Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 28, 1911, Image 2

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    -1 .
. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
"litartl aa aond eiaaa Mittr Ju
aarr , I til. at the peat fht al Onpa
Cttjtrfm. nto in Art af atarea
om Tw, by mii ..
tlx Healths. b mail
rur Mnailta. by wall
ae week, by carrier. .
...II M
... IM
... I N
... I
eire. Paea. par tnea ftrat lnrti.,,,m
tret Para, pot Inch added taaartioaia. . lae
"Taferrad poattMa any para, par (Bah
first wiearTtoa ....IM
flWwTK poaltlaa say Bar, par took
added InarrtloM lea
In paper elh. r Uu ft rat pa-a, par atea
fin hilrrtkM It
Sua papar other .haa ft rat para, par kaoh
adJad tnaarttooa a
LrfKmle lac ar Una; ta rea-nlar adaar
teera e Oaa.
Waata. Far Bala. Ta Rant, ate., ama
' aaat a word fl rat leear-tkoe.; oae-hatf aaal
aarh adtlltkmai.
Ralaa for adaerttata: la fce Waakty
Bhtarprtae will ba tba eanta aa tm Ika
tally, for advert taamenta eat aapaosalty
far ttva waakty Where tha aavertia.esitit
la transferred from tha daily ta tha wweh
y. without ctiaaaw. tba rata will aa ta
aa Bach for rwa at tha papwr. aad lea aa
ata for apaeial poeittoa.
Cash ahowld aeaoaipaay ardar whare
party la unkaowa la boataaaa eCfloe at
tha Enterprise.
' Lasal adrertialac at laaal advertles
tw-eua advartlalac and speoraj trsarlTni
Mtvarttalac at Be to 10c aa inch, aaoerd
e to apactal coadltloBa vavarala ta
Tlra Bala" aad Bankrupt Bala" adrar
' teamen ta ale Inch nrat Insert! : addl
erwi laanrtlooa timt asatter aVa ainh
Stat llama and wall writ tan artlelaa
af avarlt. with iataraat ta local raadara.
mi ha gladly accepted. Rajeetad aiaaa
sertpts navar returned nalaaa aoruaapaa
W4 by ataJaoa ta prapay aoataaa.
-r-4! 19 )b
U on aale at tha following storea d
averv dav: a
,: Hunller Bros. Drug e
' Main StreeL
- J...,W, McAnulty Clears
. - Seventh and Main. d
', 8ecrbt Confectionary -
' Main near Sixth.
1 ' M. E. Dunn Confectionary
Next door to P. O.
City Drug Store
9 v Electric HoteL d
A aV fiihnAtwiniiifMHfwiM A
w - eenu ana .1. 14. Aatmi
Sept 28 In American History.
.1808 Tbomaj Fraacbi BajinJ. aecre
, Ury t atata and ambassador to
r Great Britain under CleTeland,
died; burn 1828.
. 1904 Lafcadlo II earn, American Jonr-
' naiist and aatbor. died at Toko
- nanaa, Japan; born 1850.
1910 Woodrow Wilson made bla first
political Bpeecb. addressing an
audience In Jersey City. Charles
B. Boelker. rear admiral D. 8. N.
(retired), died: born 1&4L
' (From noon today to noon tomorrow.)
- Ban seta 5:44. rises 520: moon sets
835 p. m. rianets Mercury and Ventfs
' aean in anat at dawn.
From the land of the chrysanthe
mum comes a story which is sig
nificantly illustrative of the differ
ence in the administration of justice
there and In the Occident
The assassin of Prince I to, a
Korean, displayed great fortitude
daring his trial and when sentence
of death was being passed upon him.
, The date of his execution had been
fixed and was approaching when
word was conreyed to the authori
ties that the doomed man was en
gaged In writing a poem.
When the authorities were told
that six days would be required for
the completion of the poem they
rery considerately postponed the
execution for that length of time.
