Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 03, 1911, Image 2

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vmiam ehterpriseihOPS SELL FREELY
. 1. wRODIE, t Biter and Pvbtlebee.
earr A INI. at th was anVse at
YiTrna MM k et ef
atattae Jaav
raw m KKcttrrw.
Oat Taar, ay asag ,
im Mmika. by asall ..
ror Moauaa, ay
Pw wraafc, ajr earrtwc. , -IS
iVa Paav, par ma nrat taaartoaa....lta
rtrat Pa. aat hc, m&m anrtlnii..m
prsfi poafttea asgr aa as
M aaaaitVwi IS
PrWerrad anettkaa aar para, par tea
Ta Kaai. a..
Sua paper Imt laaa first a-, per
nnA lnrOa -.. !
Rwa paaat etnse .baa firs aaaa, aar Bsc
awartsaaa..... .....a.
IS er Raa; ta raswlar aa-
ta tksa.
Waata. Far
aaat a war
sac. aSSntoaal
Ratae far adrarttatw I
Satcryrta aria aa Uta a.
ealnr. far aevartiasaiaaita
tar tee waeabr. Where Um aarsrv
la trajtarsrrad frasa tb Uy ta th
t. witsoat taun Ik rata arm aa
M laa
Lur J-,
k tft
aa sac Tor raw as im paaai
Bsc far aesctai aasstMas.
Caah aiwuM mamr arear
arty la aitMn, ia bMaaae
the Batrrprtae.
efTkae at
Less arartMtac at lai 4art:
Ttreae aererttataui and enaelal
dVartsav- tt H la M H Bsc.
"nra Safe- umI Bukrva BaJa Unr
aaxaita ate tack rtrat laaaitl ; all
sttar as Baeav
Nm liiai aa arall wmtew tfuts
f saarlt. wk fcmtaraat ta Steal TsaSara,
la om sal at ta following store
every toy:
Huntley Bro. Drug
Mala Streets
J. W. stc-SauRy Cigars
Seventh and Main.
Secre Confectionery
4 Mala Bear SUth.
M. E. Duna Confectionery
. Next oor to P. a
C3ty Drag Star-
Electric Hotel.
Scboenborn Coofecdoaary
STBtk aad .V Q. Adaaa.
A riat or At wood baa bees fined In
Near York for exceeding the speed
Unit hi aa automobile. It was know a
before, boa-arer, that men cu be "njn
ta tbe air" vhil ttUl on earth.
A New Jerser scbool baa expelled
.a girl, cbnd of Enslisb parents, tor
not sahttlas our flag and taking the
oath of aUeclanceT NeTer say again
that New Jersey is not a part of this
Tbey are sow amnggling Chinese
Into Soatbera California In automo
bile. After tbe perfection of the
aeroplane, this thing will be easier
bat mack less laxnrioas for the
It is claimed now that a certain
specific for bay ferer has been found,
ob tbe ere of frost.- The discovery
lea res ample time for manufacturing
aad advertising before the next sea
son sets in.
People wbo bad fondly imagined
that any extensiTe nse of such a kill
ing thing aa formaldehyde In milk
was not to be dreaded are having an
other rod ' awakening. Bat. of
coarse, they will go to sleep sgain
after tbe abock la passed.
PrisafiflHta and Poultry.
"Job a." aaid bis wife, -why do tbey
quarrel s mex-b aboot poultry In tbeae
' dipgracerol prixeflbtsT"
"Poultry?" saV be. laying down bis
newspaper. "Sow, my dear, whatever
do yew mean?"
Tea.- sb went on, "It says here
that at first tbe white man was ln
cCaed to abow hia chicken heart, bat
gar a very pretty dtKk to avoid bis
colored oppooeot. Why did be want
to avoid blm mt because be was a
colored maat And then here It says
tbe colored mas claimed s foal In tbe
serentb round. Wss that tbe dock
tbe whit man gav him!" London
. Liberal buying of hops Is reported
la the Willamette Valley, sales reach
ing probably 500 to 600 bales. T. A.
Lively Is tbe principal buyer, but the
Seavey Hop Company la llkewls an
operator of Importance, Im nearly all
instances the prtc waa 33c a pounJ.
According to Herman Klaber. out
of over ISO sample of Willamette
Valley bops received of thla season's
crop, not a single one was found ta
be moldy, whll th quality otherwise
wss the best ever known In thi
. Offers of 35c to 36c a pound are be
Ing freely made In the Russian River
and Sonoma Districts of California,
although the crop In th latter sec
tion is said to sho wthe poorest qitlrr
In year. Samples are said to show
mold, honeydew and practically every
other ailment that usually affects bop
Since the recent business at 35c It
the Sacramento section, no new de
velopments are reported in the hop
trad there. .
