Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGOM CITY, OREGON I. t. tROOH. Editor ad Publisher. " "'H' - w acclaim m great. I u contsot to follow the even tenor of hi humble way, but come what would he did not forget the old folks at bom. It required bo great effort and bo great labor on hla part to eeuS a few M MMai-dui matter Ju- v . j- eary s, lU. at the pot eflloe at OnrM ,w ' " v." " Oragna. aiM fa. Act of Mart home, but how many are there who a. - raw if wucnmoN. Oae Tw, by ataJI ., . is Months, hf wail . rar Months, by mall. r a-ak. by cai l tl . . neglect such a aim pie duty? It waa hla fidelity In thla respect that In vitea ail miration for his memory. .11 . II .1 CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Vai Hwa per inca rrret twarti ....He ' Ftret Pan, net Inch addad tasertloas. .lea Pre'erred postltoa any pass, sec sic rim Insertion IH -1 The sugar trust has been nettlnit some large profits of late. Still the sugar tariff is the one the tariff re ducers never bother much about ' PifnM pnsliloa aay pas, par man ada Insertions Is tin paper athr r t&aa flret r&C. par laeh TrrvX f union. Waala. rer Bala. Ta RaaL eta. eae J In charging that the Republicans each adSttonaJ m",l; ", M stole hla political platforms Col. Bryan Rates for edrertlstaa la A Waakly does not Indicate who It was that site? :i;.rrt tar tba weekly. Wfcare Ua aavarttsaawal erahlp of railroads, h) treaafMTad from the Salty ta the waah . w ty. Ithoat eaaaea. the rate will be Sa aa lack for rua ml the paper. a4 la aa : ate for special poelttxa, I It Is popularly regarded as a good cash aateuM aeoompaay areer where omen that the women capitalists are obtaining control of so many or the big corporations. They sre thought to be less soulless than men. e party ta unknown ta bastaasa aftles- mt the Eaterprtse. Lam' edvarttslas at lasal aa an amis raus. rtroua advertising and special traaaVaal 6ertlslas at tie to tec aa ntce, sacra a ta special coadltmna tovernlaa; the "Fire a)' sad Baakrupt Bale advor - ta strata xt Inch first Insartioa: aaal jenal maarttona ttat raattar ate asca. Ne ttvtna and wall wrttaa ai Hal. a of marlt. with latercet to local readers, will be gladly acertvd Rejected am it ems ui aarer retaraad una) is acrotapan. led ay atamoa to prapay anal CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. d .. d THE MORNING ENTERPRISE Is on sala at the following stores ' Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street J. W. McAnulty Cigars Seventh and Main. Secrew Confectionery Main near Sixth. M. K. Dunn Confectionery d . Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. ' Schoenborn Confectionary Seventh and X Q. Adama LIVE WIRELETS (BY EDGAR BATES.)"'-- : WRITING BACK HOME. In reporting the death of a man In New York City the other day one of the newspapers mentioned the fact that "for eighteen years he had never failed to write a letter to his father and mother In a Pennsylvania village every week." It waa a simple statement of a sim ple act, but It spoke volumes of con stancy and fidelity of natural sffec tlon. The dead man had not filled the world with the splendor of wonder ful achievements. His name will not appear upon the roll of those whom The movement Inaugurated by At torney Eby at the last meeting of the "Live Wires" for legislation for the county support of the County Fair is certainly a move In the right direc tion. The annual celebration at Jan by is the one thtng thst brings . the entire county together for a single united purpose Iciliiena Iroia each precinct are thrown together for three of four days In a spirit of friendly competition as each section displays its best products against those of an other part of the county. New meth ods of agriculture are discussed, able lectures on varioua phases of public life and welfare are heard, new Ideas gained 'and exchanged In short the county fair Is a sort of a public clear ing bouse for all of our citltens. The merchant with his display of mer chandise rubs elbows with the real man of the county, the tiller of the soli the man who ralsea the grain, fruit, etc., which means so very much to our county. Representatives from every calling In the county are thrown together In a way not possible in sny other manner and all this Is bound to have its good results. The amount of money involved is of little consequence compared