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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY. SEPTEMHMv jj. lau. 1 HI QtKMANY CNA.rj HUMOsj,,. AV Stories from Out of Town : " ' , ITermsa Sci.f-, - 1-H .HPHE OPENING WEDGE of popularity for a news paper is the . publication before others of real and authentic news. The. above combination accounts for the grouth in popularity of the only paper in ' ; - .... ' " ' 1 Clackamas County publishing all the news of the county and publishing it first. Are you reading it? If not send your subscription at once to the Morning Enterprise OREGON CITY ORE. COUNTY COURT. (Continued from Yesterday.) l Iron pin at the NW corner of the 8. W. V of the N. W. M of Section 13, T. 2 a R. 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian thence 8. on laid section line to a point 100 feet south of the SW. corner of the NW14 of the 8W. i of said Sec. 13, thence E. 1000 feet, thence N. 100 feet, thence E. to the BE corner of the NE of the BE 14 said section, thence N. on said section line to the NE. corner of the 8EK of the NEVi. of said section, township and range, thence W. to the place of beginning, all of which Is a portion of the County of Clacka mas and State of Oregon, Is duly In co rpo rated .as a municipal In corpora tlon nnder the. name and style of the city-of Sandy. And It appearing that We Give Service We Give Service Even Children Can Operate It With Safety The Electric Radiant Toaster is such a simple device that even children can operate it with perfect safety. This toaster is as SCIENTIFIC as it is SAFE and SIMPLE. It makes SCIENTIFIC Toast because its rad iant heat forces the absolutely necessary chem ical change inthe bread. This means Perfect Toast in any degree that pleases YOUR in dividual taste--Toast as digestible as it is de- e licious. Time required; less than two minutes. Cost per slice: the merest fraction of a cent. In addition to Its utility and economy the Electrlo Radiant Toaster Is distinctly unique and ornamental. You ean oprateait anywhere In the house where there Is an ordinary lighting socket; Just attach he plug, turn the switch, and almost Instantly the colls become radiant with a -cheerful glow on the shining porcelain base. After you have used the Electrlo Radiant Toaster ONE time you will follow thousands of others In saying, "Why haven't I had this Toaster be. foref PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. : MAIN OPPICE 7th and Alder Streets We Give Service We Give Service the following named persons hare received respectively the highest number of votes for the several offi ces, and are duly elected to such of fices, as follows: For For Mayor: E. T. Bruns. Aldermen: P. B. Oray, Geo. A. Wolf, L, E. Hoffman, Otto Melnlg, T. D. Phelps and Casper Junker. Recorder: A. 0. Bornstadt And It Is farther ordered that tbe Clerk of this court shall file In the office of the Secretary of State a copy of this order, duly certified. Marshall: Alfred Bell. Treasurer: Albon Melnlg. mum mwymmm Great number of wholly aquatic veritable sea serpents Inhabit the In dinn ocean and tbe tropical jrstera of tbe Pacific. They possess deadly fang and sometimes swim In schools of thousand. When seen In great1 nura bers knowledKe of tbelr nature give the shipboard spectator a creepy, un canny feeling. These snake have a psddle-IIke tail to assist tbem In swim mlng. Tbey range In size from a yard to eight feet In length, and tbe greater number of tbem are vividly ringed. By a queer touch of fnte they may lie generally designated " specliilixed offshoot of tbe great nonvenouious species. Card Playing; Uue.ns. - - Queen Elizabeth was fond or cards, but Inclined to be peevish and lose her temper In the