Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 18, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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' You and I (or trad building.
H ,T. Melvln, on of th prominent
residents of Barlow, u la this city
mi hiialnaaa Tuaadav Up fcfalvln la
on of th boosters of Clackamas
county, HpKiuiiy or lianow, and liu
arh yar been la chart of tb veg
tabl and fruit display from Harlow
at th County Kalr. II prieutd to
tha Oregon City Commercial Club ex
hibition building on of th largest
pumpkin that la ou xblbl(lon hr.
Tbl waa grown by Fray llrothera, of
W'r boiling crahe today. Com In
and gat on. Macdonald'i Flub Mar
kets You bcueflt on trad building.
Yar aannttnn In fMarkafnaa Viinnttf.
fin healthy boy, eight year old, who
la gooa ana oueuiem uerman ueacem;
fuihar 1a.ur! Innulra 717 Pourtamith
street or Mr. Kate Parker, court
-a. I m,,tron
HAND MADE $5aooiwd
1 1 To th person that can find a bet
Table Sets
Center Pieces
Imported IUnd Work, Beautiful Designs, Latest
Novelty Table Decorations.
To the ladles of Oregon City we are able through a
very fortunate purchaae, to offer a choice
Very Seasonable Gifts
T iUm ttMiMjn that Mn flnif a hattar
lino of candlea than la found at th
Fall Candy Store, 7U3 Main aireei.
ilia and aat vood candv. You
will live longer and feel better. Tbey
ar made rrenn aauy ai our laciory.
You get the real Macoy when you
come here. Now don't forget Batur-
ituv in., iulul dav. If vou mill It
It la your fault, not our. Fruit-bar at
30 cent a pound, Baturday only.
Rrgulur 60 cent kind for tbla occasion.
Houii-lhlngv extra.
r..r the arreat and conviction
I. ...r.,.n or teraona. wbo
inUafully remote coplea of Tha
aurolng Enterprise from tha
framlaea of aubaorlbera after
Lpar bai been placed there by
Vi Confia-:'-
nvhat ! the
lr lo n't about
to burn nion
. .
fTb flmt thin
wary la lb
Aud then tb
'Yea"- .
rTbst U all.
Jit It la mnven-
at ind comfort-
V io lend a bur-
op rail for tb
bbulsnre I u a t
ifor atartltiir." rffrf-
Suspension Bridge Corner.
a, I
Nlolaen A
308 Selling Bldfl., Portland.'
Phone Main 8151.
(Continued from page 1.) -
HALEM. Oct. 1. Unlesa preaent
plana fall member of the State Board
will probably make an official trip
to Orecon City next month lo Inapect
conditions there relative to tb pro
posed free locaa. me aiaie ua maun
an appropriation of 1300,000, payable
f 100.000 annually, to be uaed In con- . afmllnr a nnrnnrlatlon
from tha government for the eaUb- .
Jlshment of aucb locaa.
The agiutton la Oregon city ior
lock on the East Bide of tne river
will meet with tb opposition of tb
HUte board, according w in prasem
nA It la In tnvatlaLa Dr-
aonally 'tbia queatlon of right of way
that the board wisnea io ciawm iu
ulUi.Hnn "
Under an oplnlpn of the Supreme
Court, banded down a numDer oi yeara
u tha atata has a nronrletary . In
terest In the preaent locks on th
Weat Blda of tha river, amounting to
200,000. Should- the course of the
locks be transferred to the Kast Bide
It would result in tne aiaie a miereai
In the locka becoming pactlcally
... a. a- 1 .4
wortniem, u
jjfp Kit !. ar Mam
LOTS OF MEN have wcra
the Shape-maker suit; zrA
it's growing in favor; trousers
that stay up around the waist
without suspenders; a good idea.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
make it for us; we sell it for your advantage.
- - Some very snappy over
coats tb show you. too. . '
- i
Suits $18 and up. ,
Overcoats $ 1 650 and up. ,
Oregon City's Big Department Store.
This Store Is the Home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
Watrh for trad building.
Born, to the wife of Mr. Vernlg. a
Born, to the wife of 8. M. Bunnell.
