au a a w w V-B & aa, -a MORMNG ENTERPRISE . Oregon crrr, Oregon L E. ROME. Edltd and Publisher. Have pity for the suffering of the rich! Hetty Green Mjrl that becaaaa of the advance la the price of coffee she mast go wltboat her daily break fast port ton. mm 4 ataaa aaetter Jaa- . tlL at the beat eAVe at OraM my, onfna, mm u Act ac I. isra." Tat stuciirnojt. (MM Tear. Mr la Mralhe. by vail . Four Moetba, by exalt.' Far week, by carrier... aea . 1M . . -IS ..Ua ..lea sob 1M CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Mm t-ft.v par rodt rtret hmitiiM ' S"iret Pe-w. bet taeh added rrevarrrd aoaniea aaj irt baarrtVon Preairad peMttea mm$ added huarttoaa..... Baa paper otlur the flrat Hn Mr fin taeartkm I to . Rua ptr mw haa fb-et yaa. per btah ta racwiar adar- Ta Beat. Ma. aa raafcty the thecals 1 -er Hi Wwre Jc Baa. Weatev Far Bale, aaal a word rirat ev ark a.MliloiMl Batre for Catarartaa a I a ba tbe ai MJI . far . drama. a rata far tbe a .ably. Where tha aavrueaeaeat la traaferrd from I Ik tally ta tha mmk y. wltnaat i-aaara. the rata win ba be aa barb tor raa mt tha papar. aad la a ax-b tar epacaal paertMW- Oaab ehawld " areompaay srdey a bin party la mknowa ba aaihuai eCTea el tbe Katerprtee. Lace advai tielaa at h-cal tlrrua advai-Hetae and apaciaJ tiaaatat 6Terttatac at He ta bar aa lex, aceard- coadit teat gvt eratoa; tba "Fire Bale" and Bankrupt Bab" edVar. : ananata SVr Inch rirat Ineertlea: addl aortal tnaifitaae aajna ntattar Ma lawb 5-w llrma and wall wrttaa artJolae af atari t. with tataraat . to local raadira, win ba cladty aocepW-4. Rajaeted never returaed aaJaaa ta prepay -ad- It Is posalble to Kt aoma axarolaa at tha football gam by yelling. aa VbfB a prrfact lf?" aoma on aaka. Tbafa tba (juration tbat U dia turblng Rrno. Wants, For Sale, Etc HaUaaa ar im ctaaatnad baadara iU ba lnaard at ana aaat a vara. Aral taaMtaav baJf a caal atditlaia! toaar ttaaa. Ja bb car. It par aiuaO. bicti aard. t aaaa at par aata iaah laaat acoaaipaat ardar aal'-aa aa baa aa apa acaaunt wiib tba paiar Ma ftaanrtal rr taaiauity tor arrvra. vbart arrora fraa rupctad aatiaa will b prtntrd tar aatraa atlaimuai anaraa Iba WANTtO. -- Tba emplorta ot Joba Jacob Ator bay approvaj of hi marrias. N. B. Their i(M bava bra ralsrJ . 2b Canada dtdnt know Champ Clark as a do elaa h wouldn't bava two taken so aerloualy la kid attaranc on annaxatlon. '."H.- a . CUu Sprecktea days tha price of sugar will go higher. Claua knoaa aomething about sugar, too. WANTEIr Tourlats and local people to see my collection of arrow-het! coins, India t tnnhl. t'd tm.u and curioa or v.: aorta Will bu or sell in thu iu Maw one ool bargaiaa In e "nJ hand rurnUure and tools, Ceori Young. .Main U near Fifth. LIVE WIRELETS (BT EDGAR BATES.) aula la never t tad by muim CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. . d THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la on aaJa at tba following stored - a- ererr day Buatley Broa Drags Main 8treet. " J. W. McAnuhy dgara 8erenth and Mala. "' Becrea Confectionery 4 Mala near Sixth. d M. K. Dann Confectionery Next door to P. a ' aty Drug Store Electric HoteL d Bcnoeaborn Confectloaery : Seyeatb and X Q. Adama OcL 13 In American History. 18U Battle of Qoeeostowa. OnU ra j Baiting la tba repolse of an Aaner ' Icmn-force which had crossed the ' rlTer to attack tha British ander General Brack, who waa killed. 1827 James Henrr Btoddart reteraa Aaaerlcan actor, bora: died 1907. 1964 Maryland by orerwhetalng vota . deride! to abolish aUrery at once. 180O Jnatlce Samnel Freeman Miller of tbe United Btatea supreme court ailed: toru 11. 1910-W. K. Btaaley. former goyernor of Kansas, died: bora 1848. . ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) San seta 039. rises 6Xi: moon risen ;t:ia p. m.; mooa farthest north and 'nlgbeat FOOLISH SPEECH OF CLARK. Eugene aeems to have "put one over on us" In that commission gov ernment movement. She has called a special election next month lo decide the issue, and If carried will be put In effect early next year. a a a . Tbe "art of danctug Is being taught at the University of Washing ton. But that's easily explained, wo men vote in the atate to our north. a a a "Doe" Wiley promise, to make it not for dispensers of cold" fountain drinks. He says that instead ot using some ot these mixtures In the attempt to puench our thirst In the good old summer time, some of tbe "dope Could be' used to better advantage in spraying fruit trees. This doean't sound very nice but President Taft says that Wiley knows what he Is talking about. a a a'' Whiskey from banaanaa. whica will cost us less than the brands we are now familiar with "listens well." At any rate we are ready to try anything once. Some times we will try a thing only once, sotnethinsrs every once In a while. And then there are things that we are glad to try every now and thetu-mostly "now and probably this Is one of thoee things. So bring It on. a a a In every town the six of ours there are few men upon whose shoulders rest the responsibility of running the city-governmenL Tbeae men receive no 'pay for their services but belong to that class of men who are ay tiling to spend much of their own time In hsrd work for the advancement of the community In which they live. Not only are they often called away from the scene of their daily activities but more often la It necessary that they rob themselves of their evenings, the very time of the day tbat they should spend at home, at rest and with their families. Yet these men are so public spirited that they are willing and anx ious to freely give this time that our city be cleaner, better governed, have .better streets, etc And yet these very same men who work so hard and re ceive no pay for their valuable time are the ones some people criticise and abuse In every possible manner. Why don't these "knockers" spend their time in assisting In this good and nec essary work. Instead of attempting to block every forward move for the pro gress of tbe town? WANTED A solicitor. The man who makea good on this should earn 0 to $30 weekly. This Is no snap, but a red olooded man can make good. Call before 11 a. m.. Friday or Saturday. Circulation Manag er. Oregon City Enterprise. FOR SALE. FOR SALE By owner ten acres good timber land on Clackamas Southern railroad, two miles from Oregon City limits on Highland road; all level; $165 per acre. Address Ore gon City, Route No. S, Box $3. Completion of Ashokan Dam to Give New York City More Water FOR SALE Desirable property. rheat.- within one block of High School. Improved street, and sew age. 8-room bouse and 'two lots, $1.30); (-room house and two lots, $1,700: terms. E. HI Cooper A Co.. Oregon City, Bank building. When It comes to a question, of hos pitality, Oregon takes a front seat In tbe first row. This Is what Taft says and he ought to know. It will be a proud day for us when tbe "big ditch" is formally opened and our own battleship, the Oregon, takes ber place at the front of the proces- Tbe speech of Speaker Chamn Clark of he House of Representatives, In which he advocated the annexation of Canada to the United 8tates, and which Mr. Clark almost Immediately following Its delivery admitted was an act of folly, was one of the chief factors in influencing tbe defeat of tbe jfon. reciprocity agreement in the Canadian a a a election. Such a declaration on U: ao " tink of a policeman . w ,,., -., I who. when searching a prisoner is part of sack an Important official as j ... enon5h to ,et tne man he .; Mr. Clark was used to great advantage searching rob him of bis watch by tbe opponents of reciprocity who ' At any rate that Seattle "cop" showed utlllxed It to boost up their bogey of j Pr