Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 10, 1911, Image 2

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t-' L BRODIE, tdlter ad
VtrM aa eatw4 ciaaa Mtur Jaa
iar I. till a th Mat flto at Or
iit, uttna, unset ui Aft at
THtm r suuanmoR.
Ob Tmt. by vail . . .
ta M nail Ha. by mall .
Four ainetha. by atall.
Par araak. br aarrtar...
rn Haar ear inoa nrat taaertkM. . . .U
rtret Pan. sal Inch ad44 luwtkai. .la
' Pr atari ad noamoa amy pa. r bi
Mral Inavrnoa .....IK
Wane- pnalttam aay Ban, par baa
a4d4 taaarUoaa 1
Ira paper elhr lhaa flrat a-, par taafc
flriA Ineertlon a
a. tia papal otbar .baa flrat aae, par baafe
v aAeae toeartleeia
UoraJ lc ar Haa: ta ra-ola- .!.
iear e Use.
- Waata. Par Bala. Ta Rant. eta. eate
awt a wart flrat laaartlaa; aaa-balf eaal
aacb additional
Rataa for adrarthtfa la s Waafcty
Cntarprlaa will ba the aaaae u b Itt
ally, for 4arrtarawata aat inalaltj
far tha weekly, .tiara tha aarartmi tat
ta traafarra4 from tbc dally ta tba
. wltoaut cnaarm. tba rata will ba ba
aa taob for ran at tba paper. a4 la a
bar for apaalal poaltlom.
Caah abauld accompany araar abut
party . to unknowa la tinataiea efftee at
(ba Katcrpnaa.
Ufa) adraruatac at laa-al aerUata
Tlreue advertletng and apodal MaaaUat
Khrarttamc at He lo iOe aa inch, aaaereV
af ta apodal rondlltoaa rtrramlne tba
Tire 8alo aai Bankrupt aia"
toamaata St tack flrat liiaartiaai:
jonaJ mailt uoaa) earn, -r, attar za
af'aaarU. wltb tatrroat to local raa
anu aa gMHuy aoeopcaa. wojaciaa
That there' la always a way to put a
check on Imposition ba Just boa
dr men it rat ad by soldier atatloned at
Port RuslL Wyoming.
"'Tha subject of the grievance of
the fighters of Unci Sam tba
prloa of ten coma charged for a three
mil ride on tha street car from Port
Russell to Cheyenne. Protest
made to Cheyenne merchant who
were stockholders In the road that th
far was talc aa high aj It should
be. but to no avail.
Dented tha relief thy sought the
soldiers resolved that rather than pay
tha excessive far they would do their
trading elsewhere. Tha Brat pay dsy
following refusal to accede to th'ir
demands t soldiers. 700 strong. In
stead of spending their money in
Cheyenne, chartered a special train
and went from Port Rnaaell to Den
ver. 100 mile distant, to do their
This course on their part was of
coarse unexpected and waa quite a
financial shock to Cheyenne business
men. They are not now so defiant
as formerly and an early reduction Tn
fare is looked for.
"John L Sullivan, tha rood, gray
poet of pugilism." la what the Boston
Globe calls him. But. then, Jawn is
a Boetonese. which counts.
list, haa a tnlque average ahat. II
has It doped out that It coat 1620 to
save a nlngl soul Id Indianapolis, $341
to make a alngla convention In New
York and only ITS to turn a atusle
person In Atlanta Into tha straight
and narrow pat--. A to. th cost of
saving a aoul In Oregon City, Sunday
hasnt (InUhed figuring yeV
Wants, For Sale, Etc
NaOaaa aadar taaaa ctaaatflad baaw-a
wtll ba laa tod at oaa coat a ward, flrat
laaorUna. half a cant addlttoaaJ b-
ttoaa. va bach car. It par aaoatb
laob aard. aaaaj l par aaomtb,
Caah maat aooompaa ardor anlao on
baa aa aaoa mini wltb tba paper. M
ftaaaclal raapoatalblllty for error; wbart
arror aaowr froo oarraotrd aatlaa will b
araatod far aatraai. anaimum abaraa IS
aoa ta propay
I on aal at tha following store
S every day:
Huntley Broa Drags
Mala Street
J. W. McAaulty Clxara
. - Seventh and Mala.