Mr. Hcilmnn. of Heaver Creek, was
Oregon City Tuesday.
nanrca Marr. of Portland, w'aa In
Ireion Clly on business TUesuaj.
r,.ri,. Ciiin nna of the residents
It Caru. was In thla city Tuesday.
I Mr. I- vi' iiuti'hlna add son. Allen,
V Loiuii. were In thla city Tuesday.
I Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wllmot hav re
iroed from Balom, where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Dennla , Drlacoll. of
inn. ere amona the Oregon vnj
liltnrH TucKiliiv.
Ur. i Mr uli an Mrl David
Uiifli.ld ni7 In iioaehurc. attending a
fieetlug of the Women's Club.
1 nt thA Mount
rieiiHHiit nrh(Ml, ppunt the flrtt of toe
Fit?K in Turtlund wun inena.
Tr ...... ntA mArNhanU' lllltrh. ftt
J mi t situ; iiivji
the KhIIh Confectlonpry, 703 Main 8t
Adolph JiK-hnke, aon of Mr. and Mrs
buehnk.-. U critically 111, and no hoea
re nlTtalliel ror bia recovery.
Mrs. It. A. Brhoenborn left Monday
fi...w...l P.IUUI...W, '
nalncd until Tuesday vlaltlng rela-
T. II. Madison, of Highland, a well
known fnrmrr, waa In Oregon City on
hiihiiichii Tuesday.
Trade building now ta. progresa.
mih IjiIh' liavward. of Clackamas,
waa In thla city Tuesday on her way
home from Carus, wnere sne naa oeen
visiting friends.
Miu fnra Piilt-r. who has been the
guest of MIhs Helen 8mltb, or I an
mah. returned to her home In Port
land Sunday evening.
r ii Daimhertr. of Portlund. repre
senttng the Pacific Paper Company
waa In tbla city Tuesday. r.nuld. of Portland, waa in
thla city on bualn-sa Tuesuay. iwr
llould Is an architect or roruanu.
rk.riu windnra. reoresenllng the
Pacific Coast Blacult Company, of
Portland, waa In this city on ousineaa
n.aiara. anr stvle. at th Falls
Confectionery. 703 Main atrei.
i,itn ntralcht and son. J. R. Blraignt
of Portland, returned from a hunt
ing trip In the mountaine. ana urougm
home with them nve aeer.
u. firiha navla and Mra. C. E.
8pence, of Carua, were in mis chj
Tuesday on their way nom irura i iy
land, where they had been on busl
r n oianlav and niece. Miss
Kllr.abeth Stanley, of Portland, who
have been guesta or Mra. j. w. njan,
of Mount Pleaaant, have returned to
their bom.
n,.ri.i vrolvar arrived from Mad
raa Baturday and In company with
t .iii.i. n in shiiltel Saturday ar-
. .h.r. tha former will VlHlt
relatlvea. Mr. Glllett returned .tlie
nt tha week.
Trade bulldlnc will benefit you
... --.i mv. n i. rivde. of Park'
tr thmiIiv evening for lah
.. .I ..h. ha will visit their aon
and will probably remain during the
winter for the benent of Mra. Clyde s
With our new McCaskey Charge
.ffi.rrt vou with every
i .n inatant and accurate
purt liann " - ,i
.,... ,,n vour account. Huntley
lima r.O.
... . m i nf Mniint' Pleasant
. . ....... .unn Hava airn was kicked
on the head by a horse, la Improving
MiY, ta to take nourish
ment. 'Monday the stltchea were re
moved from his forehead For severe
daya Mr. Stafford waa In a critical
We are still offering bargains in all pur lmes,
but have a few broken lines of oxfords and
pumps at especially low prices, these are
left-over from, oar "mm" cZt
PRICE rather than carry them over another
season. . .
W. A. Holmes
6l7MlnSt. . OReOON CITY
years, but It will probably tak four.
They will b built for centuries to
come and not tha present Tb ad
vantage to th state and especially
lo the Willamette Valley will be ao
great that th share of Oregon City
In It will be much greater than any
loss which It can possibly sustain.
