Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 27, 1911, Image 2

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'E. E. BROOIE, Editor and Publisher.
nterad aa aaecnd-cUaa matter Ju-
rie, tail. at in am amoa at unana
uadef tha Act of' Mara
. . ' .. , . r ' ' "
Local Grappler To Meet Champion
, 3m Taar, by mall . . .
l almtha, bT mail .
Tovr Mnatha. by mall.
Par weak, bjr oaxliar . . .
.11 M
. IN
. IN
. .1
rtrat taa, par inen first InaartM!. . . .lav
Vet r"a, pat Inch added tnaartloe. .lee
. Tfarrd peatttoa any paaa. par wtea
first tavaartVm.. Ie
. Prafarrwd position any paga, par bach
aAdnd. tnaartlone IS
Raw pa par alter thaa firal paf-a. par lack
' ft rut laaartlon. la
Ru pa par othar haa rtrat pafa. par tana
a44ad fciaartlona. . , a,
deep la lac ar ttaa; to racolar advar
1aira (a tea.
Weata. For Bale. To Rant, at . aea
. aaat a word flrat teaarttoti; ooe-half Ml
aao additional.
Rata for adrartlalaa In Aa Waafcly
fcbtarprlaa will bo tha him aa k Ika
a ally, for adverttaemente eat aapautaily
for tfea waakly. WJiara tha aovartlaaaaaat
- la rranaferrad from tha dally to tha waafe
. r. without caanxs. tha rata will aa a
" aa taoh for run of tha pa par. and la aa
atea for spacial poaltioav.
Casti ahould tecompaiy erdr where
party la amkaowa la bestnaaa offtaa af
th Kntcrpnaa.
' Lace adrartiama: at legal ad"orttatn
CTtreua advertising and apodal traaalaai
I'dYartkslnjt at tlo to (Oe aa tacit, aocord
to special, ooadltloaa gm-araine; tha
and Bankrupt Bala" adver-
t Bmnaata no Inch flrat meartlea; a44J.
jowl laaartioao aama mattar JSs atcau
". Sews itama and wall wrtt'a artJaias
. of mailt, with la to real to local raadera,
will ba ctadty aocapbod. Re)ectad aiaaa
saMste nevar returned naleae aoaompaa
to ay MiBM. lt prepay poataaa.
. a)
la on sale at the following atoree
every day:
Huntley Broe. Drags
v. Main Street,
J. W. McAaalty Cigars
-" Seventh and Mala.
' Secreat Confectionary
Main-near Sixth,
M. B. Donn-Confactlonwr
Next door te P. O.
v City Drug 8tore
"" - Electric Hotel.
Bchoenborn Confectionery
Seventh, and A. Q. Adama,
. v ( vantwe svj ff aya
j . " jr a . . . k ' I ' - . .....
rX A.-"' v;r..- -.-f N v - A
! -..'L. '
i.'.,-,v.frv-::, . J
r ' .. ' . . )
. " :
Millstone "Around Its Neck"
- Does Not Discouratfc This Tree
Peter Boxukua, lightweight champion of th world, who will meet "Auk"
Smith at the Armory Tuesday night.
Much Internet i being maniCeated
b kral sporting fans In (lie handicap
wrestling match between Peter
Bosukus of Portland, the Creek grap
pler who claims the world's light
weight championship, and "Auk"
Smith of this city. The bout will he
held at . the . Jmory Tuesday, . Octo
ber 3.
These men have been anxious tor
some time -to try conclusions on the
mat, and now that they are matched,
the outcome la awaited with great
Interest In his challenge. Bozukua
agreed to throw Smith four times In
an hour or close the matrb. Many
think that the artful Qreek will be
able to do thla, but Smith, who Is a
remarkably good man, has a roat
many supporters who are positive
that Botukua Is biting off too large
a chunk when he endeavors to spill
A program of Interesting prelimi
nary events la being prepared.
