Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 30, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    MOUNINCJ feNTEHiiiisi5, SATUKDAY, SEETEMBEIt 30, 1911.
Gee but it s Cold and Rainy
slot to in one of our iwell ovrrcoati or Rain-Proof
ilip-oni. A complete fall showing on diiplay.
NEW SUITS, YES. Another big shipment of
the p'amoui .Society Diand Clothei in, the new
browni. .
See Our Windowi .
for the arrest an- conviction
of any person or persons, who
unlawfully remove coplee of The
Morning Enterprise from tha
wemlaes of subscribers after
baa been placed there by
Thr iaHe Problem.
Wlnkle-I wlh I hoew sotue-wsy of
Ltnglng up my clothes.
Nod J-1 wtab I knew some way or
Jettloi win out after I have hi" '
T-1 U JtK r
Lawrence Ruconlch attended
kraa at fanny Friday.
MUi IIel Trancta attended tha
rnby Mr Friday.
Mr. W. W. Alldredge vlelted me
anby fair Oregon City day.
Tr our I5c mercbante' lunch, at
ft fall Confectionery, 703 Main 8L
Henry Ilurgoyne attended the
Vouaty fair Oregon City day.
Ulu Vada Elliott and Mlaa Anna
klldrmliie attended the fair at Canby
Hlia Maraaret Mulvey apent Krl
Miy at Canby. where ahe vlelted tha
aunty fair.
Mil Eva Kent of Oregon City baa
Vntared the Want School of the
Crlertlo llualneaa Unlveralty. Bno la
felxhlr pleased with tha work.
Mlaa Katihryn Hlnnott and Mlaa
Mariiuret Drown were among the
vUltore at the county fair Friday.
Mlaa Nettle Minor baa returned
from Madraa to her home In Clack
emae county, where ahe will remain
for eome time.
Mlaa Roae (Jlnther haa returned to
her borne In I'ortland after a vlalt
of a fw daya with her alater, Mra.
Frank Mchoeoborn.
Oyatera, any atyla, at the Falla
Confectionery, 703 Mala etreet.
Bamuel FaJuat, formerly of Oregon
City, but now a realdent of Haker
county, la In Oregon City renewing
Ml Myrtle Croaa, of Oregon City
baa commenced a atenograpblc
courae In the Eclectic liualnes
t'nlverilty, Portland, Oregon. She la
highly pleaaed with tha work that la
done. '
Kay L. Barbur, who la connected
with the Portland office of th
Weatern Colon Telegraph company,
apent Friday la thle city.
Mrs. Oarer E. Freytag who receut
ly underwent an operation at a Port
land hoepttal, la again confined to
her home In Gladstone by Illness.
Superintendent Henry O'Malley, of
the United 8'atea ilureau of Flatter
lea, haa returned to thla city from
a bualoeaa trip to Seattle and Ta
Mra. Pearl Manning, of Willam
ette, Oregon, baa entered the Day
Hehool of - the EclectlC .' Huelnees
I'nlveralty. She la delighted with
the Individual Inatructlon ajid Inter
eat taken In the welfare of tbo
Victor C. Oault returned to Ore
gon City Thuraday afternoon from a
trip to Canby In the InUreata of trie
Pacific Telephone A Telegraph com
Andrew Parrlah, formerly a real
dent of Clarkamaa county, but now
located In Falla City, la apendlng a
few daya In Oregon City visiting
friend and relative.
Cbrla Muralt. of Mapla Lane, via
Ited the county seat Friday.
M. C. Hrown, of the Courier, took
a day off Friday to vlalt tha county
fair and aee tha big "punklnga" and
other exbtblta.
The Portland Law School, of Port
land, Oregon, eland for a very hlgti
proficiency In law. Studenta are
enrolling at the preaent time. Thl
school glvaa three year' courie with
tha degree of Uacbelor of Law a.
Peter Hozuaua, the Greek grappler
who la to wreitle "Auk" Smith at
the Armory Tueaday night, came In
Thuraday night from Kugene, and
apent Friday In Oregon City, going
to Portland late In the afternoon.
A. M. Shlbley, one of the beat
known realdenta of Hprlngwater,
apent Thuraday In Omgon City,
vlaltlng relatlvea and attending to
bualneaa mattera.
Calla are coming continually to
the Eclectic Hualneaa University fur
young poople who underatand book
keetilng and ahorthand. lluitlneaa
firm appreciate the high atandard
work or the K. II. U.