Oecreat Confectionery
Mala near Btxth,
d M. K. Dnnn Confectionery
Next door to P. a
d city Drag 8tore
Electric HoteL
Scboenborn Confectionery a
SeTenth and X O, Adams. e
Mm. Simone, Prench actress, told
New York reporter that her one vice
Is sleep. Most actresses are not wick-
'ed in thia respect.
With an the trjsts dissolving Into
component companies It begins to look
like tfe gentlemen's agreement would
have to start on overtime schedule.
Oct 10 In American History.
. "sdBl a eavvu. aaaaa,aaa a
born 173&
ISS-Samnel Jackson Randall, states
mam, born; died 1890.
IMS-United Utea Naval academy
opened at Annapolis. Md.
y JS4-SateUite of Neptune waa diacov-
erea. -
1872 Wtniam Flenry BewanJ. states
man. dd; born 1801.
1901 Lorenzo Snow, president of the
Mormon church, died: born 1914.
1910-Foreat Orea along MlnneaoU-Ca-
nadian border coat 342 Uvea and
canoed 1100.000.000 property loss.
fFrom noon today to noon tomorrow.)
Sua sets 624, rises 6.-03: moon iies
647 p m.: 13) p. m.. moon In con-timr-tloe
with fiatnrn. DaaaJna. from
west ta east of the planet: 4' degree
north thereof: sun's declination. 6 de
grees 40 mlnntea south of "al
The latest report of the National
Child Labor Committee does not justi
fy the complaint that the states are
indifferent in the matter of child labor
The report shows that within the
last twelve months thirty states have
passed measures to repress evils in
the employment of children. Colorado,
Missouri and Wisconsin have estab
lished an eight-hour day for children
under 16; California and Washington
have an eight-hour day for women and
children, and similar action has been
taken generally by the Northern
states. Following the lead of Missouri.
North Carolina and Georgia have regu
lated the hours of child labor.
The National Child Labor Commit
tee, Instead of wasting time seeking
Federal legislation upon the subject
has directed Its energies toward the
state legislatures and the result has
been eminently gratifying.
The local management of the Wil
lamette Pulp at Paper Company de
serve the greatest commendation ' for
their voluntary establishment of the
bonus system which they Inaugurated
last week. The miU'lbJcoTda show to
an exact pound the output of paper of
any certain day tn the year. This out
put has varied from 185 tons per day
of twenty-four houra to slightly over
S00 tons of common news paper. Tak
ing 185 tons aa the minimum output
of paper per day expected, every day
the mill turns out 190 tons of paper,
every man directly connected will re
ceive bonus to hla regulsr day's
wagea. Should they produce 193 tons
every man will receive 10 additional
wagea for that day's work, and with
an output of 200 tons, which haa been
done a number of times, 15 bonus
Is promised. This bonus plan affects
over ISO employees who work on the
various machines In Mills C and D.
The scheme haa Innumerable good
features. In addition to Insuring the
mill officials the largest possible out
put consistent with good workmanship
the movement will have a tendency to
bring the employer and employees
closer together. Each man will have
more of a personal Interest in his
work, aa each man wtll realize that
upon him and hla work as an individ
ual and the result of the efforts of the
men aa a whole will result In a iVc
10 or 15 bonus in addition to his
regular day'a wages. In case the out
put la 195 tons a man getting $2.00 a
day will receive $2-20 for that day s
work and the man earning 14.00 will
get $4.40 for that day. The plan is
simple and will be most effective. The
adoption of a almilar plan by other
large manufacturers would eliminate
much of tbla talk of "soulless cor
porations," etc
a a a
A moat Important matter to the
whole state of Oregon Is the question
of the legality of the Initiative amend
ment to the state constitution. This
will soon be threshed out In
United States Supreme Court, the Pa
cific States Telephone ft Telegraph
Company contending that this meas
ure Js Illegal. The outcome will be
eagerly awaited as many subsequent
measures are dependent upon the de
cision of our highest court.
a a
Theodore Kmse, the missing hotel
, man of Portland, has been seen In
I England. The right thing for Kruse
I to do is to Join one of the "crews" of
a westward bound boat and "cruise"
j home.
