j MORNING ENTERPRISE. WKDNKSDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1911. , ., r- -"v Her Husband s Letters By HElXXSERAYTaN Ooprrlcht y AiMrint lr Am da l torn. ISO. Edward Bailing and his bride bad . Just returned from thWr honeymoon ui settled back Into ordinary Ufa. Tb00k-n It was ordiiiary-llf , It was changed llf. There waa tb difference between tbe alugle and tbe niarrted atate, which U a very great dlfferesK. Instead of remaining two Individuals, (be j vera to begin futng Into on double person. Those muter In which a married eoupe tuoat ba weld ad ara Innumerable. ThU story tllua t tratea but one of them. On returning from hia oBce at even lng on tb day after bis return from , his wedding trip the young hatband found that the postman had left sev eral letters for him, all of which bad been opened by hi wife. Ha repress ed any expression f tha suf ht abort ha felt and. taking up tha tetters, read them. Tbey were mostly from old chums, who. knowing of hia arrival, welcomed him back, soma waxing facetious on his altered condition. One was from Mortimer Smith, Mr. Bal linger1 most intimate married friend. -Ned." said Mrs. Bellinger. "I d.mt see why your chum, Mr. Smith, should attack ma In that way." "What wayT , "Why." ha says, "your deaf ear will com in handy. When be gives yon a curtain lecture In bed all you have to do la to bury your well ear on tbe pillow and yoa won hear her. Mr. Bailinger was puzzled, tie un derstood the pleasantry of his friend' remark perfectly. Mrs. Bailinger un derstood only 1U nnpleaaantry. H knew that an explanation would be honele-a Hr didnt attempt -oner-He t concluded rather to use tbe Incident to break up in the beginning his wife's opening his letters. "The remark was not Intended for you." he said, "and you should not have seen 1L Old friends, especially men. understand each other and what they say should be held In confidence. If yoa had not opened his letter yon would not have read what he said and would not have been irritated by It." Mrs. Bailinger thought a bit before replying. "Pont yon think thot wife has a right to know what her hus band's friends think of herT Nothing la so Irritating as to be obliged to argue with one wb-i starts with an Incorrect assumption.' Though - Mr. Bailinger controlled himself, be erred In ..being led into an attempted explanation. After ten or fifteen years - of married Ufe he would have taken his friend's advice and covered his well ear. . "You see. my dear, that Smith, wbc ' 1 a good deal of a Joker, has had a long experience In married life and knows"-??: "Is Mrs. Smith a vixen T "Not at all. Mrs. Smith Is n very lovely woman." "Ob! 'Then It Is Mr. Smith who makes all the trouble In the family. "There Is no trouble In the family. "Do you mean to tell me that there Is no trouble in a family when tbe v husband is obliged to cover up his well ear to escape what bis wife has to say to hlmr "Bat, my dear, yon don't understand. ' I don't know a more 'united couple than Mort Smith and his wife." "Wto'. I don't see bow a couple ran be united when the husband has to cover up tbe only ear by which be can hear to escape what hia wife has to say to him. I suppose he Irritated her beyond endurance." "Ton are attaching an importance to wl tic Ism that does not belong to It. patting a matter of fact construction upon It. Mort was not referring to yon especially, bat to women generally." "Oh. I suppose he's otie of those men called women haters who think that everything bad comes from won ' en. I nave no patience with such men." Mr. BaMnger's self control began to give way. "You haven't it in you to understand this matter." be said,, "and It shouldn't have com up oefor you. Ita your own fault Pad yoq respect ed my correspondence you would aH bsvo rvwd that which yon can't fathom. In future yow wltl oblige mo by leav lng my mail untouched." Then were the first ha rah words Mr, Bailinger had ever spoken to hia newly nad wife. He had scarcely uttered them when he saw a tear gathering In her ere. She said nothing mora. In deed. It waa all sh could do to pen np ber feeling. Bailinger tore up the let tun viciously and threw them Into the wnsteba'ket. HI wife went out of the room, putting her handkerchief to her eye at tbe earn time. Th newly mad husband had learn ed hia first lenson in married Ufe. He had learned that th logic laid down by tttunop Whately and more recent writers on the octette would not do for homo nne. II followed his wife, put hia arms around her and kissed away her tear. "You hav heoo Terr unkind." sb aid. ""Forgive m. Ill never do it again And the first matrimonial quarrel waa over. But the wife's opening at ber bus band's letters continued. Her are two letters ah never saw on from