Frederick W. II. Raker, who I
connmted with the firm of li. P.
Hrlghthlll & Company, waa among
the Oregon City peraone who
attended the fair at Canby Friday.
Harry K. Sherwood, who apent tun
aurnmer month with bla parent In
Dallas, returned Friday. After epend
lug a low cliiya here and In i'ortland
he will go to Eldorado, where he
will teach arhool tha coming term.
Mortimer I). Latouretle waa among
Friday vlaltore at the fair.
Mra. Jake Pollary, of 612 High
atreet, ' entertained a few of her
frleuda at lunch Friday afternoon In
honor of her mother In law, Mra.
Pollary, of Portland.
Senator Martin or .New J entry, the
"farmer seustor." waa once relating In
Wssblngtou ineinorte of bla fann life.
"What quaint nilnda." be aald. "bare
tboae New Jrraey -oinred folk who
work New Jersey's farina! I retnemtM-r
an old uncle who uivf paused lu a Job
nf potato hoeing to sing In niy ear iba
prslae of rblckena
" 'Chlckena.' be aald. l an acrommo
datln'. Iey'a ao acinaiwodutln1, aub!
Yo can aat m befo' dry's hewn, ao'
yo tan eat 'em abftub Uey's dead."
PORTLAND. Sept. 28. (Special.)
Portland disposed of the Seala
eaally today. Tha home boy made
one In t?e third and three In tha
alxth. San Franclaco got two In
tha aeventh and that waa all.
Kooetner wua In floe form, allowing
only four bite. Fanning allowed
eight Dingle. Portland scored In the
alxth as follow:
Lindsay singled to right. Rapiis
sacrificed French to TVimaut Kyan
hit flrat ball pitched fur home run
over rlk'bt field fencn, acorlng Lind
cy ahead of him. Krueger douoled
to left. Sutor replaced Fanning
Peck walked. La Longe fouled to
Kerry. Koeatner singled through
pitcher, scoring Krueger. Peck ta
out on an attempted double steul.
Kerry to McArdle to Kerry. Threo
The results Friday follow:
Pacific Coaat league Portland 4,
Sun Franclaco Z; Sacramento 4,
Oakland 0; Vernon 6, Loa Angelea 3.
Northweatern league Spokane 5.
Portland 3: Seattle 14, Tacoma t;
Vancouver 7, Victoria 2.
National league Philadelphia 7.
ritUburg 4; Boaton 4, Cincinnati 4;
no other gamea acbeduled.
American league Detroit 9. Wash
ington 6; all other games postponed
because of run.
The Knilt Ceremeny.
Dancing ta a part uf a Mmlrellglooa
ceremony held at Si. Ire. Cornwall,
on the day of the feaat or St. J tunc
The people dnnre lb old Cornlab
-Flurry" and The Orll I Left Be
hind Me" and J hen alng "Old Dun
dred." After that they bare a bnn
quel, and idhII sum of money are
attributed. Tba coftooj date from a
century ago, when a fund wss eatsb
llahed for the parpoat by a man
named Knlll. It la known aa tbe
Knlll ceremony.
The Matrimonial Game.
"Politic la like marriage, and yoo
know what the pretty widow aald
about marriage at tba aeaabora." The
spesker smiled and continued:
"A somewhat paaaa summer girl, at
tha end of a aeaana that bad left her
further off than ever from tha ma trt-monlar-
harbor, looked sadly seaward
and aald: - '
'Well, marrtaga la a lottery.
"But a fair young widow whose en
gagement to a millionaire of fifty-two
aummera bad Juat beeo announced
thla fair young widow with a toea of
tbe bead retorted:
" 'Don't you believe It It'a a game of
kllL Exchange.
Our greatest clubbing offer. Tba
Morning Enterprise by mall and tha
Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem
ber 1. 1912. for only S3. Offer cloeee
October 31, 1911.
We Give Service
We Give Service
"Tea and Toast"
There's sometliing quaint about the mere
suggestion; there are traditions behind it that
hark back to a less strenuous age; to an age
when the dear old ladies met at the weekly sew
ing circle to coin nice ripe gossip, and sjp tea-
and eat Toast.
As a universal institution the sewing circle
is now a memory, but "Tea and ToastM is
more popular than ever.
This popularity is largely due to the in
vention of the Electric Radiant Toaster. This
attractive little device makes Toast scientific
ally, for its radiant heat foVces the absolutely
necsaryhemical change in the bread. T his
means Perfect Toast in any degree that suits
your individual taste. And it will surprise you
to know that the net cost is the merest fraction
of a cent per slice. Also that it makes Toast
faster than the average family can eat it.