When It had been completed the
mandate of the law was carried out.
In this country a man doomed to
die fortak!ng the life of a. fellow
being wrote a poem and the governor
of the state that had ordered his
death not only commuted his sen
tence to life Imprisonment but per
mitted a prison theatrical perform
ance In which the prisoner distrib
uted to fellow convicts as souvenirs
pieces of the rope with which he wan
to have been hanged. This, too, de
spite the natural human tendency to
throw all reHtralnt to the winds and
suddenly translate all poets to the
Elyslan fields or wherever else they
may go.
ea -
Another way to avoid mistaking
Heaven Is Not a Palace In
the Sky ; It Is a Thing
of the
e a a a aa aaa aaaa mmmm
Br Iter. L. J. EVERS of New York
EA VEN is not s place. It
I "' Every bit of the gorgeous Biblical description of heaven is simply
intended to eonrey an impression of its BEAUTY in terms tha;
"might be understood by the AVERAGE oriental mind, for which
the Bible was first written. t
If I were diccnasing music with s great composer I might use the
.most highly technical language' to describe ita beauty. But if I were
talking to a humble, half taught, violin player I should have to
ipeak very differently, using terms with which he was familiar, in
' trirr tbe conception of heaven close to the ordinary, man one
- ---- g-J do-Ttiona which he will understand
President Taft Begins Journey
That Will Take Him 13,000 -fettles
vV-v :-,' 6.
Photo copyright by American Preae Association, 11L
P'tESinEXT TAFT has broken all travel records ot A merles u presi
dent, and be ta still going Ills prexein swing through the country
from coast to coast will take him Into twenty-four stales lie will
ilve tn a car for forty-seven dn v anil when be iiet. buck 10 Wnshlntf
whhe wnr bave
made since be Brut went to the Philippines as governor lu UKIU. makes hit
total mileage for the ten years 2T0.(xi. enough to tke ulm from the earth to
the moon and leave about S6.000 miles over to be aed In exploring thnt
satellite. Mr. Taft 'a Journey, as usual, will be marked hv many speeches and
by numerous banquets. He will be photographed ibouHsnda of times, and
yet It Is doubtful If a better snapshot will be made than that above, wbl-h
show him In action and In one of his beat known noe
toadstools for mushrooms Is to let
both severely alone.
Mr. Kipling overlooked the fact
that poetic license doesn't go in po
litical economy.
Chamn Clark says that the Demo
crats will come back In 1911. Which
prompts ns to ask, where are they
A congressman complains that bo
cant live on his salary. We know
of no law compelling him to hold
onto his Job.
. eae
Brooks' comet Is about 45,000,0
miles from the earth, so we sxe not
able to hear the noise of Us motor.
Old Spaed Records.
Speed connts for everything nowi but
so far as endurance Is concerned no
recent feat Is more remarkable than
the feat of Captain Barclay of Ury
abont a century ago. He drove the
mall the whole way from London to
Edinburgh without giving np the rib
bons for a single stage, and experts
pronounce that performance second
only to his walk of a mile an hour In
a thousand consecutive hours. Two
centuries before him another wonder
ful feat was accomplished between tbe
same points by Sir rtotwrt Cnry. who
carried north on horseback the news of
Queen Elizabeth's death in nbnut sixty
hours. IJondon 8tandrd.
The potato trade Is unusually slow
tn opening this season. Many grow
ers are showing a disposition to let
go of at least a portion of their
growth, but while buyers have here
tofore been rather steady in their
bids, they are not taking on much
stock at the moment.
While prices at San Francisco
would admit of a continuation ot
former values being paid here, ship
pers say that the season is still so
young that it would be extremely
hazardous to send much stuff toward
the south at this time.
