r ,: ft ' I J....,.,tMasaJBaaaaaMaa- MOKNINO ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1911. I HAND MADE BEAUTIFULLY KNITTED Table Sets Center Pieces Doilies Etc. Imoortrd Hand Work, Beautiful Designs, Latest m T . TH T 11 novelty iiDicticcorjiiionit To the Udlei of Oregon City we are able through a very fortunate purchase, to offer a choice election. Very Seasonable Gifts J. LEVITT Sutpeoalon Bridge Corner. - 10 REWARD Tur the arrest an conviction .mi i.arann or MrioM. who Lawfully remove coplee of Tba irning Enterpnee from iaa IcmUoa of subscribers after kper baa been piacea mere oy krrlar. a i :i Cho.rful Doc I or. ! Nielsen A Llndberg HIGH CLASS TAILORING 308 Selling Blda., Portland. Phone Main 6151. . J. C. KrulM. of Htaffurd. u In tha ' t Mra. J A. Jones and two sons, wbo ii" uetin viaiiiug nr. and Mrs. U. U. Miller, of Seventh and Center streot. returned to their home at Niwberi Baturuay. You benefit ou trada bulldloar. Mra. C If. Hall whn ai ra.ntl called to Madraa, by tha aarloua 111- neas or ner aauKiiter-in law, Mra. reari nan, returueu 10 Oregon city Monday. Mr. and Mra. (leorge rullatn, of Gresham, bava been at Gladstone, vlslilng Mra. O. K. KreytHg, wbo la vary in. Mra. I'uiiain la a siater-in law of Mr. Kreytaf. f BVir ailmitlim in fMarkarnaa rmtnlv fltia healthy boy, alxht yeara old, who la goon and oneaieui uermun aesceni: father dead. Inquire 717 Fourteenth street or Mra. Kata Parker, court matron. J l.vltt. tha merchant, who haa been undergoing medical treatment at Ht. Vincent a Hospital, Portland, suf fering from abscess of thohead and ear, waa alile to return to hla home In I Iila city Monday evening. kiln NmHU lliirirnvne. Mlaa Hazel I'arrla. Frank Iiuarh and Walter Hart. went to New Kra Sunday, where they viaitea me parrnia or Mini uurgoyne, Mr. an J Mra. John UurKoyne.' well known residents of that phtce. Mra. Mary Crane, of Cleotie, Or., who waa in mis city many ana ai urdav vlaltlmr Mra. Mable Christen n and J. K. Klsher. baa returned In lir hrniiH. Mra. Prane la an aunt of Mra. Chrlateuaen and J. E. FUher la her brother. W. A. Holmea went to Portland Monday, whera he uurchaaed a atock of Roode. Mr. Holmes had contemp lated to mapoae or me sioca or goous and devote bla time to hla atore at l'rVnl.ir lint ha haa decided to con tinue hla buslneae here aa well aa at I'arkplace Mr Mra. Walter Johnson, of Portland, were In thUrclty Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Elliott, Hefore tbelr return to their home Mr. Johnson accompanied E. P. Klllott and hla three aona. Ilaba. Wal ter and (iuy to Molalla, where they enjoyed finning and succeeded In get ting about 100 fine troiift Mr. and Mra. Henry" Hughes, wbo hay h...ri residents of Heaver Creek for thirty-five yeara. have moved to thla city, and are occupying a nouse on k-tevnnth hat ween John Adama and Jefferson atreeta which they recently bought. Mr. Bcnneioer, iormeriy 01 llolton, haa taken poaaeaalon of the HuKhea atora at Beaver Creek, which ha recently purchaaed. VOGUE PC.HS. What le New In Lingerie Wale Wanted Plowara. Churmlnii Frew-li l'.wKile wnima of sheer iiiaferliil an uunle villi One tuck from I In- ahoiildcia and BuIkIm-4 div.-ii the front wlili a plaited trill rdtwd with luce. Holding th" frill. v.hi li extfiiiU out to the left liou der LbA - tm- bor-Well. bow are on today. fatli-ol-Tbanke. doctor,.! feel much hr. bortnr-That'a food. You're lookloa L b twtter too.-rilrgenc Ilia tier. LOCAL BRICrS U'ath tir trails HnllHIn K. Gm-nther. of Bhubel, waa In thla Iy Sundnv. Frank aim Henry gehoenborn want Eldorado Sunday. It'. A. Wllla. of Canbr. waa In thla fr Sunday and Monday, fry our 25c mercbanta lunch, at b rani C'linrorllonerr. 