Ioms or disadvantage. I aee no reaam
why If we tak away by the construc
tion of the locka a foundation for a
mill the mill may not be constructed
on that portion of Oregon City be
tween the preaent basin and Seventh
street. It la not neceasary )n order
to obtain power that the mill be on
the crest of th falls.
Will Maan Open Rlvr.
"Again, an Inevitable result .that
will follow th construction of new
locks by th government will be that
work which la necessary to,mak an
open river to th aea. I am of the
opinion It will not be very difficult.
If the locka are conatruciea, io inuuee
, h .nv.rn tn make an additional
appropriation to clean out the channel
from Oregon City to roniana ana
especially to remove tb raplda below
Oregon City. Again, aa th govern
ment builds permanently, ana me
engineer hav had all the data necea
sary In making tbelr report, inciuaing
the llnee of hlghwater heretofore, and
th probability or nooos nereuier,
th iiu-ka will be so constructed with
. nni. M tn keen them from the
overflow and to proieci me cny u u
never baa been protected of danger
from waanout.
"I am told that In the 1890 flood. II
It had not been for a Jam of log
accumulated at the south end of the
woolen mllla. th building or tn ure
rlf Mann fart urtnr Com nan y
would bav been deatroyed, and we
all know that aa th vaiiey ib cieareu
of timber th freaheta will become
larger and tb Hoods more aangerous
so that w may expect iiooaa iar
greater than that of 1890 any winter
when the conditions ar ripe. Tb
nMi rltv Manuf act urine Company,
I am told, would construct another
large building to tak car of Ita great
business were It not ior tne ibci ini
as winter approachea they fear for
their buildings. By th construction
of such an addition aa that on com
pany would make perhapa iao persons
.,n..M ndlaln m nlnvmen t. That en-
. . ,,
largement proDapiy never win u.
made unlesa protection la afforded to
make the of the company
"If the locka on the west side wer
purchased It would be necessary In
order to maae mem iuiju.w cnu.
to condemn some of the plant of the
largest of the corporatlona here the
Willamette Puip ft raper uoraimny
n. n MiMirnn around west Of the
V W V-.- B- ... 1.
present canal, wbicn wouia maae n
necessary to cut away a bluff of sev
eral hundred feet that la eighty or
100 feet high. The entire locka on th
west aid Wouia nav lO-D recon-airlifted.
Too Lat To Dlvld.
"Finally, gentlemen, it la too
... .n iiiiiiii on thla aublect and get
anything. We hav worked hard for
the construction or new ioc. !
has been don openly and If any pro
test wna to be made, any dissensions,
they should bav been at me bh'
cp ii la nnl h remaining bar-
monloua that w may expect locka at
all Those who oppose tne recoiiiiucu
dntlona of th government engineers
are doing that which la equivalent tu
opposing tree iocrb aim
against the greater development ot
the Willamette Valley, Including this
county and ony.
Popular Matron la Surprised On
TWniy-tigntn a" jmu"7-, DnMnanir' of Canemah.
aira. j"ju ."... -. - -
...r.riuarf at her home Monday
evening by aeveral of her frlenda call-
lng to remina ner inn bj
ed her twenty-eighth birthday anni
versary, and wUned to make the oc
casion, one long o ie pjiilhi TJ,'
They brought with them pretty birth
day alfts. and also a luncheon, which
J IV . .. Mi,au war.
was servea. wnmw '"""' " ; -enjoyed.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Metxner. Mr. and Mrs. J-
Searl. Mr. and Mra. Charlea Becker,
Mr and Mrs. josepn koihhboii,
i...i.. c.nna llnrke. Mra. C. Conyera.
Albert and Irene Robinaon.
Read th Morning Eirprlse.