! a . a
I The other day Judge Landis fined a
man a single penny. This is the same
1 man who fined the Standard OH 29
, millions two years ago. The cent was
i paid, but we don't know about that
I other fine.
a a a
I Jagerschmltt, the Frenchman, has
! completed his tour of the world In
thirty-nine days. That's going some
even in these days of flying machines,
tireless cookers, and ''hlplpss women."
Billy Sunday, the base ball evange-
WANTED Tourists and local people
to see my collection of arrow-heaiia
coins, Indian trmkls. !d
and curios of sort Will tu
or sell In thu iiu Have am )!iwl
bargains In sermidhand furniture
and tools. Ceorao Young. Main
near Fifth.
WANTED Live eollcltora for
county. Liberal terms to
handle the Morning Enter,
prise and Weekly Oregonlan
during bargain, period which
ends October 31. Call, phone
or writ Circulation Manager,
Oregon City Enterprise.
WANTED Fmal Hlp.
WANTED Competent young lady to
act aa clerk and stenographer In
District Traffic office Oregon City.
Apply W. R. Logua, Telephone of-flee.
WANTED Girl for general house
work; must be good cook; good
wagea. Phone Main 3044, or write
Box 409, Gladstone,' Ore.
-1100 will ba'y a team ami
harness; weight I30O lbs. Home
phon. Beaver Creek. Oscar May.
FOR SALE Suburban home of seven
acres, fine soli, all level, good road,
near school. 3 acre clear, balance
slashed, some wood, all fenced, tele
phone service,, small cabin, Mont
Pleasant precinct. I 12 mllea from
Oregon City. Price $1,000. small;
paymeni.caan, oaiance easy terms.
Frank Rotter, owner. Eleventh and
Monroe, street. No. 1106, Oregon
City, Oregon.' phone 3532.
Aeroplane Will Certainly Have
Important Part In Future Wars
J mM Jiii
Phot by Am art can Praas association,
A KMT Ben all over in world are intareated tn tba tremendous progress
recently mad la aviation, and ail the nationa that maintain targe
standing armies are experimenting wltb dirigible baiioona and aer
w plane. At every aviation meet the utility of the aeroplane In war
far la demonstrated by dropping "bomb" at marks daaiguad to reprwaant
forta and battleship. No en knows Just bow valuable the aeroplane wiu
be In actual war. bat there ta no doubt that It wUI play aa Important pan in
future hoatUltiea and that future battle wfll be large!? fought ta tba air the
United Stste government la not behind European nations In developing in
aeroplane aa an adjuurt to the army and navy. A ecore of graduate of West
Point and Annapolla have already become expert aviators and nave made
flights st various meets sll over the country- The picture above show Lieu
lensnt Kay K Inland on tn left and Lieutenant Tbomaa DeWIti MlUlug
seated In a government seroplan and ready for a flight.
FOR SALE City Warrant for $61.48..
drawing 6 per cent Interest Ad
dress Oregon City Enterprise.
FOR SALE By owner ten acrea good
timber land on Clackamas Southern
railroad, two miles from Oregon
City limits on Highland road; all
level;. $165 per acre. Address Ore
gon City, Route No. 3, Box 63.
farm 2 mile northeast of Oregon
City; aale price $6,(00; rent, price
$100 year. Inquire Mrs. Ulile
Aune, 1414 Center street.
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
O. D BBT. Attorney-et-Lew. Money
toaaed, abatracta ftirnlahed. land
title xamlnd. estatta Battled, gen
eral law bueneoa Draw Bak hi
Oregon City.
Law, Deotacber Advokat, wfll prae-
tlne In all courts, mak collections 4
prise Bldg.. Oregon City. Oregon
HARKT JONES Bufldr and Oeaerai
Contractor. Estimates cbeerrall'
given on all classes of bnlldlns
work, concrete walfcs tna retaforrwd
concrete. Re. Phone Mala 111
Perseverance Once Learned I
on the Farm Will Bear i
Fruit In Later Years
By Mayor WILLIAM J. GAYNOR of New York
f-TIE great quality of perseverance is learned on the farm AS
NOWHERE-EIE Tho ity peoplo rh about- MADLY-
av. V i j, i i , ..
