Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 30, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Firs Baptist Church Main and
- Ninth atreeta, 8. A. Haywocth, paa
tor. Preaching by the pastor at 11
a. m. and 7:45 p. m. ; th Sunday
school mwli at 10 a. m, H. E.
" Cross, superintendent; Chrtatlan
Endeavor at C:30 p. m.; all are wel
come. "Governor West and the
Parole gystem; la U ChrUtlauT"
The above aubject will be UU
cuaned by the- castor aa prelude
to ai sermon tu the evening. .
Catholic Corner Water and Tenth
streets. Rev. A. HUlebrand paator.
. residence lit Water; Low Masa
a. with aennon;. High Maaa
10: to a. m.; afternoon aervlce at
4; Masa every morning at 8.
' First Congregational Church. Morfi-
, nlng aervlce at 10:30 o'clock. Rev.
Edward Cunran will preach mom
Ing and evening.
First Church of Christ Scientist.
aervlce at 11; Wednesday evening
meeting at t o'clock; reading room
open every afternoon except Sun
day from S to o'clock.
German Evangelical Corner Eighth
and Madison atreeta. Rev. K.
Wteveaick pastor, residence T13
Madison; Sunday acbool 10 a. m
Herman Schrader, Monroe street.
superintendent; moaning service
11; Young People at I p. m. and
preaching at 8 p. m.; prayer meet
Ing Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul-
key. pastor, - residence Gladstone.
Sunday school 10 a, m., N. C Ilea
? diicka. superintendent. Morning
: service, 11 o'clock. Brotherhood
services at 7:45.
Mountain View Union (Congrega
tlonai) Sunday achool 3 p. m..
Mrs. J. 11. Qulnn, superintendent
Bible Study every Thursday after-
k noon.
First Presbyterian Church Rev. J.
: Ninth and Center streets; Morning
R. Landsborough. pastor. Morning
worship at 11; Sunday acbool at
10 o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Green, su
perintendent; T. P. S. C B, M T
- o clock. :
W Oman's World I
Csnfarsnca e W. C. T. U. ta B.
H.ld at Milwsuhee. Ott
Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. E.
F Zimmerman, pastor. Sunday
school at 9:45. Preaching by the
paator at 10:45. Junior League at
3 p. m.'
Morning subject. "Problem of Sin.
Evening subject, "A 81nner at the
- Gate of Heaven."
' Parkplace Congregational Rev. J. L.
': Jones paator. realdence Clackamas
Sunday school 10 a. nu. Emery
French aupertntendent; preaching
" services each Sunday, alternating
'. between 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Christian Endeavor Thursday eve
ning 7:30.
St. Paul's Rev. C W. Robinson, rec
tor. Dally services: Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a.
m. ; evening prayer, 7:30.; Sunday
services: Holy Eucharist S a. m.
morning prayer, 10:30; Holy
, Eucharist and sermon 11 a. m.;
evening prayer and sermon at 7:30
Sunday school 12 m.; Thursday
r evenings, sermon at 7:30.
. United Brethren Corner Eighth and
Taylor, Rev. L. T. Clarke pastor,
residence, Portland: 8unday school
10 a. m Frank Parker, Maple Lane,
' aupertntendent ; morning service
11; T. P. S. C. E. S P. m-, evening
.. service 7. 1
Willamette M. E, No regular preach
Ing services; 8unday school 3 p.
m Mrs. Reams, superintendent.
Zion Lutheran Corner Jefferson and
, Eighth streets. Rev. W. ' R. Krax
berger pastor, residence 720 Jeffer
son; Sunday school 9:30 a. m.. Rev.
Kraxberger, superintendent; mora-
ing service 10:30; evening 7:45;
Luther Leagne 7 p. m.
' West Oregon City School House J.
- O. S'aats will preach at 3 o'clock;
Sunday School conducted after sermon.
Heart to Heart
Why did Mile. Lantelue die?
- The question vexed the gay world
of Paris a few weeka ago when tbe
beautiful actress deliberately walked
over the side of her yacbt and waa
From a worldly point of view sbe
had everything abe could desire.
Lanteime was a famous renuty. a
successful actress and tbe wife of a
, millionaire Her Hue bonne was hi
the moat aristocratic section. Sbe bud
splendid Jewels, borses. automobile,
a steam yai-bt.