Special cables from England stst
that half of the hop crop User is
already sold and the market hsa ad
vanced . 10 shillings during the past
From Germany cornea the report
that the market la weak and 10 marks
lower. This Is not deemed a bearish
feature by the trade, because thV
German market Is much tlrher than
sny other In the world. From 66c
to S4c pouinl is being paid net to
growers there.
Prevailing Oregon' City prices are
as follows:
HIDES (Buying) Green hlda,
5c to 6c: salt era, be to 6c: dry bides.
12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 25c to 75c
WOOL (Buying) 14o to 16c
Hay, Grata. Fd.
HAT (Buying) Timothy, $15 to
$16; clover, 18 to $: oat bay, beat,
111; mixed, 9 to $13: alfalfa, $13
to $14.
OATS (Buying) Gray, $25 to
$26: whit. $26 to $27.
FEED Shorts, $29 to $30; rolled
barley. $37.50: process barley, $3S 50;
whole corn. $35; cracked' corn, f3a;
wheat. $33 to $33; oil meal. $53;
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per
100 pounds.
FLOUR $150 lo $5.15.
Butter, Poultry, Egg.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter. 25c to 30c; fancy
dairy, 30c; creamery, 30c to 35c
POCLTRT (Buying) Hens, 11c
to 12Hc; broilers, 13c
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 28c to
Fruits, Vegetables.
Prunes. 6 l-4c to 10Hc; peaches, 10c.
$L25 to $150 per sack; parsnips,
$1.25 U $1.50; turnips, $L25 to $1.50;
beets, $1.50.
.POTATOES Best buying, 1 l-4c
per . pound.
ONIONS Oregon. $1.50 per hun
dred; Australisn, $2 per hundred.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Llv weight) Steers, 5c
and Sttc; cows. ic; bulls, I l-2c
VEAL Calves bring from c to
13c according to grade.-
MUTTON Sheep, 3c an Sttc:
lambs. 4c and 5c
HOGS 125 to 140 pound bogs, 10c
and 11c; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Is the breathing place of sin, the sin
of business stagnation, th sign of
spathy and the predecessor of th
sheriff's ssl. You can stimulate
your business to a healthy growth by
uslug Enterprise "Llnera' to attract
the attention of th public to what
you bav to offer.
"Strong reasons mak strong so
tton" and you will find that an X"
backed by tbe strength or your con
viction will carry weight with tbe
readers of these little "doors of op-
I portuulty." The key Is copper, not
golden, for the expense of advertising
lu the columns Is measured by
rents, not dollars. The returns
though tell another story reverse
i the order and measure your profits
In dollar. Th cent will hsv been
well invested and have taken guoJ
car of themselves.
A month's trial will convince you
of th value of these little business
Several Air Men Tryintf to Fly
From Sea to Sea For $50,000
Riches are intended lor the com
fort, of We y not life lor the pur
pose of hoarding riches. I ssied a
wise man, ssymg. "Who is the for
tunate man and who is the unfortu
nate)" He said: "That man was
fortunate who pent and gave away
and that man unfortunate who died
and left behind. Pray not for that
good for nothing man who did noth
ing, for he passed his Cfe in hoard
ing liches and did not spend them,"
aai saw
NMMM i4er Um etaaetrtad
win ka kaaeMa at aaa caal a
BMtiHa. half a aaat aSSltiu
tiaaa. One tack ear. II aar atowtk
back aar. naa si par saoath.
- Caak nsM aaoompeey erSar anlae ens
fcaa aa aawe aeoaant wttk lsa aaper. N
flaaactaJ responsibility far arrora; what
errare ecvur rraa eurrt4 aatkaa wIM ka
arista tar aatraw Minimus etiaree taa
WANTED Collector to se my col
lection of all sorts of carlo, an
tiques, and Indian trinkets; stamps
fot stamp collectors; coins for
numlsmstists. arrow-beads for arch
ologists, etc I buy and sell all
aorta of curios; also all kinds of
second-band furniture and tools
Georg Toung. Main,' near Fifth
FOR SALE Toung pigs. Call Oscar
May, Horn telephone. Beaver
FOR SALE Upwrlgbt Fischer piano,
$500 model Bargain if Uken at
once. Inqolr Oregon City Enter
prise. . 7t
5-ROO.M modern bouse, almost new,
modern wood house and fence; city
water In kitchen; two level lots
66x195, plenty fruit, good streets
close In. Bargain If taken at once
Phone Main 2711.
