Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 10, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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; "(
By f. a. Nirrcna.
Coprrlcht by A!tMrtca rraaa Awm
ciaifcM. ISO.
la taa dra of alrry Cooai Aa
gvattu Pkard, a LoulaUaa plaater.
had altervatioa wtta a neighbor
about th bound ry Una Ww th
tw plantation. Tb neighbor. SUaa
Green, a outbrniaed Yaakr used
offeaaiv language to th colonel, who
kicked bim out of hla boua., Greea
eoed htm for assault, and on of th
defendant1 alar, . Mart Antony by
nam, baring area tb fracaa. was th
principal wttaeaa. He a aleriT
looking old chap, ami th lawyer
feared that ha dhl at bar Intelligence
aaffldent to glT aa account of what
bo bad aw, Th lawyer for th de
fena. aot wbhlnjc to draw out all tb
darby bad to toll, aaked him bat a few
qaeatioa. toea turned bloa Tr to tb
coanaei for tbo plaintiff.
"Mark Antony aald tbo lawyer. Mo
yoo. know what It Is to atat anything
befor this court that la mot tru or to
keep back anything- that yoo knowr
Do I know datr
"Tea. V yon ndratan4 what It
MM, aad tbo paaJahaMtttr
"I reckon dat would meaa In de
foa placo do aameVlf I aahl do moon
, war made o eh when I know'd it
war mado o' bra. And do aeoood
part would bo do aame'a If I aor Mis
tab Green draw a knife on my mars'
aad didnt aay nothln' at all about It,"
A amllo passed, ow tbo face of tbo
jodg. tbo Jury aad tbo apectator.
Tbo lawyer abowed embarrassment.
"Do you know tbo punishment at
tached to perjury T
"Perjury? Is dat If Mtetah Green
blacker a rd Cannol Ptca'd behind his
backf -
"Well. tape fo e(T fh Jury wiir
that boot wat with referenda to Mr
. -Mlstab Green waa aettla on It
"Sitting on Itr
"Toa. aah; bo waa aettla on It In do
Do you mean to aay you doat knowv j
to whom tbo boot beionjredr
"Dont know notUn' 'bout dat, aah.'
Tell tbo Jury bow It waa that you
could aee tbo boot, yet coukl not a
tbo owner
"Well, aah, do atepe lead In down to
do drlToway are on do aid ob do r
Vry. 1 was look In aidewaya. I rvuldnl
see whoa foot dat boot waa on wtd-
out lookla froo do aWlo o' do boo."
Tbo counsel for tbo plaintiff gar np
trying to Ulyntltr tbo assaulter by
ateaaa of Mark Antony aad rested hta
eaa. Tbo defendant' counsel merely
auted that, whtlo It had been proTed
that aa assault on tbo person of Green
had been committed, no proof had been
adduced that his client had mado the
The Judx Instructed the Jury that if
they considered that It had been
pro red that rtcard aasaulted Or
they were to' Bad for th plaintiff; If
not. for they defendant. They found
for tbo defendant.
"To Donah." said Colonel rvard.'
"will yo to food enough, aah, to per
mit mo to pay tbo ccts In this case
and a line cf J 10? I regyad It a cheap
price to pay fo tbo prtTllege of baring
kicked tbo pJaintlfr out of my house."
Tbo cas U closed." replied tbo
It May B Worn
Eithw Side Out.
rlpplo of smiles
through the coartrooaa.'
"No. Perjury at telUns an untruth
and not teUina- all you know after be-1
tag sworn. State what yon saw on
Juno 16 last at Colood Plcard's home.
"Mark." tbo defendant spoke up.
"tell It all. I'm not ashamed of what
I did. Don't keep aaythln back."
Thus reassured. Mark rare aa ac
count of the fray. - -i
"Well, aah. on dat attemoon Mlstab
Green be com to de plantation"
"What plantation T
"On plantation, of co'se. To' dont
suppose Cunnel Plca'd would po aay
wha to meet a specame ob de po
whit trash? Mlstab Green he come
to de plaatatioo. and I was -waitia at
do do with do bosses and carriage to
drlT do cunnel out fo" de mawaia'
Inspection. Mists h Green and de cun
neJ was la do runnel's oAis risht off
do trailer aad de winder war up. 1 1
beam 'em talkln. I
"Mlstab Greea ww sayln to do run
mei dat de lino between de plantations
run right through de runnel's era "dial:
and do cannot say To mistake, sab:
do bound" ry line war laid down by de
au'Tey. sah. and I am sbo' It run
through yo gya'diu.' Den Mlstab
Green say, 'To lie. Cunnel Plca'd.' "
"This la what yoa beard. Xow ten
tbo Jury what yoa saw."
