Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 24, 1911, Image 3

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Hoot Ball, Watch, or an
Air Gun FREE ,
yO0 will find here a large assortment of Fine Boy's
Fall Salts and Overcoat In all the new shades In
brown and dark grays.' Also a complete line o Boy's
jjats, Shoes and Furnishings. ' .
Price $3.50 to $10
,u8PtNsioN bridge corner, See Oor Wlodowt .
Th Pavered Styles In ulte Palnte1
Tli tailored ullw shown In the" shops
for early fall aud winter wcor bar
aklrt that measure from two and a
quarter to two and a half yard In
width. Many of these uiodcl have the
tunic effect or ahow a aula slashing.
Tlia coat ara from twenty-eight to
thirty Indies la ItitiKtu and a number
bar a sltitlitly rlod waistline.
Among tlje newest designs Id trim
ming, y tb Dry Good KcouomUt,
a wall aa 1a- and embroideries, are
lu lung (tolnted affect In the narrower
ffacta these take tha form of vaudk
.... .h. arrest ani conviction
, 0f anr lr,oU Persons h
, Hnliwfu y remove c"t"" vi mT
1 ' 7 1,-ni-rt.rlna from tba
! of -.ubrlb.r. af.or
, J,per baa been P'c b'
, earrlar.
Due ta Sultan of Sulo.
"Uh.r waa tha matter with tba hotel
Mft who waa hurried to tba repair
l'lPr . .. ...
I Ht wii railing for bumbo iiboji
Mohammed Tamslul Ktram of Bulu
land atepiMHl on Uia tongue."
W. B. Tull. of Darlow, waa la thla
Icily Saturday.
8ur and fruit lar at ooat at Big-
tra, Seventh atreet.
Jneanh fie rber. of Portland, vlalted
I friends In thla city Friday.
rnnk Miller, of Aurora, waa Jo
I Oregon City on a bualneaa trip."
i ' AKwrt M.mhtieraer and alater. Hai
ti, of KUIorado. war la thla city Bat-trday.
Mra n r 1.atotirrtte. who baa been
it Hawklne Landing. Waah., baa re-
I turned home.
RaMtl tlrnl hma at reaaonabl crlcea
tr arriving dally at Mra. Illubm'a,
Seventh street.
Attorney W. A. Heylman. of Eata,
nda. was In thla city on legal bual-
neu Saturday.
r p u !... m nf the well known
farmer of Heaver Creak, waa In thU
City Ruturday.
P. II. McOtynn. of Ktnaaa CUT, rep
resenting the rubllahera' Aaeociauou.
waa In thla city Saturday.
Wilbur Andrewa will leave thla
nornlng for Corvallla to take a course
at the AKrlrultural Collega.
Mr. Anderson and family, of Eldo
rado, wore among tha Oregon City
Duilnm vlitltora Saturday.
Peter Kynearaon, who will take a
eourie at the Agricultural College
thla year, leaves today for Corvallla.
Mm. K. C. Thomaa and aon, Owen,
ot Portland, were In thla city Satur
day vlmtlng at tha bora of Mr. and
Mra. 11. H. Cartlldae. -
Fred smith baa gone to Omaha,
Nebraska, where he wee called on Im
portant bualneaa, and will represent
me mhii uierxa Aaaociauon.
T 1. Tavlna ann nt t V TavlOT.
will leave thla 'morning for Corvallla,
wnere ne will take a mecnanicsi
Mra. A. J. Wllaon, who underwent
a iiirqtnii operation at to Hi. Vin
cent himpltal, la Improving. Dr. B.
A. Bommcr operated upon Mra. Dillon.
C Hohuebel, who left thla city laat
vuiirniin iur mvrroiuv au
Cal on lKal bualneaa, returned to
urvgnn uity on tha Bbaaia umueu
Mra. John Gerber, of Independence,
'turned to her home Saturday morn-
nd Mra. J. A. Roman, of Mount
Knrl Latourette, a atudent ot the
unlvenlty of Oregon, la In thla city,
-""K tome xo purcnaae' it;wi
"Kht nxturea for the Kappa Sigma
'ieniuy itouae.
