MORNING ENTERPRISE, JIIUHSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1911. i h HAND MADE BEAUTIFULLY KNITTED Tabic Sets Center Pieces Doilies Etc, Irnporlrd Hand Work, Brautlful Designs, Utest Novelty Table Decorations. 1 To the ladle of Oregon City we are able through a very fortunate purchase, to offer a choice election. Very Seasonable Gifts U m I.OI H IV AM. I J. LEVITT J Supenilon Bridge Corner. . ' , !r : 1 WHY inttNAHAN RtMITTCO RVANS' 2S FINK. I lul Kvsns. th Mt, Loula Z Cardinal' outfielder, U Joker. You'd never suw-t him of lo- lug a bone bead, but he pulled O'i of this els of J p I a y a one diy trying J to steal third W lTI It KM o c c u I ixl i and flui d f'j.'i by M a a a e r lUeXllllllllll. L I U r Rresnnhnn t a r t d ! from firm to second before the runner uu the keyatone bad departed and waa aD easy out J Running frum the bench to- ward Hresnahnu ax the latter returned. fi-ellng Ilka 30 cents, Evan yelled. "That'll cost you S'Jft. old topT ? Whnt'a tbatT" liotited lire- Dalian, aor aa a boll "Twenty-flv beans out of your envelo for t hut boiietieHit work. replied startlutf for Ida piMltlon. 'Nnv. who' a runnlnc tbla teatuT" demanded the manager amrrlty. That's all liiruL Juhi n-uiero ber that fine!" Evsns shouted. The outcome waa the retult- Una of Evan' flue. He waa too muc h fr Breanaban, and Roger enjoyed a Inngh over the antlca of hie player. J a Pr4rik the Oreat, Prederk-k l tie Great looked with se ra. i Indifference a all I bat bla ene mies mlyhr my of blm. One day. aa be rod lliroimh Iterllu. be saw a crowd of people KturtiiK Ui at Miuielblnif ou tbe wall and ou Bending- lila groom lo' liKiulie wlni t It waa (mind It t t a caricature of blru-elf The placard waa mo hlKti thu It waa dtitli nit to rend It. so KrediMli k ordered It to lw plarrd lower In order tbal the ieile nnulil not hure to atreicb their ne k. The word werejiardly spoken when wild a Joyoua about (be iiurnrd wux putted down and toru Into a tliiuand piece, wblle a lieiirty rlicer followed Ibe klu aa be rode uwuy. t ' The Antiquity at Man. Man wua looked Upon u uld when It waa ahowo that Ii- conlaiuN rary wltb the mammoth in the glacial period, but recent lUwovene prove bin) to le Immeasurably older and to baft lived wltb the forerunner of tba mammoth., eleptni uiitltiu and tbe Kiruu-ao rhlnoero. rbmorerja etruacua. Me found til way lulo ureal Britain wblle tbe Hrltlxh lalunda were atjll a peuluaula. and the Thamea waa a tributary of tbe Klilne. and Ih the ancient alley of tbe Thamea iiuraued (be deer or fled from the inre ta-nr aud the tiller. Thla we know from tbe bouea and atone tmpleuif ula found Id nndlaturbed around fur below ' tbe present surface of the soil. -Century n.nnir. af Thunder. Wifer (durlna a atormi - Gracloua! Tbat waa an awfui clap of tbunder; it frightened terribly. Hubby-Non-uni mr dear. Thunder can't burt you. Wlfey-lndeed: Dldo't you aer bear of people being tbuudeintmca 'iff jr f 10 RtWARO ir..r ihe arreat an conviction ! V an peraou or peraone, who 0 tlaafully remove; coplaa of Tba k..min Knlemr la from - loa i kunilae of aubacribara Mier kper baa been placed iBr oy Wrrler. Saving Tim. Nielsen & Llndberg HIGH CLASS TAILORING SOS Selling Bldg., Portland. Phone Malif 6151. LEADERS OF BIG TEAMS. Poaltlene of Man Wh Ar Captaining Oiffarant Fotbatt Team."' In going over tbe list of captalna of tb football