...v. w.u. jujiijj in B mr Him h iki nve cruin and
go back and forth with no time to s pare and do just their
formal task as they have to do them from day to day. TUEIIE IS
XO EDUCATION IX TIIAT. There is nothing ennobling
, about it '
x There is no tim left for them to think or to invent or to do any
: great thing that the cities, according to their population, do not pro
duce) the number of great men they SHOULD YIELD.
Hut out in the country the legnorni of life are RADICALLY
- DIFFERENT. You learn the lessons of hardship. You Jearn that
you havo to work, wet or dry, njid in the boiling sun and endure it
. all, too, in the shine, or downpour or go into the woods in the winter
and log it and cut snd skJJ your logs and haul them out and hew out
the snowbanks in order to extricate yourself half the time.
K. H. t'OOPPTR. ' Fn Fire Insaraner
an? Real Estate. Let as hsndl
yonr pro pert lea w buy. eell and
exchange. Office In enterprise
"Me.. Oregon City. Oregon.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice In hereby given: That there
are sufficient funds on hand in the
City Treasury of Oregon City to
pay all outstanding GENERAL
FI ND WARRANTS endorsed prior
to. November 2th, 1910.
IntrreHt ceases with the date of
this notice.
I)ai d at Oregon City, Oregon, Oc
tober 10th, 1911-
Treasurer of the Corporation of Ore
gon City.
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance for making an improve
ment of Fourteenth Street, Oregon
City, Oregon, from the East line of
Main Street to the West line of
Washington Street. .,.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
T-teetlrtt) l. The of OposeiTIm prove
ment of Fourteenth Street, Oregon
City, Oregon, from the East line of
Main Street to the West line or
Washington Street, shall be made
according, to the plana and specifi
cations filed In the office of the City
Recorder of Oregon City and ap
proved by Ordinance adopted Octo
,ber 4th. 1911. which said plans and
apeciflcatlons are hereby referred to
and made a part of this Ordinance.
The Improvement shall be con
structed as follows: The Street
shall be brought to the sub-grade
the full width thereof.
On the road-bed macadam shall be
placed not less than six (6) Inches
thick at the center of the atreet and
not less than (9) nine Inches thick
at the curbs, and when completed
the said road-bed shall be brought
to grade specified In. resolution
adopted October 4th, 1911.
Said street shall be properly pro
vided with drains, catch basins, and
gutters necessary to preserve the
grade, embankment and surface of
' the street and provide all proper
drainage. Sidewalks shall be made
of concrete except where upon ap
plication to the Conn nil, owners are
permitted to have wood walks laid.
All sidewalks will be sis feet and
' laid to the property line. Curbs
shall be laid on each side of the ma
cadamized portion of the street JO
feet from the center line of . the
street where the .road bed Is forty
140) feet wide. Curbs shall be of
concrete and set vertically to sub
grsde of the street. Cross-walks
shall be of wood four (4) feet wide
and not leas than three Inches thick
and all said Improvement shall be
msde according to the plans and
specifications filed September 2.1th,
1911, and approved thereby.
Section 2- The Improvement shall
be classed "Macadam" and shall be
maintained by Oregon City for the
full period of ten years, from dste
of acceptance by the Council.
Section 3. The City Recorder of
Oregon City la hereby authorized
to advertise for and receive propos
als for said Improvement, but the
City reserves the right to reject any
or all blda therefor, and the Mayor
and Recorder shall enter Into a con
tract or contracts with each person,
Arm or corporation to whom the con- ;
tract or contracts are let by the !
Council of Oregon City for the Im
provement or parts thereof as speel- I
fled by this Ordinance. !
Section 4. Each contract shall i
contain a stipulation to the effect 1
that the person, firm or corporation
to whom said contract or contracts ,
are let, shall look for payment only ,
to the sum assessed upon the prop-;
erty liable to pay for auch Improve
ment and collected and paid Into the I
City Treasury for snch purpose and
tbey will not require Oregon City
by any legal process or otherwise ,
to pay the ssld sum out of any other j
fund. I
Section 6. Whereaa the condition I
of said street was and Is dangerous
to the health and safety of the pub
lic and lta Immediate Improvement
is necessary for the Immediate "pre
servation of the health and safety
of the public, in the Judgment of the
Council of Oregon City an emergen
cy exists; therefore this ordinance
shall be In force immediately upon
Its approval by the Mayor.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council of Oregon City held on
the 6th day of Oc tober, 1911, and to
come up for second reading and final
passage at a speclnl meeting there
of to be held on the 20th day of
October, 1911.
j. HTIPP. Recorder.
