Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
MOftNING ENTERPHI8E, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1911. KftsS Gee but it's Cold and Rainy Not 10 in one of our iwell overcoats' or Rain-Proof t i . t ii - i i i ilip-oni. A complete laii mowing on display. NEW SUITS, YES. Another big ihipment of the Famous Society Diand Clothes in the new browni. , . i. J. ' LEVITT See Oaf Windowi. SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER, summer with relatives In Oregon City, leitrw Saturday (or tbe Hit, where he will riuUr Washington and Jefr.rion and, coming hi med ical atudle. A 171 Favorite rang for 18780 at frank BuhIi'i sal. Special for Friday Salmon, two pound for 25 centa. Oyater In the hall. Macdonald'- FIb MarekL Mra. H. C. Wrlabt and family, late 1 of MrbMeld, Cooa Hay, who baa been vialtlng'her parent, Mr. and Mra. Bcbultze, left a faw day ago for bar naw homa naar liucum in tha Wblta Salmon valley, accompa nied by Vr mothar and llttla niece,, Jaan BihulUe. Tha trip up th Columbia on the ateamer J. N. Taal waa moat enjoyable. Mra. Bchultz returned borne on Monday, much plaaaed with that beautiful and proa prroua country. PORTLAND LOSES AND VERNON WINS TWO TEACHERS NAMED FOR CITY SCHOOLS cy 10 Rf WARD ... arrest an conrlctlon 1 in . ----- -f any iron or peraona, who unlawfully remove cvu,mm wi taw w Mornlnl Enterprise) iruia turn w pramUea of ub.criors hw a ipr haa tx-en plc4 there by carrier. L,""?"Ma" he ' Him U. 1 nave three" tailors." a Id t'eotl. "I hoi! 'u had ' niorv." replM Itai Hurt "It take ulu to ruuk a LOCAL PRICrS J,-Levitt went to Portland Thura- 0. K. Taylor, of WllaonTllle. waa the city Tnuraoay. They come again and again to rank Buach'a aale. - Recorder Stlpp baa gone to eaatern krion on bualneaa. ui i:,mnt ii nimlrlf attended the Laty lair at Canby Tburaday. Rrhiifhel and family apent 'huraday vUltlng me county fair. Earl C. Wink, of New Era. apent hartday afternoon In the county rat. Ttia mm Vnnwn Turn Tum bed iriuna selling now or $1.8. Frank item aale. Mr. J. W. Norrla baa returned from a two daya' vlalt with Salem frlenda. Oyster, any atyle, at the Fall Confectionary, 703 Main at reel. Mlaa Ivan Harrington, deputy county clerk, waa a Tburaday rial tor at the county fair. Beautiful pattern of John Oay Hon'a Nottlnicham extra auper carpeta IXc yard, lluach'a aaje. L. J. Caufleld leave 8aturday for Eugene, where be will reenter the fnlverslty of Oregon. Huy all your meal at the Cafeteria during tbe county fair. Meal served by ladle of the M. E. , cburcb of Canby. , Solid oak renter tablea, , 20-Inch tops, now $1.75. Frank Buach'a. Oeorae C. Urownell waa a Thurs day vlaltor In Portland, wlfere be attended to bualneaa. ' drover Frederick came In from Molajla Tburaday afternoon to at tend to bualueaa. , . Hargalna galore, at Frank Buach'a Hurry Out aale. ' Ou A. Schuebel, a well known realdent of Shubel, attended to bual neaa In Oregon City Tburaday. The North Pole Flab Market. Fifth and Water afreet, will reopen Thurs day morning with a full Use of all fish In season. M. A. Elliott, Charles Simmons and Wallace Cole composed an auto party which attended the county .fair Tburaday. ' Try our 1 5c merchanta' lunch, at the Fall Confectionery, 703 Main St. Tbe beat In flab, oysters, etc Salmon ege fresh dally, at Macdon ald' Flh Market. . (lenulne transparent gold rim cup and aaurers, price 65c a aot, at Frank Hunch aale. MUaea Ltha and Edith Jackaon leave t,oday for Canby, where tbey will take in the county fair and vlalt frlenda till Sunday. Mra. Owen Epply, who baa been vlaltlng Mra. Charles D. Latourette for the past week, baa returned to her home in Cornelius. "t Incomparable carpet and rug val uea at unmatchable flgurea during liusch' aale. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. K Block and daughter, Mlas Essie Block, formerly of this city but now or Portland, visited frlenda her Thursday. Carl A. Moore, who has spent the PORTLAND, Sept 28. (Special.) San Francisco put a "crimp" In Portland winning streak by taking a twelve Inning game, 2 to 1. It was a pitcher' battle In which Miller bad a (hade over Bteen. Tbe Seal' moundman allowed only four bits, snd tbe visitors made sis. There were goose eggs until the twelfth when Sun Franclfco made two Ut ile. Portland In a great effort came back with one. . Vernon beat Lo Anicele and tied tbe Beavera. Tbe result Thursday follow: Pacific Coast league San Fran cisco 2, Portland 1 (12 Inning); Ver non 3. Ijf Angeles 1; (Oakland 4, Hacramento 3. Northwestern league Spokane 9. Portland 1; Tacoma 4, Seattle 3; Vancouver 6, Victoria 1 ' . American league Philadelphia , Cleveland 3: Washington 2, Detroit 1; New York 18, St. Loul 12; Boa ton 6. Chicago 3. National league Chicago 2. New York U Philadelphia V Pittsburg 0; Brooklyn , St. Louie 4; Boston Cincinnati game postponed; rain. T A N D I NO. Pacific Cos at. Portland ...... Vernon Oakland ..... San Franclaco Sacramento . . . Los Angi-les . Won. Lost. Pet ...98 69 .586 ...105 74 .686 ... 97 87 .627 ,.. 84 99 .45) ,..78 100 .438 ...75 108 .409 Northwestern. Won. Lost. Pet. Vancouver 101 61 .623 Spokane 94 71 .673 Seattle 87 76 ..533 Portland 83 75 .525 Tacoma 80 81 Victoria .... 43 123 .497 .249 Her eeeona marriage. Just as the preacher-bad flnlahed marrying a couple that bad gone to tbe parsonage for that nwrpose. the bride gave her bead a toes and said: MMy first husband waa a pretty good sort of a man. . I don't know bow tbla here fellow will turn out-tboogh be recommend ' himself very blgbly." Bam'a Horn. - Our greatest clubbing offer. Tbe Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregontan. both until Novem ber l, 191?. for only S3. Otfer closes October 31, 1911. We bive Service . We Give Service "Tea and Toast" There's something quaint about the mere . suggestion; there are traditions behind it that hark back to a less strenuous age to an age when the dear old ladies met at the weekly sew ing circle to coin nice ripe gossip, and sip; tea- and eat Toast. As a universal institution the sewing circle is now a memory, but 4 'Tea and Toast" is more popular than ever. This popularity is largely due to the in vention of the Electric Radiant Toaster. This attractive little device makes Toast scientific ally, for its radiant heat forces the absolutely necessary chemical change in the bread. This means Perfect Toast in any degree that suits your individual taste. And it will surprise you I to know that the net cost isUe merest fraction of a cent per slice. Also that it makes Toast faster, than theverage family can eat it. , -.ii.. ..u- mim the vital features utility, apeed and economy thfr. I y. VenJln. rharm" the electric Radiant The . -!; Jlo'w S t'h.C coli. on .P neat porcelain ba Teat., a anug and PORTLAND RAILWAY, U0HT & POWER CO. ' MAIN orriCC 7th and Alder Streets We Give Service RACES THRILL E!C THRONG AT FAN (Continued from page 1.) i time waa 7:45. Blue tbe opening of the fair the "Spider" baa lecom a favorite with tbe fair visitors, owing to k en viable record on the track. It la tbe western representative of the com pany, and during tbe paat summer ran aeveral times on tbe Irvlngton track in ' Portland agalnat autos, motorcycles and tine. It won every thing In sight In tbe Fourth of July racea at Med ford, defeated the' White at Eugene, and ran agalnat Ben C. Ely 'In hla biplane at Salem. Tbe car will be on tbe track at Canby again Saturday afternoon, when Chauffeur Elliott will drive It In a ten rail race agalnat a Wayne road ster, driven by Charles Hoyt We Give Service Ml.s Kdlth A. Baker, of Eugene. has been elected a member of the faculty of the Oregon City high school and will start work at once. Mlsa Baker arrived bre Thursday morning. She will aMlst In the lan guage department Mlsa Baker Is a nrfnata nt thu J line 1811. da of the University of Oregon and Pro feor Schafer. of that lnatltutlon, waxed enthualaatie over her. quauu cation. ' mih vthr1na Montcomerv has been elected to take one of tbe fifth grade claaaes and will be given a room In the Eaatbam building. Her aolectlnn will relieve