gume Mary, queen of Scots, carried her Infutuntlon to the extent of wugerlug ber personal e t tlre on the gams. She would" pla.T con tinuously from Saturday to Mootfj. and sacrifice her wardrobe it ecr ssry to do so. Queen Anne of Aontrir bad persistent III luck, we are 'old. but "she played like a queen, without passion or greed." Anne Boleyn was an Inveterate gambler, as were all tbe wives of Henry VUU with one excep tion. Catherine of Aragon did not gamble. Rbe bad no love for the card table. London Telegraph. Phantom Circuit, The so called "phantom" wire or cir cuit used In telegraphing and telephon ing Is tbe additional circuit obtained or wire that is obtained in axslng1e conductor by means of a multiplex sys tem. ' . , a reounar ciay. ' The constituents of "loess," a fine Yellowish sandy clay found in vari ous parts of tbe world and reaching a thickness of over a thousand feet In China, has given rise to controversy among geologist. Tbe presence of tbe shells of snails tbat feed on plants indicates the former presence of plants. Accordingly It bss recently been sug gested tbst tbe genesis of "these re markable deposits may be fully ac counted for -by wind action, coupled with tbe growth of plants which bsve caught and compacted tbe blown dust and sand. In tbe way tbat ssnd dune plants do on English shores. London Answers. , V Patronize our advertisers. , , MARQUAM. First frost this fall was Septem ber the llth. ti uli. ! ahnut all done in this -part of the eouutry. Most all of the yards fell snort oi mvir -pectatlons. The wind last week blew down a large amount of fruit which will make fruit scarce tbta fall. Mrs. J. P. Miller slipped and fell tireaklua her arm near her, wrist. on Sunday. Mr. Oater lost a valuable horse last week. Elmer Albright, of Oregon City, . .....i fcrnu.h inin Saturday, r turulng from the State Fair In hi automobile. i n ki. haa .una fine Ply- mouthltock chlckeua and be la proud of them too. F. J. Riding and his three child ren and Joft Sklrvin and Adolph Mera alt bound for the. huckleberry country, left here on Sunday for Table Rock. . Ml Hertha Millet and Miss Echo firkins left Saturday for Oregon City, where they will attend the High School this winter. MOUNTAIN' VIEW. Rev. J. Moffit. of the Primitive lap tint denomination. Is staying with J. W. 8. Owens this week. They will hold services at the Mountain View church on Molalla avenue next Sat urday at o'clock p. m., and Sunday morning at 10:30. T. Carrlco and wife have rented their home to Mr. Burnell and family. - Mrs. D. L Torrence Is at the St Vincent hospital In Portland, having hud an operation last week. She I recovering -rapidly and expecta-to be home next week. Tom Carrlco. of Rookwood, waa In this burg Saturday night and his wife and baby are spending this week at Rock wood with him. J. Everhart, of Rockwood, spent Sunday evening here with his son. Miss nessle Aklns. of Mull no. spent last week here with her aunt, Mrs Wllmer Fisher. Hop pickers are returning a few at a time. Mra. Frank Albright and children, who have, been gone since last June, are expected home this week. Mra Ida West writes from Aurora that she waa In the path of the ey clone which passed through there last week. R. M. C. Brown has returned hoie from tbe hospital, where he spent two months with a broken thigh bone and la around on crutches. Master Henry Beard has an attack of typhoid fever. Mlssea Genevieve Capen and Olga McClure, - of Portland, were visiting Misses Haxel and Mabel Francis last week. ' - . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullard, of Red land, were here last week getting their house ready for renters. Ell Etcheson has rented Frank Bul lard s house. His family will arrive from the East this week. Miss Mabel Francis began ber win ter term of school at Clackamas laat Monday morning. ' J. E. Calavan, tbe Clackamas coun ty school supervisor, spent Saturday and Sunday at home with hla family. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Klmsey, who have been spending the summer out at Eldorado, near Mullno. spent Sat urday and Sunday with Mrs. Klmsey's grandmother, Mrs. J. p. Roehl, and on Monday they went to their home at Newport, Oregon. George Batdqrf and family were visiting his sister, Mrs. Mason, and family last Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Mason Is painting the Interior or her bouse this week. Rally day of the Mountain View Sunday school will be observed on Sunday, October 1st All are earnest ly requested to be present. Mrs. B. F. Linn Is at home again after her accident Out at the mill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mason celebrat ed their sliver wedding laat Saturday the 16th of September. Their child ren presented them with a full set of dishes. Lllo West came home from the hop yard Saturday and returned Monday. Mrs. W. O. Mall Is on the sick list this week and not able to be In the store only part of the time. J. M. Oillett Is painting F. A. Ely's house roof at Gladstone thl week. Frank Rhodes expects to commence soon the erection of a shingle mill Mr. Rhodes has the machinery for his shingle mill already in sandy. Mr. Baker and family, of Eagle Creek, were out on the farm last week picking huckleberries. Clair Corey Is back from Portland. Jerry Frlel wa visiting hla brotn er, J. T. Frlel, Jr., mat week. Rev. Dr. Runyan took a trip to Port land last week. Geo. F. Barrlnger spent several day In Montavllla last week. A company of artillery, from Van couver, camped In front of Cherry vllle hotel last Sunday. Clair E. Corey has returned from a trip to Portland. Wm. Allen and family and R. Mur ray and family spent several days In Cherryvllle laat week. MULINO. 'Th Area we.. s m . . flay night but no damage was Mis Cara Sieving, of Montana .irm, mini rcma, or Linn t V vrttra - - ..D,i.u a ,HW nays Wank at tV. k.. .. . J miss Nada u yisiting old friends and n.1.1.1,... . " this week. l P'ace Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis on September 18, a son. . 8evnral nt h. i..w... Portland last BnTZl. ball game between Vernon aTp$ Sun-done and coun- taut Mrs. CLAYTON'S CORDIAL D M QUAD I'oprneht. WK kr A.soeiaie.1 U erary It- When yu ! I''1""1"' wua got to I forty years ul. who lias gl a larg mouth, wb.e n.xw tilts up at the eu.l. who has a cu-t In otie y. who tM rt snd scrawny end hne a limp. y' 1IU", rtur lto" rhnnce of getting uiarrie.1 ar aot more than In thousand hu.U woman wa Sarah OUytoa of lliirpcwulie. Vr "'lr,T "h a a a Bk... m Mtttl.llt hllllllllV tflfl KDtl woiunu of luuflt rouiitj. Hh miIU.M ll. but b rouMu't holp It garaba fibrr auJ 'nioibir dUln't IiU a . . -a a.11 U.w..a f.illtsl fJIer moon rnoiivb to that bailnimt their end. risran uau iw muiuri They ran awoy and went wet to be killed by Ih Indiana.- Some folks. asy that If Surah bad been a reasonably good ItMiklng girl neither liMber would bare left home. At the age of twenty eight she wns an orphan and brother e. and. while Ihe roerty she In t . i . i un. .it,niffr- t,k a-lr. tier a roui. Li 1 l ii, " . . - - ... - fortable living. It was not enough .to . a bring a nuxnami. While Sursh realised all the draw k...L. ' . waa not enllrelv dlarourae -i ui... k.l a lllr thai aitmarfhlna I'll.' .in .