Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 27, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Uur viasat st et literature.
The book of Jolt, It is Incorporat
ed In, the Bible, Ik believed to be tbe
moat ancient literary work in exist
ence. It la known to bar been writ
ten prior to tbe Pentateuch and prior
to the promulgation f tbo law. In
. profane literature tb poems of Ho
mer are tbt moat ancient tbat bar
co trx down to our day, though tbo
mum f other atlll older are In ex
istence. Tbe Pentateuch was written
about tbo year 143 B. C and tbe Uo-
merle poems a boot 040 year later.
Read tbo Morning B'r prise.
The Case of
Johnny Turner
It Illustrate a Coming
Solution of m So
cial Problem - "
CopyrlcM by American Prase Asso
ciation. liU.
One day In tbe fall of 1S00 two boys,
Edgar Thorpe and Johnny Turner.
, aged reepectirely seventeen and all
teen years, were , bunting In tbe
woods of Missouri Thorpe came Into
ramp in the evening witb a bottle of
. whisky, and tbe two began to drink.
7 Turner had never -astesplrlta of any
kind. - He had no memory of what
happened at the time, except that be
and Thorpe quarreled, till be wis
- sobered by seeing bis friend lying
lead with blood oozing from a bullet
u bole In his forehead. Then be knew
as was a murderer.
To confess the crime meant months
In Jail before being brought to trial.
- and the least punishment tbat might
be expected wia a term of years in
state prison, and possibly be might
swing. Tbe courts do not admit the
Influence of liquor ss sn excuse for
l j
' crime. Johnny didn't know this. He
' waa too young to know anything about
such matters.' Jle wss seised with a
desire to get awsy as fsr and as
' quickly from tbe scene of bis crime
as possible.
Leering the body where it lay, be
struck out into the woods, walking all
klgbt. no has been through many
aorrors since, but be says tbat tbat
Brst night after the murder was the
most frightful of aa In tbe morn
ing, needing something to eat. he
topped at a farmbonse and heard per
sons talking about tbe sea battle In
Manila bay tbat bad Just occurred.
Here waa a chance for him to bury bis
Identity. He would volunteer In tbe
army and be sent to fight tbe Span
lards. After eating a scant breakfast be
went on Mil be struck s city In which
be found the people excited over the
news from Manila. Seeking a re
cruiting srntlon. be offered himself for
enlistment. Tbe recruiting officer look
. ed at him doblonnly. wondering If be
was of a proper aire to Join tbe army,
but be was eager to All up bis com
' pany, and. since Johnny msde one of
Are men be lacked for the purpose,
tbe boy was accepted, going on the
roster under an assnmed name. He
was sent to Tampa. Fla- and from
there to Cuba.
Tbe morning of debarkation was the
first event to make Johnny forget that
terrible scene In tbe wood when be
bad come to himself and seen what be
bad done. As boatload after boatload
of men left tbe transports and were
pulled to tbe shore the air was alive
with their cheers rising above tbe
; strains of "There'll Be a Hot Time In
the Old Town" from the military
And there was a hot time, sure
enough. The army marching Inland
. toward Santiago was met by tbe Span
lards, and a sharp fight was tbe result
' Johnny, who had enlisted with a
vague boyish idee of getting killed in
battle, forgot bis original Intention and
felt only tbe emotions of a soldier.
' Tbe ardor of battle triumphed over all
.else. Where other recruits flinched
Johnny pushed forward. When the
light was over be bad been marked by
the captain for one of tbe reliable men
of bis company, and, a sergeant having
been killed. Johnny wss promoted to
the position.'
Before the fighting around Santiago
, sensed Johnny was made a lieutenant.
But tbe war was short, and at the end
of it be was still a boy, having barely
. turned seventeen. Nevertheless be
' wss so badly wounded that It was ex
pected be would die. He lay in hos
pital for a long while and when Anally
. discharged wss permanently disabled.
Retaining his army name, the young
"veteran went to work in an eastern
wclty and by clone application to bis
work gained the confidence of his ejn
.:, ployers, Bnt while at his duties and.
- above all, when be went to bed bis se
v eret never left him. Often be would
., In the night with a start, and
" ' -y f--Ti et r--r te scene
In tse wood from which be haJ
would be vividly revealed to him.