;-i..a .lfUtr
How to Get Rich
IJve wltliHi your moans.' .
I liult your wants while enlarging your resources.
lilNPne wlih luiurlea as long m yoy.can pay only f.encaj
Hjllgtaj aa- '
. promise jowr Independence by becoming a money i,vtT
aril as a monef" paruer. "
Vou can buy au Interest bearing Certifies! of Dapoilt or
a In our Hli Department every tlm you have a lJJ
The Bank of Oregon City
D. 10. UkTOUrtKTTB Pfwal.laoif
Sept 27 In American History.
172S Samtiel Adama. patriot, born In
Boston; died there 1803."
1870 General Braxton Bragg, noted In
. the Mexican war and aa a Confed
erate army commander, died; born
''. 1817. ,
1906 A gulf storm spread havoc -at
PeasacoU and Mobile.
1810 The president pat all assistant
. ; postmasters nnder the ctrll service.
v Ex-Prealdent Roosevelt defeated
. OVlce President Sherman for tem
porary chalrmanablp of New York
'' tax Republican convention.
' (Front noon today to nfon totnorrow.)
8oa seta 54 rlaea TA: motm aeta
. 8:18 p. m Planet Mercury snd Venus
seen In east be few unrlse
"The Astor business Is over," re
marks the Syracuse 'Post-Standard.
If we were sure about that we'd alng
the doxology.
, e
"The elderly millionaire" Is the
way In which the Syracuse Post
Btandard refers to CoL John Jacob
Astor. And he Is only ferty-aeven,
many years thla side of Dr. Osier's
chloroform stage.
s .
A decision handed down' by the
supreme court of Massachusetts
holds that a passenger on a railroad
la not limited to the recovery of $100
for ' the loss of baggage, the . maxi
mum amount fixed by the Interstate
Commerce Commission, where he did
not know of the regulation and had
not agreed thereto.
' The decision was the outcoe of a
ult brought by a Los Angeles woman
ta recover damages for the loss of
tranka burned when the railroad sta
tion at Sunapee, N. H-, was des
troyed. I
Toe tullng la of more than ordinary '
Interest because ft overrules the j
Interstate Commerce Commission In
- There la much paragraphing about
a man named O. Hell, who has peti
tioned a court for a change of name.
A man with such a name aa that
must be forever thinking of himself,
and the courts should relieve him of
his self-consciousness.
The price of granulated sugar has
advanced. if you don't like It you
can lump It.
New York, Sept 26. (Special)
Fearing a boycott on refined sugar
the magnate of the augar trust t
day lowered the price of that coin
moditv from 17 to $6.25. The first
break in tbe-hlgh price whleh-h
been Drevaillng was made when Ar-
buckle Brothers announced this 75
rmt droD In fine granulated.
Other sugar men hastened to fol
low suit, with the single exception or
the Federal company. The broken
state, that the consumption of sugar
has declined considerably since the
Drlce was advanced, and the mag
nates were beginning to fear a boy
The Morning Enterprise, the Clack
amas county dally and the North
west's greatest weekly. The Weekly
Oregonian will be sent to any address
for $3. This offer Is good on and be
fore October 31, 1913.
Old subscribers or new. It makes
no difference both receive the ben
efit of this wonderful offer. Bend In
your subscription now. Don't wait
till it Is too late. Remember, Octo
ber 31 Is the best day of this offer,
and as the papers both atart at once
and run until November 1, 1912, you
get more for your money If you sub
scribe now. .
This Adjunct ef the Teilat Completes
a Charming Hat Effect.
Of course sbe weurs a veil If t)
Wishes to be in the faabion and alnu If
she likes to keep her wvll t-uilTed bend
In trim, orderly style.
Blink and white lare veils whlih
hong Htruljcut from the brim of the
hat are very smart Indeed. They add
a bit of charm, to a charming but ot
Nlcknamea For London Kb para.