I Here is the Only
ft.- nnnlhl. ITIMtin- of the "Blth
laha" waa held Monday evening at tb
bom of Mia Nettle Kruse. of 1205
Main atreet. Th bouse waa prettily
a i.ii with Autumn leavea and
cut floMiiera. The latter part of the
iantl to camea. th
hostess being aaalsted In entertaining
by M'aa A'W liauey. Amuug
i .r.n..tai1 diirlnr the avs-
lunilir.. v.
ning waa tb election of tb following
officers: President, subs um
ler; vice-president, Misa ivamieeu
u.u.. aau.rat.arr. Mlsa Anna Lar-
son; treasurer, Mlsa Alice Bailey. De
ki..... ,.rr.ahmnli wer served.
Those present wr Miss Anna Lunt,
MIbs Wllma Myera. Mlsa Mabl My-
. m.. r..Hm uarrlaon. Mlsa Anna
Lar'sen. Mlsa Kathleen Harrison. Mlaa
Nellie 8wafford, Miss Ulah Cantrell.
ui.. unri.ii. Hickman. Mlsa May
Roae. Mlsa"NetU Kruse, Mlaa Elva
Blanchard.. Mlaa Mauae Bmun,
-.ii . vimmarman. Mlaa Alice Bailey,
Mlsa Adah Hulbert, Mlsa Ulli Miller,
r. Mra. Malva Boll.
mi a. "
Mr. Oleo - Hugbea. Mrs. Nicholaa
Humphrya. Mra. W. E- jonnsion
a fumble by Colllna, Heriog crossed
the plate, but Becker waa too ambl
tioua and waa out stealing, and th
game waa done.
The Gianta made three hit and the
Atbletlca nine. Colllna, Baker, Davla
and Barry each made two nil ana
Lapp one. Heriog. Meyera and Matth
ewaon each mad a bit '
Flrt Inning.
Dvll..l1li Itrd out. Dovla 'tO
Merkle; Oldrlng out. Fletcher to Mer-
kle; Colllna out; weraie io aiamew-
son. No runs.
rv. r.a.n Pit font hall team will
play Ita second game of thu aeaaon
with tb Eagle Ainieuc v.uua
r i I..I ...I Rundav at Canemab
Park. The game wlU etart at 2:30
oclock. Oregon City won tne nrsi
game played thla aeason and the men
.ub .h.. iii ha vlctora In the com-
ii.iii. " j "...
ni..i The teams are aald by
. v h.a umi hoth olav to
be evenly matched and a hard-fought
battle la predicted. Manager White
t,...iI., .wanlnr that new
announce i u."- -c . .
unlforma had been obtained and would
be worn tor the Brat time In the game
aralnat the Eagle Athletic Club a
Refreshments Are Served And Music
.... .m.a Ira Bfliovad.
A pleasant aurprlse party waa given
" . 1 1 a. VI T-. I
Monday evening m b" " " -:
. v vnnl. cia nfth street
Ij. Wins ai pur n"t -
The house waa beautifully decorated
with cut flowera and ferna. A moat
i . v.i. ...ninf waa anent In music.
gamea and refreshmenU. Preaent
were Mr. ana- ir. o. j-
-v., i. Unn. Mr. and Mra.
Hail CUIIuiriit v'" - .
J Davenport and children, Lyle and
Helen. Mr. and Mra. W. E. N ilea, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Mcranane. wr.
R. McOetchie. Mr. and Mra. L May,
... i u,i I Rvmea. Mr. and Mra,
K. Oalinger. Mr. and Mra. W. Symea
.... ...i- unninur. Mrs. Clara Hoi
varson.. AugUBt Jrelchler. Eustace
Colllna. U J- Hodge. J. J. GIdd ngs.
i Mr. ana Mra. J. L.
Siauiey wi'"i - - .
Wllla and children, talle and Norma.
The Red Men. of Oregon City. In
....... raiidldatea at a meeting
lumru ii ' .
nih Two docreea were
given. - The order U having a remark
able growth.
'U. . - "
vnrk rwora fanned Doyle
out. Davla. unassisted; Snodgraaa fan
ner. No runa.
Second Inning.
Philadelphia Baaer oui. uoyie
u.rii.- Murnhv lined to Herzog: Da
vla filed to, Snodgraaa. No njna.
K. . , .. . 1 1 I nrt
Merkle out Barry to Davis; Herzog
fanned. No runs.