Entirely aside from thass vltsl features-utility speed and "omy
il . Vanulna charm In operating tha Electrlo Radiant Toa.tar. Tha
Sin'; ;.o: ol ?h. "on. fn aP a..tflporc...ln b-.a cr... ufl and
: 3S&w i -jskz Tssrss sir
MAIN OPNCE 7th and Alder Streets
We Give Service We Give Service
Pacifle Coast.
Won. Lost Pet.
Portland 99 69 .(89
Vernon ...... 106 74 , ,688
Oakland 97 88 .624
San Franclaco 84 100 .456
Sacramento .... .... 79 100 .411
Los Angelea 75 109 .407
Won. Lost. Pet
Vancouver 102 61 .626
Spokane 95 71 .676
Seattle 88 76 .634
Portland ..83 76 .622
Tacoma 80 82 .493
Victoria 42 124 .248
Reed ay CemelPa Weakneee In Thla
Sport Not Ceaoh'e Fault.
Coarb Dan Keed of Cornell eaya what
Ithaca collt-ge. whose weakoeas seema
to be ta football. Judged by their poor
ahowtne- sail net Pennarlvanla In their
anonal Thankaglvlng day game, needa
Is football reduced to a edence. Tbla
la the secret of Taie'a succeaa. he aaya
Beed pointed out that altbongb Cor
nell had the service" of aocb good men
aa noogbtou. the preeent Harvard
coach, and Ban ford of Tale to look
after her teama In the past there was
not a line of records left behind to
throw anv flcbt as to what they bad
done, what they bad fonnd to be need
ed and what should be discarded.
School Shoes
are the best
( lU"!
,Yoa can bay them now for the boys and gir Is
at this Store only
Draw the red goose. Draw as many as you like. Draw
it well and win a prize. Read rules below governing contest.
Can Yoa Draw A Goose?
Tbe maker of tbe Bed Gooae
School Sboea for children dealra tu
secure a number of good pictures of
tba famoua RED GOOSE. They have
decided to offer through ua a num
ber of prizea for tbe beat drawings
made by school children.- - Tbe - big
prices are:
Flrat prize $5.00
Second prUa 13.00
Third prize $2.00
Two prizea of fl each.
8lx prizes of CO cent each.
In addition to theae, every boy and
every girl who makes a drawing of
rjei V -
the RED GOOSE and brings It. to oar
Shoe Department, will get a prize.
Any. boy or girl under 16 yeara of
age can enter tbe contest.
Ton may draw any kind of a pic
ture yon like. Ton can make tba
drawing of the RED 0O08B only, or
it can be a scene In which the RED
GOOSE la a 'prominent character.
The real RED GOOSE la shown at
the top of thla ad.
Ton can draw tha picture In black and white with pen and Ink, or pencil, or crayon, or It can be drawn
Ton can draw one picture or aa many aa you like. There la no limit to tba number yon pan enter. (Our
advice la to draw only a few and make theae aa good aa you can). J." L.a .v.,
Flre Tbe drawing must be made on a good clean sheet of drawing paper or drawing board, about tne
same aize aa those need In the drawing claaaea In your achooL - kiwk
Second, your name, your parenta' or guardlana name, your borne address, your age at your aeareet wrtn-
day, and the name of your acnool jnust be piainiy wnnen on me iwi.
Ceemba. Celllne. Sendee end Morgan te
Appear In Vaudeville Thla Winter.
Jack Coomba. Chief Bender. Eddie
CotUna and Cy Morgan of tbe world'a
champion AtbleUce are te, follow Mike
Donlln. Cbtiaty Mathewaon. Joe Tin
ker. Dor White and Larry McLean on
the at age. It ta aald that Morgan,
who la known aa tbe "minstrel man"
of baaebalL la writing a vaudeville
aketch. in which be and bla three
teammate will apeer. Tbe contract
la said to he a liberal on, Aaldefrom
a targe salary for eacn man, u pro
vides that the wives of tbe four play
ers are to accompany tbe actor men
players over the circuit
Colonial Taama at London.
