Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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f If
(:J Tht Scoop
c, heel and
h a shoe
ry man can
jar with com
t irticularly
complete showing
$5.00. Some few
Lptniion Brldg Cor.
(r (he srreal n' oouvlctlon
n rw.rim nr neraona. Who
(rully remove copies of The
bltiK Enterprise trom tne
liars of subcrlbers efter
ir hi been placed there by
Brut I
Klectrlo HoUl. Mr. Evendeo U one
of the professors of ibe State Nor
mal. , Mlaa Maud Laughaad, one of the
prominent luatrur.iora ot the auta ta
among those taking an active part ft
(ha Institute thai la In aaaalon lu
tbla city.
Will lirown. who haa bean In tbla
clly fur tha past month, haa returned
to Corvallls, where ba will take up
hla similes at tha Oregon Agricultural
College. -
Try our 2 So merchants' luncb, at
the Kails Ooufectlouery, 70S Main St.
J. M. I'rlee, wbu haa been lu thin
city vlHitlng hla brother, A, X. Frio,
loft thl woo for Woodburn. wbor
ha will vlalt for a faw daya before
doing to California, to visit hla broth
r, and will than return to I'rlnevllle,
where he U lu busln.
O. A NhnIi. H. D. Wllaou, II. II.
Johimoii, Itulpb McUeUhle formed a
hnniliiK party that left Monday for
tha NVutlvni country. All arv eiper
It need hunter, and there la no doubt
l here wilt bo plenty of Kama brought
Ml May Walker, who recently ar
rived lu thl city from Palo Alto, Cat.,
I.i vluli ultli Mr. unit Mr, ft. H. Wal
ker, ha decided to make her home
Ki.ra. ul.a haa ralnrnail frnm Canby.
where aha enjoyed ramp Ufa, during
tha toutuy ruir.
Mr. and Mra. Chrlat lloiuabub. ar
rived lu thl city T"id"y from Ha
Lm un.l will vlalt their daughter,
Mra. ( heater Kllloll, until ttmir naw
hmiiu In till clly I completed. Mr
ami Mra llnriialilih ur wall known
In thl city, having formerly resldfad
near Heaver Creek.
Thmtiaa T. Itiiira. of Portland. Wa
III till clly on limine luesuay. u.
lloKK wit In chariie of tho Itao truck
that left tha fulr around Saturday
luoruliiK lor llnrlow and return, rbl
waa una of tha attraction ot Sulur
day morning a fair.
Ula (iertrnde Hchuebel and alitar
Mlaa Ijirlle of Hhuliel. were in tbla
city on Tudny ou their way to Port
iM.iJ. and ruLurMcd Lure lu toe even
I UK .when thev left lor Cauuy, wuere
thev w III v nit their aiater, mra
Joseph IIni t. Ml (iertrude Hcnue
hel will remuln In Canny for aev'.a
I' I" AMaiif. tit lirunawlck. Nab
arrived' lu Oregon City Saturday and
la vlNltliia Mr. and ira. uoy 11.
nf Twelfth treet. Mr. Cos being l
neuhew of Mr. Abbott. Mr. Ablmlt uihl hla ranch In Nebraka
and la looking for a location, and U
very much lmpreed with Oregon
I'liv aim llarkama county, lie will
probably locate here.
Schuyler Latourette, a well known
farmer II vlrnr near Canby. waa In
frreiron Cltv on Tuesday. Mr. La
i,...r.n haa mnVKl recently to Clack
amaa county and purchased a 40 acre
farm, lie recently learned or tne
i.iiirotfe famllle In thl city, and
i..u.n tiivoaiitfuilon found ha waa
relative of C. I), and U C. Latourelle
of Oregon City.
I. K. Jonea, wife' and daughter, of
Kurt Worth. Tel . have arrived In
Oregon Clly. and are gueata at the
home of Mr. Mud Mra. Ralph Miller
ur ! Mra. ll N. Tabor. Sun
day Mr, and Mra. Miller entertained
ai a famllv reunion, when Mr. and
vi r. i. vi iinvt. of lllllaboro. Q. II.
