Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 27, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Gee but it's Cold and Rainy
Jsjot o in one of our iwell overcoat or Rain-Proof
,iMni. A complete fall showing on display.
NEW SUITS, YES. Another litf shipment of
tlir Famous Society Biand Clotliei in the new
brovvni. - t - - L
y .
See Our Windows.
"I'o.allily the beat uiie I ever
saw Cobb engineer uia at Hi
eipeiiaa of Krnnk llnknr of tbe
Athletics." uj) Empire John
Kgsii. -Cobb
v J rTJ occupied rirst.-
vWrSid wl'"" 'r"w'
lj? -HI f'ml u,iiM
r J. 3 .
threw to link i
S er, mid Cobb A
4, V
Dind tmir
110 REWARD "
for the arrest an conviction
of inv person or persons, who
u ,i..iiiy ''",v copl.M f T? t
HoruliiK KnterprLe from the
pr has li-n placed there by
Their Deetlnstloit.
Mr. Hung-When Itlr n,nr
rll be and til bride went away in "
motorcar MI-.sltln.g-K"? Where did
uwy ajiriid their 'honeymoon?
"to hospital.".
Can you draw a goose? If you can,
bring It to I Adam III I)pttrtttieiit
Htore (r a prlxe.
AberSiethy Orange No. 848, P. of
II., will moot at 1:30 o'clock Bulur
day afternoon to discuss educational
subjects and entertain the teachers nt
I'nrk place school. All arc Invited to
attend the meeting.
Karl ('. Lnlonrette hss returned to
Kugeue to enter the university, after
a Imiilness -trip to Oregon City and
Portland In the lutrreiita of the Kappa
ttlgrua liouae, of which be la the
The HI if d Goose will be on the
street and will give an eablbltlou Id
front of our more at 4 o'clock. l
Adama lllg Department Store. I
Our greatest clubbing offer. The
Morning enterprise by mall and tne
Weekly Drriionlan, both until Novem
tr 1. 1911. for only i. Offer closes
October 31. 1911.
local BRiers
I.. Tolpolar waa a buatneii tUUor
II pnrtlund Tuesday.
Frank Korberg baa gone to Powell
River. B. ('., for a vlalt.
MIh Mabel Tower of Portland la
ih iruel of Mlaa Huth Urlghtblll.
Hop. (irant II. IMrnlrk left Tueaday
(or riihy to attend the county (air.
ti. i:vi.l,.a will be entertalneJ
tiiunliv eveuln by Mlaa Almee
li.Kn li.iitilnira. a well known renl
fait of Ji-tinlu IodKe, apent Tuea-
dir In this city.
ui.... ii..nha and Cella Goldamltu
Ut returned from a aojourn to San
A mrriaKe Tlcenae waa laaued
TaMday to Mary 8. Cutting and
Ralph Duty.
Fred Shaffer and rrank Grimm.
11 known realdenta of Molalla,
are In the count aeaf attending to
bOKlneaa Tueaday.
Tb North Pole Flab Market. Fifth
and Water atreeta, will reopen Thura
toy morning with a full Hue of All
flih In leaiton. N
Hon. I J n wood E. Jonea baa re
turned to Orexon'Clty from a abort
Ult to Now port
The cloning dance of the 1911 aea
on will lie given Thuraday evening.
October fi, In Hunch's hall, by the
Willamette club. '
Mrs. 'ix II. Hhlnder, who baa been
vlnltlna her mother. Mra. J. W.
Norrla. of thla city, baa returned to
ker home In Oakland, Cat.
The K. II. If, atenograpliere are
kavlna: aiileiidld auccesa. . The high
trtlnlne work obtained at the Ecleo
tic HiiRlneHa University glvea thorn
pollHh that meana success. .
HNirv Wetzler and family aro
Main ruHlding In tbla city, after
pending the summer on tbelr farm
on the Willamette. .
Henry 1'usev has returned from a
two weeks' visit with bis daughter.
Mrs. Juhtln 8. Lageson, who with her
hutbaud Ih living on a homestead in
Buy nil your meals at the Cafeteria
during the county fair. Meala served
hy ludlea of . the M. E. church of
During the absence of Secretary M.
i. Uielle at the county fair, tho
publicity department of the Oregon
Wy club Is In charge of Mlaa Rose
Charles Bollinger has gone to Can
T, where, during the aesston of the
Ctackamiis county fair, he will have
charge of the Huntley Bros, compatiy
xhlblt booth. ,
- 8tndenti are enrolling how In the
Portland Iaw School for tha study
f law. The Portland LW School
a three years' oourse, and the
ork done la equal to that ot the
urn law schools. '
' Bam Prle who fca' hien" visiting
brother, A. A. Price, of thla city,
tor some time, has returned to Wood
burn, where he conducts a large
clothing establishment...