A scheme for tbe Olympic gamea at
Stockholm oezt summer baa been
elaborated namely, that tbe colonies
of Great Britain-Australia. New xea
land. Canada and South Africa-will
select tbelr teama and the wboie con
tingent be brought together in l-on
don a fortnight before they are dne to
leave for Stockholm.' Here tbey will
meet the British team, and all will
train together under the care of
conchee and train era. Aitxtralla win
have probably twenty to twenty fire
men. Including a roivlug elglit. Lao
ada will vetid thirty, while London
may have rSftv. prohahly more.
Bad), a Nstursl Hitt.f.
Plug Bodle f tbe While Soz bit
because he"s a hitter and not twauae
he mitirup,e, pitcher Itodle mode a
alnale agnlnf Eddie Plnnk In tbe re
cent White 8oX Athletlf series, but
when he reached tlrat Stuffy , Melnul
si,! -Whnt did von hit, I'lngr -a
anltlMill." anld the feme hunter. "Ed
Plank never threw a aplfter In his
life." said Molntils. "Well. then. It
waa a straight one." sHld Ping.
Cols a Crack Pool Plsyer.
"King" Cole Is out after Johnny
Ellog'a scalp as a pool player. Kllng
Is known as the beat pool player
among ball players, but Cole declare
be will trim Johnny In nbont .a year
or two. Practically avery spare roln
nte Cole has he spends In playing the
game," and - 1t la Intimated that - he
would be twirling better ball if he did
not waste ao much time bn thla game.
bigae wrappers.
Bhado grown New England tobacco
la aald to excel any Other, except S
matra tobacco, for cigar wrapiera.
IT, KUU UIV UU1V WW -"V.w. ... u-w . J - - t , .
Third, tha drawing must be brought In by yourself and banded In at our Shoe Department (An axcep.
m will be made for thoee children who through alckneaa or miafortune cannot come in person.)
Contest Closes Nov. 28, 1911
and on or before that date all of your drawing, muat be preaented. Ton can bring them In "
earlier as you like. The prizea will be awarded three weeka later, aa the committee will require thla
amount of time to select the best ' , ' .v- nvn orvnoir
Now all you boye and girla. lat a aee bow well you can draw. Make a picture of the RED GOOSE
and bring It in aa soon as yon have it rinisaea. ,
L ADAMS, Prop.
Read te Morning iCnterprli-e.
Aeeera Notice of Meeting of Board
or Equalization.
Notice la hereby given that upon
the third Monday in October, to-wlt:
October 16th. 1911. the Board of
Equalization will attend at the court
house In Clackamaa County, Oregon,
and publicly examine the assessment
roll and correct all error In valua
tions, description or qualities of
lands, lots or other properties as
sessed by tbe County Assessor. .
Dated at my office thla
September, 1J1L
his 20th "day of
County Awaor.
Lena and Minnie E. Amadon to
J. H. and S. E. Eakln northeast
quaiter southeast quarter, section
25, township 1 south, range 2 east,
Uulted Statea to Loula F. Pride
more, west half northeast quarter
northwest quarter, section 7, town
ship 3 south, range 6 east, 100 acres;
C. P. and Annie Hagen to John
McNeill, land In section 29, township
3 south, range 1 east; $1,187.51. ,
John M. and Jane McNeill to
Charlotte Pawker. land In section 29,
township 3 south, range 1 east;
John and Jane - McNeill to Char
lotte Fawker. 4.17 acrea section 29,
township 3 aouth, range 3 soutn;
Ernest Matthlea and Maggie Mat
thias to Ida Tu Montgomery, lots 5
and 4, block 158, Oregon City; $1460.
20 Bv;re8, 6 acrea cleared, balance
slnshed and seeded, all under goon
fence; 6 room house, barn ana chick
en house, granary and good well, all
In good order andsno waste land. All
level and on good road, one mile from
new Clackamas Southern R. R. on
mile to school. One and one-half
mile to town. $2500 cash.
In Oregon CHy. four acres, house and
barn, three cows, one mare, buggy
and harness and all tools. Crop all
In. Price $2000, half cash, balance
terms. Call or address
Room It, Stevens Bldg., Oregon City.
E. B. D. Stenographers and
" .
Bookkeepers In6 Great Demand
business firms ore recognizing the superior
training of our Business university over the
work of the bus! less colleges. Our standard
Is higher; our work is much more thorough;
our work is more complete; and our students
ore more proficient in every way.
Just school for the eornest young man or ,
lady who desires to learn and hove the high
est and best training at reasonable tuition
rates. You are sure ot individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give it. You should investigate our
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
year in day ond night school.
630 Worcester Block. Phones: liarshali 2751; Home