Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1911. i. Gee but it's Cold and Rainy Mot 10 in one of our iwell overcoats or Rain-Proof ilip-oni. A complete fall showing on display. NEW SUITS, YES. Another lig shipment of the Famous Society Brand Clothei in the new brown. . . ' J. LEVITT See Our Wlndowi. u8pinion bridok corner, 10 REWARD for Urn arrest an-1 conviction of anv in-n or persous, who unlawfully remove copies of The Murnlua Knterprlse from tha , premises f subscribers aftar psper lix been placed there by carrier. ? Net at ths Raunlen. Find Vet-I didn't see old (ueral gklpp at uur reunion. fcrnml Vnl-No; be la In KtTat. "Hssl" was." ... 1 LOCAL BRICrS R. BiioMKraita of Carui, vlallad friend In the county seat Conrleii W. Caato, of Mullno, waa la Own City wouneaaay. Herman Schmidt, of Heaver Creeki U 1 l TUT UU vwiinn. Try imr 25c merchanta' lunch, at d rails Conrecllonery. 7UJ Main bi. frank r. Wilson, of Claar Creek, IU 10 UffKIMI .MT Weuueaua. John (inffnoy. of Mount Pleaaant, called on friends here Wednesday. 0. b. Uolitdiia, of Clear Craak, waa la tha city Wednesday on business. Mlai Mabel Francis baa commenced term or scnooi el nacsamas aia- tkro. The best In flan, oysters, ate. Salmon ets fraah dally, at. Macdon- Wardnar, Idaho, who have been vis iting Mr. and Mra. D. B. Jones, left Tuaaday for Seaside for a waak'a atay at tbe Moor a hotel Our greatest clubbing offer. Tha Morning Enterprise by mall and toe Weekly Oragonlan, both until Novem bar 1, 1912, fdr only 3. Offer cloaea October It, 1911. . D. O. Ilobblna, manaKer of tha Ora tion Commission company, learned Wedneaday. that tha condltiqu of hit brother Elmer K. RobVlns, of Amity, who waa operated on In Portland several day a ago, waa much, Inv proved. Mr. and Mra. W. W. ilarrliiKton of Uuda, III., ara vlaltlng' at tha home of tha former's cousin, Mra W. A. Whlta, of thla city. Since leaving their home, tha Harrington have traveled extensively, and aay that the Oregon climate la the bent they have experienced. ald'a Fish Market. Clarence E. Katon a Portland law yer, waa hern Wednesday on legal bualneaa. ' Oyalera. any style, at tba Falls Confectionery, 703 Main atreet. Mr. and Mra. Arooe Wise, of tbo county, wra An Oregon City Wed nesday. ' Mlaa lions norland, of Pleaaant I lllll. vlalted Oregon City frleuda Wednesday. Hoy Kulght, of .Canby, attended to bualuuaa In the county seat Wednea day foreuiMin. ' Harney Hhorl of Maple Lane cama Jo thla t-lty Wedneaday to attend to a. K. Taylor, of tba WUaonville nelKhborhood, cama bera on a visit Wednesday. Mra. Frank Kendall of Portland visited Oregon City friends and relu tlvea Wedneaday. Mr. and Mrs. peter Ikihlander, of Heaver Creek, spent Wedneaday after) noon In thla city. Special for Friday Salmon, two pounds fur 25 renta. Oyatera In tbe hell. Macdonald'a Flab Marekt, Missea Katie and Anna Hutchison of Canby apnt Wedneaday In Ore gon City and Portland. Mr. and Mra. William Miller of Car us were among Wednesday's vlaltora In tha county Beat. Tha North Pole Fish Market, Fifth and Water street , will reoen Thurs day niornlngWlthlTulTllnsDntt fish In aeason. H. L. Moose, a bualneaa man of Portland, waa here Wedneaday look ing after bla bualneaa Interests. Harry White and Wallace Han were among the Oregon City persons In attendance at tha county fair on Jhe opening day. Charles B. Reynolds, of Beaver Creek, who la connected with tha Clackamas Southern Railway com- The resulta Wednesday follow: Pacific Coast league Portland -2, Han Francisco 1; Vernon 3, Los An geles 1; Oakland 14, Sacramento 0. iNorthwestern league Spokane 9, Portland 4; Seattle 7, Tacoma t; Vancouver 7, Victoria 1. American league Cleveland 7. Philadelphia 4; Detroit 7, Washing ton 5: Chicago S, Doston 0; New York-Ht. Loula game postponed; rain. National league Chicago 8, New York 0; Cincinnati 8, Doston 4; Iirooklyn 4. St. Loula 3; Pittsburg Philadelphia game postponed; rain. BEAVERS SAVED BY SKILLFUL PLAYING POUTLAND. Sept, 37. (Special.) Portland made four arrora and only three hlta today, but won from Han Francisco. 