Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 08, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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" t.
To Mr. William Andresen:
Appreciating your Integrity and
faithful service as Chairman of the
HninM Committee, of the Council
of Oregon City, during tit past all
years, where your efforts have been
for an economical administration,
your constant and conscientious en
deavor for a clean and progressive
city, and realising the imperative
need during the coming year of some
one at the head of municipal affaire,
whose fidelity to the city's Interest
will he unquestioned; we, the under-
signed cltliens of Oregon City do
most sincerely and urgently request
that yon allow the use of your name
as m candidate for Mayor at the com
Inn city election.
if you acct-pt the nomination, we.
the undersigned consider our names
affixed a placing you in nomination
as an Independent candidate for May
or, at the election to be held In Ore
gon City. Monday. December 4. Mil:
George A. Harding. Joseph E.
Hedges, W. A. Huntley. Roswell L.
Holman, O. IX Eby. J. U. Campbell,
J. E. Jack. George F. Johnson. J. O.
Staats, W. L. Mulvey. S. F. Davis,
L. B. Williams. G. II. Wlshart. C W.
- Robinson. Linn K. Jones. John W.
- Loder. W. B. Eddy, A. B. Hermann,
v Dan. Guenther. Charles Benler. - W.
a U'Ren. F. Wlevesiek. J. L. Sw af
ford. C. Schuebel, F. W. Greenman,
K. T. Avtson, C. L, Blakealee, T. P.
Randall. A. A. Price. A. B. Wilmot.
E. Bailey, a F. Scripture, H. Wil
liams, Roy B. Cox. J. W. Non-la. T.
A. Pope. J. C Cook, J. A. Roake. U
Adams, W. H. Howell, C H. Melssner,
T. L. Charman, R. Jacobson, L. J.
Lageson, W. W. Miller. M. D. La
tourette, F. J. Meyer, J. J. Cook, Mill
ton Price, Charles H-Xaufield. E. S.
' Canfield. John R. Humphry. Percy P.
Caufleld. A. Matheson. D. C. Williams,
R. Petsold. F. Happ. George Straight,
J. L- Straight, WVA. She man, A. E.
Frost. Leon De Lanes, V. R. Hyde.
George Mar ley, George W. H. Miller,
John Younger, Frank Betxel. F. B.
Schoo inborn, F. Garrlston, J. F. Goi
efsky, H- J. Bigger. R. W. Brown, R. J.
Hodgson, E. C. Selby, J. M. Volkman,
C. H. . Frtedrish. Duane C Ely. F. K
Albright. A. F. Jack. O. A. Pace,
George" Reddaway, E. P. Starr. B.
Morgan, George V. Ely, BonNefieer,
Georie Blssbager, C. Trot ski, A. S
Klelnsmlth, M. K. Dimick. D. W
Humphry. V. W. Mass. K .U John
son. Frank Bunch, E. T. Fields, Toid
E. Binford. H. D. Larseo. F. C. Gadke,
8. A. Hayworth, C. II. Die. Tom J
Myers.. George Hoye. William M
Stone. Charles F. Ballinger. Harrr K
Draper, John Adams, Harry Kellogg,
Frank Moore, W. E. CarlL L' A. Mor
ris. L. Ruconlrk.-John Huerth. CI K-
Grlffth. H. a Cartudge, E. P. Elliott,
& O, Miller. A. J. Surber.-H. Seydel.
Jeppe Rasmussen,' Charles Wright. J
E. Vatcher, U A. Nobel. H.- E.
Straight. J. C. Bradley. C. N. Hart.
Charles Schram. Joseph O. Meyer,
Wm. J. Wilson. II. W. Trembath,
John Ylgelius, E. A. Brady. J. W. All
dredge. B. S. Follansbe, F. Champion,
a A. Lewis. O. E. Campbell. Fred
A. Miller. A. M. Whit. H- Horning,
F. J. Toote, Walter S. Wells. L.
Stlpp. T. Osmund, U Nathe. IV F.
Everhsrt. F. M. Darling. F. F. Curren.
Henry Brand, Emit Schrader, R. Ferg
uson. C. Prlebe, William E. Estes.
M. M. McGeehan. A. E. Rugg. F. II.
Cross, W. C. Green, F. A. Klooster,
Elmer Dixon, A. J. Knightly, I. N.