FOR SALE Team of bay horses,
weight 2300 pounds, ' harness and
hack, can be bought cheap If taken
before October 5. Inquire of
Freytag ft Miller, real estate office.
FOR SALE $100 will buy a team and
barness: weight 2300 lbs. Home
phono. Beaver Creek. Oscar May.
farm S mtlea northeast of Oregon
City; sale price $6,500; rent price
$100 year. Inquire Mr. LlUle
Anne, 1414 Tenter street.
FOR RENT Well furnished fottr
room bungalow, fireplace, electric
lights. Reasonable rent. Telephone
Jennings Lodge, Farmers 18x2. '
FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dlrolck,
Lawyers, Oregon City. Or.
O D. RBT. A ttorney-at-L w. Msway
loaned, she-tracts ftmlahd. land
titles xsBstned. tat settled, gam
ers! law buan4 Owr Bank al
Oregon City.
Law. Dentscher Advokat. win prac
tice In all courts, oak coll actions
prise Blds. Oresow City. Oregon.
Right ta the Point.
As a short and straightforward pro
posal nothing baa ever surpssaed that
of tbe youth who. oo entering tbe
room, knelt down before tbe lady and.
producing a ring from bis pocket said.
-May ir
Csossw Tea Wits Wins
.. The London tea sbufgin most eke
oat her wages by angling for dps.
There Is a good deal of pat boa behind
ber smile. Tbe csrtle tes drinker
does not sopect tbe irony of ber elabv
raiely pOed op bah-, tbe astir of ber
natty blgb beeled aboea, tbe mockery
mt ber qnW-k badinage, fbe. kmks per
fertly ngbt hearted aa sbe darts Vt
sad frw tmottf the tsWea. Hhe bss oo
right ta appear tired Kbe moat roa
eeal her fatlgn. A anetancboly coon
teuDfe hi oat of pise ia a tea snop
Loodon Cnwnton.
Rad t bforalng -Cnterprbe.
We have the best at low
est price. Lay In
winter topply
Korract Poultry Food.
Commission Co.
Oregon City.
HA&KT JONES Builder and Goraj
Contractor. Estimates cbeorfnllv
glrao on all clssses of building
work, concrete waika an rotaforc
concrete. Res. Pboa Mala 111.
K. H COOPER. Ft' Fir Insursser
snd Real Estate. Lt aa handle
year properties we bay, sell snd
exchange. Offlr la lCatarprlae
Pidg.. Ore iron City. Oregon.
WE wUb to announce lb-the public
that we have disposed of oar busi
ness to Batdorf Bros, and those
knowing themselves to be Indebted
to ns will please call and settle as
soon aa possible. Graves A Rogers,
Willamette, Oregon.
American Fi
nances Will Be
Quiet Until Af
ter 1912 JET Jtf
- Br DANIEL C REID. Nw York financier
Until then there will be no HYSTERICAL BOOMS, snrwhere)
ia Axaerica. Then things should Wwne nonnal and PROSPEROUS
H ttyaX izr f Ukor trik m AVERTED. .
The following property will be sold
at public auction, to the highest
bidder, at the Clear Creek lumber
Company's mill site, near Fisher's
mill In Clackamas county, on the
10th dsy of October, A. D. 1911, at
2 o'clock p. m.. to satUfy a chattel
mortgage held upon salA property
by Mr. Allison Baker, to-wlt:
One double action steam pump.
One 75 b. p. Atlas boiler, in good
condition; 2 foot stack.
On 6 b. p. upright Russell en
. glne.
- One Fairbanks-Morse dynamo,
115 volts, with register and
One 35 h. p. Russell engine,
pnenmstlc governor, complete.
One log hsul. complete.
One lower saw jack complete
with reversible saw guide, 3 In.
On upper aaw Jack complete
with ststlonsry guide, 2H ln- arbor
and belting.
One 52 In. Simmons sswln good
One 62 In. Adklns saw. In good
condition. -v.
One 36 In. cutoff aaw with frame
pulleys, intermediate shaft snd
U Iron pipe rolls, 30 In. by 6 lu.
with Iron boxes.
On Hobbs plsner, complete.
One set shinier matcher heads.
Two sets sizing beads, wltn
knives, bolts and fittings.
Twelve lumber trucks.
One blower complete. In good
condition with piping snd shafting.
Ona fire pamp.
One $ In- Intermediate shaft, 20 ft.
long, with four wooden pulleys.
