Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 30, 1911, Image 2

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r:oani;;G enterprise
M. K. BROOtE. Edit mm Fwklleh.
MM ta Act at
ran r KtscnrmR.
Ttw, by Ml MM
ta Malta, fey man 1 M
Fsaw Mntta. by ad I N
or Ik German. Our eblnte to
. them la tmmeaaarahly greater
tha la theirs. Th outlook fo lm
provem)t la those cotxUUooa Is
antra brighter la th United State
than It la ta any of th great coa
trie of Europ.
On of th cium of ta relatively
high cost of living la ta Increas ta
taiatloa. local and naiiooal bat. aa
before stated, this factor ta Ion
evident her thaa It la la th Old
ay aarrtar...., Jkt
rVat pa, par mem tint
rw ra mm
' nru4 mim
m awnii
fiafan Boantoa aay Bag. Bar
th. r thaa fwt p. par acfc
y a, par bmi I
mm a-ar
BHrtau a
I a sale r aa: a ragvlar ar
wn a Dm.
Waasa. FWr fJaJ. T East. ., at
Wat war fleet ail ill ; hmW mmt
ar. aiitulsaal
aaa far alunlaan la Waafctr
tanai t arto ba la aaaaa aa al la
aaaly. for tsi n Imii aiaat aapaaaaay
tar tW ta aaiail aal
la tra furs rreaa ta Sally a ta iB
V. US aal ta rat aria B a
aa Bar tar raw, ? Mas m. aa 1 aa
aatdk ptssCtsaVl 0ataftlBsms
LaJ all iimai, at hajal ! niaaan
iff a-faaaV al Vas t 1 LaJ'aanarI
ag aaactaJ latukai siiwaBBg ta
"TV UmW aaJ Baaftraa W aVar
H y" umiib; -
fltsas Maaa a4 waS an
af aaarlt. am aktaraat to
aa aavarr
nttaa ajUalia
tseai ial ira.
la oa aai at ta following store
erary day:
HnatWy Broa. Drags
Mala 8trt
- I. W. MeAamlty Cigars
" 8v-ith and Mala.
, Oar read CWk fliiaai i
- '- Mala aaar ffixtt.
. Elactrle HoteL
Bcfcoaaboia OoafacOoaari
Mala sear SlxtX
M. K. Dana CtmttdOoamrj
Nazt door to P. O.
' C3ty Drag Btoro
Elactrte HoteL .
8aU aad X Q. Adaaia.
Sept 30 In American History.
IS0O War lnHm Cnited State aad
- Franc aoded. It besaa July a
1904-Ceorx ftlsbl Hoar. Ualted
State aeaatar from Ma achnactta.
eVd; bora 1827.
ISOO-Paarr arrtle ship, tb Rooaa
' vtJfc antrad la Kv Tort barber.
Frederick BaaeeU Barton. 4oo
poarr. whoa Iadlaa cantata "Hia
watha." predated la 1808. avid
hloi a Q kaoaa Agar la tb
aakal anorld ta AmerVa aad
abroad, died: bora ISffL
191fr Wlnalow Homer, fantooa Aiaer
. Icaa pvtntar. died: bora 1834.
(Trom nooa today to nooo tomorrow.)
Boa arts 840. Maes 0:32: moon arts
10:33 p. m.; moon fartbaat aoatb and
lowest. Midnight 273 days of tb
rear past. 92 to follow. Son's declin
ation. 2 deereea. 49 minutes. Booth of
celestial equator.
' Contrary to tb belief of many
Amerlcj na. the high coat of living la
fett in other countries besides our.
It aa caused demonstrations in
Vienna which called out the military
and which compelled the government
- to proclaim martial law for the first
., time since 1849. Riots for the same
cause nave recently taken plao in
France, Spain, and Italy. Political
' leaders in Germany say that thi
burdens of the average man In that
country are becoming unbearable
and they predict uprisings which
may recall the insurrections of 1848.
