Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 14, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Stories from Out of Town
o g . .
. 1
o -
Mr, prldemore, who ha been
speeding the amnir with her sou
at Three-Six. ku returned to her
home la Seattle. ,
the winter eeaaoa that will mob b
her. Cucumber aad cabbage by the
to,; ontoaa, potato. prune and
strawberries, of the secood crop, brine
cola la fladtWa the heart aad fill the
pockt of the hasbaadman.
WJ . . , 1 Mi. IVWHWJ WVH IU
n. w : old powder magaslne near the statioa
MM last weea, Twiun n wjoveer. , BM ,t ,,,, ,utuble
V 7. . ..v . Blt r manufacturing spraying
wi lamwM;, w ua, hi . QajJd,
Motner ana enuu are aoiag aicv. Julian Morlltt Elmer Shearer, and
r; Mc baullngbrick I M,lBr mending the
unor ww " (trades school la Portland.
now n.aer comuwcoow. tr. c. Mrs. w. T. johnttoa held a sewing
nmm tomw ,t B(. otna Uat week Thursday.
aemer. having recenUy Unlabel) a,biobj the gueeta preeeat were Mee
building a fine barn aad ha had ev- John.too. Thomas Davie.
Cr!., Cl? a ..v. O- Ward Jones, H Roadar-
- lUyinood Howe apeat Suaday wlta rl Patterson aad Grandma
' w"t" - , , JofcMton; the Mlsae Mar and WlUa
o-w - . jnsnaton. The ladle aewed SO pound
Lf h.1:,'! tag. beatdea taking Ume to
v . ,. r dinner prolded
:T- ..""J ' . TVr I r the hotaa.
eiunw u -r. . . Mr. and Mr, a T. Street, with
nan -"J- i www ""T eon. Arthur, left Claokama Oo-
"7fKd,.Pv1; 1 for Seattle, from whence thr
, 1 WT, t iT. I ""' for Anatralla. Mr. Street re-1
rT r "tt ' " rT " r:-1 cently eold hi pretty new place to
like to .pend a part of the year In thai J, u pr,mi,
are la the car
v"': . J. ' of W. a Reynold.
7 .r. . .fT " ' """u I Mr. Hlckey. her brolher4a law and
a V. Hart had a party of had Meek
er looking; around Ftrwood last week. ,
Flrwood aad Dorer appreciate the
R. r, D, which they now have on Mon-
two children vtaited Grandma John
ston orer Sunday.
Fred Patterson - la bavlna- seTeral
days' work at tae courthouse tn Ore-
days. Wednesdays and Friday, bat
kre anxlooa to have It dally.
Rally day serrioes will be held at I
the Cohit rational church next Sun-
Mra. Era R. Hart recently buUt a -m-
una uw IW vtaiivu mw I- rltrkimil an1 ilnltv mn f..
sraadparenu at CottreU last week. kDOV Dnt OM T,-.nt n,,
Mra. A. Malar returned from Oregon ....w. u ,v.
wora 1 naraoaj uierBooo.
MiM Katie Motyl returned to Port
land Saturday after a few week' stay
wua ner parenis. - Mo-t .yerron hare their potatoes I
Eastern Oregon the am of the week. y. .nd snh
Mr. VeraoaTMUler went to Portland ---t w w
to take medical treatment. u, mnd vir. Jn. .. w.
Suaday. Oct. 15. at J:S P. M. .. with Mr. nd a jnnM
Fred Moore haa bought George
Soury place for S275 and be aad
his fain:
The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregoniaa
(CUckamas County's Daily)
(The North we&l't Greatest Weekly
Until November I, 1912
Jj;,,. X. .LTTJ "I.k Mr- Soory hare gone to Bolton to lire.
foretells of cold winter's approach.
Mra. C. E. Smith Is suffering from
A great number of El wood! tee spent I ,K..
a-few-days-the wop wtt-Picking x,r.nA ura r- . -1
fci . 1 sataaw a v. Ea uwn ailiat.V UIMIU I
" .u .t!J; .iZr.' v " I business trip to Eldorado Saturday
I" . , " and while down here took In the dance
The weather was suitable for an -web- .. n.v a.t ... ,v.
fceC" ' . ' I Vlf. mriA Un InK. a.l... v.
U H II V.. MhmMl I
T.!1 .V -w. k- .V.. k.i I "
Ernest Jonee and family spent Sun-
charga of the dormitory. A goodly
oniuer eiaue-u. u. u fl afternoon with Clyde Smith and
all are eagerly endeavoring to make ' '
this a successful year.