One friction feed for. live rolls
with chsin. ,
Terros of sale, cash.
Notice of Application for Pool Hall
NOTICE Is hereby givef that w
i-aaaassbaC jV-as"
U -T '. V -11 auSTT wan as -
. T X I av -Wk a -- opt- BS. - W" I r, . -ar waj
Sr-' I f M -". t 1
ss". r r.aM j
n r
'7a Jt
n V
x1 p-
Photo hf AatHotA rrm AimcUUoil.
L i
i i a r. m .
How to Get Rich
I emerging your fssourrss.
long as you can pay only for
.1 ' I I '' I
Isno by becoming g money as.-
ija within your means
Until yuu' wants whll anlarglDg your reaourrss,
Dispense wltn luiurie
oil Us
v I . .
Promtd your insapenusoo oy osoooiiDg g money sa,M
well as a money ssrnar. -si
You cn buy aa lntrt-barlng Certificate of Dtoslt or
a depoalt In our Bsvlnga Department gvry tlm yon 0,
The Bank of Oregon City
O fl LATOURaTTTB Prwaldeal
i Mirin, Cks,
rraeaaets s o-eersl Sanklnf Sualeeaa.
Open frafa I A. at. I ,
H use's Slip.
Victor Hugo put" "" ,0 no0,n
Charlemseue. lo "Aymslllot." tb.
words. "Too dream like scbolsr of
Horbonne." - Tbsl famous Institution
wss fouod.-d In 12M. 30 Jm ''
lbs days of Cbarleiuagne.
Subaciib for the Dll Knttrpris
Harpist Te OW Rscltsl.
Mrs. Frsnres II Wsde, one of th
few really great harpists of th world,
will appear at th Congregational
rhurrh. Wednesday ettnlng, u
wonderful Insiruutant. i g,,
Irish barp. ,Th -Uurllnstos Hwll'
yH says Mrs. Wad Is ,
master Of her Instrument 14 tr
out all fh lHaiity of its de. m,
tones. Th noanuk (Vtrglnlaj
aays her execution la woodarM y
Toirha, Kan., Mrs. Wds ntM
ovstlon. The Denver pspeny
"Mrs. Wad was grars and bsMtik
self when seated at ber in.aif.
ha has played all over tb twd
Btstes. and bss now com to u .
Oregon, where her busbaaa b J
of 1 he professors at ths Bttta rT
verslty. w l"
SEVERAL s vis tors bsvs entered tbe contest rer s .o.uuu pnse onrrea tov
the quickest flight from the Atlantic to tbe I'aclnc. and starts bsve
' been made from each ocean, ss tbe terms of the offer permit tbe Irtp
I be msde In either direction. Tbe Orst few dsys of tbe vsrlous' flights
were not encouraging to the avlstors. ss each of tbeni had scctdents sod
motor trouble. .Robert O. Fowler started from Ssn Francisco, being tbe flraf
contestsnt to tske t tb sir He Is shown In tbe sbove picture ss be hissed
his mother good by before taking t the air and also In his machine winging bis
wsy rspldly towsrd bis eastern goal. The other picture shows Calbraith I.
Rodger atandlng beside his msrhine st Governors Island. New Tors harbor,
a few momenta- before be started on hi flight westwsrd. k'
will, at th nest regular- meeting
of th City Council, apply for a
llcens to operate a pool hall at otir
place of bualneas, 52( Msin street,
for a period of three months.
Five Cab Owners Said to Ha. 3
Agreed to Oppose Kim.
At a musics I wbt-rv a clergymaa'was
a gcest a young woman wltb a robust .
soprano voice did most of tbe enter-!
talnlng. She was very proud of bar J
accomplishments sod ber niualcsl ed-j
ucatloa. 8be saug songs In Germsn,
ltsllsn. French snd CuglUb. When
she eppeared t bsve rlbsualrd bar
repertory sod the company prenenl
were wishing fur a change In tbe pro
gram tb clenryman tttd ber stue
compliments and sdded: . .
"Why. Mlas Jones. I think you could
slug sd luflnltuni "
"T really don't know It.' responded
tbe obliging young womau. "but It ttia
music la here I'll tr it"
" Goldfish.
Tbe life of a goldnsb la rarely more
than Ave years In rsptlrlty under tb
most fsvorsble circumstances.
and think of the widely adver
tised articles that you con cell
to mind that you see every dcy
in our own town.
what big sellers they ore gener
ally, they are goods ot merit
handled by reliable merchants.
to what we are saying to you
in our ads every day. It pays.
