Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1911)
HORNING ENT E'KM,bS'E Th ' mwMnnr twMn Portland and talwn: lrw lata In vry Motto OtMto- mil County. wMi po.ltl, 4 30.000. Ar yw an dvriT ' WATH INDICATION. Oregon City Rein rrlday; I oiithnrlr winds. I Oregon Friday, fair t. rain I west portion; southerly wluds. WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1500 Pa Wnx, 10 Cvrn VOL ir-No. 89. OREGON CITY, OREOON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1911. V. B. STAFFORD IS , DANGEROUSLY TUT EQUAL E MISS ROM HAS PRETTY WEDDING ROAD FUND PLAN u i :sJ '- ' " i , RECOGNIZED! r ' 1 GRANGE OPPOSES SUFFRAG IIHC CALIFORNIA (1110 LATE RETURNS FROM OUTLYINO DISTRICTS OIV MAJOR ITY OF 2.704 VOTE WILL BE LARGELY INCREASED Advocatss Discouraged Ovor Plrot Re ports Jubilant Now Thai Victory la Assured ChsngtNt Sudden. HA.N rUANQWCO. Oct. 11. (Spec 1. 1 1 -Woman suffrage baa triumphed in California. Blraggllng returns lata today from hitherto unreported pre cincts nnally wiped out the majority previously recorded against ihe am nidni.MU and alnco tbla turn In the ,1,1,, ilia margin In favor of amend No. 4 baa increased ateadlly. t'oiAplft official returns from 1877 ,,r tm U out of 3,121 In th UW lv .1. ...r.a iror woman suffrage. 1I9.IU0; aitalnat. 117,7711; majority for fulTrinso. J.i'oi. Tbo rcmalnlu proclncta are In re mote mouutalu dlsirlcla and Ibelr re turn tire not expected to change Ihla majority greatly, although In lb ag grfKste It may bring the majority to j j,mi or 2.700. They ar virtually all In rouniloa that have given majorltlee or suffrage. Not in years have early returna from an election In thla state proved -w-beHllng-uf Interpretation as those upon which hinged the fste of amend turnt No. 4. Unfamiliar with methods of analysing these returns, women h-ailurs In the movement for tbo right of franchise gave up In despair wbi-n the populous preclude of Ban Fran cisco and Alameda countlea rolled up their adverse majorltlee early Tuesday nlKht- Despair gave way to hop throughout Wednesdsy. when returns from south of the Tehachapl and from the Interior countlea of Central and Northern California "began to cut down the margin against lb ameudment For a time lh totala see-sawed, first allowing suffragist gains, then veering In the opposite direction. MASS SAYS PRISON IS NOT SLAYIR OF HILL FAMILY o..,i ki ... da-lared last night tbat there waa lltll likelihood lhat Rich ard Holllngsberg. arrested at The Dalles, wss guilty of th Hill murder it Ardenwald station. According to confession of hie two boy compan ions. Hurry Howard, seventeen, and James Hawkins, sixteen, who were virtually his prisoners, Holllngsherg may hav murdered the HIIU. Ranch er Hroit. of Roweua. caught the trio st"'llng potatoes. Suoscrtb tor tb DsJly Rnwort SAWMILL WORKER INJURED. J. Puti Sustains Fracture of Arm And Fingers Ar Mangieo. While working at th Pick aawmlll Thursday afternoon J- Pl waa aer lously Injured. His right wrist waa broken and two fingers were badly mnnglrd. ampuUUon being ncasary. He waa brought to thla city where b was given medical aid by Dr. Hugh 8. Mount. Th Injured man is at th Wlldwood Hospital. ThirtyJGallons !of Milk Wanted Daily AT THE Carus Jersey Dairy WERE'DlScbvEPto! THANKS TO COLUMBUS. H discovered a pleasant spot for cut down aom tree, and atartea thlnn bv taschlno th first Indiana how fin clothes really feel. W'r In th clothing business almost 420 yrs behind his time but lust 420 ytars and then aom ahead In style. Bulla f ik. i au.i. mmA r.lnthorsft makes ln all th new fabrlcea. $12-50 o 135.00. How about our L System Overcoat f Slip-on. Th weather "m" eal1" for one An lo ftM.OO. Pticfc Brothers EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Like Other, 6th and Main Ss. . N. B. For th coming aoclsl season n L System full drsa suit I proper WILSON.