Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 06, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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- i :
Stories from Out of Town
i .... , , -o
, White Chaa. Harris u driving hi
father's span of Iron gray horaes on
of tbera slipped and (ell breaking hi
Irt hind teg, ud Mr. Harris had to
"have him shot The team waa valued
' at $550, to this la a big kM to Mr.
Chan. Harris and Pete Kelley left
, Saturday morning for San FrancUc
-where they expect to work.
T. R- Worthlngton went to Brook
field. " Waah.. Saturday morning on
lr. McFarland died at tN Good Sa
maritan hospital In Portland at 3
o'clock Saturday morning. Dr. Mo
Farland haa been alck for a long time
and a great sufferer, fcia death being
expected at any time.
-A great many Oak Groveltea attend
. ed the CUrkamas county fair at Can-
by. They all report a good time and a
.' nn fair, and well pleased with the
girls' band.
W. H. Suter l on the alck list
Mra, Payne la quite aick at the home
of her daughter, Mra. Armstrong.
Mrs. E. C Warren ia quite aick with
a complication of cold and neuralgia.
Elmer and Bertha Worthlngton are
' home from Southern Oregon. They
will remain this winter and return
early In the aummer.
T. R. Worthlngton went to Brook
field. Wash., on a business trip Sat
urday and returned Tuesday. -
Miss Louis Kennedy and MUa Felix
were Portland visitors Monday. '
The Girls' band returned from Can
by Saturday evening and report a fine
trip and an enjoyable time.
- Mr. McArthur, of Alberta, Canada,
la visiting hU son. Dr. J. H. McArthur
and family.
Mr. Goeta and family are moving
here from Helena. Mont, and will live
" on the old Bunnell place.
Henry Bchufier Is building a forty
-foot tower house -and pnttlng-rn a
' water system. '
UK. Armstrong was a Portland vis
itor Monday.
E. CV Warren and Arthur Graham
were Portland visitors Monday.
Fred Green, of Portland, waa here
: Monday evening looking 'after his
property. Jt
Rev. E. K. Morrison, of the Trinity
Episcopal church, of Portland, haa
purchased the river front property of
te Star Sand Company, and will build
a flae home, also a boat house and
Improve the property In general.
W. J. Alexander is circulating a pe
tition for a saloon license.
Judge Hanson, of MUwaukle. waa a
dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Graham Saturday.
Several new houses are being built
In the Oatfleld tract,
Clyde Swenney sold his home at
- Rlsley station to Mr. and Mrs. Ken
ner, of Portland.
Ben Ullit has been on the sick list
for a few days.
Mra. 8am Alexander and twrj sons,
.Charles and Arlet, were Portland vis
itors Monday. . .
School waa closed three days on ac
. count of the teachers' Institute being
held at Oregon City.
Louis Eperlet waa a Portland vis
itor Saturday.
George Kloh sold his barber shop to
F. H. Bennett, of Oregon City. Mr.
Bennett took possession Tuesday.
Mrs. E. C. Warren has a very bad
case of Lagrlppe but Is better at this
Mrs. Henry W entailer, of N'aefa,.wa
a Portland visitor Wednesday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs.' Ben Li Ills, of Naef,
were In Portland on business Wednesday.
Rev. Dr. Rnnyan preached in the M.
E. church 8unday.
Chaa. Newland, who has been work
Ing on the government trail for as
sistant forest supervisor Ralph Shel
ley has returned home.
Miss Lillian B. AveriU Is teaching
the Marmot school.
Miss . Lola Herald, the Cherryvllle
school 1 teacher, la In Portland this
week attending teachers' Institute.
Rev. Dr. Runyan has been re-appointed
pastor for the Oerryvllle,
Dover, Bull Run and Sandy distrcts.
J. T. Ftiel. Jr., made a trip to Port
land a few days ago and hauled out a
load of goods for his store.
We are Informed by' some of the
prominent members of the community
club that we art to have a frelgnt ag
ent and ticket office at this place.
This .will be gratifying newa to the
public in gtmer.iL
. John Jennings ' haa been making
some decided Improvements on Jen'
nings avenue and It la soon to be a
fifty foot street from the County Road
to the river.
Dan Reynolds was bttten by a large
collie dog last week, an Oregon City
physician. dressing the wound which Is
not considered serious. The dog was
Business Interest have called Dav
Hardy to Canada for a few week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Stover nave en
Joyed a vtalt from their parent. Mr.
and Mrs. Stover, from Latourelle and
also a sister. Mrs. A. Guenther, ot Bur
lington, during the past week.
What might have resulted in a di
sastrous fire had It not been for close
neighbors happened at J A. M. Tues
day, when fire was discovered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. RusselL
A slight hole waa burned through the
wall seemingly starting for the out
Canhy claimed a large number of
our people, who spent a day at tne
Clackamas County Fair. All report a
remarkable display of fruits and vg
eta hies, which the grower may feel
Justly proud of.
C P. Morse will leave for Spokane
Friday, where he goes In the Interest
of th Portland Seed Company, who
conduct a branch store at that place.
Mrs. H. H. Emmons departed for
Sheridan Monday, where ahe baa tak
en an a homestead near that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cashing are
expecting to return to Portland on
Thursday, having enjoyed the summer
at Buena Vista.
MrsrVyoyan Dent and Mra. Halleck
have also broken up camp and are at
their own cottage on the river front
for the winter.
Mrs. Stelnhaia and baby daughter
returned from Portland Friday of last
week. The Steinhaus family will oc
cupy the Dr. Wardner cottage for the
Mrs. Edd Roethe waa calling on
Lodge friends Monday, who were
pleased to see her able to he out again.
Mra. Roethe spent three month with
her people in San Francisco during
this summer, which waa greatly bene
ficial to her.
Mrs. Geo. Morse. President of the
W..F. M. Society of the M. E. church.
or Oregon City, attended It tea when
Mrs. Osborne was hostess on Tuesday
Hugo Sandstrom Is being confined
to- his home with a sprained ankle,
having beeo"unable to. attend to his
work In Portland for more than a
Mr. and Mra. J. C Monlgal were vis
itor In Oregon City on Tuesday.
Calvin Morse's new house is about
completed, and the family expect to
move Oil week.
H. C. Toiler and Mis Blanchard. of
Oregon City, assisted with the music
at the chapel Sunday. Rev. F. C. Berg
stresser completed his series of ser
mons on the Temptations of Christ,
and ably spoke on "The Way of Meet
ing Temptation, and the Result."
Mr. Hodges, on the East County
Road, have a little child seriously ill
with diphtheria.
In compliment to Mrs. H. H. Em
mons eighteen ladies were asked In
to spend the afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Hagh Robert on Friday last. Af
ter best wishes and telegrams nslng
each guest's name being showered on
Mrs. Emmons, ices and cake were
served and each guest also gave six
very essential things which Mrs. Em
mons was to take to her homestead
the preceding week. A message from
her to The Circle will be read at the
home of Mrs. Waldron when she Is
the hostess on Wednesday. The Rob
erts borne waa decorated with asters
and vine maple and the following In
timate friend of Mr. Emmons en
joyed the afternoon: Meadames Mac-
Farlane, Robinson, Newell. Palnton,
Sandstrom, Waldron, Geo. Morse, War
ner, Strain, Stover, Johnson, Cal
Morse, Hardy, Truscott, Emmons and
Mis Scripture.
Mrs. Conway and children spent
Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. De Shields, at Clackamas.
The Community Club held Its regu-
Since its foun
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Regular Price of the
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This Offer is Good to
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JUST THINK More than an Entire
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S3 will pay for both papers to Novem
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken
at this rate after October 31, 1911.
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R. R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on.
or before October 31.
This Offer is Good to
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Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer
The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once
berculoala, anil wlithed to see them
lar monthly meeting on Wednesday,
Oct. 4th, at the club room of the
school building. A number of ques
tions of Importance came up for dis
cussion. Mr. Carmlchael was a Portland vis
itor on Sunday. His daughter Is very
111 at the Good Samaritan hospital; he
has made a number of trips down to
see her.
We received quite a shower last
Most of our citizens attended the
Clackamas County Fair last week.
Prof. Jake Mitts, who will teach the
Lone Elder school, went to Oregon
City to attend teachers' Institute,
which all teachers are compelled to
attend. '
Allen Cribble and wife, of Portland,
attended the fair and visited also at
Mr. Gribble's parents, Albert Orlbble.