Tabor, ot South Dakota, and Mr. and
Mra TatMir. Mr. and Mra. Jonea
ami .lunuhter were nreaent U. E.
T.i.r anil mik. hi home In Oregon
Hud M lamlly will arrive here within
a few weeke.
f Wlrvl.rlnr-Yet wheu you fell In
whu inc-
Wlrchrlnr-I dldu't fall In. I
lrKK-d In.
(Continued from page 1.)
Harp Concert To be Given At
Congregational Church Tonight
: lift fcf-1
There la no doubt that there will
m a large attendance at the enter
talnment to be given at the Congre
gational church thla evening under
he aiipervlHlon of Beta Club ot that
church when Ml France Hughes
Wade will make her tlrat appearance
In thla rllv aa a harneat. Ml Wade
la an artlat of great reputation, bay
Ing appeared in concert wora in nmuy
of the Inrgeat cltlea of the Eaat.
The following program will be
given: "Marche Trlumphate," Mla
Wade; vocal aelectlon. Mlaa Ivy
Koaker'TJecauae," "Au Monaaten.-'
-ValKe Caprice." (Haaaelmans), Mlaa
Hughe; aolo, Oacar Woodfln: "My
Heart at Thy Sweet Voice." "Sant
SHena," "Marurka." (Schueker):
piano aelectlona, -Love Dream."
Pastorale." (Uait). Ml Louise
Huntley; Cht Ml Flena." (Uicls)
Cbesshire. Ml France Hughe
u. mH-Mn Iater Frank were
a -. - -
given a surprise party Friday even
Before a largo audience at , the
Armory .Tuesday nigni, reier imjiu- given auijfi.ox y
kua, the Creek claimant to tne ligm )ng ,f lneir home by memoer ot ian
u.luhl .hamwlnnariln nf the World. 1 . w - - l ym SflH L'
lived up to hi agreement to throw
Auk" Smith, or this city, rour time
V. Carlldii, nf Salem, la In thla
'm LuiilneHS.
n. Yerrn nf inrnri waa In thl
Monday and Tuesday.
T. DwlKht. of Portland, waa In
el'y Mnnduy and Tuesday.
pin Peters, of Wllsonvllle, waa In
cy on business Monday.
'naal Muhu ti la abln a rnurafl
P Hulmes'nua'lneaa College, Port
J. Rasiiill. of Molalla, la In thU
tnd Is reitlatered at tha Electric
la T i . . n . iir.wl Kn
f this city attendlngt he teachers'
Piters, any atvla. at tha Fall
'ctlonery, 703 Main atreet.
VaiiKlmn, one of the promla
rssldcuts of canby, waa In Ore
CltV TllAO.loV
L. UuUtead, a banker, of Mil wan-
vi.. waa iranaactinor hiiainaaa in
pon City Tuesday. ,
r - vuariea Jennings, oi roi
P- In thla city visiting her par
r f. and Mra. O. Vanhoy. v
Nora Hannifin, who haa been
" renitives and friends to ne-
sod Tacoma, for the past month,
rat ii - j i
r lira noma -
ftaiirman Cheney, of Roaeburg. la
mi city, and ta among tboae tak
, m me program of tha teacn
Rmma Qulnn, who haa been
u7, the guest of Mr. and Mra.
!f Kf Person, haa returned to he'
h, In this eitv
tl P rl tu n .1 - . n..M.nil.lA
i wbimi. ill uuiuauuH.w
Slh .- ' . . . . .
nu Kane Chamberlain, oi
'.' III., are In thla olty gueat
T. UH U.. a m
r- . K-nsiione 0f the Instructors
I'll Oreirnn 1 Cnllaire.
Vm . cu" attending the teacntira
and la among the Instruo
LMr' nd Mra. C ,Wan and dauith
. Mines Lilian and Mildred, of
ru7. wr n thla city Sunday, be
P rust, 0t Mr, and Mra T. J.
J tt; Bvenden, ot Monmouth, la In
cy.nd is registered at, tho
Albany srhiHil. and Thurman Chaney.