Oregon, from the east line of Center
street to the west line of Taylor
street and subject to ssaessment for
the Improvement of said Ninth
street and that the undersigned will
meet at the Intersection of Ninth
and Center stret, on Ue 18th day
of October, 1911. at o'clock p. si
for the purpose of viewing aaU
properly and estimating the .vsluo
thereof, and-this value Is
used as a basis upon which to estlJ
mate the proportion of th Improve4
ment of said Ninth street as the
same la now being Improved.
That John Illttner. O. 1). Eby and
H. C. Stevens were heretofore ap
pointed to make this appraisement
and they, with the City Engineer
constitute the committee for that
puriiose. 1
The property upon whlrh the
value Is to be fixed and the owners
thereof are aa follows:
Lo? 1. block, 41. County Addition
to Oregon City. Mary A. Randall.
Lot 8, block 43. County Addition
for men and woms
A bank account la art vldane f
charactsr, and a bank book shewing
regulsr deposit la th passport i
opportunity and tba key t suceeaa.
Enroll yeuraslf a a depositor htr
at once and baoom mimbir of th
opportunity slub." .
On dollar will start a Savings sesount
The Bank of Oregon City
lJkTOURJrTn Pieasdenl
Treeeae a-aer! BaWrt Boeleeoa. Open traaa A. at, ti 1 1, a
to Oregon City. Mary A. Randall.
A Iran beginning: The laud
hounded by a line at lb monument
at the liitrr.M iwn of Ninth and Tay
lor street in Oregon Cliy. Oregon,
ami running Itaenre (4 degrees, 35
degrea rt I wo hundred and aev
ntylitht :: f". Ihence north
3!l denrv Si nilnuies east one hun
dred and l.v seven 4 lT fert to
the land belonging to C. t. Ilaty.
December 1 Kth. ll. thence south
erly along the Ho of said Italy land,
two hundred and seventy-eight CTl
feet, thence south 3S dearee 1& min
utes east one hundred and slaty,
seven 167 fc-l lo place) of begin
ning. I. I. Verhaag.
Not I. lilK- H. County Addition
to Oregon City. C 8. Ku.
Ut s. block' ST. County Addition
to Oiegon City. Mary Randall
A -tract of -bind beginning at tha
Intersection of Ninth sad Harrison
shown by 111 recorded 'lals there
of, and running thence north Ji de
greea :S nilnuies east, one hundred
and sixty seven (1671 feel lo the
line of V. r. Raty. ihence southerly
along th line of aald Ilaty, two
hundred and seventy-eight (I7
feet, more or less to th center line
of Polk street extended, thence south
erly HI feet :S minute along the
center line of olk street extended.
to the-Intersection of Nlntb street
and I'ols stret; thence north 44
degree 35 minute weal two bun
dred aeventyelgbt (J7II feet, more
or lea In tbe place of beginning.
V. O. Krlhgg.
Lot 1. block 3C. County Addition
lo Oregon City, easterly feel of
the northerly M feel. A. O. Tree!.
Lot I. bbrk 36. County Addition
to Oregon City, westerly 7 feet of
the northerly &l feet. Ed. Rechner.
l4t S. block 3(1. County Addition
to Oregon City, northerly 1 1 feet
thereof. A O. rrel.
lxt . block 3d, County Addition
to Oregon City, southerly 61 feel
thereof. Ed. Recknar.