Nicknames for newspapers have
gone out of favor While the Time
was formerly Granny anil afterword
tbe Thunderer, the Morning Pout used
to be' known as Jeames. that generic
name for flunkies being iittarbed to II
in allusion to specialization on society
news. When the Morning Herald and
Standard bad tbe same proprietor and
to a lartre extent tbe same staff and
a case apparently within its JurUdlc used to appeal to each other as Inde-
tlon and In that It seta tin Ignorance 1 Inoent suuionur. ...ry .n.r
of a public regulation as a defense
against its enforcement.
The case is to be appealed and
the final decision of the federal
courts will be watched with deep in
terest ew
Princess Louise of Saxony haa
seems to be
lng for.
about all Louise Is Mr-
Political chestnuts are also
Inrlv known as Mrs. Harris and Mrs. i
Gump. The Morning Advertiser, as
the orgnn - of trade, hns at various
times leen dubbed the Rnrrel Organ.
the Tap Tub and the Gin nnd Gospel j
Gazette London Chronicle. !
The percussion1 method of Igniting
gunpowder In muskets was Invented
by a minlMter In 1S07.
A boil I loo irndenmrks ure re(ristre1
ocb week at Ihe (intent itlli- ip
Whoever Reaches Back Hard
est Into the Past Will
Go Forward Farthest
Into the Future .
By President HADLEY of Ysle
'HERE are few things bo important and few so little tmder-
gtood as the REAL USE OF TRADITIONS. Some peo
ple do not revere them at all ; others revere them for their
t own sake and care for NOTIIINQ BESIDES.
The true man reveres them because they help to keep his IDEALS
?ILTGII and hold them erect in life's storms. The strongest tree is
'. the one which drives its roots DEEPEST INTO THE GRQUNP.
The taller the tree grows the harder its roots must take hold on the
aoiL Bo it is with the life of a man.
All our great human institutions are attempts to realize this idea
- -1 to pet men into these relations. ' A family haa it associations and
i tr liters which make a man 8TR0N0ER for having brothers
" ' ! "'--.-. for being one of a line whose good
face, and nowadays that Is a point not
overlooked by the up to date woman
or girl.
Fancy mesh veils to match one's
chapeau are also In vogue, and one
ecs numbers of brown, blue and green
veilings. But .the black veil will al
ways hare its admirers, and there are
many smartly groomed women who
stick to black veils of varioua sty lea
despite tbe whims and vagariea of that
whimsical dame. Fashion.
Tbe peasant blouse In its many vari
ations will continue to be popular thla
all and. winter. The model pictured la
quite new, tbe yoke being cut In points.
This waist la made of meseallne with
trimming portions of all over lace, pip
ing and buttons of velvet.
Diameter ef the Sun.
The diameter of the sun diminish
annually by IV) meters, about tbe ten
millionth pert of Its total
Cor, Vaughn and .Twenty-fourth Bte
September 2, 37, 28, 29, iO, October 1
Games Begin Weekdays at If."..
IS V Sundays, 2:S0 P. M. " ;
Photo eapyrtght by AinartcaiTrWaaoclanonritt
a. J klHa) a rwwka1 1 n B
HAVING a millstone arouna onea neca is a uanarruua lu.u. ......
to Holy Writ, especially If one is to be cast Into tbe see. But Ihe
tree shown In the shove picture haa thrived In sptto of such hamll.
cap. Many years ago a huge millstone that bad been used In turning
wheat Into flour at Sheldon'a mill at South Dover, N. Y., waa discarded. The
new roller process made'tbe old fashioned method obsolete, snd the heavy
millstone waa useless sod wss thrown- away. It lay on the ground Wide the
road for many years, sad then a aeed under the atone apnmtwl, and a slender
plant poked It head through the hole In the center of the stoue. It continued
to grow until It filled the bole and gradually lifted tbe heavy stone from
the ground. It continued to grow and to raise the stone until It. now appears
as shown In the picture. The stone Is need aa a seat by wayfarers who are
tired. It la a comfortable Beat. too. and la different from anything seen any
where else in the world.