teams it la abowo that twenty-all cbone tackle, wblle nine teen otbera picked enda and tbe aam number balfbaxka aa captain; guar CORRESPONDENCE CANBY. property. Judge Grant Dlmlck and Llvy Stlpp, of Oregon City, were here-Tueaday on builnesa. OIL Matthewa left Tueaday for Hot 8prlng. Mayor George Brownell, or uregon City, waa her Sunday afternoon, nan Mattbew left Monday for a ten days' trip to. tbe mountain. t still r-am nhAll and A. L. Bo la ted left Monday for a two weeks' trip to Vnnpf ' -aw r vp v Mr.and Mr, Roawkrana and Mr. L-May of Streib-ls buildlng.lwo six w - n 1 A S n .1 - I m.wv krtnalniTa I n tha fit rdi h Aiidl LOCAL BRIEFS kcntK fur trailA inllHlne II. C. Palmer, of Molalla. waa Id thla ly Wedneaday. Vi. C. Itimcn. of Albany, la In Oregon L ly ou biiHineia. II. R. Hold, of Eugene, was In Ore- Ki t My Wednesday. llJidlea' high top tan shoea, 4 pair, w. A. Holme. III. Hilton, of Seattle. Waah.. waa In p city Wednesday. llert rmnmlna nf Reaver Creek. In thla city W'edneaday. P. I. and Arthur Head, of Albany, f-r In thla city Wednesday. Trr our 9K marrhinll' lunch, at e KallH Confectionery, 70S Main St. I Mr WdlllH. of Highland, waa In this ft on lniHliiesa Wednaaday. Mr. and Mrs n tlirmnn. of The kllea, are vlHltlng In this city. ' Mr. ami Mrs 1 irtcfieann have loved Into the Dullard residence. Fred Dullard haa gone to Eldorado, here he will visit, ,hla son, Robert. Mr. and Mrs John Ktchaaon have ne to Cortland, where thoy will vialt I'miN and relatives. Mr. mid Mra. Frank Billiard, of 1 in U. n m In lkla U'AflliaaSlMa V. r - m v l lull VH ii w..i.v- r - lify recently moved to Highland. ' Trudo bulldlne- now la nroareas. The Itlble Sunday School clasa of (Mint ii In vlaa, Bntiitaf srhool will ft at the home of Mrs. J. 11. Qulnn pan. , ruiikHiiiifu, w. .119 W r fln-Mlnoa, arrived In Oregon City i"my, and will visit here uniu up bl.r 20. Mrs. Henry Wetxler lert Friday 'P-nlll y f.M U ii n WannlaMi mrVtaaral Slhal ' e a" nil l f BULinvui tt sv w HI remain for aeveral months vlatt H reiitttvea. W. Cheney, formerly of Oregon Ky. tint whose borne la In Portland, h Ar a I. . I t i . . ln f h 1 no irv in DllsmenH, w (r on business Wedneaday. Oyitnrs in. mt ttta' Fall "nfectlonerr. 709- Main street Mrs 1 w i n .11 n aaaftla. who p been visiting her grandparenta, ft. Snrl A rm k D rw.lltlli) of this ..tin, m IV- mnit.i - tT. haa returned to her .home. I iiasii s iea aiaoiea on rreet hnv k... ..niul hv Fred "lg. and the interior of the build- l being thoroughly renovated. 0fn Adklna, of Mulino, waa 1n thla IV UA j . i . i I . kwnihAf. t'f nriiiifniiHi TlHUlIlg 111" miwi... .lim ,ir h . . I waA f"'" . tianer, wnoaa iu i"a lurd Tuesday by a horae kicking "it Trade building will benefit you. Mr. and Mra. D. C SMIea and son, enh. hiv. ...i. in v,i rttv from foui I'luk MloV ' mnA ar BTieSt P' r- J- ti. Toore 'and O. T. Toon. rr- Stllei . a brother of the Mer. snd Mrs. E. Carlton, of Portland, were can by visitors Tueaaay. J Illsnn aMlal renreuntatlva of lha Uirlh..l.m 1 Xing Diatanca Tele phone Company was In Can by Tues day, looking ar,ur properly miereaia nere. Albstrt Tmi and bride arrived Mon day night from Georgia.' Mr. Lee la a well-known realdent of Canby. bav Ing lived Here moat ot nis uie. his wife was a Mlaa Craft, of Georgia. Tha vounr counla went to Portland on tbetr honeymoon Tuesday. Paul Ifslh nlriaat aim of