A tract of land: Ilegtnnlng at a
point en the northerly extension of
the easterly line of Van Huron atreet
' In Oregon City. Oregon. II fe
from the northwesterly corner of
block 3ft. or the County Addition to
Dragon City, running ihence north
erly on a further extension of V'sn
Ituren street. C feet; thence at light
angles In an easterly direction Sin
feet to a northerly extension of Har
rison street; thence at right anglea
in a southerly direction Ga feet,
thence at right anglea In a westerly
direction 210 feet, to the place of
beginning. It Is also provided that
slrlp 10 fet wide by III faatt..
lo th north of th shot, x,.
subject to uae sa prt,,
Alao beginning at a point Is u aw
- erly projection of the Brthr,T
Hif Ninth street In Or citi
on. at a stake r.o fet from Uu
easterly corner of hlork hi,
Ihence easterly on a rurtar sriw
lion of aald north tine f gw
streel to a stako. tbeace aonUrt,
at right anglea no feat u i
theme westerly st right aortal jj
feet to a Stake. feat fro) y
block 107. Ihenre atailhrrly u fa
anglea C feet to lb )Uc at
glnulng. Congregational fkarri
Lot I. block lfi, Oregua City, Or,
gon, Sarah A. t '
Lot 4. block I (17. Orvgog City, 0r
gon. Chamber llowetl.
Ut I. block l'jll. Oregua city. 0
gon, Ix-lla Shannon
tail S. btork I VI. Oregua City Ore
gon. Frank Irian.
tBf Trblork -4 1. Oregus Chr, On
gon, lu la Wanier.
Ut t, block Itl.Oregoa CUtTST
gon, Oeorge Heddswsy.
lilt 4, block 142. Oregoa CltT.0n
gon, Peter Younger.
. lt t, block Ml. Oracas CD)
Oregon. 8. A . E. li A at. T la)
Ut 1. block 12H. Oregoa Citf.Oo
. gon. Wm. and M Kheenaa.
l;ot 4. block 127. Orra Cltj,
Oregon, Chaa llannaford.
U)t I. block III, Orafos CH,
Oregon. CarrtCheey.
Ul I. block 111. Oretos On,
Oregon, A. V. Cheney.
Lot 4. bbick 114. Oretos Oil,
Oregon, John A. and Nura Roxka
Ut 6. block 114. Oregos On.
Oregon, Eva Emery hy.
U 1. block loo. oregoa City. Or
gon, Ernest Rands
ljut . hlork 100, Oregua Clty.Ow
gon, A. Wr Cheney. - '
IH 4. block . Oregon City. On1
gon, easterly half Jean M. Wilts
UtTr block r-eetra City. 0
gon. westerly half J W. ani S laa
U)t S. block . Oregua City. 0n
gon. Kvs Emery )y.
Uit I. block i. Oregiw City, On
gon. II. L. Kelly.
Lot I, block Oregon City, 0r
goo. If. U Kelly. .
Ut 4, block f.l. Oregoa City, 0
gon. II. 1 I'atteraon.
Lot . block M. Oregon City. W
" gon. Alice Patterson.
O. ti. EHV.
. C, 8. NO ui j-:.
City Eniiseif
Notice to Property Owner on Ninth
To Mary A. Randall, C. 8. Fuge. U. O.
Kellogg. Rev. L. Verbagge, Edward
Reckner, A. O. Kreel, C'ongregallonal
church, 8. A. Cliax. Chambers Ho
well. Delia Shannon, Jennie Trimble,
Frank Irish, Lou Warner, Oeorge
Reddaway, Petf-r Younger, 8. A. Rob
ens, E. O. Roberts. M. T. Roberts,
Win. and M. Sheehan, Ed. Fuge,
Chas. Hannaford. I). C. Latourette,
Cnrrle Cheney, A. W, Cheney, John
and Nora Roake, Eva E. Dye, Ern
est Rands, J. I), and 13. Ross, and
John M. White. -You
and each of you are hereby
- not I fled - t h att he-n nd enri gned ha ve
been appointed as appraisers of the
property hereinafter described ly
ing on Ninth street, Oregon City,
"aaaBaaaxaxaj saBaalaaaBaeaBalBBnB
We have the best at low
est price. Lay ta
winter stfpply
Korrct Poultry Food. '
Commission Co.
Oregon City.
Every effort to attract trade helps,
even if it only draws a child's wish
for candy. Electric light for wind
ows and signs should be given a
chance to fae tiseftiK Every mer
chant can now get double electric
light at no increase in cost for elec
tric etirrent by using IWAZDA
lamps Made inall--sises -We
have them and will be glad to tell
yoa about them.
. ' ' "" "" '. a
I . ,
MAIN omCE 7th ond Alder Streets