with the actual results, of this movement and we hardly think anyone will have any Objection to the proposed legislation, a a a While the "dopesters" are busy tell ing us that the standing army of eith er Italy or Turkey Is twice thst of this country, no one needs to tell us what the result would be If either of them shouldmlx up with Uncle Sam. a a a What's the matter. No one has mentioned "locks" for a whole week, and by the way where is all that talk i IP : England Is Wasting Her Resources and Will ir aaa mj Tl 4 it DanKrupi vy 2086 A. D. By Sir WILLIAM RAM SAY, British Chemist HT THE PRESENT RATE OF CONSUMPTION OF HER COAL 8UPPLY ENGLAND WILL BE A BANKRUPT NATION IN ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS. It may seem that ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS is a long time, but to a nation it is but a mere epan. Two coursea of conservation are orxu first, the laisaoz faire plan of leaving to SELF ' INTERESTED COMPETITION the combating of waste, and, second, INITIATING LEGISLATION which in the interest of the whole nation will endeavor to lessen the SQUANDERING of our NATIONAL RESOURCES. This legis lation may be of two kinds PENAL, which is imposing a penalty on the wasteful expenditure of energy supplies, and HELPFUL, which is imparting information as to what can be done, advancing loans at an easy rate of interest to enable reforms to be carried out and insisting on the greater prosperity which would result from the use of MORE efficient appliances. , The anbject ia s complicated one, and it will demand the COM BINED EFFORTS of experts and legislators for a generation, but if it be not considered with definite intention of immediate action we sLall be held up to the deserved execration of our not very remote, descendants. t n m, If wo know that radium and its descendants decompose spon taneously, evolving energy, why should not other, more stable ele ments decompose when subjected to enormous strains f This leada to the speculation whether, if the elements are capable of disintegration, the world may not have at its disposal a HITHERTO UNSUS PECTRD eOUTlCE OF ENERGY. If radium were to evolve its stored op energy st the same rate that gnncottorj doea'ws ahonld have an UNDREAMED OY EXPLO STVE. Could we control the rats we should have s useful and potent source of energy, provided always that s SUFFICIENT SUPPLY of radium were forthcoming. But the aupply is certsinly s very limited one. and it can asfely be affirmed that the production will rrr-T nrpt-i half an ounra a yesr. x . i ; "The marrying parson of Tennes telegraphed too late to gel Col. Sa in,,.'! Mith-nrinHl Wih. Prorraatina- ! ftva papal other Jtaa first aac. par fcvoh a44aa laesrUona ee lion la me uiei oi unie aou muur uecele ISc er Has; le rra-alar edver j -yvt e nae. about the "public dock," "dredging te rapids. and "more hitching post a" a a When the Molalla Southern tracks are laid we will have one of those "splke-drlvlna; celebrations" all of our own with a local man driving toe "golden spike." a a a 'The mayor of Indianapolis pulled off a good stunt when he purchased for the cltjr council carloada of pota toes and then sold them at cost to the needy to t'wart the effors of the commission men who were try ing to rob the poor people by Inflated prices. Where there Is a will there I a way and this Is a guotV method of getting ahead of the persons In auy 'community who attempt to do business In "Get Rich Quick Walllng ford" style, a a a Do you possess the sum of $34.85? This Is the amount of money that you would have if all the money In the whole country were divided among the some ninety millions Inhabitants of the country. Every merchant in town who sells woman's apparel has a display of furs In his windows which only goes to prove that "winter has came." a a More than three hundred residents of this city have tsken out member ship csrds In the Free Library. Just as soon as the rest of you realise that the library belougs to you and was started for your benefit, this list will be doubled or trebled. An in spection of the books at hand will convince one that they have been well selected and that there are books on almost every subject. The rooms are well kept, conducted In a busi nesslike manner and the assoclatlou Is In every way worthy of your support-' As some of your taxea go to assist In the