tact In nlslng a holler, conquest by the United States. Mr. Clark as speaker, It is true, tend- t Changing Har 8 pot a. ... , . .... . , She was sobbing softly, snd be wss ered Tamable aid toward the adoption i t ' M . . . ... . . very much annoyed. He didn t like of reciprocity in tbia country. But ' . . . . .... ... ., faint hearted women anyway. They whatever of good ha did in this direo i . . . . , 1M I bad been long enough married tx tion was more than nullified by his . ., A . , , ! months for bins to asarrt his nrerors- speech advocating annexation when it i . ... . . I tive as tbe master of tbe nouaebold- . most have been apparent to every' . ... .... ... , , , vu. iwi (juien. l uu aci use a " " B 1 . baby." said be by way of beginning. an expre,k,n could serve tbe cause , know what yon. be affected to serve no good. ; -boo r It wonM be unch.rtuble to assume Rb tf),d hn) Mfen that Mr. Clark waa designedly guilty (why Jm Ml(,M(, w of such a glaring blunder. Taking htm his own sdmtssion that FOR SALE One mare and two-seated surrey; one Jersey bull. Inquire George Morse. Jennings Lodxe. FOR SALE One stallion 8 years old. weight L700 pound. Bnebjro-n.J borse II years old. weight I.Cihi pounds, one gray horse, g years old. t weight 1.150 pounds, one 3 1-4 inch wagon with box. one sot double work harness, one stallion service book of $237. Will sell you all or part. Inquire Oorbett A Co., ,at poetoftice, Oregon City. FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR FOR 8ALE I acre farm 3 mliee northeast of Oregon City; sale price $8,500; rent, price $ 10t year; Inquirer-Mrs. mile Aune. 1414 Center street. FOR RENT Five-room house at Cane mao. Call Main 2014. v BB- aaaaa ja rt r m 4m A i Sb 'V OPPORTUNITIES for men and woman of anaraotar ara sd. . A bank aecouni I an dvldsnca of eharaetar. and bank booh ahowlno regular depoalta la the paaiport ta opportunity and the key ta auesaaa. Enroll yourself aa a depositor hsra st ono and beoamo a member of tr.. 'opportunity elub.M One dollar will start a saving accaunt The Bank of Oregon Qtv OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY 7 It -. I.Anit'RirrTB Prwaldeol kdbaw THE FIRST NATIONAL BANj u of OREGON CITY, OPEGON capitau laooasa I Treneeete d eJeral anHltiff wolneaa Open l. Qladotono Lumbar Com BUN0AL0W MATERIAL OP ALU KINDS, lumber, lath, ahlngUs, feuco-poata and dwirs, motildliKa, all kind of inside finish, priced right. I urn Iter guaranteed ta4 delivery (YARDS AT PARK PLACE). Phone Mam rut. ahaN a the amount was subscribed. The ma. the fbioda and tha aBcrobrhaiyM. lerlal tin purchaaed, hauled lo the inlentlesa hand of Tim. Abii ite xit and the work begun. Its floor will trsouud in tU hJt. the thousands who lll wta , aeeb the marts of trade u4 L merce, and that little tklHrai T continue on a urn mar's 4 a port thrmaeltea lo tbe Usui r of tha river below. Pbetoe eopyrtght by 'Ahaaiicaa Praaa Asseelallon, II IL N EW VOKK city la aoon to have a new system of waterworka. Work atari ad ewveral yeara ago, and tbe nope la held out tbat tbe gigantic ' taak will be completed early In IU1 Tbe entire operation Is tbe moat extensive ever attempted with tbe exception of tbe Panama caaai An army of IS.UUU men la working on tbe Job today, and tbe total coat will be more than g100.uuu.utO. , Tbe huge Aabokaa dam tbat will form a ree arron with aa area or twelve square ml lea la to coat f ri.U7U.uuu The dam la aometbtug more than tmu feet blgb. and Ita main portion la more than l.tmo feet loeg It la Super cent bigger than -theworld famous TJaroB Oimoa the Panama canal la tbe picture above tbe lower portion shows a general view of tbe huge dam with the opening left for Eaopoa creek to Bow through aatll it la time to begin Oiling the reservoir Tbe upper photograph shows two of the huge valves that will bo naed to regulate tbe Bow of wster