7IIS Main BL Mn. Hugh Koierta, of Jennlnga Mxe, waa In thla city on bualneaa nay. FVir IK. luiaat tla hmlm at reaav ... Mule prlcea call on Mlaa Blunm. W W IT.varhart m nmmlnent real Vnt of Molalla, waa in Oregon City maay. Mlaaoa Ilcrtha and Frida Puol ont lo Plurbaa Bnnrtav where the lulled their parenta. ' Mr. i:nd Mra. Emll Guenther and o sunn, went to Bhubel Sunday, 'here they visited frlenda. y Tlot.M.tn n DnrMitld In f imirnuu, V ... i. ., Jhta city on bualneaa Monday. I Jude C. N. Walt, of Canby, waa In Fill city on bualneaa Monday. ' ' Trade building now la progreaa. Mra. R. J. ooodfellow, who vlalted r i v ri ' ti riuiiciiuw ly, hnn returned to Oregon City. im - - t . nil - I. I 9 mi, mm mra. r. A. uiin'i Fninnn. ... I .VI. nltw anil ivnnu., IIV 111 mi 1.1.7 - - V reKlHiered at tha Electric Hotel. I Mra. (Hen Yergen, of Aurora, who km brcn vlaltlng her parenta at Carua, waa In thla city Sunday on her way borne. Mlaa Nell Tauneld and Mlaa Hazel Krancla spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with Mlaa Ilertha fcoerner, or St. Johna. VrA Yelkea. of Columbia City, waa mnhi ihe flreaon f'ltr vlaltora Sun day and Monday, reglaterlng at the Hlectrlc Hotel. f'harlea Kandall. of Bnrlnawater. kn aiu.nl aral dava with frlenda In thla city, returned to bla home Mon day afternoon. - Trada building will benefit you. Xllia lyih Rlcharda. of Portland. accompanied by Thomaa Luke, were In Oregon City Sunday, gueata of Wit Ham U. Howell. It A. nerkman. a nromtnent reai eatata man of Mc.Mlnnvllle. waa In thla city Sunday, a gueet or Mr. ana Mra. C. U. Miller. Mlaa Holla Mattlev went .to Port land Sunday, where aha waa tha gueat of Mlaa ixniiae urace, a tormer acnooi teacher of thla city. rw.ti.ra any atvla. at tha Falla Confectionery, 703 Main atreet Mra. Charlea Ituchanan. of Cornel lua. who haa been vlaltlng bar slater, Mra. Charlea D. Latoureue, returned to her borne Monday. Mra. W. C. Green and Mra. William Alldredne left Monday for Redmono. Mra. Green, who haa been 111 aeveral daya. la rapidly Improving. , v.. mnA I tnr trada hulldlnK. Mlaa Veda Williams leavea today for McMlnnvllle. where aha la a delegate to the llaptiat State convention, which convenea at that piace inia weea. if in riaat with ua vou don't bava to aak from time to time about your account. You alwaya know. We use tha McCaakey Charge Regieter. Huntley Broa. Co. Mr. and ' Mra. William Btraw. of Portlnndwera In thla city Bunoay ... Mr anil Mra. William It. Howell. Mr. Straw la superintendent of tha Portland Iron Worne. Mra. lien LaMar, of Hood Illver, a niece of Mra. O. E. Freytag. who haa beaelaltlng at the Fteytag nome, re turned to ber home Monaay. Mra. Charlea Spence, of Beaver Creek, accompanied by ner ami"''. Mra. Hortha Davis, of Carua. were In thla city on bualneaa Monnay. $50.00 Reward Tn )hu narann that pan find a better line of candlea than la found at the Falla Candy 8lore. 703 Main atreet r.ar iha halilt and eat rood candy. You will live longer and feel better. Tbey are made freah dally at our ractory. You get the real Macoy 1 when you aa-ltTlaa tlATaft. Now don't forget Satur day, our apeclal day. K you mlaa u It la your fault, not oura. Fmlt-bar at 30 cent a a pound. Saturday only. Regular 60 cent kind for thla occaalon. Something extra. 