Though Johnny was lost to tbe
world, there waa one wltb whom be
cvmmuutcated hi mother. To her bt
wrote, explaining bis absence, and she
realized tbe iuiorrauce of keeping bin
set-ret Six years pasted and Johnny.
partly by good luck, partly because In
work alone be waa able to temporarily
banish tbe crime tbat haunted blm.
prospered. The only person who knw
hi secret and still loved and renins teU
blm waa bla mother, and be asked her
to come to blm. Kbe did so, and from
tbe moment of her arrival he found
one to render his load less bard to bear.
But a time came when It agalu
loomed op before hi in like the flture
of a "giant despair." Ten years bad
worn away something of tbe shar,na
of bla suffering, his p mother hnu In a
measure convinced blm that In bla
case tbe line between crime and niH
fortune was an imaginary one. when
a new motive for regret ratuo to blm.
Alice Blair, a woman a few years bis
Junior, old enough to be Impressed
with the enormity of tbe crime of
taking under any clrcomstances tbe
life of a friend, became a ftrt of bis
existence. The love between the two
wss stronger In tbe man because be
considered It hopeless. He could not
make the woman bla wife under
false pretense he could not bind her
to blm for a lifetime without a confes
sion thst be had blood on his bonds.
And, supposing be confessed to her,
It would be wronging her end chil
dren tbat might come to them both.
Slowly, but surely. In this man's life
the principle of confession and atone
ment waa working Itself out. What
nothing else could effect waa to be
brought about by the woman he loved.
she bearing ber share of the punish
ment He did not speak bis love. It
seemed with him rather a fever from
which be was suffering than love. Fie
would absent himself from ber for
weeka af a time, only to return to a
companionship tbat be could not live
without I'attentty she waited for an
explanation that she felt sssured must
come In time.
One evening after one of these ab
sencesa longer one than usual the
lover appeared. It waa at an hour be
tween daylight and dusk. She had been
thinking of hint and was beginning to
fear tbat this dreadful something that
waa between them might In this In
stance, separate them forever. Sud
denly he burst in upon her. and so wild
looking, so despairing, that. for a mo
ment she almost fancied tbat be was
bis ghost - . ,
He bad returned resolved to confess
toer. He began st once to unburden
himself of tbe frightful secret and It
was not long before It waa all In ber
possession. She spoke no word. She
gave blm one look of heartfelt sym
pathyrtbenr overpowered by his and
ber misfortune, covered ber face with
ber bands snd bowed ber bead. He
waited for ber to speak, but she did
not and be silently withdrew.
The next dsy she sent for him.
When be sppeared a great change bad
come over ber. She showed traces of
a terrible mental struggle.
I have forgiven what In one sense
Is a crime. I will be anything to you.
but on one condition. Confess to tbe
world snd take tbe consequences. I
can bear wltb you your public shame
I cannot share your secret"
He turned without s word, went to
tbe office of tbe superintendent of po
lice snd confessed tbat be had mur
dered his friend Edgar Thorpe. Tbe
governor of tbe state In which tbe
crime bad been committed made a
requisition for blm. and he was taken
there for trial.
When the members of the societies
of Spanish war veterans beard tbat
otje of their number bad given himself
up to be tried for murder they at ence
became Interested. Gradually the
peculiar features of tbe esse became
known to them. Between tbe murder
and the trial tbe accused bad bad an
opportunity seldom falling to tbe lot
of criminals to' show that his act had
been rather a misfortune than a crime
and that be wbo committed it bad be
come a good citizen as well as a brave
soldier. Had be given himself up Im
mediately after the murder the cpse
wonld have been far different A long
term of confinement would have
wrecked him.
As it wss. while the Isw wss satis-
fled Turner escaped tbe punishment of
the law at least all except the deg
radntlon of entering a prison. His
sentence was but a few months, and
long before the term had expired be
was pardoned by tbe governor of tbe
un me morning ne was liberated a
large concourse asseiiiblpi st the
prison door to welcome blm upon his
return to freedom. First snd fore-
most was the woman who wss the
cause of bis confession, next his com
radea, veterans of the Spanish war.
and lastly a multitude of sympathis
ers. As be stepped beyond the prison
portal It seemed to blm tbat be was
leaving tbe greater part of bis atone
ment behind him. True, the fact of
having taken tbe life of bis boy friend
wonld live so long as be himself, but
the secret would not be with blmt not
between blm snd the woman he loved.
not between blm and tbe world. In
Its place would be a heartfelt sym
pathy. .
