Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 04, 1911, Image 2

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E. E BROD4E, Editor an) PubJ'efcer.
tarwd aa mand-eUae iMttr J-
m at Prasae)
taa Act W Kvl
enr a, mi. t MM nt
- .. TatlO af AetttlrTlf ft,
Om Tht. ay nail ..MM
It Maatka. by Mil IM
ror Montea. by anall I M
wnak. ay enrrlar .
elrat Paa. ear rnrA IM tnartiaa....Me
riret Pan, pM lack 4W4 HtMttioM. .lee
Piafaoed aoertian vr pen ner kio
M kaaarttan IM
PiafwTed pomtton any a", par kMti
add.d tnarrUoaa
In paper ethr tku first aa- par took
tin sasirtlnn le
In pap' other nan tint par took
Uaeals lao wr Itaa: ta rngalar aar-
. mis ta Ban.
Weate. Far 91. Ta Rant. . aaa
aat a word flrat Btaartlaa. ana-half aaal
ark additional.
Rata for advarttaaM ta ka Waakty
Eatarprta will be tba aama as ta tk
' tally, far adrartiamaants aot aepaawrfly
far tka waakly. Wrra th aevartHwaaaat
la transferred rroei Uia daily ta tka m
V. wttnent enan. tka rata will ka a
aa lac for run at tka papar. aad Ita aa
ktek for apaetal poalttom.
-' Cask) akauM aeooesaaar ardar wkan
aeHf la mkmn la kaalnaea affloa af
tka Kataranaa.
. LC advertising at legal ad.illsd
' 1 Circa advertlstn and apaelaJ traaataai
, aVertlsaa at 2le to tae aa aseh. aaeard
Mkf ta aparlal conditions goernma tk
aad Bankrupt Bale"
t lack ftrat tnaartlaa
SMtter He
Haws Ham and wall wrtttoa HI alia
af aurlt. wltk Internet to local
arfli ka siadty aeraptvd. R-eTd
Willi nar raluraad ual
wd ay u.hd ta
f every day:
Huntley Bro. Dnii
Mala Street.
J. W. McAnolty Cigar
, Seventh and Main.
d - -' - Secret Confectionery
4- . Mala near Sixth.
d IC E. Dunn Confectionery
Next door to P. O.
,l ; City Drag Star .
' - Electric HoteL
d ' Bcnoenborn Confectionery
8eventh and X Q. Adaraa.
la oa aaJ at the following stores d
la matrimonial entanglement, aa
' well aa Industrial activity, Kan us
City ia becoming a aecond Pittsburg.
Iqalque la Chilli has been.ahaken
up by an earthquake. A place of that
aama might even expect to be shaken
It costs Just as much to lire In oth
er coon tries aa In the United States.
This ta comforting, bat It does not
kelp la bearing the burden.
' Vr-r .
The windstorm which blew off the
top of the dome of the Illinois Capi
tol waa aot, at that, the wont wind
storm which has ever struck that
Nat Goodwin wants to know why
h& can't be let alone about his do
mestic, a ft airs. And a great many of
oa who don't want to read about them
would also like to know.
. r-WOw
X Twirler Uses Catcher's Laft
Shavldar as Paint of Aim.
Here's tbe interesting nlde of
the reason w tir Lack Lapp
. Preralllng Oregon City price are
aa follow:
HIDES (Buying) Green hide,
So to c: salt era, 6c to 6c; dry hlda.
12c to 14c; sheep pelts, JSC to TSc
WOOL (Buying) 14c to 16c
Hay, Grain, Feed.
HAT (Buying) Timothy, $1S to
'$16; cloTer, $S to $: oat hay. beat,
$11; mixed, $9 to fit: alfalfa, $11
to $14.
OATS (Buying) Gray, $25 to
! fi6: white. $26 to 127.
t FEED Shorts. $24 to $20; rolled
barley. $37.50: proceaa barley. $SS 50;
whole corn. $35; cracked corn, $36:
wheat. $32 to $33; oil meal. $53;
Shady llrook dairy feed, $1.25 per
100 pounds.
KLOl'R 14.50 to $5.25.
Butter, Poultry, Eggs.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 25c to 30c; fancy
dairy, 30c: creamery, 30c to 3 5c
POULTRT (Buying) Hena, 11c
to Uc; broilers, 13c.
EGGS Orvgon ranch egg. 28c to
Fruits, Vegetablea.
Prunes. 6 l-4c to lOWc: peaches, 10c.
$1.25 to $1 50 per each; parsnips,
$1.25 to $1.50; turnlpa, $1.25 to $1.50;
beets. $1.50.