Mr. and Mra. George Kalb. of Macksburg was atruck ana aiuea ny s large nooa. mere ne waa woraing in a logging camp. Tbe body waa snipped nome. Th. fnnral waa held at. Mackahura. and tba remain were Interred ln the 7 nn ..m.lArff at I unhv The Ladle' Aid of the Christian church meeta October 26 at the borne of Mrs. O. R. Macka. Lota of work on band. All members urged to attend. Tha W C T IT meeta ai-lha home of Mr. M. J. Lee Friday afternoon. OctoDer zo. . Preachlnv at th Christian church. mornlnc and evening. October 2. Rev IlankAe nnttnr. Prurhlnr at Lli. lialhodlat church every Sunday morning and evening, lav I . i-raaiaAT. naaior. Mra. suabauer, ot cmngonion, la visiting her slaters, Mrs. Chsrles Hurls and Mrs. Wilson Evana. Mra Sn.hmi.r fnrm.rlv lived at Pftnbv. a. Hueii naa aiaoosca 01 ni prune cron at s good price. He had about five tona or dried orunea. ror wnicn be received 8 1-X cents a pound. He aava ha Inst about two tons on ac- Miml rj tha ralna annlllna- them. Carl Lucke. bougnt aoout tnree ions and a half of hogs Tueaday and ex nota about two tona to come ln Wed neaday. There was also other urge ihlnmenta from the Southern pacinc depot Tuesday morning. MILWAUKIE. T r limu and Mlaa Martha Rvan were married Saturday, October '14, at Lenta, and have gone to Tbe Danes tn visit Mr. limes' mother and elster. Mlaa Martha Zander, of Island atatlon, and Fred Bowers, of Sellwood, were msrrled Wednesday evening at the bride's home. Mlaa nartia I .&rkln. who has been 111 of typhoid fever, Is improving. Mrs. Kllao Is 111 st ber borne, and Dr. Stearna Is sttending. I Thnnulav nMnbnr 2ft. tha Mothers and Teachers' Club will meet In the Artei rnntlna business est. To err Is human, but an honeat cM or CA RLI,1B or parncsroa mualcal program win be given by error la Juat. as expensive to pay aa and pieaaituie or urajnaor. gome of the puplla. the other kind. Our McCaskey Reg- Mll A(.,.,Mm. The Milwaukle Grange will give an later eliminates errors. Huntley Broa. ierui. .- -"-" all-day meeting Saturday. October II. Co. v" iruiiuacsB 01 iwm a"-- i rjinner at noin. Subject for discus- .i..n whtla ends are leudera or nine .in "rim nnnds. Guard Robert T. Fisher is captain of The Boya" Club elected officers at . . v,... I their mentlna Monday evening as fol Harvard, ana osui l" . J", r;in .U-, aecre- log a tour of the Weat. Mra. R. P. Martin .of Portland. Is visiting hr parents,-Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miles. . Mra. I). C. Lalourette la visiting In MrMinnvuie. You benefit on trade building Mra ft. WTl5rare-went to Portland to ace Mra. L. Wink at the St. Vlii- reiit iiosn tal. Mra. wink will be able to rome to thla cltv the latter part or the week, and will apend several weeks at the Grace home before re turning to New Era. She I rapidly gaining atretigth. U'a'ra hnll ln crabs todav. Come In and get one. Macdonald'a Flab Mar ket Albion Gerber, formerly of thla city, but now of Independence, la In thla -itv vlalilnv his e-randnarenta. Mr. and - w r . - Mra. J. A. Romnn, of Mount rieasani. He will leave within a rew aaya ior Portland, where he haa accepted a oosltlon In the printing office of hla II HH 11 rr J vjnr y ik uviuvi. , ' You and I for trade building i-nr adnntlnn In Clackamas county. fine beslthy boy, elgbt years old. who la good snd obedient uertnau descent rather dead. Inquire 717 Fourteenth street