Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 13, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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- 9
Stories from Out of Town
Some of our yvung people hav
been over to Wllaoavllle several time
to see the ahow and bear the Ten
trlloqulat, who baa kept th people
laughing evening for the put week.
Mr. and Mra. Gage apent a pleaaant
afternoon at Dick Oldenstadta' recent
ly. Mr. Weddle and Ed. Rabin hare
moat of the low around on the Gage
Held already seeded. It being In fine
condition before more rain fall.
The Church of God. which hak been
noiaing service at different private
houses, ha it new chapel ao near
completion that . they wish It an
. nounced In your widely circulated pa
per mat iney win commence a aerie
or meetings in in new building on
neit Sunday. October IS. and all are
i inviiea ana urgea to com. A noted
evangelist. Mr. Kaler, lat of Kan
sas. will sneak, also others at tha
faith and the vocal music 1 of an
exceptionally nne order.
Mr. and Mra. Or ling have moved
from the Shrader nlare intn their nam
house. Mr. Orling, 8r from Albany,
is visiung ner aon ana other friend,
and a daughter In Pxtt nd.
The Zack Blllgsen family haa been
a. 1 1 . . i . . ... ...
amicieu win someujng resembling
Mra. Powell' sister, .spoken of two
week ago, is reported no better and
Mrs. PowU Is waiting for another
sister to come from Washington to
again go and see her. It Is not ex
pected that aha can possibly recover,
. ss she baa already had several hemorrhage.
Mra. Esburg. near the old cedar
bridge, who was ao severely gored by
a playful pet heifer last week, ha a
. prospect now of ultimate recovery. It
appears ah was milking when the
heifer came dancing up, knocked her
over and proceeded to gore her. and
before she could be driven off bad
gored her just below the stomach cut
ting a gash about eight lnchea long,
but fortunatelv did ini u!.!. .. i
Intestines. The animal had also
Drained ner face and ear and run a
horn into her akntl but min hm n
touch the brain and while the woman.
no is past middle age and quite
. nesny, naa suffered a good deal she
s now doing very nicely and 1 In a
fair way to recover completely. Such
pet animal should be dehorned
or sent to the butcher. The creature
belonged to Mr. Eck. a dairyman.
A grandson of Mr. Gage, from Burns,
"regon, Hweek by name, msde
tbem a hastyTTtaU Monday and left
Tuesday afternoon. Although so
young (only 19) be haa made quite
a name for himself aa an electrician
ani capable mechanician. He and a
Mr. Johnson, of West Oregon City,
made the trip over the mountain by
Grape about here are ripening very
ig ima year.
of the order, arer cordially Invited to
Ira Seelr broke one of th nmriH
in his leg last week, while chasing a I
Mr. Bicn sold Ma kmu n lot In
miaonvuie last week to Charles Ad
am, or Portland. The numerous
mends or the Bigg family will be
aorry to learn that they contemplate
moving elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. John Button, former
residents or our village, visited Mr. j
and Mr. Frank Tonxe YVanaa.l.r an.l
The Hood View school building haa
neen muen improved this summer and
a fence ha been built around the
spacious lot.
Th school Children Ira all ratlin I
Interested In the school contests which
are being carried on as an incentive
tor goon work in the school. The
country boy and girl are getting
busy and are going to try lo win.
The oil well which has been shut
down for some time, is hea-Innln
wore again.
The Ladies Aid society of Hand
View, met with Mr. F. Tooie W
The vaudeville In our vlllara )i
been well patronised for the past
weea ana tne contests have caused I
mum merriment for those attending.
We are rlad to notice that th hih
school fund law la likely to be placed
upon toe naiioc at the next election,
and that the teachers of
have promised to support It. aa that Is
me oniy nope ror our boya and girls
wuo live in tne country districts.
Offer Eveii
-VI 1
The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregoniaa
(Clackamas County's Daily)
Th Northwest's Greatest Weekly)
Until Novemkr I, 1912
Alison Baker went to Oregon City
i uesaay.
