Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 06, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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' z d Th Scoop
Hi! !
Toe, heel and
arch a shoe
every man can
wear with, com-
seasonable now.
A complete showing
at $5.00. Some few
styles $6.00-
8upniion Bridge..,, Cor.
For the arrest an conviction
i.t m i.Arann or neraou. wuo
f ualawfully remove cople of Tb
MoriilnR KDterpriM from in w
premlave of ubcrlTer after p
piper baa been placed, there bjr
clty who came here on legal bual
nra.' Tbey formerly lived here.
Drop Into Huntley Uroa. Comrany
this arteriKMiii and aee and Ute food
cooked without fire. A deinonatratloo
of the Caloric Kireleaa Cooker.
Demonatratlou of rirelee Cooking
at Huntley llroa.' Company all day
lodiiy. You are rordiully Invited.
hinlnl Bpaiice, of Khlrbury, Neb.,
who ha been sending the aummer
with hie eon, C'harlee HI. Heiice, of
ItuMver Crifk, lft Wedneaday morn
Ini for hie home. Mr. Bpt'tire a4
been apciiitliiK th summer In Oregon
alm-e 190&. .
The Lnterrnlae baa a Doeltlon ooen
for you. Call at once.
Mr ami Mre. John Hiiover. of Wait
tome Win., and Mr. and Mre. puvld
IiivWb and daughter, of the aame
place, who have lieen vlaltlng the fam
llla of C. K. Bpene and William
(Irlitmitliwalle. of lleaver Creek, have
com to thla city to live.
William K. Ftie. aUty flve year of
age. a .veterui. or the Civil war. a led
Thumdi fte'ii(Kn at the home of
hi dandle-, Mra. A. O. Klnilnr.
Clarkanua Uelgbla. Mr. e Ml
l,n 111 for niiim Ihun a year.. He
cam from hie h"me hi Klamatr. KalU
to thla city, A uuat 9. M" ri wi.a
In Coloru'Io when the wt aiarMd,
and he eullated In the First Regi
ment of that elate. He aerved later
In tha Third HiKlmnnt. and partlcl
bated In aome of the flerceet buttle
of the war. He moved to OreKon,
settling at Klamnth Kalla, about
twoiity yeara ago. and drove a ataae
until ixmr health romuelled him to
retire. Ilia lf died about nlae
year bko. Ilnalde Mra. Kinder, he
lajiurvlved by another daughter, Mra.
M. K. NlNliorffer. orflellwoort. The
funeral will nrobablv be held toruo
row mornlnic. It la expected thai
M (!(! I'uai. Crui.d Army of the Re
public, will attend the services.
It Often Happens.
The Saturday Club of the Congrega
I tonal church mat at tht home of Mra
W. K. Klmaay Mond ly evening. Mra
Ktmaav nnd Mlaa Murll Stevcne be
ing the hoetesava. The early part of
tlm mretlna waa devoted to the elec
ii, ii of f,rfli-ere who are to serve for
in cnnulng year, and are a follows
ITealdeiit. Mra. Don James; vlce-preal
,ini in. Raluh McOetchle: swre-
fury Mlaa Kiln Caufleld: treasurer
Mix Muriel RtoVeua. The subject for
u n entertainment waa dlacuaaed. and
It wa decided to' have Mlaa Ethel
nrUtnw m elocutlnnlat. from the
an entertainment In the
i hnrfh December 2. It -wa alao d
rldrd to have the regular meeting
,.r ih. riuh In the church par lor a on
ih. nrai Mundav evening of each
month Inatead of at the homea or tne
m.mUn it heretofore. Alter Dual
ma wa tranuacted refreahmenta
Preaent were Mra. C. D. Latouretle,
Ml.a i.-lna f'aurield. Mlaa Clara CaU
Held. Mra. IXn Jamea. Mra. nen
i..aka Mra. Jamea Roake, Mlaa Ivy
Konke, Mra. John Mcueicnn-,
Kit I pk MctJetohle. Mra. T. Cook. Mra.
n f.w.u Mlaa Marcla Romlg. MU
ii' nl Muiiiav. Mlaa Muriel Steven
Mra. A B. Wllmot. Mra. Fred Warner,
t.. u n u'antworth. Mra. E. n
After dunouncliM and repudlat'ng
Admiral Wlnfleld Ht-ott Hchluy during
hl lifetime, and ofilclally refualng to
approve hla rondii't at Santiago, In
the naval battle of which be waa Cie
hero, tiie I'nlied P'jIimi navy outlil
Itaulf here today in paying tribute to
the man 'who ileatroyed Cerverr'a
fleet, now that he la dead. The fu
neral held here today waa one of th
moat ImiHialug ever held. In the Na
tional capital.