Mra. Harry M. Shaw and baby,
Dorothy, will leave for their borne at
Kugen thla eveitlng, after vlaltlng
at the homa of Mr. George Ely,
Mra.' 1 II. McKarland and Mra. H.
I'. Urlghtblll, and friend la Portland.
Every young man ahould atudy law.
It la the combined wladom of anea.
It mukea a ixwer In the world. Now
ia. a good time to . commence a
courae in law at the Portland law
School, 630 Worcester lilock.
' J. I). Jnckaon, of Kanaa City, Mo.,
haa arrived In thla city, where he
will make hi future home. Mr. Jack
eon la connected with the Southern
PacMr, and la much Impreaaed with
Oregon, eapeclally with Oregon City.
Mra. Charlea Keynnlda and daugh
teraMlldredind Margaret, of thla
city, and Mlaa Heaale, orPorlIand,
who have been enjoying a two week'
atay at Ing Ueach, Waah., returned
to Oregon City Friday evening.
Mr. and Mra. C O. Miller and aon,
Gordon, Mra. J. M, Lawrence, of Port
land, Mra. u. ij. I. wiiuama anu
daughter, Mlaa Veda, who epent aev-
era I aaya ai jsewuerg ana mcbiidd-
villa liava r.lurnwl In rtravon fllv.
They went In the Miller automobile.
Mlaa A. Iialley, a fiorlat who re
aldea near Clalnnonl, waa In thla city
flainril.v tiavlna- lirmiahl In an ma nf
her choice ch'ryaanthemuma. Thla 1
the oral lot that naa been orougni io
ttilaa jI mnA t Via A r Warn pa Paa nf
beautirul' color. Mra. Dalley 1 alao
maaing a apeciauy or leraa. -
Tha RrlaolJn Ttnalnaaa TTnlveraltV
. ItnrtUnfl nin la a RtfTJCPT
Sj SCHOOtw-that J, giving thevery
hlgbeat training worg. Toung peo
ple who attend thla. Ituatneaa Unl
varaltw tnaka mnat ranfd nrnrraii.
and are alway aura of a good poal-
lion wnen compeieiiv, iuu i-
waya able to hold It. '
laa-saa-V " f,''
1 .JFA
II W Traml.alh arhn ta aoeclal
agent for the flah hatcberlea of Ore
gon, left Friday for Pendleton with
400.000 trout fries, wnicn were rrom
the Uoneevllle hatchery. Mr. Tr em
bath will be forced to make aeveral
trip to Pendleton In order to take
the neceaaary number or nan, a a
mllllnn anil a Via If will ha aant there
to be dltr1butedn the atreama near
lliai. cuj.
, Hew. Indeed f
The woman who had ivnted a ault
at an uptnwii lint! la very tlnlcky. but
the iimiiiiKr fell when be looked tit
the riMiuia after a enuipfeie renoviitloii
Ibut lln-ie wn uollilug "he could nml
fuult Willi Itnt tin-re wan. She Hh.W-
el carefully ii,t every piece of funil
lure, i rutlnlxed Hie Uworslli'li" mid
lHiktd Ml the xmtl.u of the telephone
In the ImiIpxiih. Tbeu ahe went Into
the ulitliiw room.
"Why. yu liHre not put a telephone
in the iMirlor" Bhe exclaimed. "Now.
aunnoK I ehoilld fll iincouwdoiw In
ihla room-eotne lime. W III you tell me
how oe enrth I kpi going to le
lo aiinimon annlBtanc?' - New Vork
A Wore Fate.
Pled In mverty:': cried the phllox
onlier McornfollV "tlel Inimvertf
did hf. in yon exet me to aympn
thlxet Jor-trHth, wUtit in mere in
d.vlng In Hertr I've rot to lice In
It" HlKKIInu Tlmaa.
20 acre, 6 acre cleared, balance
alaahed ana eeaea, an uuum
I.aaal A eAm tlAIISa ham and chick-
lIi, , -
en houe, granary and good well, all
In good order ana no wneie uu.
level and on good road, one mile from
.. ri.b.naa Onniha-n R. R." on
mile to actaool. One and one-halt
mile to town. 2500 caan.
t n.nn ritv. four acre, house and
barn, three cow, oue mare, buggy
and harnea and all tool. Crop all
In. Trice $2000, half caah, balance
terma. Call or addrea
Room 11. Steven Bldg., Oregon City
Milk and Ct earn in bottles, ...
delivered at all hours.
