seventh aad X Q. Adama. d Oct 20 In American History. 1891-Ssllors of h United Statea crviser Baltimore mobbed at Val parajsav 1900-Cbsrlea Dudley Warner, noted aatbor. died: bora 1830. 1910 Thomaa T. EckerL- whs) ..had charge of the government tele graph ta the civil war. died: bora 1X2. Darld Bennett HilL ex-goe- of New York, died: bora ISiS. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrew.i Sua acta 5:09. rises 9:14: moon rise 55 a. m.; son's dectlnatlon. 10 de Trees 22 mlnntas) aoath of celestial eqnatnr. PROFITABLE FARMING. A land boom In IMS. 106 aad the first half of 1907 transformed 750 i square miles of farming territory with- Pfingston'a High School football team la thirty -Ave miles of New York City ! play tomorrow afternoon. The team Into town or suburban lota. Streets j will play Jefferson High School sec and sidewalks were pot in by the mile j ond team of Portland, at Gladstone and then came the great panic and the j Park. collapse of the realty boom. j The Jeffersonlan'a team average This misfortune of the speculators waa" the good luck of others. Thous ands of farm hands with a little mon ey to Invest picked np these lots eith er by purchase or lease and began to cultivate them. The water pipea had beea laid and so irrigation came easy , to them. These "city farmers," aa they came to be kaown, found returning to the soli profitable. As the years advanc ed and Industry and Intelligent ap plication Increased their products they prospered. The past season tbey pro duced $18,000,000 worth of farm pro duce, aa increase of twenty per cent over last year's prod acta. There ta plenty of available land on the out&kirts of every city and what haa been accomplished in the neigh- I "V" I Home and l i Co-onerate Better By THOMAS STOCKHAM BAKER. Philadelphia Educator CUE time will come when the RELATIONS Setween tho cbnols and the homes wiJl be MUCH CLOSER than tbey are at the present time.. While public school mon are work ' 2,. An .Aar mEmim .4 ....?.. A .. . . I. . .1 . . . - I ' Tftemt of supervision, it would be well to pause ami ak whether tbe teachers and supervisors and siiperintendenU are not NEQLECTIXG rtt underestimating an ally which might" help APPRECIABLY in tbeir plam for the improvement of their pupils. In easting alxmt to find an explanation for the INEFFICIENCY OF THE SCriOOLS very little has been said of the ineffiriencv of tbe borne and tbe inefficiency of tbe parents who fail to CO-OPER-. ... .1 . i ' jjr. wiui tne apDOois. ( ONLY A PART OP THE STUDENT'S WORK IS DOKE IN SCHOOL, . SO THAT A GOOD SHARE (AND IN SOME RESPECTS THE MORE IMPORTANT SHARE) OF THE SUPERVISING MUST BE DONE AT HOME. ' Manv parents bare very pronounced ideas about what tbeir bojs should studj, and at tbe beginning of tbe school rear they dcrota not a little thought to the question of tbeir course of study. When the boy is once started on bis wsy, however, hey dinmiw the matter, and .tbey are at loss t,o explain tbe HOY'S FAILURE. Tbe tescbers are blamed, tbe methods used in the rv'jools are , blamed, whereas the chief fault may lie in the home. dupU cud elsewhere. . CANADIAN ElntUSt The resutt of the Ciudlu census I it not at all up to the expectations of Ithoe optimistic cltlieua of our aorth- trt neighbor who had hoped that a population of $.000,000 wouM b die- : been made public aa yet, but enough bas been ascertained to Justify toe belief that the total population will not exceed the figure Indicated. The figures would Mem to Indicate that there haa been some indulgence , ..v w ... tn exaggerate respecting the great ..In. .,! Kt tba rtnmlnlnn In re- rent rears. In Montreal and Toronto j there have bee aome increaaea, but decrease I shown In nearly all the Eastern section. The rural population has fallen off materially la Ontario, owing to removal from that pro vino to the Northwest Only the maritime provinces have held thelc own. -The Increase has been been confined to Halifax and the mining districts. Alberts, has made large gains, but aa these were drawn from the Dominion It cannot be deem ed aa