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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1911)
Hew pa Punished Vaweal. There win trial by cour martial of forty-three medical atadeats of tb University f Havana In November. 1871. for tlx alltced crime ot scratch ing th iltM plata of a vault contain Ing tb remain of a volunteer. Eight of th offender were condemned to death on Not. 23 and abot tba follow ing da, wblle thirty -one other were aenteoced to Imprisonment and -four vara acaultted. A.D outbreak Of WOlg- nation onsaed becauea of tba severity of tba panaltiaa In 11 let ad. a wa 4ack'a tarn Read th Morning: ?rpria. Nine and Ten The Prank of a Pair of Twin By CLARISSA MACKIE Coprrlcbt by Amerlcaa Praaa Aa elation. 1SU. Tbelr namea were Nina and Chris tina, bnt for mUe around tbetr borne on tba West creek turkey farm they were known aa Nina and Ten. The Mason twlna were never far apart. A little girl their pink aonbonneted bead bobbed In harmonious com pa a Ions hip over the rolling farm acre. The Mason twlna war very beantl ftp to look upon, and they were ao atmllar In face and form that ven tbelr own father. Captain Dod Maaoa, cooldnt tell them apart. They were sweet tempered, merry hearted girls, and they had never lacked for admlr ara, who led a moat unhappy existence. changa character and puxzl tbelr prospective lovers almost Into imbe cility with their prank. But Cupid had been playing pranks with the twlna themselves, and today Nina and Ten. busied with tba work of their motherless home, were silent and distrait Suddenly Kin spoke, her back turned to her alster. aa aba reached into the china closet: Ten." she began, faltering. ' Tea," replied Ten In the same sort of Toica. "Are yon are yon engaged to Jack Nlckerson 7" . There waa a little sllenc while Ten shook her duster oat of the window. Then "How did yon guess?" sb asked In a low tone that tried to be gay. "Oh. I thought so, that's alL I may m a wen im jvm luai t pivwiam iu marry Linn last night" Nine's voice sounded tragically hollow from the depth of tb closet Into which sb ; persistently burrowed. "Oh!" Ten cried sharply, and then aba left tba room. Nina beard her run THB BKHT FELLOW IH THB WOULD " hastily Dp tba tairs to her own room, listened to her light tread ocrowi the floor and then silence. Nine withdrew her bead sod looked miserably around tba sunshiny room. "I don't ace wbnt I the matter with ber," sb murmured. "If she's engag ed to marry IJnn she ought to be the happiest girl In the worjd Just fancy!" Captain Iod Mason and hi two partner. Muq Oswald and Jack NU k arson, had !een riding around tbe range taking count of tb flocks of turkey. It waa tb shipping season, and soon the handsome bronze bird would be con-ailed and protestlngly ex ecuted and bnatled Into tb cold stor age cars that even now awaited tbelr coming on tbe spur track at Pen to. "My appetite tell me If nearlng dinner time, boy." said tb captain genially as tbey concluded their con ference. "If yon can manage to get that last flock of gobblers out of that roost la the cotton woods I'll telephone down to Pento for tb gang to com np In the morning, and we'll start things going. Coming to tb bouse now 7" "111 be along presently." remarked Linn gloomily. "Oues I'll take an other look at those chap in tb Cot tonwood." . "Sam here," added Jack Nlckerson laconically, and together In moody sl lenc tbey watcbed tb captain's ro tund figure riding easily across tb range, bl bora gracefully rising over very split rail fenca that Impeded hi progress. "Fin old boy," said Linn, with a heavy sigh. "Best ever I ay. Llnn" Jack' vole bad lost Its customary tone of assurance. II spoke almost shyly. ; "Fir ahead," encouraged Linn reck (eesly. a If be knew what hi com panion was going to say and wanted to get It over with. "I'm engaged to marry Ten Mason." blurted Jack suddenly. "Then yon ought to b tb happiest man In tb world." uttered Llnn grave ly aa ha bald out bis hand. "Happier than tb man who marries inner demanded Jack Jealously. Trtw told ywr Una stared at "Told ma whatr to (tara. That I waa ngged to marry Nine.' "1 dklQt know that yon were su gared to ber." said Jack shortly. "Con gratulations and all I bat. yon know Th-nks." aald I.lna dryly. -Colug to ride down to tbe cot ton woods T" Tbey turned their horses and trotted slowly