There is a lesson In tbe esse of John
Turner to which Jbe world Is slowly
awakening, a lesson It Is rather a
problem respecting the treatment of
criminals. But It will not be easily
solved. Justice has not yet found a
way of giving one who perpetrates a
first crime an opportunity for redemp
tion before Inflicting a punishment
that deprives him of tbat opportunity.
LNor hss a line yet been drawn between
the criminally Insane and those offend
ers wbo attempt to elods Justice on
a false plea.
neatest Offer
The Morning Enterprise and The Weekly Oregonian
(Clackamas County's Daily)
(The Northwest's Greatest Weekly)
Until November I, 1912
Regular Price of the
by mail is $3.00
Regular Price of the
This Offer is Good to
Present as Well as
New Subscribers
JUST THINK More than an Entire
Year to Clackamas County's live daily
and the Northwest's greatest weekly
for the price of one paper only. Bargain
period ends Octoben31. 191LOnthat
day, or any day between now and then,
$3 will pay for both papers to Novem
ber 1, 1912. Positively no orders taken
at this rate after, October 31, 1911.
Subscribe with your postmaster, or R.R.
carrier, or bring direct to the Oregon
City Enterprise, Oregon City, Ore., on
or before October 31.
Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50
This Offer is Good to
" Present as Well as
New Subscribers
Send Your Subscription at Once and Tell Your Friends About Our Great Offer
The Sooner You Subscribe the More You Get, As the Paper Starts at Once
Patronise onr aaventser.
Salt and Tsste.
According to an eminent doctor, the
excessive use of salt tends to paralyze
the sense of taste.
An old farmer said to hit sons:
"Boya, don't you wait for sotnelhin'
to turn up. You might jest as well
go and sit down on a stone in the
middle of a meadow with a pail
'twixl your legs and wail for a cow
to back up to you to be milked"
Prospects for one of the fastest
football elevens mat ever represented
Oregon City on the gridiron were
never better than they are at present,
according to Captain Roos and Man
ager White of the Oregon City foot
ball club, which is being reorganized
for the coming campaign. Nearly all
of last year's players are on hand,
and there is some good new material
to draw from, so a, good account is
eipected when the eleven gets Into
action against other 145-pound teams.
Practice has already commenced.
and the players are getting into their
old time shape. A number of new
plays are being experimented with.
and it is possible that a coach will
be obtained before tbe season Is far
advanced. It is expected that the
team will line np somewhat after the
following manner: Montgomery, cen-
ler; Smith and Dairy, guards; C.
Freeman and Harry seller, tackles;
Captain Roos and Moore, ends;
White, quarter; Carrothers and F.
Freeman, halves; Long, fullback.
Though It is somewnat early in tne
season.y Manager wnite nas aireaay
commenced the work of arranging a
schedule of games, and he promises
to tiring In some of the fastest Inde
pendent teams In and around Port
land. Borne of the Willamette vaUey
teams may play here also. A,our
of the valley later In the season is
also being arranged.
Our greatest clubbing offer. The
Morning Enterprise by mall and the
Weekly Oregonian, both until Novem
ber 1, 1913, for only 3. Offer closes
October 31, 1911. '
117 iu De iroatea for Wood poison
ing which he contracted In one foot
while working at Government Camp.
Twilight will be well represented at
the county fair this weak.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mattoon and
children of Portland were Sundny
guests of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I Mattoon.
Mrs. George Schrelner Is in Canby
visiting her brother, Sam Hess, and
taking In tbe fair.
Mr. Dullard and family
vuy Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Caldwell of Portland
called on friends here Saturday
Miss Florence Gamble of Portland '
was a dinner guest last Sunday ofi
w. a. m. Harvey.
Mrs. Marlon Thomnann an
rfm no n w . I .. m.I Cntlm T I I .
marvelous stunts which amused the hopflelds. "
Followed by an admiring, yet fear
ful horde of kiddles and preceded by
a pack of yelping canines, their only
thought being that of a hasty retreat,
the ".Dig Red Goose" made its ap
pearance from the doors of the L
Adams Department Store Tuesday
afternoon, and for nearly ,an hour,
held an Impromptu reception on
Main street.