A birthday surprise party at Mr.
Carl Andersen's was given Saturday
evening In honor of Carl Andersen.
A rocking chair was presented aa a
present. The guest enjoyed the en
tertainment and refreshments. .
J. Meillke la hauling oats to Esta-
Mrs. Joe Daniels and her alster-ln-
law called tn Mrs. Udell Friday.
Quite a number from her spent
from one to two days at the county
A dance was given rn Berthold's
new house Saturday night Otto
cad He U selling oat at IIS. 00 per Strieker aad brother. Oscar, furnished
ton and wheat readily at 1.00 per ""J awmt nny
bushel. i sueai BUu au nmu a twtj nice ume.
J. Currins. J. Mayea. of Oregon City. Keireenmenx were servea at miamgni
M. Dibble and C E. Surfua. of Elwood. I Elmer Ericfson ajid Miss Fisher, of
ard spending a few days In the mouo- Mull no, were married In Oregon City
tain hunting. The mountains furnish Thursday of last week. They went
a "happy hunting groand." down the Columbia on their boney-
D. Stahlnecker picked Lewis Yal-1 moon and are expected back tomorrow
ten's fruit on shares. (Tuesday) and we all are ready with
. Elwood public school commenced I our tin cans and bells to give them a
last Thursday. Mis Lulu Miller, of roundup when they get back. -.We
Oregon City, la employed aa teacher. I wish yon a long and happy life to-
Regular Price of the .
by lnail is $3.00
A. a Henderson is remodeling Mrs.
Blanche Elliott's bouse.
A very enjoyable time Is reported at
a party in the bom of Mrs. Maud
Mrs. Ida and Mrs. Lydia Park were
visitors at Mrs. Delia Vallen's Satur
day. Potato digging has commenced In
Elwood. The crop Is good.
Fred Stahlnecker and son. Archie,
of WUsonvlIle. made a short visit at
Elwood with the former's oa, Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Feaster Cad in an. of
Eatacada, Mlaa Ruth and Mattle Map
lethorpe spent a pleasant evening at
Mr. and Mrs. D. SUhlnecker's.
Some of the owners of the Mutual
Telephone line are dissappolnted at
being cut off from tbe line at Beaver
Creek. Other are hoping a connec
tion with Eatacada.
Miss Hannah Stromgreen. of Cali
fornia, surprised friends and relatives
by an unannounced arrival. She will
spend her vacation at ber childhood
home here, where she has many
Hullo there, friend! How you getting
ur harvesting done, eh, all In the
Or are you forced to hold your nose,
Tour wheat Is fit for feed alone, eh?
Your winter flour youll have to buy
From the middle man, as you say eh?
Who lights his cigar off a country guy.
How are your fruit trees, loaded too,
. eh? .
With fruit, the moat delicious kind.
What, you don't aay! the tree aU so
That only green or golden leave can
You would like to know the reason
why, eh?
And somehow, friend. I can't tell-
Why some of the big bugs as they're
Want single Ux a spelL
I 'spoae it's cause they own no land.
Vpon which they'v got to scratch
From early mora to setting sun.
To rake and save a double tax.
Well friend.' we'll vote against It when
we can: - .
But some bow or other to us tickets
- in nrh a war when we mean No.
We sign NO yt YES It means and
V Miss Lola HeraldTThe CherryviHa
school teacher, who has been attend
ing the teacher's lmtltut at Oregon
' City convening last week, returned to
Cherryvllle last Sunday.
' Dr. Botkins Is having lumber hauled
for his new house, which be Intends
. building in the spring.
J. T. Friel, Jr.t has gon to work
. for the telephone company putting up
' telephone poles.
JL a Hoffman, of Portland, was In
Cherry lll Sunday.
Jaa. Botkins baa bought 80 acre of
land near Portland. . . ,
gather, Mr. and Mrs. Ertckaon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jhomaa Davles and
Mr. and Mra. Fred Spangler attended
the social at Beaver Creek and re
turned early enough to take Jn part
of the dance at Berthold's Saturday
day. October 5th, with Mr. Jeff Sklr
vln as principal and Mis Watts In
charge of the primary grade.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of Waltsburg,
Wash., have been visiting with the
letter's sister, Mrs. J. E. Marqusm.
Mra. Catherine Jonea, who haa been
ailing for some time, 1 improving,
and was brought home.