Men who were the blttereat In thuir
denunciation of the living Hcbley, the
men who hurled auch terma aa "cow
ard," 'catlllf" and "traitor at nla
head were tha moat nromlnent flicurei
In the funeral cortege.
The military and naval dlaplay wiu
exceedingly elaborate, and waa In
charge of Hear Admiral Dadger. In
the line of march waa the Annapoliit
paval band, followed In order by 70"
mldHhlpmen. CUO murine, 400 blnv
Jacket a. a battery of field artillery
and acorea of carriage!.
Admiral Dewey, lifelong 'friend of
Hcbley, and hla etauncheMi aupporter,
who championed hla cauae In regard
to the Kantlago queatlon when opposi
tion to the late admiral waa at 1U
blackeat, waa unable to attend the
final rltea Admiral Dewey la report
ed to be In feeble health.
Following out a requeat mad f-i-rnl
I iiica by A" ral Schley dur1nr
lhi Iwfct 'ow yeara, the flrat iervl.e
were conducted at the Schley family
r . l.l'- on I 'r here, ',e Ko
Ciolx M.i kiii If rilei being conduc." I
1 1. 1. ly f nlla Kebrtng, the vie -maater
'i !yr. gvlut chapter. B. H.
K o.iv'a 1.-IK" of Kkaona purtlclju -d
prominently In the ceremonlea.
Servicea In 8t John'a Eplacopal
church were cmducted by Hv. Ito
lnd Smith. The proceaalon than
went r.i t h er
unero t"c liody waa lowered Into tn
graven A flnal aalul-i Area and
ia.a wire Bounded In fitting close of
II oluM qulea.
A ratber remarkable feature of the
bop market at thla time la the ap
parent apathy of the hrewera. lo the
face of v bat In all quarter la conced
ed to be a decidedly bulllah altuatlon
the conauioer of bop are ahowlng a
dlapoaltlon to bold off, aeemlngly In
the belief that a Utile later tbey will
be able to rover their need for the
coming year at lower prluea than now
prevail. That dlaaiipolninient la In
atore for many of them la counted very
probable. ' '
n..U,i ttt hnitu an nfit CYim-
rjawy I I I' V, uv - . -
in.. iiii anvihlns like tha freedom
uaual at thla time of the year, and tne
obvloua explanation or una la an at
tempt on the part of Interested deal
era and conaumera to bear the market.
The outlook for the future of the hop
market, however, la anything but
benrlab. That the .world' crop la ma
terlally ahort of actual requirement
fr the year to tome haa been well es
tablished. In view of thla a bear cam
paign at thla time of the year can
hardly' be expected to accomplish
"There are aeher li' re and there at
going price at to 33 cent though
aa yet no great preaaure to unload baa
dxveloped In the country," aald a deal
er. "Uut the market remain compare
lively quiet. This 1 due to the fact
that nriikn ira not comlnr In from
he Kant at the-rate usually expected
at thla time or tne year, ii is ciear
that many of the conaumera hope for
for lower price later in the season,
and It is quite a clear, to u at least,
that In the bop situation generally
there is no ground for any such hope.
The enjinces are mat niauy ui iut
holding .on
I HoosSes?
The home of Mrs. Edward Schwab
on Fifth and Center streets, was ar
tlatlcally decorated Thursday after
noon with autumn leavea and aapara
gua ferna, the occaalon being a "Ave
hundred party." given by Mrs. Schwab
to a few of her friends, and a most
dellKbtrul afternoon was spent. Th
prlxe were won by Mr. C. H. Mols
ner -end Mr. W- A. Shewman. Dur
ing the afternoon luncheon was
aerved. Uicllte Evn and Velma Ran
dall aaalKtlng the hoatea In erviuK.
Those In attendance were Mra. V.
A. Shewman, Mr. Theodore Oamond,
Mra. E. T. Avlaon. Mr. C. H. Mela
ner, Mr. J. H. Walker, Mr. E. P.
