Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 04, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Story of a Raca to Recover
It From an Entarprlslnj
Copyright by American Press Aaa
cUUoa. UU.
It ru my good fortune t bile a ne w
paper eorrmpoodfnt at Berliu t come
luto the posnesston of a state 'secret.
I shall not make trouble aa I would
Tea at thU lata date, by glrlng it ti
the world or tellinic bow I came by
tt, excel to say that I pot It frvui an
American lady who waa at that time
promloeut In Berlin court eociety and
who afterward married a general la
tba German army.
Nevertheless the Imperial govern
ment knew that tba aecret bad been
divulged and that It waa In my poe
aeealon. How they made tba discov
ery I hare never learned. There waa
a network of diplomats, newspaper
men, aplea Indeed, all manner of per
sons, every on watching the other
and all wort In f aecretly. Tba mo
ment I became possessed of tbe Infor
mation 1 refer to without waiting for
baggage I went to a railway station
and started for Parts. I reached the
French capital without Interruption.
On tba way I thought out a plan to
nae my secret In a way that would
neither compromise ma or tbe lady
from whom I baa received it. I re
aolTed to turn it In to a London Jour
nal to which I bad at times sent items
of news. Bnt I remained In Paris
twelve hours. This was ratal to my
getting clear of those' whom tbe chaa-
cvuor ox uenuany seal oui to urau
mo off.
f wb sit fin In mw H.tlttl An tha
Bevoll waiting for a train to carry
me to Calais when I saw a man enter
whom I had one seen In the ante
room of aa Important official of tbe
German government while we were
both waiting for an audience. ' Fortu
nately I saw him before ha saw me,
or, rather, be did not see me at all.
It flashed through my mind that he
wss after me. that his purpoea was to
I unr ac mad toad" to oraaavoa.
arrest ma on a trumped up charge and
take ma back to Berlin for trial. Ha
went np to tba hotel office, doubtleaa
to Inquire for me, and X slipped out
through n corridor leading to a back
door. -
It waa now evident that I waa fol
lowed. But by how many persons 1
I knew the German chancellor's de
tective were numbertesa and that ha
would guard every avenue by which
I might escape him. He knew that I
waa a journalist and that the most
likely mart for the news I possessed
waa London. Therefore I waa aura to
be tracked to the British capital I
must change my plan. I must go to
tba place I would be least likely to
go. Though I am an American, I
would not be expected to go to Anwrl
ca, because at least a week would be
required for me to get there, and food
for newspapers grows cold quickly
Nevertheless I believed that my ae
cret would keep all that time nnleaa
some uew development In tbe situatloa
should occur. At any rate, I felt sura
that 1 wuld not be permitted to carry
or eeud my news to England, and tt
I were to im It at all 1 muat take
time to "shake" my follower.
Penartlnir from my hotel ou Rue
nivolt, I turned Into the Rue d'AIger,
thence Into Rue St Honore, from
which I pursued. my way to a boule
vard. Within another hour I waa on
a train steaming for Ohertount and.
baring purchased a newiax r, looked
through the advertisements till I saw
that a ship would aall front there to
Sew York within a few hours after
my arriral.
I waa standing on deck Just as the
ship was about to cast off when a cab
ram lie el j spilt toward in aoca.
man got out. threw a coin at tbe cab
man and Just enccerded In getting
aboard a the vessel left the dock.
Something told me that he waa from
Berlin and that he was after me
Whether he bad been seut to watch
that particular steamer or had got on
my track I dont know.
At that time tbe wireless telegraph
had Just begun to be put on ocean
liners, and I was delighted to see that
there was an apparatus on the atramt
on which I sailed. As soon as 1 had
secured, a stateroom there are always
staterooms left over on steamers that
can be bad for an extra consideration
I lounged up to tbe wireless office and,
the door being open, stood looking In
at the operator, who waa sending a
message. I had not been th-re lire
minute before the man who had bceu
the last passenger to get aboard came
along. Our eyes met. and 1 knev.-, as
he knew, that be had sjottcd bis man.
Even If bis manner bud Uut betrayed
him I should bare known that he waa
after me from his coming as soou ss
possible to the wireless office to bead
me off from sending my message. .