Dairy Buttor
Frooh crjn v
On and after Oct. Jit we will be at the old Grand
Union Tea Co. store on 7th St.
We Want yotif MUk and Dairy Prodttce. .
Phone Main 262.
nun acrr or eaaoE.
rwilnta hat in Aounclnr and tunica the
polnta are directed upward frequent- J
ly extending rrom toe nem or uia arena
to the blpa. These dealgns are aome
wbat newer than the bands.
Blue serf la a favorite for tailored
aulta thla autumn. One of the new fan
dee la to trim It with white cloth collar
nil rnffa touched II D With a little
black soutache braid. The ault picture
la ao treated JUDIO CHOLLET.
Thaae Mar Manton patterna are cut In
alaaa from M to 42 Incbaa (or the buat
na.aura far lha eoat and from S to JO
larnaa walat mra. lira (or the aklrt. Bend
ia mil aach (or thaae patterna to thla
omce, etvlnc number aklrt 7010. coat 7044
and they will be promptly rerw.nno io
you by mail If In haate aand an addi
tional two cent atamp (or latter poet.
which Inauraa more prompt aauvary.
Crinoline Sleeve Coma te Relief ef
Preeent Style.
One of the newest faahlon feature
of the fall la the crinoline or hoop
aloeve. Thla 1 distended at the elbotl
with a little hoop of wire or whalebone.
Nothlno- could be In greater contrast
tn the email aleeve of the past aeason
nr ao than Jhla new conception. The
aleeve la bat It out at the el Dow to
Hr. a nronounced balloon effect The
boople part la made of gathered white
m4 Wioi
Not Cheap Goods but Better Goods at
Best Prices is the aim of This Store;
Another Shipment of New Fall Millincfy
Nifty-Hats for,theLadies at, prices within the reach anci
reason of all. See the latest in Ladies Hats in our Millinery
Department. -
Dress Goods.
Fall Opening of Fine Dress Goods.
We are pleased to show our New Line of Fall and Winter
Our Mannish Suitings in Mixtures of brown, gray, red and blue affords a good selection.
Wealso show.a good linej)LBroadcloths, Serges,Mohairsd Panama in the' latest weaves
and Patterns. - v v ,
Interesting Prices in Ftirnittir e and Stoves.
OnrlarevM vrliiivi ATrrrnt Wall Pa
mint vnii mir nrirata in riirnitiire? anJ Strive. V . x .... ....
"1 J I ,
Oregon City's Big Department Ctoro
Patterson beat oat a bunt Wolver-
ton doubled to left and Patterson
scored. Tlederaan aafe on Peck's er
ror. Cutshaw out to La Longe. Ware a
walked. Mttxe forced Wolverton at
the platev Rapps to La Jjonge. Ablea
fanned. ' '
The reaulta Saturday follow: ,
Pacific Coaat League Oakland 1,
Portland 0; Lo Angeles 8, San Fran
cisco S; Vernon S, Sacramento 0.
. Northwestern League Portland 5,
Tacoma 1; Vancouver 10, Seattle 2;
Spokane i, Victoria 1.
American L e a g u e Phlladel
phial 4. Detroit J; Cleveland 8, Wash
Ingtn 1; Boeton 11, 8t Louie 2; Chi
cago 8, New York 2.
Natloual Leauue Brooklyn 5. Pitts
burg 4: New York 6, Cincinnati 2;
8U Louie 3, PhlIadeU)hla2; Boatoi
14, Chicago 6.