POTATOES Best buying, 1 l-4c
per pound.
ONIONS Oregon, $1.50 per hun
dred; Australian. $2 per hundred.
Livestock, Meata.
BEEF (LIT weight) Steer. 5c
and 54c: cows, 4 He: bulla, 3 12c.
VEAL Calves bring from 8c to
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep, 3c an 3 He:
Iambs. 4c and 5c
HOGS 125 tO 140 pound hog. 10c
and lie; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and
Wants, For Sale, Etc
will h taaat4 a( aa eal a ward, tiral
laaruva. aau a ani aia
ttaaa. vat ktek ward. II par aumlk, ha
hi ok aard. IS naaai si rr awaifc,
Caak maat aooasapaay ardor aalaaa an
has aa eeaa aoanl wltk Ike parr. N
rlaanelai raaponalbllity far rrara; whan
(mm urt-wr n eurrctrd aolloa will a
nrlnlvd 'or M'roa klmiiuuai ctarae Is
WANTED Collector to see my col
l.vtton of all aons of curios, an
tlqnea, and Indian trinket; stamps
toi stamp - collectors; coin for
numismatists, arrow head for arch
eologists, etc i buy and aell all
sort of curtoa; also all klnda of
vecond-hand furniture and toola.
George Young, Main, near Fifth
FOtl ALt
FOR SALE Young pigs. Call Oscar
May, Home telephoue. Beaver
$ catcnea Jack Coomba better 1
s t b a n any 4
otber back
stop, and
toe iron
Man bim
self la tbe
sponsor for
the tale.
Lapp catch
lag m e. '
aald Jack.
my D l e b
fast one ia
not worth
a tinker's
Now. bere s
tba reason:
"1 don't
look at tbe
pitching. 1
Heart to Heart
2 batter wbea I'm
fgaoge my chocks by Lapp x left
aboulder. When 1 waut to cut
2 loose with a high fast one I look
at that aboulder and let her g
T Now, with Ira Thomas working
2 with me 1 can't work thin, and
J 111 tell yon why ht is so
much taller than Lapp that
fwben 1 look at bis abouidvr to
gaoge my throw the ball la sky
high, and that gets me maa.
1 That's tbe reason I like to see
X Lapp 1 front of m when I am
Z pitching."
Do you smoke cigarette?
If you do you need not read this
talk, because you will not believe what
I say. though I am not a crank.
Cigarettes are poison.
I say ibis not of myself, it la .a
chemical fact that tbe burning or to
bacco and paper- together with aallTs.
distllU a subtle poison that in time
will undermine And wreck tbe strong
est constitution.
You da not believe it?
' Then If Is because yon do not want to
believe. The results of cigarette smok
ing hare been as carefully noted as
of typhoid fever. The rate of Its prog
reas la as well attested, from It In
ception on through Ita different stages,
aa that of any other alow poison.
It sap manhood.
And. besldea Ita effect noon tbe body,
which It tends to make Inert and limp
and Ineffectual there la Its effect npoo
tbe mind.
The cigarette smoker Is a paranoiac.
That la to aay. be Is demented to so
far aa bin malady Is concerned Ue
entertains delusions concerning bis
The poisoo muddles tbe brain
II Is to be admitted that some person
are able to withstand tbe effect of
cigarette a poisoo loDger tbao others.
And some nations, being more phleg
matic, are less susceptible Iban others.
A Russian, for instance, with bis slug
gish nature will tie poisoned more slow
ty than tbe American.
Cigarette ruin American nerves.
Our nervous temperaments and our
climate forbid tbe use of artificial stim
ulants. We are so fashioned that all
our nervous force mnst be used to drive
our bodies snd brnlns. We are so
finely tempered that stimulants serve
only to excite.
Artificial stlrau'ants tako tlic rpr'.nz
and snnp out of tbe American temper
We go to pieces rapidly enough with
out forcing.
And now -
If you emote cigarettes I have said
nothing t Lin t will cbnnire your opinion.
You either do not lielW-ve the deduc
tions of Hdence or you faucy you ar
Whicb Is proof of my cootenttnu. Yon
are deluded by tbe habit.
8tormy Wssthar For Pa.
"Why, ma. where are you goiag In
acb a hurry?"
"To your pa's office." replied Mrs.
Allnxka "I Just tried rolling him op
by telephone and beurd bim tell tbe
office boy to say be was too busy to
talk to me. I'll show him what I l-t
him bar n telephone In bis Jf3 a for."
Chicago l!pTrd Herald.
FOR SALE Upwrlght Fischer piano
$500 model. Bargain If taken at
once. Inquire Oregon City Enter
prise. "t
5-ROOM modern house, almost new.
modern woodhouse and fence; city
water In kitchen; two level lots
66x105. plenty fruit, good streets
close In. Bargain if takeu at one
Phone Main 211
FOR SALE Team of bay horsea.
weight 2300 pounds, harness and
hack, can be bought cheap If taken
before October 5. Inquire of
Kreytag A Miller, real estate office.
FOR SALE $100 will buy a team anil
harness: weight 2300 lbs. Horn
phone. Beaver Creek. Oscar May.
FOR SALE House, two lota, on cor
moms hrlck flue, other Improve
ments. Fine view, near Winkle
atore. Opposite Oregon City. Price
$475. Harvey Bu;k, Oregon City.
farm 2 mtlea northeast of Oregon
City; aale price $6,500; 'reltir price
$100 year. Inquire Mrs. Utile
Aune. 1414 Center street.
FOR RENT Well furnished four
room bungalow, fireplace. - electric
lights Reasonable rent. Telephone
Jennings Lodge, Farmers 18x2.'
FARM LOANS Dlmlck a: Dlmlek,
Lawyers. Oregon City, Or.
O D KBT, Atiorney-at-Law. H
loaned, ahetracta tirnlahad. land
titles examined, ettatt nettled, gen
era law bustneaa Ore- Baak af
U'REN A SCfTUKBKLt Attoraeya-at
Law. Deutacaer Adrokat, will pra
tie In all court.- make eotl actions
prise Bldg Orecoa City. Oragea,
HARRY JONES Bunder aad OeeeraJ
Cnatractor. Estlroatea e near-Tally
given on all classes of balMtng
work, concrete walk aaa relaforoed
ooocrete. Kes. Phono Mala 11.
K. H. COOPER. For Fir laaaraaer
and Real Estate. Lat a handle
yonr pro pert lea w bay. eO aad
exchange. Office la EaUrprise
"Ida.. Oregon City. Oregon.
WE wish to announce to the public
that we bare disposed .of our busi
ness to Batdorf Bros, and those
knowing themselves to be Indebted
to us will please call and settle as
soon as possible. Graves A Roger,
Willamette, Oregon.
No evil dooms us hopeleuly ex
cept the evil which we love and de
sire to continue in and from which
we make no effort to escape.
Moot men sprud uue-lblrd of tlir"
Urea trying to make the nor id diOt-r
enL another tblrd In learning to ihv
to It a It Is and the remainder In ex
plaining bow much better It- used to
be. Washington Time.
Oat greatest clubbing offer. The
Morning Enterprise by mall and toe
Weekly Oregonian, both until Novem
ber 1, If 12, for only $3. Offer clone
October IX, 1911.
. Batsl Nut Cbswsr.
Writing of tbe disgusting betel
I chewing habit, tbe United 8 tales
. consul at Siam aay a: Tbe green leaf
I of tbe betel pepper, ameared with red
lime; tobacco, catechu and tbe areva
nut make up (be material vaed In betel
chewing This habit la quite universal
among tbe Slameae. especially among
the women. 81am doe not produce
enough betel nnt for borne consump
tion, but Imports from India. Singa
pore and Jara aaouaily about B.0OOMX)
Real Understanding Is'
Foundation of Peace
. , -i r it AND OF A FAILURE TO
The following property will be sold
at public auction, to tbe highest
bidder, at the Clear Creek Lumber
f'ompany's mill site, near Fisher's
:nll1 iii Clackamas county, on the
loth dav of October, A. D. 1911. at
2 o'clock p. m., to satisfy a chattel
mortgage held upon said property
by Mr. Allison Baker, to-wlt:
On double action steam pump.
One 75 h. p. Atlas boiler. In good
(ondli!on: 2 foot stack.
One h. p. upright Russell en
gine. One Fairbanks-Morse dynamo,
ll'i volts. with register and
One h. p. Russell engine,
pneumatic governor, complete.
One log haul, complete.
One lower saw jack complete
with reversible saw guide, 3 In.
On upper saw Jack complete,
with stationary guide, 2H ln- arbor
and belting.
One 62 In. Simmons saw, in good
One 52 In. Adklns sawr In good
One 30 ln. cutoff saw with frame
pulleys, intermediate shaft and
52 Iron plpe rolls, 30 In. by 6 In.
with Iron boxes.
One Hobba planer, complete.
One set ahlmer matcher head.
Two set sizing head, wltn
knives, bolts and fittings.
Twelve lumber trucks.
One blower complete, ln good
condition with piping and shafting.
Ono fire pump.
One 3 in. Intermediate shaft, 20 ft.
long, with four wooden pulley.
One friction feed for live rolls
with chain.
Term of sale, cash.
t Notice of Application for Liquor
' License.
Notice I hereby given that I wilt
at the next regular meeting of the
city council apply for a license to sell
liquor at my place of buslnesa. Sev
enth and Main streets', for a period
of three month.
Notice of Application for a Liquor
Notice. I hereby given that I will
at th next regular meeting of the
elty council apply for a license to sell
liquor , at my place of business, 422
Main street, for a period of threo
month. . - a. KLEBE.
Throne Room In the Vatican,
Where Pope Receives Visitors
, s ' ?
"... 'iO
i ''
. -J. - Ttrm . . I' , i ,i. a, t m . V-X...
How to Get Rich
jv wllhln youf mean.
ljmlt our want while enlarging your resource.
Dispense wim luiurle aa long aa you tan pay only for Bc
CU'ironioJe your Indepeoden'o by 'becoming a' money Mvr u
wall a a money earner, '
You can buy an Interest bearing CarUfloat of Deposit or u.k.
a deposit In our Saving Department every Urn you hat , t
The Bank of Oregon City
rj. I.ATiU'RsTTTB PrwaMani
' .1
T,4cta s narsl Sankinf Suelnee. Open Iran, A. M, te f
Aesustiea Bad. .
Flrt Acfor-llow are the acoustlr
proH'rtUm of Hi it'w ilyli'ustl
otid Actor-Her e Vour voice carrle
fluely out to tin- amlU'iie. but you can
barely hwir iha applnuael-Woman's
liuiu (Viuaiiln
Read te Morning irnterprti.
William Griffith. Who Ha Interests
In Idaho Visit Family.
William Griffith, who located h
rich mineral mountain , mine
Halley, Idaho, has lieen vlatttag kit
fuuilly here for several dayt,
lMct to returned to tba mint tB4
Mr. (IrlffHh la a nirmbar of tat
Grand Army of the Republic, fur
slate Inspw ior f mines, ao txpsrt
mineralogist and probably on of tt
lieat known mine xnerts in th Sort
west. He waa Iha author of Back af
the recent Washington slats UfUU
Hon against ';wil cal- mining. C. D.
Ijitiiuratt I a director la Mr. Onf
fttn'a comiany.
Photograpn by Ameiicaa Hraas Aaaoclatlon. 1ML
FEW traveler go to Rone without seeing tbe outside of tbe Vstlcan. the
magnificent palace that for hundretls of years bss been llw. resldene"
'of tbe head of the Roman Catholic church .The Vatican stands oa
ground that waa once occupied aa the gardens of the Emperor Nero.
Pope Syminschus Orst built a renidence there ln Ibe early years of the all to
century Mcholaa .V. (1447-o5 began a ayatematlc plloy of Improving th
Vatican, which has been followed by bla successors. The palace la now a
series of buildings covering nearly fourteen acres and containing about 1.100
rooms The throne room, pictured above, la where the pontiff nolda formal
audieacee. and tola room has ta past year beea seen by notable persea froai
all parte of the world.
and think of the widely adver
tised articles that you can coil
to mind that you see everyday
in our own town.,.
Notice to ffepsrt, Owner on 'Taylor
Mary C. Randall. C. S. Fuge. & k
Linn, John Falrclough, Matilda J.
Sbummay, Tboma gtaben. Claud
Adama, J. W. Moffatt. If. F. Free
man and Maud Freeman, . C. .
Uottberg. Mary Kellogg. R. U. la
ler, and E. M. Flagler, M
F. Prindle. belra of Short
lldge. Francia KeUogg. Fred Uau
gar, Myra Henderson, 8. V. Davis.
You and each Of you are hereby
notified that , tba undersigned have
been appointed appraisers of tur
property hereinafter described lying
on Taylor street Oregon City,
Oregon, and aubject to assess
ment for' the Improvement of said
Taylor street and that tbe unoet
signed IU meet at the Intersection
of Seventh and Taylor atreeis on
the 11th day of October at 1 o'clock
p. m. for the purpott of vie lug
aald property and estimating the
l nuul aa a luula iiimli Which i,,,"""1""
estimate the proportion of the coat
of the improvement of said Taylor
street aa the aame la now being
That Tom Randall, John Bittner
and O. IX Eby were heretofore ap
pointed to make this appraisement
and tbey witht he City Engineer
constitute the. committee for thut
Tbe property, upon whlcn the
value la to be fixed and the owners
thereof are aa follows, to-wit:
Lot 5, block 44. County addition
to Oregon City, Edward Nuttall.
Lot 6, block 44, County addition
to Oregon City, Edward Nuttall.
Lot 7, block 44. County addition
to Oregon City, Frank Taylor.
Lot 8, block 4 1, County addltiuu
to Oregon City, Frank Taylor.
Lot 1, block 43. County addition 1
and they with the City Engineer
Lot 2, block 43, County additlou j
to Oregon City, Mary C. Randall.
Lot 8, block 43. County addition j
to Oregon City, Mary C. Randall.
Lot 4, block 43, County addition j
to Oregon City, Mary C. Randall.
Lot 1, block. 42, County addition;
to Oregon Clty.'.C. 8. r dge.
Lot 2, block 42. County addition 1
to Oregon City, B. F. Unn.
Lot 3, westerly 60 feet County
addition to Oregon City, John rair
Lot 3. easterly 50 feet County ad j
ditlon to Oregon City, Matilda J. ,
Shummay. "
Lot 4. Eeasterly 50 feet. County j
addition to jOregon City, Matilda J.
Sbummay. "
Lot . block 45. County adAUtne
to Oregon City, Thomfrsgtaban. '
Lot 7, block 45, Courtly addUlo
to Oregon City, Claud Adams.
Lot 8, block 45, County' addition 1
to Oregon City, J. W. Moffatt.
' Lot 6. block 311, Central addition
to Oregon City, H. K. Freeman and '
Maud Freeman.
Lot 7. block 36, Central addition
to Oregon City, C. F. Oottberg.
Lot 8, block 30, Central addition
to Oregon City, Mary Kellogg.
Lot 9, block 36, Central addition
to Oregon City, R. (;. Flagler.
Lot 10. block 36. Central addition
to Oregon City, R. j. .Flagler and
E. M. Flagler.
Lot 6. block 35. Central addition
to Oregon City, M. F. Prindle.
Lot 8, block 35i Central addition
to Oregon City, Mary Kellogg.
Lot 0, block 34, Central addition
to Oregon City, heir of Bhort-
iidg. . , ,
Lot 10, block 34, Central aiiuTuou
to Oregon City, Francl Kellogg.
Lot 1, block 1. Beat!' addition
to Oregon City, Mary Kellogg.
Lot 2, block 1, Ileatle's addition
to Oregon City, Mary Kellogg.
Lot 3. block 1, Beatle s addition
to Oregon City, Mary Kellogg.
Lot 4, block 1, Beatles additlou
to Oregon City, Mary Kellogg.
Lot 1, block 2, Beatle'a addition
to Oregon City, Fred Oaugar.
Lot 2, block 2.1 Beatle'a addition
to Oregon City, Myra B. Henderson.
Lot 8. block 2. Beatle's addition
to Oregon Cltx, Myra B. Henderson.
Lot , block 8,' Beatle'a addition
to Oregon City, 8. P. Davl.
Lot 2. block 3, Beetle addition
to Oregon City. 8. P. Davl.
J. W. LODER, i
O. D. EBY, "
C. 8. NOBLE. .
nit IT.nrlnaar
, m . i w ,
George Laxelle, of Mount Pleasant.'
breeder of fine cows, bs Just learned
why a cow entered by him In tbe milk
contest at the Clackamas County Fair
at Canby did not take first prlte. Thu
row was milked by a mischievous per
son the morning of the contest. Mr.
Iazelle waa posit'. e before te con
tr- that bla animal would win tbe
blue rlbltoi., and when Ce Judges an
nounced tbe award, and hta entry
was not even mentioned he wss dum
A quiet Investigation was
made and Mr. Ijitelle learned of the
J trick that had been played to deprive
I bim of first honor. He does not know
hether the person a ho milked the
row waa In collusion with sny of the
other entrants.
what big sellers they are gener
ally. They are goods of. hierit
handled by reliable merchants.
to what we ore saying to you
in our ads every day. It pays.
TJJalio Ua Provo It.
Before You Move
Be sure your new home has that important
modern convenience electric light. There are
j . -
many such and they are in great demand by
those who know how to enjoy them. The mod
ern electric light is so much better than any
other that no one need hesitate about, the cost.
rrY"' i-
There has been perfected the MAZDA lamp
which gives twice as much light as ordinary
electric lamps using an equal amount of elec
tricity. WE HAVE MAZDA LAllPiS,
t . e-v I
For all those who live in wired houses we offer
an opportunity of getting the benefit of the
great light-giving quality of these lamp., t JFor
those who own tinwired houses on oar distribut
ing lines we will give advice of value in wiring
houses for electric lights.
MAIN omcc 7lh and Alder Streets