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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1911)
T MORNINQ ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1911. v Stories from Out of Town MILWAUKIE. Mrs Getman, of Island Station, sus tained a broken ankle Thursday morn ow by being thrown from a buy the horse having become frightened at a wheelbarrow. Guy Ooff. who haa bea staying with his aunt. Mrs. T. J. Clark, returned to hia horn at Dotham, Ore iron, Fri day morning. Mlat Rom Walsh haa mored to Port' land for tha winter, Mra. M. A. Henderson, recently of Loa Angeles, but now residing In Port land. Tlsited her slater, Mrs. La Due Monday. . Mtaa Maria Duffy has accepted position aa teacher in the new Catho lic school to be opened at Sellwood. A. J. Harmon, the new baker, has a fresh supply of choice cakes, bread and pies on hand all the Urn. Give him a calL Rer. Harry Em met conducted the aerrlcea at the Evangelical church Wednesday evening and delivered a forceful and Interesting sermon. C C. Hammerly. formerly a news paper man of Eastern Washington, but recently of McMlnnville. Oregon, called on Mr. Thomas Tuesday at the Appeal office- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kroeller, of Napervtlle. Ill, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Emmell this week. Mr, Kroeller Is connected with the Nap errllle Lounge Factory, the largest of Its kind In the United States. We un derstand he la looking for a location for a branch factory. Rev. Harry Emmell. accompanied by his wife and three children, of Lake Como, Ptnn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. . C- Emmell. Harry Emmell's parents. Rev. Emmell haa accepted a charge In the M. E. church at Hermlston, Oregon, and expects to go there In the near future. On Friday evening. October 6th, the Guards of Linden Circle W. of W 'win give anentertalnment In " Wood men ball. A program will be rendered after which dancing and cards will be Indulged In. Light refreshments will be served. - Mrs. Lowe, who has been In the hospital the past flva weeks. Is home again and doing nicely. Mr. Baker has returned home from a seven weeks' visit at his old home In New York state. C B. Weaver la home from an ex tended trip to Astoria and is'baildlng an addition to his home.' - j Mr. Johnson Is getting ready to ex tend the water pipe' east on Laurel Avenue. There are a number of peo ple living on this avenue who have been wanting this' main laid and we are Indeed thankful to see the work started. The Mothers' and Teachers' Club met Friday afternoon and had a very good attendance. They decided to keep the library open Monday and Wednesday evenings and possibly ' Thursdsy evening also. The first two evenings the boys club will use the library, the third evening will be strictly for reading. The club will assist the boys club all they can. ' Mrs. George Wlssinger has volun teered her service for one evening each week at the public library. Prof. GoeU la anxious to organize a basketball team for the young ladles of the school. A tennis court has been built on the school play grounds. School closed three daya on account of the icstitute being held at Oregon City. During the vacation this week the school board had the black boards re painted. The Mllwaukle Grange will meet Fri day evening. Announcements of this year's lecturers from the state lecture will be made. A discussion on tax will be one of the subjects for the year's work. Elliott Brothers, of Portland, will . have charge of the Mllwaukle Mer cantile Company's store for twenty six daya ' Dan Mazzl Is working for O. Wls singer. City council will meet next Tuesday evening. Jim Matthews was a Portland visit or Tuesday. Jack Peterson returned from his vacation Saturday. EttoII Quartette Dance Saturday ev ening. Evangelical church note Sunday school. Rally Day, Sunday morning at "Dancing:" Y. P. A. at T P. M.; prayer meeting Wednesday -renins;; Choir practice Thursday evening; Teachers' Training Friday evening. E Rade- baugh. pastor. EAGLE CREEK. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Douglass, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. IX M Marshall, of Oarfield. left last week for the coast. Fred Ely sold a calf to R. R Gib son the other day. Ed, Roy and Miss Bina Douglass at tended the Canby Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howlett returned home Monday after about a month's stay with their daughter, Mrs. J. P. Woodle of Estacada. Gus Burnett, who has been busily engaged In drying prunes. Is through lor mu season. Miss Meda Marphy. who has been working at Gus Burnett's during the prune-plcklng season, returned home Monday. BAKER'S BRIDGE. Heavy rains Injured hay and grain. but that loss will be made up some what in a better crop of potatoes. though potatoes will be a short crop this season. F. C Bulk and fsmily and A. B. Buckles and wife