Superintendent ol tne iiougiaa w
ty school.
aj ruiarim Woman. i
IV I I .i.w
The men teachers gave a reception
... k. uman tearhera In the parlor
V 1 1 11. v ........ -
.,niiarrial ('lull In the eve-
ping More than 200 teachers were
i- i. nr Viiral aelectlon wero
rendered by the Gladstone quartet,
and punch, anndwlchea and wafer
i.w tha men. Mayor
were vi v . .
Urownell, who delivered the addreJ
of the evening, told of the good wotK
that waa being accomplished by the
teachera of Oregon, and declared that
they deserved more creuti tor me
. iiji.... .. ih aiaiA than tha Dolltlc-
111 1 1U I UK VI M - .
i I.. .... ii ii neraiina ill an umn
vocations. The mayor declared thot
education waa an essential to Suc
re, and . Oregon, and eapeclal y
flackamaa couuty were fortunate m
having auch comfaitent men wu
men In charge ot the schools.
Superintendent of County Schools
Oary. who arranged the program ror
the Inatltute. Tuesday night Isaued an
Invitation to all cltlxena ot Oregon
Cltv and the county to be at the high
achool at J: 45 o'clock thla envoon
. rn ttvattawt nmiilanilt Of lu
Heed Institute. Portland, will deliver
an addreaa on - "lue ri
Spirit" Dr. Foater ta one oi
ablest men In Oregon, and all PT"on"
. - .... in mn inuuiu inv
advantage of the opportunity to bear
Department Work Close.
... i. .niba. TueadaV on "In
terest In Education"; Miss Laughead
on "Success 01 Language .!...-.
... ii nn "i-ivii iiaveruiiirii.
Mlaa Anna II. riajea w
nil " 1 " - . ..
Th iteDartmental work ended Tuea-
H. and tcxlay.wlll be the last day
. . . . r . m n niinhan.ti..
of tn iiwuiui. r; y. v;r.TeTr;
u.t n that riflruaniBB vauuw
nrHHiuctuv ui w w
a..,l larue. will Ulk on "BPemng
ana Ariin'i,i,v,vj . . , .
Jame., of Est.c.da, head of tne do
hating department of tha School
JUfflll, Wilt aUR e .
tmtlng." and A. O- Freel. principal o
?BUIi?.' i. ohnnt nvea-on City, will
. A thlafla " l.UUULT UUVV
peaa: ou -"--, fc -k- ' rni
inienuem u..; tA
Hiinervlsora Will mane un --
thm teachers. Mra. Nleta Banow u-
a .1 aitaMhrg nn
rence will renaer toci uu....-
fore the lecture oy ur. r.
ana wna discovered by Dr
t-.-,i.. .xnt Aug. 1. 1774. Turquet
. w . riiaeovered the tDflamma
UV , . .i.i
blllty f hydrogen In I ONI. In u
Cavandlab proved nyarogeu --
elementary body. nd In 1781 be and
JF Artit alio wed that in the combi
nation of lbl ia with oxygen, wblcb
ni... .hen It la burnt, water I
oroduced. Later Uvolalr decompoaed
ith ita elementa and gave ny
drogen Ita present name. Instead of Its
old one of Inflammable air.
n an hour. He did even better than
hat aa i h artnal time consumed In
pinning Smith's ehoulders four times
was a quarter of- a minute more than
a quarter of an hour.
The "aclaaore" hold, both body and
head, wa.t ud by Hoxukus, and all
hia fuiia vara ton - bv these holds.
The first fall came after 10 1-2 mln
utes of grappling, the second in lour
minute flat, the third In half a mln
ute, the final one In three-quarter of
a minute. Smith, during the forepart
of the bout, displayed clevernees In
breaking out of some of the "champ's"
holds, but his opponent was too strong
snd too well versed In mat lore tor
Brick" Barry and "Dutch" Free
man, and "Young" Smith and "Kid"
Bruce. In the preliminaries gave ex
hibition which highly pleased the
i.h... tniiiL Mr. and Mrs. Frank
will leave thla week for Powell River,
n r where the will make their fu
ture home. Mrs. Frank la one of the
cadets of the Artisan order, and she
... naeaented with a handsome allve-
cake olsh, aa a token of the high
esteem In which she Is held by the
other members. The evening was de
na ta a social time and refresh
ment were served.