All tba work required by the Court as above noted, wad done, and well done, and tbe Court waa ben Informed of the completion of the work.. The Court then employed Mr, J hn Oreo who' b-td previously done aoma good work for the county, and Instructed """nturt" Trortf irto!hg gBoTTplra bis 1 ninn and Ji.uiM three good now con terete alers. The Srsl week or.ten"daya I was a gloomy time for Mr. (Ireeu and ! bis mm. The cement waa in Califor nia and had not arrived. Day after day Mr. Brown at tbo depot could only shake bis bead when Importuned for Information aa to tbe whereabouts of tbe cement, aad tbe ralna descended and beat upon the structure that houae4 the worker aad wet them through. Hut these conditions could not, last always and tbo cement and atinahtne arrived -arabouv tbamc lime. Then John lireea and bis men got busy. . They built three ootid con crete plara. two thirty feel each In helghth and the other twelve feet. LODGING HOUSE to rent Furniture for sale. Inquire X13 Fourth street, Oregon City. ' m n rul Anatrallan 1 1 nap liimilrail i K. .4 . n .4 . . I , . I , nM.H.K,H . t 1 t- ti . . ' LivanvBiif maaia. LOST. LOST Wednesday, between C. C. Stora and Suspension bride, pack age containing baby'a sweater, dress pattern and other articles. Return to C. C. Store. FARM LOANS. LASttmrcra: Dimlcit. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT. Attorney-at-Law. Moaei loaaed. abatraets f.irnlahod. land tit lee examined, as tat a oettled, gwa eral law bust nee Over Bank at Oregoa City. ITRIN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys! Law, Deutaefeer Advakat. will prae tlce la all eourta. make eollaetlonii prUd Bldg. Oracoa City. Oregon.' BUILDER AND COTOJ ACTOR. HARHT JONES Bunder and Oeaerai Contractor. BarJmatoo cbeoi tally rta on all elaaaea of bnflrtlne work, concrete waika ana relaforced eaaerete. Red. Phone Mala 111 INSURANCE. R. and OOOFKR, For wire leeuraaee Raa EstaM. It no handle prnpartlee we tm. eeJl aad OTcfeanaTe. Office In Eaterprise Wds;.. Oresym City. Oresjnn. freckled And when too and I were at his own sdmtssion thst he was , jrre lovem. you you you ssw tbeae foolish the incident should be suffl- same fre klea, but you called 'era dent to eliminate him from the list of! beaoty spots then. - Pbllsdelpbia PresidenMal candidates. One who as Seaker would be ao criminally recklesa is not to be thought of for President by any party. oee . Women's feet are said to have doubled la aize in Kansas. If they don't get doubly chilld things msy not be so bad after alL ' o . Times i Canada may take notice thai we keep plugging along Just the same. . Gabr Dealys says sbe Jigs coma Lo New York to display ber talent If tbat la the limit of ber exhibition she win And ber cash receipts very disappointing. won by a Name. Daring tbe Afghan war of 1878 a email British detai-broent gained a victory over a tsrye body of tbe ene my by a mists ken order. A prtvste named Vsni-e. who bad dlstlngulshod himself by several acts of braver v. wss a great favorite with oue of I he ofiVers. and during a skkfrnlnb the officer wanted him to i-srry dlxpstrb to tbe t-oioofi In -ommHiii of snotber detnrbment. Tbe man wa only a few ysrds sway, and be railed out. "Vancer at tbe top of bl voh-e. The meo thought be had given tbe order "Advance."' and Immediately rnsbed forward wltb sorb daub and spirit tbat tbe enemy broke sod fled. OOOOOOAO Od-O 00 f od 0-K34-0 0rO 0OO--0d0dKJd. o IE Wealth Banishes All the I Joys of Life Br JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER 4040404vo4o4040eOwOe040404040004004o4k04 HE eorooAtion crowna of. kiog re all too heavy. ;Thig l H . . tr'ideuctA in -roTsItT( throughout Europe. In like manner b the crown of wealth 'w much too burdensome. IN FACT, IT l SO HEAVY THAT ALL WHO WEAR IT PLAIM OF ITS WEIGHT AND EVENTUALLY PINO THAT ITS ZTt' T XTt T'l. REAL