the congested condition of the fifth grade, there having been enrolled lot pupus, wuu only two teachers. " Tha htarri nt directors of the city school baa concluded to cancel Ita order for opera chair In the audi torium of tbe high ichool building and substitute therefor suitable stu dents' desgs, using the auditorium for a study roomi This plan will remedy tbe crowded situation of tbe atudy rooms in tbe blgb school and win nnt imnaJr the use of the audi torium for the purpose for whlcji It wss Originally inienaea. MONDAY LAST DAY TO ESCAPE TAX PENALTY If you don't pay your taxea today. tomorrow -or Monday you will be a that la m-Hat Sheriff Massconflded to a Morning Enter prise reporter inursasy, iou m herirr nttrht to know, for.- In addi tion to numerous other duties be take car or tn collection 01 uses. Parson who pay before warcn 15 a rshata rf i tutr ent and those who pay half prior to tbe first Mon day In April and tbe other half be fore or on the first Monday In Octo ber escape paying penalties, loose who do not take advantage of the rebate or pay the first half by toe r.n.iirM time will have to nay pen alties or their property will be sold. . ..a . . . I .1.1m Tbe anenii saya me cuuecuuua m year have been better than ever before. i WOMAN'S CLUB WILL . ATTEND INSTITUTE CACl YOU DRAVJ A OOCOCP V RED GOOSE School Shoes are the Best . Y a 1 iNt.ii V You can buy them how for the boys and gils at this Store only - , : Draw the red goose. Draw as many as you like. Draw it well and win a prise. Read rules below governing contest. Can You Draw A Goose? cf5;iiei- V cjllejv the RED GOOSE and brings It to oar 8ho Department, will get a prize. THE RULES GOVERNING THE LOCAL CONTEST ARE . SIMPLE AND EASILY FOLLOWED Any boy or girl under 16 years of age can enter th contest , - Ton may 'draw any kind of a plc tnre yon like. You can make the . drswlrg of the RED GOOSE only. or. It can be a seen In which tbe RED GOOSE I a prominent character. The real RED GOOSE la shown at tbe top of this ad. ' . The makers of the Red Goose School Shoes for children desire to secure a number of good pictures of the famous RED GOOSE. Tbey bav decided to offer through us a mm- ber of,prlzea for tbe best drawings made by school children. The big prlzea are: First prize .. ..$5.00 Second prise 83.0V Third prize-.--. i . i rm w.tM Two prizes of fl each. ' ' SU prlaea of 50 cenU ehf-h. In addition to these, every boy and " every girl who makes, a drawing of You can draw tbe picture In black and white with pen, and Ink, or pencil, or crayon, or It can be drawn In colors with crayon or your water colore. , ' ' . '" Yu can drawTne picture or aa many aa you like. - There la no limit to the number yon can enter. (Our advice is to draw only a few and make these aa good aa you can). - , , ,,- Flr The drawing muat be made on a good clean sheet of drawing paper or drawing board, about tae same alze aa those used In tbe drawing classes In your school. Secon? your name, your parents' or guardians' name, your home address, your ag. at your neare birth day, and tbe nam of your school must be plainly .written on the back. ,-1 ri. Third, tbe drawing must be brouabi In by yourself and handed In at our Shoe IPa?mLJ.AB tlon will be made for those children who through sickness or misfortune cannot come In person.) Contest Closes Nov. 28, 1911 and on or befor that date all of your drawing, must be presented. You can bring tbem ta a mncb earlier as you like. Tbe prlzea will be awarded three week later, aa tbe committee will , require , tale amount df time to select the best : ' . ., ,v Rm r.noE Now all you boye and girls, let's aee bow well yon cap draw. Make a plctur of the REDOOSB and brlnr it In aa soon aa you hare -It Ilnlsnea. ..v. . OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE - - L ADAMS, Prop. OKEGON GTY. OREGON. , and publicly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors In valua tions, descriptions or qualities .of lands, lots or other properties as sessed by tbe County Assessor. Dated at my office this 20th