increase. SALT LAKE'S BIQ PROJECT. The public-spirited business men of Salt Lake City have launched one of the largest Irrigation projects ever undertaken. Their plan contemplates the organiiation of a corporation a hich will hsTe aa Its object the op ening for cultivation of a tract of 260. VH acres of Irrigable land contiguous to Salt Lake, Ogden and Provo, by conservation of' the waters of the Bd W-- ie corporation now organizing wiu build Immense raarvoirs in 4 jer and Provo canyons, storing np the and nslng them aa occasion demands to flood the barren waatea "lying be tween Ogden oa the north and Provo and Cedar Valley on the south. Cap! 1.1 la mi ..n.mnal mru th successful flotation of the corporation la assured. The promoters of the scheme assert that by irrigation this great tract of 2C0.0OO acres; now practically value less, can be converted into a rich and fertile garden and will add greatly to the wealth and comfort of Utah. 1- John D. ta beginning to again take an active Interest la Stanard Oil af fairs Just to show -that he-can come back. ea Baltimore la all puffed np over the prospect of a SS.OUO.000 cigar factory to be established there. HIGH SCHOOL PLAYS JEFFERSON TOMORROW The Oregon City football fans will have tbeir first chance to see Coach about 140 pounds. The team la very last and will give the High School boys a bard tassel. The High School team has only played two games this year, but In both of these games they showed they were a scrappy little team. In the ... ,. mw r X..i.k . . r mwmtw ,aa. j vv aBfaavrv e WIS. aa a teen pounds to the man, but were only defeated by a score of 28 to C. while last Saturday they lined up against the Orients, a lighter team than they are, and defeated this team by a score 82 to 0. Coach FUngston will likely use the following liLe-ap; Gault. C; J. Beatie, R. G.; Qulnn. L. G.; Damback. R. T.; Rower and Michels, L. T.; Sheaban (Captain), R. : E.; Graves, T. E.; WilHon and Can Held. Q.; Cross, R. H ; C. Beatie and Caufleld, L. H.; Michels and Rotter, F. Sczhool Must tn PrnrJiir Pupils 'borhood of tJew Torh can HOP MMET Ell WITH BIG DM Ureal strength contlaiiee la the hop trade. HI da of J to J 7c a pound are till reported In the Willamette Val ley, but grower are not disposed to elL The New York producers' Trice Current says: lUlea. Receipts for week.. 2. Ill . t.JSi 149 f.l S3 ts m Receipt from Sept. I.. j Receipts same Una laat year Kxporta to Europe (or week. Export from Sept. I K i port a aame time laat year. . . Imports for week Imports from Sept. imports aame time last year "Country markets have alt ahown more activity during the past week and advance hae beea established at many points. In the Interior ot this state there has been fairly active buy tug of the beat hops at SO to S2c, and even the lower grades have attracted rather more attention at 45 to 47c. Probably close to two-thirds of the crop haa already passed out of grow ers' hands. EnglUh advices Indicate rather better demand and slightly firmer prices, and the German markets are steadier ta tone. Business on our local market la still of very moderte volume, the uncertainty ot the situa tion deterring dealers from tsking on much stock, are about In bne with our quotationa and the firmness In the Interior ts naturally reflected here to some extent! Prevailing Oregon City prices are aa follows: HIDES (Buying) Green hldea, Se to c: Salter. Sc to Cc: dry hides, lie to 14c; sheep pelta, 2Sc to TS? each. . r : . May, Grain,' Feed. HAY iBuylngl Tlmothjr. SIS to 15: clover. S to $; oat hay. best, $9 to $10: mixed. 19 to $12; alfalfa. SIS to $16 SO ,TS-(Bu ring) Cray, 425 to 827: wheat. $33 to $33: oil meal. $53: Shady Brook dairy feed. $1.25 per loo pounds. FEED Shorts, $29 to $30; rolled barley, $37.59: process barley. $38 50; whole corn. $37: cracked corn. $38: $2C: white, $2 te $27. FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25. Butter, Poultry. Egg. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter. 25c to 30c: fancy ) dairy, 30c; creamery, 30c to 35c POULTRY (Buying) Hen. 11c to 12 1-2; broilers. 