acroHs tb -crisp pastur laud It was a frosty November day. and tb tang of approaching winter waa In tbe air. ' When they drew near tbe cotton wood they heard tb raucous grunt blinga of tb mammoth gobblers that were the prld of the ranch. By mutual assent Llnn rod around to tb south aide of tb little thicket whi! Jack protected tb eastern way of eacap. With a load yell and a thunder of hoof Llnn raced through tb thicket, driving tb wandering birds before him. It would have worked all rtsht only tba biggest gobbler of all and tbe leader of tb flock lifted his huge spread of wings and flew up into the lower branches of the nearest tree. and soon he was followed by tb en tlr flock of fifty . whoa bulk darkened th sparsely clothed trees and bung, a menacing fore, over th Irate driver's head. "Let "em stay, then," said Llnn cross ly. We can get 'em after dinner. What do yon say?" "Snlta me." aald Jack, and together they rod silently back to th farm house, wher Nine and Ten were superintending tb placing of the din ner on th table. Nine waa very pale, and ber eye were bright and sparkling, alwaya a aign that things were going .wrong with her. Ten'a eyea looked aa If ahe had been crying. It waa a silent meal; there waa universal embarrassment and even Captain Dod, absorbed In his dinner, noted th alienee. 1 "What's tb matter?" be called bluff ly. "Everybody' In th doldrums? Next time yon folks ride ten mile to a moving picture show at Pento you better see something tolanch at? Didn't anything funny happen last night? "Well, what'a tb nwr be went . saraouicaiiy. Anything rone wrong? I've been approached by two young men and two young womea thta morning, and they've broke tbe news to me that they're all engaged to marry each other. I took It calmly. for there Isn't a better pair of yonng chaps In the world than my two part nersnot a word, boys and If I've got to giv them twins away I'd rath er giv them to yon two. but" n glared around at tbem one more and continued: "Somebody bad made a mistake, and till It's found out I with draw my consent and I declare every on of you disengaged! Understand T Without waiting for a reply Captain Dod arose with dignity, and, grasping his plat of pudding In on band and th pitcher of maple sirup In tb other, be retired to th little room that served him a an office. Sllenc still reigned at th table, bnt It was a relieved alienee. Suddenlv Llnn excused himself and departed. Jack followed suit and tber remained no on but th twlna staring deject edly Into their puddings. All at once Nine spoke resentfully: "I think you've treated Jack horridly. Ten Mason, ao there! He's tb bet fellow In the wor!d and you can't ap preciate him." Ten lifted ber drooping bead and faced her slater. "Hnmpb!" she flared ecornfully. "Jack Nlckerson can't be compared with IJnn Oswald." The twins arose and stared at each other across tb table, then all at once they ran. around and fell Into each other's arms with little startled cries of understanding. Out on the range Llnn and Jack were riding back to the cotton wood clump. In tbelr hand were long raw- hid whips. Both were whistling mer rily, and. while tbelr eyes were evasive, each one seemed conscious of the other's rising spirits. Suddenly Jack became sunk in gloom. He spoke raaplngly: "Tour hilarity over your release Is not very complimentary to Nine." Neither la your's complimentary to Ten." flared Llnn. A half hour later Nine and Ten walked demurely across the ranges. sent thither by their father with a message to his partners. When tbe twin reached the south ern confine of th last field there charged upon them a furlon flock of bronze gobblers, bead down and heavy wine beating the i-round. Close behind them raced Jai-k and Llnn. their eyes tenderly anxlnux of the nt prom hlng twins, tbelr mouth hard set with determlnntlon. The twin hnd played their laxt prank. They must be made to publicly u knowledKe their foollsbneHn. . For an Instant tbe girls were rooted to tb ground In terror. Forgotten were their father Instruction of how to circumvent th angry turkey when the succulent but tery bird went on the rampage. Th two pair of blue eye saw nothing sav tbe approach ing brown army and behind tbem the form of tb men they loved. AH at one Nine' feet found wing, and shedarted to th right and toward Jack Nlckerson. whila to