&COOKE'S STORE IS ROBBED Ilurglnrs entered th hardware store of Wilson A Cooke, Wednesday night and tle IS 60 from the cash register sod seversl knives. Chief of Polire 8hsw thinks thst on of the men se creted himself In an alley at the aide of the store In the afternoon, and waited until Mr. Wilson left In the evening, before beginning operation. A window sash was removed by th man, who, after entering the ator took out another window In tb rear through which his companion entered. It la thouglit tne men leit m store through this window. COMPLETE PLANS FOR LYCEUM SERIES TODAY A niA Ht' will ! held at the Com .rii riiih it t o'clock this after- n.trn iiniilta arrangements for the lector and entertainment course to be given here this winter. Seversl mouths sgo twenty residents of the city made arrangementa with the Hrltt Lyceum Bureau to give me course, agreeing 16 be responsible for It.v Edmund vane i:ook. a mu .in iriv the first of the series next Tuesdsy evening, and othera who i kn .niimd are to. J. oiaa. Royal English Olee Blngera and bell rlngera, Virginia Jutme singera anu DHwin a WMtka Comnanv. Mrs. J. w .,. . ' - , vi Mra t. it. Jones and Mrs. W. A. 8hewman. a commute irom on ... . win nartlclnat In the If 1 1 1 M ,1 V . " , ... ' meeting thla afternoon. Th following agreed to be responalbl for the ser les: C. Hchueoel. K. K. urouie, Huntley, J. Toose. Q. D. Kby. The1 Courier Company, W. E. U Ren, J. K. Iledgea, Charles 8. Noble. M. J. L telle. Hugh 8. Mount. Eva Emery Dye, A O. FTeel. H. T. Mcliain. iu. Mnumi. Stanton. George C. Hrownell. Oeorfce A. Harding, William Andresen and John W. Uder. CIJIRMONT' SOCIETY STARTS YEAR'S WORK TheT'lalrmont Literary Society held Ita first meeting since th summer vacation Wednesday evening. Ther waa a large attendance and the meet ing was devoted to outlining me i .,or ii waa decided ror me -- to hav the school grounds Improved, which will b done wiu . . .v- mun win do the work weean. i im .... - -- - . ... ..Ml fnrnlah a hot dm- ana tne -on. "", r -honi ner. to d ir - Th. miliar of having an ex- hlblt at next year uu..y discussed . Clalrmont naa a .vi. ...-a rale hat attracted at me in.- - - much attention, ana was on?r. -ill h. held Wed n.sday evening of next week when a musical and literary progiaui - - given, the program to be In charge of Miss Ethel Bell. Miss Oils Jackson and Miss Antoinette Kuppenumium- .h.n officers for th ensuing year will also b held and an enthus lastlo meeting is imme.i ..--. CHURCH RALLY DRAWS CROWD ' ann AllanH Services At More I nan arl... D.nll.l The rally day exercises at th First u. . ia. i anridnv. were at- tended by more than 300 member Automobllea were omaineu iru... . .v.. iiv and msnv who hsd been unable to attend service i for som tlm were taken to me cnu.uu ... .. n-v. anrvlnoa mnnlstsd Of Spec ial rtiuslo and appropriate remarks i - k IV.. naarnr. Rev. 0. A. Were Ilinun u r -- . .. i. mA mamhora of the churcn . j...,ln. Man. Ml nf the Slin- i ne . day school also took place, and th nipiomna "" " CrnHS, aupnrlntendent i . ...r nmBMiiinn . ... c.' K. r J. FRANKLIN FORT. Former Governor of New Jersey Whe May Return te the Bench. 0 Ifli, by Amarloaa Pra Asaoclatlow. RELIEF CORPS HONORS DISTINGUISHED GUEST The Woman's Relief Corps. Grand Army of the Republic, entertained Mrs. Jaca Wllloughby, Department ln- structo-, moat delightfully at luncheon at Willamette Hall Thursday. Mrs. Wllloughby, who waa accompanied by v alater. Mra. Whiteside, came here to Inspect the work of th corps. She was delighted wlm tne progress mai la hoi n it made, and conarratulated the members of the corps upon their work. She visits eacn corps in me aiam one year. i CEUB MEMBERS TELL II Tka Xf rmnn 'a riuh mat at the Com mercial Club parlors Thursday after noon. About twenty Ave members at tended. Mrs, David CaufleM, who waa recently elected president, presided for the first tlm. Th early part of th afternoon was devoted to vacation atnrlea. which wer amusing as wen as Interesting, this being the first meeting of th club sine the vaca tion days. Among th reatures or me proarmu was th rendering of several selections of a quartet composea or mr. u. . Miller, Mrs. T. Osmond, Mrs. E. T. Avlson and Mrs. W. A. Dlmlck. The elections wer well received. A committee composed of Mrs. W. A. Shewman, Mrs. L. E. Jones and Mra. J. W. Norrls was appointed to