-- . - - would happen an day. and be didn't go around making berwelf sud other folks miserable. Twelve years came and went snd noining oappenea but she jrs sun on tne jon. Monksy The monkey-p Intelligence has never been able to arrive it a point which enables that animal to achieve tbe an tying of a knot You may tie a mon key with a cord, fastened with tbe simplest form of common knot, and nnless the beast can break the string or gnaw It In two be will never get looee. To untie the knot requires ob servation and reasoning power, and though a monkey may poe both be hss neither in a sufficient degree to enable him to overcome tbe difficulty At lha alat elerttiin. with the lam naran.-a jitiMtfnn aa an laatl. nnnatt county and four others surrounding, II weni ary no more or nm loamy, do more corn juice, Viui nni nViira nut what thl. tarn peranre question had to do with Sarah Clayton, who scarcely knew what was going on until Bennett county wss as dry ss a hone. Wei!, homely aa she w.a. Marsh understood tli. man alda of human nature very welt "Sbe knew there would im an Intense looglng rr the nnattalualile. After tbe temerance movement was In full swing and tbe plncb was on "Clavton'a cordis I annearedL It nasa. ed as a soft drink. Some folks eaUl II waa rider, some root Iwer and autua thnutfht It ram. umtae th. haait nt ginger ale. Whatever It w. It bore me laoei aa above, and It jumped into Dotmlaritv at once. It filled an achlna void. It soothed and comforted. It quenched that longing In the neck. It did more. It saved hundreds of homes on the point of being wrecked. II bad got so tbat not one husband out of twentv In the five ronntlea could spesk a decent word In bis wife once in tnrew aaya. And then there were loos of smttltlon. Indigestion, headaches, pains Ut the atomai h and giuaineaa. and all tlieae things the cor dis! was warranted to and dM drive away In short order. Sarah made tbe first fifty bottles with ber own bands. Then she had to hire a hoy, then sbe had to hire a man as well, then she had nut It an ssle at tbe drug store. Nothing ever msde a name fur Itself as fast s "Claytons cordial." It etnild Dot be made and bottled fast enough to sup ply cnler. of cu me the spinster bsd cslla from men who wanted to buy her secret. A dmeu In her own town stood ready to pay a good price for It There were two sorts of men came married and unmarried. The married men were turned down t once. Tbe secret wss not for sale. The. unmarried ones were told th! tbe cordial mtlllt tttAV III them fa. swi 1 1 ta That wasn t saying right ut tbat no ono nut a ntisoand would lie given the reclpo, but the unmarried callers csught on one fr snnMier. There wss money in that recH. but there was Sarah lehlnd tt-K.r.t. . ,T- Tbey thought of the balmy cor- u.n. ana men looked at the homely woman. No. no! - It ..... "-- MPV Ul U. Sarah understood and did not blame inero. ,eitner was she cast down. Sbe just weut rlsht ah..i ri- the great and only discovery and sop Plying other marku. and the orders snd dollars kept rolling In. And one day he came. He waa an old imiur.o. or rony-nve. He bud spent most of his years In tbe woods and far from women. H. had never even luooBi.i or mamnge. He wasn't a bad w..iig iiinn, ana be bore a good char cter. He ha ton In the postomco. and In tbe Jerk of a lambs tall he was In love. In bis eyes she was tbe most charming worn- !!? i" d trr w'n- h n,,""t "to or life would be naught to him. With out having heard of her cordial from tM i7 , rowd her borne and told his lov ,nd gave her half an hour to make un bee mimi But I am afraid you .re actuated both and nm making more .7 tbe lot'or'nTo" 1 b,,v whole "CordT, 7 ' mjr C0M" Cordial be hanged! If you havecnv money n u to buy fSlritri"! 'if and ""' " war.. yoti. ni to .1eHn,ftrrlftW Knrnh offer Z , ' W,,,,n ,h rst ;;nid rider, twenty parts. dinger, two parts. - "Horseradish, five parts. ' Jr.l'lay' ",vpnr three parts." 