Portland has become headquarters
for the OregonVWashlngton crop re
porting section of the bureau ot sta
tistics, department of agriculture!
. With the . appointment ot E. T.
Marchettl as statistical agent of the
department, the crop reporting dla
trlcta have been changed. Formerly
A. F. Hltt of Idaho had the territory
composed of Oregon, Idaho and
Washington for his field. Mr. HWt
will now have charge of Idaho aid
Montana, while the new district com
posed of Oregon and Washington- will
be In charge of Mr. HarcheUr
Tbe new arrangement Is expected
to strengthen the hold of the crop
importing bureau of the government
because It will place Ita agents in
closer touch with the situation.
Heretofore the territory has been
bo extensive that even with hard
work it haa been Impossible for tbe
department's representatives to fully
cover all tbe details.
Portland has been selected as houd
qiiarters for the new division because
of Its central location. Mr. Mar
chettl was for some years connected
with the census bureau and la there
fore equipped for tbe work here.
BACON, LARD and HAM. are Arm
VEAL CALVES Veal calves orlng
from 8r) to uxr according to grade. -
BEEF 8TEERS- leet teer for
the local markets er (etching IHcto
6e llvw weight.
SHEEP r nrin at to to Sa live
Quotarrana Tor Oregon City.
POTATOES Beat, Buying 1 cents
stesdy. selling from $S to $5 SO: very
Tittle) of cheaper grades.
OATS (Buyng) Gray, $23 to $21.
white, from $25 to $26.
Heart toHeart
HIDES (Buying Oreen hides, 6c
to Cc; salters, SVfec to USc; dry hides,
1 2c to 14c. 8hi.p pelts, 25c to 7Sc
DRIED FRUITS Local prices are
firm at from 8c to lOo on apples and
prunes. peaches are lo.
SALT Belling 50c to 90c tor fine.
SO lb. arck. half ground 40c; 76 for
100 lb. sack a.
Portland Vegetable Markets.
11. 25$1.50 per suck; paranlpa, $1.25
ft $1 60; turnips, 1.2Sfy tl.liO; beets.
BUTTER (Eujtng) Ordinary
country brings from 16c to 20c,
fancv dairy from 20c to 22c. cream
ery 22c to 26c.
EGGS Best grade 25 centa.
POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit
tle good stock offered. Good tens are
bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor
demand, broilers bring from 10c to 18c,
with good demand.
WOOL (Biiy;"g Vool prices sre
ranging from 14 to 17 cents.
HAY (Buying.) Timothy $1 to
$17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, best,
$12; mixed, $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to
FEED Shorts $?9 to $30; rolled
barley, $31.60 to $32.60; process bar
ley, $33.00; whole corn, $39.00;
cracked corn, $40.00; wheat $32.00
to $33; oil men, $r,3. Shacw Brook
dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds.
ONIONS Jobbing prices; I Oregon
$2.7i per 100; Australian. $3.60 per
100; Texas, $2.26 per, crate: Califor
nia, $2 per crate. . .
Oregon City Stock Quotations.
HOGS ..'ogs are quoted He tower.
From 121 lbs. to 150 lbs. OViC, from
160 lbs. to 200 lbs. $40,
E. W. MelUen
Now open for business with a full
line of new and second-hand furni
ture. ,.:,:..
Highest Price Paid lor 'i Second
Hand Furniture.
In the new 'Brick Building,
Alma Wlmlry uf t'li:illiiiiiMgii. Tcuu
drank one and one tin if lruin of mr
bulic ucld la iiu utteui;t i ciij t.ei
life, but was suved by tbe ti.vitl;iu.
Why a suicide t fourteen
Tbe girl reveuled the tint Hi if she
with several of tier fellow workers u
a factory hud emend luto u u;i
part, preferring to die rntlur Hum
work lu tbe mills.