SATISFACTION OUT' OP LIFE AND WHEAT MARKET HAS UPWARD TtlENCY There Is a slight improvement in tbe whest market and some millers are offering on the basis of 80c for club, track delivery Portland, while bluestem bids ran Re generally around 83c. With buyers somewhat more anx ious to take hold, there has been a fair increase In the takings at Interior points during the past twenty-four hours. Bids are Just about a cent be low what many of the large holders have been asking. Trade in the oats market Is steady to firm with practically no change in quotations. Barley la firm. Hay trade firm for all varieties wltb most strength in grain stock. BEET (Live weight) Steers, gc and Sttc; cows, 4Vic; buna, S lie. VEAL Calves bring from le to 13c, according to grade. - MUTTON 8heep. Sc an Stye; lambs, 4c and 6e. HOGS .12$ to 140 pound hogs, 10c and 11c; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and lOHe. Asses-7'i Notice of Meettn. f b. Of EquallMtlea, Notice Is hereby gtvsa & the third Monday in October taw October teth, lilt, tba Sort , Equalisation will attend at tat ay. bousa la Clackamas County, Onar and publicly examine tha rum, rolls and correct all errori la na. tlona, descriptions or pusttim t lands lots or other properOei a essedby the County Atarax. , Dated at my office Ibis Vtoint September. U. i . TTETiiah , ; CoBBty ie-sa THE pFirnnn. He HrKo ks ereclrxj a Seaiitilii htaw kas MewJ a whole cwnmu niry in btnldina i. No man wanu lo build an ugly house ihrfealter. but "trivet to build a handaomer. LittV by Croe it lifts the peoole Irom the low ayadV oi inaensibilirv In beauty, lo aporeriabog it and fol lowing it. I think every man who has money should tee Id d thai the town m which he lives is stesdily growing more and more beautiful. Henry Ward Beecher. on time tbo three members of tbe Court appeared and were met by soma thirty or forty of those most Interest ed, and a thorough Inspection of tbe bridge was made and tbe greatest In terest manifested. The Court then de cided tbat the east approach should be thoroughly repaired, should' be re-1 gsvo their money to old tbo eotarprlae pianseu. new auppona put in, tne are to oe comnieiiaed tor tneir liberal grade of the hill widened and a good I It y. And finally, Ibe settlers In (be substantial railing from tbe bridge I Molalla bottom are lo bo eongratu to tbo top of tbe grade and thla with-1 la led on tbe fortunate ending of tbo out expense to the County. Tbia done, ; matter ao vital to their Interoata. And the Court agreed to repair the two , wo may note the beginning and tbo piers of the bridge. It wss agreed ; completion of a public work with no They relred the approach, from tba west, side, put In new plsnh and built ' a new railing. ' The building of new piers waa a i welcome surpriae to everyone as Iho Court had algnlfled ltd Intention to only repair tbe old ooea and It la to be highly commended for It did far mote than It promised. John Ureen i and hla men are to be commended for the hoileat and efficient work done by thrm. And the rltltena of Can by who that tha cltlsens of Canby should be asked to subscribe an amount suffl clent to purchase the material and that thoae In tbe country ahould do tbe work. Mr. M. J. Lee atarted a subscription paper and In two hours trouble with a delinquent' contractor and no charge of graft. And now we close the story of tbo rescue of the "old bridge" wltb tbo assurance that for many years to come it will stand to realat tbo waters of COAL! H W hare the best st low est price. Lay ia winter itrppty now. Korroct Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co. 11TH AND MAIN 17$. , Oregon City. Fargivan, Gladys Edith u) yon are ooiy making love to me out of revenge le cause she refuoed vou. Rupert Pray tell bar for me that re venge la mi Wweet I've forgiven l he In Jury. Judice REACHING OUT FOR BUSINESS Old Bridge-Saved (By S. B. Orrnsby.) Prevailing Oregon ss follows: City prices are HIDES (Buying) Green hides, 6c to Cc; aaitera, 5c to 6c; dry hides. 