Belgium and England hare recently
had strikes which had at their base
a feeling by the people that the cost
of existence was making life lntol
These demonstrations In Europe
ought to make Americans a little
more reasonable In their condemna
tkm of the conditions In their own
country. The situation of which
they complain Is world wide. More
over, our hardnhlps are small com
pared with those of other peoples.
Government Is less to blame here
for these ills than It Is elsewhere.
Our tax burdens are far lighter than
are those of the British, the Frencn
World. Another, and a far larger
leans, is th falling off ta food
prodvetloa a compared vHk roc
samptloa. In all ta great count rt
of the world th growtk fa vaana
factoring is far greater than thu
In agriculture. Wall this tadeaer
I. Kl. I Vn l A
m .4 1. , S WW ... ..MIMl. WSHCUT j
and the other industrial nations ot
Europe, it can b rtndid ta the
Vaited State becaaa of' th large
areas atlll ope to cultivation ai
of th chancee for improvement in
agricultural methods. Improvements
ar being mad already. Production
per acr ta wheat, corn, cotton and
other staple la Increasing. The
growth ta alow, bat It is continuous.
Scientific methods of production may
be relied ape to bring Improvement
in the United State and to avert
any luch outbreaks as th Old WorM
ha been witn easing recently.
rt -
Perhaps after all It la as suggested
by the Springfield laion. Mona Lisa
has started out to do her Christmas
shopping early.
Th frusta ar merciless In their
pursuit of Mr. Bryan. Ha no sooner
announced that ha Intended to pre
serv - his - wetna of " disposition
than th prtc of sugar waa boosted.
In saving that there ta danger In
too ranch sleep, Mr. Edison ahows
that h haant forgotten his "Rip
Van Winkle."
Colonel Astor la too fiappy to an
swer the preachers.
A St Louis minister has traced
the ancestry of George Washington
back to William the Conqueror. This
makea old Bill a bigger historical
pumpkin than th world had
- ' ,-
The amputation of th Black Hand
la a very slow operation.
The man who aent counterfeit,
money to a conscience fund offers
a problem for much moralizing.
A legislature la Just on trouble
after another.
eras m trick
One of th cWvet eckeaM of
rervet ra la Wrtag pUyetf ta Or
frvn hv eatern brra aad ,..
M1 offering 31 ceata freely for
C:iiraia aad Washlagto hop.
a;ch ar araav conaloered taerror
to th Oregon prod-u-t. the best bida
aaiUbU her ar 3 aad 13 reals a
rund aad ther eeBis- be co dta-
oiition to order more than a few
ku at this range.
Leadtag dealer attribute th tir
crtmlnattoa agalnt th Oregon hop
market at this Um to ta ffons
of th brars to break the back
boa ot th grover. Oregon hoc
are always moat dealred by beer
maker and therefor if they caa pat
out a few factitious bids at other
places and name hither price they
bliv they caa mak Oregon grow
era sore aad thereby force
to unload at their own price.
It t stated to b th intention of
th eastern Interests to beat down
th market here to 30 cents a pound
and then quickly gobble up every,
thing In sfeht After that th few
remaining lots wUl probably sell at
a very stiff advance.
Seavey Hop company ama to b
th principal operator her, at th
present time and several hundred
bale were pure eased In the WW
lamette rallev durlnc the past it
hour at 32 and 33 cents a pound.
Prevailing Oregon City prices ar
as follows:
-HIDES (Buying) Green hide,
Sc to 6c; aaltera, ie to 6c; dry hide.
13c to 14c; sheep pelts, 25c to 75c
W001i-t (Buying) 14c tolc.
Hay, Grain, Feed.
HAT (Buying) Timothy, fit to
$16; clover, 18 to 39: oat hay. bt.
$11; mixed. $9 to $12; alfalfa, $13
to $14.
0AT8 (Buying) Gray. $25 to
$26: whit. $26 to $37.
FEED Snorts, $29 to $30; rolled
barley,' $37.50; process barley, $38.50;
whole corn, $35; cracked corn, $36;
wheat $33 to $33; oil meal, $53;
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per
100 pounds.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25.