Can you draw a aooseT, Tiring It
10 L. Adam's Dig Department Store.
First nrlxe lit mnmni 13. third $2,
0 prlics ot 1 aach and. six prtsea
W to centa each. '
Oaylord Q. Godfrey left Tuesday
tor Conrania where he resumes hla
tudles at the Oregon Agricultural
Mr. Oodfrey la a sophomore
the school of pharmacy.
. 8. Mutchlna 1 of Clear Creek
Ded through Oregon City Tuesday
w,th blooded stock and farm produce,
"route for the county fair, whera
HI place them, on exhibit. ,
' Remem'her tha M. E. ladlea aerva
things to eat at the county iir
; Cafeteria. Foreet rour lunch baskeU.
4 In hnitr n A A VhO hSS
hi recovered from tha effects of a
v1 Paratlort for appanM,tu. th
ij8lyds will meet at tha home of
VrtjMra. c. H. Melasner, at Ninth
Portland. Sept. U. (8eclal.
In one of the most gruelling atrugglea
of the season Portland today won
from Ban Francisco after eleven ln
iilngsbrplayTThe ecora was J to i.J
Each team made one In the fifth.
Itoth Harkness and . Henley were In
superb condition, the former allowing
three , bits and the latter five. San
Franrlaco made two errors, 'and Port,
land one.
iw-cvi -ltd. iuu,
third, arrlv
ahead ot
tbw bull and
rfjJk In a cloud of
.dust The
throw ana
,1,.,, ll
linker's at
tent Ion wna
co,",' ceiili nil hmiii
getting tba ball fnaiend of on thv
"He-inlMed the runner alto
gether and was digging around
In the dut trying to rat h blm.
Cobb Uiude a slldu tbut broUKbt
blm to bis feet aud without
heeltntlon sprinted for hoinu.
linker took another awlug
where he supposed the runner
was before awaking to the sliu
"at Ion. Thru he made a hurried
throw bonie, and Cpbb fell away
from Ira Thomas and was safe."
In a rwent game with Cleve
land In letrolt be gave a won
derful exhibition of bane running, j )OUr for the assembly of the babies
in ine-fimi inning u bum uri T .nnrrhed the captain Weill iuruuBu
the grounds gathering up hla precious
not onij oiu waul
Osk Greve GMs' Band Dallohts With
Pine Music Mr. Spence In
terests With Speech en
Qrenge Work.
beginning last Tburnday, the local ,
grange of MHwaukle opened Its an-
nual fair at Crstal Lake park witn
band concert by the MHwaukle
band, after, which an auie aaure
was delivered by W. J. Kerr, presi
dent of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege. The fair closed Saturday night
with a grand ball.
Friday was baby day when, dressed
In their prettiest comumeii mo wm
derly cared for by their proud moth
ers, the dimpled darlings neia bu-
I preine under the supervision of Cap
tain Jamea P. Shaw, who is an ex-
t pert on baby ahowe. asalated by his
1 daughter, Mrs." A. R. Innes. As the
(D(D)S(B ElaS
and acond. In the elgbth. with
two out and the bases empty,
be tied the ajrre He easily
I nee i a grounaer io uiwu, " nv a
throw salted over Lajole's bead
Cobb, approaching second when I
Itlaudlug aecured tbe ball, saw
the pitcher throw to Ball, and
. 1 1 ... ,1.11 ii.ii . k h a
aei win iwr ihiiv ..n, .-"
wild, and Cobb tore for the plate,
sllulug (Vrouna rmerij, wuu a
had the ball waiting for him. ; f
The results Tuesdsy follow:
" Pacific Coast league Portland 2,
San Francisco 1; Sacramento 5, OaU
land S; Vernon T, Los Angelea 4.
Northwestern league Portland 10,
Spokane 4: Seattle 9. Tacoma 6;
Vancouver 10, Victoria 6.
American league Washington 8.
Cleveland 2: Philadelphia 11, Detroit
5- Chicago 6. New York 4; Boston
St. Iula game postpones on nwum
of rain. ...
National league Cnicago ju-u,
Boston 2-7; Brooklyn 5, riltsourg i;
no other games scheduled.
San Franc! bco
Sncramcnto ..