meet with committee of men this afternoon . to arrange a lecture and entertainment course for th winter. O. C. To Play Orient Team. The Oregon City High School team will play the Orient District eleven at Oresham Saturday. Th local team xpecta to win, although Orient Dis trict Is a snappy team. ; Th Enterprise has a position open for you. Call at once. Jil i P - -T'l s t ... ' - kf S r I VACATIOI STORIES PORTLAND AND ANGELS SPLIT DOUBLE-HEADER IjOS ANGELES, Oct 12. (Special.) Portland won one and lost one to day while Vernon waa dropping two. The Angels won the first game, G to 1, the Beaver being unable to cop with th flinging of Palmer, a new Los Angeles Ditcher. Steen. ior Portland. waa Ineffective. The Beavers won th second game, 6 to 1, Tom Seaton pitch ing admirably for the visitors, who found "Lefty" Leverens for plenty of nun. Tha ritvlalon of the afternonn'a Biwilla m.liAl fTiA.- Tnrtlan,t Amrai In tne percentage column me same as they were yesterday, but the fact that Happy Hogan'a ruralea were . twice ground under oaken heela increased lh. Da.v.r.' Ia.i1 nVA. . tlial. elrtaat rivals and virtually assures th Pacific Coast league pennant ior fortiana. nlmi vnrflnnfl anfrnra a rretmnnn. oua slump, and the Villagers win every game auring me remainuer oi me nn Mtfralta will iVA lh A hlintlnft- in his suitcase when he goes back to th borne roiks. lotn porttana ana Vernon have stilt 11 scheduled league games to play. Should Portland win but four of the 11, Vernon must win more han nine games to top the Bea vers. Pacific Coast League. Portland 1-6. Loa Angeles 6-1. Oakland 4-1. Vernon 2-0. . ' Sacramento 12-4, San Francisco 6-6 National League. Brooklyn 3-5, New York 0-2. Cincinnati 4, Chicago 3. STANDING. Pacific Coast. W. L. P.C. Portland 108 73 .697 Vernon 112 83 .574 Oakland 777. ........107 92 - .637 Sacramento 88 105 .455 San Francisco 88 108 .448 Los Angeles 78 120 .393 nladilnna Club to Meat. The X. L Club, of Gladstone, will meet thla afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Gladstone schoolhouse. Officers will be elected. ' Today Dan, "the Dandy (Blograph.) The Redman's Dog (Path.) Divided Interests (Lubln.) Japanese Dice . and Butterflies A Beautiful Colored Picture.) The Grand Watch for Vitagraph's Monthly POPULAR OREGON CITY CHURCH WORKER AND JOHN CRAW FORD ARE MARRIED. DECORATION OF HONE BEAUTIFUL Many Haidom Praaenta Received By Young Couple Who Will Go To Housekeeping In Thia City. One of tb prettiest bom weddings of the season took place Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the horn of Mr. and Mra. James Roake, Eleventh and Jefferson street, when their daughter. Miss Ivy Belle, waa carried to Mr. John Crawford, th ceremony h.ln. nurrnrmml hv Rev. K. S. feollin- ger, pastor of th Highland church of iwi.nil formerly of this cltT. To th strain of Mendelssohn' wed ding march played by Mrs. V. Harria, the couple entered tb parlor and took their place in th bay window, wher tb ceremony waa performed. After the ceremony a delicious luncneon as served and congratulations wer ox- tended tbo young coupie. The bride wor a very becoming gown of cream colored lansaown handsomely braided ana wua una trimmings and was made aemi-prln cess. Tb only Jewelry worn was a garnet brooch, which ha been-in tne family for manyXears. Her shower bouquet was of trlde'a rosebuda and asparagus Jerns. The gifts were many and beautiful, including cutglaaa,- ailver and linen. Among the gifts wer suver epoou. from the Saturday Club of the Con gregational church, of which the bride la a charter member, and also a beau tiful chair from th members or me h..OT.h Hvn aa a token Of th high esteem' In which she Is held and for her untiring work. The decorations of the Roake home by Mrs. James Roake, were beautiful and artistic. Tne reception phi in fuinnm of ' which en- ta '.h ratlin and formed a back ground, while tb panor, uving iwui - .i jinini. mnm were decorated with autumn leaves. Virginia Creeper and bright colored aalvla blossom. i . i - i a ih nnrlnr. where the ORjr-wiuuuw K wedding ceremony waa performed. waa a bower of