. vera Mrs. M.unle Dono
van Mr. and Mr. William Harvey,
r.iin. D-hwartx. Oacar Wood
mia. i o ....- -
a ii --. o.h.ll ura n. D. Ebv. Mrs
ill, J.ll. tiv....., -
n . j...n Mra Chester LJKnt
v. . r . jiiui 4...
body, Mlaa Maude Lightbody. Mr. and
Mra. E. H. Cooper, R.aie
(Continued from Page 1.)
(Continued from page 1.)
r. irmbinir for locations, with hardly
an empty house in the city, many new
homea are sure to De mini, we
In a position to figure wltn any com
ntir.r and know that wo can give
absolute satisfaction in every way."
Open For Inapectlon.
-rv. Knainaa la now where the Ken
eran public la Invited to call, and alt
union as it I on in tumci .
teenlh and Main atreeta la In easy
walking distance of all, and the Build
ers' Sunnly Company will show you
every courtesy
. araateat olubblna offer. The
Morning Enterprise by tnt
r..i.i A.nnin both until Notem-
Z, i tan. for only 13. Offer closet
October 831, Wll. (( ,: v . ,
ConrmM Hut ii a.r a l
John Aldtn and Priscllla; one of six historical plcturea by Edward Pen
field. You can get the six pictures, In the original colors, size 11x13 1-2
Inches, by lending 10 cents to Hart 8chalTner & Marx, Chicago.
' ' ' '.':r:
Tt rOU know the romantic legend of John Alden and Priscilla
JL Mulliis; she knew what John wanted to say better than he did.
We don't pretend to know, better than you, what you want ia-clothes;
but we know
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are the best clothes made; and we believe when you see them
you'll want them. -
... .i
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner, & Marx clothes
Clerk Ward Lawton.
Ticket aellers and gate keepere
E. P. Carter, Mr. NUes, John Bur
goyne and Charlea Roth.
John Eld. of Canby, was In charge
of the exhibit of Sandsness Com
pany, hardware merchants, of Canby.
A full line ot the Shamrock war
rangea and hardware waa exhibited.
The booth was artistically decorated
with flags and bunting. ,
The original .United States Flower
Map, copyrighted, published and
owned by the exhlbltora la the only
natural floral map In the'world. Thla
waa seen In the prettily decorated
booth near the south entrance.
G. C. Metger, of Portland, who
represents the Mitchell Lewlss ft
Staver Company, waa at the fair In
chare, of gasoline engines and Star
The Mllwaukle Nurseries, at tha
rear of the Enterprise booth, was in
charge (J N. B. Harrey, proprietor,
and aamplea ot fruit trees, ranging
from different agea, were found there.
Thb Oregon Nursery Company had
an exhibit at the fair and waa In
charge of S. B. Reese. This com
pany'a headquarters are at Orenco,
Oregon. . .
Monroe 4 Crtaell, of Portland, who
were represented at the 'air last
year, also were at the fair this year.
Mr. and Mra. U. M. Spurgeon, ot
Portland, who had charge of the
decorating of the Clackamaa 1 county
booth at the State Fair, were at the
County Fair and had a fine exhibit
of Jewelry. Mr. and Mra. Spurgeon
have been engaged to decorate for
the State Fair next year the Clacka
maa county booth. , -
t na AvnicT.ES Oct. S. (Soecall.)
The Beavers and Vernon team be-
- i . atrncrtfiA nera, tomorrow
gill a imam. """ -- - - "7
afternoon. It reany ruruiu. a
...... ,.an at tha hla- nrize the Pact
flc Coast League pennant. Leaving
home four points behind Hogan'a men.
It Is up to Mcureaie piayera io u
.i..i...i iiafaat Vernon this week. An
even break landa the pennant for the
Let the Haps hold Portland to an
even break and the final whirl ot the
season with the weag toe ahb.
club will land them In first puvos for
keeps. If Vernon tanea ma
Hoa-nn cllnchea tne gomaiuu; up
land gets away a game to tha gooa,
the Beavers may sun uvv v vvv
bunting. '
The results Tuesday follow:
Daeifin Coast Lesaue.
Oakland 4. San Francisco 0.
Sacrameno 6. Ue Angeiea e. .
National League.
New York 12, Philadelphia 8.'
Chclago U. St. Louis 8; no other
games scheduled.
American League
Philadelphia 40, Washington
New York 11. Boston 47;
gamea postponed, rain.
' PaclTIo Coast
be understood that the responsibility
rests entirely with one man.
"This system haa ueeu ine
various departments of city affairs,
for Instance the schools, and has
i ... The chairman
wui.m wm .
should receive! the highest salary and
V t..ll as nAi1
the other men'snouia vm pu -
Ing to their work."
Mpney-Saver, says otory.
Mr. Story declared that business
' ... nUj.j m the council who
would take an active Interest In the
welfare of the ctty. mow
. ....m.xi ii la lmnosstble for
em uwriiTOii- -
the members of the council to give
ss much time to tne worn, ui mo v.
....!. k. Anna aald Mr. Story.
... nnnaH " the Cltv Attor-
i n ii i vi ii .
siey continued, "that the city wouia
' . l..ln V. en err Will
save money oy erapiji mm -
n l.M.w- arter tne cut hi.
eeaa. form .AJI liACIIl & BUG
1 U CJIallIII " a
-- ..hAeva it nilH IMSU U1CT1 sui
CHB W UWlBfCi -v
awnM. I. na rsknann WAV ' it ihOUlq
not Drove a tnccess here. la m heart-
. a. i -.1 l a Saal a 1
lly in ravor oi giving
Bookkeepers Tnc Great
i a
Vernon .... . .
San Francisco
Sacramento .'
Los Angeles .
. M
. 84
- 82
.. 75
Among the attractions of the Coun-
. 9 . I n Ann .Ant
... irair waa tna uairr tow wmc
Jui'u ... In rharaa Of M. S. Shrock
of Banka. There were eight cowe In
the contest and awards were aa rot
1 -T
r- T.raan Aurora. JII Lt. D.
Yoder. 2nd and 3rd. George Laxelle s
cow was among those In the contest
i . ..rinntiiaiv aomeona milked t(
UUI MW.V.. v.. . j
the morning ot the conteat, and the
cow waa dlsquannea.
Th followlna- were the department
Ljveaioca uouih m-.-v ,
IUU l.J.
v M 1 L. baitV. fm
Dairy m. a. cmrwn, v..
Dn..iinfa J. HewetL Canby.
Farm Products O. E. Freytag, Ore
gon City. ' -
Vegetables O. E. Freytag, Oregon
a-IA.a '
Horticultural a. -"c""
cny. . - , , ' w.t
T nI.Aal' Tsivtll -Mri. J . JU
AeaMTn .Pit V
Tv.mtin Rrlence-Mrs. 3. 8. Wal-
... rteAsmn Pit V.
Jevenlle Mlaa Emily Spulak, New
Baby Showl-Mre. A. J. Lewis, Ora-
Superintendent pavilion O. E. Frer
' manasar Malor C. 8.
V..V1. -
Kntr ' Clerk Mrs. F. J. Melndl.
Business firms ore recognizing the superior
training of our Business university over, the ,
work of the business colleges. Ourstdndard
Is higher; our work is much more thorough;
our work is more complete; and our students .. .
are more proficient in every way.
Just the school for the earnest young man or
lady who desires to learn and have the high
est and best training at reasonable Jullion ;
rates. You are sure. ot. individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give It. You should Investigate our .
f work. Do It now; do not wait. In session all the
year In day and night school. . ,
'. v I
630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 27?f(;,Home A544G.