Randa. Mra. Henry O'Malley, Mr.
tieorge Hankln. Mra: C. W. Evana,
Mra. T. P. Randall. Mr, r . ureen-
man, Mra. J. R. Humpnry.
1. m,Ka ' ava nnw
iralnar nreaenl prices Will And It neC
)e proceaalon than w Uitir ajr , ,(K)j deal more.
Aiilngtifti cemetey Daaiar' say that approxlmatelr-half
of the Oregon crop haa paaaed out of
the hands of growers, this Including
contract closed during the growing
aon and aale since the harvest of
the crop began. For the unsold portion
the market outlook ia conaidered fav
nraiia ' Tha hrewera on both sides of
the Atlantic must soon take on sup
plies for th coming year
iiari lraona." ses MaJida, "la Jiwl
a ia Daililv'"
ilut at 111 I thot his chance was slim.
. tiii one dav Manda miirriea nini
vi.. i iima 1- aaw Manda. I acz.
'iinw'i .! DandyT
tim Manda only shook her head
.,.i,i !, ulihuil that ahe ''
Whm Alfr,l Tool flrat went to soheol
H at I mi rhanca whatever.
But hi itrx up and "played lha fuol."
Ai pila callad him clavai.
, ..ia ma atewln' 'to see trouble
a i .in aav a mnl her ouKhter
Heat common aeno Into ber daugh
Mrs. J. W. Norrm, former president
nt iha U'nmnn'a Club, and who waa
the leader In beait'fylng McLoughlW
l-aru. la nlannlntr a tuna to pror.ue
it,. Mr-lvmirhlln monument. It I M..
Norrla' plan to gU an entertatnn-cnt
hia month, the nrcct-eds from which
ni .urt iha fund. It 1 thought tat
when the start I made there will be
little trouble In rnlslng the money
frv a memorial Ilk hiHlor of the ''Fdth
Mra. Norrla and Mr, cauneia, pri
i.ient of the Women a Club, will at
tend the 8tate Fede'lltlon of Womon'
rinha which will convene at Kose-
imrE. October IT. Is and 19
prevailing Oregon City price are
a follows:
HIDES (Buying) Green bldea,
6c to Cc; saltera, 6c to 6c: dry bide.
12c to 14c; heep pelt, 25c to 75c
WOOLr( Buying) 14c to 16c.
' Hay, Grain, Feed.
hay fBuvlna) Timothy. tlS to
116: clover, $8 to 19: oat hayrbet,
$11; mixed. 9 to $12; alfalfa, $12
to $14.
oats (Burin-) Gray. $25 to
$26; white, $26 to $27.
FEED Short. $29 to $30; rolled
barley, $37.60; procese barley, $38.50;
whole corn, $35; cracKea corn,
wheat, $32 to $33; oil meal. $53;
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per
1 AA nnn at
FLOUR $4.60 to $5.25.
Butter, ' Poultry, Egg.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 25e to 30c; fancy
dairy, 30c; creamery, 80c to 35c.
POULTRY (Buytngj liens, lie
to 12Hc; broilers, 13c.
EGGS Oregon ranch egg, 28c to
Fruit, Vegetable.
nmirn vrttits (Buying)
Prunes, 6 l-4o to 10V4c; peache. 10c.
ti 9. in it so ner ack: parsnip.
l.ZS to $1.50; turnip, $1.25 to $1.60;
beet. $1.60.
. POTATOES Beat buying, 1 l-4c
per pound.
ONIONS Oregon, $1.50 per hun
dred; Australian, $3 per hundred.
Livestock. Meats. '
BEEF (Live weight) 8teer. 6c
mi KU.R. rows. tUe: bull. 3 l-2c
VK A I -Calves bring irom c 10
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep. . 3c an SHc:
lambs. 40 and 5C
HOGS 125 to 140 pound bog, 10c
and lie; 140 to 200 pound, 10c and
Only two more days to register ' your
name, or bring in your coupon signed as
required for the special terms on the
Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet,
Ono $39 Cabinet F roo I
Saturday Afternoon
Ask for instructions of terms, and join
club of 25 housekeepers to secure the
Grand $39 Hoosier Cabinet this week
for $35, at terms of $5 cash and $1 per
-weejc; :
Come in and set the Hoosier Cabinet We will
be glad te show it toyou part by part. You put yourself
under noobligatian to buy. It is a pleasure to us to
point out to you hew much more convenience you get
in the Hoosier Kiichen Cabinet than in any other Cab
inet made Why the Solid Oak Hoosier will last
forever. "
south, range 4 east; $300.'