12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 25c to 75c each. Hay, Qraln, Feed. HAT (Buying) Timothy, $15 to $16; clover, $8 to $9; oat hay, best, $11: mixed,. 09 to $12; alfalfa, $15 to $ic.60. j, ,,j . OATS (Buying) Oray, $25 to wheat, $32 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per 100 pounds. FEED Shorts, $2$ to $30; rolled barley, $37.60: process barley, $38 60; whole corn, $35; cracked corn, $36; $26; white', $26 to $27. FLOUR $4.60 to $5.25. Butter, Poultry, Eggs. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter, 25c to 30c; fancy dairy, 30c; creamery, 30c to 35c. POULTRY (Buying) Hens, lie to 12Vic; broilers, 13c. EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 28o to 80c. Fruits, Vsgstablss. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes, on basis of 6 l-4c for 45 and 60'; peaches, 10c. . 8 ACK,iiy VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.25 to $160 per sack; .parsnips,' $1.25 to $1.60; turnips, f 1.31 to $1.60; beets, fl.60 POTATOES Best buying, J l-4o per pound. s ' ' '. - ; ' r. U5 to u M r Soma Ave months ago a notice was posted In Canby and In the country north and west of Canby calling for bids for the purchase of the old bridge Known as tne Knight of Joslyn bridge that spans tbe Molalla River a short distance from the latter town. Now this bridge Is on a main traveled road and accommodates a large section of country tbat does business In Canby snd to remove It would compel all travel to go south and through Barlow and then north again to reach a bridge nearly a mile further up the stream and adding some fur or five miles to the distance traveled to reach Can by. Moreover, the section of country above mentioned had been granted a Rural Delivery route and the removal or the bridge would cause the aban donment of this route. Now there may be little sentiment developed by tbe destruction or removal of a bridge, but this bridge was an old land mark. It baa been crossed and recrossed by men and women pioneers of this sec tion of Oregon, men who had helped to make Its laws, control Its destiny and secure for it a career of prosper ity and honorr- It Tnarked the spot where the old stage coacb lino from Portland to San Francisco, establish ed by Ben Holllday In an early day, crossed the river, and its very tim bers speak of self-sacrifice and heroic endeavor. s Is it any wonder then tbat the pros pect of its removal and subject to ths Indignity of a public ssle should stir tbe hearts of the Knights, the Joslyns, the Waits, the Lees, and that oven the new-comer should Imbibe some of this feeling? A committee at once went to Oregon City to Interview the Judge of tbe County Court. It de veloped at this interview that tbe court had been badly . misinformed, both as to the condition of the bridge and the amount of travel passing over it, so much, that It had directed that the bridge be destroyed or advertised for sale. But Judge Beetle readily consented to stay tbe hand of the des troyer until the next regular meeting of the court. . At that meeting tha committee was again present and the matter was fully discussed, the com mit taa making a strong argument tor the retention of tha trtJ'e. The court finally decl-'-l ti ' 1 te Every effort to attract trade helps, even if it only draws a child's wish for candy. Electric light for wind ows and signs should be given a chance to be useful Every mer chant can now gH double electric light at no increase in cost for elec tric current bv-mina MAZDA I TT7T ? a .... .iuups. raaae m all- sixes. " have them and will be glad to yoa about them. We tell PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAI N OFFICE 7th and Alder Streets