3 to 1. Beaton and Drowning were In fine form, tba former allowing only two more, hits than tbe other mound man. The game was hard fought from atart to finish. San Francisco garnered one In the seventh and things looked a Uttla had for tha home boy. Dut they cama rlKht. back with two and tha game was theirs. STAN D I N a Pacific Portland Vernon Oakland Sun Francisco Hacramento .. Los .Angeles Coast. Won. Lost S8 68 pany, waa neaday. Iluy all your meals at the Cafeteria during the county fair, Meala served by ladle of tbe M. E. church of Canby. Mlsa Cladya Rypsiynskl left Mon day for Ht. Louis, Mo., where she will attend college. Bhe waa a mem ber of the graduating class oj 19U of the McLoughlln Institute. Mr. and Mra. Robert Jones, of Vancouver SiMikane ., Seattle . . . Portland . Tacoma . . Victoria .. Pet .690 104 74 ..584 l 87, .624 83 9 - .458 78 99 .441 75 107 .412 Northwestern. Won. Lost. Pet. , .-. 100 61 .620 ,.. 93 71 .669 . ....... 87 75 .638 ., 83 74 .629 .'. t 79 81 .493 .42 123 .250 In ... county seat W.d- Our greatest clubbing offer. The. Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonlan. both until Novem ber 1, 1913, for only $3. Offer close A Nee Fee Snuff. The Scott b are great oaera of snuff. Jt waa a Scotchman wbo ouce asked a big noeed stranger If he took snuff and, receiving anegatlve reply, remarked: "What a pltyl You have auch a grand accommodation " Read tba Morning Enterprise I We Give Service We Give Service "Tea and Toast 9 M.M,M,,,gBMBMBlSBMssaaMsilBlBlBlBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaa There's something quaint about the mere suggestion; there are traditions behind it that hark back to a less strenuous age; to an age when the dear old ladies met at the weekly sew ing circle to coin nice ripe gossip, and sip tea and eat Toast. As a universal institution the sewing circle is now a memory, but "Tea and Toast is more popular than ever. This popularity is largely due to the in vention of the Electric Radiant Toaster. This attractive little device makes Toast scientific ally.' lor its radiant heat forces the absolutely necessary chemical change in the bread. This means Perfect Toast in any degree that suits your individual taste. And it will surprise you to know that the net cost is the merest fraction of ; cent per slice. Also that it makes Toast faster than- the average family can eat it. Entirely aside from thaaa vital featurea wtlllty apeed and economy ' k.r. ia m mnii M charm in ODarauna ine tiecino n.ui..i n. - aaothlrtn olow of tha colla on a neat pareaiain ose or.... anua and m n aw of in. cone un mil ltv iv.hph w--w - . i a. .1 ......iiik The tlectrlo Radiant Toaster la a unique ornamant wherave It la used. tn the finest polished tabla, or an tha finest damask Ubla cloth. , PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MAIN OTPICC 7th and Alder Streets We Give Service We Give Service DdilBITS AmzE AT COT FAIR (Continued from page tanca of 38 faat 6 incbea, 1) Andrew Matbau 'Of Portland won second la this event. Mr. Owen also won tbe long jump, distance 16 feet 0 Inches. John liaalle was second dlstanca 14 feet 11 Inches. Tha half mile aprlnt proved to ba one of tba most popular events, call ing out seven entries. Leslie was first In 2:46. W, W. Itntherfora of Portland was second and William Hicham took third place. The Scotch program bad to be cut becauee of tha absence of tha piano neceasary for the musicians. In the afternoon an exhibition of dancing waa given on the Judges' stand In front Of the grandstand. During all tha areata Piper John Smith, of Portland, avaa the central figure. The dancea were In costume and an appreciative audi ence encored tba young women re peatedly. Tba aword dance, moat picturesque and difficult of tha Scotch dances, wsr Klven by Mlsa Annie Williamson of Portland. The Highland Fling and Hornpipe were beautifully given by Missea Jessie j and Aggie Pottage, and the Highland Fling waa given by Miss Marie Watson. Later In tbe afternoon tba same dancers gave an Impromptu i program on the , platform In tbe grove.' " . Racing Pleases Crowd. The race meet In the afternoon brought out a large crowd. The only event on the program for Wednesday was a free for all pace, and tbe only entries were Haltamont, owned by lillly Vaughn, and Lou Miller, owned and driven by Coi Haltamont won tbe flrat heat