or Mra. Kate Parker, court matron. Mra. E. E. Cawood and daughter. of Portland, who were In thla city vlaltlng with the former's sunt. Mrs. K. L. Newton, leu weanea dsy morning for Portland, where they mint remain a few daya before leav- l. fr. V'anrmivar. It. C. which Will be their future home. Mrs. Cawood .... fnn.ri Mlaa Kate Welch, and was a daughter of tbe late Dr. John Welch, a dentlat of tbla city Th. titatnrltv nf merchants are bon .,eW ..J LOTS OF MEN have worn the Shape-maker suit; and it's growing in favor; trousers that stay up around the waist without suspenders; a good idea. Hart Srhflffnpr ft Marx make it for us: we sell it for your advantage. Some very snappy over- . coats to show yju, too. . '.' Suits $18 and up. Overcoats $1650 and up. -v. " ' L. ADAMS Oregon City's Big Department Store. This Store Is the Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Qothes. room bungalows ln tbe Btrelb Addi tion, i -. MARQUAM. Farmers are busy plowing and seed ing. Potato to Da are green .although apuda are being dug. Charley McRoberts snd nis momer have bought tbe G. W. Bentley place near town constating of nine acres. - Mr. Henry Dale has moved to the Yoder neighborhood. Haxel Meyers wblle helping to gath er nrunea fell out of a tree and sus tained a fracture of ber arm. Mlaa Dolly Marquam came borne Sat urday from 8ilverton where she Is at tending school, to remain over bunaay. MACKSBURO. Cal Wolfer called at James Mitts' Sunday to see-Jake, Gravel hauling baa been poaiponea for awhile. ' - Prof Palavan haa been vlaltlng tne schools and reports good 'esults for the first -few weeks. Mr. Konschak and daughter attend ed aervjcea at the German church Sun- Mr, nreier and daughter caiiea on Mra. Jim Mitts last Friday. Jake Mitta visited bla parents fTi Hav nirht retumlna- to Mr. Bower' Saturday where be Is boarding. MOLALLA. I .V. UnUII. v.A tt tha fjlackamaa Southern grade la made. Our school atari ea wun a larger mv tendance than ever before. The school building haa received a fresh paint ing. E. K. Dart la painting bla residence a wheat straw color. . Barber Wood baa moved Into bis new dwelling. Louis Dougherty has Ju?t finished, painting this beautiful cottage. L. W. Bobbins' new dwelling In North Molalla Is taking from above the concrete baaement Dr. Powell Is having a fence built In front of his residence -W W' Rverhart haa ouit the big Shaver farm, with a aale last week, when J. R. Cole proved to be quite a good auctioneer. C. H. B. Thomas and bride have re turned to 8eatUe where they will make their borne. Mra. Sarah E. Parker of Cottage Grove, bas been vlaltlng hor sister, Mrs. Thomaa. of Oak Point farm, re turning borne via Portland to vialt her grand daughter for a few days. Mra Rdimonii died in ber seventy- fifth year, audoenly of neuralgia of tha heart. Her remalna were ship- pld to ber former home tn Iowa. Deceased only , lured here ror a iew months but waa much esteemed by all who knew ber. She leavea three sons and three daughters. DOVER. , Joseph Do Shayer hauled lumber last week for Arthur Miller's new house. Mr. Bews is building a, fence. Mlaa Alice Cooper" returned from Portland laat week.' Mrs. J. W. Miller entertained ber eon. Auguatlne and bla wife the Utter n.rt cf tha week Birch Roberts la in tbe Hood River country packing apples. Mrs. Cupp is enienaiuuis daughter and a friend, Miss Harris, from