Butter,1 Poultry, Egg.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 25c to 30c; fancy
dairy. 30e; creamery, SOo to 35c.
POULTRY (Buying) Hens, 11c
to 12Hc; broilers, 13c
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 28c to
Deer In America and Camel In
Entfland Hitched to Vehicles
Los Angeles' official flirt
fluttered out of existence.
Upton Sinclair doe not like
methods of reporters. Hard luck!
Jo lit
An Old Drought Cur.
An old time spec. Ik- for drought waa
simple enoncn. it waa only necessary
to burn fern. An Interesting reference
to this belief occurs In a manuscript
letter preferred in the Pororke collec
tion in the British museum, it Is dat
ed Ana. L I'Ort. It runs: "To My Very
Luring Frleod. the High Sheriff of the
County of Stafford Sr.: tils majesty,
having taken notice of an opinion en
tertained In Staffordshire that the
burning of fera doth draw down rain
and being desirous that the country
and hlmnelf tuay enjoy fair weather as
long aa be remains in those parts, bath
commanded me to write unto you to
cause all hunting of fern to be for
borne." I-ondou Spectator.
A Mexican Mountain People.
In the more idsii ibie parts of the
Strrra Msdre mouDtmt. in northern
Mexico live a url mis people called
tup Tars bus mans Many of them
dwell in riivm, hut tot-r nuve also
amall vlllapes. sll of tbetn ntxitit 8.UU
feel above sea inci. Tbe Tarabua
marts are small In body, but possessed
of njurb endurance Tbeli only food
la maize, and they manufacture a drink
called teshuln from tbe same cereal.
Their language Is limited to about 300
words, and they cannot count beyond
ten. Sclentine American.
H Tsld Hr.
Teacher-Johnny titokea. how many
mnke a million 't Johnny-Very few
on dl esrl li uium.
Our greatest clubbing offer. The
Morning Enterprise by mall and th?
Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem
ber 1, 1912, for only $3. Offer closes
I October 81, 1911.
Woman Is Disfiguring Her
Beauty and Deforming
Her Nature
Jm Br Bishop JOHN J. N1LAN of Hartford. Conn. J
LTRING these days we hear a great deal of women's RIGHTS
which are really women's WRONGS. I know not whetber
women will ever get what they term equality with men.
Man and woman are EQUAL IN THE SIGHT OF
but here below woman, occupies a- DIFFERENT station.
f She wa created to be man's HELPMATE and to supplement what
i he LACKED. She waa to be KIND and GENTLE and PA
i HENT nndcr long goffering.
Li jnr ctiiMren and tnold the little girls' char
' ' io'ent M possiblo.
Fruits. Vsgatablas.
Prunes. 6 l-4e to 10Hc; peaches, 10c.
$1.25 to $1.50 per sack; parsnips,
$1.25 to $1.60; turnips, $1.25 to $1.50;
beets, $1.50.
POTATOES Beat buying, 1 l-4c
per pound.
ONIONS Oregon. $1.50 per hun
dred; Australian, $2 per hundred.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) Steers, 5c
and 6Hc; cows, 4He; bnlla, 3 l-2c.
VEAL Calves bring from 8c to
13c, according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep, 3c an 3Hc:
lambs, 4c and 5c
HOGS 125 to 140 pound hogs, 10c
and lie; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and
Pnoto C caaaal pynght by Anrtc.B Pre- Association, llll
EINDEER and a caatel broken ta bsrnes ar shown Is tb above pt.
tor. Th photograph of tb camel drawing a lawn mower waa mao
to ta Loodo son. Th vngalnly beast doe the work satisfactorily,
aad there la th further advantage that It la not necessary to pad hie
feet as Is th caa whea horses ar used oa a fine lawn Tb other ptrtur
ahows a pair of reindeer drawing a carriage la which their owner. Frank
Ciemena. has started from Beat tie to New York. Clemeua caught tb reindeer
near Cordova. Alaska, a year aro when they were but a day- old He has
mad pets of tbrca aad has taught tbem many trtrka such as lying dowa aad
feigning death. B aaya be traveled hundreds of mile behind reindeer hitched
to sleds ta Alaska, aad be has no doubt that hie team will b abi to draw
I th light carriag acroas th continent. Tbe sntmat ar known a Boater sad
Bab. Tbey ar handsomely matched, and tblr owner baa reruaM to ai a
prlc on
(Continued from page L)
third respectively. The horses were
slow getting off. much to the irriu
tion of tbe crowd.