- Now. It was asked
Why should a woman wbo bnd
everything ber beart could demre
throw away ber life? Ia socb a thing
To have everything yon want is not
to make you happy. This woman bad
nothing left to desire. And to desire
la human. So long aa we desire and
strive we live. When there Is nothing
more to desire or strive for we die.
Alexander aigbed for more worlds to
We are like Alexander. There can
.be no test In life without tbe change
to conqner. Alexsnder algbed because
all the sparkle waa taken out of life.
When we have everything we want
life la fiat, atale and unprofitable.
'' When tbe incentive of tomorrow's
straggle Is gone tomorrow Is gone.
Fullness is satiety.
Mile. Lantelme. wkose youth and
.' talents bad smoothed the way for her
feet from girlhood, bad sounded every
. note In tbe gamut of pleasure.
There waa nothing left to live for.
On the other band, there was thin:
Wearinesa and vexation of spirit, the
vanity of luxury, the tire of dlsslpa'"
tlon, fesr of ' the loss of fame or
' beauty.
Vk yon eeeT
Too may ssy truly, "What pleasure
this woman might have found In doing
goodr But her life waa not keyed to
benevolence. Sbe was shut up to self
lab enjoyments. , When these palled
upon her she waa eager to throw ber
life away.
And you?
Do you envy tbe Idle rich? Do yon
not see when fortune leaves nothing
1 to be desired life Is Intolerable? What
you call tbe bitterness of strife and
anxiety Is the real source of your Ufa's
Bead ths Morning Efcterprte
. t III
ma. xxxiaji ml a. STrvtara,
The annual eohfereoce of the Na
tlonai Woman's Christian Temperance
union will be held this year at Mil
waukee on Oct 27. Among tbe promi
nent speakers Upon this occasion will
be Mra. Lillian M. N. Stevens, president
of the W. C. T. U.
Mrs. SteTens- wbo has been elected
thirteen tluiea president of thla organ
lsatktn. gives practically all of her
time to ber official duties. Throogb
correspondence and travel abe la In
constant touch with tbe work all evei
the United Slates. She ts a woman ot
marked xecnrtve ability. wttbrnn at
tractive personality.
Housekeeping Holps Foe the Brio's.
A ruest book which contains data
and length of visit aa well aa the
aoenua served to each gnest la of ser
vice to the housekeeper, who enter
taina frequently, says Woman's World
Cover tbe new cookbook with white
oilcloth and use a small pane of glass
to hold It open. Thla protects both In
aide and outaide of the book, and pre
vents the leaves from a ticking together
where particles of food, a patter on
Include a measuring cup In the kitch
en equipment.
Buy a first class cookbook and study
it. i
Tbe bulletins which are ' furnished
free by the United States government
are a valuable aid to bomemaklng.
Apply to your senator, representative
or delegate to congress or to tbe sec
retary of agriculture. Washington.
The following bulletlna are both In
structive and practical for housekeepers:
Farmers bulletin; bulletin 391. econ
omical use of meats; bulletin 74. the
use of milk as a food; bulletin 413. tbe
care of milk and Its use In the home;
bulletin 332. nuts snd their uses aa a
food; bulletin 8S, fish aa food; bulletin
175, home manufacture and use of nn-
fermented grape Juice; bulletin 84.
meats, composition and cooking; bulle
tin 93. sngar aa a food; bulletin 293.
use of fruit aa food; bulletin 203. can
ned fruit, preserves and Jellies; bulle
tin 875, care of food in tbe home.
Tbe United 8tstes department of ag
riculture will anpply tbe following:
Bulletin 66. instructions In cooking;
bulletin 6. bread and breadmaking.
Idea Foe the Needlewoman.
When the fascination of ornamental
needlework haa once laid bold upon a
woman It Is hard for ber to resist the
temptation to continue the work after
back and eyes give warning that It la
time to lay It down, or tbe piece of
work may be something that baa to
be finished within a limited space of
time if It la to be of any use at aft
In that case here is an Idea that may
be of service: Instead of continuing
to leave over the work, let tbe worker
take tbe fattest, softest sofa pillow
available and pat it In ber lap. If tbe
arm a are allowed to rest on it It will
give several kinds of relief. Tbe
changed focus relieves the strain on at
tentlTe eyes. Tbe altered position not
only rests tbe muscles of the back.
but those of the lungs, wblch too
often become unconsciously cramped
by the forward droop of weary about
ders, nntll the seamittreiis ia taklns
pnly "quarter sized" breaths
Ths Aeroplane 8lsavs.