beauty, a dcruuU .... nf Vlrrlnia Creeper sus pended gracefully from the celling to th floor, and mis u wmi"" -huge Salvia plants covered with the bright red blossoms, while large quac- .i.i... .HMimn leaves were usru .u other parta of this room. Between the parlor and the living room was an archway of red and golden colored autumn leavea. Virginia Creeper with Its bright colored leaves wer used In the living room and dining room In . mnat artistic manner. The electro liers of the different rooms were en twined with autumn leaves. -" lamps cst a beautiful golden hue. Mr. and Mrs. urawiora iu . ... i in ih. Roake cottage on Jefferson street near Eleventh. The bride Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Roake. and is one of the most estimable and well gnown juuu6 i. .kia .itv She has been ac- tlv in church work, at present being leader of the uongTesauuu-. a i. ,.na nf Oreeou City Cnoir, am" , . , leading vocalists, having taken part In many entertainmenia R"" cw v.. tnORt of her life CUV. ouw U'.- . " . here, where she has mad a host of friends. , . ,, i..Mn.rnm rami to tnlS City IIIO UllurS..- - - about three years ago from Belfast, Ireland, and It a son oi i" " ., ,...a wh wa a well-known resi dent nf Relfast. He Is a highly es teemed young man, ana is uS.6 0UI1UIIIK. . . .. Only the relatives and Intlmnpe friends of th bride and bridegroom .. .t.. -.oddimr and are as ioi- lows: , Mr. and Mrs. James Roake and son. Verne. Mr. ana . -and son. Albert, Mr. antf Mrs. Samuel Roak and son. samuei. jr.. ' amas; Miss Mamie Roake. of Port . ... ura riAnrsre Gardner ana iwr. "u m.. . Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Slover. of Port- land; MUs Florence k in., n u FTance. Mlas t. n France and Alfred" France of Port- land; Mr. and Mrs. Meivm h . ur and Mrs. Charles rvi iinuu, ..... , .i .1 Dnrllnnd- Mr. SI minim, vii j .... v a Rnl . t . i.v and Mra. K. o. linger, of Portland: Mr. and Mrs . ' nn Mr and Mrs. Wll ilam McLarty. Mr. and Mrs Kennedy MeLarty. Mr. and Mrs. imim LartC Mr and Mrs. Matthew Martin, Mr d Mra. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. ... .nd Mra Harrv Jones, .. --j w a Jones. Mr, and Mrs. John McGetchle. Mls Jean White. Miss Florence White. Miss Flo Hewett, Miss Alice n.,i.liatil Letter. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City postonice tor um ing October 13. I.!.,, u.. Mamie: Payne. Mrs l. imi rv, .... . n . ... T...n navmond: Cooper, U L draier. Guy; Huffman. O. W.; Mo- Adams. Ralph; steang. x. v. The Enterprise has a position open for you. Call at once FRESH FISH ..Fresh boiled ersbs, Olympla oyt rs direct from th shell. Salmon Halibut, Shrimp, . Th finest stock and quality. Macdonald's f ish Market Next to Wells Fargo. OLYMPIA OY8TER8 OUR SPECIALTY. RESOLUTION CONDEMNING PROP- OSITION TO RAISE 120,000,000 IS ADOPTED. nWAYS TO MARKETS ADVOCATED Pomona Orange Not In Favor Of Build ing Trunk Roada With Public Funds At $ This Tim. Resolutions opposing Governor West's road policy were adopted at a meeting of the Pomona Grange which met Wednesday with Mapl Lan Grange. Tb Invitation to Pomona Grange by Harding Grange at Logan to meet with ft the second Wednesday In Jan uary was accepted. Changes in the 8tate Grange by-laws were discussed. Three resolutions pertaining to the road question were muotiuceu vj r. M.GHL They were warmly supported i? State Master C. E. 8pence. After thorough discussion tney were amus ed without opposition. Th resolu tion ar as forows: ' u. i r.anlvMl hr the Clackamas County District Pomona Grange that we favor good roads; out tnai we wmn these roads constructed from the market places to the farmer's homes. "Be Is resolved, that w ar opposed to the program of Governor West's Rosd commission in recumiucuuiuS Indebtedness of 120.000.000 and recommending a one and two-tentns mill tax for Tronaing a tuna toi" Ush sUte aid. W are opposed to the construc tion of the Pacific Highway or other imnk hiirhwava with the Dublic funds at this time excepting such funds as may belong to road aisiricta ids which these roads run or special taxes voted in these districts for use upon the road." ' ' ' BIG CROVD SHOWN PLANS TOR CHURCH . . Th rectory of St. Paul s church was crowded Thursday evening at th reception given the public. Th pre liminary drawings for the new edifice and rectory were ahown by Rev. C m DAkinun rortnr and all wer de- , . iv-vi. i. ' ... . . lighted with them. Mr. Robinson also gave a lecture on cnurcn ircnumiui. and the ladles of the parish served cof fee and sandwiches. The work nas been started on tne retaining wan the river front and the foundations for the church and tower. Th building will be of stone, and is expeciea iu v.