MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1911. New Creations in Ladies' Coats and Suits Just received by express another shipment of beaut iful ladies' coats and suits direct from New York. Coats with the popular large collars and cuffs. Plain tailored and fancy weaves. A beautiful assortment. ONLY ONE OF A KIND. J. LEVITT See Our Wiodowi. Suspension. Bridge Corner. 10 REWARD fur the arrest and conviction of miv person or persons, who unlawfully remove copies of The Morning Knterprlse from the premises of subscribers after paper baa n placed there br V carrier. Whit He Qivea. Ilr ii.-vr glvee Il w I f auy- bill. IkowUtT"- -I .lloUlJ MJ You arc ruug " "What do-Sl be rt berT "Assorted aat" LOCAL PRICrS Mrs. Ingram, of Carua, waa In thl Ity Tuesday. E. J. Kropf, f Oklahoma, wn In ita city Tuesday. Mr. C(Mk. the merchant Of Mullno, ;wii lu this city Tuesday. John Mulvaney. of Liberal, waa In Oregon fit y on Tuesday. A. I. Jones, of Eldorado, waa In ormon City Tiily.- - Oyaters. any style, at tbe Falls Confectionery, 703 Main street Juhn Rvana. of llazeldale. made a business trip to Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs W. p. ftreen la very 111 at her home on Seventh and Center streets. I'hlllln t Hlnnntt. who haa been to Ask-m. ha returned to Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hattman, of ghubel. were In this city on business Tues day. Mr. Klnor. who recent lr arrived tTOm Sweden, has accepted a position at the ioiies tinlg at ore. , Mr XJL'mlllttiifrAr fnrmarlv lif thla city, lint now of UlKhland, was In this city on business Tuesdsy. Try our !&o. merchants' lunch, at th Kail Confectionery, 703 Main 8L Mr a ii Vmtrhor. nf Vanrouver. wan In thin eltv Tuesday vlslttug her ilnti-r. Mr. J. K. Vntcher. tfttrrv llmtLr iM.nillne- Sat- iirHiiw iittil tliitiilitv at Klnwiwirt. return ed to Oregon City Monday, evening. Arthur Kingston, who recently ar rived lu-rf. from Illinois, haa accented t position us teacher In the public school nt Concord. rt I' link... MI l.uv. thla work for Bay ocean on buHlneaa. Mr. . Baker will go over the new line, which has Just lii-en completed. IV i k'tttiuiFV tin. rtt i h. wiill known ranlili.tilu .f lluVl.aril mm In thla cltV on Mnndny and Tuesday, registering si me icitH trlo Hotel. Mm t.,1... I I ..l mihn baa hn " .v. AV- " " " vlalili, r .. I I -n .1 ..i.ilifj.. In Inrt. n.lKia III1.IJIIH ailU ... ... land, pissed through this city Tuesday on nrr way home to Cams. Ml Klxle Rchoenborn. of Cams, day visiting her mother, Mrs. Richard BcnueniKirn. Hhe was accompaniea oy her brother, Harry, who returned Tuesday evening to Carua. klrhnril u,.k,knKrkrn ahn haa hen pending Neveral days at Newport, re lumed to Oregon City Monday eve ning. Mr I'harloa rwtaal.v l.fl TllHadRT ..... ,T j ... morning for Independence, where siie WHK fiilliiri I. u ha, .I..II. f tha fltlir- V-nrild daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rrank Swope, who formerly Jived in t"!n oily. No particulars were receiv ed ,r t.A ...... . . u nt.iA irlt-ra "t iii7 i-aunn Ul lll -invi a... . - leiith, which occurred Monday eve "nK. The funeral was held Tuesday sfternoon. Hev. J. n I jtndalinroiiuh. nan tor of the Preabyterlan church, and A. R. froat left Monday for Astoria, where f Vino tittn.iai a v . Intiil DraaliV. '"y. Mr. Frost, who was a delegate in in genera nssemniy, wnicn waa n'ld at Atlantic City this summer, Itln.lA K I aa M.aaal akf ill. --"... inn irillll.. wtlli:il wni wj ereminur- ne turned to this dty Monday evening, and Rev. Lands hrotiKh Tuesday. The meeting waa ""Rely attended. r. and Mra. R. Kenneth Stanton nve gone to rowell River where they H1 spend three weeks. Il...n ol . at. In ....iiit-j o"ori, ui mn.ii iui " - the city on business Tuesday. STAY AT HOME Jul come to the Falls Confectionery, "03 Main street, and get the candy jw is made fresh dally. The purest Krdlents are used In the manu facturing of our sweets. Our assort f'nt will grow with your taste and J'Hid Judgment of good candy., If we haven't the candy that you have been U"1 to having, bring us a sample Jn see If you don't