"What I sor? Why. when de po'
white man told oa of de fus gea'le
mea ob do souf dat he tied, wha yo
apec I sorf
"Go ou-
"I aor de po whit maa comln' fra
do do like de ball coula' out o d
"Did yoo see Coloel Ptcard eject
"I don know wha dat mesa, but
I didnt see it."
"Didnt sea PVard push, shore or
kirk Green out of the door?"
"No. aah; I dida't see dat."
"Wbrce was Colonel PVard wben
Mr. Green came through the doorT
"Dont know, aah."
"TJUlnl yen see Urn or aay part of
-No. taV"
"Waat did you see beside Mr
"Nottin but a boot"
""OS"" i An emearraaaej smile.i
ft y
JLi-j I I
m arrw iux-u.
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This convenient garment, seen ta the
mnstration. is of dark blue satin with
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satin buttons and loop. The blue side
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be used for the towels and the bor
decs made of colored crayon. When 1
the ends of the towels are fringed and
they are folded and put on the towel
Since its foun
dation, it has
been the policy
of this Company
to embody in the
The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregonian
(Clackamas County's Daily)
(The Northwest'. Greatest Weekly)
Until November I, 1912
Regular Price of the
Morning Enterprise
Regular Price of the
Weekly Oregon
by mail is $3.00
JUST THINK More than an Entire
Year to Clackamas County's live daily
f or the price of one paper only. Bargain
period ends October 31, 1911. On that
day, or any day between now and then,
63 will pay for both papers to Novem
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken
at this rate after October 31, 1911.
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well as
New Subscribers
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on
or before October 31.
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Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer
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The voice that cried in the wilderness 30 jean ago:
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in the old war " now ac
claims with equal convic
tion: "You cannot afford to
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Kernirrrjon Typewriter
a 1 t
ra.k or acuta M lrr iT i"r aS-
ataa4 It t vprteiac aow -iri'y k
toweia look.
If Jttl !- t-vr ibjtit9a
ab ay make i -a f aa, u!W
rtotha mzA doUi froa th 4aaak
Ppi vhwii aaay mom t Un.iit u&
hkh took eiael'7 Ukr t!v rcaJ din
as. 5bvca but Lr . asaa vt 'Jb .
vh't rpr. aa4 (watrpaaa raa
aaa bordtra f eat wort rmbmUiny '
Thla la madr by foka tbe mz'tr
pao la tmr prr aad tbrs corrita;
tb rarcra t trove ao f!iat It rt
anitorm oa lb fomr rr
aad ptIIovraaa bmt anwV '4 rb .
papr aa4 tb pUiot; Ctrtt
with ta ratwork.
Heart to Heart
Itia aaj-
nar o&srnart bot.
If jmr hvf aa
(ktf iW vaata
traralat ywut.
P"ga battaacy la great
la l5 carfcal awrk m aatlMi
It la a Urr-r. i t vara. tfcai
ta b trm reaper a im aa4 arOoa,
a II BKbd a larpr (4ac te ta aI i
P ta m-maxi (win It aa M
larprfy art-, awnaa or faOare.
Ta via la kar4 t M(v a
rT ta kwza tLat mj.
B S Lk ife afal kow UaA
aw4 atfy t t fr$rl7 carV mt
Do bm OOsJi rr twrai l4 Uf
hnn aw a nta aua ay TV fr
rei Bbaa V wa;-aa4 -
If b bat wiil uf t-4 lt
lviT wtr (, rucr kija ia ttsvf
ala reaaca 13 t . aJt
I"o tx try i , Unt kj w . '
H m. ai. au w t W.j
pomrr u iS U-a
break tun . ; j lnt t Li: w1
rw-iit t-r- T3 "i-jn r t .