With digging of the early crop
general In the Willamette valley, it
has been found that the crop Is bet
ter than expected, although some
what short of the normal. Reports
from tha country state that the con
dition of late potatoes remains ex
cellent, therefore all expectations
is a thing of the spirit
. 5 wai v
t W
A IF W " ft. a
J are for a total crop somewhat heav
1 ier than during recent years.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are
as follows: ,
HIDES (Buying) Green hides,
5c to 6c; salters. 5c to 6c; dry hides.
12c to 14c; sheep pelts, 25c to 75c
WOOL (Buying) 14c to 16c.
Hay, Grain, Feed.
HAY (Buying) Timothy, $16 to
$16; clover. $8 to $9: oat bay. best,
$11: mixed, $9 to $12; alfalfa, $12
to $14. f
OATS (Buying) Gray, $25 to
$26; white. $26 to $27.
FEED Shorts, $29 to $30; rolled
barley, $37.50; process barley, $38 50;
whole corn, $35: cracked corn, $36;
wheat. $32 to $33; oil meal, 32;
Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per
100 pounds.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.25.
Butter, Poultry, Egos.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter, 25c to 30c; fancy
dairy. 30c: creamery, 30c to 35c.
POULTRY (Buying) Hens. 11c
to 12 He; broilers, 13c.
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs, 28c to
Fruits, Vegetables.
Prunes, 6 l-4c to 104c: peaches, 10c.
$1.25 to $1.50 per sack; parsnips,
$1.25 to $1.60; turnips, $1.25 to $1.50;
beets, $1.50.
POTATOES Best buying, 1 l-4c
per pound.
ONIONS Oregon. $1.50 per hun
dred; Australian, $2 per hundred.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) "Steers, 5c
and 5c; cows, 4 He; bulls, 3 l-2c.
VEAL Calves bring from 8c to
13c. according to grade.
MUTTON Sheep, 3c an Zc;
lambs. '4c and 5c.
HOGS 125 to 140 pound hogs, 10c
and 11c; 140 to 200 pounds, 10c and
! Our greatest clubbing offer. The
I Morning Enterprise by mall and the
I Weekly Oregonlan, both until Novem
ber l, 1912, for only $3. Offer closes
j October 31. 1911.
What Do Yon
Taunlc of This?
; Acre track In sight of Oregon City,
1-2 mile of car line on Installments;
I also 23 acres 1-2 mile from ear line.
with 800 cords . of wood, $100 per
jcre. For these and others Inquire 01
Clyde, 1003 Main street, Oregon City.
We have the best at low
est price. Lay In '
winter supply
Korrect Poultry Food.
Commission , Co
Oregon CKy. -r
Cor. Vsughe snd Twenty-fourth Ste
I vs
September 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, October 1
Ganges Begin Weekdays at I p Vj
Sundays, 2:30 P. M.'
i..a r"W 12 yye i -
Wants, For Sale Etc
spurs man on to belter aud worthier
things. To be eellatiwl with your
know ledge, poaaesslous or attain
ments ueaus stagnation and death
at the top. a .
Dimt stand stlU. Move forward,
onward and ever upward.
Employ your Idle moments, sur
plus niuuey and redunJsul eneray in
buying, selling, leaatut; d Uadlug
through the medium of Enterprise
"Uueta." These little d 0" "
. t - ,i,v tuaka fol
euucailouAl imuv uiu i; " ;
flnaucUl proaraea ami lauouieut.
. If you desire to bovrow or iou
money, lent a room, apartmcut,
house, c-rfw-e or store, ui K ou
would like to buy, sell 01 exchautie
an automobile, Uvestock. household
furnishings or real propeity, or If
you are seeklug a poaiuou or au
imiliiviw np tt vou are allXlOUH 10
exchange somethlug ou uout wuui
lor sometning you, uevu, r" uu
the Enterprise "Liner'' They got
results that cannot be obtained
through any other mcUluui.
Ihaea Xaaaidaa'
wui ua utaafiaa at atte a a .
laaaruua. nail a aval auluKa. w
tm as " "it utca sard. II uiuaik
uiu cj. i uaaaj at par aioria.