get It- If, you nsven't been past our store, you are cordially Invited to come fh and see "f display, I know It will satisfy Jfir fastidious taste and you will kfD coming. Look , for specials on 'andy on Wednesday snd Saturday, "ou can't buy the candy In Portland w the-prlcee we are making. We v want tha ..ti. h...intaa to alar in I , 1 Ofon City, and 1I we sk Is a ylslt to the store slid we know you will coma bark. With courteous treatment and good mnI we re hi u 1 11 yours r1 n. nviiGiVK. Heart to Heart Talks. By rJDWIN A. NYE. SUGGESTION. Years aisu a raiuou riiinlnsl Iswyer one of tin- llret klnhilgin jut Ken tucky went to a ltsrkwokls rounty seat Id Indian to ilvfeud a prisoner Cbsrgel with nninlcr lira wo by tbe fame of the orator, bslf tbe cuuutryalde csuio to bear the speech of tbe eminent counael a speech that wss long remembered to those parts. If linn klnrldee bnd known. Among tboae who aougbt to shake bis band was one shy. homely, awk ward youth to whom the apeaker gave scarcely a glance. Tbe boy was Abraham Lincoln. Unknowu to the brlllluut Urecklu rtdk'e. bla ecb bad awakeuvd lu tbe ungainly youlb a purioe Ibot domi nated all the future. As be tells us. U wss st this time Lincoln deter mined to be a lawyer. He larked every thing. Mo-t of all lie Incketl education. Hut there was the aii-cailon. Tliat aiiKKeHtlou liardeiied into s fixed, unalterable purpoae h puriM- which he hugged tv lata heart mid would not let go The hope of Us reull.iitlou -truck Its root deep luto bl In-lng Home tlmea It was wsteml l.v the teuin ol dlaappollituieill; but. well plallled uutl well nourished. It j:rew und bloanotneil forth. He went by a way he kuew not. but wboae end be knew It Is Bclentllleally true ttiat when de sire become strong enough snd csuxee deflulte suggentlon It Induces suatalned and effei-tlve effort. You ata.'gcat to )ourelf that you w 111 do this thing or tbut You slllrm your Buggentlou over snd over. You do not merely hope It. but yon work at In. yo dream It. you will It to lt so, and Lot You awaken old powers or new ooes you knew not of. And thee power work with you and for you. waking or sleeping. Such Is tbe di vinity within you that, having sug gested the possibility of your deareet dream, yoo go out and make It come true. It works! And that Is the beat proof thst It Is true. Lincoln proved It residential Nominations. - The statement Is often made that no man ever declined a nomination for president. A convention of the Abo-litionl-t party wss held In New York city In November. 11". nnd nominated John P. Male of New Hanip-IHre for president nod l.elc eter King or Ohio for Vice ft"nleul. Mr IliHe declined the IM'IIHIiiltXHi. "nt !'" Hekel wn 1 ft .-! I tST.V I lie r'ree i!l , ,. j - ... ii-itlniiiii ! e ..,, ,, '!, MH! ;lt I'l'lllll 'it ell ,. . . . i.i- i.t- i " ! :i" 1 I1'' , , , , , , . i i i (- , .. . .-..,, ,i . : . .ii il ' An Englishman en "inBl'hmn. In KngiMtid. while bvxki form re strain and levels the ntnveniltien and tbe army, tbe poor people are the timet motley and ninnstng rre-tures in tne world. TtH of bntnoroii" affec'stloiis and prejudice- and twlat- or ironv. Frencbroen lend to he alike, he,Biie they are all aotdlers: l"rui-ns be-cau-e they are all aomethlng w'e. pmr bly poib-eroen. Kven Americans are all something, though It is not easy to say wlutt It Is. It goes with hawklike eyes snd an IrrnMonsI esgernes-. Per haps It Is es-ages Hut two Kngiisn cabmen will he as grotesquely differ ent ss Mr. Weller and Mr. Wegg -i. K. Cheetertoa. The Order of Preoedsnoe. Tbe folr Engllsbwomnn looked pns sled. "How do you manage." ebe ask ed, "about going oot to dinners and about pre-entstlons and all that eort of thing). You have oo order of prece dence, don s yon know." "Oh. mletske not" cheerfully replied the fair American. "We bsve. In deed." . ' bsve not been able to discover It Whst i the basis of ItT "Oh. wo go alphabetically, don't too know." New York ifes Are you substriber to the Morn ing BnterprlnT II not you should call and let ne pu' your nemo on the sub' orlptlon list UamadtateJ; VANITY'S VISION. Ottoman Silk In Demand