Plowing snd seeding are the order
of the day.
Potato digging has commenced la a
few fields, but the late ones are green
and growing yet, andJf the rains
continne for a week a great many
will rot In the ground.
The butcher from Woodburn, bought
a fine drove of beef cattle from Fred
Myers and Shelly Haugh the first of
tbe week.
J. Barth has been graveling our
streets which was badly needed.
J. P. Miller had tbe misfortune of
being kicked on his thigh laat week
by one of his horses.
Bentley, Myers ft Company were
seen hanling off their hops Monday.
Mrs. Minnie Avery, who has boen
Maying with her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mr. I. D. Lark ins, this summer,
has returned to Portland.
JUST THINK More than an Entire
Year to Clackamas County's live daily
and the Northwest's greatest weekly
for the iprice of one paper only. Bargain
period ends October 31,1911. On that
day, or any day between now and then,
S3 will pay for both papers to Novem
ber 1JL912. Positively no orders -taken
at this ratefter October 31, 1911.
Regular Price of the
Weekly Orcgonb
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well as'
New Subscribers
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on
or before October 31. -
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well is
New Subscribers -
Send Your Subscription aLOnce-and-Tell-Your FriendsAb'out Our Great Offer
The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once
-a tre busy f-ti'j r!y for
The farmers ar busy digging pota
toes, plowing, harrowing and putting
In their fall crops.
Mrs. Viola Douglass, accompanied
by her son Carl made a trip to Port
land last week.
Miss Anna Duncan commenced
teaching a term of school In District
No. 50 last week.
H. 8. Olbson was an Oregon City
visitor last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Douglass re
turned from the coast Monday, hav
ing spent a pleasant vacation.
' Mlas M. Schelly visited her alster,
Mrs. Henry Klelnsmlth, last week.
Mr. Wettlaufer was In town last
week.' .
Mrs. Aastom, of Canby, Is teaching
the Timber Grove school.
The Clarke new school house Is
finished. School will start Monday.
Eugene Cummins has started bis
H. Rogers Is hauling lumber for P.
Sflffoi - " ' '
Mrs. Buol and her son Otto were In
town last week. ' i '
Edward Hettman was In Portland
on business last week. , , -
Joe Wallace I balling bay In col-
ton. , ' , . . ;
Frank Rlngo Is In Clarke. -
School commenced ber Monday
with -a good attendance. Miss F.nex
Bnodgraas Is the teacher for this year.
Ernest Mallatt had the misfortune
nt till U it Unili nrli. n KA A a l-v. r a ....... w w wa W war war w w w
KAN 15 1 UUilVtllllUN
to get bis leg cut Mondsy while work
Ing on the railroad and has had to
lay off for a few days.
Lewis Churchill has rented the
Anhby place and Is putting In his
crop. He Is plowing and sowing wheat
at present
Mr. and Mrs. Bert' Wallace made a
business trip to Canby Tuesday.
Most of the men and teams work
ing on the railroad have been trans
ferred to the llolalla division while a
small force Is working toward Beaver
Henry Seltzer has commenced work
on his house, It being the first build
ing erected on the new townslte,
A buslnesa meeting -was held at the
Baptist chnch Thursday . evening.
Among the matter discussed were the
choosing of the delegates to the state
convention to be held at McMlnnvllle
rrom cctober 17 to ocrooer 20. It It
the plan of the Oregon City delega-
Merle Seward Is staying with her tlol w extend an Invitation to have
sister Mrs. Bert Wallace and attend
ing tbe Mulino school this falL
L. O. Ralston and Ada Ralston to
George "Htiber, 120 acres of section
14, township 6 south, range 2 east;
Charles . B. Moore and Saran
Moores to T. Helnrlch Peters, lot 24,
Sellwood Gardens; $550.
W. W. and V.1 F. May to D. L. and
Minnie M. Boy la a, land in Holmes
Addition; $1,050.
R. T. and H. O. Walters to Oscar
Nelson, lot 15 of Coolrtdge Horn
Tracts, Including five acres; $750.
R. 9. and Henrietta O. Walters, to
Emil Nelson, lot 18 of Coolldge Home
Tracts; $750.