'Tht Is all." ih. nUl v u- bandlrur 'Ud ' h" well for a homely old maldr AnOHJ. a"yer-Wher Ton golngT Jimmy UeAl fc, "a Washlngtou msusiW - could not ,.t,i,)nM w h man. ,00tl 'lie's beea . kt, fc. ar. both lu b.iii1..," lua-.- asy. Mciiaa. H "."-v "r"rt-. 5 ecsutrxs. ood,UiH hefot, tk Z at h m, lain self ft X etber aM !. "Wh H P ( a P Utilttaik) AfhU.1.- . I fall, after tbe Amen,-,. T aeaoon Closed. I lucloded trZ in the squad. "In the first aue Is pwi pnia ouo uia nut piij, u, a wbeol oo bis aula eetalu . Phllly. so bad arhufwh right "Of course the crowd n, to see Cobb above tU othen. tbey routlnuslly asked B- hMtv. Where's Cobb T finally f, turned to the mob In the feiext re and yelled: " "Cobb, Who th in,, Is CobbT I-adtea and reatkian keep your eye. fui-uied h at and you will wltneM lot rrw eat eiblliltton rrrr stiftd n i ball field. CobbT Why. If (, guy would see me plaj kti ken his uniform." , MMtmiHIIIWti GREAT HITTERS HAVE FANNED THREE U , Those discussing the rwtdti sea of lb big league bautue. Tr Csa Larry IJole and Mao Wuv. at BO longer remark la any trpaai against Cobb that the workft ps eat ball player has been fsaiei am time In on. gam. vblle U)e al Wagner never underwent tbat km Manning, wbo used to pitch fata New York Hlghlsnder. set & T ma threa times In a gam. playei I New York. Tbat was sum Oats' Still. Wagner aad I-aJole srr perl .need ibe -aajue dlspleaNtv sat recently, and a peculiar (oUMm was that both larry and tlans bus) three tlmee on the same afterMta George Sugg, former Tiger, suits for Cincinnati, handed It ft Baa while Ed Walsh, wbo woe ttmt sk season by pitching no blt stm game, struck out Larry la tan at f four tlmee at bat JACK JOHNSON TO RETUH ssssse- ; Heavyweight Chsmpie Aaaleai Grab Seme Lease Chans. ' John Arthur Johnson Is cvmlsf M to New York. While this fwt not occasion a holiday. It Is Impsras eoough to chronicle Th pewwae from a good source. The reason LU Artha tad to well wa tbat there w no Ism sight When be sslled for Uo had pat his mark on a cootrsct win Hugh Mclotosb calling fur tin Use In Australia. Tbia ws ti he could do for himself. od hi fr bed tbe opportunity. But thing Uke a contract doe not btuw Johnson, according to TO rick, George Little snd promoters wbo hsd him nnew and witness. There are a few men In thl wJ that Johnson could mlngl wlU grab off some change S" Uapw would be delighted to pr There are a few white mn wb also take a chance. Johnson h tn lng In a mild way to fight Boomw' Wells in Englsnd. As soon M N ishe the Britisher with th title be will bta this way. DIAMOND TIPS Bsnser, tbe little shortstop ft m t i J ...,k t. a araat bll f after tbe style of Bush of th l"" Tigers. Rih n.rmnn of th St U dlnals ia th poorest relief pttrkej th National leagna II b bad lock tn hi rescuing "P1""? Oeorg Jsckson. tb. Bos ttonals' outflslder, wss with 0 ' aAun iuvw lie aw I nil ' adrift a too crude for th till V ... . . a. Mfrhill It I said that Vinceni t kj.. w,m K Manscer Citf" . tb Pittsburg Pirates for 'Jt as Job. which nobody se.-. fill satisfactorily Umpire "Silk" CLongblln Mf "J hit are made on bad ball ibJZ one. "Bllk"haenthoossn,' mad and says a bin on balls that were too f'f ciosa or too nign - jMa, trtkea Free hitters Ilk w on. Cobb and Crawford 'TtMf food balls. On reason U taw don't get many food one. . 'Th Wrl Ooedbr- , 'I the cbang- that h. ; ur languag w nsr. crowded a whol rnten ln'0 " p Vie word. Our word for "7na)( one bf these. In SbakP""' on aald to bl friend " God be wl ye." r'rom tnsi Un have clipped It more ana """ now It ha com to b """' it by." But It is url7 P14"'"1! member when we- bid m a goodby tbat we re "nf,i: L y good old Saxon phras. "OM -you."-McCall'a Magaxln- SoDMrtbe tor th bHf J Patronua our advenlaera.