visited E. C. Hack- ett at Riverside. Revival meetings are being held at Baker's Bridge church. School bells are ringing la No. 30 and No. 9. Arthur Cliff la building a fancy chimney for Mr. Mendenhall's new bungalow. Dances have closed for the season at Clear Creek park. Carl Mumpower sustained a frac ture of his left leg recently while assisting In breaking a colt. William Llllie is back from harvest and hop fields and is assisting his brother la putting In a cement base ment for his new house. M. 3. Shearer sold his place for $230 an acre recently. J. R. Carr sold a portion of his farm to a newcomer. D. F. Whitman delivers the mall with an auto now and so we get our mail earlier. G. T. Watts Is peddling vegetables In Portland as usual. Arthur Cliff is busy digging wells and building 'chimneys, etc. The young voter that arrived at John Hatton's some time ago seems a strong, healthy lad, and bids fair to be one of the best of Clackamas county's products. Uncle Sam has a surveyor at work here gathering material for a geolog leal map. FIR WOOD. I No school the first of the week on account of teachers' Institute. Carl F. Anderson, of Oregon City, supervisor of the schools of this dis trict, spent several hours at the Fir wood school last week. Miss Edith Miller was out from Portland Sunday visiting her parents. L. Piidemore spent several days In Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fischer Mrove to Bull Run last week. K. Brownell. of Portland, visited his daughter. Mrs. E. Reed, over Sunday. John Slnclllr drove to Portland Tuesday. Carl F. Anderson spent Wednesday afternoon and evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart 'The heavy rain Sunday prevented people from going to the lecture. TWILIGHT Everyone Is home from the fair as busy as bees after their outing. Adolph Joehnke, who has been af flicted for a year. Is sick again. School commenced last Thursday with Miss Alta Cox, of Portland, as teacher. Clyde Harvey is home from Seattle for a few months' visit with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harvey. James Hylton thought his baby was good looking, but be knows It now for it carried off a blue ribbon from the fair. William McCord. James Hylton and George Lazelle received prizes on 10:30; preaching at 8 P. M.. subject, their cattle at the fair. Since its foun dation, it has been the policy of this Company to embody in the Remington in perfected form, the best typewriter ideas by whomsoever advanced. For our latest manifestation of this policy, inspect the new Visible Writing: Remingtons Nos. 10 and 11 which embody every desirable feature extant PLUS an Adding and Subtracting Mechanism, which consti tutes an innovation. The voice that cried in the wilderness 30 years' ago: "You cannot afford to write in the old way' now ac claims with equal convic tion: "You cannot afford to calculate in the old way." . t Remington Typewriter,. ' Company " , -' (locerparatoa) 8 8 8 8 8 Greatest Offer .Ever The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregonian (Clackamas County's Daily) (The Northwest's Greatest Weekly) Until November I, 1912 Regular Price of the Morning Enterprise by maij is $3.00 So "T This Offer is Good to Present as Well as New Subscribers JUST THINK More than an Entire -Year to Clackamas County's live daily and the Northwest's greatest weekly for the price of one paper only. Bargain period ends October 31, 1911. On that day, or any day between now and then, $3 will pay for both papers to Novem ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken at this rate after October 31, 1911. Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R. carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on or before October 31. Regular Price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50 This Offer is Good to Present as Well as New Subscribers Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer i The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once coco co cooococccoccocccococoooccoocccoccxx)cccocccocccccccocccc::' Friends from the East are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Schmldteke. The good roads meeting held Wed nesday evening In Twilight hall, was largely attended and a very enthusias tic meeting. Twilight will do her share. W'LSONVILLE. Mrs. J. W. Thornton has been quite ill for a few days. Miss Murray, of the local school, attended teachers' Institute at Oregon City this week. Jake Peters attended the Canby Fair Friday and Saturday. Mr. MacFeetera, of Forest Grove, and the Weekly Oregonian one year al Gorge and also visited In Salt Lake for a short time. The clover huller is kept busy when the sky stays clear long enough to permit the huller to put on steam. Rev. Bishop, of Tualatin, has been assigned to the Wllsonvllle M. E. church, by the late conference and began his work here last Sabbath. He will divide bis time between