Listen to ttie clilld:
"We all wuuted lo die at our -frsn.e
We go to' work at l In the tiionilui;
and work until 0 at night. We In.vr
no time lo piny. I.lttle Ilentm trie
and says she would rutber be deuU
than alive. So we miide up our uuiuIn
we would die.
What a trnged of childhood:
Without ihe iower of self onnlvl
these children did it fully realize i.t
haps tbat under 'tbe depressing an I
monotonous lubors of the mill Ixiili
their bodies and brains were beinu
stunted, but they u'ld realize they were
jney aid realize they were lielng
cheated or their blrthrlght-tbe rlglu
of aelf development, the right to edix-n
tlon. to rexreutlon. to pluy.
Tbey did realize that bemuse of tbe
long and grinding hours of in dor In
the Insanitary furtory with Its nerve
racking noises tbey were losing tt
best years of their lives.
Their pnrenta)
It Is sorrowful to record that la
many eases of this rhnracter tire pur
cuts are to bin me. dividing wl.h tu.
greedy mill operators ihe resHnslhll
ity for condition n they are
"But." soy lertulti i"gixiniors
-I worked on the furtii us n i-hllu
wLen I hfd to rench up fr the pimi
bundles. It Is good for children turn
ibey should work." -
Yes. but working In the open ulr and
sunlight la one thing; working Iq ihe
dust nnd rrlme of a stUTlng intifai
mospbere Is quite anotber. i-
We are proud of the fact that we sre
a working people.
Nearly oil our great men as boys
were poor and worked bard.
But none of them worked under the
conditions of onr modem child slaves
In a stifling factory, or at opening the
gates of the dark mine, or standing
over tbe "breakers." labors that rbange
boys and girls prematurely Into old
men and women, ground by sordid
greed Into .human waste
There la more than one sort of wblte
Alms Whiley preached s powerful
ermon against child labor when she
told 1 how these miserablea preferred
death. ' . -
In the Yukon region wblteflsh. pike
r.u.a aaaw iJiaaa t,laaatJM "a"
wul ba InaaMad at aaa eaat a ward, fwai
laaanKin. half a a addillal a
IWwa. tiaa lark car. II aae mmlK. aaa-
Inofe card. It iiaaai aar aanaia.
ivrcn a .riitinim. amotimh,
Law, lMutaehar Advokit, VU
tie la all eouria. make waoSZ
ptlae Bldg. Oresoa City. OraaaT
BUILDgR and co-aveacToiT
HARRY JONK8-Hutlder aal OeMrti
Oowlraotor. Kstlmates ekewlUh
- gives on all claiaaa ot kllti
work, etmcreie walks ao ruHtonl
concrete Kea. Pboae Mala ill
. capital, SM.eoa.oa
traaa-ota ftaaaral wanhrng Bualneaa. Ouan fram t a. M, an a,
Wants, For Sale, Etc
T.i i. effecilve It needs concentration
and aim.' You ' concentrate your
selling talk and aim U st the Pl'o
you most want to reach throiiKh lh
medium of The Knterprlao uner
Au a.l In thla section that lelU
what you want to toll a'ld nothing
else will lk to more than three
thousand people every day and Is
sure lo bring returns. If you are In
doubt try It for a stated period and
learn wliat thene busy little ads can
do frrr you.
. Ity you Is meant YOU. Tbe Enter
prisa -Uitera".. are all oppofHULltl
that you should grasp. Tbey will aet
you on the highway of aiiccess.No
other medium will reach so many
Clackamas county people every day
and In no other county are there ao
many people with money to invest iu
a good thing, no matter what
. H. COOPCIt, Fo- Fire taeiruy
and Real Relate. Let as hraf
yoar prtipartiee e bey, tag
earkante. Office la bierirai
Bidg., Oregon. City. Oragoa,
A LARGE Amerk-aa rira h
i aurance Comany de-orai a
apixilnt an agent for tkk
city and vicinity. Adlras
P. V., cart EnterprUe.
Notice of Application for Lk-av
Notice la hereby gives that I 1B
at the neit regular martini ot U
rash must aaeamaaer erear anlMe an. i ry ,,OUncH apply for a llreaa) .aj
fcZjrZ.ZJXZX?nJZ"'ir W nlac, of bn.ln 8e
anora oeeur fraa aarroad aattaa will B.