I'aah must aoouatpaay aiaat uiilraa
aaa aa ia acouuat wilh ia fatw.
IiaaaviaJ raapwaailulliy lur Mivra.
anuaa wvaur Haa eurraotad auura wu
pruiiad lor pairaa. hllaiu"ia enarae
i h
WANTED Collectors to ee my col
lection of all sorts of curios, an
tiques, and Indian tiinkets; stamps
lot stamp collector; coins for
numismatists, arrow heads for arch
eologlsts, eto. ."-buy and sell all
sorts of curios; also all kinds of
second-hand furniture and tools.
George Youug. . Main, near Fifth
Uils eolumn. fMoes ery raaaoa
able, beat rates at head of col ima.
Head tbe MomTng enterprise.
W AN 1 ED You to anow Chat the En
terpiise Job printing department Is
tha most complete in toe State,
outside Portland. Try It (or your
next printing-
FOR SALE Space in this column
fcell that old plow or harrow; you
don't use It sines' yon purchased
your new one.
FOR 8ALE Upwrlght Fischer piano,
$500 modl. Bargain lr taken at
once. Inquire Oregon City Ente'
prise. ' 7t
FOR SALK Team of , lay horses,
weight 2300 bounds, harness and
. hack, can be bought cheap If taken
before October 5. Inquire of
Freytag ft Miller, real estate office.
STRAYED or stelen, red cow. white
face, one . horn Is crooked. W.
Geller,. Mliwaukle, R. F I). No. 1.
Box 288A. Phone MUwaukle Red
FARM, LOANS Dlmlck Dlmlck,
Lawyers. Oregon City, Or.
O. D. EBT. Attorney-t-Law. Monet
loaned, sbetrscts furnished, land
tit lee examined, estate settled, fan
era! law business. Over Bank af
Ore) City.
U'REN . 8CHUEBEL. Attrtrnevs-t
law. Deutscher Advokat, will pra
Uce tn all courts, make col I action t
prise Bldg.. Orecon City. Oregoa
HA RKY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheeifullt
given on all classes of building
work, concrete aslks ana reinforced
concrete. Kes. Phone Mala IP
3. H. COOPER, Foe jrjre Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
yotir properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Of fl. e In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
A LARGE American Fire In
surance Company desires to
appoint an agent for this
city and vicinity. Address
P. V., care Enterprise.
WE wish to announce to -the puMli
that we have disposed of our busi
ness to Uatdorf Bros, and those
knowing themxelvee to be Indebted
to us will pta.ixe call and settle as
soon a posHlMe. Graves A Rogers,
Willamette, Oregon.
Notice of Application For Pool Room
NOTICE Is hereby given that we will
at the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for a license
to conduct a pool room at our place
of business, 708 Main street, for a
period of three months. ,
Notice of Application For Liquor
NOTICE Is hereby given that I' will,
at the next regular meeting of tbe
City Council, apply for a license to
sell liquor at n,y place of business,
421 Main street, for a period of
three month".
Notice of Application For Liquor
NOTICE I hereby given that I will,
at the next regular meeting of tbe
City Council, apply for a license to
sell liquor at my place of business,
, Eighth near Main street, for a per
iod of three months.
Notice of App I Icatioji For Liquor
NOTICE Is hereby given that. I will,
st the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for a license to
sell liquor at my place of business,
219 Seventh street, (or a period of
three months. . 1
Notice of Application For Pool Room
NOTICE Is hereby given tnat t WI1L
at the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for a license
to conduct a pool room at my place
of business, (03 Main street, for a
. period of three trontbs .
Notice ! hereby given that sealed
poimsuls for the Improvement ot
Alley In Block S. Oregon City. O'a
gon. will be received by the City
Recorder of Oregon City. Oregon,
until 4 o'clock, p. m., October 4th.