- ik. v.ndanmadt edifice In this Dart of the country. Th cost will be about i... ii ,n ii --. - $20,000. The tower wm oe "" ed so as to contain chimes and clock. ROYAL ARCANUM HAS BIG MEETING TONIGHT Deputy Supreme Regent Becker, of the Portland Royal Arcanum will speak at a meeting of the Clackamas Council. Royal Arcanum, in the Com- ...l.l fMiiK narlnrs tonight- The object of the meeting Is the reorganl- ..t nn nr th. orner. r or iuuid uuia k.a h.nn nn the wane, and It has been decided to try to increase the membership. Mr. uecaer is regsru nn. nf th heat nre-anlaers In the order, and he 1 expected to stimulate Interest ln the wor. The Enterprise has a position open for you. Call at once. Six Per Cent Semi-Annual Interest Coupon Bonds. THE CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY It now offerino to our horn peopl Its first mortagag 6 per cent aeml-annual Interest coupon bonds, and as th bond r limited to tl, rail and equipment and all other work, such as grading and bridges, ar paid for byatock subscription th bond Issued by this company ar first class. . Thes bond ar Issued In m following denomination, ylx.: $100. $600, $1,000, Th Clackamas 8outhrn Railway Company offer th following reason why thes bond should b sold In Oregon: ' f FIRST It Is an Oregon enterprise and owned by Oregon peopl. ' SECOND The country traversed by this line I thickly popu lated and ha frlght and passenger traffic In eight to mak It th best paying road In Oregon for Its lenth. THIRD Th bet business men and farmer n th County ar stockholders In this road and authorised th lasu of thee bond at th stockholders' meeting by unanlmou vot. i FOURTH Thes bond draw 6 per e"t Interest and th holdr gets his Interest twice esch ysar. Call on or addr. G. B. DIMICK j. . . Secretorv C. 5. Rv Co. m MOUNT PLEASANT FARMER IS KICKED ON FOREHEAD WHILE . FEEDING HORSES. .' Wife And Daughter Find Him In An Unconscious Condition Nar Animal Recovery Is , Probabl. ' v' W. B. Stafford, a well-known farmer of Mount Pleasant, 1 In a critical coa dltlon as a result of . having; been kicked by a horse. His physician. Dr. C. H. Melssner said Thursday night that he thought Mr. Stafford waa grad ually recovering consciousness. Hi skull was fractured and the physician has removed several piece of they bone. Shortly after upper Wednesday evening Mr. Swsfford went to th barn to feecU and bl wife and daughter be- coming alarmed when he did not re- " turn to th house, went to th barn and found him ln an unconscious con dition. H waa lying near on of the horses .and they at once surmised that he had been kicked by tb ani mal. Ther was a long gash on his forehead. Mr. Stafford waa removed to th house and th physician waa summoned. It was at first thought he was dying, but after the injury wa treated bia condition showed Im provement. , Mr. Stafford Is about nfty-en years Of age, and came to Oregon City -twenty-years ago. He conducted a hotel here several years, and then moved to the Mount Pleasant ranch He is on of th most successful far mers In the county, end aeUs mot of his produce in this city. Hi daugh ter. Miss Roma Stafford. Is a teacher In th Oregon City school. Hi son. Roy Stafford, Is an engineer. , Heart No matter what the occa sion. . wjll fit the srift problem. It's always appropriate always , appreciated useful for years. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN JEWELERS. ' Suspension Bridge. Oregon City. , - I ; ' ' V isy .li.ii.Sf Hits ihe ' Question of the 7 Gift in Y the Wj?jtlS