Third Inning. ,
rkil.H.lrilartarrr alneled to left
and atol aecond; Lpp lined to Doyl.
wbo threw to Fieicner, qoudiiuk
I. .a tha flrat double DlST Of th4
aerlee. Coomba filed to Doyle. No
runs. -
New York Fletcher filed to Hur
phy; Meyera singled to left; Mathew-
aon singled to ngni, aaeyera
- rwvnr. tnrend Mathewson. Bar
ry to' Colllna. Meyer scoring; Devore
caught stealing. Lpp to ijarrj.
rourth Inning.
-Philadelphia lyora niea w Du
... . niHHn. nnnnmi to Fletcher:
niHr,. an InfleM hit through Her-
v'"""'" ? . ..:.r - i,.rvi.
sog; Baker out, maiuewauu w
No ruoa.
New York Doyle out. uouina w
Davla; Snodgraaa filed to lord; Mnr-
ra filed to Murpny. no mua.
Fifth Inning.
Philadelphia Murpny aaie ou ni
soga error; Davla' liner hit Umpire
Connolly on the leg for a alngle. Mur
nhy taking aecond; Barry aacriflced.
Mathewson IO meraic, u"i"
advancing; Lapp bounced one to
Mathewson. who threw to Heriog,
catching Murpny: uoomua pui.
Fletcher, no run.
Vnrk Markle flled to Lord:
Herzs walked and out stealing, Lapp
to Colllna; Fletcher out, Barry to Da-
tii. no ruua.
Sixth Inning.
Phlladelohla Lora tiled to kiurray;
Oldrlng fanned; Colllna filed to 8nod-
grass. No runa.
New York Meyera fouled to Lapp;
Mathewson Donned to Collins; Devore
out. Baker to Davla. No runa.
8vnth Inning.
Philadelphia Baker filed to Mur-rapT-Murphy
filed to Doyle;- Davla
fanned. No runa.
New York Doyle out, Colllna to
Davla; 8 nod grass fanned on three
pitched balla; Murray walked and
stole aecond. Colllna dropping Lapp a
throw; Merkle out, Colllna to Davla.
No runa. .
Eighth Inning.
. vKii.,t.lnil.-nnrrv douhled to left:
Lapp heat out an Infield hit; Coomba
bit to Doyle, who tnrew io meyera, ti.m at tha nlate. lann tak-
i..iuiut . r - .
lng aecond; Lord hit -to Doyl. who
hrew to Fieicner to iorc twin".
Fletcher dropping the ball. Coomba
safe; Lapp dashed for the plate,
rtnvla recovered the ball and threw
to Meyera, who threw to Hersog, run
ning Lapp down on the foul line; Old-
ring fanned. No runa.
New York Heriog filed to Lord;
Fletcher out. Barry to Davla; Meyera
fanned. No runa. -r
Ninth Inning.
Philadelphia Colllna out, Hertog to
Merkle; Baker hit Into the right Held
seats for a home run, tying the score;
urnh'a itrlva down left foul line waa
called a foul by Klein; Murphy aafe
on Heriog1 fumble; Murphy toon aec-
A u..nir'a slid throw OVtIT MeT-
Uftllft 11'" 1 ' Q " -. - - "
kle; Davla sacrificed, Meyera to Mer
kle; Barry out, Heriog io .
One run. ' - ' '
New York Mathewson fanned; De
vore popped to Baker; Doyle fanned.
No rune.
Tenth Inning.
Philadelphia Lapp out, Fletcher to
Merkle. Coomba filed to Doyle. Lord
out, Fletcher to Merkle. No runa.
xta . vnrWHnnitrriM hit bV Ditched
ball but was not allowed to take hia
base. 8nodgrasa walked. Murray sac
winA rnntnha tn navta. Snoderaaa '
out, trying to reach third, on a abort
paaaed ball, Lapp lo Baar. uuw
a,.a aa-ain anikad In tb right arm
and right legt. Th crowd hissed Snod
graaa. Baker waa cheerea aa ne re
sumed his place at' third. Merkle
walked, Merkle out, ateaUng, Lapp to
Collins. No runa.