day of September, 191L J. E. JACK. County Asr-"or. Superintendent of County Schools Gary Thursday Invited the member of the Woman' club to attend the aeaslon of the teachers' Institute which will be convened at the high school next Monday. The superin tendent sent the Invitation to Mrs. David Caufleld. president of the club, and she urges all members to attend the Institute. It Is especially desired that tbe members bear the lecture of W. T. Foster, president of the Reed Institute, Portland, which will be delivered . Wednesday afternoon. The attendance of tbe teacbera In the county Is compulsory, and those In Oregon City who fall to pit In an nnnoaranf-A will be fined 55. The districts In the county In which the teachers do not attend will have to pay a similar sum ALARMOUT FOR OEM THIEVE. Descriptions of Men Thought to Have Robbed 'Dimlck Home Given. Chief of Police Shaw haa sent let tera to the chiefs of police In aeveral cities in Oregon asking tbem to be tha Innirnnt for the mtn who ar supposed to have entered th homeH of O. B. DlmicR ana stoiea iooui sow worth of jeweiry. two men wu acting suspiciously near tbe house the day of the robbery ar described aa follow: 1 One, five feet four inchea in height dark complexion, about twenty-five year of age and wore a green necktfe. The other,, waa about five feet eight Inche la height, about thirty yeara of age nd dark com plexion., , Read the Morning TJnterprtie. Assessor Notice of Meeting of Board OT equalization. Notice Is hereby given that upon the third Monday m October, to-wlt: October ICth. 1911. th Board of Equalisation will attend at the court bouae In Clackamas County, Oregon, 'REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. James A. Bunnell to D. W. Kersch ner, loU 1 and 2. block 4, Oak Grove Park; $10. , " Richard C. Hart , to Joseph M. Healy, all block C, Booth "Oswego; $10. A. 8. and Myra G. Pattullo, all of block 23, South Oswego; $10. ' J. A. Beckwith. administrator, es tate Edith Hasslng to Emll Hedman, lots 45, 46, 47 and 48, block 45, Mint born addition; $200. . C 1 Gray to Clackamas county, right of way for highway, township 2 south, rang l east; $L A. O. Anderson to Lacy Blair, part section 35, township 3 south, range 4 east; $2500. - "Charles and Ellse Richter to Lacy Meyer, lot 4, block 73. First subdi vision portion Oak Grove; $2000. J. C. and Alic Bridges to Cbana bers HowelL lot 12. block. 83, Glad stone; $L ' t Amelia and A, G. Dayton to Ster ling Foster, 1.30-- acre, section 2, township 2, range 1 east; $10. C .T. and Mary 8. Howard to-O. N.. J. P. and P. J- Hult Kta 3, 4, , t and 10. block 9; lota 8, 4 and 5. block 4. Mulino; $1000. E. B. U. Stenographers and V Bookkeepers tc Great gMHBK8tMHglMH Demand HERE'S A BAR GAIN. ' 20 aorea, 6 acre cleared, balance slashed and seeded, all under good fence: 6 room house, barn and chick en house, granary and good well, all In good order and no waste land.-All level and on good road, on mil from new Clackamas Southern R. R.--o mile to school. On and on-half miles to town. $2500 cash. AtSO In Oregon City, four acres, hone and barn, three cow, one mare, buggy and harness and all tools. Crop all In. Price $2000, half cash, balance terms. Call or address CYRUS POWELL Room 11, Stevens Bldg.. Oregon City, Business firms are recognizing the superior : , training of our Business university over the, ' , work of the busl.iess colleges. Our standard is higher; our work Is much more thorough; our work Is more complete;and our students . ore more proficient in every way. OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. Just tie school for the earnest young man or lady who desires to learn ond have the high est and. best training at reasonable tuition rotes. You are sure ot individual help ' and Instruction. You know the lorge schools cannot give It. You should investigate our ; . work. Do It now; do not wait. In session all the year in doy ond night school. V ir:.' ELECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 275 1; Home A5446. , PORTLAND, - - OREGON. i-1