0. D. EBY RESTORES OLD APPLE ORCHARD BP", We hove Just received o new stock of 'dry floods ond shoes nnd hove reduced prices so that they ore within the reoc of oil. Drop In ond see these goods whether you wish to buy or not. Our price on oil other goods that hove been In effect during our sole, will be the some until further notice. W. A. Holmes Tnrio arracr oa aaiam and gradually beoomca narrower to ward the walat Hue, la au IrtMU inaer tlon about two Inches wide. .The sleeves are tucked down tbe center, and at the wrtat la a thrve Inch plaited m' flu i.f tha material. Klowera made of ribbon and worsted come In wreath efTecta for trimming the dainty bonnet ahapea or tne ata utn a rharmlna- little bat of the flower pot variety haa tbe top of lie crown maria of nuffed black velvet, iwio thla crown epiwjar rows of dull gold laxllchtl -leathered around the frame. The underfaclng of tbe bat Ohera la really no brlmi la or enirreo. THuin colored chiffon Pant Poln-t In bla fall millinery crea Hnna la exnloltlnff the aame oriental effects that are so marked a reaiure of bis gowns. A bat seen recently with hla elicuatnre In the crown naa a hlffh unturned brim of aealakln. Tbe tall round crown U covered smoothly with Bulgarian embroidery snowing uhdued colorings. To further neigni- an tbe effect there U a scrawly pattern dona In dull gold aoulacne braia over tha amhrolderv. There Is no trimming it. a small black bird with outspread wing perched at one. aide or tne '-crown. Two tnntca SDDear uion many or tha newest aklrta of aulU ana gowna Thla skirt girea the tunic effect yet Is mnde all lu one; consequently il can i utilised for one material or ror two, and It la much more economical and comfortable than tbe complete double aklrt would ba. JCDIC CHOLLET. , Tki. Uintiin nattern Is cut In slses from B to 10 Inches walat measure. 8-nd 14 cants to this odlc. lvln nurnDer. iiji and It will ba promptly forwarded lo you k.. n.n t i v.BMt at.ru! an addltlooal two cent aiamp for latter posua. which Insures more prompt aauvarj. MODISH NOTIONS. " iliif IIP Crrrl(BI HaN li aaaW Bl Mara LOTS OF MEN have wem the Shape-maker suit; and its growing in favor; trousers that stay up around the waist without suspenders; a good idea. Hart Schaffner & Marx make it for us; we tell it for your advantage. Some very anappy over coat to show yju, too.- ; ' ' .4 Suits $18 and up. Overcoats $1650 and up. L. ADAMS Oregon City' Big Department Store. Thi Store I the Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothe. PROGRAM. Nnuimhir 3. Mornina Sssslon. 10:30 Pralaa service and greeting, Mra. Q. McArthur. 10:46 Reaponae, Mra. D. C. Latour- ette -Oregon city. 10:50 Address, "Things, . Worth While," Rev. - Charlea a. Pblppa. Basket Dinner. Aftarnaon Rassion. 2:00 Song Service, Mra. 8. P. Davis, ' Oregon city. 2:15 Address, "Boy and Man," Rev. George paddoca, gtaie free. Mualc. ALLEGED AFFINITY NAMED BY ALLSXY (Continued from Page 1.) O. D. Eby. who la the owner of a five-acre tract at Clackamaa, baa on exhibition In hla office aamplea of applea from bla orchard. They are aa large and the flavor la aa One aa the celebrated Hood River applea. My. Eby also baa aamplea of tba Beurre- Clargeau peara, which are large and .iihnni hlamlah. .and are of delicious flavor. The Live Wlrea of tha Oregon fit rnmm.rclil Club will be given a sample at tha weeniy ainner loaay or .... naara. which will be aerved In aeveral different atylea. Mr. Eby plana to aerva torn Of tne peara rosea, no haaeri the tilace where the fruit waa grown about three yeara ago, ana at that time tha orcnara waa in a run down condition. The treea were trtmmari anraved bv an expert and tha work being auperlntended by tbe owner. The beat of apray waa uaed. nil tha rxoDB at the present time ahow what can ba done with an or chard, after it baa deteriorated. Bom tha flnaat varletlea of ande have been planted there, among them being i n Vlnnt Uravenateina, Araensay - uuu, jviu of Tompkins, Baldwins, an or wnicn won blue rlbbona at tne recent county Fair. Mr. Eby a "SeeK No runner nrf "Ran navls" attracted much at toniinn at tha