Loa Angelea .
and their mothers follow him to the
audWrtuTHTDOr TBT7orir ' V Z.JT
Including about 200 school cldr
,hn hud been riven a n "!
,r .,.,. mt,lled
ti. mvnm ill lud u"- r
. n - , .... .
for the prises rangeu
months to eighteen moniu.. . ii
mmr manr and handsome.
: 1-i....iiw .innatad by local mer-
n.l nthera.
-""- ... .. . ., .
Th. in nw ix were me wmucin.
. 1
Ilia mtHT... - . 1 . .
First prtxe For premesi wu, K..
" . ... i nrii Turk.
AwnVA Wn Ml 11 IHLI. . V. . . w
mi wc w - ,
Second prize Pauline cecii u..
Tki.j -w Florence Loats.
i. vva first nrize waa won by
Harry Witter; aecona pnze
inniittm Arthur Oould. and the third
n violet Lurse
a 1j.ii team la not helped by players o-v. aoeclal nrlze offered
wfto have in mind their Individual rec- h ,he MHwaukle bank of a savlnga
orda aud overlook the weirare-orThelrtDanll acCount with $T-as antarter,
llMim. ll im wium-uuM ..v.-" i ntf tuv aWt. w - - - Thin
courage, such tactic, that hi. team lia. elded by a vote ox " "
Uen a snccea. this .-n. The m. was "Bec0I11 prlle
Is true or tne uuos auu me 1 ".,,
Ball players to be 10 a .mu. J evenlng WB devoted to a
need not have remarkable records. ' o.k firove a girl band
Tbcr need not be lenders, but if they . ... ar n,U8ic they rendered.
WOI-K IOT l IIP lllirin " U'. rfnifl.r WDDiuor in. i o i
team they bring about desired resulta. band , the country of Ilk makeup
Unfortunately, the pluyer wno woras ,ne 0idc8t being rouneen y..
for his team doe. aot always gei me that win equai idw. ""m
Watch for Her on the Streets
She is a friend to all Boys and Girls
Draw a picture of Red Goose, bring it to L. Adams Big
Department Store and get a prise. She wants yoti all to
come to the store at 4 o'cloct today and see her perform.
Red Goose Shoes are the best. Yot get a Red Goose Bank or Cot Oat with every
pair of Red Goose Shoes. They are the best made.
Can Yotn Draw A Goose? ;
credit be deserves, while the chap who
u nut to make a record for himself fre
quently recelvea applaue- which he
should not be given.
C,.v...ndP.tch.rR.9.r-..Why the J :Ita"-Slr of the
Paclflo Coast.
Won. Lost. Pet.
, 97 t.8 .&!
10J 74 .583
95 87 .622
83 98 .457
78 98 .44:1
75 100 .414
Spokan ,
Seattle ...
Portland .
Tacoma . .
Victoria .
tui mra r.lNCM PENNANT.
r.t,iiui.inli!u Sent 20. (Special.)
Tk. athletics cinched tha 1911
American league pennant thla after
noon by trouncing the Detroit Tigers,
11 to 5. The game was featured by
three home rune. Baker of the Mb
i...i. mabiiiir two of them and Bam
Coffroth of tha Tigers getting the
The Borew.
The Inveotlou of the screw Is gen
rnllr attributed to the old Greek
... ...
Arcnlmeden. from all aeeouuta one oi
.u. .. aientlfle thinkers and
iu '"""
mechanicians tbe ancient worm eve
knew. The screw Is one of the grein
eat things In mechnnlca. simple ns
Is. and adds Immensely to the unnioeu
human nower. It is claimed that one
n.nn. with the help or tne screw.
nress down or rulse up as much u
on mn run without It In iidiiltlon
the Invfrntlon of the screw, afci..
medes Inveuted the sungins. vnno..
devices for buttering down walls ana
some half dosen other valuable wsys
and mesne of providing power.
o...' piuhblna- offer. The
Morning Enterprise by mall and the
Weekly Oregonian. ooui uut..
ber 1. 1812. fr only 3. Offer closes
October 81,' 111.
... m . J
misses in their reuuu"
mAtC'the conclusion of the concert
Btato Senator George C. Brown-ll.
wn. .1 rtresnn Uliy. uni""
n CltlzenshlP.', which waa
The makera of the Red Goose
School Shoes for. children desire to
secure a number of good picture, of
the famous RED GOOSE. They have
decided to offer through na num-
Derof pr6- toT-theheet-drawing.
made by school children. Tbe big
prizes are: .