Between heata A. A. Weet bronco
buster, who depends on the liberality
of the crowd for remuneration, gave
exhibitions of fancy roping and tid
ing bucking horses. He has naked
that wild and outlaw horses be
brought In for him to ride and sev
eral have been tendered. West has
promised to ride an outlaw gray
today that the crowd called for Ore
gon City day.
Auto Racers Have "Try Outs."
Folios ing the horse races "Chef
Elliott In tbe unbeaten Ford "White
Spider" beat a Harley Davidson
motorcycle In a short race. No time
was kept but Elliott made splendid
time. Mr. Elliott handles his car iu
an expert manner.
Charles Hoyt, In his Wayne car,
hade his Initial appearance, doing a
five mile exhibition run, and tbe
speedy manner In which the red
l'iz": , circled the track won it many
supporters. Hoyt la fortunate in
obtaining the services of a good
mechanician, auch as "Dynamite'
Tutxiler. who hung out on the
curves In tbe exhibition run and
demonstrated that be has all kinds
of nerve. While tbe auto was tear
Ing around the half mile track In
forty one seconds, "Dynamite" waa
all over the car at once, scenting
trouble and making adjustments on
the fly.
During the afternoon Paul Wis
singer of Portland exhibited Hal H.,
who holds a record of 2 : 04 .
Fine Pragram Today.
Today will be another big day.
ThousanU will be in attendance and
a fine program Is prepared. At lu
o'clock there will be a baby show
with Mrs. A. J. Lewis In charge. At
1 o'clock the horse racing program
win open followed by " the big' auto
mobile race between Cheater Elliott
In the unbeaten Ford 20 horsepower
"White. Uplder" racer and Charles
Hoyt m his 40 horsepower Wayne
The auto racers were handicapped
by the crowd filling up the track
and getting la the way at the risk
of their lives. Both drivers want to
rce today but say that their engine
will not chug a single chug unless
tbe crowds are kept off of the track.
One of the attraction, tor this.
Morning will be an auto truck test
when the Reo truck on exhibition at
the fair, will carry a 2500 pound
load to Barlow and return. Thomas
T. Bogga will be the driver.
The fair will close tonight with a
concert In the pavilion by the Oak
Grove girl band.
'There may be living and habitual
convention in heaven undn the
aspect ot ih most simple, ordinary
lite. Let us always remember that
holiness doe not cotiMit in doing
uncommon things, but in doing ev
erything with purity of heart H.
E. Manning. -
Ba and SHe.
Boots ar supposed t bar been th
invention of th Cartas. Tbey wer
mentioned by Homer WT B. C Ore
dan women poaain J twenty-two
kinds of footgear, wblrb may I
classed a tboa arMkh rovr aU tb
foot P to tbe ankl and I boa wbx-D
simply tied on th top of th foot wim
wide ribbons r strap. Tbe prartke
of abo and sandal wearing rsn be
tracked. back for aom tboosanda of
years an J la probably of eastern ori
gin. Frequent mention la mad of tb
shoe la the Blbl. from tb book (
Exodus to the Acts, and there Is men
tion made of a shoe late bet as early
as tb time of Alraham.
A Bird That's Hard Kill.