Hewitt. W. A. Dimick, William ' Me-
Larty, E. A. Chapman. C. Ladd. 8.
Macdonald. A. R. Doollttle. C. A.
Stuart, W. Maghensky. J. S. Smith.
II. L Kelly. Harry M. Stevensey, E.
Schwab. Oregon City Manufacturing
Company, ArthurDeute, W. Bottom
ley. E. M. Babcock. D. H. Bottemlller,
John Ambler, T. Strohmeyer, H. C.
Gates, W. D. Hamm. F. McCausland,
H. Hoots. J. M. Trimble. Ben Baxter,
James Shannon. H. liunnlngham. W.
J. Gleason. F. Buxhie, W. Cannon. J.
J. Tobln. H. F. Pusey. R. L, Hols
claw. M. E. Park. & A. Elliott. H.
M. Miller. J. R. Landsborough, W. R.
Krapberger. F. Albright. ' Charles
Prlster. M. A. Elliott. F. D. Sturges,
Ralph J. Eddy. W. 8. Redes, T. W.
Sullivan. Henry KelL A. C. Thomson.
C. Sanders. F. Haun. M. D Phillips,
0. ricsson. J. M. Mark. E. H. Con
fer. James McFarland. Earl Luta, H.
1, Martin, I. Tolpolar. E. Fv Grtsex. E.
J. Humsbert. J. P. Schmlll. J. F.
Hodpe, Thomas JJrowrx, Irving T.
Rau. J. D. Lowry. W. H. Clark, J. E.
Armstrong, G. Dambach. F. A. Mas
11 n. G. W. Bigham. E. M. Howell, S.
A. D. Hnngate. C. W. Pope. J. Gor-
If You BeKeye
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We have adopted a new profit-sharing plan which is equiv
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$3 will pay for both papers to Novem-
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken -at
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Subscribe with your postmaster, or RR.
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coooco cococccccocooocccocococooccoccoocooocccocccoccoccccocccc::'
Bible Stud every Thursday after.
bett F. A. Miles. A. J. FUber, A. U
Williams, George Randall, F. F.
White. W. L. Lunt, C. H. Dickey,
J. D. Balcer, S. V. Francis, C. F.
Uottberg. J. Mlchels, W. R. Reddlck,
A. p. Cannon, H. 8. Raber, W. Peters,
W. E. 8ood, Fred Gauger, W. R. Clark,
George W. Shepherd, Arthur I Lam
bert, Robert Peterson, Charley Wls
land, Guy Reddlck.
At a business meeting of the Clack
amas County Rose Society held in
the. parlors of, the Commercial Club
Saturday afternoon a committee was
appointed to engage an expert to de
liver a lecture on ''The Fall Culture
of Roses" In tbe near future.
Plans are under way to have a
larger rose show than ever before in
this city next June. Many new fea
tures will be Introduced. It Is plan
ned to hold tbe meetings f the or
ganization In the future in the Com
mercial Club parlors Instead of at
the homes of various members.
First Baptist Church Main and
Ninth streets, 8. A. Hayworth, pas
tor. Preaching by the pastor at 11
a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; the Sunday
school meets at 10 a. m., H. E.
Cross, superintendent; Christian
Endeavor at 0:30 p. m.; all are wel
come. A gospel service In the eve
ning for the good of sinners
(church sinners Included )Bt-Rev. 8.
A. Hayworth will preach on "Turn
or Burn; God's Ultimatum.
German Luthern Church (Ohio syn
od) At 10:80 Rev. H. Mau, the
newly called pastor, will be Install
ed at St. Peter s cburcb at 8chubel
At 3 p. m. Installation service will
be held in the German Lutheran
church at Oregon City. It Is hoped
all members and trlends of the con
gregation will witness the solemn
rites of Installation of the new pas
tor. Rev. A. F. W. Benzln, of Aurora,
, Or., will be in cbarge of both ser
vices. Catholic Corner Water and Tenth
streets, Rev. A. Hlllebrand pastor,
residence 912 Water; Low Mass 8
a. m-., with sermon; High Mass
"10:30 a. m.; afternoon service at
4; Mass every morning at 8.
First Congregational Church. Morn-
nlng service at 10:30 o'clock. Rev.
nlflg service at, 10: 30 -o'clock Dr.