Plans and specification contain
ing further Information aud the
kind of Improvement to be mad
will be furnished upou application
to the CUT Recorder. l-ih bid
must be accompanied by a certified
check for a sum equal to five per
centum o' the total amount of the
bid. which sum will he subject to
forfeiture to Oregon City In case of
I he failure of the successful bidder
herein to furnish, the required
bouils and enter lulo a written con
tract for said work. If called upon
to do so, within the time specified
for same In the Ordinance provid
ing for such Improvement.
Proposal must be made upon
blanks furnished by Oregon City.
The right to reject auy or all
bids or to accept any bid consid
ered most favorable to Oregou City
Is hereby reserved.
Each proposal must staie the
time required for the completion of
tbe eutlre work for such street Im
provement, which work inm be
done In accordance with the Ordin
ance of Oregou CHy and the char
ter thereof, and the plau and
specification governing such work.
This notice I published pursuant
to an order of the City Council of
Oregon CUy. made and entered at
a special meeting thereof, held on
the mth day of (September. 1911 -L.
STU'I. Recorder.
Nbtlce Is hereby given that sealed
poposnls for the improvement ot
Wster street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, rrom the north side of
Blxth street to the south sido of
seventh street, will be received by
hs-Clty . Recorder ot said Oleum
City, until 4 o'clock p. m., Octooer
4th, 1911.
Plans and specification contain
ing further Information and the
kind of Improvement to be made
will be furnished upon application
to the CUT Recorder. Each bid
must be accompanied by a certified
check for a sum equal to five per
centum of the total amount of tbe
bid, which sum will be subject to
forfeiture to Oregon City In case of
the failure of the successful bidder
herein to furnish - required
bond and enter Into a written con
tract for said work, If called upon
to do so, within the time specified
for same In the Ordinance provid
ing for such street Improvement.
Proposal must be mad upon
blank furnished by Oregon City.
-The right to reject any and i
bid or to accept any bid consid
ered moet favorable to Oregon City
I hereby reserved.
Each proposal must state the
time required for the completion of
the entire work for. said street Im
provement, which work must lie
done In accordance with tbe Ordin
ance of Oregon City aud the char
ter thereof, and the plan and
specification governing such work.
This notice Is published purauant
to an order of the City Council of
Oregon CHy. made and entered at
a special meeting thereof, held on
the 18th day of September, 1911.
L STII'P. Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
proposals, for the construction of
a concrete Drain Culvert, Or.v''i
City, Oregon, from Kourioema
street northerly along John Aditmn
street to tbe Abernathy Creek, ill
be received by the City Recorder of
aald city until 4 o'clock p. m., o.i
October 4th. 1911.
Plans and specifics! Ions contain
ing further Information and the
kind of Improvement to be made
will be furnished tixn application
trr-4he City flerorder. Each bid
'must be accompanied by a certified
check equal to five per
centum of tbe totul amount of the
did, which sum will be subject to
forfeiture to Oregon City In cae of
the fnilure of tlin surceuMful Milder
heretn to enter Into a written con
tract and to furnish the r
qulred boiulM, If called upon
to do ho. within the time MMciried
for same In HHld Ordinance provid
ing for such Improvement.
Proposals niUKt be made upon
blanks furnished by Oregon City.
The rlKht to reject any or all
bids or to ncrept uny bid consid
ered most favorable to Oregon City
Is hereby reserved.
Each proposal must slate the
time required for 11m completion of
the entire work for snld construc
tion whUh work must be
done In accordance with the Ordin
ances of Oregon City governing
such work.
This notice Is published In pur
suanee of an order of the City
Council of Oregon City, made snd
entered at a special meeting there
, of, held on the 18th duy of Septem
ber, 1911.