Tualatin and Wllsonvllle, and requires no In troduction to the members of the vil lage church here, where he has al ready many friends. Have you noticed the placard In the bank or the posiotflce, ja-which you are offered the Morning Enterprise visited relatives Tuesday. In Wllsonvllle on Mrs. Aubrey Wood, the teacher atJ predated by us, one and all. Chas. Corral Creek school, attended the IQ' stltute the first of the week at Ore gon City. Milton Beely's bid was accepted for Janitor of the village school for the present year. H. D. Aden spent Friday In Portland on business, and purchased a large stock of fall goods, which will be opened this week. The Peters hardware store Is to have beautiful plate glass windows to replace the ones broken by the late storm. Three young men of our village are boarding the train to the Rose City each day, to attend high school. Quite a lot of vehicles and autos passed through Wllsonvllle last Fri day, loaded with passengers enroute to the Canby Fair. Mr. Calavan was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say, on Thursday, after visiting Corral Creek's school. Mrs. Joe Thornton arrived home on Saturday last after visiting for a month In Kansas City - and at the home of her brother, Mr. Frary, of Carson City, Nevada. Mrs. Thornton with several friends spent some time taking in the beautiful scenery of Roy- for $3.00. A county paper like the Morning Enterprise be ap- naAt t t fl . - J tl Rldder will be glad to receive your subscription at the poatofflce at any time convenient for you to subscribe. Better do It now while this offer gives you two papers for the price of one. , MOUNTAIN VIEW. Improvements still go on. E. W. Ambler Is building a new barn and Messrs. A. Matiti and John Lewellen are assisting In the work. F. M. Darling Is re-shlngllng his woodshed this week. J. M. Glllett, who has been digging a well at Willamette for Mr. Morrison, Is on the sick list J. Lewellen has torn down his old root house and built a new one. Grandma Albright, of Midway, Port land, was the guest of Mrs. Minnie Albright Saturday, then went to Mu llno to visit her son, Charlie, -and family. Mrs. Pettlt, of Duane street, has her mother and sister visiting her this week. Mrs. Willie Qnlnn and Bessie Qulnn visited relatives and friends at Logan last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Hattle Merrill and daughter, s Blanche, were visiting friends In this vlclhlty Saturday snd Sunday and on Monday Mrs. Merrill went to Portland to flnd work as nurse. John Darling, Jr., and wife of Bell wood, are visiting here with their par ents. Mrs. W. 0. Hall spent Saturday and Sunday at Hack wood with her hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mauts went to their home near Madras Inst week onJThursday. CLARKES. Mr. Haag was In town last Satur- Mr. Marquardt was in Portland last week. Ed. Buol Is working for the Clarke brothers. i 8am Elmer was digging potatoes last week. Willie Marshall moved down to Mrs Eliza Klelnsmlth's the other day. Mr. Bottemtller was painting his house last week. Mr. Henrlcl. of Beaver Creek, baled hay for Llndau. Here is the Only Bargain House Compare our prices with others and you will be sure, to trade here. New and second hand furniture of all kinds. Oranlte, glass and light hard ware, i E. W. Mellien Opposite The Grand Mr. Baurer threshed last 'week. Miss Kmma Usurer came borne from Portland last Friday. REDLAND. Moving seems to be the style around fledland lately. Ed. Oldham Is mov ing Into the Monahon house and N. B. Oldham to D. II. Moaner's bouse. Mr. a,, Mr,. w M Hton haT movd to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stone nave also moved away. A number of neighbors called on Mr. Stone Wednesday evening snd spent a very pleasant evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R-Jfrr, ... . M, ( Mr. and Mrs. A. l Mrs. II. A. Allen. Mr. and llngsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Brw, Mrs. Courtrlght. Mr. Cook prrh'd at the M. B. ch7V."i!?S The stork called it W" September J5 and lett s W and Mrs. Taylor. , Mr. and Mrs. Louis run , attended the fair. . Mra. Ed. Morgan li her sister, Mrs. Frank WJU" has been sick for some tin J Mr. Fullem Is quit Read the Morning fcXtsrprW 1 NOT EXPENSIVE , Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention, bo btbs, costs no more than yo would pay to live at any nm hotel. Rooms can be had from T5 cents to J.B0 P M'n tn ths cafeteria are served from 20 rents up and in the gri umial grill prices. Baths range from SO cents to $1 00. We Do Gift Rheumatism t.u. Mineral r .-At S3"" and mud given undjr tlflo direction hsTs thousands. Writs trsted booklet Hot Lake Sanatoria the methods P,0J Lake Sanatorium slble, as It ,,oc. f 1. on the main '"" O..W. R. N. 5 special eicurs i to be had t 'l im agents. '" ' "It- 1 HOT LAKE SANATORIUM HOT LAKE, ORIQON. - WALTER M. PIERCE. Prc5.-Mflr '