Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 01, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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. , . -
7T7- . ' ,
iee but it's Cold and Rainy
slot to in one of our i well overcoats or Rain-Proof .
ilip-ons. A complete fall showing on display. ,
SEW SUITS, YCS. Another big shipment of
the Famous Society Biand Gothet in the new
browns. v '
t Oat Wlndowt.
Buperln Undent of County School
(Jury announced Saturday I bat Dep
uty Btate Superintendent E. C.
Carleton would be on of tbe speakers
at tba county school Institute which
will be convened at the high school
tomorrow. Mr. Csrlston will b her
Tueadsy. Tba Institute will cloaa
Wednesdsy. Dr. William T. roatar,
president or Keed Tnatltuta, Portland,
will pak Wednesdsy afternoon on
"Tba I'rofsssloual Spirit." Tba mem
ber! or tba Woman's club and many
other realdenta of tha city will be
preaent to hear thle famoua educator.
110 RtWARO
Tot tba arreat aa conviction
i io peraon or paraona, who
lawfully rsmove coplsa of Tha
lornlog Enterprlaa from tba
,m"a f aubacrlbara after
J bu been placed tbare by
N. Style an the Grid.
ft saw your boy vetting bis hair cut"
Iml "line the new ruien in roui-
Ll there'. n una letting It gr" "
Karl C. Wink waa In from Naw Era
Jiurday. , ,
VllM NVllle fiwafford ainl Friday
. . . . ... .
fTry 'Ur Zoo inercnsws- jumu, -
L TaJl Confectionery, 701 Main St.
MIFlo.rence Moora visited Port
td Saturday . '
Mrs. A. A Price apent Saturday vis
Jig Portland friend.
Harry McClur of Portland i ai
lrm City vlattor Saturday.
MIm Ana Alldredge attended tha
iiaty fair at Canby Friday. ,
Ur1e A. Klllott attended the auto
r at the fair (round Saturday.
Pull line of lateat and up to data
ku at Mix Cloldamlth'a. '
Tom Myers waa among Saturday'
visitors at lha county fair ,
Ralph Kewey, a well known reai
daut of Klamath Fall, apent Satur
day Iq Oregon City attending to bual
pa. .. 's . ,. .
Oyster, any atyla', at tha Falls
Confectionery, 70S Main atraat
A. It Heynolda of Jennings Lodge
attended to bualneaa In thle city Sat
urday. ' t
Mr. and Mra. George Drown, left for
Newport Saturday to be .gone fur
about a week. While there they will
make arrangement for their wlrfter
anpply of fish for the North Pole mar
Mlaa C. Goldsmith's millinery stors
rloaea Monday on. account or Jewlah
County Recoalsr Lloyd . William
and family spent Saturday at Canby,
where they attended tha county fair.
Mrs, Allen jflayea Adams or this
city la apendlng a few daya at CanDy
vialtlng her mother, Mr. C. Wang.
Ivan (Jack) Ownbey, who baa been
playing In. Southern Oregon with a
dramatic company for tha paat year,
apent Friday In Oregon City vialtlng
hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A,
Ownbey of tjreenpolnt -
The Newlyweda entertained .Friday
evening at tba home of Dr. and Mra.
C. II. .Melaaner on Ninth and Monroe
t reels. ridge waa tha game of the
evening, tba flret prlsea belag award
ed to Mrs. Walter 8. Well and to
George N llanklna, while A..; A.
Price was successful In winning tha
conaolatton prlie. Dainty refresh
menta were aerved by tha hostess. In
attendance were Mr. and Mrs. WUIIain
It Logus, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Price,
Mr. ami Mra. George N.' Hanklna,
Mr. and Mra. Mortimer D. Latourette.
Mr.-and Mr, Walter 8. Walla and
Mr. and Mr. Hugh llendrle.
Policeman Jack Front aaved a
drunken man from being killed by a
train on tba Southern Paclflo track
at the Fourth atreet steps Saturday
night. The man waa lying proetrate
on the rails when he was found by
the policeman Just flva minutes be
fore a f ant passenger,- southbonnd,
was due. Mr. Frost took tba stranger
to the station house, but be was too
drunk to tell his name. Uut for tba
vigilance of the policeman the man
undoubtedly would have been killed.
A Oeegraphleal Possibility. -Sciential
axMert that additional In
lands are now rormtug In the China
see to the sotithwsrd. esteudtug toward
Australia. It Is a tiotiilile fart that all
.he contloeuta or this earth tend U
a point at the southern ettreuilry with
the inception o Au.trujjit AuKtrslla
taper soilhward benesib the aurfiwe
or the pen Who can say but Jbat
Australia will some day bVnie Hie
soutnern point or another Isrge cotitl
"bent, with the Philippine snd Borneo
forming the trunk t Pacific Monthly. ,
Canaries te D.t.ot Firedamp.