11c. EGGS Oregon ranch eggs. 30c to S5c Fruits, Vegetables. . DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prune, on basis of $ l-4c for 45 and 50 ; peaches, 10c . SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.25 to 9150 per sack: parsnips, $1.25 to $1.50; turn! pa, $L25 to $1.50: beets, fl.50 POTATOES Best buying "70c to 85c, per hundred. ONIONS Oregon. $1.25 to $1.50 per hundred; Australian, $2 per hundred. Livestock, .Meats. BEEF (Live weight) Steers, Se and SH: cows. 4Hc; bulla, $ 12c YEAL Calves bring from 8c to1 13c, according to grade MUTTON Sheep, .3c Iambs, 4c and 5c SHc:, HOGS 12S tO 140 pound hogs, 10C and He; 140 to 200 pounds. 10c and MAKES FLAG CERTAIN 8 AN FRANCISCO. Oct 19 (Spec ial.) The Beavers, after losing one game, and tieing another here, won today from the Seals, 3 to 2. The Portland Besvers cinched mat ters securely today bv beating the Seals ont of a tough bsttle and what ever slfm chances Happy Hogan waa maintaining for his Vernon Villagers were holly dispelled when the Angles managed to gain a victory in the south. According to the "dope" Portland on a" rd to lose the five remaining g-'-t, with tbe Seal and McL'redle's men would still be on top of the hep. The standing, fltpiring that Portland lores it Ave remaining games snd Vernon wins four stralgnt, would be: Club Won. " Lost. - P. C. Portland Vernon . 112 120 80 8f, .S8333 .58252 Pacific Coast Lsagu. Portland 3, San Francisco 2. Los Angeles 10, Vernon 6. ' Sacramento 14. Oakland 15. STANDING. Pacify Coast. Portland 112 75 Vernon 116 86 Oakland 110 96 Sacramento 92 108 San Francisco 91 lit Los Angeles 80 125 .599 .574 .634 4C0 .450 .390 Quae About the Eye. '. Prnce' Troubemkoy, the art lot. once paloted In Paris the rtrnlt of an American wbo wss cro-w eyed Tbe painter thought a great deal shout the matter and finally madebi picture crona eyed; loo. no that It should be a faithful IlkeneaM. When It was done, tbe original look ed at It and wild: "It seems to me It aeema why, bang ft. tbls picture Is crom eyed, isn't ttr "Why. no more tbsn you are. sir." said Prince Troubetakoy. "Well, per harm you're right." mur mured the America 3 "It seems to have a queer look about tbe eyes, though " The Only Condition. "Are rou remly to nv un ray In CoroeT be anked awfily. Khe looked op Into bl face traKtlugly. "Certainly, deareai." she answered, "lf-ir- "If whstr "If yuo can get another one for your self" '. -Anotberr "Tea; another Income. "-Etensnge. Happy kotfiog. "Was there a bappy ending to bis new story f -Tea; be aoM U ."Rarlre. Dam at Austin, Pa.. Known to Be Weak Lonil Before Disaster -M k ! ! ..... j. r : ,r , r -1 .jj , . 11.. U .-y r lav - r wa -wsW a. W , .1 r-4 1 : :.v ;T., :a7X.-v Ptxvtoa ropyncbt ty Ainanran Praaa E' KfOJtrs to ptare tbe responaiblllty f the dlaaater at Austin. Pa., a dlMntef I ha I ovatrujred a-4'iMierou Iowa and caused an appalling l of life, a ere uoi auct-eiuiful Immediately after tbe horror, and Hi ere u .rile llketlbnud ttiat tbe blame will ever be definitely Bled. It ha tierti abuwn thai It aa known that tbe daw cooeirwrled by the Hayleae INilp and l'aier ronupaDi wa nut aafe Indeed, portions of It bsd "slipped" etrral uMiotbs before the dtater. and engineers bsd recommended tbst It te airvtMttbeoed la vartuua way dome of these rerotnuiendatlons were fel hwed. and wthera were not. tbe exlanatloa being that It was not Intended to store as mucb water la tbe reaervolr aa tbe engineer bad figured oa. The dam waa built of ryrtoeaa roin-rete stones measurtng from one-half te two ml'lr yards and sorronndet! by sot leas than ait lucbes of roat-reta, generally more The dam was begun in Msy and rompleted on lar. L 11J It con lained 14.7NU rubk- vanla of coo. re I a. 7.P23 cubic yards of eirsvatloa In Ilia ftmndaUoa and tUMta) udk- yard In ihe embankmeota Tbe total coal, ax clualve of the engineering, waa tTl.MVI Th pleura iburt snows tbe sea-tloa of tbe dam Malt gave way aad also a bat wsa left of the plant of tbe Bay eaa oauer rooevrn Wants, For Sale, Etc NMtMa tM will b taav