Though the dainty bird stands only
eight feet In height and is perfectly
proportioned, it shows remarkable
aptltuda, and under the tutelage of
J. M. Derry, of the Friedman Bhelbr
gnoe company,' it
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt were
unvii.g juesaay ariernoon.
William Moehnke has returned
from Seaside.
Oodfred Moehnke has purchased an
. . I'Hupimr. us cnopped a
1. 11 ui grain last week. (
Fall grass Is growing fine. $
Mlaa Tull. i .. . i ... . A
. "'"uinger visited the
Misses Mary and Helen Swop Tues,
Jacob Orossmlller, a A. Sohuebel.
Mr. Swope and Robert Glnther were
mong the Shubelites that were In
were In T on business Saturday.
weBekm E'mer f,nlhe4 threshing last
"i '. onnerruhiA f n.i.
In n.,i. i.Tr,- '. Z "nu,
Mrs m. i T'",llng mends,
" ' I Mr. lark ni -.n. .
., " "" mr. ecnerruDie
grownupa and convulsed the children.
Following the reception on Main
street the bird and Its trainer en
Joyed an auto ride up the hill and
through the principal streets of the
Twilight SChOOl Will h-rln rv.l.j
, Thursday, in stead of Monday, on
account of the teacher attending the
nstitute In Oregon City the first of
tne week.
1 1 M.'",,.,R0 01ntne' f Oakland. Cal
J A ?arent?. Mr. and Mrs!
v.iiiu-r, ior a rew
Mr. Danta, of Portland, Is visiting
his son-ln law, Sam Cod.
Mr. Brown and another gentleman
of Portland visited I. Martin a few
days sgo.
Mr. Tuttle and his compass man,
of Portland, were In the Three-Six
settlement last week cruising tim
ber. J. T. Frlel Jr. waa In Portland last
Mr. and Mrs. Lupton of Sandy
were fn Cherryvllle Sunday,
Vincent Frlel stopped In Cherry
ville last wek on his way to Oregon
r-MM- Mn-J' 8honborn visited
relatives here- Tuesday.
- a numper of
ber,027;.t0MMr, r,fmb'
toXSZy "went to
are back
mt. and Mra u...
from hop Dlcklns
i leasant, where she will teach school
Marshall n'0 8m"h mS
Ed Grace " ba"ng ha' to'
VOUnr nAnnU t
. i' mv
dance st win u.
of Beaver Creek. Saturday night ,
..I;,e" re busy plowing for their
-v.-ing. Borne have
There was frost three
nights the oast wm
lne'r.?i!.0v Vaft'r ,,n"n" thresh
U.,?1 '' baling.
Philip Masslnger was up from
Portland a few days last week
Robert Glnther and family and Mr4
Berg visited Mr, Kllnger's last Sun
Miss Maggie Sullivan M 'J2i
gon City, where she will ")
school. . . '
Klmer Lee has been I1L .'
Oscar Hale, of Portli
Mrs"' Jack Wallace, of HU j
was In town last FrlcUjr to swei
teacher, Miss Mann. im
The Clarke Bros. rs f ;
PTr!"'arosiilller U -ls !
toes. u--t!
Sam Rimer wss In towBWJJi
Mr a1ll.n Is In P0rtl JS-sj
ths uniw - i
Jury service
court. , . (w I
Mr Plamerter U clnnl i"
Cumins. m
. The Bush Bros, have returns y
hop picking. ....
Mr. and Mra. Hoffsftt
town last week.
MULINU- jaj j
Everyone is busy awnf'T,
and a few are selling. ""-
commlssloa men at Canby r w ,
only 80 cents a hundred. Ha
Claud Ashby left TuflW "L
lem, where be -will
his fsther'i farm near
l i. tn fla m to
Mr. a"4 w'
Mr. and Mrs. Maple
ton Sunday to visit
Tha WorMngtnon'o Storo
gjlnsjjit Qnceia uttomer elwaysajrjes
Ajquarc dal and honcit food. ' ,
506 Mln St.