L STIPP, Remrdnr.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
poposnls for the Improvement of
Monroe street, . Oregon CHy, Ore
gon, from the south side of Third
street to the south side of Knur
teenth street, will be received by
the CUy Recorder of Oregon Ciy,
Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. m., Octo
ber 4th, 1911.
Plans and specification contain
ing further Information and the
kind of Improvement to be made
will be furnished upon application
to the City Recorder. Each bid
must be accompanied by .a certified
check for a sum equal to five per
centum of the total amount of the
bid, which sum will be subject to
forfeiture to Oregon City In case of
the failure of the successful bidder
herein to enter Into a contract and
furnish the required bonds If called
npon to do so, within the time
specified for tame In the Ordln
snce providing for such Improve
ment Proposals must be made upon
blanks furnished by Oregon City.
The right to reject sny or all
bid or to accept any bid consid
ered most favorable to Oregon City
Is hereby reserved.
Each proposal must state the
time required for the completion of
the entire work for such street Im
provement, which work must be
dons In accordance with the Ordln
ance of Oregon City snd the char
ter thereof, and the plans am
specifications governing such work.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the City Council of
Oregon City, made and entered at
?. ,p?.;.'?1 nM,tln thereof, held on
the 18th day of September, 1911.
' L. 1TIPP, Recorder .
Uve within your means. .
Umlt your wanta while enlarging your resource.
Dispense with luxuries as long as you can pay only tot
cltle. 1 "ids
. promts' your Independence by becoming money ,
well a a money earner. M
You can buy an lutereal bearing Certificate of Deposit sr a, l
a deposit In our Saving Department every time you bat a fa"
D. ft LATOUKKTTB Pra-idael . .. . j. MCYER, fl
CAPITAL. l60.0O,Stt
Trae-et ! Be nli Buemeee, Oven trven a. m. a, ,
- ....... ........ r,z:xjr-T'- tK t. .. ,
Notice I hereby given that sealed
prupoHAl for the construction of
Sewer District No. a. will be re
ceived by the Recorder of Oregon
City. Oregon, until 4 o'clock p. tn.,
October l(h. 1911.
plans and specification contain
ing further Information and the
kind of sewer to be laid
will be furnHhed uin application
to the Clt Riforder. Each hid
must be accompanied by a certified
check for a sum equal to five per
........ ..f i h intal amount of the
. .- "
bid. which sum will be subject, to
forfeiture to Oregon City In case of
the fullute of the successful bidder
herelin to furnish required
bond aud enter Into a Wrllteu con
tract for said work. If called upon
to do so, wltbln the time specified
. . . . . t
for same in me tuuiium
roKals must made upon
blank furnished by Oregon City.
The right to reject any ur all
bid or to acept any bid consid
ered most favorable to Oregon City
I hereby reserved.
Each proposal must tat the
time required for the completion of
the entire work for eld sewer
which work must be done accord
ing to the Ordinances of Oregon
City and the charter thereof, and
the plan and specification govern
lug such work.
This police U published pursuant
to an order of the City Council of
Oregon City, made and entered at
a special meeting thereof, held on
the lMh day of September. 1911.
U STIPP. Recorder,
Notic of Marlng "of 'aewac Dletrlat
No. 6 Assessment.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mlt tec apiKilnted to ascertain the
benefits to each lot. or paria
thereof, or parrel of reel estate
lying In Hewer District No. 6. Ore-
goo City. Oregon, descr'bed a fol
lows: Beginning where the boundaries
tJ Sewer District No, t and 3 )nlu
at the southeast corner of Dis
trict No, 3 and at the southeast
corner of lot J. block 165, Oregon
City, Oregon, thence easterly along
alley ' scros Van lluren, Harrison,
Polk, Tayler and Pierce streets 10
Division street; thence easterly
along Division street serosa Bu
chanan street to Uncolb street;
thence northerly along alley arroa
- Kurhanan street to southeast cor
ner of lot 7. block 47. County Ad
riit Ion to Oregon City, thence
northerly along the east line of lot
7 and g to Ninth street; thence
westerly ' along Ninth street to
llerce street; thence northerly
along Pierce street to Intersection
with northeast extension of norm
line or lot S. block 3d, Central Ad
dition to Oregon City; thence
westerly along north line of said
lot t to alley between pierce and
Taylor street; thence northerly
along alley to Twelfth atreet;
thence westerly along Twelfth
street to northeast corner of lot 1.