fair, hut no Dremlums were offered for theae varletlea. On the Beurre-Clargeau peara ha won a rfl rltihon. Tha s-roiind aurroundlna the apple and pear treea la being cultivated, and during the past year tne treea nave H.innii ranldlv. It la tha Intention of Mr. Eby to plant aeveral" varletlea of berrlea. He planted an acre in trawherrlea. most I v of the "Gold Dol lar" and ''New Oregon" varletlea last year, and be gathered about twleve crates of delicious fruit. Thla ground la wall adanted to berrlea. and some of the flreBt that are brought Into the Oregon City marketa and Bent to tne u...n.nj muric.tr ara Brown in inia dlatrlct. Raapberrlea. Loganberries and the Phenomenal berries win De planted the coming season, i Mr Fhv haa fust had completed a handsome bungalow, the contractor being Clarence Simmons,-or mis city. Tit. voraniin nnens from a reception hall that leads to tha living room and dining room, an arenway neing-Between theae two rooms. At the rear i. . i.rn notch Kitcnen. un tne sec ntlil flVtf1 Ba rati two larae aleeplng apart' V 1 VI iiw. ------ - - im nnonlnar from a nailway. . an alcove of which la In tha front of the building having a large window, and commands an excellent view of the surrounding country. Eyelet tmbroidary Trims Silk ultB and Drosaaa. pt.i.1 rfMls-na In laces ara expected to be a atroug feature or winter iasu lima Trimmlni In one aided effecte U murh wwn on all Bldea. Indeed, there la a general fashion tendency toward a chic one aldedneas. Tha aklrt model attracting moat at tantinn timt now U a hlk'h walated nar row garment ornamented with one or two llnea of buttona from walat line to Km tn front. Many blousea of atrlped meeaaUBa 2:55 Addresa, 'Tntermedlata Work." Pror. F. J- loose, vretson City. I Music. ' ' 3:25 Roll CalL Reaponaa by delegates. Appointment of Commltteea. - BTwanlna ftaaalon. 7:30 8ong and Devotional,-J. W. L4Mer. county in-esiaeni. SDecial Mualc. Choir. 7:45 "Boosting,- H. K. Crosa, Ore gon City. Bnalal Mualc. M. Fl Choir. 8:15 Address, "Tba Golden Gate ConvenUon," Kev. m.- a. Phlnna Saturday, Not:A, Morning Seealon. 9:30 8ong Service, Rer. Henry Rrml Half Orove. 9:45 Business Session, Reports of Departments. Commltteea and Election of Of flnara 10:45 Addresa, "Some Rural Prob- lema and How to BOlve Them," O. W. Boring, Bor ing. 11:15 Addreaa, 'Graded Work," Mlaa Amy Purceii. uregou ivuy. Basket Dinner. Afternoon Beeaioa. . 2:00 Song and Praise. 2;i5 "No 8uch Tiling as m ma Child." Mrs. O. K- JTazeiie, Portland. MnalC. 2:45 Address, "Tbe Quiet Hour; How to use it, i- xioui Spelss. mental anxiety and Buffering. "That tha said plaintiff frequently remonstrated with the said defendant and endeavored to persuade tha said defendant to remain at borne and take ca of ber domestic duties between tbe said plaintiff and tha said defen dant but ahe, the aald defendant, bas absolutely refused at all tlmea since tbe aald marriage to perform any of ber dutiee aa a wife In taking care of tbe borne of tha aald plaintiff and In stead thereof haa frequently, without, the knowledge or consent of the sale? niaintitr rnna awav from and left their home and gone to 8an Francisco, In tbe atate or cauiorma ana remain ed there for daya without the aald plaintiff knowing where she waa ex cept the 'said plaintiff knew that she waa somewhere In tha city of San Francisco." It Is understood that Mra. Alisky, who filed auit for divorce here the .m. Ha her husband filed ault. asks $5,000 auit money. $1,000 attorney'a fee and $250 alimony a montn. sne said sometime ago that Bhe intendei tn ana n.r htiab&nd'B oarenta for $100,- 000 for the alleged alienation of hla affections. She also charged tnat inev v.i MoH in aenarate