I was greatly disappointed. On land
I should bare expecud to be defused
at any telegraph office; at sea I be
lieved I would hare no trouble In send
ing n wireless. There was nothing to
prevent my sending my message from
the steamer except this man who wss
following me.. I knew he would more
heaven and earth to preveut me. It
would be a war of wits between him
and tae. t
There were many waya In which he
could stop me. He might charge me'
with being a fugitive from Justice;
be might make It appear that I bad
atolen money or some article from him;
be might even murder me. What was
my life worth compared with tbe in
terests of an empire? And would not
his sovereign be sufficiently "powerful
to protect blm If be were implicated
In my taking off? Suppose I failed to
send my meoaage at sea. Would be
not wire confederates in New York to
arrest me on arrival on any charge be
chose to hi vent?
He went Into the wireless office and.
telling tbe operator that be wished
to send a private message, shut the
door. When he came out I knew by
the look on his face that be bad
"flied" tbe operator. Having done so,
be went away and left uie free to
send all tbe message the young man
would transmit for me.
To teat tbe latter I entered his of
fice and asked blm to send a message
for me. He made no objection, and 1
dictated a message to an imaginary
person. In my profession I bad found
occasion to send telegraphic messages
myself and had learned tbe Morse al
phabet. I knew at once that the oper
ator waa simply clicking his key with
out sending my message, Nevert ne
ts I pretended not to suspect him
and paid his charge.
I hung around that office, studying
the working of the Instrument and es
pecially tbe lock ou tbe door. I watched
for three days for an opportunity to
get a wax impression that would en
able me to make a key, but tbe opera
tor never left his office without locking
the door and waa never away very
long at a time. I often stood on deck
at night watching the spark over tbe
office when be wss sending a dispatch.
Since its foun
dation, it has
been the policy
of this Company
to embody in the
in perfected form, the best typewriter ideas by
whomsoever advanced.
For our latest manifestation of this policy,-
Greatest Offer
The Morning Enterprise W The Weekly Oregoni
(Clackamas County's Daily)
(The Northwest's Greatest Weekly)
Until November 1, 1912
Regular Price of the
Morning Enterprise
by mail is $3.00
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well as
New Subscribers
JUST THINK Moro than an Entire
Year to Clackamas County's live daily .
and the Northwest's greatest weekly
for the price of one paper only. Bargain
period ends October ;31, 1911. On that
day, or any day between now and then,
$3 will pay for both, papers to Novem
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken
at this rate after October 31. 1911.
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on
or before October 31.
Regular Price oft
Weekly Orego;r
This Offer is Coed H
Present as Well c
Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer
The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once
co occcocccocooococococococcoocooocccoccoocococcooccoocc:::
on'a 'a r i-mr.oare. tint 1 arp-
longing ror just nve nun. gestcd (hat If he did so and destroys!
keyboard myself. , fortune In Jewels he would be held
What method the detective had used ! responailjle. This ataggcrcd him.
with tbe operator I did not know, but "How would It do" I anked. "to
It was effective. I became acquainted j put tbe Ux In a boat and tow It at
wun uice everjDoaj cauea me opera- . uie end of a long roje7"
inspect the new
Visible Writing: Remingtons
Nos. 10 and 11
which embody every desirable feature extant PLUS
an Adding and Subtracting Mechanism, which consti
tutes an innovation.
The voice that cried in the wilderness 30 years ago:
"You cannot afford to write
in the old way," now ac
claims with equal convic-
?ttion: "You cannot afford to
. calculate in the old way.
. Remington Typewriter .
s (laescaorstea) ' t f
tor Dick and used all my diplomatic
skill to Cod out how I could outbid my
rival, but failed signally. I hinted at
a way be might make .VX. I could
sea an amused look on his face. I did
not possess the means to bid any
higher, and, bidding aa I was against
the emperor of Germany, money was
not a factor of the problem.
We had been Ave days out, and 1
had accomplished nothing. I knew
that my shadower mnst have sent a
message to New York that wonld In
some way pur me In Hmlo on arrival.
My only chance to outwit him was to
find some menus of leaving the ship
before him on tbe day of arrival.
Tbe stateroom opposite mine was,
occupied by an old lady who caniel
with her a traveling clock. I lav
awnke one night listening to Its lack
ing, and It brought me a possible- so
lntlon. I must steal that clock. This
was not difficult, for the old1 lady's
stateroom door wss seldom locked
and every day was hooked open. The
evening before we renched port I
purloined the timepiece. Then I went
about looking for a box. Having found
one, I put the clock In it, nailed on tba
lid and put a fictitious address on it
Finding the captain alone In his room,
I took the box to him and told him
that It had been given to me by a m'an
whose sanity I suspected, to be de
livered to the address on It In New
York. He had told me that It contain
ed family Jewels of great value, but
I had recently beard a ticking la It
and feared It contained a bomb to
blow np the ship.
Tbe csptsln, a ghaut, proposed at
The very thing!" be exclaimed.
It was midnight, and we were off
Montauk Point. Tbe captuln ordered
a boat lowered with tbe box In It
and the rope payed out. He then
went to hh en bin and to sleep, while I
bid myself on deck and wben dnwn
came pulled to tbe boat It required all
my strength and Just before passing
steamer east loose. I caught the at
tention of tbe ateamer and whs taken
aboard. She was bound for Ronton,
and the name evening from there. I
cabled my message to a London news
paper. The next morning the world was
startled at the news that Germany and
RnsHia were making a deal to appro
priate a large slice of African ter
ritory and divide It. The publication
of the news defeated the project,
which would surely hare canted a
Eorotenn war.
That I had furnished the news was
known to only a few prominent Jour
nalists, but It made my fortune. 0
I sent back the clock I had borrow,
ad, with a handsome present beld.
The best and higheft thins, s man
can do in a day it to sow a aerd.
whether it be in the ihape of .a
word, an act or an acorn.
Allowed by Law.
"Flow would you define Matrimony V
As a merger that Is tepnl "-.New York
Ways With th. Htid.
Some of tbe earn a Ii io.ii ladles
ehavs their beads with mnall. ihnrp.
raxorllke ktilvw. nrt w.fienltig in
hair wltb goat's milk. Other Afrl-ans
keep It cut off to sIhiiiI Iv.-h Im ties In
length snd slick down with tecelslrie
oils, tilris of rijt sitlTeii their nm.i
wltb tree gums, and soft. nutTy iinlr
Is cnnxldcred a curxe. Holiu lmw some
of tbe racs that hare the sil(Tet bslr
try to mske It suffer, snd ttum ttist
have the softest try to mukv It He
down, and still otb-r rates no Jun the
opposite.-New Tor I'nus.
Our greatest clubbing offer. Tho
Morning Enterprise by mall and the
Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem
ber 1, 1812, for only 13. Offer closea
October 81, 1911.
A. Little Mlssd.
ratlent-I,ook here, doctor; I'm not
folng to atarve to death for the aake
af living a little longer.
Ysggmsn's 8up.
Careful yeggmen carry tbelr "soap"
(nitroglycerin! In a rubber bottle, but
tnanyr In" spite of tbelr knowledge of
the danger, use only a glaaa bottle. In
which It la likely to be exploded by a
audden Jar. Baltimore Blue, a noted
yeggman. In alighting from a freight
train was blown to pieces by bis
A-We Bj. potet to Georga Poteet
10 acreo of section 7. townahlp
south, range I east; 1
WllUam narkMW J"
Barksdale M P. N1
O. C. RleKclmana, W
Meailowa; $10. j
Horsa Hurt la F
A horse belonflnt "i
grocery atore of 0
entangled In a barb
Tueaday and wai baM
Thomaa. a veterinary
Oladatone, waa
necessary to take IM
tha wound, but than"1
Here is the Only
Bargain House
Compare our" prices with others and
foil will be aura to trade here. New
and second hand furniture of all
klnda. Granite, glaaa and light hard
E. W. Mellien
Opposite The Grand
Treatment at Hot Lake, Including medical attention.
hatha, ooata no mora than' you would pay to live at 1
hotel. Itooma can be had from 75 centa to 11.80 Pr,
In tha cafeteria are served from 80 centa up and In tb
uaual grill prCM. Batha range from 60 centa to .
We .Do Cure Rhetfmatisd
Hot 1A. X'i
and mud " t
title M?0tV
thoiiaanda. WW
trated bookie
Hot UK 8".
tba 'mathodi i
alble. a rSlll
i. on the main "
0.-W. R- r.
sneclal eun,,"V
to be hd t
v WALTER M. PICRCC.Prcs.-n.-