Willamette or otherwise, nor did said
elector ever file with said County
Court or the Clerk of aald Court any
name of any person or person re
ceiving -respectively or otherwise the
highest number nf votes for the sev
eral offices thereby voted for or elect
ed as municipal officers In said pro
posed municipal Incorporation, nor did
said ' Court ever declare any peraon
or persons duly elected to any office
or office within said proposed muni
cipal Incorporation, and that by rea
son of the matter and thing herein
before alleged the said County Court
nev. at any time since said 2nd day
of March, 1908, or at all. cause a copy
of any order, duly certified or other
wise to be filed In the office of tne
Secretary of Stata In and for the
State of Oregon, declaring the terri
tory described in plaintiff complaint
duly Incorporated aa a municipal in
corporation, or at alt, and the defend
ant further allege that by reason ot
the matter and things hereinbefore
alleged, that on and after the 6th day
of February, 1908, aald proposed In
corporation of the Town of Willam
ette waa by said , petitioner and
qualified elector residing therein
abandoned and none of aald territory
described In plaintiff's complaint was
aver Incorporated under and by virtue 1
of the laws of the State of Oregon."
St. Cuthbert'a Comb.
It waa formerly the custom to bury
combe with the dead, which clearlj
bow that these articlea of tbe toilet
bad aacred ath'ulncam-e In tbe eyea or
tbe people of the old world. The
comb burled with 8U Cuthbert and
now preserved at Durham. England, la
of Ivory and meaaurea alx and one
quarter Inchea In length and four and
one-half luchea In width. It ta crlb
art t the eleventh century and baa a
double row of teeth, divided by a broad.
plain band, perforated In the midoie
with a ror" ale for the tin re-.
aaiirt with tuhio arrscT.
a ami la ren.ll r an underaleove, the
bell ahoped aleeve of tbe dress material
falling over It. .
Aruonir tbe new materials, or wnicn
there nre many, are fancy velveta that
look like corduroy.
Here la a aklrt with tunic enect. nut
cut In one and may be successfully
made lu oil weight and kind of
fabrics. The euggeatlon la aa good for
.modeling aa for the new aklrt.
JUDiq cuulum.
aaaaaaaaa. ..
Thla irfav Manton pattern la'eut In alsai
from tl to Inch walat measure. Bend 10
cents to thla omce, civina aumna.-, iu.,
nd it will be prompuy rorwaroea i r
by mall, tf In haate sand an aaa.uoni
twe cent stamp for letter poetace. whirl
Insures moi prompt delivery.
nATiTf ivn nAnlL 55 ffl Ductal. )-r
ruiieiiiiL'i - - -
a.t.i.nyi At-. . n "hundad" oil to U.
-jSHiauvi Ji J J
Beaver. It waa an exciting game
and the only ecor made wa by the
vlaltora. Albee wa almot Invincible
.n-unrtlnnrt onlr two ' hit.
allowed lx blnglea. The
t B. U. Stenographers and
Bookkeepers 1c Great iDcmand
laahella Wonaoott to C. T. Won-
cott, 64 68 acrea of section 36. town
ship 3 south, range 4 eaat; iiu.
8. D. and May Corey to Leon Ami
don, 40 acres of section 25, township
1 south, range 2 east; io. '
Frank Snow and cnristina snow io
Lorena M. West, 6238 acres of section
30. township 5 south, range- 1 east;
' I T V On.rt a al tA
aiary c. aim . . l-- - .
Ernest Piper, 1 acre of section 35,
township 3 outh, range 1 west; 75.
Frank Dolan and sopnia uoian to
John Vivian Dolan, land In aections
4 and 6, townahlp B soutn, range s
east; $1.
William E. Good and Anna M. Good
to William Bruce, land In Central Ad
dition, township I south, range
east; f $25. " '
.. (Continued from page 1.)
ed as a municipal corporation under
the name and style or the riown oi
What Do Yoti
Think o This?
Acre track In eight of Oregon Cny,
1-2 mile ef ear Una en Installments
le 83 cre 1-2 mil from ear line,
with 800 eorde ef wood, $100 per
lore. For theee and ethra Inquire o
Clyde, 1003 Main trt, Oregon City.
Business firms ore recoflnlzing the superior
training of our Business university over the
work of the busi less colleges. Our standard
is higher; our work Is much more thorough;'
our work Is more complete; and our students
arc more proficient in every way.
Just tae school for the earnest young man or
lady who desires to learn and have the high
est and best training at reasonable tuition
rates. You are sure ot-Individual help
and Instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give It. You should Investigate our
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
. . year in day and night school. 1 '
1 ' .
630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 2731; Home A5446.
Oak scor 'n tM fourth a follow: