Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 15, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Table Sets
Center .Pieces
Loorted Hand Work, Beautiful Design-., Latest
r ' mi f ... TCf.. n.o..iifi.
novelty aawiv Ktiuixiuuai
To the l-dlet of Oregon City we are able through a
very fortunate purchase, to offer a choice
Very Seasonable Gifts
Sutpenaleo Bridge Corner. -
kr the rreal en" conviction w
i. unon or nriuui. wuu w
Cwfully remove coplea of The
tine Enterprise irom
nf .ubscrlbere after
Cr has Iim pleoed there by
flatting Thee
"1 mw yoo
kissing Hllr Sot
lal tilgbt."
"Iku'i mj any
thing about It
Here Is a quarter
fur "being a good
" "Quarter do th
ing: want at
least a dollar.
Tbey rtgbt to be
worth a cent a
Nlotmmn &
SOS SalHng Bldg., Portland.
Phona Main 6151.
Huntley nroa. Co.
Attorney A. B. Dresser, of Portland,
waa In thla city on legal bualneaa Saturday.
Mrs. Ely and daughter. Mill Jennie.
of Carua, were In thla city on bual
neaa Saturday.
Mr and Mra IT. II. Trask and fam
ily, of Fells City, wera In thla city Sat
urday. , .
. t-mw.w . Will . I I b IUV
former! mother, Mr. and Mra. Womer.
J. Levitt, who baa been undergo
ing medical treatment at tbe St. Vin
cent lloiplal for abscess of tba head
ana ear, win ve auie iu return lo ure
gou City tomorrow.
L E. Jonea baa purchased tba In
terest of Walter Walla In the Jonea
Drug Store. Mr. Wella hat not decided
upon a location. ' '
If you deal with ua you don't have
to auk from time to time about your
account. You always know. We use
tbe McCaskey Charge Register.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Henr Hughes, who has been a mer
chant ol Heaver Creek, lias sold his
..Inna anri mnv.H In nrL";n I'lly Ur
tiiitfhaa afilfl it frank Mn.ilrfttr. form
eily ol Burton, who hat t'ikea po
No hone, man la too poor to ob
tain credit at Huntley's. Our new
rhiria ivilain InaurM alianlllla ac
curacy, and afford a check with ev
ery purchase. Ask ua about It.,
Miss Clara Robinson and Miss Per-
xlual rVt navu liaan In thla rltv dur
ing the summer visiting tbe former'
brother, Hev. C W. Robinson, rector
of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will
leave Monday for their former borne
at I'hlluilnliilila Pa., where thev will
ramain until anrlna- when they will re
turn to Oregon. Mrs. Perchral, who
v a .iir.liuMttH a tiaautlful hnma in
rortluiid, wll maka that city her home
upon her return.
With our new McCaskey Charge
navlaisr arfnrn vou with every
purchase an Instant and accurate
check on your account, tiuuiiey
Mr and Mra William Nefzaer. Mr.
and Mra. Oliver Chandler and Waller
Hart returned Friday from Belling
ham, Everett, and Seattle, where
n.nt ihru and one-half months.
the men working for the Pacific Fire
Extinguishing company, 01 roruanu.
Nina weeka wera spent at Belllngham,
where they Installed outomatlc eprink-
I., in . r fha lara-est sawmills In
the world. Mr. Charala bad charge of
tbe work.
win i u,n riardiio- after a two
months' vacation, has resumed his
I position at tbe Oardner Jewelry store
Mr. Gardner DM jUBrrc-mpieTea tw
Amnr-m an nia timueri v. and has been
...iMiir. in tha wark. the contract
having been awarded to r. a. Baser, ui
i.Ami..rtm Tha rautilalica la one of
the moat up-to-date Ot Meldrum, and
waa built by Mr. urorei w a-u.
n. mrm aavan rnoir a. with the re
ception nill. living room, dining room.
bedroom, kitchen, petiiry ana oio on
ik. in floor, whi rl on the second
floor are two lplnr apartments
with clothea cloaeia ana "
ur u aiairnrd of Mount Pleasant,
who waa severely Injured by being
kicked on the bead py ua norm,
Ha..aa a lmnr.Vaw
Mra. John Carothera, of Caoemah, la
111 at her home. ... .,
i4..ii.t. inahnka. son of Mr. and
Mra. Joehnke. of Mount' Pleaaant, Is
critically 111.
a. m., with sermon; High Mass
10:o a. m.; afternoon aervlce, at
4; Maaa every morning at I.
First Congregational Church- Morn
nlng aervlce at 10:30 o'clock. Rev.
Edward Curran, of Wasbougal.
"Wash., will preach morning and
Iret Church of Christ Scientists
service at 11; subject, 'Doctrine of
Atonemeut"; Wednesday evening
meeting at I o'clock; reading room
open every afternoon except Sun
day from 2 to 4 o'clock. ...
Oerman Evangelloal Corner Eighth j
and Madison streets, Rev., V.,
Wleveslck pastor, residence- ,71a
Madison; Sunday school 10 a. m..
iiarman fiahradar. Monroe street.
superintendent; morning aervlce
11; Young People at 7 o. m. ana
nraarhlna at n. m.: orarer meet-
in m w.ilnaiitir at SO n. m
Gladstone Christian Hev. a. H. Mat-
key, pastor: Uibia acnooi at 10 a.
m tiraarhlna- at 11 and 88.
Mountain View Union (Congrega
tional) Bunaay acnooi a p. iu
Mrs1. J. H. Qulnn, superintendent;
Dlble Study erery Thursday after,
noon. '
First Presbyterian Church--Rev. J.
R. Landsborougr. paeior. Moroiug
worship at 11; Sunday school at
10 o'clock, Mra. w, u. ureen, su
perintendent: Y. P., 8. C. E., at 7
Methodist Episcopal Church Rer. E.
r. Zimmerman, ' paaior. eunaay
school at :4a'. . Preaching by the
paaior at 10:O. junior League ai
3 p. m. . Evening , subject. "The
lt ... n . m tti. Vlna'a Taltla M
r-iiiij v . - - .
Parkplace Congregational Rev. J. 1
Jonea paator, residence ciacusaiaa.
Sunday school 10 sv m., cuiery
French aupetintendent ; preaching
services eacn aiunaay, areernauug
harwaan 11a rn. and 7:20 D. DO.:
Christian Endeavor Thuraday eve-
tilna T-Xn .
St. Paul'a Rev. C. W Robinson, rec
tor. Dally aervlcea: Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a.
m.; eveniaay. prayer. :au.; ouuuaj
services: Holy Eucharist S a. m.;
morning prayer, 10:30; Holy
Eucbarlat and sermon 11 a. m.;
...ninr nravar and urmon at 7:80:
Sunday school 11 m.; Thursday
vanlnaa. sermon at 7:30.
iii.4 Rrsthran Corner Elehth and
W w mm- - -' r
Tayior, itev. i. r . u(v t""i
residence, Portland; Sunday school
10 a. m., Frank Parker, Maple Lane,
autvarintandant: morning aervlce
11; Y. P. 8. C. E v V. m., evening
aarvir-a 7.
wniaanatta M. - Nn rrular oreach
mg? services; ouuuaj k a - y
m Mra Haama annoiintendent.
Hon Lutheran Corner Jefferaon aad
Eighth atreets. Rev. w. it. n.rax
h.r... naatnr raaldenca 720 Jeffer
aon; Sunday acnooi 1:1111. m, iter.
ifravharrar. auDartntenoent: morn-
Ins; aervlce 10: so; evening r..
LAither League 7 p. m.
Waa rtraaan f.ltv aUshool HOUBe J
n ataata will nreacn at a ocioca:
Sunday School conducted aiier aer-
O f-J'' Irrw
Thsrles Stewart, of Carua, waa
city Krlday.
Id Kamryth. of Reaver Creek, was
a -It y 8iurlsy. -
Vorpshl. of Canhy, waa In this
lilting Saturday.
tllin. Jones, of Deavr Creek, waa
rliv Kti'urday.
Lii, Edwards, of Reaver Creek.
la this rltv Saturday.
Vbert MlrhelbrodV. of McMlnn
an in thla c tv Saturday.
irra ll'ilmail. of HtUer
hu Oreaon City Saturday.
ln 1.,.,. . aii known realden
fclwn. wss In thla city rToy-
ward Hi-admaa, of Clarkea. was
1 rltv on business rriday.
Lt.r. an at via. at the Ft"
I -1' - . .
nri Mra tiavld Moehnke, 01
liil, were In this city Friday. .
W tltt lataat alvla baU at reaa-
le orlres call on Miss munui.
ts. Kirk Cassaday. of Carua, was
nt In Orenon City Friday.
ii l-rtha Davis, of Carua, waa
is city Saturday visiting menus.
r. Krunk Jaggar, of Carua, wsa
ng relutlvea In thla city aaiur-
rrlet Parker, who has been 111
he nam week. s able to be out.
pTtniin Smith, of Cams, waa among
irrgim city business visitors tmi-
r MpPnubcv an.nunt IVlttm Is Sfl
rate on the bunker'e syatem.. We
"my can tell your balance on ma
'nt, but you already know It.
$50.00 Reward
Paiar liihlnder. a well known farm
er, of Reaver Creek, waa In tale city
thn iinhlandar. of Tloaver Creek.
was among the Oregon City visitors
The majority of merchanta are hon-
-.. Tn la human, hut an noneat
error Is Jusi as expenalve to pay as
the other kind. Our McCaskey Reg
ister ellminatea errora. nuuuej nn.
Co. '
J. H. Ollkey. of Sunnyside, waa in
this city Saturday and waa registered
at tbe Electric Hotel.
Try ourt 25o merchants' lunch, at
the Falls Confectionery, 703 Main Si.
c.l . . rA llnrnahilh. nIM of the Well-
known farmera of Shubel. was in Ore
gon City Friday.
I'hiltn Rialner. one of tbe well-
known farmers of Beaver Creek, tranr
snctod business in Oregon
deorgo Klrbyson, who haa been on
the lower Columbia, waa In this city
Saturday on his way home to Carus.
Dunlel Wllllame. formerly of this
city, but now of Bveret, Wash, la In
this city looking auer propoiij
Mrs. Allen Adams, of this city, left
Saturday morning for Canby. where
she will visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrr. W. Wang.
For "ie p10te.Hi.111 jf our cnareo
1 uatr.n-.era we hav 1 w
hoavy expense the Mcuasaey viiik
n..i.i with every .ourcn.ise you
can audit your account Huntley Bros.
Mrs. J. La Ashley, formerly ot tnis
city, but now of Canby. was In Ore.
gon City Saturday, where ahe has or-
gsnlned a music Class.
For adoption In Clackamas county,
fine healthy boy. eight years old. who
Is aood and obedient Oerman descent,
father dead. Inquire 717 Fourteenth
street or Mrs. Kate Parker, court
matron. , -
Mrs Roy Woodward and daughter,
Helen. Wt Saturdny morning for Ea-
r ik- that ran find a better
, V IU. , -
line of candlea than la found at tbe
Falls Candy Store. 703 Main atreet.
h and aat aood candy. YOU
will live longer and feel better. .They
are made fresh dally at our laciorj.
You get the real Macoy when you
come .hare. Now. doot forget Bator
a .n.iai Jav. If vou mlaa It
It is your fault, not oura. Fruit-bar at
30 cents a pound. Saturday only.
Regular 60 cent aina ror mis uccaamu.
SomKblng extra.
irouiMriTrM.' rvt. 11 fRneclaL)
Associate Justice. - John Marshall
Harlan, or the supreme- uourc 01 me
llnltad States, died at his home here
a 8:13 this morning. His death waa
caused by an acute- aitaca 01 oroncui
OopVruiM Bart Sehaffnar Ma
... 1 e 11 1 -a
ON the street this winter ycu 11 see a lot ot good looking ; oyercuais
that keep a man comfortable in the worst weather. 1 hey II come
from our store and originally from
Hart Schaffner& Marx ..r:-
who know how to make a stylish, well-fitting, neat-looking overcoat
m 1 1 11 .1 .1 JL.L. - -
that spells comtort and good service all me way mroim. . .
Here s your selection of many colors, your size and style and prices
right. Plenty of new styles in suits also. . an '
H. S. & M. ooits and uvercoats irom
Herman Wile Suits and Overcoats from $10 to $20
Home of Hart Schaff ner & Marx Clothes
-I. B.ntta r.hurch Main and
Ninth streets. 8. A. Hayworth, paa
tor. Preaching by the pastor at 11
a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; the Sunday
school meets at 10 a. rn., H. K
Cross, superintendent; Chrlailan
t-.. .t .n n m all are wet-
come. Subject In evening. "Prove
All and Hold Fast."
i ...nam church (Ohio ayn-
od)-At 10:30 Rev. II. Mau. pastor.
Catholic Corner Water and Tenth
.. . dm a. Ulllebrand paator.
residence 911 Water; Low Maaa 8 1
At the Portland Theaters
Last Car Leaves For Oregon City at Midnight
j-ja -3D
"ammm.i a .."""
We hove Just received a new stock of dry
goods and shoes ond hove deduced prices so
that thev ore within the renc i of nil. Drop In
ond see these goods whether you wish to buy
or not. Our price on oil other goods that hove
been In effect during our sole will be the
some until further notice.