Chaj. Epler went to Willamette on
" Mrs. 8. D. Kent, of Wood burn, vis
ited Mr. Frank Tooie last week.
Mr. A. Baker and daughter Ruby
-riwiea Mr. ana Mrs. Clyde Baker,
.saiuraay and Sunday.
Mis Blanche Bliss spent Friday In
Eva and Mae Baker went to Port,
Mnd Saturday.
Elmer Jones has returned home
with hi hop-baler, after being away
for some time.
Jasper Seeley'a many friends are
sorry to learn of his painful accident
Tuesday, when he was nnfnrtnnata
enough to chop the thumb entirely off
nis leit nana, while splitting wood
A. R. Burly, of Portland, was In
Wllsonvllle and vicinity on Monday
ana Tuesday tuning pianos.
Mr. Rldder went to Portland on
Tuesday and purchased a new organ
for his daughters, who are taking mu
sic lessons from Mrs.. Frank Brobst
Clyde Baker's many friends will be
glad to know that he is now fcaal
engineer for the Liberty Ice Co., of
Mrs. Ramsey and children, of Spring
field, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cronln last
The Odd Fellow'a lodge holds meet
ings every Saturday evening in the
A. O. U. W. ball, and visiting brothers
D. . B. Pope, who Is a brother of
Mrs. Morley Mack's, arrived In Canby
iaai tueeoay to spend the winter. His
iamii7 uovea nere about three weeks
Mrs. Ogle a new nnm la r.iMi.
utwnng completion, and they are mov
ing In. Mrs. Ode haa on nf th.
up-to-date nouses in town, being
vquippea witn an modern conven
iences, a .
Columbus day will be observed by
mt uanoy scnool.
Warren Kendall and Bastne White
nave just nnished an un-ttvdat chick.
en house for W. H. Luck.
Mrs. L. rjL'Ewlnz. of T.rk w..h
is Tisitinr relatives In Pmhr ch
ill be accompanied hnm k h.r
tamer H. A Lee for a f
George Alt man. of Portland
ed lu Canby Sunday.
B. Roy Lee was transacting business
u wi i(uu ynj i uesaay.
Mis Llllla Hnlimin k v.. i
Tismna ner tnnthar Mlnn i.
-, .v.v.uw hj run
land Wednesday morning.
Mra. Ensle Shields and HtMa. H.n.k
I . ....... u-
..ter returned Tuesday from a week'
visit witn relatives at Eagle Creek.
Louis MltU and Marshall Scramlln
are staying in Canby. attending high
school. .
George Meek' are moving Into their
new uuuae, wnicn i a nice attractive
Regular Price of the
Morning Enterprise
bpnail is $3.00
ZiiZlwlwsaisiws -tlv
JUST THINK-More than an Entire
Year to Clackamas County's live daily
andtheNorthwest's- greatest -weekly
for the price of one paper only. Bargain
period ends October 31, 1911. On that
day, or any day between now and then,
$3 will pay for both papers to Novem
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken
at this rate after October 31, 1911.
Regular Price of the
is $1.50
Mr. Olln Fnrd haa kn .n..ji.. -
" .kuuiub, m
few day at the home of her parent.
nr. ana Mrs. p. n. Newell
Work ha beann on thai naaf V rrr a
- - - I
oi atr. riooetu on Jennings avenue.
Mrs. Emily Shaw, imunlm. r I
County SChOnls. mada a vlalf n k .
- . " - . .1 . . us iuv I
scnooi oj this place Monday.
The funeral of Mrs. Mm a un.
wife of Geora-e EL Mora hM n
Sunday from the residence of her
aangnter. Mrs. Ham Piininn
was very largely attended. The Rev.
Zimmerman, of the M. E. church of
uregon uity, and Rev. Calvin Ber
stresser. of the GHhce Evangelical
tuurcu. conauctea tne service. The
music by the M. E. choir and
Garland Hollowell sang "Face
race" and "Beautiful Isle of Some-1
wnere,- which was very Impressive.