block 1. Ileatle Addition to Ore
gon City; thence southerly along
lot line to Eleventh atreet; thence
westerly along Eleventh atreet to
northeast comer of lot 1. block
168, Oregon City; (hence southerly
nlong lot line and the northerly
boundary of District No. 3' to
point of beginning at the south
east rorner of lot 2, block 165. and
to apiKirtlon the cost of laying and
constructing said sewer to each
lot or part thereof, or 'panel of
real estate In said Sewer District
according to such benefits, ba
made ts reKrt and the aasesa
ment based thereon Is now on file
In the office t.f the Recorder of
said Oregon CHy and subject to
examination and the City Council
of said Oregon City ha appointed
Friday evening. October 6th. 1911,
at $ o'clock p. m. n the Council
If You Read This
how many others will
" do likewise
Advertising in the right way
Pays Bij Dividends
- DALE. -. 4
Hovr to Get Rich
The Bank of Oregon City
Chatnliar nt r I..-. ...
... ...,, M(T( M. ,
time and place for bearing bJ
lions to said ec.mtni n
are hereby notified Uu .J
Jectlon. which may be Bust
writing and filed with M14 J
eorder on or before the s J
October, 1911, will b haanl J
considered by the said chy fD
rll st the time and plsot
ueiore specme.i befor, M.
nance is passed sMeHlna tk. J
of aald sewer
- ' " w.
k Dated SeptemUr UilH
. MTU P, Rtconj,
Netlc Of Hearing of Jarhraa
r Aaaamnt
Notice la hereby glvan that (bt J
portlolimant f tbe coat of tk
Improvement of Jaffertoa mJ
Orotum CUyr-OrtHHw. fro-n'
south side of Second street t tk
. south side of Twelfth street,
been ascei tallied and tbe prop
assessment haa bees apportion
and I now 00 file la the otfk(
the Recorder of Oregoa City st
subject to examination Any a
Jectlon that may be mad la r
lug to the City Counrll of OtW
City and filed with lb !UrW
thereof within ten day iftw tk
first publication of this aotloi i
be beard and determined by n
Council before the paasas of tl
ordinance assessing the cod J
said Improvement. .
The property assessed for tU
Improvement lie os both side)
tbe part of said Jeffertoa itrJ
proposed to be improved o4 IM
line of lots abutting oa MI4 M
! BfJefferson stievt farihut -(jwl
said part of said Jeffenoa mm
and said part of said Jeff
This notice I published la Vi
Morning Enterprise, the flm sr
llcatton being the TMh dy si ',
tetnber, and the City Coenrfl 14
set October 6th. 1911. st I lebl
n m. at the Council Cbimber i
Oregon City s the time an4 M
of the passing of said objection
L. 8TI1T. Raw
The Morning Enterprise, tb CW
amas county dally and tbi Nr!
west's greatest wee':, Tb
Oregnnlan will be ent to aa; W
for $3. This offer I good oa wU H
fore October 31. 1911
Old subscribers or ,
no difference both recelv tb M
eflt of this wonderful offer. Be
your subscription now. Deal
till It I too late. Remember, On
ber 31 la the best day of tbU M.
and aa the nepers both tart H H
and run until November 1, WU n
get more for your money If P
scribe now.
E. W. Nellie
Now open for bualne wit K
line of new and .cond-bm4 CI
pight Price Paid far
Hand Furniture.
In tha n.w Brick Bui"-1"
Sixth and Mai" 8tn-.