Fred C. Hartt and Llllle Hartt to
Albert Rodlun, 6 acres of section '28,
township 1 south, range 3 east; $250.
Addison and Dora Meredith to
Frank F. Reiner, lot 6. Jennings
Lodge; $10.
Isadore S. and Hortense" Buaben
ville to Clyde Jenkins, 6 acres of
SalTrans Peninsula; $1,325. ,
Frederick and Clementine Bresee
to H. Clyde Jenkins, easterly 5 acre
of Tract "A" Saffarans Peninsula;
Alvln ami Alice Clark to H. L,
Burchell, 60 acre of ectlon 35, town
ship 2 south, range 3 east; $10.
William Blount and Elizabeth
Blount to Mary E. Barlow, 60 acre
of section 1, township 4 south, range
1 east,-$l. ',!
'Susan Richardson and Sa rents
Richardson, to F. H. Cross, part of
Fendal C- Cason D. L. C, Gladstone;
Douglass W. Taylor et al to Stella
E. Shipi, land In Oregon Iron ft
Steel Company First Addition to
Oswego; $10.
Douglas Taylor et al to Elmer Ship
ley, lot 8 of block 16, Oregon Iron A
Steel Company' First Addition to O
wego; $1.
Douglas Taylor et al to Elmer T.
Shipley, undivided 3-4 Interest In tot
7, block 16, Oregon Iron ft Steel Com
pany's First Addition to Oswego; $10.
Elmer T. snipiey to jjousim .
Taylor, trustee, lots 7. 8, block 16.
Oregon Iron V Steel Company' First
Addition to Oswego; $10.
J. F. Klnyon to 8. X Morrison,
66.70 acres of Joseph Qeer D. L. C.
No. 43, township 3 south, range 3
west; $10.
MU l.-aU ltltwl, t,lalt1 frlands In
0rKm City Wednesday.
A. J. Wurn hn hi! biwin 111 for
everal wat'ka, Is convalescent.
J. I.'IIImII nt frank Wll in
thU city on liuaiueaa Thursday.
A .11. 81 urges, after a three week'
lllncMH. Ik rarnvarlns. and IS
hlo to b out.
i I .. 1 , .. 1. 1 f . .........I t (1
-int llla llWfr nil IClUlliril v"
l"r ht)mi In Portland, after vlaltlng
in.. .. . .
'a Ruth HrlghtbllL
Oyatora, any style, at. the Falla
Confectionery, 703 Main tret.
Vll 1 .. it.. a..1l LdAlln
farmer of Crun, vai transacting
DumneH n thla r tr Thur(Uy.
Rnv Qlnts-k .-. MBlflAnt of
Li - I p. II l, m 1UI IIIVI I 7 -a- w
Orfgun city, but now of Portland,
waa in Oregon City on bualne wea
nnlay. ,
8ugnr and fruit jar o1d below cot.
olRKer & Bon, Seventh itreet
Mra. H. Krueger left Thursday
momlnK for Amity, where ahe will
TU her slater. She was accompanied
y her mother, of thla city.
The Enterrplae ha a position open
tar you. Call at once.
Charlna Cnsto, of Clarkes, after
vliltlng relative at Clackama for
veral day thi weelt wu In Ore
ion city Tuesday evening on bU way
home. -
Mlaa nlnHva Tnalatln. f-
, - J , w . -
"i'T-imiiij s lew uaya ri. iiji
Returned to Oregon City Wednesday
rmm her studie at tne ureg""
City Irhnnla
Mr. Minnie Day leave today for
Batom, where h will pend the win-'r-
She haa hn vlaltlng at tha
om of Mr. and Mr. C. D. Utcjur
tie. ,
Taw . - , . . , 'a
j our zoo mercnania iuuum -
Fall Confectionery, 703 Main Bt
'Mra. t. Warren, formerly,. Mis
Qraa Qv. .... ,vu Ai, tu nnw
if Rlaloy, wa In thla city Thursday
Win! 1 . ' WW V A
'-uin- at th home or Mrs. w.