ber husband to hts friend Smith and Its reply: "Mort. Ju are a fool to send sue a letter to my house as tbe one Just re ceived. One would suppose a married man would have more sense." "Ned. I admit the Impeachment I'll never do It again. Lunch with me to morrow." ... tA. S1 fKK ww w www ww-ww CwwOCwCOCi points for Mothers Massage For Naughtiness, Almost Invariably when a child Is cross or naughty it la not feeling quite well. This fact appears to b recognized In Japan. There If a child Is naughty or sulky Its parent does not scold It or whip It. but sends It out to be mas saged. And In a abort time the child cornea back In th best of humor. A well known worker, whose expe rience both of Japan and of matters of education la very wide; told a newspa per representative that she la con vinced of the efficacy of the Japanese treatment. "It may seem funny, on th face of It." ah stated, "to massage a child for naughtiness. But. then. If the causes of naughtiness are physical aultable remedies mast be applied. Very often the Irritability of children arise from tbe fact that their stom achs are disordered." And really the Japan plan la worth a trial, rarenta-wcmld proba bly be surprised at th result. On can Imagln tbe conversations at breakfast and lunch between h unhand and wife. At breakfast tbe wife ob serves: "Johnny Is very naughty this morning, my dear. I think yon most punish him severely." Th bun band "Oh. no; that Is out of date. Din little stomach Is upset. lie mast be mas saged." At lunch, tbe husband. "And how is Johnny now?" The wife, "Oh. be was massaged, and in half an hour be had an angel temper." Bat could not the Idea be applied to grownup as well aa children? About School Lunches. If there Is one thing more than an other which is apt to grow monotonous It la the school lunch. Invariably It consists of a sandwich or two, some cake and a plc of fruit This Is wholesome and sensible as far aa It goes, bat too many mothers forget to widen tbe scope of this trio. Tbe sandwich, for Instance, may be most temptingly made and new Ideas be called upon to make it more attrac tive. Instead of on good sized sand wich try making two or three smaller onea of thin bread cot In round, square or diamond shape. One may use chopped nuts, peanut butter, celery and mavonnaise. chopped olives, date Since its foun dation, it has been the policy of this Company to embodyin the JRemington in perfected form, the best typewriter ideas by whomsoever, advanced. t For our latest manifestation of this policy, inspect the new Visible Writing: Remingtons . ., Nos. 10 and 11 which embody every desirable feature extant PLUS an Adding and Subtracting Mechanism, which consti tutes an innovation. " The voice that cried in the wilderness 30 years ago: "You cannot afford to write in the old way," now ac claims with equal convic tion: "You cannot afford to calculate in the old way.". Remington Typewriter . Company dacofparatsd) o 8 Greatest Offer .Ever The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregonian (Clackamas County's Daily (The Northwest'; Greatest Weekly) Until November 1, 1912 Regular Price of the Morning Enterprise by. mail is $3,00 . JUST' THINK More than an Entire Year to Clackamas County's live daily Regular Price of the -Weekly Oregonian is $1.50 This Offer is Good to Present as Well as New Subscribers ancTthe Northwest's greatest weekly lor the price of one paper only. Bargain period ends October 311911. On that day, or any day between now and then, $3 will pay for both papers to Novom tier 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken at this rate after October 31, 1911. Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R. carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on or before October 31. This Offer is Good to Present as Well as New Subscribers Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once flits or prune. uiieTy nunivu cre or lettuce ns well as the more prosaic roast beef, cold chicken, lamb, tongue or bam. Choose, too, is nourishing and delicious. One might Include a cheese sandwich, for Instance, wltb one of meat or lettuce. Then when they are made and ready to be packed don't forget that a covering of tissue or oiled paper will keep tbe bread fresher and tbe sandwich daintier. Vary tbe bread too. Use tbe wbole wheat or brown bread or even rye bread occasionally If tbe child likes It Batter thins or biscuits make a pleasant change from tbe plain white bread. Crisp little cookies or small cakes are often easier to carry and carry bet ter than layer cakes. -Rifht Teols Far School. Aemember when you were a "Utflt. sharer" and first started to school? Remember bow Important was that first copybook and how enormous your first lead pencil looked, and (he de lights of a fresh pen snd penholder, brand new and all your very own? It was nice to have new belenglngs and bar them for your very own self, wssnft It Well, If yonr small son or daughter is starting oat this term for the first time see thst be or she Is equipped with the proper utensils and good onea. A shiny new lead pencil Is lnducive to good writing and better efforts. A new tablet and fresh copybook will be taken cars of and kept freer from smudges because of their newness. Most mothers know the pleasure of good lead pencils, erasers, copybooks, rulers and such things, so let them make the Juvenile path of learning Just a bit easier and perhaps mora attractive by supplying their small hopefuls wltb tbe proper nota. y ... . i The Baby's 8p. ' ' Teach tbe baby to sleep at night. The child's habits will be In s great part what the mother or penwn In charge makes them. For the first three months the Infant should sleep from eighteen to twenty hotiri out of twenty-four. Mare crib' and do not take hltn to ll with one or two oth ers, where he -nnu"t brettbe air tlmf has not been lejirin.il f Its oxygen. If the Infant sleer- n'eno hr will keep cool, grow rapidly, hi fn-d !I?ets better nnd tliore will be little dnngi'r of tuber'ti!oH. , If tbe child Is ranees at nlRhf Im proper, fowl tnuy very likely Ixt ttin cause of It. Asruln. It may be clothing. One of the bent methods of mnnngltr; the baby at nlcht Is to moke a lnrgi bag with n dMtvxtrlng' at th top, titi flresa the little fellow, slip blm Into th." bag and draw the string comfortably about his neck, leaving no ends to dangle in his face. Use light weight of gingham In the summer; In tbe win ter a heavy outing cloth. -3 cooooovcccocx3cccocceocccocp Our greatest clubbing offer. The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonian, both until Novem ber 1, 1912, for only 13. Offor close October 81, 1911. Hint to Mothers. The most Important points In pre paring cereals for tbe little folks are that they ara properly cooked and not naed to excess. Tha ready to cat ce reals should not often, btf given to call dren. Arcadia, Arcadia Is the central state of tba ancient Peloponnesus, Oreeee. it de rived It name from Area, ihe son ot Calllsto. The Inhnliltnnts considered themselves the most nni lent In tlreece They lived Id a state of pence and In nocence, and bene the word "Ar cadla" has come to rfeuota ruxftc Mlm pUclty and cou'nt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. P. M. and 8ndle Mne ntiechel to John Jost, lota 1, 2, 3, 4. t, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, block 87, lots 33, 34, 35, 30, 27. 38, block 82, Mlnthorn's Springs Addition to Oregon City; $1,500. E. P. and Z. M. Wallace to R. H. Snodgraas, land In section 7, township t south, range 3 east; $400. Josiah E. and Mary Ann Ilatson to P. M. Buachel, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, d, 7, 8, f, 10, block 87; lots 33, 34, 35, 30, 37, 38, block 82, Mlntborn Springs Ad dition to Portland; $1,500. Lenta E. Armstrong and Mattle Arm strong to A. H. Mlley, lots 3, 4, 5, block 98, Second Subdivision of Oak Drove; $10. East Side Hank of Portland to Bea trice West, Iota 57. 68, 60, 61. 62. 63, Rosewood; $100. , Christ and Dollle Joose to Edwin U and little Moore, 40 acres of sec tion 19, township 4 south, range I eaat; $10. Per and K. Westberg to J. W, Carl on, 3 4 acre, of section U, township 5 south, range' 8 east; $1. WOODSAWER 18 HURT. J. Kirk, of Canemah, waa seriously Injured Tuesday while sawing wood on Seventh street. While brushing sawdust from under the saw he fell . 4(a m and his foot came In eomsc. saw. A long gash was cot to V Dr. Stuart attend ankle. Dlssoluton to prevent du'"' one of ths . prosecution la lei of high finance. i ft r-i... litiva A nsnsss v-ii la no auch. thing ss p" Maybe, In hia, case, but why j tart trouble In other hometT Etna la spoutln; Hkewl reclprocltyltes. ta" Here is the Only Bargain House Compare our prices with ohera and you will be sure to trade here. New and second hand furniture of all kinds. (Incite, glass and light hard ware. E. W. Mcllien OppoHlte The Grand NOT EXPENSIVE . Treatment at Hot Lake, Inclrdlng medlcnl attention, brd baths, costs no more than you would pT to llv at nr "r j, hotel. Rooma can be bad from 75 cenU to $2.60 P M' . In the cafeteria are served from 20 cent up and in tha 8"" usual grill prices. Baths range from SO centa to $100. ' Wc Do Cure Rhe0matism ; tnd mud lTn tlflo direction bawr fhonsands. Writ d trated booklet d W' Hot Uke B-natoTluri -' t ''" ( f '- the Bketbods Lake alble, l"".lm la y on tU main a ,.r n i n rail'1 zIa special Ion raw to be had at 1I tim agents. H OT-LAKE SANATORI U M HOT LAKE, OREOON. WALTER li. PI CRCC. Prcs.-Mflr,