Eleventh Inning.
Philadelphia Oldrlng oat, Heriog
to Merkle. Colllna atngled to center.
n.vri..t-imMa taneM hit to- H- -
xog, taking aecond, and Colllna tak
ing third when uerai aroppeu
h.n fi-iatcher fumbled Murphy 'a
grounder, Colllna ecorlng. Davl
singled to right, scoring juaaer. ,
.1.. .,. at-thlrd MnrraT to Henog.
Davla out stealing, Meyera to Ttore.
No runa.
' New York Henog doubled to left;
Fletcher filed to Lora; Meyera out,
Colllna to Davla; Colllna fumbled, but
recovered It in time o retire Meyera;
Herzog went to third; Becker batting
for Mathewson; Becker hit to Colltna,
K.. .aa aafa. HriO( BCOring. Collin
fumbling; Becks' out .ateaUng." Lapp
to Colllna. On run.
Hotel Arrivals.
The following are the arrivals at
. . . i- ii.-.t .1 r'harlaa Vreeman.
in idiKiii " -
Elwood; A, D. Cook. Independenc; M.
J. Lazelle, city; J. k. waiier, a.
Corster. Chicago; E. B. Hull. Chicago.
. n ,it.- w. Haalln. C. A.
J. I. U 1,1 ... - J , - -
Will. Canby; B- Swalea, E- C. Wood
worth, Buffalo; G. K. Allan, Dea
Moines, Iowa. -
Mount Hood Land Company to H.
ii. inn acres of section 14, town
ship I'south. rahge et; t--mi
r . . . aa 11 A Wl 111 am m
J W. and Jennve Montu mj
M. and Sarah A. 8mlth, lota, 5. 6. bloch
121. Oregon City; $1.
.. . l - mwxA Wanlr in.r-
wuneimiua r - - --
ria et ai to, Gottfried Bluhm, Und In
sections 14, 15. township S aouth.
range S east; $1.
i ,
fi..M.iA. ta It.
Tbe tramp leuuedf against the door
ik .xiia Mlsa Annatiel sneiaon
jl 111 v
naarwl out at him through the acreen.
and he gazed pant ber at the kitchen
taltla. '
"You look ntroog." aald Mlaa Anna
11. "Are you equal to tbe task of
i- uh .niiirtnir half a cord of
HniUK nM " I ' ' m
....... ....i It madnrnT said tb
ClUfll W
ir,.mi. -The word ta Inadequate. I
am atinerlor to It." And a moment
inter the minHhlne played ou the door
i..,i. ,!,. hi. tlirura hml an lately
leaned, and down in th rond drifted
. . ft .... u llunl
a ClollU 01 ullMI rnuwu u .
ploddlug fevt. .
A Jolt For Dad.
"Iweraembcr, my boy." auld the man
w ho had Juxt bwn reudluj; bis son a
aovpra lecture, "that all men a.-e ere-
at.d enual."
"MebbT they are." tbe youngster re-
nllcd. "but some of them have the
lufk to be adopted by people who re
member that they were young once
themselvea.,,-Cblcago Record Herald.
Eve y effort to attract trade helps,
even if it only draws a child's wish
for candy. Electric light for wind
ows and signs should be given a
chance to be useful. Every mer
chant can now get double electric
light at no increase in cost for elec
tric current by using MAZDA
lamps Made in all sUes. We
have them and will be glad to tell
you about them.
Compare our prices with others' and
,. he sure to trad b.r. New
and aecond hand furniture of all
kinds. Granite, glass and. light hard
E. W. Mellien
' Oppoait Th Grand
(Continued from Page,!.)
m.tthar rnuld acore.
in th.. aiaventh Colllna poked out n
single to center. Baker waa there
again with another, and befor the
scoreboard marks went up both had
crossed the pan. Aa a last rally Her
Mn.,hio tnr the ("Hants ' In th
eleventh. Then Becker, the former Bos
ton horn run hitter went in to bat tor
Matty. H delivered, and partly by
& power co.
MAIN OPriCC 7Jh and Alder Streets