In 2:18 and the seconJ In 2:18 1-4. At the finish of tha first half mile lao of the first heat the horses were neck-and neck and the finish of the first heat waa cloee. In tbe second beat Haltamont pulled away from Lou Miller and held a good lead all the way. Cox had dif ficulty" In holding Lou to the f enco on tha turna and waa unable to noae Haltamont out, so bad to keep on the longer stretch. Immediately after the race Chester Elliott and Mort park of tha Elliott at . Park garage In Oregon City gave an exhibition race against time with a Ford racer. Early In tbe afternoon Elliott, who waa to have driven the car, had a finger cut off while work ing on another machine. Park took hla place and drove In excellent form for not having trained for the event. Today tha same auto will run a race with a motorcycle. Willard Cheney will drive the motorcycle. The program for today la an ex ceptionally , gooa one. At 10 a. m. ; the Judging of the livestock on exhl-; bltlon will take place. At It o'clock I there Is to ba a tng of war between teams from different parts of the county. There will also be other ath-J letlc eventa. In , charge of Major j Noble. The racea today begin at 1 o'clock, j The principal event will be the 2:20 i trot There ara four entries In thla I event The horaes entered are: Red Skin, chestnut gelding entered by C. If. Lohmlre; Falmouth Jr., brown horse, entered -by Fred Woodcock; j Floradora Z., brown mafe, entered by E. Tllden, and Almaden D., black gelding entered by J. Smith. Red Skin and Falmouth Jr. seem to be the favorites. Tha second event for the afternoon will ba a half mile dash. Entries were to have closed at 6 p. m. Wednesday, but as not enough had been entered the entries were held open. There will probably be a spe cial event Friday afternoon for the benefit of . the big crowds that Will be out on Oregon City day. The closing attraction for Thurs day will be tha auto-motorcycle race. Between heats of the horse and gas machine races A. A. West, broncho buater, will give exhibitions of his art. The Oak Grove glrla' band will play both afternoon land evening In the grandstand and the pavilion, and there la to be a dance In tbe Canby hall under the ausplcea of the band Thursday evening. The milk cow contest at the Clack amas county fair has been made one of the leading featurea by tha fair management and aa a result aeven cows, rive Jerseys, one Red rail ana one Guernsey, are entered In a two days' contest to se which can pro duce,' the most food value In the two days. M. S. Shrock has charge of this, department and he figures out the results of each milking and pouts the same on a large bulletin In tha main pavilion. To tha dairyman this contest is aa Interesting aa a horse race, watching each heat of the contest to see which la In the lead. 1 I Our greatest clubbing offer. Tho Morning Enterprise by mall and the Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem ber, 1, 1912, for only $3, Offer cloaea October 81. 1911. 1 . MAKE LIFE A HEAVEN. If heaven hat not begun (or you. already it is idle for you to be look- ' ing forward to tome future day in some distant place when it will be gin. And the discontent, the un- ' rest ' the ' envy, tha jealousy, the bitterness, lha grovelmg mind, the , perverse will, the unsocial temper if these are your present experi ences they have only to continue and become chronic to make a heD more dread than Milton ever paint' ed.- Waihingtoo Gladden. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Gilford Terry to Cornelia Wall, 400 acrea D. 1 C. Joseph C, Oeer, sec- HERE'S A BAR GAIN. 20 aores, 8 acrea cleared, balance sloshed and seeded, all under good fence; 8 room' house, barn and chick en house, granary and good well, all In good order and no waste land. All level and on good road, one mile from flew Clackamas Southern R. R. on mile to sohool. One and one-half miles to town. $2500 cash. also' In Oregon City, four acrea, house and barn, three cows, one mare, buggy and harness and all tools. Crop all In. Price 12000, half cash, balance terms. Call or addresa , " CYRUS POWELL ' Room 11, 8tevena Bldg., Oregon City. Watch for Her on the Streets She is a friend to all Boys and Girls Draw a picture of Red Goose, bring it to L. Adams Big Department Store and get a prize. She wants you all to come to the store at 4 o'clock today and see her perform. Red Goose Shoes are the best. Yotf get a Red Goose Bank or Cot Out with every pair of Red Goose Shoes.. They are the best made. , ' . 