support of this tilace It Is no more than right that you should be Interested In the welfare of the Oregon City Library. Wants, For Sale, Etc Natter aaeer laaee rtaaatflae win be taBsriea st soa seat a ware, twm taaertloa, half a eaal additional Inaar Uoaa. oat taeh car. It ear moath haft lack ear. I naae st ear naoata. Cash ataat aooofaaaar erSar anises an aas aa eaaa aeoraa wtthtae sap sr. Ma rtaaacial mpoaalblHty for errare; whan srrvrs oecar free earraete aots will a srlata (or satrso MIbIibubi saaraa las WANTED. WANTED Tourists and local people to see my coII.hmIou of arrow-head coins, India,! trins-ls. i:d stnnvj and curios of .i sorts. Will buy or sell in thu lias Haw some good bargains In seouul-hand furniture and tools. Ceorjo Young, Main t-i., near Fifth. WANTED Partner, lady preferable, $100 required; business already es tablished. Good returns. Address Osgood, csre Enterprise FURNISHER house of about m rooms wanted, centrally located. Phone Main 95, except Saturday and Sunday. WANTED Live solicitors for county. Liberal terms to handle the Morning Enter prise and Weekly Oregonlan during bargain period which ends October 31. Call, phone or write Circulation Manager, Oregon City Enterprise. Vice President Sherman's Sons Are Enthusiastic Golf Players j -l i n wim i n . r r . af . Ill I XA v.:aj- OPPORTUNITIES for ms and womsn ef shsratt. ,r, 0pi svsrywh, A bank aeeeunt la an vldsnee of ehsrsctar, and a bank hook showing regular deposits Is .the passport t0 opportunity and ths ksy to suoosss. tnroil yourself as a Sspoaitor hsro st ones and bsoomo a msmbor ef wis opportunity elub.M One dollar will start a savings aseount The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK lit THE COUNTY (1 r l.ATDURsrmi FrasHaat Cl4is THE FIRST NATIONAL BAHg of OREGON CITY, OPEGON CAPITAU SSOSOSOO. Traaeaeta a faaeral San a tag SMSlnsaa EXTRA! JOHN D. IS GOING BACK TO WORK TAMHYTOWN. N. Y.. Oil. S (Me'lal I The Inatalllng of a private aire in the home of John I). Rocke feller, the oil king, at his home on I'ocanllt'o 1 1 ilia, la caualng the heller hvra todav that John I), la about tO give up hla rem plan and get back to work. M-krr!ltr baa engaged a lei eiratther and It la thought will aooti i get In touch with buafiieas affairs 1 attain. av7.1rwrv' "ass-; Photos by Amerlaaa Preaa Aaaaelatlon TWO of Vice President Sherman's three sobs sre golf pisyera of euflUieat skill to Justify them In entering a contest fur the AinrrU-ao amalaur cbamplonahlp. Thomas Moore Sherman, the youngeat son. made aa excellent record recently at Rye. N. Y lesdlng a long Uat of golfing txperts In the Oral day's play Us msdo the round In 71, one stroke better Jisn Harold II. 11 II ton. the English champion, who later won the Americas ibsuiplonshlp. However, on the second dsy's play Mr. Kberman waa defeated iloug with many other experts and former champions. Sberrtll it hernia a, ibe oldeat soa. was also s competitor In the tournament, but be was defeated ji the flret day's plsy. Us Is s banker at UUcs, N. Y. la the picture tberrtl! Is shown addressing the balL FOR SALR FOR SALE 1100 will buy a team ami harneas; weight 2300 lbs. Home phon. Beaver Creek. Oscar May. FOR SALE By owner ten acres good timber land on Clackamaa Southern .railroad, two miles from Oregon City limits on Highland road; all level; $165 per acre. Address Ore gon City, Route No. 3. Box 63. LOST. LOST or stolen, from the Park Place Station, September 29, a large brown canvas telescope. Any In formation will be gladly received by the Sisters of Mercy at Park Place. pulleys. Intermediate shaft . and belting. 62 Iron pipe rolls, 30 in. by 6 in. with Iron boxes. One Hobbs planer, complete. One set shlmer matcher hesds. Two sets Sizing headH, rn knives, bolts and fittings. Twelve lumber trucks. One blower complete. In good condition with piping and nhsftlng. Ont) 'fire pump. One 3 In. Intermediate shaft, 20 ft. long, with four wooden pulleys. One friction feed for live rolls with chain. Terms of sale, cash. CROSS A HAMMOND. Attorneys. time required for the completion of the entire work for such con struction, which work must be done In scrordsnre with 'the ordlnanrea of Ori-gon City and te charter thereof, and the plans and specifi cations governing such work. This notice Is pulilliihed pursuant to an ordi-r of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a