It most be a biplane because of its
aleevea, for there's alwaya a pair of
sleeves. Whether a woman actually
can fly with tbetn or not la a question.
Certainly they look - big enough and
enough like wings.
Tbe aeroplane wings grow np from
tbe waist Una and down from the
boulder and come together In a
gauntlet at tbe wrist, so that when
tbe anna of tbe wearer are atretcbed
out tbe aleevea are seen to be huge.
batlike affairs, extending tbe sides of
the blouse to unheard of proportions.
They are aa big and floppy as the
sleeves of a college gown. Tbe or
dinary Itlmono type la quite pnt Into
the shade. However, aa they are the
latest thing to fly over from Paris it
Is certain that they will "take."
The Wise Bachelor.
"They tell me," ssld the fair widow,
tbiit yon are a student of human na-
tureT "Tea." admitted the old bache
lor, "and I have learned a few thing!
bout women also," Chicago News.
Why Thsy Msrrisd.
A man sent out postcards to all tbe
married men of hla town asking them.
Why did you marry?" Here are one
or two of the replies:
p "That's what I've been trying for
eleven years to find out X."
"Married to get even with ber moth
er, but never have. W "
"Dease don't stir roe up. J."
"Because It Is Just my luck.-P."
"Because I asked ber If she'd have
me. She aalj she would. Sbe got me
Subscribe for tbe Daily Bnterprlee.
Greatest ' Of fer
The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregonian
(Clackamas County's Daily)
(The Northwest's Greatest Weekly)
Until November I, 1912;
Regular Price of the
Morning" Enterprise
by mail is $3.00
Regular Price of the
is $1.50
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well as
New Subscribers
JUST THINK Mors than an Entire
Year to Clackamas County's live daily -and
the Northwest's greatest weekly
for the price of one paper only. Bargain
period ends October 31, 1911. On that
day, or any day between now and then,
S3 will pay for both papers to Novem
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken
at this rate after October 31, 1911.
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R. R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on
or before October 31.
This Offer is Good to
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New Subscribers
Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer
The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once
They on the land he recently purchased of
Stories from Out of Town
Tuesday evening. September. 19th
about twent-flve of Mrs. Murphy's
friends and neighbors gathered at her
home and spent the evening In honor
of her forty-second birthday. They
passed the time playing games and
having a good social time in general.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson returned home
Untimely Interruption.
Professor McOoozle waa deeply ab
sorbed in tbe effort to take tbe tan
gle out of & knotty point in metaphysics.
Lysander." aald his wife, looking
np from tbe paiier sbe bad been read
ing, "what doea it cost to have one's
name changed?
It never cost you anything to bave
yours changed. Alvlra," Irritably an
swered tbe professor "1 paid all the
Tbe worm turned at last
"That was uo more than yon should
bave done." she snapped, "rnnxldertng
that 1 changed my name from Vender
poole to McOoosle." Chicago Trtbnne
Huxl.y en Man.
Professor Huxley once wrote to Mrs.
W. K. CMTord about men. -"They are
tery queer animals a mixture of horse
nervousness. ,-' ass stubbornness and
camel malice, with an angel bobbing
bout unexpectedly like the apple in
the posset, and wben they ran do ex
ctly aa they please ibey are very bard
to drive."
last Wednesday from Centralis,
Wash., where she had been the guest
of her sister, Mrs. M. 8. Horsman
and Mlaa Edith Chapman, for a few
Quite a number of the Eagle Creek '
people attended the Multnnman
County Fair at Oresbara Saturday. claim near Madraa last week where
Mra. E. E. Elliott and Mlsa Leah J hM bB" lldlng a house and bam.
Jonee were I'ortland vlaltora last wlre w'" KO back with him thla
Mra. DeRoune haa oM'.nm. f h-r ,.iJ,:J)- J Tor!e!lc returned home
livestock and some of her furniture l?n2
but did not stay a whole vesr
have rented Mrs. M. R. Brook's nlace , v 7 purcnaaea ot
Mr,, .nckman spenf a Zl v. SS ?. I "T L " "
at Hubbard with Mrs. Mary Simmons I nown 30 h a number
who lived here years ago as Mrs! I !'f '"I1 of wtBr the morning, but
Oren Holmea. ' Klng deeper.
r i I n .
jexi ounnay will be Rally Day at 1 " mM friends of Will Freder
View Hnnrinv were sorrv to r.t tk. n.ln.
m.. which befell him on last
the Mountain
All come.