For Cast Ro vers Coronation Ad Popular thsdo. Ottoman silks era having a consid erable vogue aa a trimming, being es pecially used for collar facings and rovers. Tbe big demand lu Paris bus been for creuiu white, deep yollow. Un end coronation red. Tbrao three eolors have been uaed Id combination mm TUX SIIIBT WalMT OF 1(11. with navy blue and black worsteds and silks. Among tbe novelty wslats are some that have the lower portion made of satin in the aame shade sa tlie suit with which it la worn, such ss black or navy blue, while the uper portion is of white lace or diet net. embroider ed In colors to harmonize. Metal fringes are used on evening dreeaee and dressy blouses. These fringes are made from bullion cords and are In both bright gold and ailver and tbe darker antlijue metals. There Is a greet feeling for bsvlng all dress accessorlea to match, even band bags following tbe fashion and tbe uppera of aboee aa well ss stock ings. In this" blouse the 'Olbson plait gives a fullness that Is most deal ruble to slim figures, but the sleeves snd bodice are cut la one piece. Tbe aide plaiting Is one of the newest features of the sea son. JCDIC CIIOLLET. This Mar Manton pattern Is cut In ! from M to 44 Inehas bust oiassuro. Bend IS cants to thla oftlca. giving numbor. 7131, snd tt will bo promptly forwarded to you by mall. If In haats send an additional two conl stamp for letter postage, which Insures mure prompt d olivary. MODISH FOOTWEAR.. The Crais For Colored Shoos Vents It aalf In Posular 8hadaa. xiia mllci of the fiishlonnble boot makers la thnt the more vivid the shoe tbe more fashionable the wearer. There sre puuis ana s'l Ha-rn or BLOOsa woan with b&isiu beiht likb. t deep purple, glowing cerise, brilliant emerald green and flashing royal blue. With white tailored suits these shoes are particularly striking, esiiecially when there Is a bat to mutch. One white broadcloth' suit, semltal lored, bnd brond collar of emerald green and white striped silk. With It was worn a broad sailor shaped hut of emerald green felt with white kid trimmings. Tbe shoes and stockings were the brightest of emernld green. Another black satin suit trimmed with royal blue was worn with royal blue satin pumps and atocklngs to match. v Of course these colored shoes sre only for bouae and country wear. . Here Is a moat attractive waist to rear with a slightly rained skirt of cloth or any suit materlnL The shaped yoke Is portU-ulsrly becoming, giving, ss It does, a long shoulder line. T JTJDIC CHOLLET."' This May Manion pattern Is cut In alias for mlssra of fojrtarn. alxtsen and eight aan vasrs of aa. Band 10 cents, to thla office, giving number, 7132. and It will bo promptly forwarded to you by mall. If In toast a sand an additional two osnt stamp for latter postage, which biauroe mors prompt delivery. - Equally Divided. ' She I bear that ya and Nellie are married and happy. De-Tee, that la. ike's happy and I'm married. Evidently. "Mary. I've Just been reading about a New York family tbst bad the aame nursemaid for alxty-two years." "Qoodnessl She must bo acting as nursemsid to that family In its sec ond childhood. "-Eichsnge. Our greatest clubbing offer.. The Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem ber 1, 191 J, for only $3. Offer closes October SI, 1911. REDLAfiD FARMER TO CONDUCT STABLE HERE William ftone, of Rtdlaod, has pur chased the livery stable at Fifth and Water streets from E. R. Case. Mr. Htone has leased his farm nt Kedland for three yeara, and will take charge of tbe stable at once. He eipects to make Improvements In the barn and will cater to nil classes of trade. Mr. Htono has one of the finest farms at Kedland, and baa been one of the most successful farmers in tbe county. FOOTBALL RULES ARE ABOUT SAME Time Between Qcariers Will Be Greatly Lessened. CHANGES IN FORWARD PASS. Play Is Illegal If Molatkln Warrior Fails te Held en to Ball Penalty to Be Inflicted For Man Working Hid den Ball Trlek, i The coming football season promises to be -one of tbe most successful In the history of tbe game. Tbe new rules reduced tbe number of acci dents to