Henry W. Harden to Mary M. Cook
and Anna Cook, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, block
6, Windsor; $600. '
George A. Harding and Jennie Hard
ing 'to Eugene Cumins, 40 acres of
section 18, township 4 south, range 3
east; $1,800. '
William and Stella Price to Elmer
Ooshern and Lacy Ooshern, land In
section 1, township 4 south, range 2
east; $50. , '
Patronise our advertiser.
the convention meet In this city In
1912. Rev. Hayworth, who is presi
dent of the State Ministerial Associa
tion, will leave Monday for McMlnn
vllle. The delegates from this 'city are:
Rev. and Mrs. 8. A. Hayworth, Mrs.
U H. Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs. 8. P.
Davis, Mrs. D. C. Latourette, Martin
Sumner, J. w. Loder, Mrs. Prank
Welsh. Mlas Amy Purcell. Mr. and
Mrs. W. W, Mars, Mis Veda William,
Mrs. C. A. Nash.
Here is the Only
Bargain House
Com par our, prices with other and
you will be sure to trade here. New
and second hand furniture of all
kinds. Granite, glais and light bard
ware, . . ,
e! W. Mellien
y Opposite1 The Grand v.
Mrs. Hugh Hendrle entertained In a
most delightful manner at her home
on Tenth and Washington streets,
Thuniday evenln. bridge being the
feaiM.0 of tbe entertainment. Tbe first
prize was won by Mrs. J. R. Humph-
ry and the consolation prize by Mrs.
A. A. Price, Refreshments were serv
ed. . The house decorations were of
Those attending were Mrs c
Caunold, Mrs. H. 8. Mount, Mr. Theo
dore Oamond. Mrs. Lena Char-nan,
Mrs. M. D. Latourette, Mrs. J R
Humphry, Mrs. J. p. Clark, Mrs. A
A. Price, Miss Pratt Mrs. E. 8. Pol
lensltee, Mrs. William Logos, Mrs W
A. Sbewman, Mrs. E. T. Avison, Mrs!
C. H. MeUHner, Mra, L. L. porter, Mrs
C. Dr- Latonrette,' Mrs. Henry O Mal-
!?,y'.. A & P' Rand"' Mr- Walter
Wells. Mrs. C. O. Huntley, Mrs. Nleta
Barlow Lawrence. Mr. J. if. Walker,
Mrs. L, E. Jones, Mrs. c. IX Latour
ette and Mrs. C. W, Evans.
Peter Pauake died near thl city
Thursday, and the body was brought
to the Holman undertaking parlors.
The funeral will be held October 2,
pending the arrival of relative from
the Eaat. The Interment will be In
the Multnomah cemetery near Lenta.
Mr. Pauake had been 111 for several
months of tuberculosa. had been
a resident of Oregon but a short lime.
He was born In Wisconsin.
Read tbe Morning Be ter prise
A mating of tbe iwtto
Willamette Valley ChuUoq
bly ha been railed 1 ' ' ,
the afternoon of Octobtt
m.lln, will be held l-M
of the Commercial Club,
holder wr urged to
Our reateat clubbing 1
Morning EnterprUa by
Weekly Oregoniaa. m
ber 1, UH. tor only U v
October St.
Are vou a aubxribar to tka Mo...
ing Enterpriser II not you should call
and let as pur your nam on the sub
scription list Immediately
Body ShlDoad a in.
The remains of Mr. Anna Rdgeman 1
were shipped to Cleo, Iowa. Thursday ,
fj."! !" th" w,,l D Interred
In the family lot Mrs. Edgeman died!
at Molalla October . The body was i
accompanied by ber son to. Cleo.' j
Our greatest clubbing offer. Tho !
Morning Enterprlae by mall and the
Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem- i
A.!91.2 "nI'r 3- Offer closet I
, firil
In the cafeteria are aerved from SO cent op and In th lrlu
Treatment at tin t.t.. i.. .i.. ji attention.
Mtfl, lUVIIlUlllg maJIW fiflt
atbs, cost no mora than yon would pay to !! ' "
otel. Diwuni ... - . . . m ner
" am naa irom J ceuvs iv f r
"ul grin prices. Batbs rang from SO cent to $1 00.
' 1-
Wc Do Cure Rhctimat.sci
. ... ., to
and mud ?"L
tino dlrecUon J &
thousand'. w"'crlpt!T
trated booklet dwj; t
Hot Uks F.
th methodi tP' r
uk, Sanatorlpm
slbl. a. It ! fCoH
ly on the m'"
O..W. R. in fit!
pedal ur' ?llirei
to be hsd t um
; ,)
K ''', '. '
,.!;, -rf
a' ' '
" t , ,