',VA' Vanh0T wnt to Goldendale,
Wash., to attend the State Fair and
aee hla old friends.
Mrs. Linn la able to be out again.
iwrence Mautl came from nl.
Tuesday. He, t will be remembered,
married Barbara Moaer and they went
p to Alberta. He and a brother-in-law
went for lumber 40 mllea. In
returning, when about eight mllea on
1 fcm"mI!wa.rd l"rnr. In olng down
hill, the load shifted throwing the
unfortunate man on to the tongue
which started the hor.n. .. k.
. . ' - UW toil
uiiuwr inn
WftEon. Tha nth man
ma nil nod to Uk him . a- a
M ri lfAttU ft ..a . - WAR WAltlnw tnm 11. a
recently, making preparatlona to so mln. Rn? Kbter. hnrt " "urn- . .
to California " " , Tinning irienaa here th a , i,. , . " tor
- WC'K
J Gp,5rwrd.Le h?' "nted v" '""""'l?'.. W' ' of Kockwood. epe Sun
J. P. Woodle, place and haa moved day at home
in with hla family, j the rose.
H. S. Gibson made a trip to Barton Harry Schoth, who spent hi
Monday. vacation here with hla parents re-
Miss Effle Grace, the teacher of the j"4 to Corvallla Sunday morning
r.HKm trees' scnooi. was canine on I "- u,
the Murphy's Sundhy afternoon.
np again after hla
Mrs. J. Everhart, of Rockwood, was
In this burg last week over night on
Der way to Molalla to the Grange'
uen ana Lambert Beard, of Sell
wood, were visiting their parenta here
last week.
Henry Beard la
attack of fever.
R, M. C. Brown la on the sick list
this week.
T. Albright soid his cow to K. W.
Imbler last week, then bought one
from Frank Welsh. Cows bring good
prices now.
D. W. Glllett and family arrived
here from Kansaa Saturday evening.
They went back to Kansas laat year
Those who have clover seed are
now busily engaged In threshing It
Borne are beginning to plow for fall
grain. , '
If v. II..-. ....
... miner ot tne pros
pective mayor of Oregon City, ramn
home Wth h!g daughter, Mrs. Mllem
On MntlflSV fn m bUlt . . . i. . . '
' , w ne oia nome.
Mr. Hayes Is well and widely known,
having come with hla young ,wlfe to
the same Hayes hill In 4KZ where
he now returns occasionally as a via
tor. The death of his wife, advanc-
... ami poor Health make
'"'u" ,ni omer hands
mi ine Durnen from his
and that he should rest
care where his mSnhnrwi
il.b'.!Sln" i "? V the
,, ,IH, marrord bloom a.
Ous Oebhardt I digging a well u"
m l.l.
He could not tel In his haatlly wrIU
T. t"rV w"lnn tor the doc
imm .r oaniy ne was hurt but one
a rn"r,er.:ken b
The carpentera have left, who were
hl.M? " tha lltUe cnurcb """I the
hut v"". Uthd nd Pl-fred
oa.ntNonalUpUU,n,r th flr,t
Tuesday and others are baling.
eurer.V fljrn bot trying to
cure all they see In sight but the
growers are quite lndpsa-.-do
not bite very eagor'T- .
some have been offsred '
3Bo and most of "'"jBr
get 400. It la U tb" T'Jvi
Ine ha a banner crop off 9
acre Held. One
ed hi for three year W 1,
I unfortunate for bim. n
this la th last year a" u )
will do better next J"- .-t6
Mrs. Neal and baby ,
thla neighborhood thU jf
A few ladle, met
Thursday and perfectea ' tfV,
liatlon of a aoclety to M
The Clrcla, whose ob e i
Improvement, oclal "'Vnfl
Id any project deemed
aoclety and tha J j
only 10O per month, tn t
meet monthly ' hT
member. Ata
or young, and It ZMd
a power of good In M
drawing neighbor. "JV
mo.t .tranger. Into a
of sisterhood. Wb
meeting wa. wncla
tlon of Mr. Gage, who hM w
d prealdent unt th ran
In December all rou I
and, led by riJto
Lord'a Prayer, after ' wai
served and a" r-turneu -
free from
was snent
The I"
WorMnamon'o Storo
. .. . N
"afgams all the time. Once a customer al
Ajcjuare deal and honertgogj;
506 Main St.