a 'minimum last, year, and tbe rules as xow modified promise to ellmlnato great deal of tbe danger of players being hurt. v There bave been no radical changes made In the rules rroU those of last year. A simplified wording of tbe old rules la about all that has been done. It waa tbe forward pass that csme in for the most sttentlon from the t-botoe by American Praae AaaocUtloo, Ca.rra.iJia or lsadino wbhtbrk sbo BaSTTSBN TEAMS. (Bonbrook will lead Michigan. Fisher Har vard and Hows Isle rulemakers, snd there le much specu lation aa to whether In Ita new dress ing It will be a Buccess. According to the new rule, a for ward pass la Illegal wben tbe player receiving It falls to hold on to the ball, Wbed a forward pass la declared Illegal It ill be returned to the place where It waa originally put Into play. The aame goes on an uncompleted for ward pass, -vhich la one that hits the ground before being touched by any player on either side. Thla year wben a player catches a forward pass the players on tbe de fensive' can tackle hi in as soon as be catches the ball TJnd?r tbe rules last yesr be bad to wait till tbe man took at least two steps. There were mucn confusion and argument aa to whether or not the rusher had taken two ateps when the tackle waa made. Another Important change In the code Is that which lessens the time between quarters. Last year the players were obliged to wait so long before resuming play that they be came thoroughly chilled, .their muscles stiffening and preventing tbem from putting up their best game. Now tbe teams will only pause long enough between quarters to permit of their changing of goals. In the future. tbe umpire will keep time Instead of the head linesman. In the past wben a captain wanted to rail a bait be had to go to the side lines In order to poet toe linesman so time cod Id be taken out The bead llneeman will also Judge ell offside plays Instead of only those made by ends, ss heretofore, . The ru'es also provide a penalty fot the player resorting to the trick of concealing the ball and such artifice", which did not demonstrate any real football ability. It was on a play where he bad the ball hidden under his Jersey thst Hudson, the Carlisle player, won from FTarvard at Cam bridge aome years ago. Followers of the game ate of tbe opinion that this will prove the most Interesting season In years. , -AW . i.f ' - epfi lr' I fw The do not always indicate the best looking garments. Artists have the knack of making aa ugly garment look well in a picture. But if you'll come here and look tice. . The "Palmes Garment label On the left we show a misses' is trimmed in black with a band of fitted. - , The central represents a child's ing coat has fancy notch collar and The garment on the right is a semi-fitted coat of gray mixture, having trimmed with rows of black velvet Suppose you come today OREGON CITY'S BIG DEP-ARTMENT STORE SONS OF VETERANS TO HAVE BIO MEMBERSHIP Meade Post, Grand Army of the Re public, and the Ladles' Relief Corps, which are making arrangements to organize the sons of veterans Into camps October 25, are especially anx ious that persons eligible outside of the city become members. ' There Is no question that all the sons of vet erans In the city will Join, but Is Is feared that some of those in the coon try will be slow In affiliating with the organization. The Relief Corps will ppolnt a committee Monday to meet with the Meade Post committee, con sisting of D. K. Bill, H. S. Clyde and George A. Harding, to make final ar rangements for the organization of the camps. It Is expected that there will be a membership a.t the start of more than 100. Get Acquainted. Did you ever bave a telephone con troversy or a dispute by mall with a man whom you bad never met? And after "blowing him up" and probably classifying him In your mind with tbe undesirables did you ever meet that aame person face to face and Und him charming. most agreeable fellow to deal with and gentleman whom yoo Were glad to know? We are touching elbows every day with honest, altru istic, congenial people. If we could once break through tbe bard crust of the outer or public man or woman and get at tbe real person who looks at himself In tbe glass earn morning bow much more worth while life might become. Aa a 6ort et Light Training. Cpgardon-Tour cousin Is a prac ticing physician. Isn't bet Atom He has discovered one or two specifics for cancer. 