Salem. Mr. Bodley and daughter, Jessie, are here from Portland, vlaltlng tbe boys and putting up fruit Jsmes DeShayer and family of Fir wood, apent 8unday with bis brother. Joseph ECKHOFF RESIDENCE iiFAirc rmiPiFTifl'i- I1LTIIHS Will U.IIVH F. C. EckhotT house on' Center street, between Seventh and Elghtn streets. Is nesrlng completion. The lot Is one of tbe most attractive ln tbe cttyT-and tbebouse-aaas-io tne ap pearance of tbe street, which bas Just been improved. . A cement . wall baa been built around the property and cement walka to the veranda and on one aide of the bouse. There la a Urge front veranda and tbe Urge re ception nail IB DSSUUIUL A J leada from tbe aecond floor Into tbla room and also to the kitchen. At the rear of the hall Is a clothes closet, a tin nn t h annth aid are the living and dining room, which are Urge and airy, commanding a Una view or me city. On the second floor are three Urge bedrooms and bath opening from a hallway. The house will be lighted by electricity and have all of tbe mod ern conveniences. Tb residence was planned and built by Mr. Eckhoff. ...... - -. i Hotel Arrivals. The following are registered at tbe Electric Hotel: E. C. Wood worth, mm - t n v . 1Thm T m.m XJ fa n - i n . n r fa u. Woodburn. P. I. Head, Albany; Arthur Head, Albany; O. C Ragen, AiDany; s-red Rebabe. Molalla: B. C. Palmer, MolaUa; a W.-Boyer and wife. St. Paul, Minn.; Henry Pfelffen, .Port land; B Socha and H. 8ltUn, Seattle. Waah.; W. Hoekin, city; J. R. Bold. ttiiMim- n Harmon 'and wife. The Dalles; John Ellsworth and wife, Port land; J. W. Aspland, Portland; M. O. Gareson, I'onianu. Our greatest clubbing offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem ber 1. 1812. for only $3. Offer close". October 31, 1911. , ' Small Stores Gain Business by the bright electric light for signs and win dows. . Now that MAZDA lamps ! are avail able nothing is easier to obtain than profitable lighting. These new incandescent lamps we now offer to otir customers tinder very favorable conditions. r 4JW.W iV"'- Harvard, ana . -' ' -'; S. -pre.l3ent, Cow.n Harvey; rr. tka nuraAn that Cttn find ft better tbe ssme poon. leaaa ioe v..r AIfr-d oettman. and a ii.. .van ta found at the I Indiana. ' - I .,. Unwiril Pnniwtr. Tha club will . ' . . n. il.l. I t-ti,.i.arKarll Arthur HOWS IB Yflle'S I irIHu (Vlnh., the habit and eat good candy. You eader. SprackUng la piloting Brown 0 fn tne clty llaii The program .. . . . 1 .m.mA TI1.I I . I . , .. V. El llp.ll ItlA W Aflt I 11. I . n. n.iln m.mrl ..nil., mil. Will live longer ana iobi ubhi. I nniversuy, imutu wll cuunini ui uiuniv auu luiiuiuuii., are made fresh dally at our factory. rolnt eaVen and Kay Morrison the The recclpta will go to the club fund IU u u l Hi u .i.i.iui h. ttj Inm w e liv. sold to Thomaa Rob- arta aanlnr nartner of Roberta Broth ers' firm, of Portland, a nve-acre tract with a modern bungalow on Kenog lake. Consideration 1 11.500. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will make this their fu ture home. Mra viavirla Tnhnann waa In Port land Wedneaday afternoon on bust- are maae un foint ei.vcu You get the real MScoy when you Van(Jorbllt team of Naahvllle; Anunp- . n ... Atmt ffirfTAt RatUr I . . . mm . 