First prize 5.00
Second Prize , 1300
Third prize ..i. 82.00
, Two prlzea of f 1 each.
Six prlzea of 60 cenU each.
In addition to these, every boy and'
- i -i v. A iiidIi., a Hrsvlnr of
CTCIJ 1. . - 1
You can draw tha picture to black and white with pen and Ink. or pencil, or-craor it can be drawn
yjrZr l..jrbr. .. no limit to th. numberyou can enter. (Our
WtS "Sf. W c?e.r?bdTwlng paper or drawing board, about tne
same a.ze tho, used to VT addr.a.. yonr ag. at your neareet birth-
-Uonwillbe maae lor mose cnimreu
the RED GOOSE and hrtnga It to oar
Shoe Department, will get a prize.
Any boy or girl tinder ii yeafa ot '
age can enter the contest"
You may draw any kind of a pic
ture you like. You can make tha
drawing of the RED G008B only, or ,
It can be a scene tn which the RED
GOOSB la a prominent character.
The rekl RED GOOSE la shown at
the. top of. this ad. ' . ; .
Contest Closes Nov. .28, 1911
amount or ume w .""'' . ' ,. Mav a oleture of the RED GOOBis
anNd7rin; 7ou7ZU cma to d aee-the big RED GOOSE hiblUon.
should come and see the
. . . ijj;. J...
gumiwr m ... I o.... nranira finenC.
i. tha tn-Mt nltrhlna I . " -
who Bpoke In.
Veen Gri'cg U the great pttcning - -nr Hntl. ot grange
fli.overT of tbe season In tbe Amerl- "u" V. Bnnr. was followed by
ran league, baseball fans ssy. This fruit, former principal of one
youthful jiortaider came in tne nica oi of portj.,,,1-, i.rpe schools, we
time to keep tbe Clevelnnd club on the for hls ,ubiect "The Extension and
luiaeliall man. He la a wortny auc- rj-velopment of tne i-uoiio ovu-. -
ceaaof of Addle Jo-a aa tbe l-render Gur 'State." . ,fc , m
pitcher of the Buckeye nm Capt. n naw ...
There la no denying me com.. . . w .u. - - "hh,d . large
1 do uy'i nni
' I I. na AWatrW aSTl n WT lOUUIH
" AH iVown peopfe and chHdrenr-T Invited to see the Bed Gooae. Everyone
Only and Original Red Goose, at
' L. ADAMS, Prop.
vera many and of excellent
r. ...... h.a tnnila a nennnut Dooalblllty
" " " -. . . . I n..lllnn w
of tbe Cleveland cmn- n ion. ' ""'8 r tne di8play ever seen
club could go through the. series of fharecw. xn. reB.
disasters that baa befallen tbe Naps """" " d 0f this.-their fifth
In this year of grace and survive to annual exbbit. which under the aoio
enter tne rrny as a comeiiuor management or, h u- ,l l,;2l
bunting. Nearly every greai airman or tne
.a.. M Valania
So aorea, 8 acres cieareu, "
slashed and .eaded. all under good
fence; 8 room house, barn and chick-
v J .mrf m.nA a-ood well, all
In good order ana no w.. - ""
level and on good road, one mile from
ni..bana. anilthftTO R. R. OM
new v.'"- y . .tj
mile to achooL One and one-half
miles to town. 26U0 caam
in nrnn Cltr. four acraa. house and
barn, three eowa, one mare, buggy
v.rn.n and all tools. Crop all
tn. Price 12000, half cash, balance
terms. Call or addraaa
the Naps' galsxy of stars nas oeen
out of. the game for varioua penou
At one time thla season Lajole, jaca
son. Turner. Birmingham and Easter
ly were forced from the game, ana
makeshift team waa neceaaary.
ays Brown.' Pltehee Weuld Be Wen
der If With a Strong Team.
Big Chief Bender anya thnt the CneM
curve pitcher In the American league Is
Barney Pelty of the St. Louis urowu..
He saya that Barney hna a curve that
aweeim and breaks at the eatne tltpe.
If there 1 such a physical caUclysm.
Tve watched Barney pitch,- aald
the chief, "and t never aaw Anybody
who could touch him for a curve.
When It Is bresklng right It Is a cross
between a hook. a. fafleaway and a
flashy enrre. all rolled Into one.
"If Barney waa with a real, tenm, a
winning team, with that curve and his
change of pace, be d make 'em all go
some to lick him."
Henrtkeen Speedy Runner.