A csge containing a anary I Indis
pensable on approaching a mine after
sn szploaloo. Csnarlee and small
WHrm blooded uQIuiuIh. u U aa mire,
are, probably bei-suee "i ibelr eitreme
ly delicate orKanlxma. parth ularly aeo
altlve to carbon moooiide.' 1'bus a
cage containing one or Ito canaries
should always be taken with an ad
vance exploration part. Tbey are ar-
reeled by snlnni quantttlea or this gas
a abort time before It will affect' a
human belng.-Caaxler' Magazine.
Hai purchased the business of Mrs. Nellie Miller at 403 Main
Street, Oregon City.
The Place for Home Made Candy,
We Give Service we Give service
"Tea and Tbast?
There's something quaint about the mere
suggestion; there'are traditions behind it that
hark back to a less strenuous age; , to an age
when the dear old ladies met at the weekly sew
ing circle to coin nice ripe gossip, and sip tea-.
and cat Toast.
As a universal institution the sewing circle
is now a memory, but "Tea and Toast' V is
more popular than ever.
This popularity is largely due to the in
vention of the Electric Radiant Toaster. This
attractive' little device makes Toast scientific--ally,
for its radiant heat forces the absolutely
necessary chemical change in the bread. This
means Perfeci-Toast in any degree tnat suits
your individual taste. And it will surprise you
to know that the net cost is the merest fraction
of a cent per slice. Also that it makes Toast
faster than the average family can eat it. aside from theaa vlal featurea utility, speed and economy
' th!r. ? a o.n!lna Vharm In oparatn0 the Electric Radiant To.ater. The
sohj; Jlow of th. aolls onTnaat porce.a.n b... ers.t.s a anug and
MAIN orriCC 7th and. Alder Streets
We Give Service We Give Service
PORTLAND. Bept. 30. (Special.)--
The Seals ware overwhelmed today
by tha Heavers. Tba score waa It to
4. Never did the visitors kare a
look-in. Harkneas allowed eight hits,
but be had the- game well In hand at
all etagr . Butor tossed up "aultora"
to McCredle'a blngle men, who mads
sixteen bits. Mora than 5000 persons
witnessed the slaughter. The same
teams 'will play a double header to
day and If the Portland men win
both they'll be pretty aura of tha
pennant Vernon won again so the
riag race Is still close.
Tba results Saturday follow:
Pacific Coast league Portland 12,
flan Francisco 4: Vernon 8. Los An
geles 8; Oakland 4. Sacramento S.
Northwestern league Portland 10,
Spokane I; Taooma 10, Seattle 4;
Vancouver 11. Victoria 11. called by
mistake of acorer.
American league New York 4 7.
St. Louis 6-1; Chicago- 9 4, Boston
12; Philadelphia 6-3, Cleveland
1-4: Waahlngton 3, Detroit 2. .
Nallnnal leariiA Plttahurff ft .
Philadelphia 2-7: Cincinnati 14 2. Bos
ton IB; New York 8. Chicago 1; St.
Lou I a G. Brooklyn 6. called In tbo
1 1th because of darkness , .
faclflo ,
Portland .... ,
Vernon .
Oakland .
Han Francisco
Sacramento- .
Los Angeles .
Won. LoaC Pet
. v.107
.... 84
.... 79
.... 75
101 '
Spokane .
Seattle ...
PorUand .
Tacoma . .
. . Won. Lost
....102 61
. f j 95 72
a s s 88 77
84 76
81 82
Manager ef Bt Paul Awsroa tne
Twirter a Bright Bad
Wbaa Vlsrty U"' Ibe
BOO pltrOrf of Ibe Pltli'lHirg Sn
tlonais. handed In tii uuiturm
lu Jlaoager
Kelley a t
t Paul Jt
wan with a
sigh ot re
gret for In
a i a o w o
word De' S
galuvd ev
ery bit of f
be n a a
'il t nose col
1 -n.r..;;
can keep f
In Thio Picture You Sco Thrco
Beautiful Garmonta
I come here
this red sweater Vast ', said Kel
. ' . u t. Intrt til.
a. w ivuiff twtu a
locker. -Take It along, and 2
when yen wear It tbtnk or St
' Panl and tha tialntS." '
"You bet I will," was Marty's f
enmahack. 1 learned mors 2
waartntf that red coat between f
Innings- than 1 ever expect to
cram to my - head during tne
reet oZ my daya"',
"A wonderful cDap," said Kel
ley when OToote waa out of
bearing distance, . "Tba beat fel
' low I aver knew." Marty whla
; pered to bis neighbor at tba
same rime. J
MAY QUIT ROWING GAML Disappointed at Failure te
Win 8eulling Championship.
a..i.Hrt u,th ih record be Qas
made, but ouaappoiuied innsunr ne
tailed In many attempts to rupture the
title or stugle eiuiilng I'liauiiilon of
the United State snd tauadu. Fred
arlck Shepimrd. the crack, oarsman of
tbe Harlem iNew Vorki Kowlng -"
may be seen in a ra-Sng ' .