tt at aa mi a ea rv. I saaartlna. ItaiC a eaai sdditloi.aJ inr ; ttooa m lacfc care. M wr oxaii. ii ! eard. i una ai par aaaaih Caa aiuav aeraakaaar arSar unkaa aa m aore aeeount with Ik paper. N ' riaaadaJ reapoaalblUtjr for arruca. whmr, errors ar ' Itea curTalre vkim a. aetnleg tmt rarrea Mlaitaua. otaras li. WANTED. WANTED Tourists and local people . to see my collision of arro-bea;i coins, India i tr.nkals, t'd st-im..j and curio or . aorta Will lu t or aeJI In thu Have vone o.xl j bargains In eoiidhand furnlttio' and tools. Geor Voung, Mali m. near Fifth. WANTED Dressmaking ut by t!ie day. first class work guaranteed. Mrs. W. C. Snover. Rooaev-lt ntre i WANTED By elderly widow, houhe keeping for elderly couple or gen tleman. Inquire C. T. Toote s ot flee. Besver Bldg., Oregon City. WANTED A solicitor. Tbe man who makes good on this should earn $20 to $30 weekly. This ts no snap, but a red- olooded man can make good. Call before 1 1 a. m, Friday or Saturday. Circulation Manag er, Oregon City Enterprise. FOR SALE. ! FOR 8ALE Desirable property. cheap, within one block of liliih School, Improved street and , sew age, 8-room houne and two lots, $1,300; 6-room house and two lots, $1,700; terms. E. U. Cooper A Co., Oregon City. Bank building. FOR SALE No. 2 Faultless Stump puller; two hundred feet of cable. Payment, cash of part work. Apply Samuel O. Bailey, Oregon City, Route 3, Bog 171. FOR SALE One mare and two-seated surrey; one Jersey bull. Inquire George Morse, Jennings Lodge. FOR RENT. LODGING HOUSE to rent Furniture for sale. Inquire 213 Fourth, atreet, Oregon City. ilarm LOANS, t ARM LOAN-DlmTcli isUimlck. lawycs. Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. O. D BUT, Atiorney-eMjiw. Money leeqed. abetrscts firnlsbed. land titles exmlnd, eitatts settled, gen eral law bus nea Over Hank oi Oregoa City. 1 U'REN A SCHITEBHTl Attorneys-si Ijiw, Dautscher Advokst, will prao tice In all eeurta. make collections irlse Bldg.. Oregoe Cltr. Oregon WUItOER AND CO-rtACTOR. HARRT JONTC8 Bitflder and Oenerii Contractor. Estimate ehee.-rnll-trfi on all claasee of building work, concrete walks ane reinforce! secrete. Res. phone Mate f 1 INSURANCE. I H. CnOPrTTt, Poe rtr Inanraaee ee Real Estate. Let o band' roer nmperttee we bey. a and evehang. Office la Raterpriee Rldg., Oregon city, Oregon s3 Aaaociatloo. Il L PRVSlCIANa. DR. LENA R. HOlKiES. Oateopsth. of PortUnd. will be In Oregon City Monlays. Wednesdays and Friday 'of each week, at corner of Htith and WaaNcgton streets, phone Main 249L CLB-ANINO AND PR188INO. CIIIfAC.O TAIIOU8 suit made to order from $10 and up We slao do cleaning, pressing snd n-twlrlng Three doors south of ponfiffre. HAIR. US. A- MOWERY. manufacturer of witches and puff and curl from combings and hair work gtiarnnieed. Prices reasonable. Order taken at realdenre from 2 to 5 p. m. Cornel fourth and Monroe streets. Oreu in City. NOTICES. Notice of Application For pool Hall License. Notice Is hereby given, thai I will, at the nut regular meeting of the City Council of Orfgon city. Oregon, ap ply foi a llcenae to conduct a Pool Hall, at my place of btislneaa. on Seventh street, between Railroad avenue and Main street for a period of lx month. L. E. CAUAS. HOUSE CLEANING. PHONB for George Ilascom, Main 3551, when you are ready to clean house or want your lawn nit. CLA1RM0NT SOCIETY GIVES ENTERTAINMENT The Clalrmont Literary Society met at the fclalrmont nchoolhoime on Wed nesday evening, and the room wa filled to Its capacity by the member of tbe organization and their friend. A short program, consisting of read ings, recitations and songs was given the early part of tbe evening after which a business session was held, A committee was appointed to name a day on which to clean the school grounds. Dinner will be served by the women at the schoolhouse. Even "Father" will have to work on thai day, so If you are a father and don t want to work, but stand around and watch the others while they work, anil then expect to march Into the school room to get a ' feed- with those who have Improved