Umpire Billy Brans snys that Olat
Henriksen. the new player the Boston
Bed Pox recently purchased from the
Mew Englsnd bnshes. Is the smallest
and fastest player .that has broken
Into big company In many monrns
Rvana ears the player with the Swed
Ish name can rnn down to second rrom
ha initial bag aa fast aa Ty Cobb. In
rlew of his slse. the tnaicstor noiaer
thinks that Henrikaen's sprinting feats
are wonderful
" Ma Mil Games Numereus.
There hste been twenty-seven no hit
games pitched In the major leaguos
elace thsy were orui.
. i i ......
the auccess is mnmij . . ...
The attendance at the fair while
not large, was satisfying to the couv
mlttee "and they feel thankful to the
Htlzena not only for the material
help rendered, but for their attend-
t .rv ' rfhera the fair
crystal -I
was held, with its numerous and
handsome' attractive features. Is one
of the beauty spots in uryis"". -
nronrlotor. Otto miner, .
Champing Pendleton D. l section
29 south, range 1 east; 8600.
J. W. Coughlin to D. B. Elledge,
lot. 14. 16 and 16, block t, Nob Hill,
Michael and Anne. Barber to Mary
Neischl, lot 6. block 4, Brightwdod;
$L '
John Mclntyre and wife to Mary
Nlechl, lot 6, block 4. Brlghtwood;
A. E. Borthwlck and Alice (C.
Borthwlck and W. A. Alcorn to Ida
V. Alcorn. loU 11 and 12, block 8,
ti . a
Dngaiwiiuu, i.
W. A. and Ida V. Alcorn to A. B.
Borthwlck, loU 8 and , block .
Brlghtwood; 81. ' . (
ofTee for h. ef forte to fu.
nluVilnff the people i 7
Sunt c,ean' beaull,ul gath"
ering place for, all occasions ,
(Continued from page 1.)
A Taste ef Bregue. .
an Englishman met a man at
French table d'hote, who addressed
him la French. Ola accent betrayed
.n.l rather rudely, the Briton
aid. "Ah. ion are English," .
"The devil a doubt of It darllnT
replied the stranger.
"An Irishman. . too: atlll better.'
want nn the other.
"WelL thin. Isn't It strange." asld
the man. "my French alwaya ahows
me to be, English and my English to
be Irish?" .
1 Aw a I I a unwsrt I .
Room in St.. r:tts, orrewcit,. r-i w?t
. . v.. maintained
weekly tuncneuu. - -
throughout the winter and Dr. .A. U
Beatle was appointed Feed Wire for
the ensuing montn. ine mouu
Tuesday was: Chicken fricassee,
dumplings, mashed potatoes, bread
-a k,.ii sliced . tomatoes, mayo-
auu . . .... ...JJU,
nalse. olives. Engiisn pium i,uuu...0,
Jag sauce, coffee and cream.
Allan A. and Addle Conklln to
Sam and May B. Staaldulne, 10 acres ,
In section 8, townsnip . bouiq,
Harold and Laura Hanson to W. K.
Shoemaker. 64 acrea. .ecuou
.....n.vir. a antith. range 4 east; $10.
"" - r..ia
W L. ana wary u
T,.ia and C. O. Crawtora. iota m,
17, 18. 19 and 20, block , Oak Grove
' -n IU4 riKann til
juiiu n. ,
Belha E. Frale, tract a ana P""
...o a nnhsnn'a subdivision; $1509.
. A. ;
t..w. m ami i .ri rj. iwuqi
t.. mnA fmlo M. Baker, lota 1
and a. block 84. Oregon City; $100.
n n ami Julia Claussen to C. a.
and' Carrie Sannes. $.98 acrea of the
What Do You
Think of This?
Acre traok In eight ef Oregon City,
1-2 mile of car Una on InetallmenUJ
also 23 acrea 1 1 mile from ear line,
with BOO eorda of wood, $100 per
cre. Foe these and other. Inquire e
Clyde, 1008 Main atre.t, Oregon City.
L B. U. Stenographers arid
BooltopersrGreat Demand
, Business firms arc rccoflnlzlng the superior
training of our Business university over the
work of the busi less colleges. Our standard -is
higher; our work is much more thorough; '
our work Is more complete; and our students
are more proficient in every way.;
JustjAe school for the earnest young man or
, lady who desires to learn and have the high
est and best training at reasonable tuition
rates. You are sure of Individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give it. ' You should investigate our
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
year in day and night school.
630 Worcester Block.. Phones: Marshall 2751) Home A5446.