prtnlad '"' aatraa Miaimuai awaaaa iao
WANTED Collectors to ae my col
lection of all tone of curios, an
htueaWadlan-Uiftketa ; at am pa ln-pr t1tT mtn, of
fot atanin collectors: colna for
numismatists, arrow heads for arch
' eologfsta, etc. I bay and sell all
aorta of curios; also all kinds of
secondhand furniture and toola.
George Young, Main, near Fifth
WANTi;-auail advartleements to
tals rxtl'jmo. Prices vary reaaoa
able, bee ratee at heed of ol-ima
Head (be MornTag Knterprtee.
vVANf EDYouli anowarnfiTKn
terprlse Job printing department la
tbe most complete la trie State,
ontatde Portland. Try It for your
next printing
FOR 8A1JC Hpace In this column
Hell that old plow or barrow; you
don't use It since you purchased
your new one.
FOR. SAXE-CpwrlRht f lscher piano.
$5nn model. Bargain If taken at
once. Inquire Oregon City Enter
prise. . 7t
FOR SALE Team of bay horses,
weight 2300 pounds, harness and
hark, can be bought cheap If taken
beforo October 6. Inquire of
Freytag t Miller, real estate office.
amount from $2nn lo $2,700 against
-he Slith Street Improvement
Fund. Have been drawing Intereat
alnce September IRth. Will run
approximately six weeks. WU1 sell
them at Par.
Oregon Engineering and Con
struction Company, Room 14, Bea
ver Building. ot
FARM I.OANS Dlmlck Dlmlek.
t,wver, Oregon Cltr. Or.
enth and Main s treats, for a mtoI
of three months.
Notice ofAppiieatlo"f-r i lie
Notice Is hereby given that I trl
rlty council apply fr a llcBatt
liquor at my place of buslnrei, O
Main atreet, for a period of nr
months. A. KLXBt
Notice of Applcatlen Far Uts
t - License.
NOTICE s hereby given that I t
at the next regular meeting bftW
City Council, apply r a ucetota
aell liquor at my place of bulla.
Fifth and Main street, for I
tod of three months.
Notice ef Application For Hew
License. .
NOTICE Is hereby given tbat I &
at Ihe net regular meeting el tts
City Council, apply for s so
to aell liquor at my place of lit
nesa. 623 Main street, for a prt"
pf. three mocths.
F. R. Mrcosxra
n T FBY. Attnrney-af-Ijtw. Mooev
loaned, shatrscts nirnlsked. land
titles evsmlned. estates settled, gen
eral law business rr Rank ef
Oregon city.
Notice of Application Far tkew
- ' , License.
NOTICE Is hereby given that I
at tbe next regular meetln$ B
City Council, apply for J'TJ?
to sell liquor at my pl
nesa, corner Blxth n' !
for a period of three moatb
c. ajionB.
Members of Cataract Hcae Ceiai"!
. . Have Delightful Sprees.
The members of CaUract B
company No. I partook of
tuoua oyster supper T"dT
company headquarters. Mors
thlrtrfiva persons were present,"
eral of them being retired w"
of the company, and tha evnln
steot most delightfully.
Our greatest clubbing offer. T
Morning Enterprise by mall sn$
Weekly Oregonian. both antfl N"
ber 1, 19IJ. for only $3. Offrw
October 31. 19U.
Subscribe for Ihe Bnt-1"
If You Read This
how many others will
do likewise
Advertising in the right way
Pays Big Dividends
: V
,: ' f
:': -