0 '
Make Uo Prove It
Pittsburg snd Cincinnati Fsv.r Him
For Position Dreyfoae te Lead Fight
en Fogsl and Russell May Bring Out i
Syndicate Fssturss.
Tbomits J Lym b will not be nl- 1
dent of the Nstlousl leugue fullotriug
tbe aunnul uievtlun of tbe leugue ill- '
rectory ll sei-onu Monday of ucxt Ie-
rem Oct Five of I lie 'league reildfiits
bsve sirreed to vpOMe bltn. Tlirse !
Ave 8 re Murphy of Chicago. Ilerrumun
of CluctniiMti. Ebbets of Urooklju,
Stlnlnger of St Loul sud lrjri,i
of llttsburs 11 jr wniie menus, wliu li 1
Is out made cleur. ueltber l'urel of;
Pbllsdlpbia nor Kuell of llowton is
expected lo bsve s rote st the stinusl
meetlug. sod llruxb of New York lx
expected to support Lynch for another
term tmle be neex a great llizlit in
tbe meantime.
- "Tbe paitMlDg of Lytirb" wss !umii'l
at Chfc-sgo w ben tbe bourd of d. rectors
met to psits upon the Lynch rating In
tbe cane of Btierwood Magee. the
Pblllle ootnelder. who bnd been sus
pended for striking Umpire Flnnernn.
At that time several of Ibe director
got together and decided Lynrb wns
not tbe man for tbe Job. Lyucb tiesrd
of It and became stubborn. He re
fuaed absolutely to rbnnge bis ruling
ln Ibe Mogee esse that Is. be did st
first, and then be begsn sngllug for
votes wbk-b would re-elect bltn presi
dent of Ibe leHgue.
While be wss given no promise of
support, st least two of tbe nisgustes
lntlmsted Ibnt they mlgbl su)iort him
at tbe annual election, but be would
have to go along wltb them and rein
state Mage At the same time tbene
very mason te were planning to mnke
another man president. Therefore Mr.
Lynch Is due fur a On young double
croaslng. The Ore youhg magnates
wbo propose to run tbe league sre di
vided aa to whom tbey want to sue
eeed Lynch.
Oreyfuaa and nerrmann. It ta un
derstood, sre favorable to John A.
Oeydler. icrttsry and formerly presi
dent of tbe league The race appears
to be between tlevdler snd Praada
Rlcbter of Pportlng Uf. Tbe Nm
tlon baa been tendered to Rlrhter
to the past, but be bss refused to sc
cept It. declsrlng that It would require
all his time snd he could not neglect
his business.
In, connection with tb next leagn
meeting tt Is rumored thst Barney
Drey fuss of Pittsburg will lead tb
fight to prevent FogeJ of Pbllsdelpbla
and Rusaetl of Boston from voting.
It Is understood now thst should the
men become Insistent ln their deslr
to rote Dreyfus will expos tb wbol
tractor of "syndicate base ball" and
will endeavcr to prove not only to th
director, but to tbe poblic at large,
thst not only does tbe Cblcsgo club
own tbe Phillies, bnt th New York
National lesgne club controls Presi
dent Rnaeell snd tbe Boston Nstlonsls.
i I
Patrrlxe our advertisers. BaWsBataTaTaTataTaTaBBaTaTaW
We Give Service We Give Service
"Tea and Toast"
There's something quaint about the mere
suggestion; there are traditions behind it that
hark back to a less strenuous age; to an age
when the dear old ladies met at the weekly sew-
Rm4 tb Uoraiag CfitrpiiM
S . -- T
ing circle to coin nice ripe gossipy and sip tea
and eat Toast. i
As a universal institution the sewing circle
is now a memory, but "Tea and Toast" is
more popular than ever.
This popularity is largely due to the in
vention of the Electric Radiant Toaster. This
attractive little device makes Toast scientific
ally, for its radiant .heat forces the absolutely
necessary chemical change ia the bread. This
means Perfect Toast in any degree that suits
your individual taste. And it will surprise you
to know that the net cost is the merest fraction
of a cent per slice. Also that it makes Toast
faster than the average family can eat it.
this??. VineTh.nll:UrtM.:i,,i? --'"- r
oothln0low of ion. 2 Uttrto Radiant Toastsr. Tho
eh..rfu7tmMph.r.? 0" " P-t-l.ln ba crs.t.s a snug and
t poiishsd ts-ls, or on th damaak Ubl eloth.
MAIN orncc 7ih and Alder Streets
we uive service We Give Service
7.rrr? , ' j