Our road boss, Jim Mitts, la repair
ing bridges.
O. R. Woodle and son, Roy, were up
from Eagle Creek Monday.
Mr. Wlrta, of Sandy, lectured In the
-Dover church Sunday.
M. M. Reld visited his mother over
Sunday, and attended the teachers'
Institute In Oregon City the fore part
of the week.
Prof. Anderson visited the Dover
school last week.
Mrs. Miller Is home from Columbia
City. '
Miss Alice Cooper Is In Portland
this week. '
C. A. Keith made a business trip to
Bandy Monday.
The directors had the Interior of the
schoolhouse remodeled after Prof. An
derson's directions.
Barlow Is the proud possessor.
the third time, of first premium at the
county fair. The premium won Is
twenty dollars In cash and a plow.
The committee In charge wishes to
thank the many friends for their kind
ly assistance in bringing Barlow to
the front. A numbe of premiums
were also won by Individuals and we
are also proud of owning the nicest
baby, who Is Stanley Cilbertson, age
Ave months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Gilbert on. who won first prize.
Mrs.. Quint received first premium for
a collection of hand made handker
chiefs. Mrs. Kimsey, sister of Mrs.
TuII, won first premium on three dif
ferent articles of battenberg. Grand
ma Aurve first In hand made rugs and
Mrs. Irwin won blue ribbon on best
collection of roses. There were no
doubt many premiums won by our
citizens, but as I have no list,. I can
not give the names. Uncle Harry's
snake cucumber; Mr. Jesse's black
potatoes and Mrs. Berg's pig full of
wine were a source of attraction.
Miss Bessie Sheppard, of Portland,
was visiting relatives and frends here
Frday and Saturday of last week.
Miss Anderson and Miss Lewis, of
Astoria, our teachers came up Satur
day. They went to Oregon City Mon
day to attend the teachers' Institute.'
They will return to Barlow-Wednesday
evening and will open school
A large number of our young folks
attended tne dance at Canby Satur
day evening.
Larlna Wlddows, HJalmer Erlckson
and Albert Berg are attending high
school In Canby.
Geo. Berg has gone to Cor v Ills,
where he will attend school at O. A.
Bernard Berg went, . to Portland
Monday. .
Mrs. Vernon, of McMlnnvllle, held
services for the Nazarene members
Fred Jesse, of; Portland, was visit
ing his parents Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Clay, who have been
... '' -
vlnltlng at Mr. Jcmte's for some tlm.
returned to their home In Portland
Sunday. .
Will the citizens of Bnrlow plensw
asslHt the reporter In making the
Items of our burg Interesting by leav
ing Items at the postofTlce
We are blessed with our share of
sunshine and showers In this part of
the world. Jhe sunshine is very wel
come but til showers help to crack
the prunes before people can got thom
all dried as there Is no sale for them
In the towns, fresh from the troe, ow
ing to the high price of sugar.
Mr. Weddle haa rented the middle
field of Mr. Gage and Intends putting
it Into fall grain.
Mr. Thomas's son, Elmer, Is being
benefited by the medical baths In
Portland, he thinks. He Is a young
man but suffering ; from muscular
On last Thursday Mrs. Powell re
ceived word by mall that her sister,
living near Independence, was very
low with quick consumption, or tu-
na nor Utile boy.ywhom they have
carea lor from Infancy. They went
on the morning train and arrange
mnnts were made to take the Buffer
ing woman to the hoapltal In Salem
A doctor friend of her mother's famllv
offered to take her In his big touring
car and make the Journey of twenty
miles as eay for her as possible, and
caving her In good hands they re
turned home on Sunday night, being
detained on th roa(j Dy a wreck An
engine o a train ahead of them broke
down, hut no one hurt.
Mr. Lncaa has a friend from Wash
Ington visiting him for a few days and
looking over the country. '
Mr. Hayes, who
her of Tualatin Or-rr?. "
grange Saturday j""l"w
and her husband. Mr. and MJ
Mlsa Anna Nemee """
gon City Monday to re mm ,
les at McLoughlln InstM f f
A number of '
finished the ninth Fd '
would be find to
year, but 'chool0
through the lower tfVZJn
like thousands of other eww
and girls, we see .Tam
It were, gathering P"''1 "Ur"
shore. while me .--
Here Is the Only
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