W. Ml - -
i n paiiDearers were all old time
friends of the deceased and n
w. aaay. 01 uregon City. Robert
Spensley. Thomas Iwla nf
Lo sch wander, of Hlllsboro, and WaJ-1
ter uecner or the Lodge, J. H. Hen
derson, of Meldrum.
Mr. Davidson and famllv nt
Pleasant, have moved Inf. I thalr na
home which they recently purchased
irom uus wamoiad.
Mrs. Hugo Sandstrom and Miss
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well as
New Subscribers
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on
or before October 31.
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well is
New Subscribers
Since its foun
dation, it has
been the policy
of this Company
to embody in the
Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer
r-try ' n - . . 1 - "
itie booner You Subscnbe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once
emu mm
pect th
la, -asa-
-.ted form, the best typewriter ideas by
Jinperfcv t advanced.
whomoevu,. ,,t manifestation of this policy,
ror our latt
. Dpmlnnrfnnc
Visible Writing' . u
NOS. 10 and extant PLUS
which embodv, every desirable feature . 'hich consti
an Adding and S ubtracttng Mechanism, w .
tutes an innovation. "sago:
lne voice that cried mithe wilderness 10 veai.
"You cannot afford toVa.
in the old way." now ac-
claim with equal conviC
' tion : "You cannot afford to
calculate in the old way."
. , . jj
Roue were Portland visitor on I Mr Mnnr. loft .. W vvUvvwtXkwCCXXjCCwi i
He win wYh Uta nr.M.h I !nM -mved , nood .hat ... .
The Misses IM Mcfiov.rn ana bis Snd lhv r- , .7.7. " . " " ,m """""X- . Of a da na.V.7 . 'w.
The Misses Leall McOovern and
L. O. Miller, of Gladstone, were callers'
at mis place on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L Ftnley came
out to their summer home on Friday.
Since Mr. Kin ley received the appoint
ment of Stat Game and Fish Warden,
they have made their home In Port
land. The school reopened again Thurs
day, having been closed for the In
stitute held In Orearnn CMr Mr
Thompson, of Willamette, but the pro-
mnsor nere, aitenaea tne session.
Mrs. Waldron entertain! ih. fir.
cle Wednesday of last week at her
uuinc. a large numoer or ladies were
present and a social will be held about
Hallowe'en time. Committees nn ra,
freshment and nroeram were annnint.
ed. The next meeting will be held t
the home of Mrs. Ous Warner on
Wednesday, October 19th.
MIM Sarah Kamlnsky haa returned
from Lo Angeles, having been called
to the bed side of her mother, who I
still critically ill.
Edward P. Morse, of Sollwood, and
Mrs. Mendenhall, of Portland, were
visitors at the home of their brother
the first of the week.
Mrs. 8. P. Dow and children have re
turned to 8t. Paul after a sis weeks'
visit with her mother, Mr. Jennie
Mr. H. J. Rice, nf Nawharr vm a
caller at the Lodge on Saturday, while
paying a visit to her daughter. Mr.
"'mpbell, of Portland.
"1 1 K Tabor, pf South Dakota,. I
(J. :. ' parents', Mr. and Mr. R.
' vinitvnf ... Milldlng a new
N. Tawi ' . Mr. Tabor ex
ula and they are nlannfmr tn ial
some of the battlefield In the outh
ana east while absent
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis and
Miss Mildred, of Salem, and Mr. Rob
ert Spensley, of Salem, and Leo
Schwanders, of Hillsboro, attended the
funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Morse on
Mr. and Mrs. Waddell and child and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, of Portland, were
week-end visitors st the h. J Rnh.
Inson home and the gentlemen en
Joyed a day' flshlnr In tha Wlllam.n.
i catching some fine salmon trout.
Remington Typewriter
k ""."hu ftiinllr from the middle west
t hi l""' -rnhahW in.
x few week ana r -
and famllr. o' 8Ur
A glad!
Lodge (PA
Adolph Joehnke hi lying dangerously
111 at the home of his parent. Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Joehnke.
Miss Lesale McDonald expect to
make ber home this winter with Mr.
James Hylton.