1 -believe, but be hasn't set tled down to regular prsctlce yet Exchsnge. CORRESPONDENCE MACKSBURO . Most farmers have commenced to dig their potatoes although some, of the tubers are still green. Jim Mitts has been trying to get teams to haul grain, but haan't suc ceeded very well as everybody Is so busy. ' School opened .Monday with a very good attendance.' Prof. Jake Mitts opened his school Thnrsdsy with an attendance of 18 pupils but hopes for more. School has commenced at Dryland with Miss Ruby Toedmeler as teaoher. Mr. and Mra. Oanske visited at Charles Harnack'a 8unday. Lucy Mitts called on Miss Edith Harnack Sunday . . CANBY. , Mrs. Rozella Lemons and son, Deney, left lsst Sunday for their home In Medford after a long visit with her parents at Macksburg. . , V Prettiest Pictures ' at these garments, you'll see that the tells the quality storythe style shows for itself. popular - priced coat, made from a gray black satin and buttons. . Coat sleeves have deep cuffs, k is slightly . ' single - breasted box coat of blue herringbone cheviot It's a nobby-look cuffsl trimmed with red broadcloth, . Yoke and sleeves are lined with or tomorrow and look at all good Mrs. John Hart and daughter Asa lea, were Oregon City visitors last Monday. Mrs. Vorphal and son, Walter, went to Oregon City Monday, returning en tbe evening train. Mr. and Mrs. C.i C. Clausen left Tuesday morning for Portland, where they expect to live this winter. Tbeti son. Caral, la going to school there. Mrs. J. F. Eckerson left Tuesday for Portland to spend a week with her sister who haa Just returned from Eastern Oregon. Fifty hogs and three calves were shipped from the Southern Pacific depot Tuesday morning. Mrs. M. T. Mack and little son, Keith. Were Oregon City Tisltors Tues day morning, returning In the eve ning. CLARK ES. Miss M. Schelly visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Kleinsmlth, last week. Mr. Wettlaufer waa In town last week. . 1 Mrs. A as torn, of Canby, is teaching tbe Timber Grove school. The Clarkes new school house Is finished. School will Btart Monday. Eugene Culnmins has started his sawmill. H. Rogers Is hauling lumber for P. Sager. Mrs. Buol and her son Otto were in town Vast week. - Edward Hettman was In Portland on business last week. Joe Wallace Is balling hay In Col ton. Frank Ringo Is In Clarkes. YOU We Watch Out IT ' illustrations do not do them jus mixture. The large sailor ' collar black satin piping aad gilt buttons the collar and directoire reveres gray satin. coats and suits in stock) WEST SIDE CAKAL URGED BY CROSS . (Continued from page L) ' tne Portland Railway, Light A Power Company, Hawley Pulp ft Paper Com pany, Crown-Columbia Pulp ft Paper Company, and the Oregon City Woolen Mills. All of these corporations will have claims for damage and the amounts tbey ask for may have some effect iu determining the route to be , selected. Tax Amendments Deferred. , Tbi Live Wires Intended to take up the question of tbe various tax amend ments at Tuesday's luncheon, but the time was more than occupied with a discussion of tbe different phases of new locks and the matter went over until a later meeting. O. D. Eby's resolution urging the County Court to levy a tax of one quarter mill for the support and main tenance of the Clackamaa County Fair and the State Fair exhibit will be acted upon at the weekly luncheon next Tuesday. MRS. DONOVAN ENTERTAINS. , - Mrs. J. Donovan entertained a few friends at her horn Friday evening at Willamette. The house was decorated with autumn leaves and Chinese as ters. A delicious luncheon was served. Those attending were Mrs. M. P. Chapman, Mrs. R. E. Woodward, Mrs. G. J. Howell. Mrs. Dave Catto, Mrs. Pauline Schwartz, Mrs. Roy Wood ward, Mrs. Ray Forsberg, Mrs. George Woodward. G ET CJLT Advertisers 7 -.';. K j 1