'Wmm L come nere. ruw .. i nil. is Ilea (lea DT iiaiioarm .louii day. our special day. If you jntsa u 0el(, con, West It is your fault, mi our. rolnt Fran!cIn Held la.tyear; Sewa- 30 itesulnr Somithlng extra. roast universities. California and l.e hind stsnford. are slso led by nair- backa; Chicago la being led by Tackle Charles Radanischer. snd so is " annul n h A I Ruser. m. . v . ' - ,ti Mlnhltran rnnm 1M I naaa I f 111 I I I U. H KICIII MA.H-MHH HV.UI ..nder the leadership of Tackle Fr?d Jacob Rlckard sold three acres to Conklln. Jr : Cornell, too, baa Tackle Samuel Stuckney. of Oklahoma; con William E. Munk aa Held leader, , '"t rrinceton re-elected Its great run- A..:".. " t,.. . L r,-- ...M. tna n an V. Hi. IWUOlu.mi. WILLAMETTE PLANS DANCE SERIES 7 m k vir h,ck' E(WI" n"rtf , h hi . I Tuesday on business The Willamette Dancing Club vir- Biu 0f Pennsylvania ha a dnshlng Th0 0ran(a wm g Wiiiamene uhuciuk Hill or renmji"'"" i The Grange will give a reception to tualiy naa neen ornuii-.u - general in r.ugene urn "" ter. This club gsve last winter of tn Dest fullbscks ever developed moat delightful series Of dances ever M)k Murphy. Minnesota given in this city. All 9nmm who - Pickering as captain. M .LTororH while Holy Croa. baa Wllllam P. Joy. 7 uVed to W "a .dance at Busch's Dartmouth's csptaln. Kowarti iy uai " lL... .ai.akaabaa St fi ii I laV AWlinlMi Ilka Doaltlon. Hall one night every imw - v-K the dates will be snxea ai in. nieniH'H ' w ra. fi. the Oplv there will be more than 100 membera. ntlt 13 , " 1 a HOLD TRACK MT TOMORROW. A track meet will' be Aid at the Baptist church tomorrow nlgbt. be ginning at 7:30 o'clock. Rosa Eaton will be tbe capUln of on aide and Ellen Dempster will be In charge of the other. A ocial time will follow the meet. . ' ' Our greatest clubbing offer. Th Mnmin Rnterorlse by mall and the Veekly Oregonlan. both until Novem ber 1, 1812. 10' only J. uu.r October. 31. 19H- . . - - Bargain House Mr. and Mrs. James Saturday after-' noon at the Grange Hall. Women of Woodcraft will give an Autumn Leaf dance saturaay evening at City Hall. Th. United Artisan will give a mssouerade at CKy ' Hall Saturday .v.nlnir rVtmhar 2X. Rev. Baker, tne evangenai, win give a aarlna of three lectures at the nrano-a hall nn rtlble sublects. . Jamea Mathews spent the weeaena In Dnrtland Evangelical Church; Rev. E. Rade- v. naatnr flnndav arhnol. 10:30 unuui . w ' a. m., preaching at 11:80 a. m., T. P. A.. 7 o. m.. services at s p. m. bub- Mid-wees aervirea, crlces with others and ... . . A .m.rm M.n "Tha nvll Vnil Will D BUie mil ll.M. WWm m-W" ljvv - " - you win " " m..Hn XTadnnadav avenlna .d aecond hand furniture or an Thur.d.v ev.ulngi kinds. Granite, glass and light hard Teach.ri training Friday evening. All v . 1.. r.i-rflalltr Invited. WIIV. ' .IV VWI Mi ..... . - W. A. Ruaon. of Portland, was nere Friday on business. . - W. H. Connsell Is still hauling cruan edrocg on our streets, wun. . BMndier is hulldlns an sd ( t i us - , dltlon to bis borne and improving his E. W. Mellien Opposite The Grand ..--'. More Electric Light can now be obtained for every dollar yoti pay for current than ever before. The MAZDA lamps give more than twice the light you have ever before considered it possible to obtain for a given expense for current. We are now ready to tell you how you can get the benefit of this great advance in electrical development. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN omCE 7m ond Alder Streets ( . and he and his family are mat - 1