1 ., ' ' Can Yoa Draw A Goose? .4 . The makers of the Red Goose School Ehoea for children detilre to secure a number' of good pictures of the famous RED GOOSE. They have decided to offer through us a num ber of prires for the best-drawlnga-made by school children. The big p riies are: First prise $5.00 Second price $3.00 Third prize ',...$2.00 Two prizes of ft each. Six prizea of 60 cents each. " In addition to these, every boy and every girl who makea a drawing of vlilCelel. the RED GOOSE and brings it to our : Shoe Department, will get k prize, THE RULES GOVERNING THE LOCAL CONTEST ARE SIMPLE AND EASILY FOLLOWED ' " Any boy r girl under 14 yeare et age cao enter the contest . ' ' Ton may draw any kind of a pic ture you like. Ton can make the drawing of the RED GOOSE only, or it can be a scene in which thevRED GOOSE la a . prominent ' character. The real RED GOOSE ia shown at the top of thla ad. Ton can draw tbe picture in black and white with pen and Ink, or pencil, or crayon, or It can be drawn In colore with crayon or your water colore. - r i You can draw one picture or aa many aa you like. There la no limit to the number you can enter. (Our advice la to draw only a few and make theae aa good aa you can). Flre The drawing must be made on a good clean sheet of drawing paper or drawing board, about tne same site a those used in the drawing classes In your school. . Second, your name, your parents' or guardiana' name, your home address,-your age at your nearest birth day, and the name of your school must be plainly written on tbe hack Third, the drawing must be brought In by yourself and handed In at our 8hoe Department (An excep tion. will be jnade for those children who through sickness or misfortune cannot come in person.) Contest Closes Nov. 28, 1911 and on or before that date all of your drawings must be presented. You can bring them In as much earlier as you like. The prizea will be awarded three weeks later, aa the committee will require thla amount of time to select the best ' Now all you boys and glrla, let'a aee how well you can draw. Make a picture of the RED GOOSE and bring it in aa soon aa yon have it finished. And come In and see the big RED GOOSE Exhibition. This is something every boy and girl should see. All grown people and children are invited to aee the Red Goose. Everyone should . come and see the Onlr and Original Red Goose, at . i . . . ; " . ' . OREGON CITY'S' BIG DEPARTMENT L ADAMS, Prop. , STORE OREGON CITY, OREGON. tion 31, township 3 south, range 1 west; $1800. Percy T. Shelly to Henry Oak, lots 3 and 4, block 1 Otto Melnlg'a ad dition to Sandy; $10. Edward A. Strunk to John A, Mar shall, 40 acrea, aectlon 13, township 3 south, range 4 east; $525. Charles ana Dora McDanlela to M. V. and Elizabeth Rand, 48.93 acres, section 15, township 3 south, range 1 west; $15,000. J. R. and Annie Carr to Andrew J. Craftort, 125 acres, section 19, town ship 2 south, range 3 east; $7500. Ada Moehnke to T. 8. Hammond, part of block 3 Holmea addition to Oregon City; $1200. , . " I ISHBaaHs'BaftfAfjBfjB'a'B E. B. U. Stenographers and Bookkeepers lnc Great Demand i Business firms ore recognizing the superior training of our Business university over the . N work of the busi.iess colleges. Our standard Is higher; our work is much more thorough; : our work is more complete; ond our students are more proficient in every way. OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. just iic school for the earnest young man or lady who desires to learn and have the high est and best training at reasonable tuition rates. You are sure of individual help , ond Instruction. You know the large schools cannot give it. You should Investigate our ' work. Do It now; do not wait. In session all the year in day and night school. ELCCTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 Worcester Block. ' Phones: Marshall 2751;- Home A5443. ' PORTLAND, - - OREGON. t