her and ber husband by threata of disinheritance and other meana. . SOCIALIST LEADER TO SPEAK. Prudence 8tokea Brown Will Lecture Hare Tomorrow. . Prudence Stokea Brown, the well known Socialist leader, will speak to morrow - aftemooa at 1 o'clock at Knapp HalL She will explain the offer of tbe National Socialist Lyceum Bureau. This Is tha biggest organis ing campaign aver undertaken by tha Socialist party. -"V Tha Enterpriae baa a position open for you. Call at once. , Hotel Arrivals. Tha following ara registered at the Electric Hotel: V. A. Labeire ana wife. Pomeroy, Wash.; C. A. Well, rmhi' T? nrnauanhanher- ft. Hwalee. R. McFarland and wife. H. C Berk- . man, McMlnnvllle; C L Payne, jr. Warnlrlr ntnn fit- lrad Telkea. Columbia Clty;,E. W. ZuxeL Port land. BIO DANCE TO BE GIVEN. Tha danra to li riven next Satur day evening at Bunch a Hall, by Frank Buacbr Jrand Milton Price promlaea to ba a great success. Tba dances given by them In the past two years v.r. nrnimnrl anrraaaaa. Tha bast of order Is maintained and everybody bas a One time. . . - - ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 8. M. Long to Thornton J. Robinson, 160 acres of section 28. township a south, range 1 east; $7,100. A. J. and Katie LAIS to A. U. uaoo and Mary Alice Babb, 7 acree of sec tions 7 and 8. township S south, range 1 east; $10. John and Martha Main wood to Harry and Minnie Cochran. 5 acres of section 4. township 4 south, range 1 east; $750. L. G. and Nellie Evans to Emma Holton, 5 acres of aectloa 32, town ship 4 aouth, range 4 east; $10. J. A. Luchslnger to Franklin Muel ler, land in Clackamaa county; $640. . John Glasa and Mra Hulda Louisa Glaaa to Ray Keelh, lot 4 of block 17. Eatacada; $50. John and Amelia Klnr to 1. I. snoe- maker, 40 acres of aectiou 10, town ship 4 south, range 5 east; ii.iuu. Ella N. and J. D. Voce to Hedley and Carrie Holter. 40 acree of section 28, township 1 south, range 6 eaat $2,500. Ella N. and J. D. Voce to Hedley and Carrie Holter. 40 acrea of section 28. township X south, range 5 east; $2,500. Vanda and William Walters to Sam Case, lot 10. block 2. C. I. Tooaa Ad dition to Oregon ICty; $L REACHING BUSINESS MIDDT BIXJC8B SUIT. ara helnir ahotrii to be worn with tailored coat nnd aklrt Biilta. rha mlciilv Iioiih auit ror tne imie plrl nt'ver lone- Its Tome Tht one la ercroilii'cl.v wnuirt. The llnne W mnde r.T'i ;t ri"r'it i-fenli'S t l,M" I "'' IH' V-v-1 .' Y- 'i lire l-cl p ht. unit .. . .,..1 .... t. l'H it, .i ri''i u i, . ' , i . i Patronise our aavenlsera. SUNDAY SCHOOLS Here is the Only Bargain House Compare our prices with others and you will be aura to trade here. New and second . hand furniture of all kinds. Granite, glaaa and light bard ware. to have big co:no;i What promlsea to ba the moat auc- cuesaful convention of the Clackamaa County Sunday Schoola will be held at Oak Grove, November S and 4. Each achool In entitled to two dele gates, and achoola having more than fifty nimbera may Bend an additional .i.mit. fnr avarv fifteen members above that number. Tba officers are J. W .Loder, president; a W. Boring, vjce-piealdent, and Mra. W. A. White, Every effott to attract trade helps, even if it only draws a child wish for candy. Electric light for wind ows and signs should be given a chance to he useful. Every mer chant cannow get double electric light at no increase in cost for elec tric current by using M-AJZDA lamps. Made in all sites. We have them and will be glad to tell you about them. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN Of PICE 7th ond Alder Streets. Vr .'.'..li. ' v.- ' E. W. Mellien Opposite Tba Grand OREGON CITY 617 Main Sf. MHirmiirj-wi"1""'' i ( The program will be as follows: