Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Sf"2r Th Scoop
Toe, heel and
rch a shoe
very man can
trfnr with com-
jT T '
seasonable now.
A complete showing
ot$5.UU. dome Jew
itylcs $O.UU.
Suspension Bridge Cor.
for tht arrest n' -ohvlctlon
kf an person or persons, who
nltwfully remove copies of Th
lioralng Knterprlae (mm th
irmlses of subscribers after
paper bi ken placed there by
Out ef Harmeny.
KUara-Why. thought you knew
kit Ie Peyser strl.
Maude--1 did. but I don't speak to
ft my more nine I saw her retlug
ocolnte U creau) In u i!nk own.
ents, of Mackshurg, returned to Ore
Ron City Butiday eveulng.
While they laat. Delicious whipped
creamo hocolntea, 35o full pound. We
are giving aainple free to all our
lady customer, ('barman ft, Coin
pany, City Drug Btore.
Mr. John Lelchtwel and daughter,
Margaret, have moved to Oregon City
from Clarkea for the winter, aud the
latter will attend school here.
Mr. and Mra. George Ilrown, who
went to Newport Hut unlay to arrange
for salmon, crabs and all kind of
e ftah, returned Monday evening,
Mra. Kred Melndle, of Portland,
pasaed through , thla. city Sunday on
her way to Portland from Canby,
where aha waa employed at the fair.
Mr. and Mra. Herman I'lotta, of
I'ortlaud, have moved to Oregon City,
where they will make their home.
Mra. I'lotta waa formerly Mra. Nellie
Mra. J. 1. Waldron, Mra. 8. 8. Wal
ker. Mix Alva Warn-hard and Mlaa
Anna Wllehart, who have been camp
nig at the county fair, returned to
Oregon City Huuduy.
Mr. and Mra. Harry McCarvetaud
daughter, , Mlaa Leila, and Mr and
Mra. Charlea Ilaboock, of rurtland,
were lu thla city Sunday, gueata of
Mr. and Mra, Charlea C, Ilabcock.
Mr. and Mra. William itobluaon and
granddaughter returned from Canby
Hitturday night, where they have been
In ramp during the fair. Mr. Robin
eon'a two fine horaea again took blue
rlblMina. Thla inakea the third time
these horaea have won blue ribbon.
Dr. and Mra. Leltoy poollttl. of
Newberg. were In tbla city Sunday,
having come to vlalt Mr, and Mra, A.
It. Doollttlo. The former recently
austalned fracturee of hla left leg and
two rib. Dr. Doollitle aaya that Mr.
Duollttle la Improving rapidly.
Mr. and Mra. itoy Wilkinson, or
Vancouver, Wah were In thla city
Sunday, gueata of Mr. and Mra. J.
Chamltere, parenta of Mra. Wllklnaon.
The latter haa Juki returned from a
trip to Kurope, having accompanied
Mra. A. Young, of Vancouver.
Mr. and Mra. Mart Robblna and two
duhtara,Mlaaea ESI-and Jloealle.
who have lieen resitting at Canby, will
move to thla city thla week and take
up their renldenre on their farm,
which la about three nil lea from thla
city. The farm waa formerly the
Davis place and constats of 98 acres,
moat of which la under cultivation,
(illlwrt Hnbblna and wife moved to
thla place laat December, where they
have since made tbelr home, and Mr.
KobMn will conduct a nuraery In
connection with that of hla brother,
Gilbert Robblna, of Hood River.
local BRiers
l-ee Jones, of Eldorado, waa In thla
py Monday.
ftd Woiirma, of Clalrmont, waa in
M city Monday,
Harry Miller left Monday morning
tr Corvallls, on bualneaa.
Alfred Carter, of Jennlnga Lodgo,
' n this city Monday.
Barney short, of Maple Lane, waa
ine city Monday on bualneaa.
Fall Confectionery, 703 Main 8t
uieciionory. 703 Main atreeL
1 Ferguson, a merchant of New
In thla city Monday on boat
Recorder BtlnD returned Sunday
f"m a business trip to Eastern Oh
ProfeKHor Clocti, of Mllwaukle, I
this rlty aUendlna- the teachers'
James Hurrowa, Jr., left Sunday for
rvallls. where ha hna accented tt
No, were n Oregon City traneactlng
'illness Monday.
Try our 25c merchant' lunch, at
Oyters, any atyle, at th Fall
Mr. and Mra Mnrman riaher and
rj". of Carua, were among the Oregon
visiiora Monday.
Mr. and Mra Trail Vrlnliann nt thla
f',T. went to Mullno, Sunday, where
' visited the former' brother.
Wllllnm 1 -... . .-- .lt.
k n unvis, une oi mo wm.-
r"0Wn fnrmAra o.w... transact
" bualneaa In Oreaon'citv Monday.
Miss Mahle Mllla. of tbla) city, went
, ar,'. Sunday, where ahe ylalted
'he home of Mr. and Mr. Davla
Ml" Eva Denaon, of Portland, waa
B'lfHI ft tl.. M m.wJt U oai
hu " IHW IKMI1 V OI JYir, IIU jwiiw.
1 A. IfnlfYlaaaw r9 tlaebnlaA. QtinflalV
P. ('Aft!- nA Mw XT41a whfl
L-? nMRM at th County rair, re
10 Oregon City Sunday after.
T.. . '
rir Ir"m tha Call early tor
nfTk lce- North Pol FlHh Marked
ann . .. ; ,
(Continued from page 1.)
rooktrout Flngerllnga.
Charlea Carter, Ooldendale, Wash.,
Little KllcklUt niver, 4.0on.
J. A. Cunningham, Carlton, Or, N.
Yamhill River,
J, L. Carter, Hood River, Or, Car
ter' Lake, 8,200.
IUoy Armatrong, Hood River, Or.,
Paradlae Mke, 1,200.
Rill McLean, Rainier, Or., Spring
Drook, 600.
Turner Oliver liOrande, Or., Mill
Creek, 2.000.
Charle U. Ileers, Eugene, Or, In
dian Creek, 2.000,
llauaer lirothera, Salem, Or., Hat
tie Creek, 2.400.
Dun W. slush. Cbehall , Wash.,
Lucaa Creek, 1,200.
Jamea R. lirehm, Wllkeaon, Wash.,
Hnell's lAke, 800.
Jamea R. Ilrehin, Wllkeaon, Wash ,
8. I'ralrle Crek, 800.
A. V. Ruahton, Seattle, Wah
Maple Drook, 1.000.
Oeorge W. i'oaaee, Seattle, Wash.,
Corse Creek, 1,600.
George W. Poaaee, Seattle, Wash.,
I'nlon River, l.fioo.
A. II. Andoraon, , Seattle', Wash.,
Oraymarah Jllver, 2.WK).
K. Reufer, fortlatiid, Or., Cedar
Creek. 2.000.
Frank llllbert, pilot Rock,
Snipe Creek. 1,200.
Frank llllbert, Pilot Rock,
Owena Creek, 1.200.
Frank llllbert. Pilot Rock,
Urldge Creek, 1.200.
Frank HUbert, pilot Rock,
Hldlway Creek, 1,200.
Frank llllbert. Pilot Rock,
Five Mile Creek, 1,200.
Frank HUbert. Pilot Rock,
Cable Creek, 1,200.
Frank llllbert. Pilot Rock,
Dig Creek, 1,600.
Frank HUbert, Pilot Rock,
Camas Creek, 1.C00,
C. K. Cranaton, Pendleton,
lllrch Creek, 1,200.
C. K. Cranaton, Pendleton,
Hear Creek, 1200.
How te Grew Old Qraoafully.
The real ee ret of happlueaa In Ufa Is
lo bow the eeeda Of cboeiTulncta eurij".
ao that the harvest when gathered
may bring aerene happlneae lu old atte
Oet busy aud keep buay la a aplendld
starting point on the road to cheerful
ness. Uo to bed thanking the AlrnlfiUty
for the Meanings the day baa brought
nd smile a uienxiry re tew a aouie
kind a t done during the day to llclit
en another'a burden. Perhapa the
mil will rest there to greet a new
bleaalng ushered In with" the advent
of another day.
Throw a amlle and a cheery word
to your doctor, deutlat. minister nnd
tradespeople. Tbey appreciate It Im
mensely. They have to bear the woe
of humanity on all aide, and they loe
and aerv you better for the cheer
you aow aa you go. If one slope tu
think what a really monotonous lift
professional people lead, hearing all
tbe woes of aelflab humanity, who
think of them only when they are In
trouble and want to te coddled. It
must be a treat for them to meet a
renlly cheerful eonl who glvea them
an unconscious uplift.
Cheer up! Cheer other op! Oet the
habit firmly Died upon you aod watch
the result Grow old gracefully, gen
tly and cheerfully, and yon won't know
that you are doing It, nor will any one
W '
Fee Waak Anklaa.
If yonr anklea awell you should look
to yonr aboee. the heele especially, and
the aupport or lack of It for the Instep
Choose ahoee which fit anugly over the
tnaten and cling closely to the ankle
to afford sufficient aupport. The width
ahould be ample enough to move me
toe, the length enough to give the
large toe room ao that It does not reach
tbe Up by an Inch and the, ramp long
if a short one cramp the foot Heels
bould be of medium height When
the heel of the foot I raised to an ex
trera height the natural arch of the
foot la exaggerated, the muscle be
come strained, and sharp pain en
ue from the apot where the heel of
tbe ehoe presses Into the flesh.
An excellent exercise for strengthen
ing the nkle I to rlse lowly on the
tip of the toe and down again. Qo
to the very tip of the toe. Just aa fnr
a yon can balance youretf. Hold the
position on the toea aa long aa possl
ble, then alowly lower to tbe tloor
Stand erect with' the feet placed cloae
together on the floor, handa on hip,
bead erect and cheat out Wear
brace of metal or rubber to upport
tbe foot ontll the ankle become
. Proper Car ef the Eyas.
If the wind haa reddened the eye
lid waah tbem In allghtly Baited warm
Dotted telle hould be tabooed
Bven pla'.n one should not be worn
over the eye except in winter to pro
tart the fnce from the cold.
Wbn a foreign ubstanc get Into
the eyeo not Irritate It by trying
n forre It out Keep the eye closed
for a few mlnutea or until the object
la removed by the ter wntcn win
Never rub the eye, for 'tbla practice
eUe Inflammation of the lias, ana.
nn matter how beautiful (be eye are.
inflamed llda will ranee tbem to be
Are you a ubsriter to the Morn
ing EnterprlwT II not you ahouia can
and let ua pu. your ntme on mm su
scrlptlon 111 Immediately, v
l)8 ANOKIJM. Oct. 2. (Special.)
With the Vernon Tlgera firmly
planted on the topmost rung of the
pennant ladder and the end of the
season only three weeks away, "Un
cle Happy" Hogan, the acrappy lead
er of the village aggregation, said
today there Is no such thing as the
Portland Heavers regaining the lead.
Hap Dgurea that with his pitchers
going better than at any time this
season and with two days of solid
rest for his team while , the Beavers
make the long Jump from Portland,
hla bravea will have all the bear of
the aeven game aeries to open here
Wednesday afternoon.
Hogan Is counting on winning Ave
or the seven gamea and the local fan
believe that he will make good. The
rabid rooters are being organized to
day and when the sorles opens Mc
Credle and hie bunch will have to
rue all aorta of .nolsemaklng de
vices calculated to get tbelr "nan
(Continued from Pag 1.) .
where Swain came from could be
found in hla room. It waa learned
from a neighbor to whom Swain had
aeveral times talked, that he had
worked In two prune orchards at Ka
tacada shortly before coming to the
Thomas place.
Mr. Akorn. the flret owner of tbe
farm where Thomas waa killed, waa
found dead in the old barn which la
just across the road from the house.
Uke Thomas, he was murdered for
his money, but no one was ever con
vlcted of the crime, although a man
was hem for a short time.
Two Tonsd .and Fringad Effsete lei
Two toned color effects are liked In
millinery. The dark facing ou white
bat and the colored faclog on many
other huts are eigne of thla.
A draped turban of Uueta bus tbe
edge of the ellk which forma the
xnrr with CNDgRttwo bide faxiu
crown fringed out. o that the line of
fringe extend spirally to the top.
While taffeta or ribbon fringed out
t i ha sl.lea or end la seen on aome
i.ata a wpp kind of fringing 1 ap
n.aH.r nn uthent- Tbla la row of
fringe In a contrasting color applied
long the edge of the silk or ribbon
or velvet White fringe may ,be used
on a dark bow and black or a color on
a wuua iwn.
Very unusual 1 a hat of whit silk
ith a turned down brim of black
yelvet Tbla 1 in th lamp bad tyl
so frequently laughed at but tbe re
semblance In thla case Is even more
striking. Black llk fringe I sewed
11 around the edge, banging down for
II the world like the fringe on a
lamp shade. Evejn tbe bow at tbe aide
look though It might deck a lamp.
Skirt this fall ar t111 to retain tb
)ooe panel back and front Thla mod
si also include underlying panels at
the lde that are very imirt and al
low ffecttv use of trimmings, ,
Caermac Han uuMmt; a aura
TOU can see a prize-winning clothes exhibit at our store any day; you don't have to go to
Ji any fair, or exposition, nor pay any admission fe. You can see exhibitions or our clothes
all over town; the best dressea men are wearing these clothes and they look as though
they enjoyed it.
t 1 T --a. O o n
nan dciiaiiiier x inarx
get the kind of style and finish into their goods which such men want; a style, finish and qual
ity which are not common in clothes. . -
Look atlhe smart models we show in this illustration, you can wear any of them, you can
get any of them in our store. We have some special styles for young men that are getting a
lot of young fellows interested. We'll be glad to show you what they are any day that suits
you. v ' .
Suits $ 1 8 and up. Overcoats $ 1 6.50 arid up -
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
Toe Small Per Him.
Spanlab :riinJeea delight in ontner
ous names, even appropriating thoee
that belong to their wives families.
One of theHe dlHtlngulabed don, wan
dering too for Into tbe country, went
astray on a lonely road late at night
lie knocked at tbe door of a amall Inn.
the landlord of wbkb from an upper
window shouted: ' . '
-Who la therer
-Don Pleito de Mendosa 8Ilv Itlbero
Guiman IMmetal Omirto I'onre de Leon
Gumasa Accrora Telle y ;iron." re
plied tbe grandee
"In that case.'- Interrupted the Inn
keeper, cloning the window, "go; there
la not room here for half of you."
T. 8. and Anna M. Worley. 10 acre
in John S. Howland D. L. C, town
ship 3 south, range 3 east; $2,000.
Herman Lelaman aa guardian Marie
Dieckman to Henry K. Dleckman dow
er interest In land section 13. town
ship 3 south, range 1 west; $250.
S. D. and Jennie M. Smalley -to
Charles Dunham lot IS. Oregon
Homea;$ $10.
A. 8. and Myra Pattullo to Daisy B.
Christiansen, lot 58, of Klnavon; $10.
K. A. and Minnie E. Knapp, land
Hector Campbell D. L. C. section 20
township 1 south range 2 east; $900.
JamesS argeant to J. C. Alnswortn,
trustee part lot 25. Oak Grove; $10.
Benjamin F. and Bessie Rector to
HatUe Holland, 14.C8 acre Foster D.
U C township 2 south range 4 east,
Henry and Clara Hark son to Ed
monds L and E. Maud Basford, 80
acres Matthew Richardson D. L C.
parts sections 8, 9, It and 17 town
ship 3 south range 3 east; $10.
Grace O. Curtis to H. P. Bush and
A. E. Borthwlck, land section 27 town
ship 2 south range 7 east; $10 -
Glenmonie Company to Fred P.
Morey, block 16, Glenmorrle Park;
Nathan R. and Ida Graham to Ras
mus and Carrie Peterson, land In Wil
liam CIllOll IX L V.. lUWUBUip B auum
range 1 west; $50.
G rover and Christiana McGonesal
to Herman II. Smidt, 35 acre section
32, township 4 outh, range 1 east;
' M. M. and Anna Howell to John W.
Loder, land beginning on th south
easterly line Sixteenth street, 1230
feet easterly from the northeast cor
ner block 173 Oregon City; $1
J. K. and Hanna. E. Fisher to H. and
Amalie Gerson, 216 acres section 32,
township 2 south, range 3 east; $1.
If indecision rum in your blood
arouse yourself and strangle this in
sidious foe lo your chicvement be
fore it p your energy and ruins
your life chance. Do not wait un
til tomorrow, but benin today.
. Compel yoursrlf to deve'op the op
posite quality by the coolant crac
lice ol firm decision. An!yitror
ongh'y every affair heloie dH-i?in-.
-Then when youi decision made
let it be lianL
Its K'd.
"A tihoenmker Ua a' lkliigglaa
sort or life, haan't ovf"
IIow bo V
"Doesn't he reverB all usual rules
by stsrting with bis "last work Orstr
Baltimore American.
Tbe Nloolal Brothers Company to
Anna A. French. Undivided half In
terest In lot 7. section 16, township 3
south, rsnge 3 east; $1.
G. W. and Maud Myers to Eugene
Damour lot 4, section 3, township 6
south, range 3 east; $1300.
T. R. A. and J. M. B. Bellwood to
T. C. Livingston; lots 5 and 6, block
1. Qutncy Addition to Mllwaukle;
J. O. and Jennie M. dmalley to
Ethel F. Ham, lot 8, Oregon Homes;
8. W. King to Elizabeth D. King;
lots 1. 3 and 5, block 34 Mllwaukle
Heights; $1.
Ernest M. Smith to J. R. Peart, lots
8 and 9. block 2, Morris subdivision
of first addition Jennings Lodge;
Ole and Anne. Larsen to D. It. and
Lou Duncan, lot 1, tract G, lot 2. tract
H Willamette Falls Acreage tracts;
L B. U. Stenographers and
Great Demand
A ' '11
- ' 3 '
GAIN. 20 a.irea, 6 acres cleared, balance
slashed and seeded, all under good
fence; 6 room house, barn and chick
en house, granary and good well, all
In good order and no waate land. All
level and on good road, one mile from
new Clackamas Southern R. R. on
mile to school. On and one-half
miles to town. $2500 cash. .
Room 11, Stevens Bldg.. Oregon City.
Business firms ore recognizing the superior
training of our Business university over the
work of the business colleges. Our standard
Is higher; our work is much more thorough;
our work Is more complete; ond our students
are more proficient in every way.
Just the school for the earnest young man or -lady
who desires to learn and have.the high ,
' est and best training at reasonable tuition
rotes, j You ore sure of . Individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give it. You should investigate our i
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
year In day and night school. "
630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 2751; Home A544e.
""7 uoyjes) ana mrw
ho have been vlaltlng her par
an .