special mevtlng thereof, held on the 4th day of Orober, 1911. U 8TIPP. Recorder. Are vou a aubst rlber fl the Morn ing Enterprise? II not you should call and let us pu your name on the sub scrlptlon list Immediately OLD DOC. SAIL! Y. Wsy down on La Natcho UlverT Ever h. ar of Old IoC. Ilalley. ; Died last week of sheer heart fsllur - iNM'twrs aaUi Mwaa hi live. iThey don't know much Ihoae wlae acres, leastways I've found It so. often. I ; Folks rame twenty ml lea to soe him Lying In his poor pine coffin. Such a funeral. I reckon. Ain't sren often In the nation; Children, men, an women cryln Jest ss if be wss rotation. Wealthy, wsnt he land o' Goshen. Not if you count wealth In dollars! ami I reckoned him the richest Man of all them hills and hollera. Homely too, waa good laic Tlalloy, Not a bit of style about him; . pop'lur tho. as old Abe Uncoln, - People couldn't live without him. For be cured them by adjust menta. Scared their poverty and sorrow; When he died I could but wonder Who will their ills tomorrow? Without drugs or knife or poisons. Yes, he wss a Cbtrpprsctlc, When his kind handa worked upon tbem Folks got well, they couldn't atay alck. This whole world la poorer, aaddor, wretrbeder. For that man's dylo Every wMsper of the west wind Hounds to me like some one slgMn'. Iion't forget him. good laic Ilalley, Hurled by La Natrhe River. It waa overwork that killed hint. .' Not some ailment of his liver. Hsmsntha of Clackamas County. Pstromte our advertisers. Open fraa, a, sj, , , Assssao's Notice of M.,tiB T Notice Is hereby gt, the third Mmdsy m o-u,br, Oetoher Ktb. IIH. ths bLj . Rguallsailon will aliead at tat m ' houae In Clarkamas Coonty, and publicly examine tho smwn, ! rolls and wirroct all errors Is r tlons, descriptions . or tuilltisi ! lands, lots or other propertl ' sossed by the County Asassior '' Dated at my office this jots 'fa., i geptemlNir, ltlt. " 3 J. B. JiCX, County a. , TO QIVC MUSICAL P ROOK AM. . An entertainment will Us 1tmi the City Hall at t; lad .toot tU f , day evening; under the alrectka g 1 Oscar WtMHiflii. of this city. Ai csiient progrsm la ielng arrtaiM k Me- WooUfior td -will unttt of aa both vocal and Inalrumsnta), esorws and 'readings. The proceeds stf a toward the ChrUtlsn chares. VBTCRAN TO SI SURIC0 T00. Funtrsl ot William fts Will It Nol At Home of DsugMtr. The funeral of William Fes, htW of Mrs. A. (1. Kinder, who 414 Ttna day afternoon, will be held Rtr morning at 10 o'clock fmn tk ha lly residence of Mr and Mrs. KlvK. Clackamas Heights. Rv. K. t ts merman, pastor of ths M. K. rkea. will officiate. The Interment will a In the Mountain View cemetery. Mi Fee wss a veteran of lbs CI II Ss Hotsl Arrivtls. Tba following sre regular! St tk Electric Hotel: M. J. UwUs. rj. Mlaa Olive ckwod. F. W. Ihnait Portland: Mrs. W. II. Lett. Pttutwx Pa.; r. Roddy. Man Frsnrltco; tt f Rorkett. Chlrsgo; C. Uoroaik. i tony Roepel and wife. M M. fna II ru Clstsksnle: Ceorge Dl. Of kanle; C A. Will, Caahy: H Kena and wife, Portland; H. B. tW and wife. Huhtard; K HchsUratal Trulllnger. Mtilalls: Percy Collm Frank Meltings. C. Oaena. Franli U cas, II. Parsons, Portland: Geoml Oregory. Molalla; J. A Raiw. SU Oklahoma; Mr. II. R Torssr. Pft land: Mrs. II V. Iteed. Mist Uri Reed. Portland; Mrs. CsUstkt I Phillips. The Iallea; Drnsllls I P Hps, The Hallos; Flarelle & HnUr ton. IHirtland. RHnacrlbe for e Pally iloww FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE 48 acre farm 2 miles northeast of Oregon City; sale price C,BfK); rent, prire $100 year. Inquire Mrs. Lllile , Aune, 1414 Center street. FARM LOANS, rliiii LOANSLiiuiick- a" uimick, Lawyers. Oregon City. Or. ATTORNEYS. O. I). EBY, Attorney-at-Law. Money loaned, s detracts fimished. land tit lea examlntd, ettaua settled, gaa era! law busmesa Over Bank at Oregon City. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned wss by order of the County Court of Clackamas county. Oregon, made and entered on the 3rd dsy of October, 1911, sppotnted administrator of the estate of John Thomas, deceased, and has quali fied as such administrator. All per sons having claims against the nu tate of said deceased ahall present the same with vouchers duly veri fied, to me at the office of C. II. Dye, southwest corner Eighth and Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon, on or before kIx (6) months from the date hereof. ROBERT LIVINGSTONE. Administrator of the estate of John Thomas, deceaxed. Dated October 7th, 1911. CITY NOTICE 8. U REN It SCHtlEBBL. Attorneys-el Law, DeuUcbsr advokat, will pre tlce In all eourta. make coil actios prise Bldg.. Oregon City, Oregon . BUILDER AND CO ACTOR. HARKT JONES Bunder 'and General Contractor. Estimates ebeerftilly siren on all classes of batldlng work, concrete works ana reinforced concrete. Roe. Phone Mala 111. INSURANCE. J H. COOPER. Fv Fire laoaranee and Real Estate. Let os handle rrrnr properties we boy. aefl snd e change. Office la Enterprise "'da.. Oreaon City. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. "Chattel mortgage saleT The following property will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Clear Creek Lumber Company's mill site, near Fisher's mill In Clsckamas county, on the J 0th day of October, A. D. 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m., to satisfy a chattel mortgage held upon said property by Mr. Allison Baker, to-wlt: One double , action steam pump. One 75 h. p.' Atlas boiler, in good condition; 2 foot stack. One S h. p. upright Russell en gine. One Fairbanks-Morse dynamo, 11S volts, with register and switches. . One SS h. p. Russell engine pneumatic governor, complete. One log haul, complete. One lower saw Jack complete wKh reversible saw guide, 3 In. arbor. One upper saw jack complete with stationary guide, i In. arbor 'and belting. One 62 In. Simmons saw, In good condition. One 62 In. Adkina saw, in good condition. One36 In. cutoff saw with frame Notice of Acceptance of Sewer Con-1 struction. 1 Notice Is hereby klven that the City Engineer of Oregon City, Oregon, has filed his certificate of the work done by H. Jones, contractor, for the construction of Sewer District No. 0, and the City Council of Ore gon City will consider the accep tance thereof, and all objections to the acceptance of said construction, at the Council Chamber of ssld city, on October 20th, 1911. at 8 o'clock p. m. Any owner of any property with . In the assessment district of said construction or sny agent of such owner, may at such time or any time prior thereto, appear and file objections to t''" acceptance of such improvement, and such objections shall be considered and all the merits determined ; by the council at the above named time and place. This notice Is published in the Morning Enterprise and the time and place wore fixed by order of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon. U STIPP, Recorder. Notice For Aids. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the construction of two public toilets In Oregon City, Oregon, one to be in McLouKhlio Park end one at the Suspension Bridge and will be received until 4 o'clock, p. m., October 20th, 1911. Plans and specifications contain ing further Information and the kind of toilets to be constructed will be furnished upon application to the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by certified check for a sum equal to five per centum of the total amount of the bid, which sum will he subject to for feiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the successful bidder herein to furnish the required bond and enter Into a written con tract for said work, If callsd upon to do so, within tbe time stated for same In the ordinance providing for such improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City; The right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid consid ered most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each propossl must state the Before You Move - Investigate Be sure your new home has that important modern convenienceelectric light 7 There are many such and they are in great demand by those who know how to enjoy them. The mod ern electric light is so much better than any other that no one need hesitate about the cost. There has been perfected the MAZDA lamp which gives twice as much light as ordinary electric lamps using an equal amount of elec tricity. WE HAVE MAZDA LAHPS For all those who live in wired houses wc offer an opportunity of getting the benefit of the great light-giving quality of these lamps. For those who own unwired houses on our distribut ing lines we will give advice of value in wiring houses for electric lights. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT ma & POWER CO. MAIN omcE7hond Alder Streets