M. J. Lazelta sttended the fair at
Vancouver last Saturday.
Mrs. Smith, of Mullno, was a guest
of Mrs. A. H. ITarvey Sunday.
Madison anu -"', a
, sr moving Into their hom
m purchasea i f'"" .V
elcome I extended from the
iple to the Madison family.
Here is the Onlv
Bargain House
Compare wir price with other and
you will t sure to trade here. New
and Focond hand furniture of an
kinds. ' Granite, glass and light hard
E. w Mellien
... i . .
mr. snu mrniL Jnlma..,, ...
i - me
W. hi! work" Mpin
Mr arid Mrs. Geo. Snhrelmer at
tended the funeral of Mr r- ftt
Clackamas HoIrBu Satnrday.
Mr. Arthur R.-, of Myrtle Point,
whrt ha been vhrtilng ber sister; Mr
: cter, baa gone to Wenatche
Mrr8nmd.,hb" mmT -Mr.
Maggie Rchasker haa rafnmr i
a visit with relatives i
Mr. and Mrs. Vnn u..i.a . .
Ited their flaiinAi... . .. '
Mr. 'Shaw, the ar-h,w.i ... ,
was entertalnair . t k. i. ' . '
Geo. Laze! e Thursday. She U much
v"" wnn tne prospects, of the
reSwt " Ca' r'V ' ,6rr ftTOrh'i
George Alfrcrf rwt.ta ... n. ....
waniimnr at- tne counts fair
IS OT1I" 4 veara nM ti. w .. . ,
juvenile depnrtment a com stalk h.
Planted: and took car of hJelf. Twi
light can boast of on yoivig farmer.
Tuesday evening the Viola A...m.
blv No. 7 irnii.H
j I i awuaans, gave a,
bet soolal In thirr halt A good
P:"r"m ..V'. 1'-n MIowH by f.
n,M " ""nr'" wr, Indulged In.
- mi. niiur.
Mr. an Mrs. Johnson ,nd T. R. A
Sellwood. of th, Nniwaukle Orangl"
2 Mar,,'m"n (-""" W.dne.dw
merer, imr r-r - ;
eerman, was a Portland "i
y. .
A. L. Bolsted wss In 0 0t
Tuesday evening on bolii" 1
Judge Hanson was In Oak
Wednesday morning. .
uriiii.n. oklnHUp la rnnnlnf IS"""
ti iiii.iu . i 1. 1 . . iaaat m
waukle lestatirant for itm' j
Isted by Otto Bninnmr.
I. fhnann Wi
land Monday and" Tuedxr
". . . ai
Work on Washington
standstill owing to th 't
Opposite The Grand
fi'.-' me retention or the bridge. Th court
-Cfegon. Ut to i.80 pr J finally jleclded to ir'-H y,.
I VI. nnflv nf rwk. j-i-
here Thursday on business. '
uinacn circle No. 148, Women
Woodcraft will .iv. ;l ,......oman.
dance In the elt h.n o '
rng. October 21. """
W. W. Good and family are oceupy.
tng room over the postofflce.
ium i. uirnemeler residence I I
Sm ed w,th hot heatl
E. W. Mlnar, of Portland, was here
Thursday on business.
The Stephens residence at Island
" having an addition oullt that great.'
ly Improve It appearance.
Dr. Covert and A. L. Reed hav r.
NOT EXPENSIVE tt Hot taBiB niM)lMf at,.nt()ni ho.rf Mj
ho Ii T " non yowtwld pay to liv. at any nrrt
in the Can b- h4 "on 71 cent, to $2.50 pr M- .J
grlU price. Rftth. ran M to 100
Wc Do Cutt Rdeinnatisin
and mnd glren under
" ;
; ... .r
...... . i kavS
lino oireriioii m
thousand. Wrii
trated booklet
Hot Uk Sanatorlutn J-J
th method mPl0'rel;J!ia
Lak Sanatorium fJSS
alble, It I loo'1
lr on th main
special excursion r'
to b had t all
taairW aVaaa ak aa. a. a