Kbepberd when ne iwwl tbe line a
winner with rrederfcK Kuewl. his
partner. In the senmr donhiw eit-ut at
the middle at a tea rviratts in lluitlmore
Lalior diiv prtsliT rowed nw
race. .
SbepBerd'sstd be reiunloert in tne
game this year solely out of a dealr
... ih. ainffie srnlllna champion
ahlo and to retain tl- double sculling
championship. II did not win the
former and k"t tne Mirer. n..
heller e It time to retire. . .
1 Mad. a 8how of Hlmsolf.
"That was rough on Davis,"
-Ha atented on a piece of orange
peel, relf and waa arrested for giving
street performance wunout a li
cense." London Ideas
nf t rfarmfnt tKrmc!vCi. If TOu'U
UUl UIC pn.uic w uui uiu iv . a j
and Ke thrTcoats, youll know more than the pictures cou say what perfect specimens they are.
X.t tit fff.rma.nt nn t! - It ft fane exftmolc oi ft teuii-dtttt coat in bUck ctunoa t
broadcloth. ' The black velvet collar, the new cut revere and deep cults, trimmed with wide black com-
i l I II .. J 1 I I J.' tn L- n.r,..l A1 it'm 1tn1 in tan aatllt- maV-
biBAUon Draiu ana DUitont, auu ciegancc inu uuuuiuuu w ure ""-" - -ing
a splendid garment , . , '
A neat little coat for misse is shown by 'the central figure. lt" of blue cheviot, ef ectnrely trimmed.
ig; if cjnpire SlJTICf UUilVU UUIIIUU. V-vifa wiu iltiiii Oi . , ki.a.v. n .... .. . . .
finished with loops of aoutache and buttons. Cuffs are deep and pockets are trimmed to harmonize. It't
an exquisue coat . ... -,
Just one other in the group that one on the left . It's a decided novelty both In style' and
fabric. Goth is a tan atripe velours. Model is a straight line, with seamless fronts, fastening at one aide
with fancy buttons. Charlotte Corday collar and long revm are trimmed with brown ana green vcircv
r j c. - '-.. .... " '
v cry uecp iuui. uauu iuuuj, t ' V ' three costs tnsy give you a faint Idea of the splendid style and great, value of all our "Palmer Car.
ment" suits and coats. ; v (
We'd be glad to have you come and see for yourselves. -
. nppmw nTY; mr. wpartMpINT STORL
.',' Gaining a Bit "
At a Philadelphia club a dlscouraped
musician was. speaking to a frtead
coooerulLK his lateat work. Be wss
extremely melancholy. TDerei ,oo
denying It," he muttered: "I cnft i com
pose as well as I did Ove years sgo."
H5h. yes. yon can." said tbe tried
and honest friend to whom be made
the confession: "It's only that your,
Uata la Improving "- l.lpiUocott's. .
Read tbe Morning Enterprise
Our greatest clubbing offer.. The
Morning . Enterprise hy mall and the
Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem
ber 1, 19)2, for only fS. Offer closet
October SI, 191L . ,
(Continued from page, 1.) i
A."C. Hassler, second. ' " ...
Girl babies over one . year and
under two years Mrs. C W. Joohnke.
first; Mrs. C. J. Cooke, second.
Girl babies six months and under
one year Mrs. C. E. Walt, first: Mrs.
W. P. Lee, second.
Girl babies under six months J. I.
Sharp, .rirst; Florence Mallott, sec
ond. . ' '
Best natured baby under threa
years Mrs. Chrlstensen. first
Lsrgest baby nnder one year--J. IS.
Wells, rirsf .... ;
Youngest baby "M- Mosa Founal,
first,,.; . -.
Subscribe for the De.tly nterniisa.
) (Continued rronj page 1.)
UTiTla il friends are nrcinr - him
to make the race, ha has had nothing
to say on the sudjsci. raw men in
the city have more friends than Mr
nt-m.r anil ahnutd h become a
member of tha council, there la no
question aa to his attending to tna
imnnrimt duties that would devoirs
upon him with the same efficiency
ha ahnwn in assistins in ine
management of the big drug firm of
which he Js a aiemDer.
E. B. U. Stenographers and
20 sores, . 6 acrea cleared, balance
saabad and seeded, all under good
fence;. 6 room house, barn and chick
en house, granary and good well, all
In good order and no waste land. All
level and on good road, one mile from
new Clackamaa Southern R. R. on
mile to school. One and one-half
miles to town. $2500 cash.
Room 11. Stevens Bldg., Oregon CUy.
Bookkeepers r Great Demand
Business firms ore recognizing the superior
trolnlng of our Business university over the
work of the business colleges. Our standard
Is higher; our work Is much more thorough;
our work is more complete; and our students ;
ore more proficient in every way.
our teachers are true teachers.
Just t,e school for the earnest young man or
tody who desires to learn and have the high
est and best training at reasonable tuition
rates. You ore sure ot individual help
and Instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give it. You should Investigate our :
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
year in day and night school.
630 Worcester Block. Phoness Marsholl 2751; Home AS6.