"newrniin ana nik, frlanria
Mra. Tir,in n rur,' anrf inn. Ken-
I tiath, of Portland, were In this city
r'Hy ftiittrnoon 'fwui
- "iy acrompanijd Mr. Cnrry to thtt
Manda." soa I, "when you wbs s-i
You couldn't read, fier apH. nr
v morc'n a antl-bellum nigger.
Till you learned how; the point I,
.lest study Bert, like a good wlfa
Or a divorce may wreck your life.
araw-a lumny. bnbnnd geta
rw -
rn trt rtw V
Then laugh an" say you bet a dime
, ha nirt lumt) nexi
l 1 1 f l " " ' V w "
Wben bualnes worries, ana pttr.ui...
V. tn ;
rra and eU in a dreadful tew,
a... nh mil darn It!" aa men do.
kjeaw a
wcur vnnit Hrf K. (Sncini ;
11 ii it v - -
The National Commission met h"
today and decided that tne nrsi
of the world' aerie will be played 'n
New York October 14. .
The socond game of the wor'.d'J
championship aerie will be played in
Phllnflelphla October IB.
The following umpirea nave uooa
announced to handle the. Indicator
during the series: National League,
J. Klem and William Brennan. Ala
erican League William Dlneen anu
Thomaa Connolly.
Edmund and Eva E. 8aling to Clack
ama county, land In ectlon 16, town
ship 3 nouth, range 4 east; $1.
L. M. Yocum to Clackamaa county,
Innd In section 21. township 3 south,
range 2 east; $1.
Philip F. 8tandish to Clackamas
county, land In section 16, townsnip
3 south, rRnge 4 east; I.
F. J. Harkenrider to Clackamas
county, land In section 21. township
3 south, range 4 east; $1.
B. F. and Clara Rullard to Clacka
mas county, land In Bectlon 16, town
ship 3 south, ranne 4 east; $1.
"W. H. VVade to F. J. Harkenrlder,
land in section 21, township 3 south,
range 4 east; $1.
Mrs. Robert L Couch to C. L. Adix,
lot 12. block 8, Estacada; $1.
Edward C. Hunt to F. E. and Emma
Wooater, land In section 29, township
sweet and teady, nor be too
-r. 4... nno-rv ait for tat.
Ti..a him nmnttmel for ail
Next time 1 saw Manda. I es, "How'
- Is .at nanHvT'f . .
Then Manda laughed and said ajie
She'd learn to "read and spell" him
Chief of Police Shaw expect re
plies today to telegram v
r v. aftamnon to the par-
nt of Clyde Kast, fourteen year of
- oa xnAfi n Arrace. niumu
aTfJ fl U I UU a-a.
City Wash.. nd Oeorg Crlstopher,
lf.Un year', of age, of I25 ICI.Mh
a.ttu Th ho vi left homo
to visit th stepfather of Cipher,
who Is In sacrsmenio uuiiun.B
aeroplane. They expected to oe
. m ..! tha machine. Crist-
opher said he bad $S when he left
i ut,4 iha mntiAv did not laat lonff,
They "beat" their way from Seattle
to Portland, and were arreated upon
their arrival In thl city by Policemen
Oreen and Cook. ' Letter written to
tha addreaan given by the lad were
L B. U. Stenographers and
For your protection, Mrs. House
keeper, we have just installed
The One Writing Method ol handllngf account.
With paNkaaa.. a-f et. mhrM a la .1. Ph-w, , C""?-J
!articlaanallvabalancapcaKnia""" ..w--. '
' prieaaiaack
v amw m alahl Yon alwair km tha opportanHy al ehackin aaea.
k.m lro yaoTaala lip lo .aa that avarjthta " kaa U
.ac. ..II fll r .kM roa By ptaaafvln tha.a ) w.U Ua tha - taear4 at
yoar aeeoaat aa wa.
aain, im mm list RAND WIITING
Wa tkaO Wa Ud aaplala Tka MaCaahar gpataa la poa.
Bookkeepers Great Demand
Business firms ore recognizing the superior
trolning of our Business university over the
work of the business colleges. Ourstnndord
' is higher; our work Is much more thorough;
our work is more complete; and our students
ore more proficient in every way. ?
, Just t:ic school for the earnest young man or
lady who desires to leorn and have the high ;
, est ond best training at reasonable tuition : ; f
rotes. You are sure ot individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools ; -cannot
give it. You should Investigate our . '
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
year In day and night school.
630 Worcester Block., : Phones: Marshall 2751; - Home ASW.