W. R.'. Holmes
HEILIG Theatre
Seventh and Taylor Streeta.
rhnn.i Main 1 and A-1122.
NIGHTS, Oct 15. 18. 17.
Special Price Matinee Tueaday.
Mert N. Zlnger preaent
The Favorite Comedian
In the Musical Comedy Sucoew
Excellent Caat-Splondld Production
Catchy MuhIc Stunning- cnorua
Evenings: $1.60. $1. 75c. S0o.
Tuesday Matinee: $1, 75c, 60c, 85c. 25c.
Seats Now Selling for EnBaement
Special Price Matinee Saturday.
The Weil-Known Comedian
m Tha Mualcal Comedy Succesa
Seat S&le opena Tuesday, ucu u.
October 22. 2$. 24. 25
In The Musical Play
October 20. 27. 28
Thi Famoua Comedian
In The Musical Comedy
617 Main 'St..
Here is th Only
Bargain House
rmnare our prices with others and
you will be sure to trade here. New
and second .hand rurnuure oi an
kinds. Granite, glass and Hgnt nara
ware. ".
E. W. Mellien
Opposite The Grand
ll '
)) 1
Th Musical Comedv "The Flirtine Princess" at Heilig Theatre '
. a -T. na. " ' -
nlflhta, beginning 8unday, October 15. spec... pr. -w .
"To the vlotora belong the spoils"
might be aptly applied to Harry Bulg
er and hla present seaaon in tne ier
pslchorean musical comedy, "The
Flirting Princess", which Mort H.
Singer haa sent out In a sumptuous
manner. While thla la the third aea
son of this, the best of all the Hough,
Adams and Howard many successes,
It la its first visit here, and notwith
standing the numerous demands aad
requesta on the part of many eastern
managers to send out another com
pany, Mr. 8lnger will only present the
number one and original big company
headed by Harry Bulger which cornea
to Portland tonight to the Heilig The
atre. 8eventh and Taylor streets, for
three nights, with special priced mat-
mee Tuesday. .
tie. which began with a cold last Mon
day. Owing to hi" extreme age, aev-
antv.alsht. but slight nope waa neio
out for hla recovery, and the members
of his family were at tne ueaBiu- wuu
he died. " 1
Justice Harlan 'was constantly at
tended through his illneaa by Misses
, niir-h Harlan. Interstate
Commerce Commission James N. Har
lan and John M. Harian, oi
bis daughters and eons.
Justice Harlan waa the dean of the
United States Supreme Justlcea. With
..... ..A.ntim hla term on the
Supreme bench waa the longest In the
hhtory of the United Statee thirty
f.,r ; anra. He recently op
posed the reading of the word
reasonable" Into the Sherman antU
tmat law. holding out vigoruua..
though Ineffectually, againat the rest
of the bench. Hla death will mane u
..or ...r traaidnnt Tatt to make
a fifth appointment to the Supreme
Court. This will make a majority on
that tribunal of president aus
lection. ""... .
John Marshall Harlan took hla seat
on the Supreme Court bench Decem
ber 10. 1877. after a long period of
active public life. He waa born in
Boyle county. Ky.. June 2. ""r and at
the age of eeventeea waa graduated
from Center college. Kentucky. He
studied law at Transylvania Unlvera.
lty. and received from Princeton in
1883 the degre. of A D. 1IM.
,.rrlan Mlaa Malvlna Shank
lln, of Evansvllle. Ind. DuHng the
Civil War he served In the Tenth Ken
tucky regiment, leaving the aervlce
with the rank of coloneL
LEAVENWORTH. Kan., Oct.. 14
(Spec!.) rwmal order paroling
Joiin R. Walsh, the Chicago banker,
serving a lengthy term . In the Fort
Leavenworth penitentiary, waa recelv
v.r. tnAnf The narollnat waa de
cided upon by the prison parole hoard
laat week but according to precedent.
Attorney Qeaeral Wlckersham beia np
the order for a few daya.
Walsh, who la seventy years Wd.
will spend hla declining . year with
hla son and. other reiaiivea in a nwu
town In Illinois. He will report at In
tervals to the nearest Federal lodge.
... . . 1 IWul
WalHb Waa aeniea a paraon oj rrwr
dent Taft last spring. He waa releee-
de thla afternoon.
Calavan Te Address Teaehera.
J. B. Calavan, county acnooi super
visor, will address a teachers' meet
ing at Needy neat Saturday afternoon
at 1 o'clock, aiemoiogy ana
of study will be the theme. '
Subscribe) for (ho DrJly