the left Ten swerved and. skirting tbe rushing flock, forgot everything sav that Llnn Oswald was there. "Jack. Jack!" cried Nln. "Llnn, Llnn!" screamed Ten. . ' "Tlere!" sbouted th two men In cho rus a they leaned down and each lift ed hi ladylove from Impending danger. At aupper Captain Dod beamed upon their contented faces , "Engaged again?" lie asked cheerfully. "Ham! Right sld around now, I bopr . . "Oh. ye. Indeed!" they all chorused, and tb voice of th twin wer moat emphatic. Greatest Offer a itweir The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregonian (Clackamas County's Daily) (The Northwest's Greatest Weekly) ( Until November I, 1912 Regular Price of the Morning - Enterprise by mail is $3.00 JUST THINK-More than an Entire Year to Clackamas County's live daily and the Northwest's greatest weekly for the price of one paper only. Bargain period ends October 31, 1911. On that "clay, or any day between now and then, Regular Price of the Wcckfy Oregonian is $1.50 $3 will pay for both papers to Novem ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken at this rate after October 31, 1911. This Offer is Good to Present as Well as New Subscribers Subscribe with your postmaster, or R. R. carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon Thjs offcr -,s Good lQ City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on Present, as Well as or before October 31. New Subscribers Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once CORRESPONDENCE Patronise onr advertiser. . A Withering Wind. Tb nam "barmatan" baa been fir en to a wind which periodically blows from th Interior of Africa toward tbe Atlantic during December. January and February. It la heralded by a fog or dry haze, which sometime con ceal tb ann for whole week to gether. Every plant, every bit of grn and leaf la Its coarse U withered a though It bad been seared by best from a furnace. Often within an hour after It begins to blow green grass la dry enough to burn. COOOCOOOGOCOCCOOCOOOCCCOOGOOOOOqOOCC3 tPviriae affnvnnnn ... ; Mrs. MoniKomery, of Seattle, In I Mis Flora Kingore and Mis E. having a dullghtful visit with ber (jook were fortiana visitor weane- mmer, Mrs. Horace Cushing. Qaj' ' About 100 pemons wpre guest of wary rerr, aimer 01 mr. jess ine uircia nt It social hold at the narainB, arrived rrom . unnon, mo., Jennings UMlge choolhoiise Batur- weanesaay ana win pena me win- aay evening, Septemher 23. It wa ter wnn ner sister. given in honor of Mr. H 1! rm. mr. ana mr. ie vonaern?. were mens' Dirtnaay anniversary. A I Portland visitor Wednesday. mimical program by some of our best Tne oan urove gins' nana left talent was enjoyed. Mis Felix, of weunenuay iimrmng iii's, special car ubi urove, gave several piano anlec- for the Clackamas county fair at tlons which were well received. The Canby, Or. The leader, Professor vocal numhor of Harry Robinson York, of Portland, accompanied the and Mr. Thompson were heartily nana n nmw uia jwr. ana mri, u. n. appiauneu ana botn responded With ha . , WILSONVILLE. Mrs. J. W. Thornton and son Joe went to Portland on Thursday. Rev. Exon ha been attending th Methodist conference for the past week. Harold Say returned (o high school at Newberg Monday. Th oil wall near Wllsonvlll ha been abut down for a abort time, hut we are told that work will coon begin again. Mr. and Mr. Charles Bigg and little son returned from Sherwood on Sunday evening, where tbey hav been for over a week on account of the Illnes of Mr. Biggs' father. Hartshorn la a busy real estate man at present, having mad several good sales of Wllsonvlll and vicin ity property during th past week. Henry Wllhelm flt'shed his hop picking last Tuesday, having secured about 700 boxes from his small field. Church services are being held every Sunday In th afternoon and evening alternately. Bveryon Is welcome. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Malcolm Say, of Santa, Paula, Cal., has bought tb Snyder farm across th river, through tb agency of Mr. Hartshorne. Malcolm I a brother of Norman and Harry Say who hav lived near Wllsonvlll for about five years. Corral Creek school has been much Improved by a cloakroom and front porch. OAK GROVE. ' Th Oak Grove girls' band went to Gresbam Sunday and played for the Multnomah cojinty fair. About thirty persons went from here and all en Joyed the trip- E. C. Warren and Lc Rv Armstrong wer Judges of the baby show. v - Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Turk's baby got the first prize for th prettiest Mr. Madison, of Oronon Cltv. waa at the lMlge Sunday. The Rev. Calvin 8. Hergstresser preached his socond series of ser mon on "The Temptations of ChrlHt," taking n hi subject "The Three Temptations." October 1, he will complete the series by giving "The Way of Meeting Temptations, and the Rpsults.", All are cordially Invited. Jesse 8traln, who was seriously In jured several months ngo, has re covered sufficiently to be at work. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, who spent the summer In the Davy oottag. their home In Jack- Armstrong. Mrs. TTllla V. c:. Warron enrnrea Tk nn..r.iin - . . " . ." mwii in i im wuieni ai- mn and T. R Worth narton. fnrdert a vrt i ,on Miss. Mis Anna Short and her sister the prize being awarded to Mrs' f rnnr'e" McKelvey autoed were Sunday evening visitor at th Anderson. ... Congratulation - are eii ' i m,i or,land during th week. Th horn of Ml lxy Graham. tended to Mrs. Harry Paltiton and ! i ? D,"1,lnt Including an auto . Mrs. isahell. Hilton -was out Wed- Mrs. Harry Robinson, who had charz ' . I , , a coverlt mad In 1838 and needay for the first time In five of this part of the program A lively i i 'ielrlooin of tn family, hav not weeks after a long Illness. tune was rendered on the 'piano bv iH.0" " '" A "ward of IS School opened Monday with a roll Mrs. Webb for the penny march as I i , . of 105 pupils. the guests were ushered Into the Lf JVu01!1 burnln W third kiln Mrs. Charles Worthlnirton and club room where supper wa snrved u ' h,,v,nK mi"J 600.000, which Evert Worthlngton spent Wednesday The table dncoratlon were fall flowi 1! 5 " numn"' of brick than he with Mr. Roy KIssby at Montavllla. er and autumn leave and a C " "-T' pre,edlnK . O Balcom went to Gresham to the birthday cake centered the table I Krlckson I having Improve- fair Sunday. Much credit I due the refre.hment' El' t0 hl" "nj near Meldrum H. M. Warren W Warren Wil(- mmmllin ,a . . I maae. Kuehl and Guy. DeFolla were Oreh- man, Mrs. On Warner, for this nart'kJb 1,0"ni?'ltlon fo" Oeorge Morse's am fair visitors Sunday of the evening's .oclal. Mr. Waldron ' nZlll .beLn1 r'pMljr Walter Mr. and Mr. Virgil Clark went to Is to be the hosteaa Montavllla Sunday. Henry Theessln had a fine exhibit of . vegetable and grain at the Mil waukle grange fair. ' i i JENNINGS LODGE. Mis Bronte Jennings, who recent ly' returned front1 a trip 'abroad, vis ited her aunt, Mrs. Ella Spooner, on Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jesger of Port land autoed to their cottage Sunday, where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings visited at Vancouver, Wah., Saturday. Tb little Misses . Bertrlce and Verta Pitman, of Clackamas, were visitors at the Palnton home over Wednesday "afternoon wir. ana Mra. p. E. Thompson of De Moine, Iowa, arrived Ftldav to visit Mrs. Edith Tmscott - Mr. and Mr. August Johnson of Salina. Kan., are visiting at the August Warner home. Mr. H. H. Emmon will leave Wn"lemVr O. D. Boardman of Silver Spring Mr. and Mr. Charle Boardman. of Sherman county, and Mr. Frank Boardman of Gladstone, Ver Lodge caller during the week. ' R. 8. Stover has- purchased th Boardman cottage which I now oc cupled by Loul Heathman. . wirs. waldron TWknor i a.Z. t v 11 vm m' waits' : oct?b:rcr,ai",x Zm hi plan' for th" ELDORADO. Everybody I bom from t w I yard. -. 5 ToUto digging J th ordsf "l day. Mr. Huband I dolnf crp work for C. K. Smith. j Th chool will begin MonW", Harry Sherwood a teacher ap Mr. and Mr. B. J. W Uli moved to Canby whr Albrt, will enter the nlnm A school. Harney, a young'r g Mr. and Mrs. Holvey wffl" , Mr. Udell's snd go to MM" , school this winter. Norman Howard wa Tuesday. . Mr. Anderson made a builM . to Mullno Monday. Aft! Clyde Smith Is hauling W J Howard. Fred Moore and wlfs j Oregon ar stopping M Jones and wife. . ta i Mr. and Mrs. 3o t Ragle Cliff. Wash., return . lino Thursday. , iwel Fred Spangler will hv , u sale Tuesday. Mr. 8pnK1r w, ) some nice cows to . f ! Mr. and Mrs. John Hsiw t Sunday afternoon with r- ! Udefl. "IS HERS TO OTA Y." Bargains all the time Once a customer alyayjajjjgj! t A square deal and honest good.' 506 Main St. OREGON CltV