1 la fcj 'r mn :..
aart im ; :
It a m ilia akfe
i iaitir- a t xrrtx I'T
Zvt R U r.i at.:
- .' j rtim m
a a aaat-r U'Vm
Ta fa-W t-r tzi im
VX tb 4 .t- ftMMu' jt
x;gt ft, kaa a ta-te rt
If TW tinrW ixn
Pi iimi t cVr Ufr tfcat b hi
tl U7- Tym fvr W. kia ata
e ai4 tlt ajfofla ta
er tufitvi r rwajV2xx a b
ati ;4rtt.
rt3a IW vra trhar.
U auak a aaaa 4
W ar y jma UiaeiT t rr
1t tl twaway effrr (r
K rW fca&ta V1 I' to tl fvav
tlwt rvr. Aa4 if t wr
r la ta V tl i-r armr tt tr
It an; W rnV4 s
irr 'Virw (
Hry T1m. a proailikmt (arm
r ar lr, W rrViay asoraltc for
a trip c irai Mibi :a Nw Yor
a&4 oflr fU'rri r
i. H OrU-a Jaa Bfea Wt
Koc47 -t T-iaaBroa to kk ffjr Ui-,4
Mr. K1it will p3 lr, ltMn to
kia t ax4 ar t7 tf' rTi.tiajf
Clar- CV4maa wi"l 9'.tAMj
rai.c ki la hurt. Or
v siyvj t t'i4 Ur frr ar
eraJ yra r R a Warrr aM U
aju a torort! wr.k tka rt pxpl
ala tl la.Va faaa. aa Clarv
tkir tair: aitcbr.
.14 fRkaai waa la Otc
r -f-f .sfar
Itr Va. pwUii. U
a ai V o kla arr la tk Marak
1 trwx Mr Vttrii a4 fa.:r ar
af as4 u ri:Mra ar ta
Here is the Only
Bargain House
, w prV MjU(,
ava w-3 k aw ta "raA k jtw
aM a- frja .A ar.
tiva 'M -l. aaaa u4 kM ka
Mra. Trra Uarran. of Hlalr, waa
ri'lB rUtiTa in Orecoa CHr
"Mrl L ilr and Mra. Draba.
'Ji, f,,rtBr' r rNrtUad vtaltora
Mra. Joat,h Worodll and chlldraa
rt'r' " PorUaad naltora
vZ?,? """ R,,f,B VaaWattra. of
Portuad. apot Faturday with tblr
aant. Mra. U Voabrf.
Mr aad Mra i"karla w. HarKo
ka traVd their horn in Oak Cror
to Mr. aad Mra William lUrkadal
for " ar ra of Uad la th Taalatlo
M4oa. Hot. ramiii, w(i. ato
la thlr t i" - " i
Mra. It. Kln-r Trml
th horn of hr na. CkaaW-
P.wtlaad. All tvf
hrr bdld aad kara
br roTry. .
Mra. Emma f
and aon arc l"V?LT
Mra. Ada CocnJ.
Ilalah RW. rf
Satardar with MarJorT ,
I- . . BM
Mr. and M" V, I
Portland lalun '"?lfr
Mr. and Mr H7 r-"
Saturday la Portuaa- -u.
Mra. J. R Ftm H
Grandma Orar. ta ,
"tr br rWd ",.
b Vi v auk brM
Ta." A Tl
i E. W. Mellicn
TrMfanf at Hot Lk; InelndlDg Kadlcal auat.
U'aa. eta no mtorm tllul 70a wooM p.y 0 llr gi
""' eaa b bad from 7J eot to i
tl raMrta ar arr4 from rcata P ad t tW P
"" prWa. Batfca raal from M cwaU W H K
We Do Core Rhecmatisci
Hot LB J?!-.
and "! r" JTT
I tine m a
tboaaanda. T,
iratad book" ai
tb nbodl LTW
Ut Sanara-
albl. a. It
ly oa tk "JZ.
O-W. R- X- nMZ at
apcui - - . -m mr
lo b "
WALTER rt. PICRCC. Prcs.-r1-T'
t-muwfj a iiaftkrtikij
r fcw n-i
tjyrmej, tv, orvd