the looks of the grounds, you had better not make your sppearance. If you attend you will have to exercise your muscles, wheth er they are ued to It or not. The committee Is composed of Fred Wourms, Elmer Kuppenbender and Elmer Pugh. The following officers were electe I by the society: President, Lyman Derrick; vice-president. William Edge comb; secretary, Mrs. Bertha Wourms; treasurer, Elmer Pugh- ser-geant-at-arms, Fred Wourms. The meeting night has been chang ed from Wednesday to Friday night, and the next meeting will be Friday October 27. A literary program will be given, it will be In charge of the program committee composed of Mis Oils Jackson. Miss Antoinette Kuppen bender and Msa Ethel Ball. A debate will alto be on the program, the sub ject being. "Resolved. That Tobacco !?Mor H"rmfuJ to Mankind Than Whisky. Wage tannot hseeme empleyr until i.. have taved enough pitsl te msi,. I tart. A savings aceouni at this ban I, n, .no enly previa plt.i, " Iralnl-g In finance which will al!. valuable bunt help. The Bank of Oregon Qtv QUEST BANK IN THE COHWtv ' it l.rtUHETT Praaldeni THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN1 of OREGON CITY. ORKGON 'r.wiiiltM'ii4ii.f Giatiotono Lutnbor 'Cotn-zr UNOALOW MATERIAL OF ALL KINOt. Vl t.ubiler. lath, thlnglea. fence-posts and doors, toouMUigi. all k!il f Inside finish. ITicas righL lumber guaranty delivery (YARDS AT Phone Main 391. Our greatral clubbing Offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and Ih Weekly tirrgonlan, both until Novem ber I. 191:. lor only $3. Offer rloee October SI. 1911. RIAL I8TATE TRANtfERt. Ellen M llocka-ood to Rvm j. C'bHa-t-e. ll 5 and Mck 9, Ardenwald; $ 100. i'J?JirJlL !rJ4Jlrj?iXJBov ilr. lil. Scrr of aect Ion townanip 3 aonih, 1 . Hire I !. fetebt. i ' Julliu a tin Petri Knvcler lo M. D Sir. land tn aertlon 25, loananlp . sooth, rang I west $4,880. . Frttx and Katharine Nlklas el al. 1 I: ml n section 9 and 18, townahlp . 2 south, ranxe 2 esat; $10. Nancy and R. U Ramsey to Julia A 2 south, range 3 raat; $1.3o9. Klitaii -itH KMne t. Coalman to Oeorga T. Smith. 20 acre of section ' 17, township 3 south, range $ east: 1 $10. ' ! Jhn ulirlat to Cnarlea MU-ln bo'hein, in acre of section 20, town ship 3 south, range 4 east! $4iM. ! George V. Adams and Kale Adam to Lloyd and Kdna Shaver. 150 acres of section townahlp I south, range $ eaat ; $ 7.0m) I) R. and Fannie IMmlrk to V, N. ; and Rtiaa J. Jacket. 45 acre of sec j Hon 1 and 12. townahlp 4 south, range 1 east; IJ.SiO John and K! la nor Hendrlrkson to' NOT EXPENSIVE Treatment si Hut Lake, lur!rdlng medical attention, boar sW I.::... ct no more than you would pay lo live at any first cua hole). Km-in esn be bad from 75 cents to $2 50 per ear. in tli cafeteria ate eerved from 29 rents up and In the rill st lb mu! get tit prices. Baths range front 50 cents to $100. We Do Cure Rheumatism mmm HOT LAKP. SANATORIUM MOT LAKE. OREGON. WALTTR M. PICRCC. Prcs.-ligr. ,- a in e l w. awA itri Lo.vnn w yW'ff mi ait Oregon City V Big Earners r. Oten Irva, f ki.,j PARK PLACE). "WiH William lUmmund. luu i , block 22. fall. Vie. AofliVA1 William and Mrr,ia, John and Elanoc llendrlckKa TV. . " 9. block 2J. ri lli V, iZL' U Oregon City; $1. liaulel and Hopbla UueaiWat. inrtil. Ull l... . .... vanrhl Heaell k.ia a " IS4. Oregon -City; i'A. T 1 COAL! C0AL! W.haY.thc bcstatlov ti prior. Uy ta winter "opply now. Kerreet Poultry Psee. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN $Tt, Oregon City. Hot Use Mineral Bas snd in ud given voder irk direction hv em tine thousand. , Writ for lie trated booklet desrrlpUn Hot Lake Sanatoria a the method employei He Ijike Sanatorium I se a4 I slble. as It Is local I . ly on the mln III J O-W RAN. rail ;f social eicuralon I I to be had t tin agents. Is locale sir line of IW rsllwtr, rate met AM MAKESJLIFEX TKAOt MAP" Good Luck for your fe' . avtt ffC5r in uiciicwwa-T sett mo del' .Same old Crc sett comWfl but brand iJ styles. Butt models-- models sn:? ' clever stitchW $ ?6. every- f.cwis A. Crooett,106 - North AWngwn, Department Store. ;