George E. Paadock will occupy the
First Church of Christ Scientist
service at 11; Wednesday evening
meeting at 8 o'clock; reading room
open every afternoon except Sun
day from 2 to 4 o'clock. Morning
lesson sermon, subject "Are Sin,
piseaae and Death Real?"
German Evangelical Corner Eighth
ana Madison streets. Rev. F
First Presbyterisn Church Rev. J
Ninth and Center street; Morning
R. Landsborough, pantor. Morning
worship at 11; Sunday school at
- 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Green, su
perintendent; Y. P. 8. C. E., at 7
o'clock Morning subject "The
Only Reasonable Service"; Y. P. 8.
C. E., at 6:45; topic, "New Work
Our Sorlety Might Do." Matt,
xxv: 13-30; evening worship at 7:30;
subject, "The Angel of God." A
half hour of song preceding the ser
mon. Methodist Episcopal ChUrch Rev.' E.
F. Zimmerman, pastor. ' Sunday
school at 9:45. Preaching by the
pastor at 10:45. Junior League at
3 p. m. Morning subject "Dou ht-
-Jng -Thomas,'-' ln. ihtf evening Df .
T. H. Ford, of portlsnd, will preach
Parkplace Congregational Rev. J L.
Jones pastor, residence Clackamas;
Sunday school lo a. m., Emery
French superintendent; preaching
services each Sunday, alternating
between 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
Christian Endeavor Thursday eve
nlng 7:30.
St. Paul s Rev. C. W. Robinson, rec
tor. Dally services: Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:J0 ft.
m.; evening prayer. 7:30.; Sunday
ervlces: Holy Euchsrtst 8 a. m.;
morning prayer, 10:S0; Holy
Eucharist and sermon. 11 a. m.;
evening prayer and sermon at 7:30;
Sunday school u m.. Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30.
United Brsthrsn Corner Eighth and
Taylor, Rev. L. F. Clarke pastor,
residence, Portland; Sunday school
10 a. m.. Frank Parker, Maple Lane,
superintendent; morning service
Hi Y. P. 8. C. B. p. m., evening
i m
service i.
Wlllamstte M. r-No "I?
. whoa I '
services; o""'
Mrs. Reams. "P"",'
Zlon Luthsrsn-Comsr M"v
. berger pastor, residence 7
son; Sunday school t:lOft
Kraxberger, swiprlntndJ. f t
lng service 10:30; vnm .
Luthef League I p. u t
West Oregon City Whool
O., Blasts will P'ViM
- Sunday School conduct H ,
Read tbe Morning tt
ana iwaaison streets, Rev. F.
Wlevesiek pastor, residence 713 nCTC IS TlIC OniW
Madison; Sunday school 10 a. m., iiiv, Vflliy
Bargain House
Herman Schrader, Monroe street,
superintendent; morning service
11; Young People at 7 p. m. and
preaching at 8 p. m.; prayer meet
ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul
key, pastor: Bible school at 10 a.
ra.; preaching at 11 and 8. Rev.
L. F. Stephens will be present ln
tbe evening, and It Is likely that he
will continue ln a series of meet
ings. Mr. Stephens recently made
tour of the world and has a mes
sage for the people.
Mountsln View Union (Congrega
tional) Sunday school 3 p. mM
Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, superintendent;
Compare our prices with others and
you will be sure to trade here. New
and second band furniture of all
kinds. Granite, glass and light hard
E. W. Mellien'
Opppslte The Grand
Treatment at Hot Lake, Inclrdln medical Attention, bosrd
baths, costs no more than you would pay to t flrM c
hotel. Rooms can be bad from 78 centa to 2 60 P" day.
.In the cafeteria are served from 20 cents up nd In th rin
t""'l grill prices, Baths rang from CO cents to II 00. '
We Do Ctire Rheumatism
Hot Lke Mineral W
and mud given nd'f
tlflo direction bi m
thousands. Writ rf
trated booklet dtw lpw
Hot Lak 8nl,,0,rnl"5 Bt4
the methods VJ0
Lake Sanatorium
slble. as it U lcf n4.d0,tt
ly m'th main lln
special eicurs
to be had t H t"nrt'
' agents.
' S- .
WALTER li, PICRCC. Pres.-Mor-