Pengoips have aa extraordinary
amount of vitality and ar harder to
kill than any ordinary raL Tb writer
one bad oi-aioo to kill large bird
aboard bis ship, the Southern Cross,
and. making use of the weamn next
his band, he drove a mrce spike
squarely tbroonb tb creature's besd
and On is bed tbe operation by nailing
It fast to the de k. That seemed to
mak tbe Job very complete, and he
went below decks for dinner Com
ing op an hour larer. tfl astonishment
waa prodlirious on heboldtng tbe pen
guin, bead erect. t1lters out. wad
dling about, apparently wltbout a
thought of tbv spike, wblcb still re
mained transfixed In bla craolum.
The Ka.
Of th nisnv diiuuer wiil-h
navigator of the iro si rivers, of
Routb Anieii'-a' iihi the iiatte
fear be stills' rsv nHt. It Is iin
on and b lo be found la very isru'e
anmls-rs when the river is low. Thut
la lb time when boatmen hnve to feet
la tb water to posh tbelr i-ane over
tb sbatlows, Tbey nre ofleu stung by
th tall of tbe ray and usually die un
ieaa medical atisin-e is iromKiy
given. Tb ray cannot is- seen, aa it
la of tb MOje color n the sand on
which It colls Itself. The tl of It
sharp knlfellk tail is tbe nnwary
navigator's first Intlmntlon of Its pra
uce. I'earxou ( W rv.iy.
A Uisful V.'man. ' '
"Blenuerbaxxett. saiu ilrv H uu-tns
as b waa about lo atari dowuinwu.
"can you let me burr a Utile money lo
run the house with tixlnvV
"You ran have Jusl So tents.- he
growled, flinging the coin at her and
alammlng the door heblnd blm as b
went out.
"By the wsy. BllgBlns." said a frici.d
who dropped into bis place of business
an hour or two later, "will you go oiy
aecurlty on a note for 8."iO0'f"
"Shortlelch." replied Wiggins. "!t Is
ao Inflexible nil in my family that I
most never do anything of that kind
wltbout consulting my wife." Chicago
Since its foun
dation, it has
been the policy
of this Company
to embody in the
Jn perfected formr the best typewriter ideas by
whomsoever advanced.
For our latest manifestation of this policy,
inspect the new
Visible Writing: Remingtons
Nos. 10 and 11
which embody every desirable feature extant PLUS
an Adding and Subtracting Mechanism, which consti
tutes an innovation.
The voice that cried in the wilderness 30 years ago:
1 ou cannot afford to write
in the old wav." now sr.
' J claims witb mndl
f - - - a... VM WIJ TlL
ijho tlon : " You 0,111101 afford to
Ul A5nf calculate in the old way."
e ? A
SO? f:4?
rr .. r - w aw . i
Remington Typewriter
How to Get Rich
IJv within your tnans.
Limit your wants while enlarging your rourca.
Dliln wlih luiurlM aa long as you caa pay only (q.
cities. Mc
I'romol your lndpndnc by becoming m money ,,.
well aa a money earner.
You can buy ao laterat-bartng CrtlfloaU of Deposit n. fc .'
a deposit lo our Barings Department vTy Um you hav a .
dollar ,p,,
The Bank of Oregon City
cafitaC eOOOS.Oo .
vr -ri anklafl Bo
Op) frees A. . . , ,
Wants, For Sale, Etc
It ltttU compared to lb Uueflt you
drlv iruut a couslstent arid persis
tent us of Kuierpria "LUiera."
Tber Is no b(r medlam for ad
vertising the small buslaass or th
occasional oppoiiunlty you hay to
olfr tbao lb Knlorprla "Llnr"
section. , 1
If you hav a small busln, car
penlvr shup, palut shop, drasauiak
Ing shop, lulllluery, cloth cleaning
and pressing, carpel wavlng or any
other of Ih hundred and on amall
shop buslnMi that Bd advrtla
Ing. you can do it moat tfecilvly
right her In this aeclloo.
Thousands of peopl will your
nam and trn of - yoor ulnM
vry day when you, advrtls h,
whiaa only a fw will lrn of you
and your business by word of mouth
and business card advertising. Try
a llttl business Inducer for on
month -and m what It will bring
you in fiuro.
ami aa lS mi aaa aaai
iBMrtMsa. Bail a aat lllaaaJ kaaar
IMa. um 1Mb MrA II ear alaaUk astS
l Ball 4 Bar aaaaiB.
bb mum uk ta taasr. M
naaasual rsaaslBaur lar srrarai WW)
erav enr fra aarraasad BUa W10
Brut la tar patraa. MHStasuaa a'
WANTED Collectors to my col
lection of all sons of curioa, an-
Matt, and Indian triokvUr stamp
foi stamp collectors; coins for
numismatists, arrow-heads for arch
ologtsts, etc I buy and sell all
sorts of enrtoe; also all kinds of
secondhand furniture- and louta
Ueorg Young, Main, nar Fifth
st rc.
WANTKD You lo anow that th Ba
trpria Job prioUog dpartmnt la
th moat complet In th Btata,
outald Portland. Try It for your
aeit printing
WANTCtV-Thre teams by Clacks
maa tfoutbern railway. S a day.
WANTED 60 100 acre part Im
proved farm with running water
near electric lln or Molalla rail
way for dairy and hogs. Addrcsa
435 Lttmbard si., Portland.
WANTED llrl for general house
work In small family. Apply 610
Seventh st., Oregon City.
tOOIi Oregou girl canvasser ' wanted
for Ih latest darning attachment.
Address A 2119, Portland, Oregon.
FOR SALE Young pigs. Call Oacar
May, Home telephone. Beaver
Creek. ,
F5li SAI Upwrlgnt Fischer piano,
$500 model. Bargain if taken at
one. Inqulr Oregon Cily Eot"
prise. 7t
FOR SALE Team of bay hors.
welaht 2300 pounds, harness and
hack, can be bought cheap If taken
beforo October 6. Inqulr of
Freytag A Miller, real estat offlc.
STRAYED or stolen red row. whit
face, on horn la crooked. W.
(Seller. Mllwaukle, R. F. D. No. 1,
Bog 288A. 1'hone Mllwaukle Red
FARM LOANS Dlmlrk Dlmlck
vryra. Oregon Cily. Or.
D. KRT, Attomay aU.. Money
roaad. alastraeis furak
tithM xaaiUa. utM mxu J
raJUw b 0.
Uw, Datkr airaaaL m
Ha la all aourta, MhTeeulS!.
rra Bid. OraB citf. OrajST
"lU I LO WA N CTaTcTor
HARJtr JONBnWBulUer aal nmm,
was of
walks aa rnabi i
Fhoaa) Halo m
. U. COOFBL For fir
aad Hani Eaut. Lat i
fwr propartla w say, aal
HUiPa ume l 1
A LARGE Amrlcai ptn)
uraac Company dtstraj
appoint ao agent far oa
city aad vicinity.' Aetna
P. U car Enterprise,
WE wish to announce to taa pt&i '
that w have dlspod of ear M I
bmi to llaldort Bros, aal ttaa
knowing tbtnBlv to ha Ia4aai
lo us will pi call aad tatik i
aooo aa poaslble. Graves ft giavn,
WlJIamett, Oregon. i
Car. Vaugh and Twetnty-feenn la
ftptmber 24, 27, IS, 79, 90, OetaWI
Oamee Begin Wekdays at I p.
Swadays, 1:10 P. M.
Hot nd It Frea to Wmeim
What Do Yotf
Think of Til
Acr track In eight of Oregoa Ca
14 roll of car lln on Install;
ale 22 acres 12 mil fraw f
with SOO eorda of wood, 1 P
jcr. For tha and other lispjlma
Clyde, 1001 Main otraat, 0r
Patnrls our advertisers.
E. W. Melliea
Now open for builnesi wltfc I W
lln of Bw and aecond hana ttni ,
Highest Fries Paid or
Hand Furniture.
In th new Brick BH"
Sixth and Main Strsita.
If You Read This
, . . .
how many others will
do likewise
Advertising in the right vvaV
Pays Big Dividends